Category: Articles

The Narcissist’s Greatest Fear: You Becoming Your True Self and Aligning with Your 5D Ascension Path

Today, we’re diving into a truth that is essential to understand if you’ve experienced narcissistic abuse: the narcissist’s greatest fear is you stepping into your True Self. Why? Because when you rise into your true power, you free yourself from their control—and this is the very thing they fear most. Today, we’re going to explore […]

The Narcissist Never Lets You Go: How to Finally Get Freedom

Why does it seem like a narcissist never really lets you go, even when they’re out of your life? For many, the lingering influence of a narcissist feels almost inescapable, like invisible chains that keep us bound. This dynamic goes beyond personal relationships—it extends to structures and systems that keep us disempowered, blocking us from […]

Can The Narcissist Heal and Ascend?

Can The Narcissist Heal and Ascend?

Many of you who have endured narcissistic abuse have likely asked yourself this question: Can the narcissist heal and ascend? Is there hope for them to grow, become more conscious and whole persons, and spiritually evolve? Can they let go of their separation consciousness—the “me versus you” mentality—and grow into unity consciousness, empathy, and true […]

Thriver Talk With Kristy

This is one of the most inspirational Thriver Talks I’ve EVER had! (If you have suffered INTENSE abuse, I highly recommend reading and viewing.) This talk was so pivotal because many people in our wonderful community are still hurting a lot at the hands of a narcissist. And … I know because I was once […]

Thriver Talks Special : Thriver Talks With Lorraine

  Today, I’m sharing with you an incredibly important Thriver Talk with Lorraine. Lorraine is inspirational. She has been out of her narcissistic relationship for only 4 ½ months and is Thriving! She feels great, she looks great, and she is the happiest she can remember being. You may ask, are you sure she was […]

What, In The World, Will You Do Without Obsessing?

In our final day of our 5-day challenge, I want you to know that it has been such a pleasure connecting with you in this way. I am in awe of your growth, how so many of you have had incredible breakthroughs with the Speedy Shifts and witnessing what this has meant in your life. […]

Healing The Addictions Making You Obsess

  Today, we talk about addictions. How they make you obsess, and how they separate you from your Highest and Best Life. How do addictions sneak up and grab you? How does your mind trick you into reaching for an addiction in times of stress? How can you short-circuit this vicious cycle and come home […]

Who Are You Without Your Obsessive Mind?

Have you ever experienced this: You obsess about a problem and do everything you can to solve it, but as much as you think about it and explore all the options, nothing changes? You may feel as though thinking about your problems is the only way to find the answers and heal your life. But […]

How Do Trauma Signature Patterns Imprison Your Mind?

  Are you feeling like your life is stuck in a rut? Do you find yourself obsessing over relationships, situations, and the past? It’s time to break free from the imprisonment of your mind and take back your power. Dissolving trauma signatures that imprison your mind is one of the most powerful tools for finding […]