The Key To Manifesting – Connecting To The Now

This week’s article is the last of a three-part series on Manifesting. This article is about How to Identify and Change What Your Subconscious Is Creating.

In the last article we were able to differentiate between the emotions, and the results of your ego and your Inner Being.

To summarise these differences.

  • Your ego is conditional, fearful, limited, empty and powerless.
  •  Your Inner Being is unconditional, infinite, unlimited, connected, and power-ful.

Continue reading “The Key To Manifesting – Connecting To The Now”

Why I Learnt To Embrace My Breakdowns

I felt really inspired to write this article and do a radio show on this topic – because more than ever I am noticing within the New Life Community, and all sorts of people I know, that BIG things are happening.

Over the last couple of years many relationships have ended and all sorts of things in people’s lives are being shaken up. Maybe you are witnessing the same thing. I am also noticing people in droves saying “I just can’t keep going on like this anymore”. Continue reading “Why I Learnt To Embrace My Breakdowns”

The Ego Versus Our Inner Being

Thank you everyone for your responses to last weeks’ blog How To Overcome Fear And Manifest Your Dreams.

I wanted to see what the response of the community was before allowing the next article to be born…

I know how wonderful it is that we are all so connected together to this collective consciousness of healing.

Within this article I want to simplify as much as I can the Laws of Life and how manifestation works.

Our human experience and the battle between our emotions and logic can be incredibly confusing, and often cause a great deal of anxiety and pain.

Within this article I would like to remove this confusion for you and replace it with the clarity – to help you find the way out of this pain. Continue reading “The Ego Versus Our Inner Being”

Does The Narcissist Know What He Or She Is Doing?

When I was in relationships with narcissists I was numb in disbelief, at the things they are capable of doing…

I am sure you can relate.

Maybe you have asked yourself – Do narcissists know what they are doing? Do narcissist’s know how they hurt people?

I hear these questions all the time.

The answer is not really simple – because I believe the answer is ‘yes’ and ‘no’…and also I believe there is grey area where we may not know the answer at times. Continue reading “Does The Narcissist Know What He Or She Is Doing?”

How To Overcome Fear And Manifest Your Dreams

I have been receiving a lot of requests to write more articles on Law of Attraction and manifestation.

So over the next two weeks I will be doing a two-part series on how to release fear that is holding you back, and how to grow and manifest anything that your heart desires.

In Part One I am going to share a principle that you can adopt right now that will be a total game changer for you.

As humans we always seem to have a tendency to overcomplicate things…

The best part about this principle is that it is SO SIMPLE, yet if adopted has the ability to completely transform your life… Continue reading “How To Overcome Fear And Manifest Your Dreams”

From The Depths Of Darkness Into The Purity Of The Light

This blog article is deep and it is one I am bringing to you from my Soul.

I woke up this morning with an incredible peace, and a wonderful inner serenity. I am visiting a magical place of beautiful natural surroundings.

Ironically this is a place which used to hold incredible pain and trauma for me – a place where I had once suffered mind-bending abuse at the hands of a narcissist.

Today I am free – I have no triggers here amongst these familiar surroundings. I know I am not just free from the narcissist. I am free in my heart and my mind. Continue reading “From The Depths Of Darkness Into The Purity Of The Light”

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