Two weeks ago I had the most amazing Shifts Happen Session with Kathy, a beautiful lady from the NARP Community.
It was an incredibly inspirational, deep and powerful healing that was a real stand out for me to be a part of. I was thrilled to be able to help Kathy in this way …
Because … as you will discover …. there are traumas from Kathy’s past that exceed anything most of us could even imagine happening to another person let alone ourselves. (You will understand as you watch this).
A day later when viewing the recording, I realised there were some major technological issues with it … ones that made the session unable to be aired.
(I SO need to do some Quanta Freedom Healing shifts on “me and technology”!!)
Anyway, immediately I knew that the solution was to contact Kathy and ask her if she wanted to do another healing – being not what we worked on originally (so much of that was healed and gone), but on the next layer of trauma to shift from her Inner Being.
I adore synchronicity and how things are so meant to be … and this particular healing session today is one that so many people in the Thriver Community can relate to – those painful, insidious feelings within of … I am unwanted and unsafe.
Those feelings stemming from when we were very little … of not being loved, cared for, supported and protected in ways that would have helped us develop a solid Inner Identity … and how these feelings can intertwine and create so much pain, fear, devastation and even self-sabotage in our Life.
These feelings are MAJOR contributors to our susceptibility to narcissists – who naturally supply EXACTLY the match of these traumas.
When we have these deeply embedded traumas we don’t put our best foot forward, we don’t feel free to shine, say “No” to and detach from abuse.
We also feel terribly and tragically separated from others and Life, and we don’t connect to the collective wholeness … that Oneness …. or tap into the power to be our flourished and nourished Highest Self.
That is what this healing is all about … rectifying that in Quantum Ways … and I am so pleased to be able to share it with you.
Did this episode of Shifts Happen speak to you? I know I struggled tremendously with feeling unsafe in the world … and until I up-levelled this wound, I never felt like I was free to be myself, or that Life and others had the capacity to love and support me. Please share your experience with this Shifts Happens episode and the changes you felt after taking part.
And please know, if you have any questions that you would like to ask myself or Kathy, we would love to connect with you.
Kathy, I ‘m so glad you found your way here. A little while ago I actually wondered about people who’d suffered ritual abuse and how I hoped they’d find their way here.
As the effects of such an experience are utterly devastating.
I’m hoping more people who carry such emotional baggage will find their way to Melanie.
I love when we shift trauma out of the body, how after a while it feels like it never even happened. Like it all happened to someone else.
That’s how powerful these shifts are.
You look very peaceful, Kathy. Gotta love that relaxing effect QFH has on the psyche and body :).
Good job you two ☼
PS I’ve worked through similar beliefs in the past
Hi Miba
Thank you for your care. It is challenging healing from ritual abuse, and as many NARP people will understand, I was told by some professionals that it was not possible to heal. I didn’t believe them as there is nothing the power of Love cannot heal. Doesn’t mean it was an easy journey. I love the Grace of the QFH process and working with Melanie was a treat. I now feel like some major links from the past have been dissolved and moving into new Life! I am so pleased that you have also been able to clear such limiting beliefs in the past. Together as a community we thrive!
Love Kathy
Thank you so much Kathy and Mel. I did it at home with you and had shifts my self. It was so wonderful to have all the generations come together. Beautiful.
Hi Aminath,
I am so pleased you loved it and the generation component.
Bless and much love.
Mel xo
Hi Aminath
Thank you for your beautiful comments. I love the way that we can in our own healing, support healing for our genetic line. So many can benefit from our work as light workers. I wish you all the best on your journey and I appreciate our community support.
Love Kathy
Hi. This lady look like me! I have to go now but I can‘t wait to come back home to watch this episode. Have a great day girls!
Hi Nicoleta
Thank you for connecting. You have a wonderful day too! Hope you can watch the episode soon and it supports you in your journey.
Love Kathy
I got to 20 mins and had to stop for a while. The shaking and yawning was uncontrollable as it has been with the MP3 recording. I was having to hold my head and felt such total despair. The reaction means I am unable to do this too often! However quickly afterwards the relief is massive. I feel the layers of the onion are being slowly stripped away. Thank you for what you are doing. God bless your awakening. J
Hi Jill,
please know where will be beliefs that you can shift that are making the healing experience so intense for you.
Then it will be easier for you to go through shifts.
In the NARP Forum we can help you with how to do that
That would be my greatest suggestion.
You are so welcome Jill, and I am so pleased this is helping you 🙂
Mel xo
Hi Jill
Thank you for your sharing. I can relate to the intensity and for me it was often deep terror and despair. I love that you are feeling massive reliefs as you gently travel this healing journey. There seems to be a ‘right timing’ for me in how this unfolds. Sometimes I wish the recovery was quicker however when I feel the intensity of the fear, I am happy to go step by step. God bless your awakening and thank you for connecting.
Love Kathy
Gosh, Melanie. I’m consistently amazed at how relevant your episodes are to where I am in this journey. “Not safe”, “Not wanted”, “No one cares” are beliefs that I shift over and over and over again. I just did a shift yesterday and was sobbing and holding myself. It”s strong, and I think I’m resistant to shifting it. I have had difficulty getting in touch with the resistance.
Kathy, thank you so much for sharing this. I was trying to shift along with you and it was bringing up a lot of tears. I could feel that resistance, and I think going through the shift with you gave me some insight into how to open myself up more. I think it’s so beautiful that you’re able to do that. I think it was your 2nd shift, I felt connected to you during the shift. I feel as though you helped guide me through it. We were both 2 years old and we both had the intensity of 6. (I think it was 6.) Also, when you were letting it go and it got stuck between your shoulder, mine was stuck in my chest. It was powerful for me. I think your openness guided me to find mine, so thank you for that gift.
And Melanie, your intuitive insights about how to work with certain things and things to keep in mind will help me get at that resistance going forward. I need to watch again because this is a big one for me.
Thank you both so much!
Love and light.
Hi Emily,
I am so pleased this one was timely for you!
How beautiful that shifting along with this healing has helped you so much.
I really want to urge you also Emily to know that you don’t ever have to battle with this work alone … the NARP Community Healing Container is always available to supply to you exactly the suggestions and pinpoints to help coach you when you feel resistance.
This resources are such a powerful part of the NARP Journey.
Are you connected in there Emily … ?
Lots of love to you.
Mel xo
Hi Emily
I was so touched by your healing and sharing our healing together. Such deep core beliefs, some of these and I am so pleased that my healing allowed you to make some deep shifts. I so long for freedom for all of us! And somehow, as a community, all of our healings supports us all. Working with Melanie has also helped me working with the QFH tools each day. I like the way that when we came upon a block/resistance, we went to where that was in the body and so on, and each time this happened another part of the puzzle unraveled. I am now working more like that at home and have found this helpful. Wishing you all the best in your journey Emily!
Love Kathy
That was a riveting session – so helpful for me. Thank you so much for sharing Kathy and Melanie.
Hi Johanne,
how wonderful, I am so pleased this helped 🙂
Mel xo
Hi Johanne
So pleased that it was helpful for you. These sessions have been so valuable in allowing me to release some old beliefs holding me to the past. So lovely to move more into present / presence.
Love Kathy
Thank you Mel and Kathy. That was one of the most powerful healing i have ever experienced. I could feel the sensations and tingling through my body as Kathy was shifting the energy of the trauma out. It was a very emotional experience for me. I too could relate to so much of what Kathy has been carrying for so long.
Hi Marian,
I am so pleased this was great for you!
I agree, it was very powerful!
Mel xo
Hi Marian
Yes, that was one of the most powerful healings that I have experienced. I am pleased that you could feel the level of energies moving through the session and releasing the trauma. Amazing! I wondered if that would come through on the video. Hope this session assisted you in releasing some old stuff that you have been carrying. Wishing you all the best on your journey.
Love Kathy
Thank you Kathy and Melanie. Just before I watched this I worked through module three and I had a feeling of being 6 and feeling unsafe and than a feeling of being 10 and feeling unwanted! Such synchronicity. I loved watching the video. Kathy, you are obviously an amazing lady and I wish you a fantastic life where you are healthy, happy, vibrant and FREE!
(As I intend to be).
Hi Anne,
what a divine synchronicity!
Amazing 🙂
Thank you for your beautiful well wishes to Kathy, and sending these to you too Anne!
Mel xo
Hi Anne
Thank you for those wonderful wishes and I wish the same for you. So amazing for us to live our lives in freedom, authenticity and shine! I am pleased of the synchronicity of this shifts episode for you.
Love Kathy
Hi Mel,
Interesting, but I have grave doubts about myself, another comment from a viewer was ‘resistance’ I so want to believe but find myself so.o.o. skeptical. Since part of my problem is my hearing, may I suggest Closed Caption on your videos? I have been in contact with you, all your article, videos etc resonate with me but my self doubt always sabotages me. I still have much to read and listen to on your website. Since finding you I certainly am aware of some subtle changes. I am impatient as I am 73 and have been in despair these past 3 years after being traumatized in a session with an EFT practitioner. Thank you for coming into my awareness Mel, you are a beautiful person. My connection is very strong with you (synchronicity) since I have a family close to your area of Australia. I so want healing for myself and my family, knowing that when i can heal my traumas my Australian family will be helped too. I have grandkids 7 and 9 who have a narcissistic Dad, my son. Only thru observing my Australian family have I realized I too have had many narcissistic people in my life, starting with my mother and her religion.
Hi Valerie,
thank you for your suggestion … and please know this Community sends its love and healing to you.
Mel xo
Hi Valerie
Sounds like you are having many insights into your past and present family and have a deep desire to heal. I so honour your courage being open to growing and making changes, and continuing to reach out in spite of the self doubt. I am also in the ‘elder’ age group and still have so much I want to contribute and shine as my authentic Self.
Love Kathy
Its surprissing that EFT gone wrong..but this is the final destination for healing…Melanie is no less than god fir me.
I have had EFT go wrong too… I realise now it was the wrong sort of person (likely a narc) doing it to force their opinions on me… I am happy to say unlike Valerie my trauma did not last 3 years… as soon as I realised that something was off the rails, I quickly organised a CRM session – the closest thing to NARP outside NARP and released the damaging beliefs that this person was trying to imprint. Now I just do NARP 🙂
WOW! Thank you Kathy and Mel! Just what I needed and when I needed it! Weirdly I was coming up with the same feelings and insights as Kathy split seconds before she said them. I had yet to feel anything ‘ancient’ until today’s session. I did this one along with you both and I feel amazingly light right now. Thank you! I’m noticing as I do the work the traumas are not necessarily in ‘order’ or chronological. That’s my logical mind trying to derail this process via ego but today’s episode was spot on for just taking me through a VERY NECESSARY process. I am so grateful for your sharing Kathy and your guidance Melanie. Thank you ?
Hi Lori,
it is our pleasure 🙂
How fantastic that you are in synch so much with this healing … meant to be!!
I love that you went through this clearing with us!
Mel xo
Hi Lori
Your comments make my heart sing! I am so pleased this allowed you to experience a deep healing process and that you are feeling so light. I can relate to feeling so light after this session and a sense of Unity, that is still with me. Wow! Thank you.
Love Kathy
Really touched and resonated with me. Kathy has a lovely spirit and I can see how her aura is shining.
Hi Bren
Thank you for your beautiful comments. I suspect I may be a mirror for you, that you see those qualities in me.
Love Kathy
Thank you so much, Ladies! This episode resonated with me so much and I was shifting right there with you. I have never been able to really pinpoint these feelings on not feeling free to be myself. But not only that, I’ve just made the connection of feeling like it’s not safe for me to be myself or that if I were to express my authentic self that it would not be accepted. I’m also at a crossroads in several areas of my life including deciding whether or not a relationship is still possible with my narc husband. I went on a coffee date with someone this week but I didn’t feel safe and I was questioning my choice to go out with him the whole time!
Hi Maria,
its our pleasure!
I so hope this has helped you.
Mel xo
Hi Maria
I am pleased that you could resonate with these issues and are able to make shifts to clear these old beliefs. It sounds like this is a key crossroad time in your life. I so hope you receive clarity with QFH and that your choices honour the beautiful and courageous you! I am starting to believe that we deserve the best, and slowly realising that I can make choices and have boundaries that support me. It is an ongoing journey for me. I so wish you the very best.
Love Kathy
Hi Melanie
Thank you for a session that captures the issues of my current situation. I have learnt so much through it about how to find the common beliefs that hold us in victimised position. So liberating particularly realising about unity consciousness! This has put words to my desires so I have now a powerful focus for my new SH and R. Fantastic!
I am also celebrating a year since becoming a Narper. It was a moment of magic for me when I listened and watched you in one of your videos for the first time. I saw the golden aura around your being! I didn’t know that was even possible…to see golden glow on a person on tv screen! So I knew that I needed to try out narp. What a great tool it is…. It is helping me to recover from narc abuse and beyond.
Love to you and the community
Hi Jasmin,
you are so welcome.
I am so pleased you are a NARPer and that this session has helped you.
I adore that you are moving up and out beyond abuse into your True You.
Bless you Dear Lady.
Mel xo
Hi Jasmin
How beautiful. For me the body awareness of Unity consciousness was a pivotal moment in the shifts healing episode, very powerful. I feel so inspired in seeing how Melanie works and that she embodies what she is teaching and sharing. I love the idea of Self partnering and shining as my authentic Self. Have a wonderful healing journey in the NARP community.
Love Kathy
Hi Melanie, thank you for another great video. Your material is thought provoking and helps me make other spiritual connections and form new ideas. Here’s a question for you:
Are narc relationships the same as karmic relationships? And if so, when we load up all pain and self partner for healing and evolution to occur, are we essentially going through the process of repaying karmic debts? Perhaps we are allowing ourselves to fully experience the same type of pain we’ve caused others in this life and the past (so we can repay karmic debt and be promoted to the next level). Any thoughts you have on this are appreciated!!!
Hi Resilient
Thank you for your comment and question. My personal experience around ‘karmic’ relationships is that things are not always as they seem. For me, karma is the opportunity to make other choices and to up-level my responses to ones that are loving of myself and others. I am learning that I must come first, something I did not do in my narc relationship. Self love seems key to me and this is related to being authentic. I love the idea of Unity consciousness and have observed that some of the ‘karmic’ healing I do is personal, some collective or both. All the best on your journey of spiritual awakening.
Love Kathy
Hi Kathy, thank you so much for sharing your insights regarding karma. I am interested in Unity consciousness and so will look this up. And, saluting you for your courage to shift and share this experience with the community. Wishing you many blessings!
Thank you so much Melanie and Cathy for a great session, I was with you all the way. Cathy and I go back a long long way and have shared a similar journey. Hi Cathy! You came to the NARP programme about the same time as me. Thanks again.
Dear Melanie,
I have being following you for several months but there is fear to take it to the level of quantum healing and joining the NARP group.
I’ve made itout of my “dark hole” but still suffer from my traumas and N abuse daily.
Im stuck and I desperately need to move on from the pain and isolation I still deal with.
How can I move onto the next step.
Is there someone in the program that can help guide me?
Thank you for sharing your journey!
Gail/ SO. Orange County CA. U.S.A.
Hi Melanie and Kathy
My name is Sarah. Thank you so much I know I need to work on myself but I am going to get some money soon I can get on the NARP group . I have been looking for something to help me to over come all of the traumas that have made my life Hall.
I am starting to realise I need this it is me.
Many Thanks
Sarah Batten
Hi Sarah,
I am so pleased this healing resonated with you.
I look forward to you becoming a NARP Member. It is a total healing changer when we learn how to effectively release inner trauma.
Bless you 🙂
Mel xo
I am having issues regarding everything including studying since narcissistic abuse I am a college student ,sleep ,trust issues,self worth are some of them it’s getting tough despite sessions of psychiatrists and medicines. I want to persue distance education instead of regular college.