Why Do People Manipulate?

Recently a lady within the community requested an article about ‘manipulation’. As soon as she posted this request on the blog, I immediately thought – What a great idea!

I know many people in this community, for obvious reasons, have suffered the intense tactics of manipulation – which includes love-bombing, outrageous pathological lies, the awful results of triangulations and smear campaigns, and behaviours which defy any human reason or explanation.

All of these things fly under the banner of ‘manipulation’. Continue reading “Why Do People Manipulate?”

How To Create A Healthy Relationship

Today I want to talk to you about the reason why people start relationships, and how to start a relationship for the right reasons…

Rather than start a relationship that is doomed to fail from its onset.

So what is the #1 reason why people get into relationships that are doomed to fail?

To avoid the pain and fear of their own self.

This pain and fear could be a variety of things, such as: Continue reading “How To Create A Healthy Relationship”

How To Release Shame And Come Home To Yourself

In today’s article I want to bring up a topic that so many people don’t want to think about or talk about.

It’s about that inky, insidious word ‘Shame’. Even saying the word “Shame” feels yukky!

The reason I want to do this is because if we leave shame buried in the darkness it remains insidious. Truly this topic needs to be brought up into the release and the relief of the light of day – and that is my intention in regard to ‘shame’ today.

Life doesn’t always go perfectly. Life just isn’t like that. There are things that happen in our life that get us questioning all sorts of things. Continue reading “How To Release Shame And Come Home To Yourself”

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