Today I’m going to talk to you about a very “now” and “relevant” topic, ascension and what I believe it is, and we will explore the question “What does narcissistic abuse have to do with ascension?”

The answer I can confidently grant you is – everything.

And today, I’m going to fill in specific gaps as to why this is the truth.


What Is Meant By The Term “Ascension”?

You may or may not have heard the word “ascension”. What does it mean?

Many people discuss it as humankind moving from a Third Dimensional (also known as 3D) existence into a Fifth Dimensional (also known as 5D) reality.

Many people discuss it as humankind breaking free from the mere five senses and believing that life happens “to” them from the outside in – to understanding that they are a fractal of Source, capable of higher frequencies, intuitions and powers and have the ability to co-create directly with Source / Higher Consciousness / The Infinite One Mind.

You may have heard about this, and naturally gravitate towards these conversations, or maybe you feel like this sounds really woohoo.

What I have discovered over the last couple of years, as the 3D – 5D narrative is becoming much more mainstream, is that there are many people in my Thrive, Super-Thrive and Quantum Dating Bootcamp Groups, as well as Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program (NARP) members, (people working with Quanta Freedom Healing) who are aware of the ascension conversation and are even very focused on personally achieving it.

Like many of us, we are feeling more than ever, it’s now time to ascend.

No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, or not, I would love to share, from my heart to yours, why I believe this is such a relevant topic. Again (like last week’s topic) this is now a fast-track calling for me to come out and speak about this.

As you read this article, all I ask is for you to have an open heart and mind and relate this, if you can, to your life, because my story is yours too. Please also, check inwards with how your body feels when you read these words. Do they resonate?

I think the easiest way for me to explain what “3D to 5D” means, is to share with you my story about how I became aware of this Soul passage from personal pain to Soul and life liberation.


My Journey From 3D To 5D

Because of Thriver recovery from narcissistic abuse, I have made many incredible discoveries about myself on this topic of “ascension”.

Let me list the main observations here in my “before” and “after” story.

My previous 3D reality

  • “Life is happening to me.” (I’m a victim and powerless to outside people and things.)
  • “I am my identity props.” (Only as good as my last accomplishment, what I own, how people see me, what I have in the bank.)
  • “I have to earn love and approval.”
  • “I need people’s permission to make my life choices and ‘who’ I choose to be.”
  • “I had better not do ‘this’ or ‘that’ just in case someone disapproves of me.”
  • “Life is a battle and I have to struggle hard to succeed.”

My now 5D reality

  • “I take radical personal responsibility to know that I am the generative source of my own experience.” (If I change my inner world my outer world transforms.)
  • “I am my Soul / Source connection.” (‘Things’, ‘stuff’ and ‘how people see me’ are not my inner worth, value or wholeness.)
  • “I AM love and approval.” (Which is never reliant on someone else’s version of me.)
  • “Source is my authority to be myself.” (Regardless of what anyone else is or isn’t doing.)
  • “I am grateful for all of Life, which happens FOR me.” (Any triggers show me what to heal next to fill myself with more Light and expand into my True Self and True Life even more.)

In my 3D reality (and I promise you the same is true for you) I was not consistently happy, solid, whole and at peace, or durably inspired, joyous and free. Yes, there were “highs” – times of happiness and breakthroughs and successes, absolutely.

But (even before narcissistic abuse) there were always niggly, precarious feelings of “not being good enough”, “fear of failure”, “fear of security”, “identity crises” and constant confusion and numerous personal battles … and the list goes on and on.

I thought that was “normal”.

These are usual 3D reality feelings. But they are not “natural”.

I can’t recognize the previous 3D Melanie. I can’t even feel her previous terrible experiences. It’s like remote viewing of another person.

The truth is I am NOT that same Being. My Beingness has completely changed. And, back then, I had no idea that my continual victimisation and re-traumatisation and not being able to escape my trauma symptoms and painful patterns and battles were all coming from my unhealed inner Beingness.

I was experiencing more of this Beingness.

As the 3D victim I blamed all of my anxiety, addictions, depression, breakdowns and losses on someone or something else – the outside. I didn’t know that I had power on the inside.

Now as the 5D Beingness I am committed to and have embodied, I know how to consciously heal every area of my life (without exception) and be in life in a way that works, whereas I was previously completely perplexed, suffering and struggling.

The following stands for every single one of us … Our personal realities are NOT meant to be in painful 3D realities!

(Later in this article I am going to explain to you EXACTY why narcissistic abuse IS 3D reality!)

I promise you from my Soul to yours – it was my recovery from narcissistic abuse that was the grist that got me onto my ascension journey. I will go absolutely as far as to say that without being narcissistically abused, I would never have entered and ignited it.

This doesn’t mean I am saluting the narcissist and giving “him” the credit. I am never going to write him a gratitude letter, invite him around for wine, cheese and biscuits to say, “Because of you I ascended.”

It wasn’t “because of him”. He was a catalyst. If my Soul had not engineered this experience, as a Soul Contract, to go through the breakdown of Who I Was Being, I never would have been able to find my way back home to Who I Really Am.

My Soul, at the bigger picture 5D level, was using him for the ascension process, just as he was using me for narcissistic exploitation at the 3D level. (That’s what Soul Contracts are all about).



How Can Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Take You From 3D To 5D Reality?

I want to help us all understand – the worst things in our life are happening “for us” to bring us to that point in our lives – that rock bottom – where life can no longer go on as our limited 3D normal.

So that we have to course-correct.

Changing NEVER means changing someone else, or even what happened to us.

Changing can only ever mean – changing ourselves.

In my previous 3D viewpoint of life, I didn’t know what that meant. I thought it was about “doing” all sorts of things to get up and out of my broken life and self to “get on with it”.

Thank goodness I found the missing key. I finally realised that the necessary change was a change of consciousness. It’s spiritual. It needs to happen inside of us.

In the depths of our breakdowns with narcissistic abuse, our emotions are trashed. They are shrieking at us “Wrong Town”. We think that Wrong Town is “what is happening out there”, but we can’t change that (God knows we tried!).

Yet, our 3D mind tries to convince us to keep trying anyway, because surely this must be the answer. And we discover the more we try to control what is happening outside of ourselves and to try to feel better on the inside, the more out of control our insides become.

The real-life evidence of this result is staring us in the face. Or should I say staring us in the body – because that is where the total truth of our life is going on – in our feelings. In our Beingness.

The feelings in our body, when out of control, then lead to the “stinking thinking” of our head trying to make sense of how we are feeling, but can only think about “how we are feeling”, with no relief, solutions, power or way out of this.

Our bodies, or Beingness come first – the body leads the brain.

We can’t think our way out of trauma. The Beingness of trauma is FAR too powerful for mere thinking to rectify it (and the trauma of narcissistic abuse, as you know, is off the Richter scale!).

Let me prove this to you – say the statement “I feel devastated.”

It’s a true statement. This is a Beingness statement. It is true about WHO you are Being. Now say “I think healing, relief and solution is mine.”

Feel that statement in your body.

It’s disconnected.

It doesn’t resonate in your somatic Beingness. It doesn’t land, connect or grant you this shift.

Now say, “I feel healing, relief and solution is mine.”

Okay, this is more of a true Beingness statement because you used the word “feel”. But then the obvious arising question is “How?”. You can’t think your way there. You can’t read, research or “learn” your way logically there.

The only way is to connect to your Beingness is to do the direct communication (work) on your Beingness to get your shift.

(More about that later.)

Believing we can think our way out of inner Beingness trauma is the insanity of the 3D reality we have all been programmed with, as “the way to live.”

There is a better way to live – ascend to 5D reality.

But how do we get there?

I love the little story of Buddha – it goes something like this. Three wise men come to Buddha to try to find their divinity. Buddha says, “Go searching, and then come back.” One looks at the bottom of the deepest oceans, one at the top of the highest mountains, the other in every crevasse and corner on the planet. They all come back empty-handed. Buddha declares, “I needed you to exhaust every avenue, because only then would you hear the answer. ‘Your divinity is within’.”

Think about your situation in narcissistic abuse. You tried everything. You tried to get your “divinity” – peace, wholeness, solidness, health, love, value and worth from the narcissist (the outside). You tried to lecture, prescribe, fix, change and come up with an “outer solution” until finally you either accepted you were empty-handed and needed to look for your divinity elsewhere, or you finally broke – forcing you to find your divinity elsewhere.

Sadly, many people do not know HOW to connect to their “divinity”. They have not known the truth about their ascension path. It’s not common knowledge.

So, like I did initially, they tried everything and anything else (from the outside again) to get relief – even if they DID let go of the narcissist. Things like food, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, anything obsessive and all-consuming such as exercising, work or other addictions to numb out.

My path from 3D to 5D ascension began the day I had a psychotic and adrenal breakdown. I was told by the medical establishment that I would never recover. I was at the end of the line, I had nothing left in me to fight with. It was game over.

That day, finally, I admitted to myself that I was powerless to fix this. I didn’t let go to be saved, I let go because there was nowhere else to turn. At the time I didn’t realise that by doing this, I let go of my obsession with the narcissist, trying to fix him, change him, hold him accountable, or get him to be sorry for what he had done to me, or make amends for all of it.

That was the day my 3D controlling “outer-based” self finally got out of the way, and the first time my 5D self made itself known to me.

My 5D self showed me a vision in the future of feeling and living like I do now. I had never consciously felt those feelings before, not even in my “happiest moments”. They were feelings and the knowing I was whole, complete, powerful and I fully loved and accepted myself and felt like I “belonged” in this body and on this planet.

I was granted the information regarding WHY my life had taken the turn into narcissistic abuse that it did. I was shown that in my unconscious “outer sourcing” of my Identity “I” had been a False Self. I wasn’t a bad person, I had morals and integrity and I hated hurting other people, yet I had believed “my identity” was achievements and outer love and approval.

These are 3D False Self delusions. It wasn’t my fault I was in them, because that is what I had been taught. I had been programmed out of knowing that my love, value, worth and wholeness could only be by being in a solid, healthy relationship with myself and my Higher Power (God / Source / Creation).

Because I was disconnected from my inner wholeness with “outer seeking” 3D programming, I was seeking a False God / Idol, to be my Source, instead of my Higher Power. I was unconsciously seeking a Saviour for my own disconnection from my Higher Power.

In came the narcissist – the dire False Self. Not only are narcissists disconnected from their Higher Self, they believe they ARE God! Not a benevolent God of Unity Consciousness and Oneness, (which the true Higher Self is) but rather a False God of superiority verses inferiority. I win, you lose, and you are the tool which I will use to exploit to maintain my insatiable False Self.

In our 3D limited, fearful, separated, small construct, we seek wholeness through another, but only end up with the evidence of how broken away from our inherent wholeness we really are.

See how this works out?

Until we are so clogged up with the dark night of the Soul, that the only option, (if we wish to Soul-survive this) is to turn inwards to free ourselves from the darkness and reconnect back to our Higher Power (the Light).

In 3D reality we try to turn the darkness (the narcissist) into The Light (someone who loves us and cares for us healthily), yet the more we tackle this, the “darker” we become. We get more wounded, traumatised and broken.

It’s Wrong Town, and our Soul (via screaming emotions) is letting us know, “This hurts so much because you are getting further and further away from the embodiment of and actualisation of your Higher Self (5D reality).”

In 5D reality, we don’t try to change the darkness (narcissist), we simply pull away and work on ourselves to shed our internal darkness (triggered traumas) and fill where they were with The Light.

That is the shedding of the 3D self (false programs, beliefs and subsequent traumas) and embodiment of the 5D self, The Light (higher love, approval, wisdom, capacity, solution, healing and breakthroughs).

Now here (if you are not working with this process) is where your 3D mind will jump in and say “What does this mean?”

It means what I wrote.

I didn’t do ANYTHING other than this in my recovery – what my 5D self showed me, “If you find the way to load up, and get the trauma out of your Inner Being, and bring The Light down inside of you where that junk was, you will move out of the painful Self and Life, into your True Higher Self and Life.

As I did this process more and more I realised (re-membered) that my 5D self was Who I Already Am. Until I got the trauma out, there was no way for that connection, Oneness, communication and Self to be felt, known or was it able to guide me.

Instead, the toxic inner voice had kept me living in the outer self-identity delusional inversions of my 3D programming.


How Did I Release Trauma (3D) And Bring In My Higher Self (5D)?

All (and I literally mean “all)” I had to do was feel and let go of the internal “what hurts the most right now” and fill that space with The Light (my Higher Self) with an effective Quantum meditative technique which I was to develop, known as Quanta Freedom Healing (NARP).

That – coupled with my breakdown from narcissistic abuse – is what handed me my ascension from 3D to 5D on a silver platter. Of course, I had to accept this gift, pick it up, and diligently use it.

It was inner work. Real inner work. I still to this day do this inner work if I am triggered, and stuck, or in any pain at all. I load up the trauma generating the “issue” and release it and bring The Light of my Higher self into this place.

That is ALL I do to heal and ascend.

Now, I am so blessed to have thousands of fellow-travellers who are also actualising their ascension from 3D to 5D, as a result of narcissistic abuse, with me.

Many of you are reading this article. Some of you are my friends, colleagues and spiritual brothers and sisters in my personal Thriver Coaching Groups.

Many of you, who are not, may have had enough of the pain and are ready to take on this Soul ascension journey as well.

All of us can. It’s our birthright.

How do you feel about this article? Are you aware of ascension – do you feel like you are going through it? Have you noticed how you are being called, especially now, for this process?  How is your personal ascension going for you?

Do you want to learn more about ascension for your recovery?

Let me know in the comments below!

Related blog post

The Narcissist’s Greatest Fear: You Becoming Your True Self and Aligning with Your 5D Ascension Path

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The Narcissist Never Lets You Go: How to Finally Get Freedom

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41 thoughts on “What Do Narcissistic Abuse And Ascension Have In Common?

  1. Oh Melanie,

    Just as I thought you had surely outdone yourself in a brilliant article … you write THIS!

    I am smiling from ear to ear seeing that you are bringing the “healing’ from narc abuse to such a high frame. This is why I have totally loved working with you! YES. YES. YES. The Quanta Freedom Healing is a conscious Ascension tool. I recognized it immediately as a healing from an entirely other dimension. You meet Spiritual abuse with Spiritual Wholeness healing.

    So what do I think of this article? Words fail me to express how exciting it is to see that we are hearing the same thing. It resonates on a very deep level. It will be heard and received as the gift of life that it is.

    May Love and Light and Grace continuously shine and water your paths.

    1. Iris sweetheart,

      it was time – to announce this Truth.

      Many wonderful people in our community already know this, or deeply feel it and are ready to embody this truth.

      Yes, my love, we are totally on the same trajectory.

      It is exciting times!

      So much love

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  2. Excellent article Mel. It’s about time. It’s ABOUT time. Time to ascend and rise in consciousness! My father was a garden variety psychopath. The last time I saw him (Feb 2006) he said “I AM God!” A chill went up my spine as I realized he really believed it. That was pre-NARP for me. He died 10 years later, a miserable shell of a man. I felt no sense of loss. Just one more sad human being(?) off the planet. It took me years after I’d got the NARP program to actually DO the work. I have been moving along with Dating Bootcamp, and will tackle NARP when Week 6 is over. It is all the same stuff anyway. Well I had to start somewhere… and it’s all taking us to the same place. Wonderful. Healing whenever we choose!

    1. Hi Susan,

      I’m thrilled that you deeply felt this.

      Yes, narcissists do believe they are God – he said the silent part out loud.

      I love you signed up for Dating Bootcamp and that you are ready to dive deeply into NARP

      You will find so much acceleration in your wisdom, peace, solidness, and wholeness (and all the beautiful stuff that comes from that platform) as a result of doing so!

      Much Love to you

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  3. Dearest Melanie,

    I knew the very first time I heard you speak you were on the 5D path.

    My recovery from Narcistic abuse has been miraculous and so deeply healing. The channeling of the Light of Source into our wounded parts and releasing them back to native nothingness is a beautiful process. I will be forever grateful for what your programs are doing for me. I’m planning to stay around for long time as I continue to go deeper into my innermost self and heal those parts still remaining in the crevices.

    I’m on the 5D Ascension path with you and rest of our Thriver community. May the Light of Source and the beloved Angels of Love hold you safely in the palm of their hands as The Earth, and those souls who choose to ascend, go though this beautiful process together.

    “They say” where we are going is spectacular. I’ll meet you there.

    Bright blessings,

    1. Hi Francesca,

      thank you for your validation and support!

      I love that NARP and my other programs have delivered you home to you! You deserve nothing less!

      Yaya I love that you are a fellow 5D traveller! It’s really beautiful to share this incredible personal journey with wonderful souls like you.

      Love and blessings to you Francesca

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  4. Mel, I’m so thankful you tackled this timely and important topic. I started my NARP journey in 2020 right before the lockdown. I too had adrenal exhaustion along with debilitating hip/back pain, depression and loss of a loved one…all leading to a breakdown that forced me to go inward finally to change/Heal myself. Around the same time, ascension talk about humans and the planet was off the charts with spiritual folks I follow. I found the implications of 3d to 5d quite exciting and affirming to my healing path. And your explanation is spot on! It gave the soul lessons of being married to a Narc a whole different spin allowing me to rise above victim thinking faster when it arises and its providing the wind beneath my wings as I finally leave this “timeline in my ascension” to re-membering my true self and true source! Xo

    1. Hi Lorraine,

      I’m so pleased that this resonated with you.

      I agree that this “talk” is affirming, makes so much sense and fits perfectly with everything that we have been through.

      I love that you see the deeper reason for N-abuse … and where you can ascend from it.

      Sending love and magnificent and blessed breakthroughs to you!

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  5. I agree wholeheartedly with what you are saying in this wonderful article. True healing from abuse, any kind of abuse, comes to us when we reconnect with our Spiritual Oneness, the Light our Higher Self. For decades I was a good, hard-working, devoted and caring person. I had “the perfect life” with all I could want and yet I was completely miserable. I was controlled by a narcissistic mother who was never pleased. I survived childhood sexual abuse and sibling incest, I unknowingly wrapped myself in a False Self to try and control what life was continually throwing at me. At the point of total breakdown, I had an epiphany and came face to face with my False Self. I realized I knew nothing. It wasn’t until the facade of my False Self was ripped away that I was forced to look inward and see the darkness and the void. I surrendered. I gave myself up to The Source, The Creator, to God and with the help of some extraordinary people, (including you, Mel) I allowed my True Self to emerge and grow. I connected with The Source of all Goodness, Life and Transformation. My life changed forever. I am now living an authentic life and, although it is not always easy, I am a million times happier now. I have discovered talents within myself and have nurtured and encouraged those talents to create a completely fulfilled life. You have helped me so much Mel, thank you. May your life be filled with blessings.

    1. Hi Cathryn,

      Please know how welcome you are – always!

      Oh gosh – yes – the “perfect life” that is not the Soul / Source Life, how many of us chased that?

      I adore that you faced the truth – that you were prepared to “die” to the False Self and Life and be re-born aligned with your Soul / Source Truth.

      It’s really beautiful that you are unleashed as YOU, and Being in life as your soul always intended – which is the only life that gratifies us, as well as allows us to authentically be the best we can, for all concerned.

      Congratulations for having the guts to strip the identity false structures back, to be YOU.

      Much Love

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  6. I suppose this resonates differently, but not fundamentally it the Narcissist is a parent. This is a new concept for me and it make so much sense. Can’t wait to learn more. Thank you!

    1. Hi Rhonda,

      it is lovely that this spoke to you.

      Please know it is EXACTLY the same concept and deep inner truths, no matter who the narcissist in your life.

      At the end of the day, recovery from narcissistic abuse is about freeing ourselves from false programming – no matter how this was brought to us, or by whom.

      My NARP program caters for all of that unconditinally

      Much Love to you

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  7. Dear Melanie!
    Wow! Amazing! Your recent articles are incredible! This, the discussion of 5D ascension, and what is required for us to “get there” is stunningly remarkable….that your explanation and guidance, didactically so clear, precise and comprehensible has me in awe….😔
    Recently, as a result of others encouragement here and there, I’ve been focusing on SH&R which is helping me so much…. this article today is another caveat that gives me further guidance in addition to SH&R, as well as, so needed and wanted direction my whole Inner Being is craving! 🙏
    Thankfully I got all of that from today’s article, Melanie! 🙌
    Thank you for sharing, once again, what you have gone through on your journey and how you’ve met with courage and inner conviction the demands that this kind of Inner work requires….each day of our lives….
    I’m trying not to sound obsequious, but, Melanie, I have to tell you that you are really an amazing woman/human being! That I so appreciate what you are doing on this earth! That I feel grateful and more than likely into eternity will feel grateful for the day that I first found you and your incredible teachings on YouTube!
    Thank you so much for putting all the incredible effort that you’ve been putting into NARP over the years….
    Thank you for this wonderfully amazing article today!
    Much love and gratitude, Melanie! ❤️🦋❤️

    1. Hi Peter,

      this is what happens when you travel and spend time in ancient sacred sites! lol!

      Actually, it was just time with my own healings and ascension and messages “people are ready for this – the real truth” to take as many people as I can with me (humbly and lovingly) – to their true nirvana.

      It takes work – it is NARPing – and it is soooo worth it!

      So much love to you and thank YOU as always!

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  8. Hello Melanie. What a beautiful day to write this stunning article, thank you for this and your work, a million percent your story is mine and countless others too. This has been my journey with NARP, Thrive, SuperThrive and now Quantum Dating Bootcamp. It was always about my Ascension. I moved out of 3D quickly with NARP but was in 4D for a number of years, but soul connected and absolutely thriving and dedicated to your work, I knew this was my only job and I knew it’s was about Ascension and nothing else. It was what my heart knew and desired ever since I was a little girl, that was the nagging pain inside me all my life. The Narc was in full throttle from 2017 until 2021, came in like a bolt from the darkness. It was the dark night of the soul but NARP and your voice held my hand through this. It led me to my soul and my passions and a life beyond my wildest dreams. A sense of peace, joy, knowing, strength, support, safety and freedom knowing I need nothing from the outside to be happy, I just am Happy always, this year I joined Quantum Dating Bootcamp and in a few weeks it’s catapulted me into 5D. It was the missing link from 4 to 5. The serendipity and synchronicity of what last bits were left to come up and out presented themselves perfectly in this course. Old stuck stinking energy in motion, up and out 😆Very very physically painful this time, almost like I was going to explode but after every healing I feel the Power and the Love. It’s absolutely MASSIVE.🎉 Thank you for my 5 D gift. You are a soulmate and is my Tribe, love you all very much: I am stepping into my true self and know that You and the team are always a part of me and the creation that comes from now 💜💚💛💙🧡⭐️☀️🧡

    1. Hi Ramona,

      thank you Dear Lady,

      I always love hearing from you and feeling your inspirational energy!

      Ramona, your courage, dedication to yourself and breakthroughs are soooooo inspirational.I adore what you are getting out of Dating Bootcamp – I am loving teaching this stuff!

      Absolutely you are our tribe and I love your guts, courage, teachability and the results that you are enjoying!

      So much love to you!

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  9. Thank you for sharing all these knowledge and wisdom . Now I understand that my journey in this life has a higher meaning from what it was. I am special I am unique I will try to understand more of me and let the light guide me I feel and I understand what you are saying and it comes very naturally, Now, I have to do the work ! NARP 🙏

  10. This is inspirational and as a result I hope to get on with breaking through (and away from) the darkness.
    Thank you Melanie.

  11. Hi Melanie,
    This totally resonates for me. We can’t ascend until we let go of all the 3D attachments. I am looking at your programs and don’t know which one to sign up for. I am at the point where I recognize my role as people pleaser, weak boundaries and that I am the only one responsible for my life. I am not a victim. I’m looking for the next step of coming into wholeness with myself, releasing the trauma and filling with light following the ascension path to 5D. I am so ready!!

  12. Hi Melanie, I have felt and known the narcissist experience in my life as a direct correlation to this ascension process. Thank you validating this connection in this beautiful article. I felt like you generally hinted to this connection anyway:) Jennifer

  13. Dearest Melanie,
    For me, this is probably the best article you have ever written !!
    To give such profound meaning to my trauma and pain and describe in such a concise way how to use my painful past as a stepping stone towards a bright future so that I finally FIND MY WAY HOME TO WHO I REALLY AM.

    Thank you for this context, thank you for introducing me to my subconscious soul contract and A BIG THANK YOU for guiding me through this mess and for supporting my ASCENSION PROCESS.

  14. Thank you for another wonderful and perfectly timed article Mel. I wanted to express my gratitude properly. First you gave me a way out of the depths of darkness, saving my life and my sanity (I was surrounded on all sides by multiple narcissists and would have never made it out alive without NARP). Then during Thrive, some things you said prompted me to go down the rabbit hole and realise the truth about the world we live in and subsequently the truth about myself as a starseed. And now I am using QFH as the most powerful ascension tool that I know of. Light work is powerful, but shadow work is so much more powerful. With these powerful energies streaming in lately, every last bit of subconscious gunk is coming up for healing, and I am so blessed to have a tool like QFH, I don’t know how I would’ve navigated these times without it’s support.
    I have more gratitude towards you and QFH than I have towards anyone else in my life.
    In my view you are a beautiful being from Sirius who incarnated here to help thousands of other starseeds ascend. My everlasting love and gratitude to you for this. I don’t know if I will ever be able to properly express my gratitude, but I hope you can feel it through the ethers. ❤️❤️❤️🌹

  15. Love you Mel, once again thank you!!

    I had a 2 month marathon of narping after i discovered your program, i isolated in a house alone in the forest and narped day and night almost non stop for 2 months. Before that, before finding you, i was about to disappear, 4 years of relationship with a narc had left me completely destroyed inside and out. I didnt know what a narcisist was, i didnt know what a codependwnt was, i didnt know ANYTHING of what you teach.

    I lost 20 kilos in those 2 months, i extracted out of myself tons (i mean TONS) of trauma from my brutal and stressing childhood but once the gates where opened i could not stop narping! It was a bit insane experience, like a battle with the ego to death, my ego told me i would die if I continued narping and i said ok, of i die i die, but i am done with you, i continued with narp but had a nervous sistem colapse , my right arm and leg went “asleep” and couldnt walk properly of cook for months, it was like i was going to start to tremble and just colapse and go to the hospital.

    But i went through it, and Came alive at the other side , i lost 20kg i had a nervous system breakdown but i cleaned a LOT of stuff inside that had made me suffer all my life, for the first time in years i saw the possibility of a life made not of suffering but peace, joy and being my own source at last.

    It has been 6 months from that episode, and I havent done any narp in this time, I ended completely and fisically exhausted (because I had so so much to clear and once I started I couldnt stop). So this last 6 months I’ve been recovering some weight and taking care of my right arm and leg (they are better now) but I know I need to do a second marathon of NARP because I know I only did about 50% of the work I need to do to be able to be in life like I want.

    The good thing is that I have the tools now and that I hope this time it will be less intense as I have already cleared A LOT.

    I am a completely different person now already and it’s mostly because of you.

    The only program that WILL work but only if you have the guts to really go all in and do the hard work, your ego will fight like crazy when he sees what you are trying to do.

    Sorry for the long text , I felt I needed to tell my story (abbreviated) and once again thank you with all my heart, you saved my life and I will be forever greatfull.

    I promess to be less intense in future messages 😂

    Love form Madrid!!

    1. Hi Inigo,

      it is great that you faced down your ego and broke through … that does take incredible courage, and please know Dear Soul in your next round it doesn’t have to be “all or nothing” (I can be like this too!) Self love and care means also doing lovely things for you and dedicating to the real life aspects that help supplement your healing journey and knowing you dont have to be “perfectly healed” to be in life bit by bit safely and kindly.

      I’d love you to reach out to the NARP Member’s Forum for some extra coaching, support and love – because please know that you don’t have to do this journey alone.

      Much Love

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  16. Thank you Mel, I will.

    For me it was an “all or nothing” situation , I was in so bad condition when I found Narp that couldn’t do it any other way.

    Just like someone in a desert about to die deshidrates who finds a giant river , you immediately dive in. 😂

    My soul and all my person had completely been sucked by the narcissist , there was literally nothing left of me. Couldn’t even talk to my friends or family anymore. And also didn’t know what was happening. After the “discard” form the narcissist I just thought I was in a huge depression.

    When I discovered you I understood that instead, I had been completely anihilated. Big difference!!!!

  17. So much great information!! I wanted to clarify something, though,,, How does our False Self and the Narc’s False Self vary?

  18. Hi Melanie,

    I have been on the spiritual path now for some time now and this article really resonates with me. I turned to the spiritual path some 10 years ago now, following a very 3D life which involved self medication in various ways to try to bury the trauma of growing up in a highly narcissistic family.
    Six years ago, I thought I was in a good place… physically, mentally, spiritually, despite the death of my best friend. However, in hindsight, I was in a vulnerable place, especially as my best friend provided the love and care I never had from my family.
    And cue, in walks my narcissistic ex. The last six years for me, have been painful. I lost track of my good practices, I became someone I didn’t recognise and developed a chronic illness. I am no longer able to work due to this and I suspended a university degree I was studying for as I was on the floor. I am doing better than I was… But I KNOW that I am STILL giving my power away to this man as something inside me still hasn’t dealt with my childhood trauma and still I still long for my ex’s approval and love, despite me understanding what you have said above.
    I would really appreciate your advice and help with this Melanie…

    1. Hi R,

      my heart goes out to you, but truly you’re miles ahead of many people who are fast asleep, in that you understand the truth of inner programming, and that the shift and change has to happen on the inside.

      You just need the “how” to get this done.

      R, my absolute advice to you is NARP – it is the healing system and global support team you seek, in every way you could imagine.

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  19. Thanks Melanie,
    I have looked at this in the past but as I mentioned, I am too ill to work and therefore do not have any income to be able to afford this programme unfortunately, as much as I hear you about the benefits. I was wondering if you could provide any further advice?

  20. Hi R (commenter above this one). I am writing in place of Melanie and have nothing to do with her business but as you haven’t been replied to i would like to reply on their behalf to help you as you can’t afford the programme and need some help. I have been abused by so many people and used. I am lucky to have been loved and a lot of the people died and i was in a vulnerable position which attracted the sharks. Love is kind, love is warm and love is safe and not cruel, cold, mind bending. Stay away from anyone who is not like that and drop them like a stone-take care of yourself. xx

  21. I wasn’t sure what I was about to read regarding the Narcissist and Ascension. About a year ago I guess I actually did break. I had learned not to see my self as broken or hitting rock bottom because that would actually be a relief. From those places you can actually start to move out from there and there was always more for me to loose and more pain to endure and more pieces of me to fracture.
    I began crying out to God to hear me, I wanted to come home, I needed to find some of my kind, I pleaded with God, my Creator to show to me my purpose. I HAD to have one, I just had to! How could my purpose be to exist for pain? And how could it be that the holes in my soul that were created from unspeakable abuse….. How could I fill those huge gaping holes with Hope?
    About a year ago, something started happening within me, it is still happening; it is growing, it is beautiful, I am begining to heal. But until just moments ago, I was still alone. Outside of the unbelievable comfort, love and healing I am beyond grateful to feel from God. I pray many times a day for that comfort to be felt by anyone in pain. Outside of NOT being alone because God is working within me, because until now, I didn’t understand what has been happening to me.
    My parents asked me to get a CAT scan to see if I had a tumor growing in my brain. I have notes to myself that say “Silence is a Virtue” but it is so hard not to cry out with joy and just a little of “whoa!” “No way I am the only person on this earth to feeling these things”
    And here you are Melanie!!!
    Thank you for your bravery! Thank you for your journey! Thank you for being alive right now so that I could read your words. Holy crap! I have a lot of love for you. Thank you.

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