It is so wonderful to be back for 2016.

I have found that so many people are reporting an upsurge of positive energy for 2106. This has been my experience as well … so many things seem to be lining up and falling into place – things that have been dreamed of for quite some time.

I know this is very consistent for the people in this Community who are doing the inner work. Meaning releasing their trauma, freeing themselves to allow in the organic wellbeing that Life truly flows though us when we live free enough of our wounds – in gratitude, purpose, love and inspiration – and detach from people and aspects that are not our True Self.

Otherwise known as “living in alignment”.


The Joy of Living as a Thriver

My own life story has incredibly reflected the results of that. Not long ago my father said these words to me … “Mel, everything in your life is becoming a fairytale. Everything you have wanted and what we hoped for you is coming true!”

It IS true … that’s how I feel when I stand back and look at how my life has unfolded and continues to do so.

The unfoldings are accelerating … the business and mission openings coming true that I only once dreamed about. Opportunities, experiences and connections that are standing with this mission and have the way forward for it.


These Times of Incredible Growth

My life is such a far cry from years ago when myself, my loved ones and associates all shook their heads wondering what on earth I was living. In 2012 I went through the demise of another narcissistic relationship – my second.

I was not alone. Many, many people in the Community, regardless of whether it was their first time with narcissistic abuse, or the continuation of the pattern of it, were suffering in 2012 (and around that time) the severe wake up calls, changes, tragedies, losses and having ripped away what we felt was our life.

I don’t believe this was a coincidence. You may know I write energy reports on my Facebook page and that I have an active interest in evolution, ascension and the becoming (personally and collectively) of higher,  better and healthier versions of ourselves. I believe the only way we are going to heal humanity is by the up-levelling of individuals one person at a time, and that the only power we ever have is to up-level ourselves.

I also believe we are all undergoing an incredible process of transformation and ascension. Some of us willingly and with our eyes, hearts and souls open, and others still, at this point, stuck in the woundedness of trying to make sense of it all.

For me 2013 and 2014 were healing orientation years. Years where I deeply worked at finding and releasing all the deeply embedded traumas that I realised still existed after the second narcissistic relationship. The beliefs and aspects of myself that were fearful, judgemental, powerless and limited. And by doing so I was able to transmute them into freedom, wholesomeness, powerfulness and light.

What I had known for a long time is this … when we release and uplevel the energy that was previously trapped in trauma and fear, we access the power of pure creation.

It was from this transmutation from survival into creation, that I discovered expanded incredible aspects of myself that I had never known existed. Parts that I would never have been able to access before doing these revolutionary healing shifts on myself.

2015 was for me a year of joy – socialising, fun, business development projects, great nutrition, health and work/life balance, and for the first time in my life feeling like a confident adult, with the joy of a child able to love life to the fullest. I could say “yes” to opportunities without the limitations of fear, and challenge myself to expand with excitement into new frontiers.

I have discovered that I can be a present human being living in the now – tuning out from work seriousness and no longer trapped in survival fears; thus being able to partake in fun, joy, connection and the delicious frivolity of life.

And then able, when necessary, to focus on the mission with full inspiration and allow my channel to come through me.

I enjoy travel (I recently returned from the most amazing cruise!), outings, social situations, new sporting challenges and experiences (such as wind-surfing)  …. really all the best and most that life has to offer.

Previously, as a result of narcissistic abuse, I was a chronic diagnosed “untreatable” agoraphobic person who was hiding in her home, having terrible melt downs every time I exited my house.

What a far cry from now! Today I am a “lusty life-grabber” who sees every day as a magical experience of unlimited joy. Not in a manic way – but rather in a healthy way because more and more I am becoming the most effective, relaxed and balanced person I had even know myself to be.


Purposefully Evolving Ourselves

People ask me all the time “How? How have you changed?” Especially the people who knew me personally … previously always ill at ease, trying to control the uncontrollable, fearful of “what if’s”, constantly stressed, chasing my tail and struggling in so many areas of my life … and then trying to combat all of my anxiety with incredibly compulsive obsessive behaviour – workaholism previously being a biggy.

The following I know to be the ABSOLUTE 100% reason why. The total orientation I have had for many years and still apply (as being just as important as breathing oxygen) is this:

If I have a charge of confusion, pain, any trigger at all … I go to it in my body. I track it back to its original trauma, release the false painful belief out of my being cellularly and replace it with Source healing and resolution (my True Self).

No longer do I try to work out things logically, because I know that is the hard and long way around and incredibly limited. I now know that by doing the work directly in my body (where my emotional self resides) that I then just keep growing, expanding and becoming freer and freer as my True Self.

And no longer is there the painstaking “trying to work it all out”. In stark contrast it just happens.

The process that makes this possible, Quanta Freedom Healing the core of the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program is the healing system that has completely revolutionised mine and so many other people’s lives.

It is my greatest mission and passion to release and free you to this level too.

I know that you may still be suffering, and I want you to know it is never too late to turn this around, to self-partner and discover the incredible and profound ways that we can heal – truly, durably and once and for all.

I believe there is no time when this is more vital than when we have undergone the trauma of significant narcissistic abuse.

Because … as we know … this is when we feel at our most powerless, crippled and helpless.


New and Revolutionary Healing

The old victimised model is all about the intense focus on the narcissist. This is a model that I don’t endorse even though I was stuck in it originally for years.

It wasn’t helping me, it wasn’t helping the other people I was connected to who employed it. Finally, I knew there had to be another way to heal … and there is.

The Thriver Model is all about focusing on ourselves to become the force of change that we wish to experience in our Life. And this makes more than logical sense, because when we focus on anyone else who isn’t ourselves, we have no power to force them to change. We can’t control anything that isn’t us – we can’t change the narcissist – but we can certainly change, grow and develop ourselves beyond where the narcissist could affect us.

Then we understand and experience a pure energetic phenomenon of life that is absolute Quantum Law – that when we are no longer emotionally connected to any aspect of our life and no longer feeding it energy – it ceases to be in our experience.

And this is true in every case with narcissists.

The trick is we can’t actually disconnect and generate our emotional life differently until we evict the trauma out of our emotional being that keeps us emotionally connected.

Then we can – that is the key.

This is what the focus of this Community is all about – coming home to our true power and working directly on “emotion first”. It is this focus, orientation and application of healing from the inside out that has created the pure miracle of unprecedented recovery for thousands of people in this Community.

I adore how the Thriver Orientation, the Code of Conduct and the model of 100% personal responsibility enables people to get connected to their power, and ultimately generate their liberation from narcissistic abuse … for real.

This inspires me every day …

In regard to feeling inspired to the point where my heart bursts with joy – I had the absolute pleasure this morning to wake up to a list of intentions that people had shared in the 3 Keys Webinar Group.

This Group is for people workshopping through recovery, joining me in a powerful free 3 hour tele-class, and deeply learning how to self-partner, come inside and become their own force of incredible healing and resurrection.

I apologise if I share quite a few here … but my intention for you is this – that you soak this in. That these people’s intentions become your intentions, and you start to deeply feel and know that whatever your presently reality is, you do not need to continue living it.

You can turn it all around.

These were some of their stunning intentions:

“I want to fully connect to my true self, find my ‘calling’, expand my vision, create a positive and calming effect on those I share this world with, live sinfully (haha-auto correct so I left it), live mindfully, attain emotional-physical-spiritual wellness and get over my cowardice about digging deep and getting real!!”

“I want to heal my inner wounds so I can love freely without fear of abandonment or pain. I want to become my higher self so I can excel in my career and provide for myself and my family. I want to gain confidence so I can live up to my calling and help those around me with my gifts, and I want to find peace and love in relationships that reflect the new inner me. And lastly, I want to attract healthy and loving people into my life that will treat me with the respect and kindness that I deserve. I wish everyone else the same!”

“I want to free myself from the pain of my past. I want to do so much more than survive. I want wellness in the true sense of the word. I want to have the courage to go down this pathway and if I fall I want the courage to get up and go forward. I want to free myself so I can love and be loved. I want to trust my intuition again. I will strive to do my best to reach this peace in my life.”

“I would like to heal my childhood wounds so that I can move forward without pain from my marriage, learn to provide my own support and validation, to no longer fear abandonment, to be my own best friend and to love myself. I would also like to attract emotionally healthy people into my life.”

“I claim my divine right to heal all trauma from my energy field and replace it with divine love. I know that I am love, loving and loved. Also, I easily and organically manifest complete and total healing of my physical body and maintain it permanently for the duration of my stay on this planet. I now have no desire to partake in any situation, substance, person, or behavior that is not in alignment with my new energy. They simply do not exist.”

“I will heal all the wounds that keep me tied to my brokenness. To emerge from this healing as a life force who shares love, light and positive energy with all I come in contact with. I will heal the generational wounds that endanger my children’s future life potential and change my family’s path to one of higher vibration, love, light and hope.”

“I’m on this journey for a reason, he was sent into my life for a reason, I want to accept that reason and learn my lessons from it as I move forward. I want to heal my inner childhood wounds so that I am free to love myself and let true love into my life.”

“I will become whole and my most precious relationship will be the one I have with myself. I will trust in me implicitly never again allowing myself or anyone else to undervalue me. I will practise this with a gentle heart and help, support and cherish others.”

“I want to heal these deep wounds I realise more than ever I have been carrying. I now know and have confidence that through the work I’m doing on myself doors to a more enriching working life will open for me. I want the feelings of panic over the silliest things to stop torturing me. I want the endless feelings of guilt and shame to be left behind. I want and know the positive changes made through NARP can have nothing but a positive effect on the people I love most, and I want to be the most self partnered version of me I can be.”

“I want to completely heal the wounds of my past so I can live in peace, health and harmony. I want to become my higher self which is authentic and powerful. I want to always honor and protect my inner child. I want to be fully present and not in my head, during every interaction. I want to finally be over with the internal dialogue that tells me ‘something is not quite right’ and if I start to veer of my healing path, I want to be gently nudged back on the right course. That means I need to be my own best friend. And when I feel confidently healed, I want to help others reach their highest self. I want to live a life without fear and be totally free.”

“I want to wake up full of vitality and positive energy and be a beacon for others, that we can overcome illness, trauma and fear. I want to sit in a room full of people, owning my space and feel comfortable in my own skin. I want to attract well-adjusted authentic friends. I want to run with the wind in my hair and laugh at all this baggage and impending doom I carried for so long and when I finally let go I’ll jump in the air with the sun on my face and say ‘I’ve never felt this good in my whole life and I’m excited for my future!’”

“I want to heal these deep wounds once and for all and be able to get to the place when I speak about those traumas that they no longer take me there emotionally. My story can help others and they want to heal themselves as well. I want to shine light in a room and exude positivity and confidence. I want to be proud of that no matter what and I don’t have time or space for negativity that will try to dim that light in me.”

“My intention is to heal my inner child who I have ignored for so long, to accept her and all her flaws and to embrace them and all the magic that she kept hidden for so long. To free her from the dark and march her into the light. When she has come to that place she will definitely bring great things in the world, the things she came to do and she will not be held back by any lower energies as she will have built strong foundations in all her being!”

“I am ready to seek, to partner with myself, to feel, to release, to heal, to download and uplevel to a beautiful space of grace and gratitude! I am ready to dance my heart and soul into the powerful reality of who I truly am and to peacefully look back with a sense of peace, love and gratitude. For I now understand that the path I have walked, as well as the messengers along it, have been a grace filled gift, that when looked upon with awareness and love, has blessed me with the opportunity to create my very own heaven on earth! This is exactly what I am going to do! I know that I am pure love and am moving through this experience like a child with a sense of excitement, curiosity and awe. I wrap this intention up with a big fluffy hug and tie it with a giant luminous bow of love and light because life is beautiful and I am truly grateful for this experience!”

“I continue to work every day on truly loving myself and everything about me. The more I love myself, the more I can no longer and will NEVER tolerate anyone abusing me and treating me bad ever again! Thank you all so very much! With much love! Me!”

“To realize that the day I was born I was deserving of loving kindness, acceptance, tenderness, and divine love. I was enough then, and I’m enough now. I seek to be full of that love, light, and life – forever, and always. No one again has to truly get me; that I get me is enough. My intent is to heal epic wounds and memories, taking the rough edges off of them, reaching a place of forgiveness and acceptance in my heart. To up-level my wounded self, my triggers, into a place of solace. To never again abandon my little me. I seek lasting inner peace, and to reflect to the world an authentic big me, and a growing little me. There will be those who will accept me, and those who will reject me. Those that accept me will be my tribe. Those who reject me will be allowed their own divine right to find their way in the world, without me in it. I see in me a whole, integrated, divine, beautiful, deserving soul. A soul that must be treasured in self-love, with compassion, dignity, grace, and truth. Nothing else will do. This is my journey to be had, from now until the end of time. In my time, I intend to experience the kind of real love I’ve never known. To be able to give it, receive it, and most of all, to simply BE love.”

And I love how clear this one is …

“My intentions.
Be clear
Be at peace within
Be free
Know myself
Trust myself
Love myself
Heal myself
Feel worthy of love (my own and others)
Feel deserving
Feel connected with myself
Feel connected with others
Raise my vibration
Attract beautiful loving experiences.”


These people have all been significantly narcissistically abused, and they are rolling up their sleeves to get their inner work done. No longer are they subscribing to the belief that learning all about narcissists will heal them or keep the safe from them. In fact they deeply realise that every moment focused on trying to work out, change or learn all about narcissists is a moment that they are denying their own self-partnering, healing and evolution.

And I have no doubt, as I have seen with every Webinar Group, that these people will break through and start healing in incredible ways as a result of their orientations, intentions and work that they will do in the Webinar and beyond as NARP members.

(Please note if you would like to join in my next 3 Keys Webinar Group you may do so here).


What is in Store For 2016

I am so excited about what myself and the MTE team have in store for you in 2016.

This year is one of cleaning up and out the fear and pain that have no place in our future life, so that we can break free into magnificent new possibilities and expansion.

This is exciting. I really do believe the energy of “what we want” is here RIGHT now … we simply need to get the aspects of ourselves that have been limiting us to receive it, out of the way.

It’s a year where more and more of the pain and trauma can be purged and our True Lives – peace, wholeness, relief and incredible magic can begin.

The following are just some of the projects on the table for 2016.

  • The development of Quanta Freedom Healing practitioner training (Many of you have been asking about this for years!)
  • Interviews and events with well-known famous relationship experts
  • Producing a Ted Talk
  • Working on my next book
  • Global Consciousness QFH Shifts to up-level the collective and our world. (This is such an exciting initiative!)
  • More information regarding love creation and love relationships after narcissistic abuse. (Including how partners of people who have been narcissistically abused can better navigate the relationship.)
  • And more ways for you to experience the benefits of Quanta Freedom Healing in your life.

And as always I will continue with articles, radio shows, videos and webinars packed full of free empowering and healing content.

I would love to hear from you how you feel about the energies of 2016, what has been unfolding for you, and what your intentions are going forward. I would also love to hear about what you would like me to include for 2016 … and how myself and the MTE team can help with your healing and expansion toward your True Life and True Self this year.


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62 thoughts on “Ascension and Setting Powerful Intentions For 2016

  1. Hi Mel!
    Wow! Congratulations on the new relationship! I wish you both so much happiness. Its so wonderful when we can trust ourselves and our instincts instead of living in fear, barricading ourselves against further trauma. But unless we have cleaned up our wounds, no amount of barriers and defences will stop more of the bad stuff showing up again. 2012 was a showstopper of a year for me too……several losses, lots of old stuff and fears literally hitting me in the face, making it impossible to avoid dealing with them any longer, and I have been working steadily at it ever since. Early 2016 has been quite challenging – in a positive way. I was offered a job which I knew on a deep level wasn’t right for me. I found myself in a very old place and started to tell myself lies in order to justify going ahead with something I knew was wrong. Things like :- “I better take this job because at my age, I wont get offered many more” and :- “I should be grateful that anyone wants me with my lack of experience in this field”. I was playing small and invalidating myself. Anyway, between accepting the position and my official start date, my body started to give me lots of signals….minor accidents, bad dreams, my usually excellent memory started to fail me and I felt weepy and depressed. The last straw was when I went on a short training course and met the person I was to be working closely with. Within 20 minutes I knew this woman was a Narcissist. Not because I was looking for “red flags”, but I felt it in my body. I sensed it….not in a fearful way, but just as a “knowing” that I needed to make a better choice. I turned down the job and immediately felt so much better. I hadn’t yet resigned from my old job, so I had a safety net. It was wonderful to realise that I can trust myself instead of listening to my ego with its “shoulds”. My intention for 2016 is to forge ahead with my quest to create the happy, abundant life that I deserve, that I was sent here to live. Much love Mel, you so deserve the happiness that is pouring into your life xxx

    1. Sylvia,

      I am so proud of you. To have such self-awareness to make the right choice for you. You were right there, and there was a big chance of disappointing or angering the people who offered you the job – good on ya. I am in a similar boat, waiting to go back to work after my body shut me down to take a different direction. I am going to remember your experience as inspiration as I go forward and feel my way to the right opportunity. I also have the same fears as you, I better take this because nothing else will come along. Great insight and thank you so much.

      1. Hi Beth
        You are right, I was scared to let people down, and inconvenience them. I was in an old place of believing that the feelings of others were more important than mine, and that if I didn’t comply – they would get angry. All old stuff from my childhood conditioning…..but this time I chose ME! I chose what was in MY interests, which was something I had been told was selfish, and had sometimes been severely punished for. Not any more. The right things will come along for both of us Beth, and you are spot on when you say your body shut you down to prevent you taking the wrong road. This had been happening all my life, but I didn’t recognise the messages. Good luck Beth and lots of love xxx

    2. Hi Sylvia,

      thank you so much lovely lady 🙂

      So, so true that our defenses don’t keep us safe from the pain, they keep us trapped in it, and the true defense is about being radiant, real and showing up authentically.

      I always love Sylvia how wonderfully you describe your self-awareness and growth …

      Isn’t is fabulous and amazing how spot on our deeper knowing is, and how we know that when we start justifying – especially from a position of fear or limitation that we really are heading towards “wrong town”.

      How gorgeous that now Sylvia you have created the energy statement of graduating beyond that fear and you are now accessing the Filed in a higher and more powerful way …

      It is going to be an amazing year for you Sylvia – I jut know it!

      Mel xo

      1. Thanks Mel,
        I wouldn’t have this kind of awareness if it wasn’t for you. You taught me the difference between listening to my mind, and listening to my body. I found your site during the aftermath of a traumatic hoovering experience with an XN in early 2012. I have not looked back since. I am so, so grateful to you. Loads of love, Sylvia xxx

  2. Hi Mel,

    When I saw your email I felt so much joy within me! It was like a long lost sister was back. I realized how much I missed reading from you these past couple of weeks! Your photos from your vacation were really lovely and I am happy you have found a love relationship with another wholesome person! I am still doing the work on myself once a week. Although I wish I could do it more often – (work, mummy duties, church volunteer activities and so many other things in my schedule make it hard to squeeze in more time for the QFH), because each time I did the work, I felt so much lighter and hopeful for the future. I get so much clarity and feel the support I need from God.

    I am so glad to have you back, to help me along the way on this journey of mine and of the entire community. You have been of tremendous help and you are a good leader/mentor. Thanks so much Mel. Ok, let me go back to reading the post! 🙂 (I just had to drop this comment first).

    1. Hi Tosin,

      Awww that is so sweet!

      I am so pleased the QFH work has been helping … and I do know time can be challenging – there is so much a busy life constitutes 🙂

      Thank you re your lovely relationship comments!

      Bless you, you are so welcome, and it is so lovely to have you as a part of this Community.

      Mel xo

  3. Thank you for helping me heal enough to resonate with every word you uttered, and to have the ability to feel it with all my being…..with eternal gratitude. xxx

  4. Really happy for you Mel….but I’ve not got there yet!
    My father passed away in November and it feels like a light has gone out and a void has opened up that’ll never be filled. I’ve lost part of my identity and now am finding out who I am (minus my Dad). Feel as if this will be lifelong work and I don’t take easily to anyone sharing my journey….so am feeling closed off and numb.
    The best irony is that the ex-hub (aka narc abuser) is virtually on my doorstep (lives less than 2 mile radius) and with the demise of my Dad, I feel less protected.
    People say it gets easier with time and I hope that’s true. There’s a potential relationship but I am reluctant to commit and devote my energies. Relationships bring out my demons!!!

    1. Congratulations on your relationship and everything going forward.
      Narp has changed my inner world exponentially and I’m trusting the outer will meet that soon. I know I always have Narp to run to when a life situation presents itself for uplevelling……what comfort!
      I am so blessed to have been guided to Narp and everyone I’ve “met” on the forum.
      So much gratitude and love to you Mel.

      1. Hi Bren,

        thank you so much darling lady!

        I am so pleased Bren you have the tool and apply it to up-level and free yourself now … and absolutely you will reap the rewards … its Quantum Law, and it always delivers.

        Just keep freeing yourself to be YOU, and from that place you will generate your dreams.

        Mel xo

    2. Hi Luci,

      it is so okay to be a work in progress, and in fact we always are … that’s the part of growing and becoming.

      My condolences regarding your Dad.

      Luci it feels like lifetime work when we are stuck. The cognitive, informational path can take literally forever – and many people on that path never midwife their breakthroughs. The transformational inner subconscious path is light years more effective and powerful.

      Sending you hugs and healing and blessings for your breakthrough.

      Mel xo

  5. Dear Melanie,
    Words cannot begin to describe how I have been awakened by your columns which I came across a few weeks ago through sheer serendipity. The immense depression, self doubt, anger, confusion, disgust and self loathing which I experience in the aftermath of being with a narcissistic family member have debilitated me time and time and time again for years and years and years.

    Now I “get it,” and though I have a very long way to go, it is nothing short of astounding that I am able to begin my journey to consciousness and recovery.

    You are a blessing to us all.

    1. Hi Nancy,

      I love how Life supports us with the right “connection” when it’s our time …

      I am so pleased my material is helping you. I LOVE that you are now on your path to higher consciousness.

      Because that is where the true joy and relief and an extraordinary life is.

      Mel xo

  6. Hi Mel! Just wanted to let you know that your post made me smile all morning! So happy for you! Your lessons were so important for me in 2015 and this new year shines so much brighter thanks to what I have learned last year, I cannot express with words how thankfull I am.
    Enjoy every second of this 2016, which is what I am going to do as well. A big hug from Spain. Anne

    1. Hi Anne,

      what a gorgeous thing to say … Thank you 🙂

      And how powerful because when we are soooo happy for others we are creating a template of manifesting that level of happiness for self.

      How wonderful that you had done the work to be in a wonderful position for 2016.

      Kudos to you Anne, and so happy for you that you are loving life.

      Mel xo

  7. Thank you Melanie for your post you are so welcome.Congratulations and best wishes for 2016.Since Iam working on self partnering and healing my inner wounds I am gradually leaving behind the very painful victimized state and becoming more and more empowered.I also see the beneficial effect of this change of attitude in the lives of my children .I still have narcissists,my parents, in my life but their influence on me is getting less and less .much love

    1. Hi Claire,

      you are so welcome 🙂

      Thank you for your best wishes!

      I LOVE that you are raising your consciousness not just for yourself but for your children. Healing our victimsation is vital for our future generations to stop these cycles of abuse / abused … thank you for being a part of that essential healing … one person at a time!

      Mel xo

  8. Thanks for the good vibes! I am just starting on the QFH journey and am feeling the benefit and power of being supported by a community. I have been going it alone for so long. I will celebrate my birthday today by starting on module one. Thank you Mel!

  9. Hi Mel!

    I am beyond thrilled for your business success and for the new lover in your life. YAY! Two years ago, I started NARP courses and I began to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Today, the light is just pouring into my life. It’s all so BRIGHT! Thank you so much.

    You are so right about this new year. Since January, I have manifested a new boyfriend who loves me, warts and all. He’s kind, consistent, and patient. AND, I manifested new job with great benefits, a great work environment, and a great salary. I’m just feeling very blessed. It used to take months and months for desires to manifest in my life. Now, I just write things down in my journal. And, like within a week, stuff shows up.

    I am also super excited about QFH healer trainings. Over the past two years, I have listened and worked with other energy healers. But, I must say that when things are going super crazy inside of me, I ALWAYS turn back to your NARP to shift things. I feel immediate peace and relief. And within a week, the good stuff shows up after the emotional storm. I would be HONORED to take your healer trainings because I KNOW your methods truly work.

    Thank you for all that you do!

    1. Hi Janae,

      Thank you so much for your gorgeous support and vibes!

      Wow I am so pleased NARP changed your life … that is always my greatest wish for all NARPers to experience what I have in my inner and outer life …

      I am so happy for you that you have generated wonderful love too! So so true Janae, many of us are experiencing the same now, in our alignments … almost instant manifestation.

      I would love Janae to consider you for QFH training … very much so. We will definitely be announcing the next steps regarding this.

      You are so welcome lovely lady 🙂

      Mel xo

  10. Mel, Congratulations on how your life is moving forward and being healthy and happy. It’s inspiring to all of us at the starting line. In gratitude.

  11. Congrats on all the great things going on in your life! That is so great to hear. I came out of a horrific relationship with a narcissist about seven months ago. Thanks to finding this site and doing the healings, I am at a place where I am almost totally healed. Sometimes I slip up…drift into the past or relive the hurt. I then go back to the healings and expend the bad energy. I think doing that does more than simply help me move on from the past. I recently came across an idea for a business right after doing a healing. I am now in the process of starting my own business after many unfulfilling years in the corporate world. I think your healings are freeing me from many old toxic beliefs. One benefit of surviving a narcissistic relationship is that it makes me much more fearless. Possibly failing in a business endeavor is not that daunting after learning to thrive after years of abuse. I am endlessly resilient. Thanks for this great blog post and all the others, I look forward to the next one!

    1. Hi Amanda,

      Thank you so much!

      I am so pleased the healings have made such a difference.

      Yay re moving forward onto your true career path. I love how that unfolds when we get our Old Self out of the way! How exciting!!

      You are so welcome Amanda, and keep expanding you – you are doing great 🙂

      Mel xo

  12. Hi Melanie! What an absolutely great way to start the New Year!

    About your agenda for 2016…WOW!!! On every point, count me in! Ascension and Powerful intentions indeed!

    It’s wonderful to know that we Thrivers are not forgotten. Thank you so much for the follow-through courses. I’m so happy and grateful that you came into the Light and are showing us the way.

    You are the awesome example of what we can accomplish for ourselves, and the Universe!

    Thank you so much

  13. Hi Mel,

    Congratulations on your beautiful new relationship & all the wonderful, fun experiences that you have manifested through such pure intentions. I’m so happy for you. It’s great to have you back again in 2016 sharing your love and insights!! I am soooo excited to hear about the Quanta Freedom Healing Practitioners training you have planned. Looking forward to hearing more. Much love, Kerrie XXX

    1. Hi Kerrie,

      thank you so much for your lovely blessings and your lovely welcome back 🙂

      Glad you are excited about QFH training – and yes absolutely I will keep the Community updated about developments.

      Mel xo

  14. Hi Mel,

    Just to let you know that you and your program were absolutely the reason for me starting my healing journey from narcissistic abuse and recovering so quickly. I have had many comments from friends and family about how quickly I recovered and continue to do so. I started the program in 2015 and since then this has set me on a road to further self discovery and spiritual healing. It has been a snowball effect since doing the program of one great realisation after another and I can’t thank you enough! For the first time in my life I feel I am in touch with my true self and self partnered and it’s such a feeling of happiness and Relief! I now have all of the tools to have a happy, successful and abundant life and I know 2016 will reflect the new me! So thank you and I am so happy to hear about all of the incredible events that are taking shape in your life and wish you all the best in everything you do! Xx

    1. Hi Stephanie,

      I am so pleased that NARP created your breakthrough.

      It is so true that when we up-level the most incredible Infinite Wisdom simply emerges from within.

      This is what I love about transformational healing – no longer do we need to “learn”, we simply need to free ourselves of trauma in our body to naturally “become” our True Self.

      It is wonderful that you are experiencing that so powerfully and organically.

      Just beautiful to read about and thank you so much for sharing, and thank you for your gorgeous blessings Stephanie.

      Mel xo

  15. I just love you and what you offer. You are so radiant, generous and inspiring. Thank you so much. I can not tell you enough how your continuous expansion benefits others, me. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU

    so much appreciation


  16. Congratulations Melanie – what fantastic news about your relationship. Thank you so much for everything – you have changed my life. I’ve got lots to do still, but the change already feels so AWESOME and people are commenting on how different I am. Ching ching!! It’s so lovely to have you ‘back’. There is certainly a buzz in this 2016 already and I’m very interested to see what is going to manifest – for myself, your work and the world. Big lovely and wondrous changes for all The Thrivers xx j-jorja

  17. Thanks Melanie for this post which came at the right time for me. I finished the NARP course in January and have started the ESC. Having been raised by a narcissist (father) and co-dependent (mother) I only recently understood why I have been feeling the way I have felt. And why I have struggled in certain areas of my life – ie money. While I have done an immense amount of healing including your program I still dont feel safe in my core and like I am able to provide for my basic needs, let alone live the lifestyle I want to live. Sometimes its so disheartening that I ask myself what else I should do to finally shift into abundance and into a place where I can manifest money with ease and joy not like now, where its a feast and famine game (Im self-employed). Is there anything you can recommend I do to shift this? Sometimes I lose hope that I will ever be able to live the lifestyle and have the money that I want to have. Growing up with dysnfunctional parents I never had my needs met and never felt safe. Money was used as a tool to manipulate and scare us. Ive shifted so much energy already – why has my outer reality not caught up yet? Is there a missing piece I am not seeing?
    Thanks for everything you do – you are hope for so many people like myself who have suffered for so long and lived their life thinking something is inherently wrong with them.

    1. Hi Lisa,

      I am glad you have already come so far … and really the only way “through” any self-limiting beliefs is always about “tackling it within” …

      Often our “big stuff” can be full of blind spots – meaning we have been stuck in survival as our “normal” and operating within sets of beliefs that were deeply embedded as generational – meaning we were already born with these beliefs.

      However, truly, all we need to do other than obsess and try to battle “in survival” on the outside is start at the starting point – (what hurts right now) go within and track the painful charge / fear back to origin and then up-level.

      The process for any issue in our life is exactly the same as clearing out abuse programs – and all of it can be healed and up-levelled with QFH.

      The ES Course is the perfect journey for you to go on after NARP.

      I also feel intuitively that there is a great deal of frustration around finances for you … as well as a lot of pressure on yourself.

      Be very aware that “Those” charges need to come off first … I would target them with Mod 1 of NARP, or goal setting Module in NARP .. because we need the “space” inside to start generating solution and breakthrough – and any emotional clogging us up has to be resolved … to make way for the transformation.

      Alsi really important that you are in the NARP Forum getting help and solution (if necessary), or you may wish to join one of the Webinar Groups which will really refine for you how to do Module work for the most powerful results, no matter what stage of the self-expansion journey you are on.

      I hope this helps Lisa.

      Mel xo

  18. Dear Melanie,

    I too just got free of a lifelong narcissist; my mother. I’ve done a lot of the healing work you talk about when I got free of the husband who was a socially maladroit narcissist. Being free of both of them is almost like being born again.

    No one and nothing gets to make me small ever again!

    Thank you so much for being the voice that helps those who have beeen through this hell on earth find our way back to wholeness.

  19. Hi Mel,
    Three years ago I was contemplating suicide, but with help from you and a few choice friends, and a much stronger bond with God, my life is finally turning around in ways that I never dreamed it would. About 5 months ago I said a prayer in which I asked God to show me whether or not I should stay in the marriage I had been struggling with for over 20 years. I asked Him to give me big signs, as I knew I would probably not recognize the more subtle ones. From that time till now there have been countless blessings; a friend gave me a large trailer home, my Dad gave me 3 acres of property, I have opted for early retirement from my job and I am moving forward with the type of work I am passionate about and I have been blessed with a business connection that I had dreamed about for years. I am also starting another small business, namely a Plant Nursery. I am well on the way towards moving off-grid on my 3 acres with my son, which is where I will setting up my nursery. I now have a peace within me and each day I keep looking for blessings and thanking God for them, whether they be large or small. I know within me that things are getting better as I can see it happening right before my eyes. She no longer has that traumatizing effect on me and she realizes that I have changed. Each day I get closer to my goal of peaceful off-grid living, surrounded by nature and closer to God.
    Thank you so much for your part in helping me to reach this far; you are a true beacon of hope in a dark world.


    1. Hi Will,

      thank you so much.

      I LOVE how when we are ready to allow God (our Higher Power) to flow throw us as us and help – and we ask – that we do receive.

      I am so happy for you Will that you are breaking out of the chains and into your true and radiant life.

      It is never too late to do this.

      Bless you, and you are so welcome and I am honoured to be a part of your recovery.

      Mel xo

  20. Hi Mel

    I discovered your work just before Christmas as I was searching online for information on narcissistic people. My father is a narcissistic- a very dangerous one. I haven’t spoken to him in 3 years now- and I have accepted that I never will have anything to do with him again. Not that it bothers the narcissist – he really doesn’t care. But growing up as a child I was hugely damaged from my fathers behaviour. Everything was always about him, his needs, his ego. We were all narcissistically abused by him in various ways- my mother was totally Victimised and treated like a door mat so much to the point that she eventually became just a shell of herself- she was like a slave to him. My older brother was set up In competition with me- by my father- for his own twisted gratification. My younger sister was treated like a princess but he trained her to become a narcissist like him. He eventually abandoned her too. He is an alcoholic and gambler and he was (and still is) emotionally and physically abusive – my older brother said to me recently – there wasn’t a day that went by that dad didn’t emotionally abuse mum growing up. I could go into story after story of his ego games, lies, betrayals, abandonment and pain and dramas that he caused for me since as far back as I can remember. Anyhow I just wanted to thank you for your work and I’ve been watching your videos and they really help . It help to understand narcissistic abuse – I am 39 and I have just started on the road to recovery from all of this – I hope it’s not too late and that I can heal .


    1. Hi RB,

      I am so pleased you are starting to see this more clearly and that my information is helping you. I promise you that there are many people in the Community who have healed and Thrived from a lifetime of abuse, at ages older than yourself. Even people in their 70’s.

      I’d love you to come into the next Webinar Group because this is where such concentrated support, healing and breakthrough focus takes place.

      Mel xo

      1. Hey

        Thanks for your reply,

        Your videos and blog are great, they have had a profoundly positive affect on me as they explain NA so well. Growing up with i was very difficult, but once you understand what you are dealing with it changes the way in which you react to the narcissist.

        I look forward to your webinar 🙂

  21. Hi Melanie

    I am interested in the practitioner training as I would love to be able to help others heal their emotional wounds and self-partner.

    Thank you for all that you do

    1. Hi Theresa,

      thank you so much!

      You are so welcome, and I would love you to the next level – in all ways – generating a love relationship that is healthy … and QFH practitioner training!

      Mel xo

  22. H Patricia,

    I am so pleased I have been able to co-create breakthrough with you! How fantastic that you DID turn inwards and did the up-levelling to break free from the emotional trauma in order to generate your own life.

    Big kudos to you!

    Yes … 2016 is going to be an amazing year of expansion – soooo much!

    Mel xo

  23. You are an angel child for sure Melanie!! The pathway you have created on how to deal with NPD is absolutely brilliant. I hardly know where to start thanking you for the gift of your life`s work.
    Growing up with parents that mentally abused me was not fun. How you have turned that over to an advantage “blows my mind.” The miracle is that it works and it the truth.
    Thank you for giving me the confidence and courage to face the demons of NPD and rise above it.
    I get goose bumps from it now. I am helping at least 3 people that are in abusive situations and have directed them to my now life source………YOU!! Melanie Tonia Evans!!! (You have the most amazing hair ever…..never ever cut it again!!!!)
    Someday, I will be able to became a member of your group……..leaving my Narc situation left me financially devastated……it will happen!
    Thank you Melaine…….Angel Child.

    1. Hi WJB,

      what beautiful compliments! Thank you 🙂

      I am so pleased that you too have turned this all around from “demise” into “rebirth” … and that you are showing others the Thriver Model too.

      I agree – it is “mind-blowingly” incredible when we tap into the truth.

      Bless you and keep healing WJB.

      Mel xo

      1. Melanie, you are a gift sent to us by the universe. Each time I watch your video`s, I thank the greater powers for you. You have been sent here with a mission to “laugh in the face” the dark shadow forces that prowl this earth. It feels like coming home to a safe haven that has appeared out of the mist after a
        long harrowing journey, with each video, article or message you lovingly give.
        Again, I am “blown away.” You personally replied to my “reply” in the same day. You give personal replies
        to everybody!! What more can we possible ask for? There is a spiritual bonding that takes place with
        people that have experienced horrific abuse and still refuse to give up!!! Thank you again for being there.
        From now on, during my time on this earth, please allow me to carry your spirit and message to each and every soul that comes into my life. I ask your permission, because I honor your life. One that proves the rebirth of a soul from its lowest level is possible. From the ashes, a soul that now breathes with vitality and life, spread her message to the world!!! That is you Melanie Tonia Evans…and for you…

  24. Cool video Shelley. Short, and to the point. I will try to do that next time someone hurts me. Although I may get arsreted in Japan as the nearest outside place is the local park.Adam Payne recently posted..

  25. I have been reading all Melanie’s material avidly after a recent break up with my second narcissist and I will shortly be starting the narp material. I was inspired To hear that Melanie’s in a healthy new relationship (after reading her dating posts and journey) but couldn’t find any mention of this in the blog article? There were lots of reader comments about it but I couldn’t see anything at all and wondered if I was missing posts/material somehow. Best wishes Kate xoxo

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