Are you feeling like your life is stuck in a rut? Do you find yourself obsessing over relationships, situations, and the past?

It’s time to break free from the imprisonment of your mind and take back your power. Dissolving trauma signatures that imprison your mind is one of the most powerful tools for finding inner freedom.

When we experience trauma, it creates a wound or energetic signature within us that can continue to play out in our lives until we heal it. This trauma signature, or false belief, can create a prison of the mind that prevents us from reaching our full potential and keeps us divorced from our true desires. It’s like a heat-seeking missile that always finds its target and can wreak havoc in our lives, even if it sabotages our efforts to create the life we want.

But you don’t have to be trapped by your trauma signatures any longer. By understanding the nature of your trauma signature and healing the deep-seated beliefs, you can start creating the life you deserve.



Facebook Video Transcript

The Topic for Day 2 of the 5-Day Challenge is “Dissolving trauma signatures that imprison your mind.”

If you have not yet followed my Facebook page, please do so. I’d love for you to share my work with others who need it.

What does that mean? It is about going free from the painful patterns that your mind keeps you trapped in now and your future – that play out repeatedly, even with different people and situations.

In our Day 1 information, you started working on freeing your mind from obsessive thoughts. We spoke about discovering what you are obsessing about, how your ego blocks you from healing the vulnerable part of you, and how to get past your ego.

Today, we are going to go deeper. In today’s lesson, we focus on finding and healing the traumatic energetic signature—the false beliefs you have taken on in your very core essence, deep within your Inner Identity. These painful traumas have a life of their own, on autopilot, within you.


Your Painful Energetic Signatures are Heat-seeking Missiles

Your deeply unconscious, insidious, and painful energetic signatures play out in your life to the “tee,” often regardless of what you try to do. This is because they feel like you are normal and “real.” It’s all you have ever known, and it feels like “your stuff” that is “you.”

You are in this 5-Day Challenge because you know you are obsessing about something or someone. You may think this is because of a situation that you recently went through or has just happened.

But is it really?

What if you were to consider that this is all coming from a feeling, a theme, a painful belief – aka traumatic energetic signature – that has been in your Inner Identity for a VERY long time? What if this was an already existing “fracture” when you were little and your lived experience in previous lifetimes?

What if this energetic signature in your energy field has stayed the same for many lifetimes and played out repeatedly because it hasn’t been healed yet? Healing from THAT would be a HUGE key to unlocking you from the prison of the painful 3rd-density traumatic, stuck, victimized mind into liberated 5th-density empowered creativeness and consciousness.

Yes! This is the case!

Until realising and acting on that inside transformational work, these insidious patterns can keep you in lower vibrational repeat powerlessness, experiencing the evidence of “my painful belief is real”. That’s a vicious cycle, therefore hardwiring more of the painful belief as your lived, expected, and self-determined experience. Then there is the added aspect of getting literally physiologically addicted to your painful, traumatic inner signature. This happens because your painful emotional triggers signal to the hypothalamus chemical manufacturing plant in your brain to create peptides that match the painful emotion.

These peptides are then distributed through your body and accepted into your cells. The powerful peptides (traumatic inner identity signatures are highly charged) make your replicating cells create twice the amount of docking points to accept the same impactful peptide (their “drug”). Therefore, you need more and more of the painful peptide that the cells are geared to receive—and literally crave.

You have become an addict, co-generating more powerless, painful, and traumatic events in your life that match the painful peptides that your cells crave. This may sound impossible to beat – but it’s actually not!

Your traumatic inner identity signature is NOT who you are. You are geared naturally to live free from it. A great part of the battle has been you accepting that what you are feeling is normal and that struggling and battling with this part of you is REAL.

These feelings and battles are not your True Self. They are simply a dis-ease. An imposter is a glitch in your emotional system that was never meant to be there and is not you or your truth.  It CAN be found and cleaned out – like a virus in a computer system.

Let’s start doing that.



Inner-standing WHAT your painful energetic signatures are about

Now, I want you to breathe, open up your body and go along.

Stay open to the information and the processes I will share with you. Because the truth will set you free, this information can liberate you from previous painful patterns, blocking you from reaching your full potential and keeping you separated from your dreams.

Exercise 1: Write this statement: “I now acknowledge that what I am obsessing about is a theme for me. This theme has played out in repeat and is connected to a painful, energetic signature within me. I am ready to find it to heal it, and go free.”

Read it to yourself a few times whilst your body is relaxed and breathing deeply to help absorb this as an inner standing.

Why is this inner standing so important?

Because of Quantum Law, “so within, so without.” Whatever is going on as an energetic signature inside of you – for good or bad – means that you are programmed into the exact matching trajectory that will bring about “more” of that energy signature no matter what you try to do.

This inner emotional (energy-in-motion) heat-seeking missile is REAL for you regarding the people and situations you choose, how you show up with these people, and what becomes of these exchanges.

It has been your “normal”. It’s familiar – it’s just what you know how to do, unconsciously, and it is ingrained as your “usual.” You don’t know that you unconsciously expect this, but you continue to connect and participate in it.

Then, because it is unnatural, it is not aligned with your true self, unity consciousness, and source/soul self, which is about expansion, life force, freedom, and creation, and it hurts.

It’s contrary to the true inner code—your Source Self is the innate programming that is your self and your life. This is why you obsess, trying to “think” your way out of an unnatural, dis-eased glitch—but this is never the way to resolve it.

Only the inner work does this.

Okay, now let’s move on to the next exercise.

Exercise 2: Think of the vulnerable feeling that you have been able to reach in Day 1’s lesson.

Are these feelings of “I’m not good enough?” “I’m not heard,” “I’m not supported / lovable/worthy of love,” or whatever it is.

Write it down again. Hopefully, this is what you have been able to get to – after getting your ego blocks out of the way with Speedy Shift module 4 – the Source Healing and Resolution Module, and you have been working on the vulnerable feelings with either Module 4 Speedy Shift again or Module 1 Speedy of NARP (as per your instructions for Day 1)

Now think about the “pattern” of this … such as WHEN and WHO have you felt this feeling.

Was it as a child? Was it one of both parents, a teacher, or another caregiver? Or another family member? Was it in adult relationships? Was it at school? Was it with friends? Write down the person or people and what age they are, approximately – really tapping into the “feeling” of your vulnerable part.

Now, you are going to really identify what your energy signature is …

Maybe you had DEEPER feelings after doing your inner Speedies work on Day 1.

(I know many of you have because you told me this!)

Whether or not you have gone deeper, now it is time to! This is where you REALLY have to trust what you are feeling…and go DEEPER.

Let’s set that intention together now.

Exercise 3: Write this statement now: “I’m ready to go DEEP into the truth of what has been playing out for me. The DEEPER painful inner belief. Because as a powerful Creator, I know I’ve had the power to generate what I don’t want, unconsciously. Now, I acknowledge that I have the power to find this so that I can powerfully recreate my life anew.

Identifying your painful energetic signatures

Let me help you really feel this with some examples that may go “ping for you” – for example, if you have found the vulnerable parts “I’m not heard, I’m not good enough, I’m unlovable” … DEEPER underneath this could be a painful core belief such as…

“I don’t deserve to exist,” “I don’t belong here (on this planet),” “I’m defective/wrong/unacceptable… etc. “I’ll never fit in.” “It’s unsafe to be myself”,… or maybe all of these.

Your painful trauma signature has to do with your EXISTENCE. Your place in the world. Who you ARE as a human being on planet Earth.

It is a False Belief created by embodied trauma, usually set up way back in past lives and absolutely inherited from your ancestors who also had big fractures about their very existence, wedged in their subconscious programs. Please know that not only do you take on aesthetic features like skin and hair color, but you also inherit emotional beliefs; they are passed down to you as well – including the PAINFUL ones. Because they have large emotional energy trapped in them, they powerfully manifest and have a life force passed on from generation to generation.

Then, as well as being impregnated with painful, energetic existence signatures that were a part of you when you were born, you were also brought up in a family that reinforced these traumas because your family carried them as well.

The important thing to understand about painful energetic signatures is – if they exist inside of you – they will continue to play out for you – and you will also pass them on to your offspring and those people’s lives who you influence.

There is no upside for you or anyone else to hang on to painful, energetic signatures. When you leave them, you will also pass on energetic freedom to those you are connected to and those whose lives you touch.

This is what leading by example is about.

So, Ask yourself this …

Question 1: “What painful belief or beliefs do I have about my VERY EXISTENCE as a human on this planet?”

Breathe, open your body, and rock if you need to self-soothe, and be brave. The more vulnerable (truthful) you are, the more authentically real you are and the more powerfully and quickly you can heal.

Write down what arises for you.

Now … as shocking as this may seem, this energetic signature doesn’t have power over you. Lies don’t – they only seem to when you believe them. Once the dense energy of this energy signature is released and replaced with the Light of your True Self in Speedy shifts, you won’t believe this ridiculous notion!

Because it will NO longer Be Who You Are. Your inner standing (internal energetic signature) will change completely. Then, the people and situations that bring you the evidence of this belief will become unpalatable for you. They won’t yoke with you anymore. You will honestly speak your truth, and they either step up to join you in your truth or you lovingly part ways, knowing that you are no longer a match for these people.

Then you can start generating situations and people who DO match your True Self version.

Imagine what that could be as you come home to the truth of Who You REALLY Are on this planet, namely this …

“I am a fractal of Source and All That Is, and at One with Creation Itself. I deserve to exist because existence and I am One. I am supported by all of Source’s life force and loved unconditionally by Source / God / Creation simply because I exist. It is impossible to be separated from or not deserve what I am.”

Can you imagine what will start to open up for you in the inner standing of this Truth?

The EVIDENCE of this inner standing.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that your life is not going to have growth challenges and things that go “wrong” – which is always pushing you to up-level on the inside to alter course, turn up in more empowered ways on the outside, and claim your next True Self and True Life expansion.

And … you will not be spinning your wheels stuck in the same “Analysis paralysis” because your Energy Signature is no longer powerfully playing out behind the scenes, keeping you stuck in less than situations and interactions that bring about the same painful patterns and people.


Were You Addicted To Your Old Inner Fractured Existence Self?

Absolutely! Because it was familiar and “normal” to you, and even more than that, the disappointments, struggles, and painful triggers were supplying you with emotional peptides, chemical cocktails that your hypothalamus (the chemical manufacturing plant of your brain) creates and dispenses throughout your body. The cells of your body absolutely get addicted to the feelings that create heavy emotional charges.

This was a HUGE reason for you being stuck in the obsessional loop with painful thoughts, this was the way your painbody manufactured more of the pain that you were hooked on and that which your ego loved feeding off as well.

You don’t need to worry about this – because when you work with Quanta Freedom Healing (and now it’s even faster with the Speedies), the addiction loop is broken. The body gets a shift, and the brain follows, meaning the painful emotional peptides cease to be manufactured.

The dis-eased cells used to receiving nasty cocktails are instantly set free because they are immersed in the Light of Source, which heals what we can’t.

This means you just organically ascend beyond all of that mess – shift by shift – often instantly!


Shifting Up and Out of Your Painful Trauma Signatures

Again, it’s important to understand that to change your life, you only have the power to change yourself. If you do that inside yourself, you will change your Being, and everything that manifests as your self and life will also start changing.

This is where you have power as a Human Being – you are not a Human “Doing” or a Human “Getting”!

So now, here are my recommended healing combinations.

Set the intention that you are targeting the trauma in your body that relates to the Inner Identity Existence Signature of “whatever it is.”

Choices to use are:

  • Speedy Shifts Source Healing and Resolution Module (powerful option; DO THIS FIRST!)
  • NARP Module 7 Speedy Shift – Connecting to the gift of spiritual empowerment is also a powerful tool to heal your Existence Wounds. Also, I highly suggest
  • NARP Speedy Module 2 – Releasing the illusion of something or someone else being your source of self.

You can use the Speedy Shifts Course Goal Setting Module to set up the goal I spoke about previously …

“I am a fractal of Source and All That Is, and at One with Creation Itself. I deserve to exist because existence and I am One. I am supported by all of Source’s life force and loved unconditionally by Source / God / Creation simply because I exist. It is impossible to be separated from or not deserve what I am.”

I know it’s long – but all you need to do is set the intention that is your goal-set and then clear trauma till you get to a 10/10 – and the results in your inner and outer worlds will be spectacular!

When working on deep existence traumas (and really any traumas), it’s very beneficial to use Module 1,2,3 tune-ups in the Seedy Shifts Course because that helps you to SHUFT out of the lesser 3D self into the Higher 5D self, so much faster and more effectively!

I’m excited to hear about the results from Day 2. it’s been thrilling to hear how well many of you have been doing after Day 1. Many of you are already free from the obsessive thoughts haunting you!

This Day 2 information will give you an incredible super-boost into peace, grace, and inner power!

TO partake in this FREE Speedy Shifts Healing Lessons and/or the 5-Day Challenge Competition with a chance to win one of 3 free Speedy Shift Healing sessions with myself,

Become a Speedy Shift Program Member.

Or, become a Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program Gold Member,  .. or

Upgrade your Silver NARP Course to Gold to unlock your Speedy Shift upgrades.

I’d love you to share your comments and questions below!

You can also share your comments on my Facebook Page and YouTube Channel and also share my work with others who need it.

It’s my honor to read and answer them.

Related blog post

The Narcissist’s Greatest Fear: You Becoming Your True Self and Aligning with Your 5D Ascension Path

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The Narcissist Never Lets You Go: How to Finally Get Freedom

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29 thoughts on “How Do Trauma Signature Patterns Imprison Your Mind?

  1. Hi Mel,

    Every time I try to go to your Facebook page, I receive an error message. It is not letting me access it. I am not sure if others are having this issue or just me!

    Lots of love!

    1. Hi Tabitha,

      I am sorry you are experiencing difficulties with Melanie’s Facebook page. I can assure you all is well with Melanie’s Facebook page and posts on our end.

      If this error persists, please email [email protected] letting us know what device and browser you are using and exactly what is happening (with screenshots if possible), and we can give further instructions.xoxo

    2. Hi Tabitha,

      Darling that is totally okay …

      You can pop your comments anywhere that I post the challenges. Including here! It’s awesome having you in the Challange.

      It seems that there is something funky going on at Facebooks end!

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  2. Hi Mel,

    I’m having the same issues like Tabitha.

    I already posted it in the MTE technical issues forum.

    Lots of love,

  3. Dear Melanie
    This second day challenge is huge!
    Going into the people, situations, my age section and writing about it I found that I thought I knew what my pattern was and I was working on ‘ I am unlovable” but then I saw it was “ I am defective and unlovable” and ‘ I don’t deserve to exist”
    I have not been able to clear these after many shifts.
    Then memories of being humiliated some small some big situations throughout my life confused me as to how to name that?
    Also the absolute rage situations that have either been projected onto me or me being in the rage.
    As I look into this part of the challenge, I am absolutely heartbroken at how my life turned out and that no wonder I have run to the hills and live the way I do.
    As a sensitive person, I still am effected by the actions of my family of origin although through this work it has got better.
    I also know my love codes are up the spout to put it bluntly but with the focus on the signature trauma patterns right now I am not too sure what and which one to focus on. It was hard going through “ I am unlovable” and “I dont deserve to exist”
    And not being able to clear them. I will go to them again today and see what happens. Waking up this morning the whole humiliation aspect arose and being either singled out for punishment or being laughed out by a whole group of people came into the foreground. Writing about those situations just is devastating!
    I must have had no sense of value and worth!
    Thank you for this opportunity and loving support.
    Reena xxx

    1. Hi Reena daring,

      Please know you don’t have to name it, you only need to take that feeling in your body to Module 4 Speedy to clear it.

      Just do that sweetheart… truly and check in again soon.

      Love and hugs to you

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

      1. Dear Melanie

        Yes that definitely helped me.
        I think I got bogged down in the when and with whom and what age the signature patterns appeared.

        Just going to the feeling without any definition and after 8 shifts was able to clear whatever was stuck.

        Thank you Melanie
        Love Reena xxx

  4. Dear Mel 💖,

    Thank you SO much for Day 2!

    Yesterday, the feeling of being deeply in love with me suddenly came into me.
    Where nothing and nobody has to change. Wonderful expansion.
    It lasted 1 hour.

    Thank you 🙏.

    Is there just ONE painful trauma signature (like a core trauma about existence as such) or could there be several painful trauma signatures?


    Julia 🌈

    1. Hi Julia,

      Sorry it has taken me a while to get back to you. It’s been very busy at MTE!

      I adore that your cells filled with the Light of Source… this feeling is going to become more and more consistent!

      There can be more than one Julia. As you heal the biggest you may discover others start shrinking in intensity even before you get to those.

      Lots of love and blessings

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

      1. Hi Mel,

        Thank you so much for your reply 🙏.

        Very helpful to know that there can be more than one trauma signature.
        Because I was surprised and didn’t know how to go about when some of them showed up either at the same time or successively.

        Their intensity level also varies now. Before, I always started with a 10 which changed.

        I confirm, others start shrinking in intensity. It’s like you get somewhere, and someone else already did the job for you ☺️ or you don’t even remember having had a problem.

        I start to enjoy again being with people. I loved / enjoyed being with people before trauma clogs.

        I feel a ‘biggy’. Not sure yet, how to access it. Feelings around this are various and fluctuating. Mostly, numbness which I always find difficult to grasp. I will sit with it…

        I’m so curious about Day 3.

        Lots of love,

        Julia 🌅

  5. Thank you, Mel! Again, you have helped guide me out of a painfully stuck vicious cycle.

    Day 1 helped get to my core issues, though I still struggle to identify them, and make tremendous progress. One side-effect was an abrupt and complete end to a substance addiction. I’m still amazed by how truly powerful these Speedies are!

    Day 2 has brought more clarity which would not have been possible with a clouded mind. Do I believe I’m being supported by a Higher Power? 10/10!

    I finally feel like I’m on track for my best life. Ready for Day 3!


  6. Huge triggers

    So clearing them daily
    Day 1 ego was putting on all the breaks – in such a massive way

    Day 2 – then it went to not wanting to or even get involved in QFH in any shape or form and did over 8 shifts last night as it felt like I had been engulfed by this trigger – to now this morning ( Tues ) totally free for these chains –
    If I hadn’t done QFH for the last 4 years I would of completely stop and let it all go but I knew better to keep going through this and just focused for hours last night

    To now freedom form that specific topic
    I am now doing speedy 1,2,3 and cleaning up my inter engine so I can continue with day 2

    And also to prepare for day 3

    It’s been a rough trot but I trust it is to clean up deep we core repeated trauma

    Thank you 🙏 much love to you Mel –

    I’m going to just keep going ——

    1. Hi Faye,

      Darling also remember to be kind to you. Some beautiful self talk as well. Also maybe go and ground in some healing nature too.

      Balance lovely with your healings.

      See you soon in Day 3.

      Lots of love

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  7. My emotional baggage has gotten progressively lighter since beginning the Speedies Challenge and I feel like I’m finding a rhythm in how to best use them- and, Mel, your livestreams have helped with that immensely and in staying inspired to continue during the low/ difficult times. What has been really interesting and now wonderful over the past week since Day 2 of the Challenge where you spoke about our energetic signature, is waking up and becoming aware of specifically what that is for me. Now I realize what I’ve been trying to ‘fix’ for so long has simply been an imposter which is the inner narcissist. Mindblowing actually and what a relief to be able to finally see it for what it is!!! That said, I felt a bit strange for the first few days. Not bad, but it felt unfamiliar in my body. I’ve been doing a lot of walking outdoors with my pup so that has helped immensely. Now after settling in more with this new feeling….I realized today that I literally feel like I’m in a different body for the first time in my life. It sounds so strange to even say that but I do feel that way and it feels so natural. I definitely have more big stuff to shift and now a desire to do the work instead of feeling like ugh. this is so hard. Now it’s like, bring it on!! Can’t wait for Day 3!!! Thank you from the bottom of my relieved heart.

    1. Hi Denise,

      Ohhhh I love what I am reading – you are so on schedule in embracing and activating YOU … the True You.

      When the work feels awesome, exciting and beautiful… you are already “there” darling heart.

      Well done!

      Love and blessings

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  8. Hello Mel,

    I took your advice to tune up my shifts with Speedies Mod 1-3. I thought I was on track previously, but after getting in there I discovered I was 6+ to start for each one. After shifting to get all to 10s, my shifts feel more effective now. Yay!

    Like many others, this 5 week challenge theme is really resonating with me. Exercise 2 was very powerful. Having a large list of people in front of me across my lifetime, and now including my young son, all interacting with me in the similar ways really hit home. I felt it all along and was always heartbroken that all my interactions and experiences ended up the same and have been absolutely demoralized that it is going that way with my 6 year old son. But for once, I feel empowered to change it for good, having the tools to do so. I know you know how HUGE this is.

    Thank you for what you do.

    ~Danielle M.

  9. Hi Mel and everyone reading,
    I have a question and perhaps it resonates with others reading this.
    I’ve been doing Speedy Shifts on releasing ego blocks that I call my ‘bully ego blocks’ as they are a part of my energetic signature since childhood. First, it’s a relief to see that more clearly than I ever have as opposed to believing that somehow that is a part of the true me. They particularly love to terrorize me when I’m creative which is how I make my living and is where I make my best living and the bully blocks have a enormous issue that ever since I was a kid. That said, I’m finding in using Speedies, that I’ll get to a 9/10 and will hear ‘you’re not quite there’ which I now understand is my ego and where my need for perfectionism stems from- WOW, so incredibly helpful!!! That said, at the end of my last Source Healing and Resolution in Module 4 of Speedies, on this topic, when I reached a 9/10 and heard the familiar ‘you’re not quite there’, I paused and didn’t buy into it. From there I received what felt like the insight to continue shifting out trauma AND to flood myself with the Light because that will eventually have the bully blocks running for dark cover like the vampires they are. So my question is, does this sound true and like I’m on the right track? I’m loving using Speedies more and more. Instead of them feeling like ‘I’ve got to go do a healing’, it’s becoming more and more like ‘I get to go do a healing’…..almost like brushing your teeth! 🙂

  10. This live was very important for me and as soon as heard about the emotional signature, I immediately knew what mine was and it has been in my awareness my entire life. I just never thought to recognize that as wrong and detach from that. This session was huge for me!

  11. This is very “substantial “ for me and probably the one challenge out of the 5 that I most want to get back over several times. Extremely helpful, thank you so much, Mel ❤️

  12. Mel, Reading the comments I realize I miss a lot and need to go back and re-listen. The tune ups and explanation of ego blocks have been a BIG help. For the first time in a long time I actually felt flooded with light and love. What a joy! Now my ego is back on the rampage. And I need to start over again. But it’s ok this time. Pesky ego will get relegated to dusting under the beds.

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