This week I sent out an email that I felt very passionate about called ‘Healer – Are you Drowning?’ The reason being that so many of us are going through massive change and turmoil right now.

I want to ask you – are you struggling?

Do you feel out of sorts, confused, lost and fearful?

Or bloody seething ANGRY!

Are you being triggered? Are you finding out that people and situations you thought were aligned with you, all of a sudden aren’t?

These sudden triggers are not only about people but also include uncertainties and many stressful circumstances. And the theme of all these triggers is ‘being unable to know what will happen in the future’, on a global scale, as well as in your personal life.

Unsettling to say the least!


2023 – A Year of Ascension – from the Inside Out

As we race towards 2023 it’s fascinating to see that this is a ‘7’ Universal year (2+0+2+3 = 7).

Seven is all about the Inner World – our spirit, and finding centred integrity, truth and peace. The time is absolutely ripe for this when nothing on the ‘outer’ is certain anymore.

Without inner peace and solidness you may feel like you are breaking apart, without your usual go-to outer props being there for you.

Maybe you are aware of huge shifts in everything that you thought was your reality even a few short years ago. You may already be aware of how ancient civilisations (such as the Mayans) viewed this time.

We are in the change of eras – the ending of the age of Power Over (ego reigns), to the age of Co-creative Consciousness (Source and our spirit combined wins.)

The Bible and many other ancient texts speak of this time in differing ways.

Many people believe this time is the end of the Age of Pisces, to enter the Age of Aquarius and move from Separation Consciousness (me against you), to Unity Consciousness (I am creating my Outer Universe from my Inner Universe, because I am ONE with All Of It).

I have written about this in my articles before – but now let’s really get down to it, shall we?

In this Age of Awakening there is a powerful opportunity to move out of the darkness of handing power away to people and situations outside of you, and into the Light of taking back the power inside of you.

Now is about coming home to the re-membering that you ARE Source. That you and Creation are One – rather than you being a powerless victim, at the mercy of people and situations outside of yourself.


What Is Really Going On?

You may already be engaged in your ascension into 5D consciousness (more about this soon). Or you may only have recently discovered this way of living. Or maybe you are starting at the beginning, sensing that the old way of Being and Living just isn’t working for you anymore.

In fast-track acceleration, as the Old Order crumbles to make way for the New Order, it may look like everything is in desperate chaos both personally and collectively. Yet things need to break down completely for the REAL truth to anchor in.

Light is streaming in now, from heightened solar flares, from Earth’s place in the cosmos coming through the photon belt, and as a result of many mega cycles all simultaneously aligning.

What does additional Light create?

Shadows being flushed into the open. That which was once hidden is now being exposed – with nowhere left to hide.

This is happening on micro and macro scales, on a personal and global level.

Yours and my greatest responsibility is to deal with what is going on in our everyday lives. Hubris, defences, energy blockages, unhealed wounds and unresolved issues between love-partners, families, friends and colleagues are now coming up to be cleansed and healed.

You may be feeling triggered beyond measure and under attack. You may even be feeling massively abandoned by those who you thought were your people, who are now at loggerheads against you.

Maybe you are seeing the sordid truth about situations and people that you were tolerating all along. Or possibly you always had a strange gut feeling about certain people that is now fully confirmed.

However, this doesn’t make the ending of those relationships – and the exiting of those people from your life – any easier to comprehend and accept. So maybe the following will help…

A spilt is occurring right now on this planet. It’s BIG. In many cases this is not just a ‘misunderstanding’ that can be broached and rectified.

It’s a definite split in consciousness, and darling people it’s now time to PICK A LANE.

One thing is sure: coming from patterns of abuse, you will no longer wish to try to manage toxic, painful and unfulfilling relationships.

But how can you ascend beyond this?

Even non-narcissistic people are currently becoming so triggered they are lashing out. They are becoming irrational, judgmental and quite frankly nasty. They are also attacking others in droves, especially those trying to help, save or reason with them.

As I wrote in my latest email, ‘Healer – Are you Drowning?’, what is this calling us now to do?

STOP and be STILL.
STOP trying to rescue people.
STOP trying to make them understand and ‘get it’.

It’s time to let GO and embrace the inner journey to meet and HONOUR yourself.

Now let’s go back to ‘picking a lane’. What are the lanes and what does this mean?

Let me explain the ONLY 2 possible lanes.


Fifth Dimensional Integrity, Liberation and Expansion

This is about:

  • Transparency, honesty and direct communication.
  • Nothing to hide, and standing in “I am myself” without games, energy leaks and fear.
  • Leadership, in integrity with healthy boundaries, allowing people to be and show themselves, regardless of whether they will continue to be a match for you or not.
  • Letting go of people who are no longer at the level of truth, humbleness and integrity that you wish to authentically live at. If they are not at that level, how does this show up? They will be refusing to be honest and transparent. Hiding. Attacking and judging. Parasitising your energy. Being entitled. This is what narcissists famously do, and now it is also happening with unconscious people who are not ascending from the Old Order to the New Order of consciousness.
  • Facing your own shortcomings, triggers and unresolved wounds to up-level constantly to keep moving out of internal darkness, to anchor in more of the streaming-in Light.
  • Leading by example, in a ‘commanding’ way. “This is my truth and these are my boundaries. If you wish to COME AND (comm-and) join me in this higher vibrational reality please do, and if you don’t wish to, or don’t have the capacity to, I release you and myself to situations and people who are a match.”
  • Living in the now, from your heart and spirit, knowing you don’t need to see, and can’t know, the road ahead. Relinquishing control and allowing your Higher Self to guide you. This is the only place from which TRUE results now happen.


Third Dimensional Defences, Pain and Fear

This is about:

  • Being disingenuous, not speaking up, holding resentment, grudges and being ‘false’.
  • Acting how other people want you to, or manipulating others to suit one’s own agenda.
  • Trying to manage, fix and change people into who you want them to be, in order to make you happy.
  • Judging, preaching, lecturing and prescribing to others from your own superior viewpoint.
  • Battling toxic relationships whilst not looking at your own integrity or speaking up honestly. Not addressing wounded triggers within to understand your own energy leaks and unhealed projections.
  • Refusing to turn inwards with humility to be accountable and own your unhealed stuff.
  • Trying to control other people and outcomes, and having absolutes. This is living from the fearful ego which doesn’t work in this higher vibrational frequency that is now streaming down onto the earth.


All of us at the moment are being challenged with our inner stuff.

Lately (and for months) I’ve come across huge shocks in my own life with certain people and situations, which on a human level has been devastating, yet on an ascension level all has been ‘as it should be’.

I have heard reports from so many of you experiencing this as well.

I know what this is. That which is NOT REAL is breaking and falling, and that which IS real will be left standing.

How do we survive these massive breakdowns, making way for the breakthroughs?

Like this: Let go, don’t identify with what isn’t true, stand in what is, and take care of your own vibration in this drastic changing of eras.

Ian Zen Lumgold, an expert of Mayan prophecy, stated that as the Light frequency accelerates onto planet Earth, all that is in the shadows will be exposed as frequency vibrates faster, finer and higher.

Imagine a spinning top. If in integrity, the faster it spins the more powerfully solid it becomes. If it has pieces missing – if it is out of integrity – it will start to wobble dangerously, then crash and break.

None of us are exempt from this heightened vibration.

Those in victimhood, with unresolved, unmet wounds are exploding. People out of integrity are going downhill fast – they are being exposed, getting sick, becoming nasty and the wounds they could previously hide are now evident for all to see.

Narcissists understandably are getting worse. They are already in the darkness that is being rattled harder by the streaming in of Light.

Even non-narcissistic people who are not turning inwards to heal their wounds (and instead are blaming everything outside of themselves for how they are feeling on the inside) are now appearing almost as nasty as narcissists.

These people are attacking the very people who could lovingly guide and help them heal!

Let me know in the comments below if you have seen this happen too?

You may have noticed how very big and strong emotions are coming up for you too. You could be feeling angrier and more frustrated than usual.

Or at times you may feel like you are losing your mind and your grip on sanity.

It’s all part of the cleansing. It’s a call to CHANGE.


Being The Beacon for Self and Others

Are we going to examine, hold and release our darkness? Or keep stuffing it down?

Are we going to move through this ascension with open eyes, hearts and spirit? Or are we going to keep the trapped traumatic energy stuck inside us, where it can only break us apart even more?

I promise you that lately – more than for a very long time – I have had to do many Quanta Freedom Healing shifts.

I’ve had to shift out old, stale, stuck, dark energy from inside me – beliefs and pain about feeling unsupported, and annoyance at people’s lack of integrity and honesty.

It’s a fine balance – letting go of these triggers, showing up in integrity without fear, and keeping an open heart accepting everything ‘as it is’. There have been times I’ve wanted to EXPLODE, and have broken down in uncontrollable tears!

Thank goodness that for years I have refused to stay mired in negative emotions, and I am not about to descend back into that dark pit now.

Hence the Quanta Freedom Healing shifts, and then I’m so grateful for what is happening for me, through this messy ‘fog of war’. It’s a new aspect of myself, like a butterfly coming out of a dirty old cocoon. I’m realising a Higher Level of consciousness that I couldn’t access until now.

I know this way of Beingness is available for all of us. Today, I want to call it How To Be a Beacon in the Darkness.

(Thank you to my wonderful MTE Team members Karen and Iva for granted this analogy – which is SO perfect for today’s article!)

Lighthouses don’t run around trying to save people from hitting the rocks. They stand as the Light showing the way.

Being a Light Beacon is about being strong, real and honest. Never being held hostage by others because of fear, and not taking responsibility for others who are in fear. It is simply about Being and shining integrity.

If I judge others, wrestle with them and am derailed by them, then I am out of the Lighthouse and getting dashed against the rocks. I can’t shine the way for myself and others.

The last vestiges of my old 3D self – that are dying, kicking and screaming – want to project blame and judge others. My ever-increasing 5D consciousness wants to let go, stay strong, let it all fall and be FREE to ascend.

Knowing that my now is about cleansing and shedding darkness means I can take what has been triggered to the surface and shift it out. The more I do this, the more the Light, power and truth are flooding in.

I’ve stopped rescuing people and trying to get them up to speed – which is a massive lesson when it comes to loved ones! I can relax where I am, and let them find their own way – if they wish too. I know that this does not impact on my life’s creation because Source is my Source, no matter what others are or aren’t doing.

The Lighthouse is whole, complete and steadfast in itself.

In this life event I am witnessing the absolute joy of those who are levelling-up and joining in 5D ascension with me – in joyous, exciting co-creation that bears no resemblance to the destruction going on around us.

It’s like living in another Universe.

Those who have made their choice (often very unconsciously) to not make the leap of letting go of the Old Self and Old Ways, I can bless, let go of, and still send them love.

I’m rattling and internally rocking and rolling. We ALL are. This is not for the faint-hearted. There is no turning back for me. I know many of you are coming along too – or sense that you need to.


In Conclusion

I hope today’s article has resonated with you and made sense. I’m passionate about helping people understand what is going on right now and about vibrationally and energetically supporting you.

My Quantum Programs powerfully release your inner shadows and bring in the Light. They shift you from 3D to 5D in direct and fast ways that contemporary therapy cannot match.

One that will bear no resemblance to what you will be leaving behind.

As always, I’m looking forward to your comments and questions about this article.

Do you relate? Did this help explain what is going on for you?

Have you been having these experiences?

Can you feel the difference between 3D and 5D living?

Let me know below!

Related blog post

The Narcissist’s Greatest Fear: You Becoming Your True Self and Aligning with Your 5D Ascension Path

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The Narcissist Never Lets You Go: How to Finally Get Freedom

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76 thoughts on “Be A Beacon In The Darkness

  1. A Fantastic profound article !!.. thank you Mel.
    Certainly feels like all these changes are happening for a purpose.
    We must step up to suvivive and thrive for our own personal journeys and the planet and mankind …. It’s all encompassing… What’s within is Without.

  2. Hi Mel
    Your article seems so timely. I am going through so much upheaval. I am so tempted to fix people and situations around because it is my default behaviour always. To maintain my sanity and integrity and be not judgemental is where I need to be presently. The temptation to lash out and give lots of smacks and straighten out people is something I would love to do; just have fun imagining it🙂.
    Thank you for the reminder to go inside and let go my own pain and be my own light. Though I do have close family i lean on when I need a crutch.

  3. This was amazing and so on time for me to see & read. You are wonderful and a lighthouse for me in a few big ways so thank you, I’ve been listening and wow it feels good to keep shaking off the debris, always a bit more to release. I’m seeing & feeling the shifts and resting accordingly!

  4. Dearest Melanie – this article was incredibly timely! As of lately I’ve felt incredibly triggered over seemingly simple things I’ve used NARP extensively to go inward, connect, release the dark and dense energy and taking in the light. With each QFH shift I felt better but it took weeks as they have been related to my children and now I am much better and feeling at peace! Aside from that I’ve noticed that as I up level I’m surrounded by people like my old self living in the 3D space and their narcissistic partners are behaving worse then usual. It’s wildly painful for me to witness family and friends. And, co-workers are really mis-behaving too. I’ve felt at a bit of a loss because I want to help many of them but intuitively I know I can’t and that anything I say won’t help until they are completely broken down (just like I was when I found you with NARP) because it is their journey. Now, you’ve re-affirmed that I don’t need to and my job is too keep going – really tune in to myself and keep up leveling and modeling my new 5D self! It doesn’t hurt to talk about my healing but if they do not have the capacity to hear then accept it and if they ask, them I’ll be sending them straight to you!

    1. Hi Beth,

      I’m thrilled for you that you have let go of that dense dark energy (that we are ALL being hit with!) and feeling more at peace.

      Yes, our children, are some of the biggest emotional challenges – absolutely! Often the people we love, we need to let go and allow their journey – because Source is large and in charge. Often that means they DO need to break, as you said, just like we did.

      It’s only THEN that many people can begin to heal!

      Sending you love and strength. You are TOTALLY on track, for you AND for THEM!

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  5. Absolutely I feel what you are talking about Melanie! I have posted some of my anger and pain on this site in the past. But your newsletters and a favorite televised Sunday morning service (Joel Osteen) continue to inspire me to release all the pain anger and trust that God will deliver justice. I am learning to turn a deaf ear to those that take what I offer in kindness and repay me with criticism and cruelty. I have learned to give only to those in true need and mostly I give anonymously. I help my neighbors with their yardwork and shoveling snow and they are grateful and kind.
    I contribute to the Salvation Army and to my church, I will no longer lend to any narcissist on any false promise of repayment. At my lowest, after being wiped out by a narcissist I was forced to learn where to get help and now I know where to direct others for help. I will not be fleeced again
    We have a lot of political unrest currently, and my personal belief is that a lot of people are seeing a prime example of a narcissist in our former president. A lot of truth is coming into the light and that creates hope. The greedy and the entitled are falling like dominoes.
    I have turned my back on anyone that choses to be cruel and critical, I dont need them. But most importantly, I have finally learned at 67 years old, that it was never me that was the problem it’s the narcissist, and I drew them like a magnet because I was too much a people pleaser. I used to wonder what happened to that wonderful man I met and started dating, what made him become so nasty. Now I know I cannot pine for that wonderful person I met; that person never existed. His mask slipped and the nasty parasite was the real him.
    I do feel the shift coming, and I believe I became more aware because of your newsletters Melanie, and Joel Osteens sermons. I understand “be still” and wait, the truth will see the light.

  6. Hi Mel

    I am so grateful to have received your Blog today. I am going through exactly what you have described… not just being attacked by my ex NARC, but also my own Lawyer!!! I am rumbling with the ‘shame’ which is being heaped on me, and slowly releasing it, along with whatever Traumas it is attached to…. even 12 years after starting with NARP, it is still my go to when everything around goes haywire. Thank you🙏🏻

  7. Dear Mel, this article left me in tears of resonance, every single word you have written I have been feeling and journaling about. What an intense, beautiful, profound time of growth. And the beautiful thing is, the more I let go of trying to control the outside, and just use it as a mirror to go deeper and deeper into my I AM presence, the more peaceful within myself and loving towards others I feel, even those who are completely not in resonance with me. We are all fractals of Source, the newer souls will just take a few more hundred lifetimes to reach that space. Each Lightworker who stands as a beacon of light offsets thousands of lower frequency people, and raises our planetary vibration. I see it as – my mission right now is to assist in raising the planetary vibration, by holding the Light as high as I can in my own field, and that is my highest service. And the most joyous thing is – no longer am I afraid of shadows coming up to be healed, because quanta freedom healing is my absolute rock. I could be curled up shaking with emotion one moment, and walking in the sun feeling absolutely radiant 40 mins later just by doing a shift. Eternally grateful to you for this Mel.
    See you on the 23rd (if the solar flash doesn’t happen before then 😁) ❤️❤️❤️.

  8. Your words precisely hit home. All of the symptoms of stuck traumatic energy and all of tears and anger over giving my power away to people please and avoid abandonment have risen to the surface. I’ve resorted to doing two to three QFH daily just to drain and cleanse my wounds. It’s diligent and slow work to move a mountain of trauma, but it begins with the first Quanta Freedom Healing. Thanks for bringing the channel of light you are glowing brighter than ever. Love you Mel. Xoxo

  9. Just when you think your homefree, another Narc attack blindsides you. The side effects of being addicted to far to much negative social media has the same symptoms of full bloom narcissism.
    Being around these types has fired up triggers . So my NARP membership once again, is saving me. I am once again doing module work a few times a day.
    These brainwashed minds, cannot be helped. It is so sad. Empathy, feeling for others has been systematically removed from of their existance.
    Once again, I thank Melanie for NARP. When you honestly put in the effort for module work,
    the benifits are priceless. You get your life back.

  10. Dear Melanie

    This was the perfect email for me to receive today. I was rocked at the end of last week by lies spread by a narcissist from whom I recently escaped. In attempting to stand in my truth, I was absolutely pummelled by three family members. It was a very difficult weekend in which I questioned every aspect of my truth, did some shadow self exercises and tried to release some of my trauma.

    My mediation led me to ask “what am I supposed to be learning from this?” Thanks to you, I now have the answer, and feel as if I have passed through the choppy waters into a calm and safe place.

    Thank you

  11. Dear Melanie!
    For some reason or another this article reminds me of the incredible struggle and the amazing resistance that the wonderful people of Ukraine are doing against seemingly insurmountable odds….
    That their efforts remind me so often of the efforts that I must continue to make in this life to resist and fight against an enemy that lies within me and smothers my inner child who is only wanting to play with me and live freely as my real, constant and forever, life companion…
    As is true, I believe, for most Ukrainians….
    This article is incredibly inspirational! Incredibly full of hope! Incredibly aspirational! Incredibly wonderful! And should be read by every person on this earth!
    Your words would make such a difference if they were understood by the masses, Melanie! Thank you so much! Much love! ❤️🦋❤️

  12. I just love this article! Everything you talked about has been happening to me for a long time. My husband of 52 years left me in April 2021 and everything in my life has crashed, but I believe I had already begun the process to find who I really am and it is working like you said. It’s definitely very hard but I have moved away from him and my family and started a new life by myself and I am starting to see the light in my life. Thank you!

  13. Thank you Melanie for such a clear message which I resonate with completely, the lighthouse analogy is perfect. 🙏💪🤗❤️I feel I’ve been training for years for this and pray that I will be that beacon of light. Bless you, we stand together United..much love 😘 and

  14. Melanie, your name is mentioned everyday to my family, friends and work acquaintances. Accolades for sharing your life with so many of us who have a new outlook and path because of God working through you at a level that is supernatural. Your timely interventions and guidance are profound gifts that a wave of thrivers will keep for the rest of our lives, hopefully and altruistically changing the face of many generations to come. Thank you for the peace, wisdom and understanding because of your perseverance and kindness beyond words. Be the light! Ida

    1. Hi Ida,

      gosh shucks!

      Thank you for your lovely support and compliments.

      It takes a person in the Light – to see another there.

      Thank you for being an Angel to yourself and others!

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  15. Yes. This is so welcome today, Melanie. I have been working with NARP for over a year and just started the Family of Origin modules. They have been challenging. My Mom’s a narc…Dad too. My older brother was just abusive, which they always seemed ambivalent to. That’s the background.

    So now, i’ve had the experience of real lasting progress and it’s ongoing, but these last few days it has been next-level-difficult to move the energy out. The trauma issues are heavy. I feel like i’m scraping down to the real beginning of my trajectory of pain to desolve the agreement i accepted to be their slave. The rage, impatience and feeling distraught and utterly alone with no help was back after nearly a year of softness. But I what i had to do was GO BACK TO THE BEGINNING. module 1. STAY OPEN AND FASCINATED. I realized that there is so much ugly stuff here its easy to hate the darkness. But I can’t make space or shift while thinking about it like that. Ive shifted so much out of my heart, but this major one is fully the solar plexis. Like, i feel sick and gross and it was hard to stay open and fascinated about it. But I just had to share this…that ive been reminding myself over and over its not about them! As if each moment im still bouncing from the lighthouse to the rocks, back and forth over and over, when all i really want is to stay in the lighthouse. So revisiting the declaration of intent helped in that moment to realize how far ive come. Ive rid myself of multiple substance abuse issues. Ive sat with my abusers for formal dinners. And it has happened by keeping my focus on ME. And staying sooooo loving, warm, open and fascinated to my little baby self…who needs me just like shes always needed me. Not anyone else. They dont matter anymore. Thats a hard thing to accept when you wish you could save them too so theyll love you and be able to be real parents. And you do wish they were happy and healthy. But eff all that. We see now thats just not how it works. We have permission now….to let go. And that is what ive been struggling so hard to do. To let go of the final shard of my hell that i have become attached to. And its ok, everybody. Im just getting started really really really delving into every situation i have the opportunity to let go in. And its GOOD.


    1. Hi Fiona,

      you are doing an amazing job! So much courage to release yourself from such intense trauma programs and go free from them.

      I love how you are working with the Modules – and you know that it IS all about letting GO!

      So proud of you and you should be so proud of yourself – and please know Fiona you don’t need to heal alone – we are there for you in the NARP Member’s Forum anytime you need suggestions, support and love

      I hope that this helps

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  16. Thank you so much! I realised, that everyone has a lot work with his „stuff“. But now it is getting more and more so that I already thought that some friends of mine become narcissists too! Thank you so much for your explaining!

    Being a Lighthouse is a wonderful thought. Helping others by being a lighthouse does not cost energy… I have a new friend Carina who is in deep trouble because of narcistic abuse. She wants to change because she is becoming insane but she isn‘t able. Now I can see how to handle this! Thank you so much, you are an angle for me dear Melanie!!!

  17. Hello, Melanie,

    Thank you for your article. I have been praying for a sign and voilà!
    Thank you that you said that now also unconscious people are taking our energy away – I thought it was just me perceiving it differently or that it was just happening to me. But I see that I have been nasty as you are describing and a victim even hurting narcissists and emotions are coming up and I hope I’m gonna make it.

  18. Wow the timing of this article… thank you! I won’t describe what has happened this weekend and how low I was sinking, knowing I should be shifting but just not doing it…yet I know what to do and this has given me courage to start doing it and I have faith… I have a hope and a future… thank you Mel 😘

  19. Perfect timing, Mel, thank you! I feel clearer now about simply accepting what is and remaining steadfast in my own integrity while a destructive situation unfolds in the property through the wall from where I live. I am shocked at the damage people want to do but, with the added conviction from your refreshing insights here, this lighthouse is powering up the ampage and standing firm.

  20. A beautiful article Melanie, always resonating perfectly with me and the times we are in. The lighthouse analogy is amazing – thank you and the team. So perfect! I am 69 years old now, and I can finally feel the years of codependency shifting away in my life. It is difficult, but rather than fight or flight and feeling victimised, angry and upset, and telling my story endlessly, getting so wrapped up in the content of the story, I am finally feeling my feelings of sadness of family break down, taking them to the NARP program and shifting. The analogy of the lighthouse is really powerful for me. Thank you so so much and have a lovely Christmas. I will despite not being invited to be with my family at this time. Two friends are coming over and we’ll have a ball. XXX

  21. Hi Melanie – thank you for this beautiful article. It was so validating on so many levels. And yes, I am seeing the change, projections, blame and discontentment of people everywhere. I stopped trying to get my loved one’s to “see” and let that go in the end of 2021. It is truly a dead end energy leak. I focus on my journey, but am open to individuals who have approached wanting to “know more.” Again, thank you for writing about this because I do believe this shift is directly related to leaving all narcissistic energy behind. It’s definitely not coming and it’s last days.

  22. Hi Melanie. What a Powerful article! It spoke directly to me and my personal experience presently. I am experiencing anger, frustration, anxiety and are feeling more judgemental towards people and situations lately. And triggered, oh so triggered by things I thought I have healed!
    Thank-you so much for this profound explanation, and the Power if Truth that lies within the words of this article. Going inside, keeping on shifting and healing and upleveling. Being môre kind and living towards myself for now understanding more clearly what is happening.
    So much appreciation and Love and Light to you and your team and everyone of your beautiful souls out there.

  23. Thank you, Mel. This article directly addresses my thoughts and questions I’ve had these past few months. Such as letting guilty feelings of “abandoning” my near and dear influence what I need to do. But the reality is, those “projected” feelings of abandonment are mine to begin with, correct? They are actually my higher Self yelling at me to get (back) up and journey on. No wonder there is so much drama, with a capital D, in my field lately. You remind me that we are on our own paths and that I’m here to “do” Me and to find my Self and re-Member. I had an epiphany last week. I ran into a college classmate whom I hadn’t seen in at least 15 years. Listening to her talk about her love life and being single at our age, I said to her, “True love is self love.” I don’t know where that came from but it’s so simple and obvious to me now how our collective programming’s purpose was to lead us to believe otherwise by every song, poem, (tragic) play, card, holiday “tradition”, etc. Even knowing this I feel like a dog who caught the car. (Now what? haha) Actually, I know what to do. It’s just a realization how much work there is to do and road to travel to get Home. Thank you for being my Lighthouse. Namaste

    1. Hi Nicole,

      you are very welcome.

      You are absolutely on track!

      The resolution is not just the information, it is turning within and doing the shadow work. If you work at this Qunatumly, rather than contemporarily, the results and positive expansions are far more instant, lasting and solid.

      As well as exciting!

      This is why I recommend NARP to everyone!

      Much Love

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  24. Hi Mel, thanks so much for this post. My job is helping others and am currently on a complete time out from work as I know I was heading for burnout. I am clearing out a lot of resentment, criticism and judgment and asking for what I need which I have never done before. It’s taken me to have an emotional breakdown to discover this. I completely resonate with your words.
    Thank you x

  25. Hi Mel, I love your work, I want to say that in advance of this. It’s come to my awareness, after a lot of deep work on healing and gaining quantum freedom that I have been an abuser too. I was abusive to family, friends, and to myself in the past.
    On a collective level, being a white body, I broadcast abuse to others and maintain systems that favour me. This was buried deep for a long time but on healing myself and looking squarely at the world situation, I can come out of denial. Have you advice or ways for me to dismantle the abuser/abusive part in me? This is deep shadow work, I am aware but I am willing and safe enough in my light to go there. The only work I’ve found is domestic abuse and your work on Narc, but I’m trying to flip it. This isn’t about self-flaggelation, it’s about being 5d and clear, clean, and a hippocratic oath. (Also probably not going to be a match unconsciously to anymore abuse if it’s all been shed light on)

    1. Hi Liz,

      Thank you and I’m so pleased my work resonates with you! It’s wonderful that you are so self-honest – the truth is Liz we all have hurt people to varying degrees. Hurt people, hurt people, and also victims take hostages.

      Have you worked with NARP yet ? NARP is the trauma release program that resolves any aspects of ourselves trauma-driven. The perpetrator – the victim – is all 2 sides of the same coin. The only healing requirement for any and all of it is a willingness to use the Quanta Freedom Healings in NARP.

      We have many NARP members successfully using NARP to resolve their own programs of being abusive.

      It is simply about targeting THOSE traumas.

      I hope that this helps.

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  26. So THATS what’s going on!!! WOW!! Because of so many triggers lately, I’ve been in the trenches for many weeks now, shifting, and more shifting. I went back over all my ESC workbook and notes, especially on module 9 (self sabotage) and now back deep into module 10 (my authentic power.) I’ve also been mulling over the mystery of why there seemed to be an invisible line drawn somewhere between people here all around me. This news is exactly what I needed to know!!!
    “Handing power away=darkness,. and Taking back power inside of me= LIGHT.”
    So many priceless golden shining WORDS here are dazzling my eyes with truth. “STOP and Be Still, Stop trying to rescue people, Stop trying to make them understand and get it, It’s time to let go and embrace the inner journey to meet and honor myself” Even the solar flares info makes sense now…. All of the chaos around me has now been turned into an silent and “quietly still” anticipation of the unknown future. What will it be like to see the darkness that may be in others (in our loved ones) , will it be uncomfortable? Can we let go? It’s time. Sending so much love to you Brilliant Melanie, and Team, thank you💞

  27. Today I feel totally and utterly defeated. I’m strong but I’m tired 😫 My head is pounding & my body is aching and I need to show up at work & tackle the day. I have a deadline to meet today. The N ranted & raved till I eventually fell asleep last night out of pure exhaustion.
    He has been impossible to the point that my Daughter her family made alternative and for Christmas. They refuse to be caught up in this drama & roller coaster ride & I don’t blame them. It saddened that one Person out of 8 billion can have this much ‘power’.
    Deep down I know they don’t and I know my value & strength but today I’m tired & emotional & feel alone.

  28. Dearest Mel. What a POWERFUL article! And Thank You. It is HUGE. In answer to your question I say Yes, but reading the comments I would say everyone’s a Yes. But whether everyone recognises it is another matter – as you say, we need to let go and do QFH. I can’t Thank you enough. This article will help so many people. It is also interesting how many people are talking about the Ancient Civilizations now too.
    Thank You so much Mel!

    1. I absolutely agree my Thriver friend –

      Let the world shine bright like a diamond 💎 and shed that skin into true self empowerment through QFH #NARP


  29. Love to you Mel –

    You shine so bright for the world to see and I thank you for allowing my soul to see so I wake up

    Faye K – Australia 🇦🇺 Thriver

    1. Faye Beautiful Lady,

      So much LOVE to you!

      Thank YOU for being such an integral part of our incredible community and travelling this journey into the Light with us all!

      Merry Christmas sweetheart

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  30. Hi Mel,

    I often share my journey with NARP with friends, especially those who I think would benefit. I have been involved with NARP since I detached from my husband of 28 years last fall 2021, and have been divorced for two months now. I revisit the modules all of the time.

    There have been times where I’m riding high, only to experience
    a dramatic low which may last for days. With your help, and articles like this one, I have learned to reach deep inside of myself, find the trauma/trigger, and shift it out and bring in the light. Sometimes I have to work very hard at this shifting over and over, but eventually the weight is lifted and I can see clearer.

    Following your guidance has taught me I want to be a beacon. I’ve always been a strong person with great faith. I just never knew how to make my inner being work for me, instead of trying to fix everything around me. I want to be someone my kids (22 year old twins) look up to and may someday ask me, “how did you do it”. I have great love and support from them, but I also want great respect and the ability to show them the way. I would love to tell them about NARP, but maybe now isn’t the right time.

    Thank you ever so much for all you do.


    1. Hi Melly,

      I love that you are leading the way for yourself and your children!

      Absolutely I would share what you are doing to up-level and heal, that is leading the way! It is displaying your authenticity and integrity – especially if you are not attached to their opinions or need their approval.

      Much love to you and your children

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  31. I’ve been holding space for 5D for about 6 months since I left a narcissistic relationship. My sole focus has been healing. In some ways it’s harder now than it was when I left, when there was all sorts of drama and chaos “to deal with” and “to clear”. That has all receded somewhat like the tides now, and I’m left squarely with myself and my choices. What you say about feeling frustrated is certainly true for me, because I’ve rigorously maintained no contact, and surrendered to the loss of everything I left behind. And yet it feels like there’s still a shadow dogging my steps, because the situation I left behind does not feel like it’s reached closure (it’s kind of undead) even though, hand on heart, I have done everything in my power to bring it to closure, including taking responsibility for my part. (NARPing has helped immeasurably with this.) What I am getting out of this is that it’s really out of my control. The hard part is now, because I’ve been sorely tempted to break No Contact and gracefully try to bring things to a close with an explanation. I need to dig deeper with the healing and the shift into 5D. Physically, somatically, I’ve been feeling quite spaced out in the last week or so. I put it down to environmental conditions, I hadn’t considered the space weather, so thank you for that. There’s also the Super New Moon. I’m not sure if I’m eligible to attend tomorrow’s global healing event but I’ve emailed support with a request to do so. Thanks for posting on this topic. It’s a weird time for sure!

    1. Hi FreeTBM,

      Its true that when needing closure, the best and most powerful way to close “that gap” is within and NARPing.

      Big love to you, many of us are going through this right now, things and people breaking down and away and having as our only reality, staying steadfast in what is true. That is what frees us from the dross to be productive, healthy, thriving and supported by those and which is vibrationally a match.

      This time is HUGE!

      I so hope that you were at the event with us all yesterday – it was such an awesome time globally together!

      Merry Christmas and much love to you!

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  32. Thank you for clarifying what the Creator has been communicating to me for the past 7 years or so. Words like ascension, infinity, awakening, empath, narcissism, fifth dimension, Aquarius, divine restoration, and others would cross my path in unique ways. Nature began communicating with me or should I say I was being awakened to the universe, numbers, coins, paper currency, colors, animals, birds, insects, lucid dreams including colors, numbers, geometric figures, animals, reptiles, snow, ice, rivers of fast flowing waters, oceans…then you somehow crossed my path and began to help me make sense of this phenomenon in a non-religious, non-legalistic, non-churchy way. I have learned that the Creator is vastly infinite (if that makes sense). I was the rescuer, the empath wanting especially to help my family to follow the light. They are stuck in darkness, detrimentally resistant, and are dying – literally. I have to let go in order to save myself and continue to heal and ascend as a beacon of hope. I don’t know how to articulate this new journey’s vernacular, but that does not stop the process. The light is getting brighter and brighter. Again, thank you.

    1. Hi Frances,

      You are so welcome!

      I absolutely agree that Creator is infinite.

      You absolutely understand you rpart in this – and that, like the Light, is brilliant!

      So much love to you

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  33. Dear Melanie
    Your article was spot on. I have been going through a lot of changes in my life. Jobs not working out. Being unemployed, friendships ending. QFH has helped me through all of this. I am currently staying within the light no matter what is happening around me. I believe it’s all been working for my good. I am now a stronger person and deep within know the turmoil is leading me to something better. So I don’t fight it anymore and I feel more at peace, letting God direct my path. I will forever be grateful to you for guiding me to this incredible place. I am also happy for you, as I know your journey to now wasn’t easy. Can’t wait to see what’s next. Much love to you Melanie! ❤️

  34. I found this article incredibly inspiring. This year has been another struggle. While I’ve come a long way in the last year, I’m looking forward to continuing this journey of healing and just feeling good. The Universal feedback of tapping me on the shoulder to see what needs healing while bringing new and wonderful supportive people into my life is fabulous feedback. Sometimes you don’t know you need something until it’s put in front of you. Thank you, Source! And thank you too, Mel and everyone at MTE. xo

  35. Thank you for your beautiful article! Yes, it perfectly and eloquently describes my recent experience and I appreciate the sense of validation and not-aloneness on this journey toward ascension. Thank you for all you do!

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