2022 has been a really hard year for so many of us and as we hurtle towards 2023, events (both global and personal) seem to be picking up pace all the time. Add to that the stress of preparing for festive celebrations, and it’s no surprise that a large proportion of our community is feeling overwhelmed and burned out.
And I count myself amongst those people!
I’ve been talking a lot about the shift from 3D to 5D recently, and many of you may have been wondering how this relates to you or to abuse. So this is what I’m covering in this week’s Thriver TV, including how 3D living is the fundamental cause of overwhelm and burnout.
I also take you step-by-step through exactly how I shifted my recent burnout – and how Life then beautifully granted me all the support I could need.
Video Transcript
How are you doing in the week leading up to Christmas?
I’m hearing that it’s pretty crazy for a lot of you, and it has been for me too! This is why I wanted to cover this topic of overcoming overwhelm and burnout, because a lot of us are really going through it at the moment.
Overwhelm and burnout can be a big thing at Christmas but it equally can be happening at any time of year, especially with all the changes our planet is going through.
Before I get started, if you haven’t yet subscribed to my YouTube channel, please do so. And please share my videos and blogs with anyone who needs to know that they can not only survive narcissistic abuse, but they can also truly heal and thrive.
Today’s topic is really dear to my heart. You may have seen my blog article earlier this week, which provoked a lot of conversation. It was about what we’re going to unpack further today – about what we are facing at the moment and the triggering that so many of us are going through.
I’ve been having the 3D to 5D ascension conversation with a lot of you, which has sparked interest in an event I’m doing on the 23rd of December. This is going to be a Global Quanta Freedom Healing Activation shift from 3D stuck-ness to 5D expansion.
It’s going to be beyond powerful and so good for all of us – I cannot wait to serve you in that way. I’ll speak more about this later, and tell you how you can get your invitation.
How Overwhelm and Burnout Happens
Today we are talking about overwhelm and burnout. And I myself have a cold at the moment because of overwhelm, burnout and taking on too much – but also because of some battles and struggles going on around me which have been bringing up some old programs to be healed.
Let me describe what happens with overwhelm and burnout.
I want you to imagine that you’re canoeing down a river, with a good way still to navigate. The current is getting faster and faster, and rather than accepting the ride, you start going into resistance. You want to hang on, stop it, and very understandably you don’t want to face the fearsome rapids that are all around and could be even worse ahead of you.
Going into resistance is expressed in terms of, “I’m annoyed with this, I don’t like this, I’m triggered by this.”
This shuts us down and activates the amygdala, at the base of our brain. Cortisol and adrenaline are released, because we’ve stepped into fear and separation consciousness.
Separation consciousness means “I’m no longer self-partnered with my heart, my inner being, and Source. I’m cut off from the ‘good stuff’ which is inspiration, opportunity, miracle and synchronicity. So I am unable to up-level, meet these challenges and get through them like a boss.”
If we try to resist the flow of the river, we end up getting bashed into the rocks – and that’s exactly what’s happened to me in the last few weeks. I’ve been in a state of overwhelm and I’ve been judging it.
The old program that has come up for me is “I feel unsupported. I’m doing all the work and other people are not supporting me, in relation to the new projects that we are doing at Cape Tribulation as well as what I’m doing for MTE and other things”.
It’s a very common survival program we can have when we have been narcissistically abused – the ‘martyr program’. We are the type of people that do the heavy lifting. We get the work done. We have spent our lives proving our worth to others and to ourselves by being capable, productive and supportive to people – and then we can get really bent out of shape when we don’t feel supported back.
I’d already done a lot of work and come a long way with this. I’d got my support from Source, and gained the ability to lay boundaries and speak up. But I got blindsided – which was all for the good!
Acceptance Versus Resistance
I knew I had to stop, and bless and accept what was happening. We do this by saying, “whatever is going on, and however triggering it is, this is happening for me and not to me.”
So I want you to imagine whatever is overwhelming or blindsiding you at the moment, or whatever has you feeling stuck and in resistance. I want you to then breathe, open your body, think about it, and say, “I bless and accept this. It’s happening for me and not to me.”
Now, you may feel some ego resistance, because your ego will not want you to accept anything, and will want to keep you firmly stuck in judgement and resistance. The EGO (Edging God Out) is the internal narcissist. Your ego is your mind, your survival programs, your amygdala activation, and your defenses.
It is not the divine, infinite mind.
This can be confusing, and you may say, “Well, I need my drive and my intelligence”. I promise you, when you let go of the ego, dissolve it out and bring in more light, you’ll become more intelligent, more wise, more capable, more expanded and more knowing (with more access to the entire field) than you could ever imagine!
There is no upside to hanging onto your ego. You’re not losing anything except your false self. The ego is a pain body. It wants to feed off your pain, your confusion, your trauma and your drama.
What is so beautiful about Quanta Freedom Healing is that it picks up that part of us, releases it, and replaces it with true Source – the divine mind – which is far superior, bigger and capable, and is connected to the entire field.
The ego is only connected to the ego. My ego was activated, which meant I’d got a wound.
When our ego is activated out of wounding, we have a choice. We can stay in ego and resistance, and blame everyone and everything around us. Or we can turn inwards to say, “I bless and accept this. This is happening for me and not to me.”
This immediately puts us into the Quantum understanding that, “if there is a trigger going on inside of me, then in this simulation that is my life, I am being given the evidence of an unhealed part of myself.”
Now, this doesn’t mean that you’re letting people off the hook and going into a spiritual bypass of New Age ‘love and light’. It doesn’t mean going into denial that there are bad, irresponsible, hurtful people in the world, because of course there are.
But if we show up in our trauma whenever something is ‘not right’ in our life, then we are actually cooperating with the survival programming – we show up in a way that makes the overwhelm and burnout much, much worse.
For example, you might show up being passive aggressive and whiny, which triggers other people into feeling they are being attacked, and they attack you back. Then you feel even more unsupported!
The Shift from 3D to 5D
What happened for me was the understanding that there’s more to heal. And this is awesome because in this ascension from 3D to 5D, 3D is our egoic mind, our painful, fearful, controlling defensive self which is cut off from Source consciousness, the divine mind, and the higher level of nourishing and flourishing in the oneness of the field of synchronicity, miracle, inspiration, and opportunity.
We’re cut off from our dream life. That’s 3D living, and 3D living is getting worse and worse.
We’re really realizing that 3D living is like walking around the block 50 times to cross the road. It’s not working. We are now getting the response back from life in lightning-fast time to show us that whoever we’re being is what we’re getting. And if we are being 3D, we’re getting 3D, which is very painful because we are in an ascension period.
So what is 5D consciousness? 5D consciousness is where we are not on the battlefield with either lower consciousness parts of ourselves, or narcissists.
Narcissists are 3D. They do not take personal responsibility for their lives. They do not say, “I’m the generative source of my own experience and therefore if I want to change my life, I need to change myself.” Narcissists will not do that, which is why they are a narcissist – they are in total unconsciousness.
“It’s everybody and everything else’s fault. It’s got nothing to do with me,” is the narcissist catchphrase.
Victimised people can do this too. There are good people who are not narcissistic, but who are now are getting intensely triggered in this increased light on the planet.
Light is streaming in right now from solar flares and from the planet passing through the photon belt. We’ve got mega galactic cycles and minor galactic cycles that are all coming together into a collapsing of the timelines into one – doing some research on this will blow your mind.
We are in a pivotal time in human history – a change of eras from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. We’re coming out of ego, ‘might is right’ and separation consciousness into oneness, unity consciousness and co-creative consciousness, which is, “I am a fractal of Source. Whoever I’m being, I am creating more of that with the entire field and the oneness.”
We always were, we just don’t realise it until we wake up to what we’re creating.
At this time, whether you are in 3D or 5D, you’re going to see the results at lightning-fast speed.
The Connection Between 3D Living and Overwhelm
3D is the overwhelm and the burnout. It’s the judging of your life in a way that says, “What is triggered up in me is so intense that I’m feeling helpless and powerless”.
You may have narcissistic people in your life who are spiralling out of control at the moment. This is because the more light that gets shone into a dark room, the more the mess becomes visible. That’s what’s happening with narcissists now – they’ve got nowhere to hide anymore. They are outing themselves everywhere and the truth is arising to be seen.
Additionally, unconscious people – who are not necessarily malicious or nasty, but who have not attended to their inner stuff – are feeling intensely victimised. They’re not turning within to shed that dense energy. Rather than release it, they’re trying to hang onto it. The Light’s hitting the dense energy of their wounding harder and harder. It’s rattling and it’s shaking, but they’re not letting go. They’re exploding, projecting and attacking – often kicking off at the people who are trying to grant them Light.
So for those of us in overwhelm and burnout, it is now time to back off. We have to let go. This is what I’ve really realised in the last few days.
And I don’t have narcissistic people in my mix. The frustrations and things that brought up ‘stuff’ for me were actually outside of everybody’s control and, “I’m unsupported and I’m doing all the heavy lifting,” was a lovely little story going on in my egoic mind.
That’s what happens in overwhelm, burnout and breakdown – our minds are very good at making up stories to collaborate with our unhealed stuff to make it everybody else’s fault.
Shifting Out of Overwhelm and Burnout
The first step, with overwhelm and burnout, is opening up, breathing and saying, “I bless and accept this feeling. This is happening for me and not to me. What do I still need to heal?”
When you connect with yourself and the feelings of overwhelm and burnout, then you can do an internal healing on that. This is what I did, using Quanta Freedom Healing.
It’s so simple – you don’t have to work out who’s causing your trauma, or where it came from. It doesn’t matter if it is trauma from your childhood, trauma from past lives or if it is a survival program or pattern.
Right here, when your body is activated in a trigger, everything is encapsulated in all the emotions and sensations you are feeling.
All you have to do is have an intention of, “I’m targeting the trauma in my body generating these feelings of overwhelm and burnout”. Load them up with Module One of The Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program (NARP), or you could use the bonus Source Healing and Resolution Module if you have NARP Gold Membership.
Follow the process within the healing to let go of the trauma and bring in the light to replace it. With that comes relief and space as your amygdale stops firing and you come back out of your mind and into your body.
You connect with the somatic body as you self-partner, which allows your inner being to calm immediately, because you’re no longer Missing In Action. When you go MIA, then your ego steps into your place and bashes up your inner being. Coming home to your body, into calmness and space, enables you to access a higher wisdom and knowing of the answers to your problems.
This is a beautiful uplevelling out of that survival program and into solution and inspiration.
5D evidence is so crystal clear and fast now, that once I’d done this then support came, answers came and healthy delegation came. I was able to have a really good talk with my partner and he stepped in to fully support me, whereas before he wasn’t listening.
Healing and Quantum Reality
We are always getting more of who we’re being. So I adjusted my being back to a Source oneness, and the radical personal responsibility of, “this is my trauma, this is my trigger and this is my dense energy. I’m going to let it go, I’m going to bring in the Light. I get a reset, I get calm.”
This part is very important to understand because I know some of you (and I used to be the same) really feel that, “Well, I need the results to get the calm.”
That’s not how Quantum reality works.
The Quantum reality is that when you are being calm and space, then the results come into being. So when you are healing, you are aiming for the calm.
But if you are saying, “I need results and then I can have my calm,” you’re trying to put the cart in front of the horse. You are the horse, and the cart will roll back onto you. You’ll never get the outcome you want.
So I was thrilled when I did a healing and reached some calm and space – because I know that’s the place where everything falls into place.
When you take back your power in that way, and feel nourished by the light, it brings calm.
This means I’m now out of my overwhelm and burnout, no matter what anybody else does or doesn’t do.
I can get my nose out of other people’s business. I’ll look after what I need to look after for me instead of trying to look after everybody else, and they either will or they won’t look after their own stuff. If they don’t, they’ll learn the hard way, which is fine.
The irony is that once you don’t need things to change, then this frees things to change. When you are being calm and peace, you will receive more calm and peace – because you always get more of what you are being.
This is why, due to me reaching that place, this beautiful collaboration started to come into being.
I really want you to know that this 3D to 5D conversation I’m having is still about narcissism. Narcissism is all about 3D egoic defense-making mechanisms and unconsciousness.
So for those of us thriving and ascending, we not only get out of our own programs, we are also about to say goodbye to the people and situations that used to appear in our lives to show them to us, by hurting us with our unhealed stuff – which is what narcissists do.
A Special Event For a Special Time
I’m so excited because on the 23rd, just before Christmas, I’m doing a New Year Ascension Event, which is all about us letting go of that 3D lower-vibrational self which is in fear, pain, trauma and survival programs.
In this Global Healing Event, we will be loading it up, letting it go, and bringing in the Light, which is the Higher Consciousness and 5D self – that ascension into the Field in a way that is supported by the divine mind. Source wants what you want for you, which is your best and highest potential of well-being, health, success, prosperity, and expansion.
The power that happens when we get together for global Quanta Freedom Healing is so awesome – and it’s happening on 23rd December!
Every shift you do in my programs is taking you from 3D to 5D, out of your dense pain body and into your Light body – freeing you to be your Higher, free, authentic Self without fear, pain, battle and struggles.
That’s why the healing in this community has been so successful in enabling people to move out of the energetically dark dungeons of narcissistic abuse into the Light of their Higher Functioning Self.
And it’s why I humbly believe my program is the most successful in achieving unprecedented Thriver recoveries.
In Conclusion
I hope today has made sense and you’ve stayed with me in this higher vibrational talk. I hope you’ve noticed how things are cracking and breaking at the moment.
Everybody’s wounds are coming up, everybody’s feeling overwhelmed, everybody is feeling this. I don’t know anybody who’s not, at some level. It’s a global as well as a personal situation that’s going on at the moment, and I hope that this has helped give you some guidance, some hope, and some knowing that this overwhelm and burnout can be a springboard for you into absolute ascension.
Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!
Until the next one – keep smiling, keep healing and keep thriving because if you want a great life, there is nothing else to do. Lots of love. Bye-bye.
Dear Melanie,
Without NARP I’d be lost! 😟
Thankfully this past year has been a year of change and growth which I attribute to an intensive effort on my part to apply and live my life in accordance with the wonderful principles and guidance of NARP.
The change has not been easy and the growth has been slow but always, like a centipede, I’m slowly moving forward.
There have been many many difficult parts to the year and thankfully each obstacle that I seemed to be challenged with I was able to somehow overcome….
That was possible because of the miracle of NARP….
And the amazing help I’ve gotten from so many incredible people in NARP….
I felt overwhelmed often and I know I experienced burnout but each time I was able to regenerate positivity and renewed drive!
NARP has this amazing “something” that if followed with your heart, with full commitment and with unmitigated desire will help anyone to attain “freedom” from the exhausting rigors of the horrific toxic abuse only a narcissist can “dispense” to anyone within their personal proximity….
As this year is coming close to ending and the new year is coming forth I want to thank you, Melanie, for all the help you have given to me and so many others on this earth.
I look forward to the new challenges because I know I have the right tools, NOW, with NARP!
Thank you so very much, Melanie!
Much love! ❤️🦋❤️
PS! I hope you have a wonderful new year! 🕊🙏🕊
Hello Peter,
Thank you for putting your heart out to the Thriver community.
I just love how you have been able to put into words, the miraculous way that NARP works.
Having been reciently blindsided by a NARC…..feeling some chest pain, that took me directly back to module one.
It was/is like coming home.
For all of us Thrivers, that truly get it,
We have been eternally blessed
Thank you, Warren! So kind of you to make such a nice comment!
Hi Warren,
I love that you fellas are doing the inner work – as well as supporting each other.
You are both awesome!
Merry Christmas Warren and Much Love
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Hi Peter,
Merry Christmas!
I’m so thrilled that you have NARP, and looking forward to Thriving with you in the New Year!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
One of your best articles yet! 👏🏾Thank you so much Melanie, for all that you do! I am beyond grateful. Ajani
I’ve had so much going on that I didn’t recognize that I’m feeling burnt out although that’s exactly what it is. I actually contemplated for the first time ever, not going to a court appearance last week. All the way through about 6:30 am the day of I was feeling so resistant. I’ve never had that feeling, but this year has been exceptionally grueling and I’ve just been moving from appearance to appearance without really giving thought to what’s going on inside of me. After watching this video, I know there’s a lot I haven’t dealt with. After feeling so much success from NARP last year and moving the needle a foot, I felt like I hit a wall in my healing. I NARP occasionally, but I haven’t done the real serious work that this particular moment calls for. Thank you for the reminder. I really need to get back to it because I am feeling a lot of fear, overwhelm and hopelessness right now. Listening to you just now served as a wake me up.
Hi Ajani,
thank you and I’m thrilled that this resonated with you!
It’s my pleasure, and much Love to you!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Thank you so much!!! It comes- like always- at the very right time! 🙏🏼🕯️🙌🙏🏼
I have a flew, too. After I was a nurse for my 4 sons over 5 weeks, now I have to stay in bed. My ego wants to make me crazy by thinking of the Christmaspreparations, the move to my new house which isnt‘s ready yet because I could not work in it. Of the test I have to write to get my Coach and I haven‘t learned yet. Of the scripts I have to work out for the courses I will give in the new year about eating wild plants. Of the fear, that my boys suffer from the fact, that they will have two homes because I move to another place to leave my narcistic husband.
All this I created in this year and I am so proud. With your help and the help of Sylvia Harke (I‘m from Germany) I could see clear about my relationship and my whole life.
This article comes at the right time to stay tuned to 5D!
Melanie, I thank you so much, I have not enough words to say!!!
Love, Tatjana
Dearest Mel. Thank you for this wonderful article relating to the 5D Shift. It is Amazing how things are breaking and cracking at the moment at such a rate. Yes, you have been talking about it for a while now and Leading the way. I am so looking forward to the event. I got the code from the call earlier in the month. I Love this “Every shift you do in my programs is taking you from 3D to 5D, out of your dense pain body and into your Light body – freeing you to be your Higher, free, authentic Self without fear, pain, battle and struggles.”
With Love and Gratitude
Hi Kondwani,
It was such a blast having you at the ascension event with us all.
Merry Christmas today to you and the boys.
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Dear Mel, it’s lovely when we are able to recognize that horrible feeling of overwhelm and quickly heal ourselves out of it through healing. Thank you Mel for sharing your experience it helps all of us.
Hi Ameena,
it’s my pleasure.
Much Love to you
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Precious Melanie,
It is soooo good to be on this LIGHT journey with you!
What felt like a direct war on Light workers started not too long ago and seems to have reached a peak this year. All of my support network of mighty Light workers took a hit. But even if we are all traveling through a dense wilderness, what we ARE is still LIGHT and we are not deserted by Source.
We are still ONE with Source. Knowing this, we keep walking. Source is always there for guidance on how to navigate out of the wilderness. Thank God for your sharing! It is like daily bread.
New conflict levels call for higher realms of consciousness to be resolved and integrated. We get to eat the ‘bread of tomorrow’ today when we need it. Our Ascension was always part of the grand plan. We have rest stations and refreshment along the way. We can make it holding each others’ hand.
We know to not shrink back and cling to old patterns when the times are dark, but instead to embrace things as the higher calling where we are about to discover levels of consciousness that could not have been attained otherwise. Enduring the steep climb is the price of development.
The wilderness IS the path to enlightenment. Once we know that, we do not despair.
The world went into dark confusion and pain, and something very new needed to come forth for humanity’s preservation to be maintained.
New can be scary when it means we have to let go of the ‘old’. But really, it is just new to us. All good has always been here. It is now seeking to be revealed. The sooner we allow Light through by not clinging to our past, the sooner we will see what has actually always been the Truth.
Truth is not optional. It will be how we survive as a species and as individuals. Truth is not new. It is the most original of all existences. But it seems ‘new’ to us who are not accustomed to it.
Truth is: we are The Light and darkness can have no part in us. That is the TRUTH.
Press on fellow travelers. We are closer than ever to a Global Awakening to TRUTH. The Light is breaking forth.
Sweet Iris,
I was just thinking about you yesterday, my darling sister!
It’s incredibly true how many Lightworkers are being pummelled, on micro and macro levels – yet we continue to stand stronger than ever.
Gosh i love this …. “New conflict levels call for higher realms of consciousness to be resolved and integrated. We get to eat the ‘bread of tomorrow’ today when we need it. Our Ascension was always part of the grand plan. We have rest stations and refreshment along the way. We can make it holding each others’ hand.”
Yes, yes and YES!
And just as much with what you followed through with.
Iris, as the beautiful Source channel that you have, I feel deeply in my embodiment, of what you know in yours.
We do NOT have an option. There is nowhere to run, hide or twist.
It is about simply standing in TRUTH / THE LIGHT.
Or descend … pick your lane.
Yes… The Light is winning, I completely and utterly agree with you. It gets darkest before dawn – and there is more to go – but we are getting closer to the dawn every moment.
I love you
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Dear Gorgeous Melanie –
Loved the Special Session yesterday. Powerful!
This 5D exploration is what I have been praying for you since I met you in 2018 – without even knowing what it was called. I immediately wanted that you bring NARP to a place beyond ‘healing’ from Narc abuse to just “HEALING” from everything!
First you took us to Thriving beyond healing. And now, we’re at Ascension to 5D. I love this so much. You healed me instantly from the Narc relationship. And I saw that this QFH was really Christ Consciousness explained and integrated in a simple, powerful way. Christ heals from ALL sin – that is, ALL SEPARATION from Source -and each other!
So I just got this: the Fifth Dimension is RELATIONSHIP. We are defined -ie; our Identity- includes our Relationships. We can be seen in the strength and quality of our Relationship to ALL. Do we love or not? The only way to truly love is to Ascend. There, there is Peace.
I used to think that my life, health and progress was all exclusively about me and no body else. But I quickly started to get bored with just healing myself or motivating myself toward greater ‘wealth’ or ‘health’ etc. Even raising the dead got boring. But now, AS the ONE, we are raising ALL to a clearer, unobstructed level of Oneness, aka, Love. That is exciting beyond words.
5D is the ULTIMATE LIFE. It is ALL, and I mean ALL being ONE. Because ALL is bonded together by Love, now I have Motivation and Joy. Boy, did I miss my Joy since post November, 2020. I could handle, Covid, and Quarantines, death. I could not handle the systematic destruction of ‘normal’ Relationships and of relating to Life Itself or of not being allowed to speak.
But in this 5D healing, I see that everything gets redeemed into the ONE or it is utterly dis-allowed. It will be ALL ONE or utterly nothingness. It ends totally. It is destroyed totally. I can breathe. And I can send out Oxygen. Only what enters the Light is allowed to remain. Thank God.
Whosoever has understanding, let them understand. Joy Joy Joy!! 5D is Truth Revealed.
🙏🕉️💗 Thank you, as always, Mel for your authentic wisdom and open honesty. It is refreshing to relate to the truth you speak. This article is very literal for me as I live next door to a property where a rupture between two families is playing out and evidence of things breaking and cracking is laid out vividly in the vandalism that is occurring in front of my eyes and through the wall.
In these circumstances, I can see reflecting back to me my own brokenness, burnout and overwhelm, yet I know N.A.R.P. is bringing me back from that terrible dungeon of narcissistic abuse I grew up in and I am installing the foundations within myself that are a springboard to recovering from amygdala hijack, regulating my nervous system and welcoming in a new way of vibrating at a higher frequency.
I love the depiction above, by Peter, of the centipede. Thank you, Peter. That description really sums up the progress I feel I am making, too with Quanta Freedom healing and the sources of support it has lead me to in polyvagal theory, heartful meditation, embodiment and heartwork journaling.
Peace to all 🕊️
Thank you Stephanie for your lovely post,
It’s a credit to you for how well you are holding space and healing.
Much Love to you and Merry Christmas.
Thank you for your blessings to All!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
You’re awesome chick
So are you darling!!
Merry Christmas Babe
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Wow! My daughters name is Robyn E…. she was so beautiful and now lives in spirit with the angels!
Dear Mrs Melanie, I’m Anna, I wrote some months ago to thanks you really from my heart. You taught me so much. My ex partner abandoned me after more years of narcisistic handling. I know I sincerely love him, but I will never go back with him. Never. Even if he tried to come back again and again.
So I want to tell that you helped me so much, you changed my way to react. He screamed to me every times, so I’m looking for understand me and put into practice your so within so without. I tell you this to reassume your reflections. So I want to thank you, Melanie. God bless you. Happy ner year! Thanks form my heart,
Hi Anna,
I’m so happy for you that you will never go back!
Thank you for you for your beautiful words and Happy New Year Anna
Much Love
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Dear Mrs Melanie, thanks you to answer. My words are sincere and full of gratitudine. Thanks you for your help, you deserve the better in your life. Happy new year 💖