Are you overwhelmed with obsessive thoughts you simply can’t let go of? You’ve tried therapy, numbing out, and more – but the thoughts just won’t go away. If this is the case, I’m here to help. Throughout this 5-Day Challenge, I will share the step-by-step recipe to end obsessive thoughts – forever.

Today, I’ll walk you through the first step: Identifying WHAT and WHY you are obsessing about. First, let’s start with a few deep breaths and positive affirmations. Say out loud: “I give myself full permission to be honest with myself. If I am real, then I can heal. My truth sets me free.” Now, think of one topic of obsessing to work on – and be honest with yourself about what you are obsessing about.

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, “So within, so without.” This Quantum Law perfectly applies to your thoughts – because what’s inside you is exactly what’s outside of you. This means that your inner identity beliefs are what’s co-generating the experience you’re having. To tackle these beliefs, we need to first get in contact with your feelings. Get ready for the deep inner healing you deserve. Trust yourself, and remember your vulnerable feelings lead you to healing within.



Facebook Live Transcript

Okay, so you want to stop obsessing about something that you simply can’t seem to let go of.

Maybe you have been doing a lot of Quanta Freedom Healing, and you feel like something is missing because you can’t get free from these thoughts yet.

Or perhaps you have been trying to get relief by stopping thinking about it and just getting on with your life. Or perhaps you’ve tried a ton of therapy to talk it out. Or your hoped time would heal whatever you obsess about – and you will eventually stop thinking about it.

Perhaps you have adopted ways to numb out – because the obsessive thoughts are so painful.

Over the course of this 5-day Challenge, I’m going to share with you the sure-fire step-by-step recipe to end obsessive thoughts forever. Today, I’m going to explain each step for Day 1, which is about identifying obsessive thoughts and where they come from.

I can’t wait to take you on this journey with me!

Please make sure that you have your journal and pen ready.

We will start with the questions soon. Regarding your “obsessing,” please work with one topic of obsessing so that you know how to address it. Then, you can use this healing formula for ANY other topic you are obsessing about.


Identifying WHAT You Are Obsessing About

Exercise 1: Write this statement now: “I give myself full permission to be honest with myself. If I am real, then I can heal. My truth sets me free.”

Read it to yourself a few times while your body is relaxed and you are deeply breathing—this helps you absorb this statement as an “inner standing” and embodied feeling rather than just thought you are trying to get through your head.

Now let’s start with the first question – write this down …

Question 1: What is it I am obsessing about?

Be really honest – just name it.

It could be that your ex moved on as if you were nothing.

It could be a person professing to love you who has betrayed you.

It could be the fear of finances.

Or … literally anything at all.

Write down as clearly as possible what you are obsessing about.

If you can’t separate or define a heap of things, write down, “I’m overwhelmed.”


Identifying WHY You Are Obsessing About It

Now please know, incredible Quantum Energetic Being that you are, Soul of Energy-In-Motion – which means Creator through E-Motion – I promise that everything you are going through and experiencing IS about you because this is the only place your life experience is created from.  It is also the only place to transform you, inside of you (the REAL you), and then you and your entire lived experience can change.

This is where you will start discovering that your Inner Identity Beliefs, which are underneath these painful experiences in your life, are unconsciously co-generating them with life and others.

PLEASE know this is NOT blaming you – it’s just allowing you to know – incredibly powerful creator that you are – that you live in a physically manifesting Universe that adheres to Quantum Law – which means “So within, so without.”

What this means is that whatever your Inner Identity Programs are, for good or bad, is exactly to the letter the experience that you will continue to choose and who and what will choose you. This is what you roll around in, battle with, and obsess about if it’s a false and painful belief.

Your FEELINGS are your Inner Identity programs!

You can’t heal “the thoughts about what happened to you.” That’s a symptom of the Inner Program. Your FEELINGS ABOUT “what you are obsessing about” lead you to where you can heal yourself – by finding and shifting the painful belief on the inside.

So, let’s get to the FEELING …

Exercise 2: Okay, now please write down “I bless and accept my true feelings. I am ready to meet and embrace a part of myself that needs my love, attention and healing.”

Now… before you GO for the feeling inside of you – let’s go through some examples … So, for example, with your ex moving on like you didn’t exist, the painful associated feeling could be  “I’m not worth loving” or “I’ll always Be Alone.”

A person’s fear of finances could be, “I’m not going to survive” or “I’ll lose everything.”

Or you could be obsessing about challenges and frustrations with others, and the painful feeling is, “I’m invisible, and I have no voice.”

Maybe you obsess about constantly struggling in life, and your feelings are, “I’m not enough to make my life work.” Or, “I’m meant to suffer. I don’t deserve the good stuff.” Or, “Life is always hard.”

How do you know the difference between the “obsessive thought” and “the feeling”? It’s simple: the “feeling” is inside your body – it arises when you get in contact with your inside experience. And that’s vital because if you don’t get in contact with your inner experience, you will only ever be trying to address “the symptom” and will never “heal the cause.”

This is like trying to turn your radio up louder to drown out your car engine and make weird noises instead of going mechanically inside to fix the true problem. If you do this naturally, your car breaks down, just like if we don’t go inside.

So, let me take you through the exercise to feel your feelings regarding your obsessive thoughts.

Exercise 3: Open your body and breathe. Move a little, whatever feels nice, to create space in your body. Now, with your eyes closed, with your attention inside of yourself, ignoring any outside thoughts, ask yourself, “What is the vulnerable part of me feeling about this topic?”

Be loving, kind, receptive, in your heart space, open and present – as you would as a loving parent showing up for a child you adore.

Question 2: What are my vulnerable feelings connected to the obsessive thought?

Write down and record what these are. Examples again – are feelings such as “I’m not worth loving” and “I have no value.” “I’m supposed to suffer.”

Let these feelings be authentic to you. What does your Inner Being say to you when you ask her/him, “What are your vulnerable feelings driving these obsessive thoughts?”

Trust yourself … whatever arises.

If you can’t get to the vulnerable feelings, you may need to deal with your defenses first—namely, your ego.



Ego Blocks Not Letting You Get TO The True Reason You Are Obsessing

Your ego is the internal narcissist – it feeds off drama and your pain body. It doesn’t want you to evolve and go free from pain and fear. It KEEPS you stuck in obsessive-lopped thoughts and feelings. The acronym for EGO is Edging God Out – it traps you in the traumatized small mind, keeping you separated from your True Power as a Source / Soul Creator.

As a healing ascending Being, your ego’s days are numbered, which is a good thing – because with your ego at the helm, you would remain in the lopped thoughts in the bandwidth of your unhealed trauma (darkness). Of course, it is your destiny to go free into the Infinite Source / Self mind – health, well-being, solution, progress, purpose, joy, and miracle (The Light).

Your ego tries to convince you that you need to hang on to dark and painful rumination to keep you safe – yet that is a totally inverted false premise that keeps you embedded in darkness with no way out.

Your Ego shows itself by not letting you get vulnerable with yourself. It gives you feelings of anger, blame, and self-recrimination. Your ego keeps you focused outwards, blaming others or turning on yourself with anger, dismissal, degrading statements, and shame. (Sounds narcissistic, yeah?)

Imagine the EGO guarding the hurt, vulnerable Inner Self (which is in there), refusing to let you get near, hold, or heal this part of you. Yet … we are waking up from this trance! Then the ego ceases to power over you – you CAN call it out and shift it out.

What are classic EGO feelings, “They are to blame for my life” and “My pain is their fault”?

As “true” as this may be from the “human” perspective, it doesn’t allow us to get better, be better and do better. We will always remain a victim with internal unhealed trauma eating us alive. Zero healing or evolution is possible if this defense isn’t recognized and removed.

Also, classic self-abuse EGO statements are “You will never heal”, “You should be punished”, and even “You are bad and evil.” These statements are designed to CONVINCE you that this is WHO you are – but it’s a lie. You are a child of God / Source / Creation made in the image and likeness, no matter what you have done or gone through!

Exercise 4: Sooo … now I want you to open your body and breathe, move a little, whatever feels nice to create space in your body. And with your eyes closed, with your attention inside yourself, ignoring any outside thoughts, ask yourself …

Question 3: What does my ego tell me about my obsessive thoughts?

Remember, these are outer-focused and/or self-punishing thoughts. Write these down in your journal, such as “It’s (that person’s) fault”, “I’ll never heal”, “This is (or I am) useless” etc.

Shifting Painful Feelings To Start Dissolving Core Obsessing Reasons

The fastest route to healing your feelings, thoughts, and life is changing your INSIDE programs. Speedy Shifts have the potential to heal eons of traumatic programs in minutes., granting you fast relief and breakthroughs.

So now, here are my recommended healing combinations.

  • Shift Ego Blocks First

You have to dissolve away the EGO, the “guard” who is not letting you hold and heal the core reason you are obsessing … then …

  • Release and heal the “vulnerable” feeling that is released once the ego defense is removed.


Okay, So How Do I Do This?

This depends on the following categories that you fall into.

  1. Intense Triggers and Obsession

If you are just starting with Speedy Shifts and your journey of narcissistic abuse recovery, and you have SO many things that are causing you obsession (this is usual) – then take the feeling of “overwhelmed” to NARP Module 1 Speedy, follow the instructions, and repeat until you can eat, sleep and function again.

Then go on to this next step if …

2.  You can Identify a Particular Obsessive Thought/ Feeling about anything at all. (This step applies to all Speedy Shifters.)

  • a) Target and shift any EGO FEELING with Module 1 Speedy NARP or The Source Healing and Resolution within the actual Speedy Shift Course. **IMPORTANT – Do NOT Stop healing and give in to your ego, no matter what!!! If it tries to block you, then keep restarting the healing, TARGETING the ego block. Rinse and repeat until you have cleared all of these blocks and egoic feelings, and the voice in your head is gone … then.
  • b) Target and shift the underlying VULNERABLE FEELINGS with Module 1 Speedy NARP or The Source Healing and Resolution within the actual Speedy Shift Course. Clear until completion.

(Start with the most powerful painful feelings first and work down your life to the least painful. The BIGGEST ones are the ones trying to get your attention first and, therefore, are the RIGHT order to shift first. By healing the biggest, you will see many other painful thoughts/feelings diminish greatly and even melt away.

Keep working with these for the next few days, and take notes in your journal about …

  • what you shifted,
  • what scores have you got to,
  • how you feel …and
  • what shifts and changes in your life as a result.

(You may experience positive instant turns of events that seem like miracles!)

And … next week, we are going to take a deep dive into Day 2, investigating “where you have landed”, then identifying your trauma patterns that are in repeat (that keep you in over-thinking patterns) and how we start dissolving them out of your Inner Identity E-motional signature.

Hint … We will get to more creative/specific and Source-defined shifts!

But let’s just get our foundations right first!

Come join my Facebook page here to have this direct experience with me—in my Facebook Live, where you will also see questions answered. The replay will be just as powerful for you.

For more information on Speedy Shifts
👉 Speedy Shift Course
👉 Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program NARP plus Speedies
👉 To upgrade from Silver NARP to receive Gold Package Speedies plus a whole heap more.
I look forward to answering your comments and questions below.

Related blog post

The Narcissist’s Greatest Fear: You Becoming Your True Self and Aligning with Your 5D Ascension Path

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The Narcissist Never Lets You Go: How to Finally Get Freedom

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54 thoughts on “Where Do Obsessive Thoughts REALLY Come From?

  1. This was such a powerful livestream.
    It felt like the veil was lifted as to how to truly heal narcissistic abuse trauma (and any trauma). I feel relieved learning why we have the symptoms we do and the obstacles the ego presents along the way as we take action to heal. And I feel clear for the first time about the depth and dedication that’s required. With everyone actively participating in the chat on the livestream, it helped me go much deeper to get to the root of what is needing to be most healed. Of all of the books, classes, articles, therapy, and on and on I’ve tried over the years, i finally feel I understand the pathway forward which is an incredible gift! I’m so grateful as i finally feel I have a process I can trust.

    1. Hi Denise,

      I’m thrilled this peeled back the veil for you and really HIT the spot!

      I LOVE sharing this powerful Quantum journey with you!

      Love and continual blessings

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  2. Hi Melanie!
    Lately I’ve been having too many obsessive, thoughts and feelings about what the narcissist has done to turn my life upside down, and that her antics are wreaking havoc with me.
    This crazy ongoing stuff has been making me weary…
    I really needed to do something….
    So, tonight I did my first “speedy shift module…🙌 I can’t tell you enough about how doing that shifted my outlook, both inner and outer towards my situation.
    The new way of doing modules with you made a huge difference.
    I ended up doing M/1 and experienced an, almost, dynamic shift within.
    I was so relieved to be able to get to that place so quickly.
    I am so pleased that you have come up with this new format for us.
    It really works!
    I can’t wait to do M/2 tomorrow!
    Thanks, Melanie, for being so innovative, and offering this new and wonderful method to us.
    It’s going to be a stunning success, I guarantee it!!!!
    Much love, Melanie!

    1. Hi Peter,

      that’s awesome that you are on the Speedies!

      Yaya! You so deserve that fast breakthrough. Lovely to hear from you again, and

      Much Love to you

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  3. Hi Melanie, thank you for your insightful message! The wording “magnanimous“ came to mind.

    This morning I re-experienced my first vocalization of the word “mommy”. Directed to my mother, this re-vivifying of the initial experience, assured me I was not broken; I never was. Knowing this all the while, but to be reassured by this felt experience was a joy!!! More to come!!

    Love and joy, no less than who we are!!! Imho!

    1. Hi Bill,

      It’s my pleasure!

      It’s wonderful that you are a member of our lovely community!

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  4. What a Great start to the 5-Day Challenge 🙂 – Thank You Mel!!! Thank you for laying it out so clearly for us. Yes, those ego blocks need to be taken out. Have to re-listen to the recording now as I was listening to the Live at work.
    Thank You 🙂
    And All those on this 5-Day Challenge

    1. 🙌🙌🙌…. Was and is impeccable

      Just rewatched it
      Bed for now rat my shifting will be devoted to tomorrow
      Starting with the ego blocks

      Thank you Mel and Quantum creators

    2. Nice to see you here Kondwani – yes o had to work as well

      Lucky there is a recording which I paused so much due to ego trying it 😉

  5. This was amazing information thank you. I have been a Narper for about a year now. I have been feeling very stuck and odd things have entered my reality. I already feel positive and motivated and I now know that it was around the ego. I am looking forward to this journey of further healing and seeing the progress and as Mel says hopefully these things will be gonesky 🙂

    1. Hi Kelly,

      I’m pleased this resonated with you and now you feel that you can move forward.

      Love and breakthrough blessings to you

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  6. Hello Melanie,
    Sorry, is it possible to post your video through other platform other than Facebook? I don’t have Facebook, X nor Instagram. Is it possible you post it just as a video from your own website or on Youtube?

    Thanks so much.

  7. I’m so glad I watch the live yesterday. I wasn’t sure if it would help me, but it was awesome!

    before work, I did 3 shifts. the tingling I felt when the light came in was the most intense of speedy shifts I’ve done before. I always feel so calm & peaceful after I do shifts.

    I’ll do more shifts at lunchtime.

    I’m more hopeful than I have been in a while.

    thank you so much!

    1. Hi Sena,

      I’m beyond happy you did watch this!

      Yaya! You are so on your way!!

      Brilliant self-dedication!

      Much Love

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

    2. Hi Sena,

      I LOVE hearing this!

      That’s wonderful you had such a powerful breakthrough.


      Hope is a beautiful thing!

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  8. Hi Melanie,
    Thank you so much for this Day 1 🙏! I watched the recording. I soaked up what you conveyed about the ego – and how to address it. Very helpful! I like your description of it as ‘autoimmune disease’. I find this description very helpful to localise it to shift it out.
    Positive energy 👐.

    1. Hi Julia,

      it is my pleasure!

      I’m glad this information helped.

      Sending you love and powerful healing

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  9. Hi Mel
    Thank you for this insight, I have learned so much in the last year, not just about myself… and you have been instrumental with the upgrades to the program in my evolution… I still have more to go… there are still blocks( not sure where or why) but I am excited!
    Its wonderfully fascinating how good it feels to move upward and onward… with your help!
    Thank you for being You💕💕

    1. Hi Sarah,

      it’s lovely to have you in our wonderful community and see your beautiful breakthroughs.

      It is the BEST feeling to move onwards and upwards, our SOUL craves this. Its what we are here to be and do – its life force moving through us as the expansive beings we are!

      Being in the journey with EXCITEMENT is EVERYTHNG. Because that is unconditional growth and joy – NOT being focused on feeling miserable until you get there.

      Awesome work!

      Much Love

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  10. Hello Melanie, Doing Day 1 exercise while adopting NARP Speedies step-by-step
    amazing Light and Connection revealed with NARP Speedy 2 –
    allowing me after a long time to feel the boundary between me
    and the outside world – what a relief! – and direct connection
    with My Source Light. This is a NEW feeling – that my Inner World doesn’t depend on what is happening outside. Beyond words. I thought I would never feel this connection again. Thank you so much 🙏. Love ❣️

    1. Hi Julia,

      Ohhhh I adore this!

      Welcome home Dear Soul!

      That connection is the Truth of Who You Really Are!

      At times it may block up again, but that okay, because the more that shifting out Who We Are NOt becomes lifestyle the more and more you will ascend into this Source-Self inner-standing constantly.


      Much Love

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

      1. Hi Melanie, Thank you ❣️

        Also for making this point ❣️ Already noticed ego confusion blocking it up again.

        With NARP SS 1, got access to ‘how to get to / touch the vulnerable feelings’ BEHIND the ego guard. Not letting it play around. Shifting until peace and calm.

        With NARP SS 2, ALLOWED myself to accept the healing energy and just let it HAPPEN. Making healing this constantly my priority.

        Trauma release is perceivable very physically. Pops up and out.

        Love 🦋😊💖,


          1. Hi Mel,

            I’m so in awe what happens with me in speedy shifts. I’m whole again.



  11. Thank you Melanie,

    This came at the right time for me, and I did shifts last night and this morning too, and feel lighter.

    I´ve been a NARP member for a couple of years I believe, and it has made a huge impact on my journey. So much has changed in a great way for me.

    Recently I´ve had some financial issues showing up in the outer world, and loved your way of explaining the inner narcissist.

    The Ego, seems to be very quiet, I do hear something, but I feel a lot. I did focus on the Ego, as you suggested, I do understand it´s a tricky one, how do I know when to move on?
    (I mean because it´s quite and more a head thing)

    Thank you so much


    1. Hi Michael,

      I love that this was timely for you … it’s fabulous that you are doing the inner work – massive kudos to you!

      Okay … to target your ego (go with your senses and follow your intuition – because your Inner Voice is always KING over and above your head) and you can literally say “I’m going to take the trauma in my body connected to my ego voice to the healing” (Module 4 Speedy Shifts by far is the most powerful solution).

      As the first trauma is spoken for in the healing – you will feel the dense energy in your body arise – just simply follow the instructions.

      If you “know” your ego is lurking (trust this) – you can simply target it … you don’t need it to provide you with big bells and whistles.

      The powerful thing about Quanta Freedom Healing and especially the Speedy Shifts is that it is not “of the mind”, it is of your “soul”. When you want to clean up anything, including your ego, the Quantum Codes in the healing are not waiting for you to logically define anything. You can literally just feel something “funky” or “out of alignment” or suspect you have an “ego block” and target “That”. Your intention is the power.

      I hope that this makes sense.

      Please clarify if there is anything else you would like to ask!

      Much Love

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  12. Dear Melanie
    What came across so clearly was your description of the ego blocks.
    That was so powerful.
    As I am working on the guilt and shame of existing and its really deep in there a question came up about karma.
    How do I know if its karma or the programmed guilt and shame that demands punishment?
    Going into this block of guilt and shame has brought up another block and a lot of heat in my body and so will continue as it was my number 1 ego block to money.

    Love Reena xxx

    1. Hi Reena,

      I love that this resonated with you – the ego is SO tricky!

      Let me make this easy for you if I can – karma is nothing more than holding dense painful energy in your body that is attracting “more of the same” – when Light comes into the space where the trauma was – whether its guilt, shame, feelings of unworthiness, confusion – (whatever is not feeling free, clean and clear) – then “bad karma” is dissolved into grace.

      Suffering for the past is an illusion – it is just dense internal energy co-creating it again.

      I hope that this helps Darling Reena, let me know if you need more clarification!

      Lots of love and breakthroughs being sent your way

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

      1. Hi Melanie

        Thank you for this clarification. It would seem that we have been given so many illusions and delusions about karma. I felt really confused about this but you have made it simple and it resonates with me, so much to let go of. All the old Catholic stuff as a child and also being involved with Rudolph Steiner’s work which is quite complicated I have got very confused.

        I really like your “Suffering for the past is an illusion – it is just dense internal energy co-creating it again”. That makes sense to me.

        Yes keep going that’s what I hear you say.

        Love Reena xxx

        1. Hi Irene,

          you are so welcome. I love that this has helped!

          Yes, just keep going

          Lots of Love

          Mel 🙏💞🦋

  13. Thank you Mel! xxxxxx

    I worked through the replay today; then Speedy SH&R afterwards. Ego popped up in the form of procrastination – “I’ll just do this first and do the shift later” – but I knew what was happening, and DID do the shift!

    And gosh, I wasn’t quite sure which fear (of the many fears that had come up in the lesson) to shift on – but my body seemed to know and I got a big hit of fear in belly, throat and chest: all the fears seemed to gather together, in the shift, into the fear of truly, fully, being My Self.

    10 down to zero: wonderful!

    Oh Mel this is a very special time isn’t it?! I see your evolution, rising and rising… opening up… and feel my own too…

    Speedy Shifts are so wonderful: the mind less and less involved in the healings: they sweep us along in the effortless power of our source-filled selves: surrendering to the body and to Source… and to the Truth… beautiful.

    Thank you xxxxx

    1. Hi Rosamund,

      I LOVE That you did the shift despite the ego’s attempt to distract you!

      You see this is it exactly, it’s at the time that you don’t want to do the shift, that there is the most GOLDEN of opportunities to get the greatest up-level!

      Honey it really is an INCREDIBLE time.

      That’s beautiful that you love the Speedy Shifts and that you are getting so much out of them! Its very true they bypass the ego defences and get deeply INSIDE where our healing takes place.

      Please know how welcome you are Rosamund, and it’s an honour to share this very special journey with you.

      So much love to you Dear Lady

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

      1. Oh gosh Mel, the magical journey continues…!

        Just worked through the Day 1 video for the 2nd time. I have already experienced wonderful upleveling from my Day 1 and Speedies work last week – this showed clearly through having an incredible weekend with my new partner, during which we opened up further and deeper to each other than ever before. Wonderful.

        And today tackling the ego has been amazing: I’ve so far used Speedy SHR, then 2 x Speedy 2 Letting Go – the ego hitting hard and dark with the false beliefs of my “badness”, “undeservedness” and that I can never be free of that darkness; never fully love myself nor be able to fully accept love; then a vivid sense of my angels helping me pull out the dark ego, by its deep roots in my mind and body…

        After a break to rest and do some life stuff, I will return today to continue: I am sensing that the sequence needs to be Speedy Narp 3 to Forgive myself, and then Speedy 3 Accepting the Light… I sense that I need to forgive myself SO THAT I feel deserving of the full Light…

        Thank you again, so much…. this work is so exciting and extraordinary…. I feel so grateful and so fortunate to be on this journey…

        Rosamund xxxxx

        1. I adore Rosamund that you are embracing and intuiting your healing path!

          Such a joy to hear your growth.

          We really are blessed Rosamund to have “gone Quantum”. It makes life magical!

          Much Love

          Mel 🙏💞🦋

  14. Dearest Melanie,
    I can’t express my gratitude enough for the timely release of the quantum speedie shifts❤️✨and your generous devotion of time to get us all off to an amazing start.
    My greatest takeaway thus far is your sharing of how tricky it is to recognize and get past ego. This “little snake in the grass” has been fooling me in my previous healings and I am now witnessing some of the signs of its betrayals.
    The massive amount of heat that my body creates in the healings, making me at times so uncomfortable that I get distracted and side tracked. I wrote these off as the never ending hot flashes that have bothered me for over 12 years now.
    The squirmy, uncomfortable feeling that stops me from following the energy thread, diving deeper and finally a voice telling me that that I’m doing so amazing and that the healing is completed.
    I have believed the many narcissists in my life, giving them the glory of knowing the solutions etc of the problems which include me ( ya I’m a problem), all my life. Mother knows best, papa is a super hero, ex husbands found plenty of blame to shift onto me so that they could keep wearing their superhuman capes.
    Having hit rock bottom some years ago lead me to find you. My life changed in ways I didn’t know where possible.
    I feel like “ The little EngineThat Could” children’s story, going from “I think I can” to “I know I can”.
    I’d very much love to quit smoking but not really, lol. It’s been my “friend” thru some pretty tough times and allowed me the pleasure and illusion of relief by “blowing off a lot of steam” and having a “friend” close by. Any hints where the “snake in the grass” could possibly be hiding would be greatly appreciated. The wall around that one is hard to climb or blow thru.

    I think I can and I know I will
    Much love

    1. Hi Brigit,

      I’m thrilled that Speedies and this Challenge have come at the right time for you.

      Please know Dear Lady, that you can target the trauma generating the “heat” and also the urge to smoke, when the time is right. Source Healing and Resolution Module 4 is so great for resolving ANYTHING!

      (I could be releasing an Overcoming Addiction Workshop which could help!)

      That’s beautiful that you feel this powerful hope now.

      Sending you love and blessings

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

      1. You telling me “When the time is right” is such a big relief statement for me about the smoking. I have had nothing but heat about that from many people in my life, hardly ever any grace, only guilt, shame, fear and judgment.
        The truth is that addiction can take so many forms and we all struggle or have struggled with its many faces.
        People don’t see bitching, complaining, comparing, judging etc as addictions. They are signs of victimhood as well but so widely accepted and welcomed as they add “delicious” drama to life.
        Your lovely heart, courage and generous spirit inspire beyond words and your passion for freedom and “to set the captives free” resonate deep inside of me.

  15. Hi Mel,

    That would be really more than great if you could release an Overcoming Addiction Workshop 💖!
    I’m smoking cigarettes – still reducing them in the outside. I shifted a lot with NARP SH and R on this but I couldn’t nail the urge as such yet.

    Julia 🌈🦋💖

  16. OBSESSIVE THOUGHTS: My life is not complete. I am stagnant. Paralyzed. I am behind. I wasted what I’ve been given. I had a mission. Can I still accomplish it? How will I get past the fear? I have to move now. Immediately. It’s an emergency. But I don’t know where to start. Or how. It’s so hard. I’m scared. I’m lonely. I’m going in circles. It’s so much easier to be a mundane. Asleep. Robotic work that I’m good at and get labeled as being a good person and it paid well. But I despise it now. Because I’m awake now and I want to be free. I have risked everything for my new dream. My new life.
    FEELING: I’ve been playing small weak insignificant. Dumb like a silly school girl. Living sad, stifled angry. Settling. Confined. Empty.
    VULNERABLE PART: I can’t protect myself. I can’t trust myself.
    EGO SAYS: You’re too late. Game over. Don’t bother even trying. You’ll never learn anyway.
    AFTER SPEEDIES: Clearly a miracle, if I’m willing to post all that here! So, after speedy number four which targeted the ego, the result was, to be succinct, the ego’s words died. Like the autumn leaves that fall from the trees, and blow away, and eventually disappear. That is what it feels like. And after I did speedy number one to address the vulnerable part, it felt like a great chasm had filled. For context, allow me to share about what it was like to swim as an adult, age 34. My whole life I was terrified of swimming pools, especially the inground pools. I would walk at least 20 yards away from a pool if I had the opportunity. The closer I got, the more tense and guarded I would be. I would prepare for some imagined, accidental, falling in and possibly starting to be drowned. Because I didn’t know how to swim my whole life I had almost drowned three times. So every swimming pool might as well have been an ever threatening bottomless pit. Then one day, at a hotel, swimming pool in Sedona, Arizona, I simply taught myself how to swim. I started by going around and around the pool edges holding on. Even in the deep end. In high school, I learned how to float on my back, but I would panic, if I was in deep water. So that day in Sedona, Arizona, while in the deep end, I let go. I let go, and I floated on my back, and I started to move my arms and legs. I focused on getting to the shallow end. Then I made it. In the shallow end, I was determined to make it back to the deep end. Then I did. Then I went back-and-forth several times to prove it to myself that I was actually doing it. Then I started to swim back-and-forth simply to celebrate . When I got out of the pool, something shocking happened. It’s hard to explain. But when I was standing on the sidewalk and looking at the swimming pool, I could have sworn that the pool itself physically shrank. I was mesmerized. I kept questioning reality because I couldn’t believe that this was the actual size of swimming pools. They have never been that size my entire life. Up to this point, they were always all so ginormous. How could it be that this was the actual size of what a swimming pool really looked like? It was so incredible to me. So this is how it feels after speedy number one when, facing the most vulnerable feelings. Those feelings have never been, true. Who I am in relation to those old feelings, is so much more. I have everything I need to move forward. I have been the best ally anyone could ever ask for. Now I see, the truth is, that I have been my own best ally my whole life.

  17. Dear Mel, thank you for making this all available. I’ve watched Days 1 and 2 and am making good progress with my shifts. But I came back to read through this (Day 1) transcript and I realized that there were things that I missed that the transcript allowed me to learn in a different format.
    The comments here are all very Brave and inspiring. We all are different and yet I can take something away from each shared experience.
    The Speedies have knocked down a lot of the Ego that was getting in my way. Thank you so much for that.
    And finally, these healing sessions are nothing short of magic. Little by little, things within you change and you become a better, stronger version of who you were always meant to be. I can’t explain it. I just know that it’s true.
    Love you Mel!

  18. For me, this was the most important take away was this “**IMPORTANT – Do NOT Stop healing and give in to your ego, no matter what!!!” and this step “What does my ego tell me about my obsessive thoughts?” – going in with a different perspective and the knowledge of what the ego’s role is makes it more like an experiment or a fact-finding mission and takes the edge off. Kind of like being an observer of yourself.

  19. Mel, Finding you & NARP almost 5 years ago was source guided. Every step has felt like some sort of magic to my logical brain, yet source kicked me in the butt to do it anyway. We have removed mountains of trauma. I’m working to shovel away the foothills now. Please add me to your contest.

  20. When you talk about what the ego is saying to you, the word “despicable” came to mind. I’ve looked it up and the dictionary says: deserving hatred and contempt. And that’s exactly how I have been feeling about myself. —stress on “deserving”.
    Contempt: the feeling that a person or a thing is worthless or beneath consideration.
    Worthless: (of a person): having no good qualities; deserving contempt.

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