Today, we talk about addictions. How they make you obsess, and how they separate you from your Highest and Best Life.

How do addictions sneak up and grab you?

How does your mind trick you into reaching for an addiction in times of stress?

How can you short-circuit this vicious cycle and come home to your safety, peace, grace, and healthy ascension?

In today’s Speedy Shift Challenge Day 4 – Healing The Obsessive Mind – you will discover truths and shifts that will help you melt away your addictions powerfully.

Please find the video and the transcript of this transmission below.

If you have not yet subscribed to my YouTube channel or followed me on Facebook, please do so. I’d also love for you to share my work with others who need it and connect with me on Rumble and Instagram.




Facebook Video Transcript

Today in Speedy Shifts Facebook Challenge Day 4, we will discuss melting away the addictions that fuel your obsession.

On day 3, we spoke about Who You Will Be Without Obsessing, namely your True Self, but please don’t think your ego will go quietly into the night. Let’s face it, your ego has, for a very long time, been getting a free feed of toxicity from your obsessing mind. It will try to tempt you at EVERY turn to give up your good practices and go back to obsessing.

Let’s review your good soul practices to stay on track …

  • Loving self-talk

When you are triggered, breathe deeply, open your body, take your attention inside of you and speak to yourself lovingly as you would a child who you adore “(Endearing term). I am here, I love you, I’m proud of you, you’re doing a great job. As soon as we can, we will shift this out – Okay?”

Now, your Inner Self does not have to scream, demand, or manifest some sort of calamity to get your attention to turn inwards to her or him because you have self-partnered and self-validated.

  • Acceptance

Keep your body open and breathing and say, “I bless and accept this feeling because it’s showing me what next I need to let go of and shift.”

This is the consciousness shift from victim to empowered Quantum Being. From this place, you know that all of life is happening FOR you and not TO you, and you know that no matter what the darkness throws at you, it grants you another powerful up-level opportunity into even more Light.

You refuse to start THINKING about your trauma and get on with your day – self-soothing until you can get to a Quantum Healing Module.

But your ego has OTHER Ideas, and addictions are one of the most powerful ways that your ego can derail you.

Especially if you are NOT okay with feeling pain.


Being Able To Hold Space With Pain

If you, like I used to, struggle to be in emotional pain, your ego can really mess with you.

This doesn’t mean you are weak or incapable; it usually means you are sensitive and feel intense feelings. Most people who are spiritual and interested in personal development fall into this category.

This turns into a vicious cycle because if you don’t embrace your painful feelings, whatever you resist will persist, your Inner Being will feel invalidated and scream louder, and the pain will intensify.

To stop this from happening, breathing, opening, and accepting the feelings of pain are vital.

There is huge alchemy in this.

Yes, we want to shift things, BUT if you refuse to BE with yourself UNCONDITIONALLY at all times, you are missing the point. Self-partnering, like the right relationship, is unconditionally supportive and loving. Every relationship you have in life, and even with life itself, starts with the emotional (energy–in–motion) relationship that you are having with yourself.

Of course, you want life and others to support you at all times, no matter what STATE you are in … and Life and Source / God / Creation will support you, even when you are traumatized IF you are self-partnered.

This means opening up your body, breathing, and being IN your body with the pain.

This is super-presence. This is love. This is self-partnering.

Trying to avoid this, self-medicate, self-avoid, and self-condemn are all the ways that not only do you reject and re-traumatize yourself, but you also will NEVER heal. Even if you say to yourself, “I hate this feeling” and “I want it gone,” and do healing on yourself all day, you are missing the point, and you won’t heal.

Yes, you can turn inside to heal this, but it will only work if you have first loved and accepted ALL of yourself, including this triggered feeling!

I promise you this will get easier, and very soon, you will discover how powerfully solid you feel when you don’t disengage from your feelings.

Why is this SO important? Because when you are self-partnered in this way, your EGO cannot trick you into disengaging from you and starting to seek solace from the outside.

Let’s find out how this takes place …



Your Ego’s Favourite Tool Of Deception- Addictions

We all know what these things are – food, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, mind-numbing pastimes, sex, shopping, gambling – things that not only separate you from yourself but add more bad energy to bad energy. This is the act of self-rejection and abandonment, rather than being your own partner, soother and healer.

Your ego loves this because you will obsess even harder about this place.

EXACTLY about the unhealed thing you tried to run from. Plus, the additional shame and pain of being addicted to something that hurts you because you aren’t prepared to be with this painful feeling inside of you.

You can’t heal what you are unprepared to fully accept and feel. You can’t defeat what you don’t face without fear and resistance.

Being fully present with your triggered Inner Being may terrify you.

But think of this – how would it be for another person who wanted your love if they felt bad and you turned them away? How would it be when you felt bad and someone you loved ran away?

Now, imagine a child going through this. That is exactly what your Inner Being is – an innocent, underdeveloped, scared self who needs your Higher Consciousness – your love and super-presence to reconnect him or her to the Source’s Light.

Please know that your presence with yourself creates the template for how you are with others and who you will attract and accept to be with you. You will never accept a level of love less than the level of love you have for yourself. If you are still terrified of getting hurt again by others, you haven’t built your emotional relationship into solid integrity yet.

Okay, now let’s make a powerful intention together …

Exercise 1: I want you to write this empowering statement: “It is safe to breathe, open my body, take my attention inside, and be present with myself in times of painful emotion. This immediately brings me soothing, love, acceptance, trust, and support. This creates more support and love from Source, life, and healthy others.”

Now I want you to open and breathe and repeat this to yourself several times to innerstand this truth.

How does that feel? Comfortable or scary? Does it feel like a relief? Maybe a mixture?

I promise you I will grant you the SPECIFIC Speedy Shifts so you can make space for yourself in these times.

Now, let’s look at what happens if you don’t.


Running from Yourself Straight Into the Clutches of Your Egoic Addictions

What are addictions?

They are attempts to burn off or numb the internal pain of unmet traumas.

Addictions pretend to be your best friend … “You need me when you are stressed. This is HOW to get comfort!” Yet what they do is lure you into self-destruction. Addictions don’t bring durable relief, solace, and solutions, and they just make your life so much worse.

They generate dis-ease and anti-life; they destroy your spirit and connection with your Inner Being and Source. This dire separation and self-abuse generate more chaos, powerlessness, and pain.

Please know I am not talking about having a good time in moderation. I am not a prude! I love a cocktail or two and some naughty food at times.

What I am saying is using a substance or an action to avoid internal pain. That is exactly what addictions are. The further you separate from yourself, the more you become dis-integrated instead of integrated – it’s that simple! Then you are under the ego’s control and can be mined often for supply – your painful, toxic emotions.

Make no mistake, your ego is your internal narcissist, making you feel small, pathetic, empty, not good enough, and defective, and wanting you to turn to addictive relief, which in turn makes you feel even smaller, more pathetic, emptier, and hopeless.

Your ego itself is a self-loathing parasite that does what all parasites who don’t have their own authentic energy source do – destroy the host and then end in annihilation themselves.

That’s what anti-life is.

So, how do you go free from the desire for addictions that your ego has been ambushing you with?

First of all, don’t panic with feeling bad. Emotional triggers are a part of the human experience.

Triggers and painful feelings that DON’T hurt you – they only do if you separate from yourself, start thinking about them, beat yourself up and make choices that hurt you.

Most Highly Sensitive People (Starseeds) I know are totally brave, with high levels of tolerance to physical pain, and are SO resourceful. They can sort out messes incredibly – taking on the workloads and responsibilities of multiple people. Like my previous self, you may just be really bad with tolerating emotional internal pain because you have not been taught how to healthily self-soothe and be with yourself yet.

And certainly NOT in a Quantum Way!

However, the “pain” of an unmet trauma is no different from feeling a raw cut on your leg. But the problem is we can treat emotional pain as if it has a whole lot of other STUFF with it. None of that is true!

This is what triggers bring—FEAR—false Evidence Appearing Real. It hurts, and we grant the trigger far too much power rather than realizing it is actually a blessing!

It shows you an internal glitch that is NOT your True Self, offering you an opportunity to love and accept yourself even more through it (wouldn’t that be how you would start to trust and adore someone who offers you that level of support in your life?).

And … then the practice of blessing and accepting it as the grand opportunity to UP-SHIFT and evolve yourself Higher!

As a Highly Sensitive Person, you are tough and courageous—it doesn’t matter if the internal trauma-dense energy feels like you are having your leg sawn off! I know we can BEAR that! If you can hold it (without thinking), love yourself, bless and accept it, and Quantumly shift it, then you have mastered ascension!

Because you are here watching my stuff, doing this Quantum inner work, it is more than likely you are a sensitive Starseed. You came onto this dense planet of duality and trauma, and it was shocking for you. You went through some horrendous things in past lives and childhood, but now it is your time to rise, face the dense internal energy for yourself and humanity, and upshift with grace, presence, and power.

We are NOT bad people. We are NOT annihilated. We are NOT being thrown out into the desert, strung up or having something terrible done to us now.

Those times are OVER!

We have the Quantum keys and knowledge now!

Exercise 2: I want you to write this empowering statement: “I am already my True Self connected to my True Source. I am safely partnered with Source because I am partnered with me. I now easily feel, bless, and release the glitches that are not me.”

Relax, take deep breaths, keep your body open, and repeat this to yourself several times to innerstand this truth.

How does that feel?


The Truth About Addictions

It could be said that every human being is addicted to “something.” This is true because we are wired that way – to be addicted.

Every emotional reaction we have (from our Inner Being) sends an electrical charge to our brain, signaling the hypothalamus to create a peptide that matches the emotion.

This gets distributed throughout our being, and if we are used to regular doses, the cells of our body split, creating twice the amount of receptor points to receive that specific peptide. If you are used to being a victim, your cells need twice as much victim peptide to fulfill them. Therefore, your brain will want to think about more victimization, and you will do more things to victimize yourself, create situations, and have people in your life who grant you this self-fulfilling prophecy.

In the context of addiction urges – when they are hot and heavy and nasty – let’s look at what happens.

You have a painful trigger.

You don’t breathe and open your body or speak nicely to yourself.

You don’t bless and accept this feeling.

You start thinking about what hurts.

You are retraumatizing yourself and whipping yourself up into even more pain.

You resent the painful feeling and resist it so much, wanting to escape it, that your ego EASILY lures you with suggestions about an addictive choice.

Addiction urges can be MASSIVE because of what you have been doing.

Let’s look at how to turn this around.


Quantumly Healing Addictions

This is how you can and will reverse painful peptide addiction.

  • The feeling hits – you start loving self-talk WITHOUT thinking about it. It lessens the emotional signal.
  • You bless and accept the feeling – the signal turns to acceptance instead of trauma. Your hypothalamus doesn’t manufacture a nasty peptide – rather, peptides of support, love, and acceptance start being manufactured – DESPITE the trigger.
  • These GOOD peptides reach and are absorbed by your cells. You start getting ADDICTED to them, which then does the self-partnering practices you do automatically because your cells call for them, turning you into a manufacturing and manifesting plant of “more of that.”
  • Then, you shift to the underlying program, which will heal the cause of the trigger. Everything else is healing in your chemical and cellular makeup to support this solid and lasting shift.

Okay, so let’s break down the healing steps with supportive Speedy Shifts – to go free from repeat traumas that push you into addictions.

You must have No Contact with your addiction that you reach for in times of trauma. This “thing” is a narcissistic entity in your life and must be treated as such. Don’t keep taking the poison that poisons you – or touching the hot stove that burns you.

Do all your self-supportive practices when the trigger hits – as previously discussed.

If you are terrified of facing internal trauma – then …

  • Speedy Shift Module 4 – Source Healing and Resolution of the fear of feeling and being in emotional pain.


  • Speedy Shift Module 4 – Source Healing and Resolution of NOT Blessing and accepting the pain and wishing to escape it.


  • Speedy Shift Module 5 – Goal Setting: “It is safe to be with and hold my pain. It is the grand opportunity to love, accept, and support myself more, release a glitch, and ascend higher.” (This isn’t to be done until you did the other Source Healing and Resolution shifts first.) Then you will shift to addressing the actual Addictive urge trigger – ONLY after self-partnering and blessing and accepting it.


  • Speedy Shift Module 4 – Source Healing and Resolution of the dense energy in your body that IS the urge.


That is IT – that’s all you have to clean out. Because IN that urge are all of the traumas and programs that are causing you to try to self-medicate with your addiction of choice.

When you have reached a 10/10, you can’t feel any addictive urge in your body. Rather, you feel peace, space, and relief on the inside.

But be prepared, as deeper urges will come up. They could hit in minutes, hours, or days. You need to be vigilant and keep going. If you do, it will not take long to be free—I promise you.

This is exactly how I healed from a smoking addiction that was chronic and malignant, and nothing else helped – and I tried everything humanly possible to stop.

After ONLY 3 days of everything I have talked about here – I became a NON-smoker after a decades-long addiction that had escalated to 70+ cigarettes a day.

I never ONCE craved a cigarette again after those three days, and I couldn’t smoke ever again. I was done. It was because I shifted out the true reasons I smoked. Plus, I loved and accepted every part of this transformation.


In Conclusion

I hope this information is life-changing for you, just as it has been for me! – and I can’t wait to hear your results! It’s been thrilling to hear how well many of you have been doing after Day 1Day 2, and Day 3. Many of you are already free from the obsessive thoughts haunting you!

If you would love to participate in the Speedy Shift Facebook Challenge and enter the Competition to win one of 3 personal 1 on 1 healing valued at USD 995.00 Quanta Freedom Healing™, please watch my video for further details and how to register for the competition.

There is only a week left to know and follow these instructions!

If you are not yet a Speedy Shift Member, you can download incredible healings that take only 7 minutes to complete HERE.

If you would love to be a part of my Global Community to receive weekly internal shifts that I do for you, you can start your ascension journey here by becoming a Shifts Happen Quantum Healing Member HERE.

Next week, in the Shifts Happen Global Community Healing, you will learn all about it and shift to “How To Transcend The Ego.”

I look forward, as always, to answering your comments and questions below.

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22 thoughts on “Healing The Addictions Making You Obsess

  1. Hi Melanie
    For me your help has been very important. It has been especially about accepting the light. I had a very religious childhood, my parents put me in a seminary to be a missionary
    There is no doubt that religion made me an atheist. I saw what religion was and I believed that all that was a lie and false.
    Therefore, I have had many problems accepting that there is a God, a Higher Power, a Quantum Field, philosophically I was a dialectical materialist, in science a positivist: what I don’t see I don’t believe.
    On the other hand, I had a very difficult childhood, I felt that there was no way out, no solution for me, therefore, I turned to my head, I became addicted to turning it over in my head.
    Furthermore, for many years I did therapy and the first charging the feelings I am use to it, but without the unconditional love for the child who suffers, but letting go and above all, getting the light in is more difficult for me because of what I have mentioned.
    Therefore, these weeks plus the NARP program are helping me enormously. So thank you very much Melanie for all of this.
    And Thak you because now I can have quite good relationship with my daughter, not before that no matter how hard I tried
    I these weeks I have made a tremendous progress acepting the light and seeing myselg with much more love and aceptance

    1. Hi Miguel,

      I always love hearing from you Dear Man. Its wonderful you are still connected with our incredible Community.

      Absolutely this disconnection fron The Light and our inner soul has been extreme traumatic and an absolute travesty.

      It’s beautiful and brilliant how you have reconnected to you and The Light and your daughter Miguel.

      Such a joy to share this Quantum Journey with you!

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  2. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
    I am amazing myself with the phenomenal progress I am achieving with this 5 Day Challenge, Mel!

    If you recall, my substance addiction ended abruptly and completely after Day 1 because I had set my goal WAY higher for this challenge. My True Source Self KNEW it was necessary to be free of that addiction in order to have a clear mind for the deeper truths, and addictions, I desperately needed to unearth to attain my higher goal.
    I had to work last night and wasn’t able to be on live with you but was okay knowing I could access the replay. I experienced a very large, dark trigger while eating breakfast and preparing for work. I received a text message from my sister (not a narcissist), with the usual tone of control and superiority regarding our holiday dinner tonight, which led to the familiar trigger of me feeling less than. Immediately my stomach started churning and roiling and I couldn’t help but start crying as well. Instead of wallowing in this pit of vipers I went to NARP Speedy 9 and began shifting. (Oh, do I remember how the Ex N loved to trigger me before work!) I came away from the, what I call, Healing Session with such an empowered feeling of freedom and growth! I was able to recognize my own woundedness as well as my sister’s and that she was merely a messenger. I’m grateful for that because I can attend dinner in her home without taking all of that with me!

    I came to your blog straight away this morning to begin the exercises for Day 4. Wow!! Am I ever proud of Myself! What an incredible breakthrough! To recognize and take action in the exact way you described is boggling my mind! I do know without doubt I am now moving forward with my full intentions intact! (Where have I heard that before?! 🥰)
    I can’t wait to start the Healing Sessions for Day 4!

    Again, thank you, Mel!
    Love, Kat 💕🙏🦋

    1. Hi Kat,

      It’s gorgeous to hear from you again! Yes I do remember.

      You are modelling Quantum Evolution beautifully … and its a joy to be with you on this journey.

      I can feel your heart expansion amd soul freedom from here.


      Much Love

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  3. Encouraging, insightful, loving..evoking such sentiment in me, receiving and reading your blog, I want to support you in kind by again saying thank you! Thank you Melanie!! ❤️😊🙏

  4. Hey Mel,

    I just wanted to take a sec to appreciate you! I love your work! Im a NARPer and also a speedy shifter. Im on day 3 of the obsessive thoughts challenge. It has been a blessing because so many things from the past are gone and I no longer fear what the ex narc might do. And he doesnt occupy rent free space in my head as much as he did in the past.

    You have often mentioned how being healthy several times is so important in this journey towards becoming our true selves becoming the light. Doing NARP since a year has helped me believe in myself and nowI am working on an ayurvedic adaptogenic blend which Ive been having myself and give my kids to build immunity and manage stress holistically.

    Looking forward to Thirver healings
    Take care,

    1. Hi Minnal,

      It’s lovely to hear from you and thank you for your comment.

      You should be so proud of your efforts and breakthroughs and well earned peace and freedom.

      Much Love to you and your children

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  5. Thank you Melanie😄
    I´m a NARP and a SPEEDY member.
    I´ve been doing the challenge like every day.
    I am one of those you describe, sitting there for hours, and hours, and hours….
    Trying to get to a zero, and seems to keep being around 1 or 2, and the shift to about 9. And then I´m stuck.
    This day of the challenge brought some very powerful innerstanding for me. The first two parts of self-love and blessing and acceptance of what arises.
    I actually from a “being place”, like really taking care of the Inner Child/experience, felt shifts before going into the shifts. And felt the “blizz” which for me is the light. Very powerful thank you.
    My “heavy” addictions have been released the last 5 years. And I am observing, how I react to a small urge to watch a movie, to do some work – And the difference between an urge and an inspiration – I´m so grateful right now for all the “stuff” I have let go of.

    One question. When I go into the shifts, I still seem to get “stuck” around the 1-2 and 9.
    I listened to your recording, and the ego is tricky and will get back, and seems this could be an ego trick?

    I would love any ideas on how to proceed with this.

    Thank you again Melanie, big smile and love❤️

    1. Hi Michael,

      Thank you for your post!

      Well done you for all of the awesome inner work you are doing!

      Of course I’d love to help you with this!

      My suggestion is breathe, open your body and state “I’m targeting the trauma in my body that is not allowing me to get to zero out of 10. I’m targeting those blocks.”

      Somewhere in your body will light up. Then you shift as normal.

      I hope this helps!

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  6. Dear Mel,

    This one, really the whole speedy shift series, so far, has helped me the most by finally helping me see that the emotions that arise in a triggering situation are always connected to an illusion, a painful limiting belief, about who I truly am, not the story.

    The shift work is different now in that the pressure of getting it exactly right, the emotional desperation, the need to escape the horrible circumstance and magically block it from happening again, is less and replaced with a new ability to emotional sense each part of the visualizations in my body, including a distinct and permanent release after every shift. I can concentrate better during the shifts, encounter less obstacles to actually starting one, and even enjoy them more because I now understand what you mean by having fascination when you meet the emotion with your calm, centered and alert self that is not intimidated or threatened by these illusions, instead they are welcomed.

    Still, it’s not a walk in the park yet. I feel precariously lucky to have made it this far and now that things are changing fast, I can see there is lots of work to do in releasing self doubt and my fear and powerlessness that is that judging anger about injustice, in order to be ready, fearlessly ready, for a big custody court battle looming 9 days away.

    The lure of the ego, doing push-ups and waiting, to take me back into addictive self-avoiding patterns instead of facing the worst triggers of my past during the preparation of court exhibits that are those worse injustices that were never really heard, has me worried and I really want to give myself more support to stay dedicated and on track. I know I should let go of attachment to outcome but that can be self avoidance. Doing that before caused me to not prepare properly and greatly limited my time with my daughter for a couple of years now.

    I can sense that this tension is an opportunity of greater and more encompassing breakthrough than just the court outcome, but I can’t help but feel that pressure of great consequence, and worry that I am going to blow it if I don’t take right action, which gets me stuck.

    I am very pleased to learn about the Shift Happens program and that feels like it would be the right choice now, even though that is more about long-term dedication. I feel that long-term dedication action choice could help now in a quantum way.

    Is that intro video to the Shift Happens still up somewhere? Is it too late to jump onto that program? I can’t find much info on it.

    You are the real deal, Mel, and of all the people I admire for their contribution to our liberation from the ego it is you I admire, am inspired by and love the most for your authentic caring and amazing laser-focused cutting-edge powerful work.

    Thank You, Mel!


    1. Hi Doug,

      It’s brilliant to hear how far you have come!

      I’m thrilled Speedy Shifts are now catapulting you into true freedom and breakthroughs

      Please know myself and this community are sending you big love and breakthroughs for your custody battle coming up.

      You’ve got this and we have got you.

      You are so right … at the time of wanting to self avoid amd check out the most … are the times when you need to turn inwards and shift the most.

      It’s a choice that pays off in the most incredible breakthroughs if you do it Doug. I promise you, with discipline it becomes easier and easier for this practice to become automatic.

      Absolutely Shifts Happen is one of the most powerful alignment tools you can take up.

      Last week’s members reported this was some of the most (if not the most) powerful breakthroughs they have ever had. This week was even more powerful.

      Once you join you will receive all and every previous session and you are also hooked up with all the future ones.

      Just for the one monthly ongoing fee.

      Because I do the healings for you by proxy, all you have to do is breathe abd open your body to get the UPshift.

      Each session is around 90 minutes long … so you are getting a “pamper” and powerful soul evolution at the same time.

      It’s having greater results for people that I even believed in my wildest dreams!

      Plus we have quite a few guys onbard which is fantastic!

      Can’t wait to see you there Doug.

      Much Love

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  7. This was the most powerful guide to breaking addictions I’ve ever read, with so many deep insights and practical step-by-step guidance. It’s my hope that your methods of going within, self-partnering, and healing by feeling the energy in the body, then shifting out the trauma will become part of addiction programs everywhere. And part of our children’s emotional education so that the world’s massive problem with addictions of every kind can finally end.

    These were, in fact, the very insights that were missing for me in my efforts to leave a 43 year marriage and addiction to a narcissist, but now offer the solutions and knowledge that have me in the final stages of divorce by using your book, healing programs, and now the Speedy Shifts which I recently purchased. I am going through the process of divorce with more empowerment and inner peace than I could ever have thought possible. Being fully self-partnered and able to put myself and my needs first was an alien concept before, and fraught with paralyzing survival-level fears, but is now becoming my normal way of being. All the steps I have to take to create my new life are now happening organically and easily! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

    1. Hi Dawn,

      I agree that addiiction programs are not deeply enough understood and coukd benefit from reform.

      I adore, that you are doing so well through this challenging time.

      Please know how welcome you are and MASSIVE congratulations to you for doing the inner work.

      Love and blessings!

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  8. Hi mel!!
    Loving the Lives!!
    Question- while I was doing the first shift of Source Healing speedies, I reached a 10 but still feel dense energy in my body, do I do another round? or keep going to the next thing that Im supposed to be clearing?

    thanks mel!!

    love you!!

  9. This is extremely insightful and helpful, and I have been using it every day since I watched the challenge, to remind me to let go of the thinking and focus on what I feel in the moment. Thank you, Mel ❤️

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