I’ve been talking a lot recently about how life currently seems to breaking apart and collapsing, and something many of us are experiencing as part of this is the return of painful patterns that we thought we had shifted out of.

Or maybe you are in a place where you have only recently begun to recognise how you have certain patterns in your life. For example, perhaps you always date the ‘same person in a different body’, or no matter where you move to, you always have difficult neighbours.

Applying the 5 steps I share today will powerfully change even the oldest, most ingrained painful patterns, whether they arise from within or from ‘the outside’, and whether you are facing newly-discovered patterns, or those showing up in your life for the umpteenth time.



Video Transcript

Today I feel really inspired to share with you the five steps to break painful patterns. I know that this can powerfully help you get back in charge of your life, enabling you to make a shift from the life that you’re having now, to the one that you truly want to live.

This is vitally important right now, because life as we know it is breaking apart and collapsing. I know a lot of you are experiencing this, and are also sensing a new life is forming.

There is a ravine to leap across here if we don’t want to fall down into it.

So is it just me who’s feeling like this? I don’t believe it is, because so many of you have been reaching out and reporting this too, on recent blogs and elsewhere.

Our old ways of operating are becoming painful and old relationship issues are becoming unbearable. Not only that, but the previous ways you might have used to avoid your pain – trying to use pastimes, distractions or addictions to try to numb out – just aren’t cutting it anymore.

The following 5 steps will work to break any pattern in your life, whether it seems like your personal skirmish, or seems to be happening to you from ‘the outside’.

These steps work because they peel everything back to the Quantum Truth – what’s really going on at the deepest levels of creating this pattern – so that you can make the necessary changes right at your core.

So let’s leap right into this, shall we?


Step #1: Take Back Your Power

The first step is acknowledging that this pattern is not something random or happening to you because of others.

This initial step is about taking your power back. None of the other steps work unless you take this step. It’s the acknowledgement that you are a divine creator and that life is happening through you.

This is not about assigning blame or fault to yourself. It’s about being conscious and taking your power back. Realizing that it’s fruitless to try to change eight billion other people on the planet or even any one of those eight billion people, because the only person that you have the power to change is yourself.


Step #2: Chop Off Your Head And Put It Under Your Arm

Stop trying to logically work out this pattern by examining others and trying to hold them to account, or gathering more information about what happened to you, or what your trauma symptoms are because of your life.

This pattern is playing out and manifesting through your limbic system – your emotional, deep, unconscious inner programs. The core of it is not in your mind. The obsessive thinking about it is a symptom of the dense energy that’s trapped inside of you.

Think of your pattern as trauma energy in your body, which is causing you to play out and manifest more of the same.

Healing this requires you to deeply shift, from the inside out – releasing this emotional energy and replacing it with the Higher Self Truth energy, which is called ‘the Light’.

Quantum healing techniques start an inner healing process that is not logically possible. Once you start working with these deeper, somatic, inner program tools, you’ll wonder how you tried to heal previously with thinking, talking, and researching.




Step #3: Clean Up Your Past Energy On This Pattern

This is where the inner work is really vital. Can you imagine if you had a deep infection and you only cleaned the surface of it, without healing the deep inner abscess? It’s just going to get re-infected. It’ll come back, just as chopping down a tree and leaving the root system will allow it to reinstate itself. The same is true with your inner trauma.

What is required to clean up the original traumas, which have been in repeat, is addressing your inner emotional energy system – the core, the roots and the branches. Doing this correctly is not about the ‘head work’ of examining and revisiting what these core wounds and offshoots could be. Doing this logically through talk therapy and research only cements what has happened to you and never removes it.

Deep inner work is somatic energy work that locates, loads up and releases trauma energy from the deep caverns of your inner being, using visualisation processes that speak to the subconscious to allow you to do this. Quanta Freedom Healing does this work effectively and quickly.


Step #4: Stop Participating In The Pattern

Step number four is about being very clear about what your pattern is and no longer participating in it.

As an example, do you hook up with unavailable people? If somebody who shows up in your life starts being missing in action, then stop spending time with them and stop making excuses for them.

Have you been repeatedly sexualized by people on dating sites? Has that been your pattern? If it happens, block and delete these people and move on. Don’t give it your energy or your focus.

If you know when emotionally triggered you go towards addictive substances, pastimes and ways to try to self medicate yourself out of pain, stop doing it. Meet the inner trauma, and release and heal from what is arising instead.

You can’t have it both ways. You can’t keep participating in – and granting energy to – patterns in your life if you want to ascend beyond them.

You can’t take the drug of your old pattern whilst trying to give it up. It doesn’t work that way.

If you want an incredible life, you can’t swan around filling up your time with meaningless distractions that are not developing and growing you, and still think it’s going to happen.

(By the way, doing the inner work to heal and evolve yourself is NOT meaningless.)

Sometimes, you may think you are saying “no” to something in your life that frustrates and triggers you, because you are fighting back and engaging with it. But this isn’t pushing it away – it’s actually bringing it into your energy field just as if you were saying yes to it.

An example of this is having conversations and interactions with someone who treats you disgracefully. Afterwards, if you continue to obsess about it, talk to other people about it and smear the person, you are keeping it going in your life. Whereas you could simply state your truth, detach and move on to people and things that are more respectful and healthy for your life.


Step #5: Welcome The Pattern And Claim Your Soul Graduation

Step number five is welcome the pattern if it shows up in your life again.

Lots of people think that the old patterns showing up is the evidence that they haven’t healed on the inside in relation to this.

People will commonly declare “why are narcissists still showing up in my life?

Why are they? It’s because you need to physically graduate beyond them. It’s all part of the healing and the growth. You are a spirit – a soul, a being – having a physical experience. Your inner and your outer worlds are incredibly important and they integrate intrinsically.

The graduation on the inner level is “This thing no longer triggers me or has me obsessing. I know it’s not my reality. I’m very clear and I’m not choosing it. I say no and I move on”.

To do this, you need the outer world graduation as well. This is, “I’m not going to resent this thing showing up in my life because this time I’m going to do it differently. I’m going to make a different choice to previously. I’m not going to engage. I’m not going to fall into cognitive dissonance, do what used to feel familiar and make excuses for it. I am now relishing the opportunity to be awake, to get empowered, to make different choices and manifest a different outcome for myself”.

For example, if you’ve been doing the inner work on narcissistic abuse, and you find yourself on a date with a narcissist, then this time around you can say to yourself, “I can be myself. I can show up without fear. I’m not hooked in. I can identify this person: he’s self-absorbed and he’s love bombing me. So I’m going to say ‘no thanks’, without any pain or fear. Yippee! Now I know I can totally look after myself come what may”.

What incredible power and confidence comes from a graduation like that!

Or maybe you start seeing somebody who’s unavailable. This time you lay boundaries. You state the truth of what you need and deserve in your life, and what you will accept. If they don’t step up, and they make excuses, you can say, “No thanks. Not for me”.

You’ll be punching the air with the excitement of your real life graduation. There’s no pain, obsession or loss. You dodged a bullet and you’re not going back into the old way of wondering and excuses – “Maybe I was too harsh. Maybe I shouldn’t have laid that boundary.”

You will love the fact that you’re no longer playing into your old pattern because you are now ascending and creating different trajectories in your life, as the divine creator you are. You have said to Source, “this is who I am. This is my vibrational reality, and this is where I play in my deservedness”. And then you will be presented with the matches of such.


In Conclusion

Your old painful patterns were this – old stuck unresolved trauma, that you still participated in, thus remaining stuck in that trajectory of experience.

As I promised you at the beginning, this is the winning recipe for dealing with any painful pattern in your life: clear the inner trauma patterns, stop identifying and participating with them, and instead change who you are when they come back into your life, because they will. Keep releasing any triggers, pain and confusion that comes up as you do this – the inner Quantum Healing Tools are a powerful way to do this, and to obtain your graduation.

In this way you can change even those old, ingrained painful patterns that can feel impossible to break out of.

Keep bringing in the light, your higher self, which resets you into wisdom, power and self honor. This means you honour everything in honourable ways, from your own empowerment, wisdom, and solid inner-standing.

This is why the quantum tools are so powerful with anything that hurts in your life, especially those pesky, painful, old, ingrained patterns that you may have felt like you’ve been doing your entire life – or maybe lifetimes (and many of us have).

I promise you that these patterns are not impossible to break out of, and you could even start getting free from them in the quantum way today.

You may need to watch this video or read the transcript a few times to soak up these five steps and take some notes. Ultimately you have to apply the five steps to get the true results.

I hope this helps. If you like my videos, please remember to subscribe to my YouTube channel and share my work with other people so that they can know we have an ability to not only survive narcissistic abuse, but to heal, thrive and become better than we ever were, even before abuse came into our lives, and even if abuse is all we’ve ever known. That’s the Thriver way.

Please know that all of my healing programs grant you the guidance and Quanta Freedom Healings to work these five steps. All of my programs change your life quickly and powerfully from the inside out for real and beyond description.

You can take a look at my healing programs by clicking here.

Until the next one, keep smiling, keep healing, and keep thriving because there is nothing else to do. Lots of love. Bye-bye.

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16 thoughts on “5 Steps to Break Painful Patterns

  1. Thank you Melanie for reminding us that the return of a triggering pattern is a blessing and the fabulous opportunity to experience our soul graduation. It is so much more empowering than seeing it as a relapse. Very timely for me as always. With much love ❤️

  2. Thank you so much, Melanie 🧡 I will use the steps as I am trying to step out of my forever repeated patterns and fighting inside of me to let them go and bring in the light, the peace in order to keep going feeling positive and hopefully saying yippy i finally graduated.
    Lots of love,

  3. I am so glad you are discussing this Mel. I came back to your blog today after many years because of recent events and like always, here you are shining your beacon of light over the very topic I needed help with!

    I started NARP in 2016 and since then my whole life transformed for the better. I evolved past cPTSD, BPD, codependency and into a life of freedom. I then used NARP to uplevel toxic beliefs about wealth, deservedness and my right to be here.

    Within a few years my life had transformed, narcissists exposed themselves and dropped out of my life, I built an incredible business, financial freedom and most of all, inner peace.

    But in recent weeks, everything I’ve known for the last few years has started to crumble for no apparent reason. People and family members who I’ve always trusted and loved, have shown themselves to be untrustworthy and insincere, my business ventures have not only been inexplicably blocked but avenues for potential growth have completely fallen apart.

    Around me, everyone I know is struggling with inner turmoil and many have taken to medicating themselves with prescription drugs to numb the pain.

    I couldn’t figure out what was going on in my life and others, so I came back here, as I often do in times of difficulty, and once again you have made it all so clear. There is more work to do. Thank you Mel 💜

    1. Hi Stephanie,
      Thank you for expressing your life journey so far.
      Welcome Home.
      You are already moving on Thriver….leaving the last batch of Narcs in the dust.
      Blessed Be

  4. This is so true for me. Life as I know it is definitely coming to the end of a “season”. Literally people are dying and falling out of my life. The relationship I am in is deteriorating and falling apart.
    I started following you at the end of May 2020 and signed up for “The Three Keys” healing workshop for June 1, 2020. That was the beginning of my healing journey. I signed up for NARP in
    September 2021. The subtle change within is remarkable. It’s like life is preparing me for the next “season”. I am so grateful to you for this life changing/saving experience. Thank you Mel. Lots of Love.

  5. Dear Melanie!
    When I read #2 here in this article I simply burst out in laughter! I couldn’t imagine how in the heck I could chop my head off and put it under my arm! I thought that putting it under my pillow might work better….🤔

    But it made sense to me! 😌

    I can’t tell you how many times I wished that I could simply stop all the nonsense going on in my head from going on and on and on and on! Unfortunately It’s been a lifelong battle for me!

    I definitely resonated with your use of the word “patterns”…

    Your teachings and the NARP approach parallel amazingly something I learned when I was studying some of the esoteric teachings of the east! We were advised to recognize our “patterns” and mechanical forms of behavior which included obsessive, unnecessary thinking….

    We were advised to do this so that our wish to develop an inner life or something deeper within ourselves was not hindered by that kind of nonsense….

    It’s interesting how you use that same idea when it comes to our over “stinking thinking”….and how that can become an unhealthy “pattern”…

    One of my very first mentors mentioned often that “my mind was my nemesis” when it came to me learning to practice certain ideas of the very sacred eastern teachings! It was true then and too often yet….

    The same is true here, at least as I understand it, with NARP! Simply speaking I need to reduce the amount of thinking and allow something else to manifest that can give me sensible guidance! It seems that both WAYS are about doing the Spiritual Work with NARP giving us real guidance so our inner lives “emerge” as a result especially after we’ve been narcissistically abused….🕊

    Once again an article of yours has helped me with an ongoing issue… that I need to really let go of old “patterns” that are no longer helpful!

    I hope this all makes sense! Thank you so much for continuing this mission of yours this earth…you are so inspiring, Melanie!

    Much love! ❤️🦋❤️

    1. Hi Peter,

      it is really true that our mind is the enemy. It is NOT the Voice of Source when we have trauma-generating thinking.

      It’s a regurgitation of the traumatic past, and fear of the future. It robs Lifeforce from NOW (the only place we have any power to create your life).

      There has been so much consensus on how to STOP thinking – yet that is simply thinking MORE about how to STOP it.

      This is what I love about Qunata freedom healing and NARP http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/narp … this … we simply SHIFT out the trauma that is generating the thinking.

      No internal trauma = no thinking in traumatic (negative/fearful) ways.

      That is REAL freedom.

      It grants the peace and space inside for the Divine Source Mind to enter – which is Lifeforce and Wellbeing in the NOW – whoch then manifests more of that.

      It really is THAT simple.

      What isn’t simple is being disciplined enough to stop analysing, researching and thinking and just do NARP Modules instead.

      Much Love to you Peter!

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  6. Dear Melanie!
    Thank you so much for your response! I needed to read it three times before I finally got the full gist of your kind and thoughtful commentary!

    I so appreciate how you relentlessly continue to guide us back to the modules and to use the modules as a valuable source and reminder that can profoundly affect own growth and Spiritual evolution….

    I have to be honest that I don’t always remember THAT going there, when I might be troubled about my life circumstances, i.e. to visit the modules, is a resource available to me every day of my life.

    Thank you so much for making a note of that! That is invaluable!

    I hope to see you and others for the Valentines special! ❤️

  7. No one says it like You Mel!
    I’ve had those old patterns come up and recognised them as such. I Bless and Accept this feeling. Even if it’s been “why am I still feeling angry about such and such a situation”. Especially so many such situations at the moment. They are granting us such an opportunity. The only thing that was painful about it was the judgment of it, realising that I was judging it, “I thought I’d graduated from this”, rather than “I AM graduating from this”. The whole planet is. This article sums up for me how I feel about 2023, what’s so important to move into The 5D New Earth. I do remember you saying that if you don’t clear it all, it will come back. Such useful steps too! Even things like trying to talk to family about certain things is an opportunity to see for me, “can I recognise when its healthy or not”, rather than trying to ‘force’ them to wake up lol. Or am I being a victim and trying to bash them into a version of reality. For example, they may “like” a certain muppet puppet that has resigned recently and I may be telling them to see what’s happened. No, I do not need to force anyone to do, be, anything. Let it Go.
    Love and Blessings to All 🙂
    Thank You Mel!

  8. Thank you for the inspiration to heal, thrive and move on. Although I participate in the NARP program and consider myself a Thriver, I do fall back into periods of worry and confusion. I recognize this and immediately try to shift out this black, dense energy. The metaphor or jumping over a ravine really resonates with me. That’s what I feel like. I just need to make that leap and know I’ll be okay and have a future of prosperity. I need to sheds all the crap hanging on to me and move on once and for all. I’m almost there. ❤️

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