Merry Christmas And Happy New Year For 2012

Hi everyone!

2012 has been an incredible year of liberation, growth and movement away from narcissistic abuse and into creating the true lives that we deeply desire and truly do deserve.

2012 saw the birth of the Narcissism and Relationships blog, I am simply astounded with the community that has developed here, and all of you who leave wonderful comments, share your stories and so selflessly dedicate your energy to helping and inspiring others. Continue reading “Merry Christmas And Happy New Year For 2012”

“Am I The Narcissist?”

After spending time learning about narcissism and identifying narcissistic traits in people (especially in your ex or current partner) you might all of a sudden stop and go …

Wait a minute, am I the narcissist?!

This can be a shocking and horrifying, especially if you start to believe what your mind is telling you, listening to the stories of when you have lacked integrity, been controlling, or even been manipulative. Continue reading ““Am I The Narcissist?””

Why Most Boundaries Don’t Hold Up

You know that beginning to set boundaries and honouring yourself is important to start moving forward.

Yet when faced with laying a boundary with an individual (partner, family member, friend or even co-worker), can even the thought of it fill you with terror?

Do you ever panic when it comes to standing up for yourself and saying “No” to behaviour that is unacceptable?

Your throat may go dry, your mind gets foggy and confused, and you may even feel intense anxiety or even nauseous. Continue reading “Why Most Boundaries Don’t Hold Up”

Forgiving Yourself For Being Hooked and Tricked By The Narcissist

After ending the relationship with your narcissist it is very common to be left with destruction to your security, assets, connections with family and friends, and shattered emotions, as well as all the other losses you have sustained as a result of being in a relationship with a narcissist…

As you look at the rubble left lying at your feet it can be very easy to beat yourself up.

You might think, “How could I have been so stupid?” “How could I have let this go on so long and get so bad!” Or,I have ruined not just my life but also my children’s lives…” Continue reading “Forgiving Yourself For Being Hooked and Tricked By The Narcissist”

Why Learning Everything About Narcissism Is Not The Answer

Many people who have suffered narcissistic abuse fall into the trap of focusing all (or almost all) of their attention on learning about narcissism. This includes learning about how a narcissist thinks, how they tick, how they use techniques such as manipulation and gaslighting, and learning the red flags and warning signs.

Logically, this may seem like a sound plan. “If I can learn all there is to know about narcissism, I won’t fall into the trap of falling for another one.” Continue reading “Why Learning Everything About Narcissism Is Not The Answer”

Overcoming Co-dependency And Becoming A True Source To Self

Firstly I would like to say thank you so much for the overwhelming responses and suggestions regarding what you would like Empowered Life and Love newsletter to provide for you.

I was thrilled with the response!

My suggested topics were highly requested:

1. Creating boundaries advice and practical exercises Continue reading “Overcoming Co-dependency And Becoming A True Source To Self”

Healing from Narcissistic Abuse By Loving Yourself and Taking Responsibility

To start recovering from narcissistic abuse effectively you must start granting yourself unconditional love, support and attention.

But to most of you this may seem very difficult.

You might believe that putting yourself first is selfish, or feels wrong in some way.

You might even be confused with what self-love is! Continue reading “Healing from Narcissistic Abuse By Loving Yourself and Taking Responsibility”

How To Change Your Behaviour Without Slipping Back Into Old Habits

When we want to change our life and move forward out of pain and into recovery – we identify that we need to change our behaviour.

We truly wish to do things differently. We want to not react to the narcissist’s hooks, we don’t want to get caught up in the manic and mindless battles that once took place, and we don’t want to feel devastated or powerless when we can’t stop ourselves checking up on his or her Facebook account.

You know that to stop doing what hurts you, you need to change your behaviour.

But you might ask: How do I actually do this? Continue reading “How To Change Your Behaviour Without Slipping Back Into Old Habits”

How To Let Go Of Blame And Claim Your Personal Power

It is so easy when we have been hurt to move into the normal human response of ‘blaming’.

“Something feels wrong, and someone has to be responsible for this wrong feeling.”

We then quickly move into blaming.

Please understand that by ‘blaming’ I mean believing:

“I am in this circumstance because of what someone else did. What they did was wrong/immoral/etc.” Continue reading “How To Let Go Of Blame And Claim Your Personal Power”

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