After everything the narcissist has done to you wouldn’t it be nice to get a little bit back one day?
I’m not talking about doing something cruel or vindictive like them, but I am talking about solid ways to stand in your power that bring them TOTALLY undone.
In this episode of Thriver TV, I am going to share the ultimate insult to a narcissist and how you can overcome them when they try to smear you during property settlements, while co-parenting, or any other situation where they would typically derail you.
If you can listen and absorb the message in today’s episode, you will be well on your way to defeating them and going free.
Video Transcript
Today I want to talk to you about the ultimate insult to a narcissist. This also happens to be the greatest growth compliment to yourself, which is such an added bonus!
I’m really excited to share this information with you, but before I do, I want to remind you that if you haven’t yet subscribed to my YouTube channel, I invite you to please do so, and to share it with others who could benefit.
Let’s begin with an essential understanding first. What is it that narcissists want more than anything?
I’m going to put it really simply and cut straight to the chase: what they want is your attention. They want your focus, they want your energy and they want your life force.
What does this look like?
It looks like them sucking you into, and manipulating you into, handing your energy and your resources over to them. It’s about them purposely triggering you into emotional responses towards them, because that is their fastest validation that they’re significant. Your granting them attention is you getting triggered to hand over your energy.
Why do we react to narcissists (because they are highly triggering)? But why are we reacting the way we do?
It’s because of two reasons that we get triggered and we react.
Either we are looking to them to provide us with something they are not giving us – that we haven’t realized we’ve not been able to give to ourselves; or we are triggered because we are trying to rectify something they have done to us that is really hurtful.
Narcissists Don’t Care
The thing with narcissists is that they do not learn through any of their experiences.
Normal human beings grant eachother things such as compassion, kindness and sharing – because they care and are interested in a win-win. A narcissist is not at all disturbed by not granting you these things.
Narcissists don’t even care about giving you the basic respect of recognition that you are a flesh and blood autonomous human being with a soul and feelings.
You really need to understand this: narcissists couldn’t care less about recognizing any of that normal humanity, and they care even less about giving you what you want or need in order to feel healthy, safe and loved. That’s not on their radar at all and that’s not what they are in your life to do. So of course you are triggered because this is so careless and so neglectful. It’s out and out abuse – it really is.
They know that you are going to react and they know that in your reaction you’re going to hand over attention and energy to them. So this is why they don’t learn and they don’t change – it’s giving them narcissistic supply.
Of course, in the early days it didn’t happen like that, because if you met and began connecting to somebody who was careless, neglectful, and didn’t care about your feelings, you never would have signed up into receiving such treatment.
That extreme care and attention that the narcissist was giving to you in the early days was all a ploy to get you hooked and dependent on them. That person – that caring, giving, granting person – never existed and they never will. It’s a show. It’s a mirage.
If you were born into a family of origin where this person is triggering you by not caring about you, then that always was the case, because as a child you didn’t have the capacity to choose differently. It was what it was, and it was your normal right from the beginning.
But as adults we can choose differently and we’re going to be talking about that a little later on.
So the first thing is, they don’t do caring things that normal caring, considerate people would do.
Narcissists Need To Trigger You
Then also they do horrible things to trigger you. These are things like name-calling, or stonewalling.
You may confront them because you want some accountability and they will just walk out the door. They will refuse to speak to you: they’ll shut you down.
Or they’ll do their whole blaming of you – they’ll project onto you and bring up all sorts of things. They will get off topic.
They lie, they cheat, they steal from you… they do all manner of horrible things.
They will do whatever it takes to trigger you, because as soon as they trigger you, then you are handing over your energy to them.
It is all about attention.
It’s all about them disowning their inner traumas, their behavior, their dysfunctions and their inner self-rejection.
It’s about lining you up, because as soon as you’re triggered they can make it all your fault.
Narcissists are very comfortable in dark energy, manipulation and lies, and these kinds of processes – it’s the ground that they operate on. They are very comfortable in it, but we are not! It triggers us, and it freaks us out.
Then when you are triggered and freaking out, they can stand back and say, “Look at you! You are the problem, you’ve got anger issues, you are crazy, you need therapy.”
Narcissists will also find the perfect ammunition from your words in texts or emails – or they might even tape conversations, they will stoop that low. Then they can tell people what you were saying when you were massively triggered, and it allows them to do the whole thing of, “I’m the victim. This person is the bad, abusive one and they’re making my life a living hell.”
Narcissists love this drama! They love and are comfortable in the dark, distorted energy of what is going on inside them, which is all of those traumas and disowned parts and unhealed stuff. They love to dramatise it onto somebody else or spew it onto others – to flip the script.
By triggering others and then blaming them for all the problems, they can continue their exploitation, undetected. They can steal people’s souls, their life force, their resources, their property and their money.
Ultimately narcissists are parasitical beings and that is how they get away with it.
How To Stop Providing Narcissistic Supply
So how do you short-circuit this? The simple answer is – stop it! Stop it completely.
Stop participating in being their food source.
Stop granting them your triggers, or the evidence that they have triggered you. Stop granting them any energy, attention, or even a minute portion of your oxygen or your spirit.
By doing that, you make them non-existent. That is the ultimate insult to a narcissist, because it means they are nothing.
If you don’t react – if you don’t hand them any of your energy or attention – they’re nothing.
Here’s the truth. A narcissist is nothing anyway. There is no true self inside them. They only know that they are ‘some thing’ via the significance of getting other people’s energy. Without it, there is no inner self to fall back on.
Narcissists are a charade. They are a false self: an ego construct of falsities and deceptions; grandiose, unrealistic figments of their own imaginations about themselves.
They are cardboard cut-outs – nothing about a narcissist is based in reality and truth. They are nothing without your triggers being activated – ‘no thing’ at all.
Let’s look at some practical examples of how to achieve this.
Focus On Your Facts
First of all, stop going into details. We’ve all had the experience of trying to lecture and prescribe to a narcissist. It feels like you are trying to explain things to an adult that a five year old would understand about being a decent human being. So stop trying to teach them how to be a good person.
Instead, take a deep breath and recognize that no amount of lecturing, explaining and prescribing does anything positive. The narcissist doesn’t care about being a good person and they don’t want to learn. They are not even listening to that. They are simply getting off on seeing you triggered. So only respond with facts about you and the situation.
For example, let’s say a narcissist tries to change a parenting agreement with you, like a time, or a drop off or other agreement. Rather than lecturing or prescribing about being a good person and sticking to the agreement and having to do the right thing – forget all of that. They want you to do that, so instead, just say, “No. This is what I will accept. This is what I won’t accept.”
And then the narcissist will tell you that you’re a really bad parent. Don’t respond.
Don’t respond, because what you are saying to yourself is, “My opinion about me is rock solid and I don’t care what you think. This is what I will accept. This is what I won’t.”
To recap: no explaining, justifying or emotional reaction whatsoever. It’s just a short, sharp stating of your facts. The narcissist will then go for that trigger to try to derail you – and you just don’t even respond.
Live Your Truth
The next powerful tip is to realize the narcissist is never going to agree with your version of things, ever. It’s not what they are in your life to do.
So take another deep breath and recognize your growth and maturity is about realizing that nobody needs to give you permission to live your truth.
As an empowered adult who is getting self-actualized and self defined, nobody needs to agree with your truth. Only you do. And then you just be it and do it and live it.
Instead of trying to make other people agree with your truth and give you permission to live it – live it! It’s your God / Source given right to live your truth.
For instance, if you are separating from a narcissist and they are threatening to take 80% of the property, and are telling you all of the reasons why you should hand it over, and all of the reasons they’re entitled to it, etc. You say, “No, I am not giving you 80% of the property.”
They will then come out with every nasty accusation, threat, guilt trip, and retaliation you can imagine. They are not going to agree with your version of things – and they don’t have to. You do.
Which means you can simply walk away, with no more conversation. You do not hand over the money and you get on with your day. You keep building your case with facts and you refuse to go into fear. That’s it.
Be Your Authentic Self
Another powerful way that you insult the narcissist horrifically is by not buying into their cruel smear campaigns.
As sure as eggs are eggs, he or she is going to try to discredit you and draw other people into believing all sorts of horrible things about you – and of course these are usually things that the narcissist has done themselves.
But here it is – don’t bite, defend or go into retaliation at all. Instead, really anchor into and embody, “I know who I am. And if others don’t, that’s their business.”
Continue to be, and to demonstrate, the credible, real you that you are healing into, becoming, and taking on as your ascension and as your evolution. Anchor into that around anyone you are smeared to, including your children.
We have a lot of people in our Thriver community who are working really powerfully and diligently on this using my Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program (NARP). By doing so, they discover how quickly narcissistic smear campaigns fall to bits.
This is because fundamentally you are in an energetic, spiritual battle with a narcissist. That’s really what is going on and by trying to battle with their darkness, you are being infiltrated and impregnated with it.
This is not about trying to turn the darkness into light. This is about letting go of the darkness and becoming the light.
In this powerful soul graduation experience that you’re going through with a narcissist, without your emotional triggers the narcissist is an empty vessel – meaning there’s nothing to fuel up what they are trying to do to you. It all falls over. The narcissist comes undone and people quickly wake up to the truth.
When you don’t care, and you can authentically say, “I’m being me, and I’m giving myself permission to be me, regardless of what anybody else is or isn’t doing,” then you will see that the narcissist can’t succeed against you and everything will start to turn in your favour. Not because of what you are doing, or what you are trying to fix or change, but because you’ve fixed and changed on the inside.
That’s your power.
You don’t need to care what’s going on ‘out there’ because you are living as your solid inner self. You have given yourself permission to do that, you are doing the inner work to achieve that and you are being you, regardless.
At that point you are already free.
You will then be beautifully astounded and shocked at how Life and available others will join you, be with you, and bring you more support and resources than Life and others have ever brought to you before. That’s your evolution point.
This is the life myself and other Thrivers live, because we did the inner work on this and the outer application then came. We knew how to be: just to be ourselves.
This is why narcissists have no impact or influence in our lives whatsoever because they have become Not Our Reality. It’s like, “You can try and trigger or do whatever you want. I’m being myself. I don’t care what you think. I no longer need your permission and I no longer need to change your mind. I’m just going to set myself free by being me and my truth.”
Then you will see how powerless narcissists are.
So the goal for you is to become anti-fear.
Becoming Anti-Fear
Narcissists are great at controlling you and keeping you hooked through fear.
They work out what your inner fears are, such as your fears of abandonment, or being replaced by another, being alone, not being able to survive financially, maybe never finding real love again, or the terror of having to live without this person.
Whatever you most fear is what the narcissist will use against you. They will mess with and threaten the people and the things that are important to you, to really hook you into this.
So by letting go of them, and coming home to yourself by filling with your higher self and your truth, you will realize what true power is really all about.
Module eight of NARP is priceless for all of these things that the narcissist is triggering in an attempt to derail you and get you to hand over your power. And module eight in NARP is one of our most used modules.
People use it in the courtroom before they’re going into court cases; they use it if they’re being stalked; they use it if they’re going through custody battles. They use it in any and all of those times when they are triggered into the ‘what ifs’ of “what is this person going to do?” and “what are they capable of?” Because yes, narcissists are capable of anything, when we fearful of them.
When you do that inner work, the narcissist is horrified, drained, and exposed.
When you are no longer reacting emotionally, physically, or spiritually – in this spiritual battle – all of that bad, dark energy that they have been putting out there has got no place to land on you.
When you are not fueling the fire with your fears and your insecurities, the karma bus really does hit the narcissist. It all comes home, is returned to sender and they start unraveling. People see the truth in ways that will stun you as authorities, friends and families wake up to the lies. And the narcissist – no longer being able to trigger, hook you, and control you – ends up being terrified by your powerful, solid, authentic light.
It is a massive insult to them when they can’t trigger you. They have to get out of your energetic presence and your life faster than you could imagine. That’s why narcissists let go.
People ask, “Why doesn’t the narcissist let go? Do they ever let go?” Yes! When you claim your light, like a vampire with a bright light being shone on them, they have to run back into the shadows. They will get out of your life – and if getting out of your life means that they have to capitulate, finish up and settle, and give you what you want, then they do. The gig is up and the false self has no power. The little man or woman behind the curtain is fully exposed.
In Conclusion
This is the biggest insult to a narcissist, and so I want you to use it as a powerful mantra:
“I know who I am and my truth. I’m no longer perturbed or dependent , caring about what you’ve done to me or what you think of me. I’ve come home to myself, and your abuse was my vehicle to get there. I’ve taken back my power and you are not my reality anymore. I have evolved beyond you.”
That’s what narcissists hate. You don’t say that to them, you simply embody it and live it, and that’s the truth.
I hope that this has helped.
If you want to get to this place and graduate to that level to join me, then I’d love to help you get there, so please click on this link.
I really hope that this has made sense and inspired you to know that you are more powerful than you can ever imagine. That’s what this is about and this is your evolution. So until the next time, keep smiling, keep healing and keep thriving because there’s nothing else to do.
As always, I look forward to your comments below.
I am almost there. I feel so lucky to have come across NARP when my life fell apart after the passing of my sister, my mom and dad within 6 months and my narcissistic husband dropping me and moving into another relationship while he still lived with me.
It has been 5 years, and NARP plus the next program about developing ourselves into the life we’ve always wanted. I’m truly grateful for your programs Melonie. Thank you.
Hi Marcelle,
big love to you after everything that you have been through!
And sending continued love, healing and breakthroughs to you.
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Dear Melanie!
Thank you, again, so much for another wonderful article! 😌
The more that I listen to you and am able to absorb your teachings and wisdom and practice the precious principles and live “The Way of a Narper” on a daily basis the more I’m getting this wonderful, yet simple, “taste” of what it is like to be free from narcissistic abuse and, in particular, a horribly abuse person.
This is my fifth year of following you…I’ve learned so much….there’s been some rough times during these five years but I find these rough periods to be lessening and my good energy being used much more wisely…🙌
Thankfully, as a result of being faithful to your teachings I am discovering, literally, the joy of living parts of a day without the narcissist being an antagonist.
I still have not had a complete day where I am just being me, the happy and positive me that once was….or that kinder me, the me I miss, that got almost totally suffocated as a result of enduring constantly a bad persons obnoxious and obtuse selfishness…😌 I so long for a day like that…..
I so firmly believe with the continuing help of NARP, with confidence and a growing inner belief, that that day and many other good days are coming!!!! 🙏
I thought that it would be OK to share this with you and others. It is with complete humbleness that I say these things… I know I have a long long ways to go yet and I’m not afraid, because along with NARP I NOW have Little Peter with me. 👨👦 and now he is becoming my best friend and confidant!
it is with deep gratitude and continuing Love that I say, thank you so very much Melanie Tonia Evans! ❤️🦋❤️
Hi Peter,
thank you for your words, your commitment to you and also for lighting the way for other men to heal.
You are an inspiration.
Mel 🙏💞🦋
LOVE this Melanie! I may have the opportunity to go head to head with a previous Narc boss soon and can’t wait!. This is ME taking myself back, not about her. She took me out as a threat, without the slightest clue that I would overcome. All because of NARP. Safe travels to you in the RV, doing the same in the US and loving it.
Hi Mary,
that is awesome that you are up to this without fear!
Safe travels to you too dear RV sister!
What is there not to love?
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Thank you soo much. I can’t believe that every word in that last blog… could have been me talking about my life with my Narcissistic husband…. of fifty years!!
I did eventually leave him with the wonderful help of my daughter.
Although I’ve such bad memories…I’m thinking less of him & how he ruined my life… less now & beginning to enjoy my life.
Thank you soo much for your blogs…I find them soo healing!
Hi Norma,
well done for having the courage to leave – your daughter sounds wonderful.
I’m very happy that my material has helped bring you peace and healing
Much Love to you
Mel 🙏💞🦋
I was also married for 21 years. It got so bad the last 5 years and he kept telling me it was me that was the problem. That I had mental issues. After a while you do start believing maybe it was me. But I woke up and realized he had some really big issues! I am a people pleaser. I tried everything. Then the no talking to me when on for months. He always wanted to start an argument. This story I read was like it was living my last life! The rude emails, threatening myself and my children. I am in the process of getting a divorce. Telling me to give lots of money threatening my children for money. It has been a nightmare for sure. Trying to turn my friends away from my friendship of 50 years by telling lies. So hurtful but I am getting my life together. He drained all the money from the bank accounts and left me with all of the bills to pay. I live on Social Security but am working two jobs to make ends meet! But he will be out of my life soon. Praise God for loving me.
God Bless you, Mel! This hit me at just the right time, and right spot in my consciousness. Sealed the deal. No more attention. Love it!!! I Do know who I am-what I am and what I am here for on this planet at this time. As you beautifully captured in the earlier article, my encounters with Narc 1 and 2 were soul contract catalysts. It’s so fascinating- I have felt so happy and in creative flow in my vocational calling- amazing synchronicities, et al, and then Narc 2 pulls a trick, I got triggered and almost wanted to say “Hey, that’s not OK” or somehow reveal my truth AND attempt a generous, gracious, listening to understand his side thing. I start to tell myself face everything, avoid nothing and “integrity” means I need to say something to him to “explain” why I felt so hurt/anger/ declare a new boundary…while twisting myself into a pretzel to make sure I own all of my possible projections, and crystal clean energy (which just gives him gasoline for his blame shifting blow torch). I am done with caring what he thinks or trying to get an A+ on my enlightened conscious relationship skill report card in any interaction with this person. I set myself FREE. Free at last. Free at last. Good God Almighty, Free at last. LOL Cheers and bows, Queen Melanie. 🙂 We have bigger fish to fry now, flowing forward.
Hi MB,
I’m so happy this spoke to you!
You have described this perfectly – and FREE is FREE!
Well done – oh yes there is much more sanity, health and happiness out there!
Much Love to you, fellow Queen!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Thank you Melanie for your support and amazing intuition as to how these vile narcs operate , I was particularly blown away when you shared the concept that we are trying to turn this darkness into light , it was a bit of a lightbulb moment as I never even realised that was precisely what I had spent 32 years trying to do , to absolutely no avail of course. Its been 9 months no contact and I am getting there slowly but surely , you explain everything so well and I truly thank you , you are an amazing person, thank you again xx
Hi Ruth,
I’m pleased that spoke powerfully to you.
It truly was a lightbulb moment for me also when I fully realised it!
Many blessings to you
Mel 🙏💞🦋
I’ve done lots of work through NARP, still more to do but I still don’t understand how this helps when the narc is behaving unreasonably and using the kids to manipulate me. He’s blocked me from all forms of contact and refuses to discuss arrangements for transporting the kids to and from his house for contact visits meaning that I have to ask the kids when they are coming home because he won’t tell me. Also I am starting to have to drop everything at a moment’s notice to go and pick them up because he refuses to bring them home.
This is not reasonable behaviour. Nobody seems to be able to help because most people don’t understand how incapable of reason he is. How do I sort this?
The first thing I did was get a lawyer and get the child support and visitation agreement in place. If he doesn’t follow it, then he will get drawn back into courts and lawyers. I’d say “most” men do not want Child Support/Family Services on their backs, as its embarrassing to them…so this may be a good start. Otherwise, the kids don’t need to go to him at all, maybe?
Wishing you good hope and vibes going forward….
Hi Jude,
Have you checked out my information on parallel parenting? (google my name with this search). It may be able to help you greatly. Also, I can’t recommend enough coming into the NARP Member’s Forum where we will be able to help you.
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Thank you Melanie, an absolute power of wisdom in all you’ve said!
As I read this today, I can feel the inner strength, surety, joy and humility that has arrived within me, as I recognise I’VE MADE IT!! I am whole again, and so much more in the light than ever before – even before the narcissist !! I truly have learned the lessons I needed to learn & can accept that my time with a dark, empty vessel was meant to be, so that I could become wiser & strong.
Without your lessons and NARP, I’m not sure I’d ever have made it 💕
Hi Sue,
that is awesome, being where you are at.
Big kudos to you! I love your level of gratitude and awarreness. This is true embodied graduation!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Thank you Melanie for another thoughtful article. On my journey of self-improvement you have helped so much.
I’m learning to stand up to the behaviour by stating/exposing it when it happens, thus showing my boundaries, but disarming the narcissist at the same time by simultaneously making it clear to them that they have failed to create an “issue.” This idea of not being hurt by them is driven home by having no expectations of them in return. No-agenda kindness is kryptonite to the manipulator.
I will not last long in any conversation or situation if I think it will make me want to ruminate about it later. Of course it’s incredibly hard to maintain that awareness moment-to-moment, and I make mistakes and can still get triggered, but they are not as frequent and don’t last as long, as I am getting better at stating the facts without fear (or malice!), and short-circuiting the worrying thoughts that will come later.
Person who is behaving like a narcissist, you may want to engage me in the drama you need to avoid looking in the mirror yourself, but my participation will be brief and unsatisfying to you, and if you can’t also be reasonably kind to me, you may choose to run away. Then good, because I’m not here to fix you, as I’m having too much fun and sense of accomplishment just by working on myself, without you. I am content to change my brain little-by-little.
I’m no longer ashamed to have been the nice and sometimes overly anxious guy, that was easy fuel for narcissists. I couldn’t be the better person I am today had I not lived the life I have had…. so far 🙂
Hi Nick,
fantastic growth and awareness!
I love everything that you wrote here!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
I could not have said it better Nick!
Thank you so much Melanie in helping us to view the True reality of this (at one point) mysterious narcissistic warfare. I feel lucky that personally it was mostly w/ a sister (also mother & brother-in-law) as opposoed to spouse orasignificant other. Yet (as Ibelieve you have mentioned?) it can be equally treacherous at times. Thank you so much for helping to set myself free from this unnecessary long term trauma! I am Forever Grateful to you & your knowledge!!
Sending lots of love, blessings & gratitude. Xo
Hi Isabel,
any narcissist is treacherous and incredibly traumatic to be abused by!
You are very welcome and much love and many blessings to you also Isabel
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Thank you Greatly!!
Yes Mel
Thank you for reminding me why I need to keep reading your emails and doing the inner work that I need to do in order to release myself from trauma and it’s bindings. Practicing forgiveness, of others and myself. Practicing meditation and spiritual awareness and above all to be grateful, for the good the bad and the ugly.
It’s my pleasure Roger,
I’m so happy for you that you are on this trejectory!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
This article really stood out for me. Especially “No. This is what I will accept. This is what I won’t accept.” Plus ignore everything else they may say. Very powerful! Thank you for all you do and continue to do for all of us.
Hi Craig,
I am so pleased that this helped!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Thanks this helped a lot. I am 13 years old and am dealing with a custody case between my dad + step mom and my mom. She is a narcissist and has a personality disorder we believe. She is also a felon and has stole much money and other crimes. I am now having to have a shared parenting schedule with her and we are trying to get out of it but its tough. Thanks for giving me ideas on how to deal with her until then though. It means a lot to be able to stand up for myself after in my earlier years(11ish and below) taking the mental abuse she threw at me. She is/was also a drug addict.
Thanks for this article. I’m a parent dealing with a 14 year old son who is a narcissist. I need help trying to find treatment or therapy to help him before he becomes and adult. Not sure if a narcissist can be changed, however, I’m desperate trying to seek help for him.
Any suggestions? thanks
Hi Valencia,
if you google mu name plus the term “narcissistic children” you will find my resources which go into detail about what you can do.
Much Love to ypu
Mel 🙏💞🦋
I am embarrassed to say that I have lost 40 years. I am a smart, capable woman and I should have figured this out so many years ago. There were personality cracks when we dated and I did break up with him several times. He kept coming back further trying to hide the cracks. We are formally separated and the house is up for sale. I live downstairs and he lives upstairs. He comes downstairs every hour on the hour to agitate me. I pretend that I don’t hear or notice him. I am grateful for the words shared by everyone. They help tremendously. I am navigating this time better and can’t wait to fly out of here the moment we close on this house. So grateful. Thanks so much.
Hi Donna,
please know we are all sending you love and strength.
You have got this and we have got you!
Much Love
Mel 🙏💞🦋