In today’s Thriver TV episode I deeply explain to you the truth about trauma.

Trauma is not logical, trauma is emotional.  The brain follows the body – always.

You cannot think your way out of your suffering or the devastation and intense challenges with a narcissist, therefore you can’t heal for real from narcissistic abuse by using your mind.

But there is good news – a way to not only release the trauma inside of you but also to access the shortest, most direct and powerful passage through to calm, aligned, powerful thoughts that will lead you out of abuse and into your new life.



Video Transcript

Today’s Thriver TV may help you understand trauma at a level that changes everything.

And not only changes your understanding of it but also makes an incredible difference regarding how you can heal from it.

These revolutionary understandings are what have made the difference between people merely managing abuse and trauma systems, or truly recovering from them.

Before I share this incredibly vital information with you, I would just like to take a moment to thank everybody who has subscribed to my channel for supporting the Thriver mission, and for those of you who haven’t yet, please do and if you like this episode also make sure that you like and share it.

Trauma Doesn’t Reside In Our Brain

I really want you to understand that, yes, our brain is severely affected by trauma, however, that is not the seat of where our trauma is.

Trauma is not logical, trauma is emotional.

It is crucial for you to understand that when we think, talk and research, this cognitive part of our brain is not in contact with our limbic and emotional systems where our trauma is stored.

Let’s say these following statements together;

“I think devastated.”

“I think horrified.”

“I think powerless.”

All of these statements are coming from the cognitive frontal part of our brain, which is not in contact with our visceral experience inside our body.

It’s our internal experience that is driving our life, that is shaping it as the people we are, because it is responsible for what we believe about ourselves, life and others.

We think that how we feel is because of our thinking, yet the real truth is our thinking follows our feeling always.

When we go back to those three statements that we just said, our ‘thinking’ has nothing to do with these feelings. We know that these statements should be, ‘I feel devastated’, ‘I feel horrified’, ‘I feel powerless’.

Why? Because these states are feelings, they’re not ‘thinkings’.

The way we are thinking is because these feelings are happening as our inner experience.


The Brain Follows The Body Always

To understand the body brain connection, we need to realise how vitally our feelings control our consciousness, and therefore our thinking.

When we are experiencing the visceral emotional hijacking of trauma, what we discover is that our thinking is not calm, measured and capable of finding solutions to the feelings that we’re experiencing.

Rather, we are likely to be thrown into uncontrollable bouts of “stinking thinking”. What we discover is that our thinking is stuck in the matching experience of our inner feelings. And yet, we try so valiantly to change our feelings in our body by trying to force our brain into healthier ways of thinking.

But we just can’t consistently access and then continue to hold saner thinking. And maybe no matter how hard we try, we just keep defaulting back feeling hopeless, helpless and powerless. Then we think, ‘this is just our lot’ and we try fruitlessly to get ourselves out of what seems like a completely traumatising situation, with no end to it.

This is normal. And this is why it is so usual to wonder ‘what on earth is wrong with me? Why can’t I get it through my head that this person is no good for me, is destroying me, and that I need to get away and stay away?’ And we wonder when we actually do crawl away and stay away, why is it that our head keeps defaulting back to all of the thoughts of the trauma, of what happened, and what we could have done differently to not have lived through what we did.

It’s common to have not just lingering thoughts of regrets, heartbreak, remorse, powerlessness, grief and such; it’s also a huge battle just trying to regain and rebuild your life. The reason for this is because your brain is following your body.

When there is trauma stuck in your body, in your visceral experience, in your limbic emotional systems, this is hijacking the integrity of your Being. It affects your consciousness and the ability for you to open up and access relief, resolution, healing, evolution, solution, and expansion.

All these things have been shut down.

It is simply not available at the level of consciousness that your internal trauma is generating for your brain. You’ve been thrown into the back part of your brain, the amygdala, which is purely focused on survival. This is not a place where a connection to The Field (which is all of life) in solution based, supportive, powerful and even miraculous ways, is available.

When we are not Thriving as a result of not understanding the body brain connection, it means that we are trapped in our primitive brain suffering intense traumatic feelings and thoughts that set up a horrifying peptide addiction.

Until we understand how and why we need to make the shift to put the body in front of the brain, it truly is a prison with no escape.


The Shift Into Our Body

The complete irony is that the one place we need to go to the most, is the place that we’ve all been programmed to stay out of.

Self-partnering is the only true way home to come back into our own bodies with love and devotion to do the inner healing work to find, load up, release and reprogram our trauma, so that we live free of it.

When we do this, we discover that those feelings of being devastated, horrified and powerless no longer exist. When we check into our body, instead there is a feeling of calm, warmth and even hope and power. Stunningly we discover that we can experience these feelings without even having to have any physical evidence in the world outside us to provide us with these feelings.

This is when we have started to take our power back.

We realise that we literally are Grand Creators who through our visceral emotional experience Be-come the generation of the life that we wish to live. And we may not know it at first, but when we start becoming an emotional experience inside our being, we discover organically that inspiration, hope, power, solutions, and things and people outside of us start reflecting back ‘more of the same’.

It’s then that we realise how much power we have in the creation of our life process. We also awaken to realise that when we were battling a traumatised visceral experience, trying to get things and people outside of ourselves to change or soothe us in order to try to produce better feelings, that it didn’t durably work.

It’s so ironic that the training that we had to self-avoid and self-abandon, such as don’t think about that, distract yourself, get someone to love you to try to take the pain away, eat that food, smoke that cigarette, drink that alcohol, take that pill, jump on social media, watch TV, all meant that our inner trauma remained screaming, was ignored and just got bigger and bigger.

Yet, when we went inside with love and devotion and used an effective quantum tool to reach, release and reprogram our trauma, we discovered the love that we’ve been looking for all along – the devotion, commitment and consistency to continually free ourselves of trauma and remember the incredible Quantum Creators that we really are.

This is only possible when we self-partner ourselves from within.


The Relief Of Self-Partnering

You may have seen that Emma Watson has been talking recently about her experience in being happily self-partnered. There are people who have criticised this, saying that it’s an excuse to try to feel better whilst being single and that people can’t be complete if single or that they’re single because they may not be able to connect to other people in healthy ways.

Nothing could be further from the truth than these assumptions. The greatest benefit of being self-partnered is that finally, you understand the body brain connection, and you are doing the work of meeting and being with yourself in a deep intimate way so that you can heal, release and self-soothe whatever your traumatic inner experiences have been.

And what you will discover is when you do that, your brain will automatically follow your body.

You will become wise, powerful, centered, solid, calm and able to access solutions, possibilities, expansion and even miracles.

That is what self-partnering in a quantum way produces when you are prepared to meet the trauma in your body, be with it with love and unconditionally and then release it. It’s not just the ultimate act of self-partnering, it’s the true way to generate your personal evolution.

Which is the true reason we are here to wake up to.

Does this make sense to you?

Can you understand now how problematic and even impossible it is to try to think our way out of trauma?

If so, I want you to write below, “I’ve woken up!”

So now, if you want to learn how to do that in safe and effective, powerful and profoundly liberating ways, then come with me into my free webinar, so that I can show you exactly how to get your brain to follow your body healthily.

You can do this by clicking this link – free webinar. 

I hope that you enjoyed this Thriver TV episode, and if you’d like to see more of them please make sure that you subscribe to my channel. Also, click like if you enjoyed this and share with your friends and family so that we can help other people wake up to the truth.

And as always, I can’t wait to join in with your comments and questions below.

Also, Aussie peeps, my live OZ Tour, where I get to join you in person, is coming up very quickly. There are only a few limited tickets left and you can claim yours here:


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57 thoughts on “The Trauma Is In The Body … Not The Brain!

    1. Hi DAnna,

      the great thing is when we start healing with Quantum tools, we don’t need to “throw up on our feet”, we can simply powerfully load up, release and replace deep existing trauma programs, and go free from them.

      It’s wonderful that I can invite you to share this journey with myself and other thrivers!

      Love and blessings to you.

      Mel 🙏💛💕

  1. Great article Melanie!

    Truly aren’t ALL EMOTIONAL states are beyond the reach of thought and logic?

    I have patients who are fearful for no apparent reason and even contrary to all evidence in their experience. Also, depression prevails even in spite of seemingly “perfect” circumstances.

    Healing the soul (seat of the emotions) has to be approached from a different space and state of heart than regular logical reasoning. When truly whole, then thinking is clear and unperturbed because there is not dissonance.

    When we are deeply in love : “Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connait point.” (The heart has reasons that reason knows nothing about.).

    Thank you for this article.

    1. Hi Iris,

      you never cease to amaze me with your profound wisdom, and I’m so grateful to you for sharing it with our incredible community.

      That was the most astounding and pertinent quote.

      Much love to you.

      Mel 🙏💛💕

  2. Hi Melanie, yes while being with the narcissist, it felt like being under a spell with no escape, so glad my narcissistic threw me out, so she could be with her previous ex, and she has had no contact phew, So happy now

  3. Dear Melanie,

    I’ve woken up! Great Thriver episode. The “shift into body” is key as I have learned doing NARP. Meeting the trauma feelings in the body with openness and acceptance allows this miraculous shift into calm, centered wholeness. Thank you Melanie!

    Love, Dianne

    1. I looked up the Bible verses in Romans 12: 1-3
      Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God- this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is- his good, pleasing and perfect will. For by the grace given me I say to everyone of you: Do not think of yourselves more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you.

      1. The trauma is real. YOU are not imaging the pain that you are mentally feeling. When we ignore that someone hurt our feelings severely and have caused us excruciating mental pain we are lying to ourselves just like Mel said So be honest with yourself. Cut off all communication with anyone who doesn’t value you and recognize that you are precious enough to our Creator that he paid the valuable price of his Son’s blood for you to become reconciled to HIM. If all communication is not cut with the Narc you give the enemy another chance to hurt you. Choose to love yourself and go no contact. Choose ones who are empathetic and kind to your needs as your new circle of friends. Take your power back! Continue to be self partnered and you will stay on the path of healing.😘 My love well wishes go to all sufferers of Narc abuse like myself.

  4. I looked up the Bible verses in Romans 12: 1-3
    Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God- this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is- his good, pleasing and perfect will. For by the grace given me I say to everyone of you: Do not think of yourselves more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you.

  5. It sure woke me up. I’m a thinker, problem solver type and this makes perfect sense why I can’t think my way healthy. I was finally freed October 9th and have struggled with this trauma daily. So glad I heard this message so now I can free my body from this trauma as well.

  6. The actual physical changes that result from traumatic psychological and emotional abuse came as an amazing revelation to me. Learning that my symptoms weren’t “all in my head” enabled me to rethink my strategies for healing in far more effective ways.

    Thank you for this helpful article. This aspect of recovering from abuse doesn’t seem to be widely known yet and I think it’s tremendously important to spread the word!

    1. Hi Dan,

      you are very welcome and I totally agree, then an upgrade to the understanding of trauma, and the ability to heal it at its core, rather than just attempt to manage symptoms, is desperately required.

      Many blessings to you.

      Mel 🙏💛💕

  7. Super helpful as ever Melanie. Thank you 🙏🏻 I was struggling this weekend. My ex-Narc abuser has come and bought a home very close to mine even though he is living with his new supply. I saw him with her (fortunately he didnt see me) but I was frozen to the spot unable to speak my truth, to ask him why he would choose to come to my sanctuary when he had the whole world to choose from. My S Plexus was whirling and my throat constricted. The Trauma I realise is still deep in my body. I actually cannot imagine how it will cease, but your words help. I have been self-partnering for a year post break-up and feel stronger everyday. Thank you for your Thriver TV and NARP Programme. You have been and are a saviour 🙌🏻

    1. Dearest Lisa

      Heal the trauma and the situation will resolve itself for your peace.

      I had the exact forced proximity situation and got myself away for a few months. When I came back I found that they had been forced to move out of my condo village.

      I did nothing but heal myself.

      This healing is QUANTUM. It spills out to your entire life, space, surroundings and in every direction of time. In some way, peace for you will manifest. It is a LAW that is self enforcing

      You be still. You heal you. Let the healing radiate from you to the entire neighborhood.

      All the best

  8. Language you use is confusing and I’m not sure I get what you are really saying. Maybe you could do another video, without all the “quantum talk” and just speak in plain English. That would help I think. I think I’m already doing it, but . . . How would I know?? I’ve been helped a lot by these videos and look forward to hearing them. Thank you, for all you do to help us break free from ourselves so we can break free from others.

    1. Hi Beth,

      it is incredibly hard to explain non-tangible energetic, emotional concepts in real-life words that are logical.

      My greatest suggestion to you is to come and experience directly as feelings in your body, what I am trying to impart to you with mere words.

      This really is an experience that does need to be directly experienced.

      If you come into my free webinar that will help with your understanding a lot.

      Much love to you

      Mel 🙏💛💕

  9. “It’s not just the ultimate act of self-partnering, it’s the true way to generate your personal evolution. Which is the true reason we are here to wake up to.”
    This sentence is the deepest quantum leap arrived at for me in this article. And, the entry into that is my gradually growing recognition of what you’re defining as self-partnering, as being the natural self-evolutional and self-healing standpoint. Your work and sharing have been helping me in other crucial ways, and from that same excited space I must add to this a very self-partnering complementary cd, titled “Healing Trauma” by Peter A. Levine. It, too, is thoroughly body-based and has been an additional and complementary perspective in my process, including getting deeper into your work. I just realized this during this video, in the reality and possibilities of what only you are presenting to me as self-partnering. I also wanted to say that i am strongly wishing you the very best Australia tour next month, anticipating it will be a brilliant success. I can say that besides progressively “waking up” from under bygone thick blankets, I am already quite awake with gratitude for you and your work.

    1. Hi Michman,

      I am so pleased my work resonates with you and supplements your body based learnings.

      Thank you for you well wishes Michman, and that’s wonderful that you feel excited for the possibilities of your awakened self-partnered life.

      It’s a wonderful time to be alive.

      Love and blessings to you.

      Mel 🙏💛💕

  10. Not sure how to start this comment Melanie….
    14 months ago…I was diagnosed with polymyalgia Rhumatica…relief??? STEROIDS!!!!
    Well, then I got ‘steroid induced’ cataracts…..literally went blind overnight…so please excuse me if typo’s come into this…..
    So, $7,000 later to get cataracts ‘seen to’ , seems I wAs ‘allergic’ to eyedrops I had to put in……preservatives in eyedrops apparently….
    HELLO!!! moire blinded than I was before!!!!
    I’ve asked myself…’what am I NOT wanting to see’?
    I thought I was on top of it….
    Narcs inmy life,? My mum…who has now passesd away(hence my having inhderitance to pay for operations on my eyes)….My Dad, who was afraid of my mum….no help there for me! And a vile sister,who seems to have no grasp on ‘reality’ cant hold a job down for more than6 months….but ALWAYS someone elses fault….
    GRANDIOSITY??? She’s a nasty piece of work……when I’m at my most vulnerable…she hits the hardest!!! And its BRUTAL…..
    If I txt her…she starts her part of conversation with PARDON…. I’ve had a bit of fun with that over last 2 weeks, must confess that….. LOL…..but she seems to ‘rewrite history’ and frankly its a headfuk…excuse my language!
    I CANNOT go on with my body deciding my fate….. I cannot go on with a sister, who’s irrational, and I cannot go on……thinking, as I have all my life, Im NOT worthwhile….
    Another thing, she ‘appropriates’ um, my life stories, as if they are hers……????? Got to do this PARDON???? LOL
    I’m trying to keep my sense of humour, however, its become a tad toooooo much!

    Cheers tgo you all…

      1. Thank you Mel
        I went ‘no contact’ with “pardon sister’ but something (or someone) always seems to hook me back in…very much to my detriment…..
        I enjoy your blogs and posts….they always resonate…..
        I feel an anger, but, not sure if I’m angry at ME, for ‘allowing’ this, or ‘others’…..its a conundrum for sure…..
        Anyhoo, thanks for your support, unfortunately, I live in Adelaide, so can’t get to your live appearances…..maybe next time, your doing an aussie tour, you could ‘incorporate’ Adelaide? I’d be there! Good luck with your live appearances, I’m sure they will go great!
        Much love

        1. Hi Janet,

          you are very welcome and please know that coming into my free webinar may really help you get in touch with the deeper inner reason as to why there is a hook still pulling you back in. Which is so normal I promise you!

          And once you free yourself from this, this will make all the difference.

          Janet, myself and the team are coming to Adelaide on tour next year and we are very excited to do so!

          I look forward to meeting you in person then.

          Much love to you

          Mel 🙏💛💕

  11. Hi,
    I’ve done lot of healing during the recent years…eft, narp, matrix reimprinting, huh lot of stuff…
    But is it normal, that even after all that, I can still sometimes become triggered? For example my mom says something disrespecting, and then I feel upset and unbalanced for hours, maybe even a couple of days. Then I’m disappointed with MYSELF, and the inner dialogue goes something like this “you should be able to handle this better by now already”, “you shouldn’t react anymore” etc. Well, I don’t honestly become nowhere near as triggered like I was before all this healing and wisdom, but will we ever be like 100% “healed”?
    Or sometimes the ex n comes into my mind, and during a nanosecond I can smile and think “wow, that was one awesomely sexy man”. You know, these irrational thoughts. Yep, he might have had those qualities, but unfortunately he was also a very toxic person…a n.

    1. Hi Anna,

      yes 100% it is still possible to be triggered, and what that means is that there is still more internal trauma for you to meet, release, and replace.

      The entire journey is about being willing to bless and accept these triggers as an opportunity to up-level ourselves, rather than judge them, cement them, and wrestle with them.

      We are not here to be perfect, our emancipation is simply about the desire to become more and more free. And then the journey just becomes more glorious, expansive and exciting.

      If you were 100% free, then there would be no more expansion to have or enjoy!

      I hope that this makes sense to you and much love.

      Mel 🙏💛💕

      1. Aww, thank you! This is very good point “If you were 100% free, then there would be no more expansion to have or enjoy!” I never thought about it that way.
        I also like this thought that this can be my opportunity to grow and evolve, rather than something that is “wrong” with me and needs to be fixed, fixed, fixed!
        I felt relief now!
        This also just came into my mind…we are “just” humans…if someone treats me badly, isn’t it normal that it makes me feel bad? And that it actually SHOULD make me feel bad? That it is like an inner compass or smoke alarm, like stop and think: something is not okay now here, do I really want to be with such a person? Like trauma or not, but maybe I should see emotions (“triggers”) as my little helpers, and not something that is bad and need to get rid of them asap!

        1. Hi Anna,

          I am so happy that this is given you relief and even excitement about your life journey ahead!

          Please know sweetheart, that when we have healed the applicable trauma within, we can receive the awareness about someone’s unaligned behaviour, yet it certainly won’t be hitting A painful inner personalised emotional trigger. It’s important to understand that we don’t need triggers to know the truth. The more healed we become the more solidly and powerfully we just know the truth. Again it gets back to the beautiful understanding that everything and everyone are AIDS Helping us understand the next part of ourselves that we can release, up level and claim our next highest and greatest evolution.

          Your triggers are perfect!

          So much love to you

          Mel 🙏💛💕

          1. Thank you for taking the time to explain this. Such an incredible wisdom, information (and transformation!) can be found in this website!

  12. I will VERY MUCH look forward to your being in Adelaide Mel! 🙂
    To ‘quote’ George Micheal…..I think YOUR AMAZING!
    AND, I also look forward to ‘seeing’ you!!!! LOL Got to get eyesight back….. NOW, I’ve decided to find this funny…..!!!!
    I suspect a ‘self protective’ thing…..????
    However, I would like to drive my car again! ..without causing carnage! LOL I refuse to drive like this…..bit much, but, HELLO other road users!
    I’m going to Elton John concert next Thursday…..if I can’t see him, I’ve got a seat, so close to stage…..I can jump up and PINCH HIS SPECS!!!! Don’t think they’d suit me tho!
    Seriously tho, THANKYOU MELANIE!! All I can say to others on this post….laugh! coz crying doesn’t help….it makes you go ‘blind’!!!
    Cheers all!
    Much love Mel

  13. I wish I could see you in Sydney

    I have just found out you will be speaking on Tuesday. I have to work, unfortunately.

    Thank you for giving of yourself and offering the wisdom that has helped so many to heal. I have gone through life feeling I was a fraud and always judging myself from the outside. Even when over sixty I would think I have not lived up to my potential. When playing the violin my thoughts would wander as I said to myself ‘what would my ( long dead) first teacher have said when I was playing?

  14. Hi Mel and all here
    I’ve got to share this…..
    I have a lovely man who is my ‘pain management’ man…however during our discussions, seems his MUM is a narc….(I told him about you Mel) counsellor becomes counsellee??)
    I’d told him last week I was going to see Elton, he said, have you seen the footage of Perth concert… seems two women, doing whatever…where being ‘escorted out’ by Elton’s security…. well..Elton threaghten to STOP concert, told his security guards they where TURDS and to bring the women back ‘YOU DONT TREAT WOMEN LIKE THAT he said…..
    What a legend….and I think TURD is my new favorite term! You Tube it guys…its inspiring and funny!


  15. I’ve woken up and it is the most truly devastating feeling I have ever experienced and still to this day. It is like having the most unbearable sensation of thirst but no water in sight. And then I get so close to the water source and then only turns out to be a mirage. I begin to slowly wither away and then a drop of precious rain relives the thirst. How I yearn for an eternal rainforest waterfall.

  16. Gaslighting, messing with my mind, constant contradictions and let downs, last minute switcharoos and bad surprises and word salad and language games. Total head trip from the narc and dealing with them will give you a mental and emotional disease! That’s my experience, my body began to somatize all the sad, cruel crappy nonsense.

  17. Melanie – Am a fan of you for years now – am dealing with the trauma of a lifetime with a narcissistic parent and appreciate the support of your lectures all the time. I have a friend who suffers in that she must work with a narcissist and cannot leave her job. What do you recommend?

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