Imagine finding true financial freedom after leaving behind a toxic relationship that left you traumatized, sick, and barely functioning. This is exactly what Kami, a Thriver Community member, experienced after working on her inner self with Quanta Freedom Healing™.

Inspired by nature, Kami found her calling as an artist and now sells her stunning, intuitively channeled art globally. But despite her manifesting abilities, Kami struggled with managing and holding onto money. She contacted me for a one-on-one Quanta Freedom Healing™ to release subconscious blocks around money and achieve lasting financial prosperity.

Through this healing, Kami experienced profound reversals in her beliefs and was able to use words like “money” without feeling conflicted. Two days later, she felt like she was ‘flying,’ and her imagination was soaring. This is the power of one-on-one healing and the ability to heal from the inside out.

Join the Thriver Community today to start your healing journey and experience the transformative power of Quanta Freedom Healing™. Don’t let subconscious blocks keep you from true financial freedom and living your best life.



Video Transcript

Today, I want to share a live Quanta Freedom Healing™ on a HUGE topic for many people: healing financial prosperity after narcissistic abuse. If you have not yet subscribed to my YouTube channel, please do so. I’d love for you to share my work with others who need it.

Kami has been in the Thriver Community since 2021 and worked diligently on herself, with NARP and my online programs, to heal from narcissistic abuse and chronic illnesses. When I first met Kami, she was traumatized, sick, housebound, and barely functioning. She believed that if Quanta Freedom Healing™ hadn’t worked for her, she didn’t want to live.

Thank goodness she did find this way to heal!

Kami released many of her internal traumas, became healthy and happy, and pursued her dream of creating beautiful paintings and sculptures and sharing them with the world.

Kami sells her stunning, intuitively channeled art online, has her own exhibitions, and has even sold pieces whilst creating them on the spot, at the beach, or online within minutes of posting them!

Now, after unlocking her subconscious blocks, Kami enjoys feeling whole in her body, traveling globally, and being inspired by nature while making money from what she loves doing.
However, even though Kami is a master manifester, money slips through her fingers. She creates windfalls of money but then finds herself struggling again. Kami realised this was the pattern, and painful beliefs around money were stuck in her subconscious.



Kami reached out to me for one-on-one healing because she was sick of her battle with finances and wanted them gone.

I was more than happy to help her achieve this—with Quanta Freedom Healing™, which powerfully changes us directly in the subconscious mind/body to change our lives.

This one-on-one healing is the finding, releasing, and reprogramming of WHY Kami has had this pattern and has been unable to be solid, healthy, or safe with finances.

As you will see, Kami’s healing brought more to the table than we could have imagined! Our healing together was fascinating, leaving me again wondering, “How on earth could this be healing other than Quantumly?”

If you already work with the Super Tool Quanta Freedom Healing™, watching this healing will grant you wonderful tips for working on your own healing. If you have never experienced Quanta Freedom Healing™ or considered working directly with the subconscious mind/body, I hope that this method of healing makes sense to you and shows how our lives unfold from within if it is possible to heal from the inside out, and if we don’t go within, we go without.

Within the healing, Kami experienced profound reversals in her beliefs. Off-camera, when we chatted, she said, “This is the first time in my life I have ever been able to say the word ‘money’ without feeling conflicted.”

Two days later, Kami messaged me, “Before my session, I felt limited when I thought about money. Now, I feel like I’m flying, and my imagination is soaring!”

I can’t wait to see what Kami will create next!

To take the first step to start healing Quantumly, join our wonderful Thriver Community, and heal from abuse as Kami did, please see The Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program.

If you would like to consider working with me in a one-on-one healing session, please write to [email protected] for more details.

If you are already a Gold NARP Member and would like to express interest in Quanta Freedom Healing™ training with me in March 2024, then please also write to [email protected]

I hope you enjoy this Shifts Happen Healing, and I look forward to answering your comments and questions.

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16 thoughts on “Thriver Talks Special: Healing Financial Prosperity After Abuse

    1. Yes, contact support with the email Melanie left you! They are so quick and helpful! I have also jumped on doing 1:1s with Mel in the last 2 months and it has been a game changer! So much healing and expansion in such a quick time!

  1. That was amazing, I did the shift along side you and released a lot of energy in tingles, hot and cold out of my back, heart, throat and solar plexus. My ‘story’ is a bit different but the hinge-points were…peculiarly similar. Really peculiarly similar. Love and more love to both of you.

    1. Wow…I love this for you! That’s fantastic! Thank you for sharing! I feel like this will help alot of people, and it was such an incredible gift to work with Melanie. She’s the best! ✨️✨️✨️

  2. Love this and all the expansion happening for Kami as Mel and Kami both team up to release traumas and programming around financial prosperity! I have been using Quantum Freedom Healing (QFH) for the past two years and last month had the chance to start doing individual sessions with Mel! Honestly, BEST investment of my life! After narcissistic abuse, I have been suffering and managing PTSD, nervous system issues, fibromyalgia, digestion problems and severe symptoms from 10 concussions (TBIs) that I had experienced. I am BEYOND grateful for Mel and her dedication to this work as this truly is the only way to address the root cause of these issues. I had spent so much money, time and energy trying to heal from all of this and Mel and QFH have been the only healing modality that attacks the root cause and provided me with resolution from multiple of these health conditions. Because of these sessions and Mel’s program, I am now able to show up for myself and create a life that feels empowering and in alignment who my soul. Much love to everyone on their journey within! 💖💫

    1. Dear Madeline,

      sweetheart it has been an absolute joy and honour to help you heal and see you breaking free from unspeakable trauma.

      If anyone deserves this YOU do!

      So Much Love to you

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  3. Awwwww thank you Mel!🙏 Working with you has been so POWER-FULL and fun as I have felt so seen as we can understand each other so well! So much love for you and your mission! You truly are a gift to me and this world! I am beyond grateful for your love and support!

    Lots of love 🥰💕

  4. I am so honoured to work with Mel. What a sweet caring person. Quantum freedom healing and Melanie have completely changed my life. QFH has changed how one heals from trauma. It digs deep into your very being and clears the blocks to being your self The programs are packed full, the thriver groups creates powerful transformations and connections while the one on one clears areas where you are stuck and can’t figure out why.
    QFH helps with all areas of trauma. I have watched as many peoples lives have changed for the better and have referred many to Quantum Freedom Healing and Melanie. Every time my referrals have experienced deep profound changes.
    Thanks Melanie for all you do and for QFH. Life as a thriver is beautiful.

  5. I am blown away from my session! I have peace and calm when I think of money now. I have an inner knowing I can take care of myself. We did so much subconscious clearing, and I feel like I have miraculously been re-programmed! Thank you Melanie! You are an angel. 😇 I’m so happy this is helping more people! ✨️🌟💛

  6. I’m an artist too Kami, and I really deeply related to the challenges you were processing and I tried to release along side you guys…wow. I checked out your art online and I’m really feeling your sculptures, they give me that YES feeling…lol. Stay strong, keep thriving, keep creating your amazing work!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Such an amazing and inspirational sharing, thank you Mel, and thank you Kami for being so open and courageous!
    Quanta Freedom Healings are so incredible, gentle, powerful and light-filled at shifting known and unknown traumas and beliefs. They have been life and situation-changing for so many, myself included! Thank goodness that there’s always a way through when we tap into, and are one with, the true power of the Cosmos – that which we are!
    Here’s to bringing the darkness to light, the pain back to love, and surviving to thriving!
    With love, blessings and gratitude xoxox

    1. Hi Jen,

      I adore that you are a fellow traveller of Light. You deserve every breakthrough after doing so much beuatoful inner work yourslf. Thank you for being a guiding Light of healing for so many others as well.

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

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