After severing ties with a narcissist it’s likely that they will have tried to maintain contact in some form …

They may have even put the question to you – do you want to stay friends?

This can be a very difficult offer to say no to, after all, you most likely shared parts of yourself with this person that you have never shared with anyone else. And there were those times that they made you feel so special and understood.

The thought of saying “No” and letting this go forever can be incredibly daunting. Trust me … I’ve been there.

And maybe like me, you were confused with this question, “What is it with narcissists having friendships with exes?” And maybe like me, you were considering … Maybe it is possible! Or … maybe this person is not really a narcissist because they are friends with exes.

I remember feeling very confused regarding narcissist number 2 having female friendships when I thought that a narcissist, after breaking up, is all about belting your life up and making it unbearable, in the most horrific of discards … or turning the tables by smearing you to all and sundry.

The truth is: Yes, some narcissists absolutely do have friendships with exes, and it can be a key way in which they retain sources of narcissistic supply.

If you are kept in the friendship loop, as a potential hoover, or an ear to turn to whilst simultaneously making sure that you still are hurting, sad or unhealed over the narcissist – that makes them feel significant.

I have to say that I have very rarely even heard a sniff of a positive friendship with a narcissist after people have been in a relationship with them. Mostly what I have heard in this community, over the years, is the torment that ongoing friendships with narcissists have caused people.

Because they are fraught with personal agenda.

And … I have met people in this community who have been trapped as the narcissist’s friend for several decades and have never moved on because of their connections to them.

This Thriver TV episode will be helpful to you if you’ve had a hard time letting go of the possibility of a friendship with the narcissist.

And it will help you to understand why narcissists invariably want to keep you as supply.

If you are currently on speaking terms with the narcissist it will help you understand how to start breaking away, and I’m also going to cover exactly what you need to do to release yourself from a situation that may be very painfully lopsided.

I hope that this video has helped clarify for you the truth about a friendship with a narcissist, just as I had to get very clear about this myself. I look forward to answering your questions and comments below.


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48 thoughts on “What To Do When The Narcissist Wants To Be Your Friend

  1. Hi Melanie,
    Great video, I love now how you reference the key module for a certain issue, that is super helpful. Thankyou.
    Thriving Narper

    1. Oh so sad that your banking on this problem that is not spoke upon. So does it make you right ??? No! My dear you have a one minded approach on this subject. You don’t have to be in love as your so stressing upon pretty silly of you to say. What if this person wants to get away and is not in love with man or woman? Touch on the subject of the narcissist won’t leave because in his mind it’s a “WE” have to or we are stuck situation ? Speak about how to get away who do you ask for help that will believe ?? There isn’t any help not even from doctors nor police. You sit here and tell a dramatic perfect story and all you need is to buy your cd in which I may add does not make a lot of sense. This is a huge problem that your profiting on. Such a disappointment

  2. I’m definitely loving this scenario right now. I have realized it was for narcissistic supply when I was starting to pull away and now I’ve been “discarded” all over again for thinking we could be friends. I know what I have to do and that is get back on the modified contact (we share a child) bandwagon! I am a bit upset with myself, but I know now what I need to work on within me. Great video! Thanks Melanie!

  3. This episode could’ve have come at a more perfect time. I “tried” to go no contact but I find myself obsessing over and looking for the ways he will try and contact me. I figure we could be friends, right? So, I break “no contact” again, making sure I keep some boundaries. This last time he included an invitation for a rendezvous I that I’m finding very tempting. As I have been considering spending time with him I know it’s rooted in my brokenness but I fantasize about “just one last time” and start rationalizing how it won’t really hurt anything or anyone. It is totally like touching a hot stove… I know it will burn and hurt! I appreciate the direction to work through module 2… I don’t know why I keep dragging my feet… I guess I’m afraid of giving him up. It’s hard for myself to help my self, yet I know there’s nothing else to do. Thanks to you Melanie for all that you have brought to my awareness. My progress is slow but I see movement and so much has changed since I started with NARP.

    1. Of course it is tempting. He has set it all up that way. He isolated you to the point to where you feel like you have no where else to turn.
      Now you do. You have Melanie, you have us, this forum, these fellow survivors learning to thrive! Work through the modules, do some Yoga, go for nice walks, do some Falun gong, Tai Chi, start really looking after your health; get good nutrition, watch funny movies, and realize you do not have to give in to his blandishments. He is a pit of misery, and misery loves company.
      Happiness loves company too, and you are now free to choose: Happiness, or misery.
      There is a Native American saying: You have two wolves in your heart: one is curious, interested in life, has a great sense of humor, and is kind and loving. The other is sad, angry and sick a lot. The wolves are in a competition for which one will rule your heart and live. The other will die.
      Which wolf will live? The one to which you pay the most attention; the one you feed.
      It is your choice: feed the happy wolf, and that one will rule your heart. Feed the angry wolf……
      You get the picture, yes?

    2. Hi Heather,

      as I read your post, those memories of “just one last time it’s not hurting anyone – I can handle it!” came back to me. I TOTALLY know where you are and how it feels.

      You CAN do this Heather. I did, and I know you can too.

      It’s time and myself, NARP and this incredible Community have your back.

      Mel xo

  4. Friends? With a narcissist? Impossible. They do not really understand the meaning of the word “friend” or anything about true friendship. There is no being friends with a narcissist. They just want you around for supply.

    If you have to deal with a narcissist in any way, you have to keep up your boundaries and never let your guard down. You cannot reveal anything of your life to them beyond what is absolutely necessary; for example, if you share custody of a child with a narcissist.

    You also have to be on guard concerning mutual friends or acquaintances that might want you to get back with the narcissist. Eventually you may find you have to be very careful regarding that friendship as well. Those people do not understand what the narc put you through.
    Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries!

    1. Kay that is SO true – Narcissists are incapable of friendship – which is very sad for them but not our problem and a very good reason for
      us to stay away from them – I am going to keep saying this to myself – every time I am tempted to let one back in – Narcissists are incapable of friendship

  5. Dear Mel, This is a brilliant video and has helped me today. I have been really struggling. I have been doing NARP for 18 months and your videos and blogs are invaluable. But I am stuck in this area. I have 2 teenage children who live me and with him also. He lives 10 minutes away, I have known him since I was 17 (I’m now 50) and all our friends are in common. His name is mentioned to me constantly by friends, and the kids. I bumped into him (and his new girlfriend) last week which made me think I was going to die (although I managed to hold it together and be polite to them both). I am triggered every time people talk to me about him and I live in constant fear of bumping into him. . He still tries to contact me all the time. I am so strict these days but he now uses the children to get to me and he’s good at it! He is furious I won’t spend time with him and the kids ever or birthdays or Christmas. He can see how hurt and devastated I was/am at being replaced within months of a 20 year marriage. If I allow him into my space and do talk to him or see him alone, then he quickly uses it as an excuse to project, dump and abuse. I really have had enough and trying very very hard to set strict boundaries and I am really working hard to detach but I find under these circumstances it’s almost impossible. So this episode has been really useful and I am going straight to module 2. I thank you so much. You make sense of this chaos and for that I am so so so grateful. Much love Sash xxx

    1. Hi Sash,

      thank you and I am glad that this has helped.

      My heart goes out to you and I am so pleased you are going to dig in deep into Module 2 to work at healing this now.

      You’ve got this Sash! And also please know the NARP Forum can help support you so much:

      Also going to the massive trigger of “fearing bumping into him, hearing about him” … that is one to target in your body, to shift, so that it becomes completely benign.

      I know you are going to break free!

      Sending love, healing and strength to you Sash.

      Mel xo

  6. May Life always bless you and your words, Mel.
    This video is so precious, I am sure this can help many people.
    I had a relationship of 16 years with a Narc and yes he wanted to be friends with me after I ended up the relationship.
    And yes it was for his own benefit. Of course
    And it wasn’t until the day that from my living room window when I saw his car parked outfront that I realized: he comes here to take from me. He continues coming back for more and I said, I am stuck in the same trap, NO, I am not seeing or hearing you tonight, that is enough. That is when he stopped coming to my place.
    And then there was the phone, he kept contacting me through whatsapp and I lost cout of how many days or evenings I allowed him to destroy when I read his messages describing how sad he was bla bla bla. And I suffered for him, I fekt bad for him in need.
    So , only when I told him with all the words: listen,my phone is blocked for you from now on, because I am not going to let you take a single happy moment from me again.
    I had to take my life back
    And you and your Healing program together with other books and therapies helped to break free from that person.
    I would like to express my endless gratitude.

    1. Hi Caroline,

      that is really sweet of you 🙂

      I am so happy for you that you took your life back!

      Awww Caroline Thrive On Dear Lady, and I do know that you post can inspire others to do the same.

      Bless you 🙂

      Mel xo

  7. What an amzing vídeo !!! it is exactly what I’m experiencing right now. All that you said in your videos are so True. After being separated for almost a year went back to the narcissist and hapenned exactly what Melanie said on her videos. I will work on module 2. I have to be honest, I have not work the modules I get bother or falll sleep when I listen to them. Will try again with module 2.
    Thank you for all you do Melanie.

  8. Thank you so very much Melanie – each video you post seems to answer the very question that’s come up for me in the saga of moving away from the narcissist – I didn’t comment on the video before this but I did listen and it too was just what I needed to hear at the time. I’ll look at Module 2. Thank you again.

  9. Melanie – This was so helpful to me – I was halfway through listening to the video when, guess who turned up on my door step asking to be friends again. I have know (S) over 20 years and given her a lot of support, not, I think, a full blown destructive narcissist butcertainly self centred and a user, just taken me this long to realise it – because of a series of events I had a big wake up call over her at the same time,coincidentally, as I had with another friend wh0 definitely is a full blown destructive pathological liar narcissist. I would certainly not have let the other one over my doorstep – but i invited S in and offered her a cup of tea in order to explain why the friendship was definitely over , amidst lots of interruptions and self justifications – clearly showing she wasn’t listening or interested in my View – S is very good at presenting herself as the sad pathetic victim so I might have weakened but I had actually paused your video and was sitting by the laptop where “What to do when a narcissist wants to be your friend” was staring me in the face. It helped me to think NO, maybe not exactly a full narcissist but this still is not a healthy friendship for me – she said “I have learnt lots of lessons” I replied “good for you, I hope you take them and apply them in new friendships” – and ushered her out of my life.

    1. Wow, this interaction sounds like one I had last week. I was watching videos on the gray rock method and sure enough, my narcissistic ex showed up on my door step. I let her in and we talked and she acted really sad and told me that “she learned a lot from me”. She also promised never to bother me again. I took her comment as a positive one, but now I’m thinking maybe she just learned more about how to manipulate people. In fact, since that promise she has already been back at my doorstep begging to be let in so that she can hoover me.

      Now that I know what she is, I think it would be very easy to use her needs to manipulate her, but then I’d become the narcissist. I’ve written the quote – “Do no harm – take no crap!” on my desktop to remind myself of this. Hopefully, the more I gray rock and avoid her, the quicker she’ll move on.

  10. This is so accurate of me and how I have been with a narc ex. No wonder I have not been able to heal. Mimas learning so much from your videos and I truly thank you X x

  11. Can’t thank you enough! This is so timely for me and something I am struggling with. It’s like you described exactly what a friend is doing. Unfortunately, she owes me a large sum of money and that too is keeping me ‘in’ it. I am trying to pluck up the courage to ask her for it. I know what gets in the way for me is fear of conflict but also I’d love to tell her exactly what I think of her yet I know she won’t hear it. Through social media she posts things that I absolutely know are targeted at me in the hopes to illicit some kind of jealousy about new best buddies etc. Yet, something stops me from blocking her. I’m so mad at myself, confused and irately angry and disappointed that this person, who is meant to be a spiritual guru with a following, a Dr of psychology etc is capable of this. I’m a psychotherapist so know a lot about the human psych and personality disorders yet I have been duped yet again! I feel the confusion etc …is it me? blah blah. I tell you this to highlight for others that even somebody who is supposed to have a good understanding and has done years of working on the self can still go through the entangled mess that comes from being in connection to a Narc.
    Thanks for allowing this space to share.

    1. Hi Helen,

      I am so pleased this was great timing for you.

      It is so true, that until we have shifted the traumas out that stop us standing up in the Light of Truth – that we can continue to hand power away … no matter how much understanding we have.

      This was SO big for me too!

      Mel xo

    2. Hello I don’t block. Because I know when narc ass see that ive saw his text. And ignored it. He would hate that I’ve not given a response. By not acknowledging there sorry me text. With 12 red roses 🌹 crap. I mean 12 red flags 🚩 narc ass hates it m. That’s what you do. Do not acknowledge them. That hurts them to the core. And says you are not important to me anymore

  12. This is so true. I have been maintaining a “friendship” with my ex for nearly 30 years. I maintain my distance but rent him a place to live. I took the stance “keep your friends close and your enemies closer” with him. If he gets pissed off he goes after family, friends and our son. Fortunately our son is too old to buy this anymore but in years past it was very damaging. The drama never ends with the N. It is a delicate balance and as I get stronger I care less and less about what he will do to family, friends or property in retaliation.

    1. Hi No Name,

      that is wonderful that you are detaching.

      It is so true when we are no longer worried about them and focus on empowering ourselves – they lose power against us.

      They need to take it elsewhere.

      Wishing you the best of freedom and joy.

      Mel xo

  13. Thank you so much for your insights!! I am so glad that you are able to understand and help me move on from narcissistic abuse.

  14. Thanks so much for this. This video came at a perfect time for me. My ex boyfriend’s young kids still send me messages and wants me to attend their school concert on Thursday night. Of course, he already replaced me with a new girlfriend who doesn’t treat them well. Every time I hear something about this from his family, it definitely triggers me. I just realised it will not be good for me to go and it doesn’t serve any purpose to go and pretend to be strong seeing him with someone else although I know I never want him back in my life.

  15. This came into my inbox the very day my narc husband of 43 years left to drive 2400km to start his new life. And, yes, he still wants to be friends. There is a new woman where he is going. 20+ years of infidelity. I told him that the only contact was to be through email. No Facebook. No phone calls or text messages. I only intend formal contact around settling of our legal affairs. So I blocked him on Facebook. There is no way I want his face popping up on my screen every time he sends a message. Next day I got such an abusive email which I did not answer but sent to my lawyer. I have become a 64 year old Warrior Princess! Discovering who I am !


  17. Melanie, I co- parent with my narcissistic ex and have to see him when I drop off and pick up my son. I find it so hard to break away because of this and I inevitably get sucked back in with all the false promises, declaration of being a changed man, and I don’t know how to see him and maintain emotionally detachment. Really struggling with this. He promises me he’ll take me to all these beautiful countries and places i’ve never been and deep down I know i’d be miserable if I was there with him. Sometimes I feel lonely and think if I lose him i’ll lose all these promises even though deep down I know there empty promises. Please, i’m trying so hard but I now know there’s still a part of me invested in the dream and this is because of the contact we have. Appreciate any advice on this,
    Alina xxx

    1. Hi Alina,

      oh gosh I know how hard and painful that place is … I promise you I was there for a very long time.

      Alna, have you come into one of my free webinars yet – ?

      Because what is necessary here is to go into that “part” of you that feels like she needs to cling to him and the dream and in the webinar, I will show you how to shift that – how to release yourself from your inner trauma that is keeping you stuck there.

      Then a whole other level of power and clarity – truly – comes.

      This is most valid suggestion for you.

      Mel xo

  18. Dear All,

    I hope you are doing great, keep up the good work. I have trouble sorting things out after the rough break-up with a narcist. Its been almost 3 months now. He left me hanging after cheating with a in that time friend of mine. I think that so called friend is even worse than my ex….. The thing is, I dont speak to him anymore, because he choose to do so. And I dont put effort into a relationship with someone who does not. But our lifes are way to involved. I have university classes with him, where we have the same friends so I see him atleast 3 times a week…. And I cannot switch. On top of that we share other friends aswell. I feel like I have to drop all those friends to free myself completely from him…. I am talking about more than a handfull of really good contacts, close friends with whom I still have a really good bound with. I dont want to loose half of my network made in the past two years just because he decided I was not worth it anymore and decided I was not interesting anymore. Really I dont no how to deal with this. And I know I have to deal with it to deal with my suffer. Someone good advice?

    Lots of love,

    1. Hi Marit,
      This is Valerie. I so feel for you – I was totally enmeshed with someone very toxic – very controlling while saying he was the opposite. It took me unbelievably long (20+ years) to wake up.

      May I ask if you have done the 16-day free healing program? I have been in NARP for a while, and what a difference! Mel’s system is the best, imo. The change inside me is huge. Huge in a good way 🙂

      Imagine that you simply focus on your studies, feeling completely neutral towards the ex. Feeling completely engaged in your studies and life, feeling completely happy and fulfilled in your own life. Know you can totally achieve this!

      Love and healing –

  19. Hi Melanie, I did the ‘friends; thing but no more. I have gone no contact, best for sanity. A few more attempts have been made and last ‘no we cant meet’ was met with a tantrum, transferring the ‘fault’ back to me. Yep, there we are, didn’t really want to be kind at all, just wanted me to be affected. Why would I want to go back to wondering what lie your going to tell next, where you really are and what are you really saying. I actually love my life now I don’t have to think like that, it frees my mind for more important things. of course I still miss him, we had some amazing times together, but really how much was actually real? I am much stronger now thanks to you. I found it helped to write a list of all thing nasty things that I can refer to if feeling a weaker moment. That and dipping back into your videos is keeping me sane!

    1. Hi Dita,

      that is great that you have gone No Contact, and I agree the friends thing is not a good idea. Please know that rather than trying to white knuckle it – which can be very hard – the deeper healing grants a shift where it is just so much easier to stay away, heal and move on.

      You may wish to have a look at that in my free webinar –

      Stay strong and wishing you amazing healing from this.

      Mel xo

  20. I am in this sort of mess at the moment. About to start the 16 day programme – just recommended by my therapist. It’s so hard – he wants to stay friends, says I’m his best friend. Half the time behaves like we’re still a couple, the rest like I’m the enemy or says he is only being polite til I can move out – we still are in the same house. It’s so confusing.

    Trying to split up assets and he wants to put the money in a term deposit for another year as a ‘better investment’ – the first thing I’ve said no to in a long time. Luckily I’ve always done the banking stuff.

  21. I have finally gone no contact after trying to be friends, trying to offer unconditional love, despite horrific abuse/N revenge attack five months ago, and manipulative texts two weeks ago….I know it’s the right thing to do, just as I knew it was right to end the relationship…but I am still questioning that…was I right, was I manipulated, am I making things up, am I the one who was wrong?….I know the answers, but, unbelievably, I still question my reality….feels like I’m going mad…her children have both been in touch in the last few days, they are wonderful, I don’t know what to do about staying in touch with them.
    We have many very close friends, which means our social circles overlap all the time….I avoided a party of friends’ of twenty years to avoid my ex, just two days ago….I want my life back, I want to be in control and be able to have contact, but not be controlled by her….it’s so difficult to maintain a firm and consistent version of reality and the boundaries that I know I should have. I have started seeing a counsellor to help with this, just three weeks ago.
    However, your blogs have helped this morning…positive reinforcement is a great help; though I wish I could just forget the whole last five years and be fully rid of my feelings and memories, and her control over me….I’m swinging between moments of strength and self belief, and confusion, doubt, and tears…it’s aweful.

  22. Thank you Melanie! I’ve been trying to explain why I can’t have any contact with my ex to our children, now you’ve explained it perfectly! I will just send this bog and video to them! I knew the ex narc for over 30 years and married to him for 26 years. It was the marriage from Hell, and very abusive, which only got worse as time went on, and was further exaggerated with his alcoholism and drug abuse. After 4 years of him dragging me through the court system, we finally settled everything in 2010. All through the court process I maintained minimal to zero contact and zero reaction, and let my lawyer deal with the ex as much as possible. Things didn’t turn out the way the ex wanted, so he set out to get even, by stealing and vandalizing from not only me, but my family members as well. He also wrote nasty letters and stuck them in my mailbox, he made a few nasty phone calls from friends phones, which got an immediate hang up on my end. To this day he continues to drive past my house often, even though he has been living with a woman for years. I continue to maintain zero contact, zero reaction, no matter what he tries, and now have 2 BIG dogs for my protection. Recently he told our daughter he’s almost stopped in to see me a few times, just to shoot the shit. My daughter told him not to bother, I likely wouldn’t answer the door….he doesn’t understand and just doesn’t get why I don’t want anything to do with him…he thinks I should just get over it…there is no getting over it! If you give him an inch, he takes a mile. Now that he’s been rebuffed, I am expecting the thieving and vandalizing to escalate again. I cannot/will not go backwards, I cannot/will not even entertain the idea of having any contact with him. It will NOT be happening!

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