One of the questions I get asked over and over is “what causes narcissism”. So today’s Thriver TV episode is my take on this.

Of course, I cover the impact of nature and nurture. But most importantly I wanted to go even deeper, into the spiritual cause and meaning of narcissism.

The debate around the importance of nature versus nurture will continue – but the spiritual causes affect all of us, not only narcissists. We can all find ourselves in separation consciousness, and it is recognition of this that has so many of us asking ‘am I the narcissist?’

I hope this TTV has you looking within, as well as towards your abuser, so that you can have an understanding of the difference between us and narcissists – and how our healing can change ourselves, humanity and ultimately the world.



Video Transcript

Today I want to talk about what creates narcissism and I want to look at this from a psychological, genetic, and spiritual perspective.

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Now on to what causes narcissism? It’s one of those million dollar questions that a lot of you ask all the time.



First of all I want to look at Nature. For example, I’ve got two beautiful pussy cats who are sisters from the same litter yet they have completely different personalities. One’s really sweet and the other one is a lot more complex, and she has a lot more defense mechanisms.

This can be the same even with identical twins. Every parent knows that each of their children can seem to have a completely different personality make up

We don’t just acquire hair color and eye color. Just as we may express blue eyes or brown eyes, or dark hair or blonde hair, we also may express certain personality traits that we’ve picked up genetically from our ancestors.

A lot of our great neuroscientists, quantum scientists and genetic experts are really proving this. Our genetic composition can include certain survival programs, fears or traumas which another child in the same family doesn’t have, and this will express as differing personalities.

Narcissism is about fear and defences. Narcissists have an enlarged amygdala and exaggerated defense mechanisms. They react from their primitive brain rather than anchoring into a more reasonable and emotionally secure way of dealing with things, and this can be present from earliest childhood.



Now let’s look at nurture.

Nurture is, for example, being born into an environment where you have a narcissistic parent. Such a parent is abusive, selfish and everything is all about them. They are neglectful and their child isn’t validated or respected for their own needs, views or ideas. Instead, this child is taught that they’re not good enough, that they’re not important and that they’re not valued. They are completely invalidated and this can create narcissism.

A child treated in this way will make an internal decision that “as myself, I’m not getting my needs met. As myself, I can’t emotionally survive or function in the world. I need to create some kind of strategy to be able to get along.”

Children can also suffer abuse or violation. It could be mental, physical, spiritual or sexual abuse, which results in a situation where the true self is submerged because it’s way too painful and a false self will come forth.

There’s two ways that this can go with children. We have the narcissist and we have the codependent.

The narcissist is, “I’m going to create a fictitious false self – the ‘me’ that I would like to be. So my buffer to stop the pain is to imagine that I’m omnipotent, I’m magnificent, I’m incredible and people fear me.” It’s a cartoon vision of a child self as a superhero, or somebody incredible.

This child may end up being the bully in the schoolyard because they feel so pumped up, important and superior that even from a young age they need to have other people bow down to them, respect them and give them what they need. Whereas their version at home could be very, very different because they’re the one that is being abused and they’re the one being bullied.

On the other hand, a child may also become codependent at a young age. These children ask themselves, “how do I survive the abuse and the neglect? Maybe it’s by me winning and earning love and approval by pleasing my parents, by being an over-accomplisher, by being the fixer, by being the helper, by being the good child.”

These are the people who may go on to be abused by a narcissist.

As a false self, a narcissist will be able to have lots of false narratives about life and themselves. They are well able to lie from an early age, looking people in the eyes and telling them a version of things that doesn’t even resemble the truth. They do this either to win approval or to shunt the blame elsewhere, usually onto the scapegoated child.

The narcissist will also do all sorts of bad things to get their share of the goodies. They’ll steal, lie, cheat and scheme. And then they’ll blame the scapegoated, codependent child of the family – the more sensitive child who’s trying to people-please to stay safe. They’re the ones that will get attacked by the narcissist in the family, and a narcissistic sibling will absolutely take it out on them.

There are other ways psychologically that a narcissist can be created too, including over-entitlement. Over-entitlement results from never saying no to a child, giving them whatever they want and giving them too much free rein in an attempt to please them and be loved by them. Rather than saying no, having limits, creating boundaries and holding firm in truths even at the risk of disagreements and them disliking you.

A narcissistic parent will usually have their golden child. This is a child that they use to feel better about themselves. They objectify this child – their looks, their sporting achievements, their academia or anything they can brag about – and live vicariously through them.

The golden child feels like they’re always on a pedestal and they’re superior. This can create narcissism. Not to say that every golden child that’s put in that position will become a narcissist because many of them are not. But it can create narcissism.




Now to the spiritual side of this. We are living in a human construct which is very conducive to narcissism.

This is because Source has been taken out of the equation. Source, meaning our higher self, prime creator, the light, life force, love, the wave function of oneness, and the interconnectedness of Unity Consciousness – which comes from Source /the prime creator.

If we are not filled and fulfilled with Source, we can’t have peace, inner solidness and an integration within ourselves, our soul, our spirit, our higher self and our world. When we are lacking that fulfillment, we are going to try to get filled from the outside – and this can never be durable and authentic. It will always be a false substitute.

This is things like buying the next flashy car; having a big pay packet; having a hot girlfriend or boyfriend; having people envy you; having your identity based in stuff, things and how many likes you get on Facebook; or how many people think you’re attractive and tell you you’re beautiful.

All of these false substitutes are feeding the ego. It may even be, “I’m such a nice person, I do all these lovely things” and then grandstanding your virtue to get attention and an ego feed.

So that is a huge problem in humanity. We get fixated on looking at ourselves through these identity-based classifications. We are getting away from the True Unity Consciousness identity, which is “I am Source. I’m a fractal of Source. I am a part of the divine mind, of oneness, of the higher consciousness – that I am a piece of as an eternal, immortal spiritual being, having a physical experience.” That’s where we get our wholeness and our connection from, and our peace and our power – true powerfulness.

Narcissism is not powerfulness: it’s powerlessness trying to be powerful.

True source is our true identity at the wave oneness function. That’s actually who we are. The further we get away from that, by making our identity as ‘my job’, ‘my skin color’, ‘my classification’, ‘my whatever’, the more we’re getting taken away from the Oneness – which is ourselves and all of life and Unity Consciousness.

So spiritually, narcissism is created through separation consciousness. “I’m different from you. It’s me versus you. I have to win and others have to lose for me to get my share of the goodies. I’m in lack, I’m in separation, I’m not blessed by Source, I’m not a part of Source, and I don’t know how to express myself as Source in life.” That’s narcissism. “I’m out in the cold on my own, having to scheme, lie, manipulate and do whatever it takes to get my share of the goodies because I don’t believe that I’m worthy, or whole, or deserving because I’m not connected to Source.”

That’s the spiritual aspect of it.


“Am I The Narcissist?”

You may sometimes have wondered “am I a narcissist?” because sometimes you feel empty and separated. You may know that you have people-pleased, or manipulated and had an agenda to try to be loved, approved of, and to get energy from the outside. Maybe you don’t feel any good unless you are getting ‘the stuff’.

Yet that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re a narcissist. It means that you are suffering a spiritual deficiency within, where you haven’t yet come home to releasing the traumas that are keeping you in separation consciousness. By releasing those and filling with the light, which is unity consciousness, you can come home to true Source and original creator, and to knowing that you are a piece of original creator.

That’s why I’m so passionate about what I teach in healing from narcissistic abuse. True healing is getting out of separation consciousness where you can get taken down by narcissists, and getting out of that deficient trauma where you are susceptible to abusers. It is coming home to Unity Consciousness.

If we all did that, our world would be completely different, humanity would be completely different and this planet would be completely different.


In Conclusion

We can all have narcissistic traits. Does it mean that we have Narcissistic Personality Disorder? No.

If you’re in this community, it’s highly unlikely that you are a narcissist. That means we can heal and clean up those parts of us that are feeling powerless, trying to feel powerful by our skirmishes, and trying to get things from outside of ourselves rather than coming home to ourselves.

My Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program is a 10-step process to clean all of that up, come home to yourself and escape the world of connection to narcissists – because you evolve beyond it.

When we’re whole, solid and fulfilled, then we have no need to try to turn crumbs into cookies, or try to change and fix abusive people so that they will love us. We leave them behind and we move into much more authentic, genuine, fulfilling relationships.

It all starts with ourselves.

I hope that helps – let me know in the comments below.

Until the next one, keep smiling, keep healing and keep thriving – because there is nothing else to do!

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26 thoughts on “What Causes Narcissism?

  1. Dear Melanie!
    This article is absolutely, incredibly, wonderfully amazing….thank you so much for giving to us another” point of view” and a way to better understand narcissism’s origin in people and how to, simultaneously, engage with and work with NARP and hopefully grow from within as the burgeoning terror of narcissism explodes seemingly everywhere on the face of the earth….

    I am so often taken back how you are able to weave together so many different explanations and scenarios and yet continue to give to us this amazing, simultaneously, wonderful guidance along with your many explanations with the clarity end guidance you do….

    Some days I say to myself “wow! How does she do that?”

    Maybe it’s best to leave that enigma an enigma and say to myself “thank you Melanie for everything that you do and thank you for helping me!” And simply leave it at that….

    Anyway, I love very much this article and I love very much how you explain these often enigmatic concepts and I love your persistence when it comes to us following NARP the right way and doing things the right way in accordance with NARP principles….

    Soon I will be approaching a half of a decade following you and your teachings and even after that long some of the things that you explain and tell us about I am still amazed…. honestly, that is pretty cool!

    So, thank you again! I really loved this article! It really helped me to understand something that has been quite difficult for me to wrap myself around…Much love to you, Melanie! ❤️🦋❤️

    PS! I hope that expression “wrap myself around” makes sense! 🤔

  2. I am blown away by your deep understanding of narcissism and your eloquence. I’ve never read or met an individual as empathetic and informed, as yourself. You continue to shed new light on narcissism, for me. I so enjoy reading your articles. Thank you 🙂

  3. Thankyou, for your insight on narcissism.It is obvious that you are connected to the source.
    Your articles are informative and are broken down making it easy to read and understand the intricacies of this disorder.

  4. I am nit a person of words and i have more in mymind than what u type. But I can.assure you that you truly heal with your writing . some people have.misrepresented the word ,but with my experience in which you have graciously expressed in your article, you truly have an understanding of how these people operate…

    Thank you so much

  5. Thank you for this article. I am still struggling after so many years of being told that I am the narcissist by my lying, controlling, cheating partner. I’m feeling very confused and I am still questioning myself. Although we are not together he is messaging me every day saying he can help me, my narcissism is due to my pathology and he is my soulmate. He has excuses for everything, he only cheated when I ‘abandoned’ him, he lied to save me from my anxiety, he only sent nasty messages about family and friends because he needed the time with me…..? Yet he still manages to make me doubt myself

  6. Hi Melanie,
    I just wanted to say that in my opinion and observations this article is ‘spot on’. I agree 100% with your analysis of the causes of narcissism. I believe it is indeed a ‘separation of consciousness’ as you describe. It is a combination of destructive ‘nature and nurture influences’.
    Very insightful explanation Melanie. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  7. Hello Melanie as usual you are spot on!
    I’ve followed you for seven years now and each time I get to learn something new from you and yet you’re the same person who is filled with humility and so much passion to share knowledge of narcissism with those who have gone through narcissistic abuse. Thank you for being you and for bringing us closer to our trueself and source.

  8. Dear Melanie, I was introduced to you by Dr. Christiane Northrup. She was giving an online interview and recommended you for ‘excellent’ information concerning narcissism. I signed up for your e-newsletter and began listening to your TV Thriver episodes. I paid close attention and it took me a while to absorb the information about a friend and then realized, this applied to my spouse, my parents, and others in my life. Your gift to the world has up-ended my life in the most splendid way. I’m still learning, growing and after several years, am making plans to re-direct myself in another trajectory…I am happy and excited to do so! Thank you, Sister Woman, for your work in the world. I am most humbly grateful for all that you have provided for me. May you be as blessed in your life for that which you have gifted me.

    1. Hi Mary,

      that was lovely of Christiane to recommend me, I am such a fan of hers!

      Please know how welcome you are and thank you for your supportive comment and blessings.

      Many blessings to you too

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  9. Dear Mélanie, One of my children ‘ a teenager, i think is a narcissist.( I pray to b wrong in this assumption).It’s my personal expérience and belief that while pregnant for him, I forgot completely to offer my prayers and all sort of meditation, I just forgot. Personally I have been a v spiritual kind of person. My husband being a covert narcissist has transfered his genes to him more above I was not in connection with God during my pregnancy. Now I can bet that the personality starts developing in mother’s womb. He is the middle child and bullied in primary school by his class mates as well.
    My other two are copdependant and people pleasing. I just recovered from abuse, thanks to You’ I survived literally and thriving but not yet asked for my real happiness. I am still with my narcissist husband in the same house with almost no contact. We are just passing our lives together for no good.
    I weap for my child, I can accept him as a codependant(a hope) but not as a narcissist. I ask my Lord to change the hearts and make my children the whole ones and powerfull.

  10. I have a question. Is it possible for a person to be both narcissistic and codependent, in different situations? In my family, my mother acts like a narcissist, my father codependent. But out in the world with others, and especially with their families of origin, they act like codependents.. eager to please, passed-over middle children. Toward me both are narcissistic, I am expected to be both the golden child and the scapegoat (as I am the unfortunate only child). But they can switch into ideal parents when it pleases them. Really, chameleons have nothing on them. The nice phase hurts the most.. after a lifetime of hurt and betrayal I still find myself believing it’s real, not fake even though it doesn’t last

  11. Hi Liz!
    Anything is possible in this world! I don’t know how common the name “Peter” is…. I have not seen “Peter” used elsewhere in these commentaries in the five years or so I’ve been involved in NARP…. as far as I know I am the only person named “Peter” that has commented here….however, as the blind man says “we shall see” if there is actually another….

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