Why Did We Ignore The Red Flags Of The Narcissist?

When I met my ex narcissist I knew within 2 weeks that “something was off.” After being in regular contact for days, all of a sudden he was out of contact, and I had this overwhelming feeling that something was not right.

Then evidence appeared that he was in fact lying to me – but I dismissed it.

My intuition was trying to guide me to safety, but instead I chose not listen, I chose to ignore the messages and rationalise the red flags that were staring me in the face. Continue reading “Why Did We Ignore The Red Flags Of The Narcissist?”

How To Find Your Soul Mate

Most of us have heard the expression Soul Mate or Twin Soul. Different people have different ideas regarding what a soul mate is.

Some people believe a soul mate is our romantic partner for life.

Some people believe that soul mates are people who we can have any meaningful relationship with – even a parent, or a child, or a best friend.

I believe all relationships which we attract and participate in provide us the level of love we are currently providing for ourselves. Continue reading “How To Find Your Soul Mate”

How An Addictive Nature Makes You A Match For A Narcissist

I want to share this article with you because I want to grant you some more awareness of the bonds that happen between narcissists and co-dependents – and why they happen.

This is very important because it allows us to realise that connections and relationships between people are not a random event – they are in fact vibrational.

By understanding how matches between different personalities work, we can understand how by changing our vibration we can in fact change our relationship experiences. Continue reading “How An Addictive Nature Makes You A Match For A Narcissist”

How To Connect To Your Inspired Self

In the last Empowered Life and Love Article I talked about the feelings that we experienced from triggers.

These were to do with our past – and specifically our unresolved inner wounds which are causing us to be triggered by outside events.

This article is to do with the other kind of feelings we can experience – the feelings from our inspirational self.

Within this article you will start to understand the difference and how much freedom you can gain in your life from releasing your unresolved inner wounds and flowing into your inspirational self. Continue reading “How To Connect To Your Inspired Self”

The Most Effective Way To Heal Your Emotional Wounds

We all know that the pain of narcissistic abuse seems unfathomable.

It is so severe that it may feel almost impossible to function in everyday life.

It can be a major accomplishment to effectively eat and sleep, let alone have the emotional stability to start your life all over again.

My greatest mission regarding the work I do is to help people release this incredible emotional agony, so that they can rebuild and align with the creation of a life that not only works, but leaves the horror of narcissistic abuse way, way behind. Continue reading “The Most Effective Way To Heal Your Emotional Wounds”

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