
This week I did an interview with Nicolle Edward, the CEO and Founder of Rize Up Australia.

Rize Up is a community driven organisation dedicated to educating, empowering and ending domestic and family violence.

We all know that domestic and intimate partner violence sadly is epidemic. Recently in Australia there was a shocking week with two women murdered in broad daylight, and also a child and a grandparent murdered.

These issues are all over the world, and Rize Up is taking a stand by rallying community resources to assist women who need to flee, in order to be safe and re-start their lives.

During this one hour conversation with Nicolle we discussed how dynamic the Rize Up movement is, and how it is gaining incredible support from individuals, businesses, media channels and celebrities in Australia – and how supportive Rize Up is to those in need.

Listen to the interview here:

Mission Driven

Nicolle’s passion is infectious, she is a lady truly doing her “dharma”, and an inspiration to all of us to know that we can make a difference – we can go all the way.

Imagine … in our last moments just before departing the planet saying, “While I was here I gave it my best shot.” Nicolle is definitely such a lady!

I am always inspired by people who do that – who want to help the collective of this planet heal.

I adore that Nicolle’s message is “we are all responsible” … I agree, and I fully endorse the only way we are going to heal this world is if we all do what we can “one person at a time”, starting with doing all we can to support and love ourselves and helping support others back to health as well.

Too many people state, “It’s someone else’s problem.”… or … “The problem is too big you will never change it.”

Nicolle shared a story with me on air about “the Starfish” … it’s a story you may know. Our recently dear departed friend Wayne Dyer also wrote about his true story, about being on a beach throwing back tiny fish one at time. A man passing said “Why bother you can’t make a difference, there are thousands washed up? ..” Wayne’s reply was as he threw back one little fish “I just made a difference to this one.”

This is the message Rize Up delivers powerfully.


Re-Housing For Victims

One of the many Rize Up projects is the re-housing of women, and the setting them up in homes down to the finest of details. Profiles are created for the mother and her children, and many organisations donate what is needed, and the comforts of home are also provided with the utmost of care.

Any woman who is fleeing abuse, and trying to cope emotionally and provide for children, knows how hard it can be too leave – when there is just nowhere to go where she and the children can carry on as normal – and Rize Up helps ensure that and the children feel supported and can get the practical assistance they need to restart their lives.

Rize Up’s projects also include providing children with school uniforms, books and curriculum activities.



This is an exciting time for our new world. To stop the insane consumerism / separated Life we have been living. The believing we are never good enough – and having to be “all things to ourselves”, to get together – to be “Community”. To realise we are all here to love each other, band together, support each other and become “One” again … To know that our wholeness depends on the supporting of the wholeness of each other.

As such I am very excited to promote Rize Up – an organisation that is not waiting for decision makers to so something – it’s an organisation which is rallying community – now.

We have SO much power when we do this!


Contact and Further Details

It was my absolute honour to interview Nicolle and share Rize Up with this Community, and I also hope that the word spreads for support locally and overseas, and grows into a model which can be a world-wide support endeavour.

Rize Up Australia is grateful for donations of money and efforts, as well as supplies, and please know your support may simply be – sharing details of this incredible organisation through your social media channels.

Please find Rize Up on Facebook  and please like, share and show your support.

For women in Australia in danger please call National DV Hotline 1800 737 732 or the police on 000.

You can contact Rize Up outside of emergency times at [email protected].

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2 thoughts on “Interview with Nicolle Edward – Founder of Rize Up Australia

  1. I sympathise and feel a lot of pain for woman that are subjected to such violence. There is another issue though that goes unnoticed and that is several men that are subjected to narsissism in a marriage or relationship by their partner and almost in all cases the woman gets away with it, the children are alienated from their father and no one cares. The police don’t act and the women get away with it. The most important element is the children that continue to be manipulated and in many ways raised to believe that this behaviour and way of life is acceptable. When will the day come that a woman needs to also be held to account?

    1. Hi Athena,

      Please know abuse is abuse and sadly in the narcissistic abuse community there are many women who have lost full or serious parental rights to narcissistic men.

      This is in fact more common than you would think.

      Mel 🙏💕❤️

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