You know you don’t want to continue living in turmoil, yet when you imagine being free of it, you may feel the intense fear – Who will I be without this pain?
This stands to reason if fear is all you’ve know…
You may believe:
- Life is a struggle
- I have to fight for what I want
- Nothing good comes easily and
- When things go right, they are followed sooner or later by something going wrong.
All of these beliefs (and more) may have become our living reality – and of course they have been our experience…so therefore why would we choose to think any differently?
The answer is: Because living with these belief systems does not create pleasant experiences.
In fact, because we are caught up in fight and flee and survival, this seriously detracts from the energy, time and resources to align with and create What We Really Want.
When We Have Had Enough of the Pain
So, inevitably in our process of evolution and self-development, we get to the point where we have had enough. We decide that no longer do we want to live with belief systems that keep co-creating pain and struggle. We want to transcend these negative beliefs to create a new reality.
This is generally the time where we take responsibility and realise that our beliefs are drawing in and maintaining situations and individuals in our life that reflect these painful beliefs. And in fact, when we take full responsibility we realise that even our childhoods were in perfect and divine order because they granted us the perfect conditions to learn how to love, honour and empower ourselves, become the True Creators that we are (from the inside out), and graduate to a higher level of evolution.
This does not dismiss what went on at all…it is about applying the consciousness to take control of our life and create a better way for ourselves. When we do this we stop feeling victimised and we can accept the gift that our journey has brought us, which was: everything that we needed to heal.
Applying the responsibility: I have no power to change anything other than myself puts us in the driver’s seat – finally…
We can certainly challenge our fears, ego, victim feelings and powerless, stuck resentments and painful notions, and we do have the power within, to release all of that, and align with realities that we would much rather prefer.
The Difficulty of Letting Go of the Pain
Many people engage in an empowerment journey, and start experiencing results, yet may find they can’t quite breakthrough to true freedom of new preferred beliefs. Often this is because the ego (survival and defence mechanisms) is in fear of letting go of the pain.
It is very helpful to understand the difference between False Self and True Self.
Our egoic (fearful / false) self loves doing things the hard way. It is our pain body that is self-condemning and addicted to pain. It will unconsciously seek out pain, blame the pain on outside circumstances, miss the point and keep rolling around in the agony whilst only creating and sustaining more pain.
An example is: unconsciously seeking out a love relationship that reflects the inner beliefs “I don’t forgive, love or accept myself”, experiencing the mirror of the inner abuse, hold the ‘mirror’ (love partner) accountable and think it’s powerless to have a great experience unless that outer person changes.
The egoic self is known as a False Self for very good reasons:
1)Its tactics don’t work in regard to who we really want to be and what we really want to experience in life.
2)It is aligned with (focused on) what we don’t want, rather than what we do want.
3) It is resentful and dismayed by its feelings of powerlessness and wants other people and outside situations to fix this for it.
When our False Self is at the fore, we feel tormented, confused, resentful, and that we can’t let go of ‘what happened to us’. We point the finger at situations and people and hold them accountable for our unhappy and painful reality.
The True Self in stark comparison applies consciousness. It knows there is ‘no outer’, and that people and situations are merely and magnificently reflecting back the inner state which grants evidence as to where our level of self-love, self-acceptance and healthy beliefs are or aren’t operating.
The True Self knows that the focus on acceptance (to the outer) and dedication (to the inner) is the only solution to peace, solidness within, and choosing and creating a great life.
True Healing occurs when we shift away from False Self powerlessness into True Self empowerment on any particular issue that we may struggle with in life.
Death of The Ego
When we try to let go of fear, turmoil, struggles and false beliefs the Ego panics because it knows it’s on the way out…
It has many ways of trying to hang on, and through our minds (the platform and stage of the ego) we will have many thoughts such as:
You may believe:
- Challenges and hard work keep me productive
- If things weren’t tough I may not grow, and I may become lazy
- Of course I feel pain – he or she did this to me (whatever judgement that is…)
- How can people be or do that? (whatever judgement that is….)
- My life is the way it is because of what he or she did (whatever judgement that is…)
In this state, struggles and painful emotions have become an identity, and unconsciously we have chosen to gain significance from our pain, and we are literally addicted to the pain.
Who Are You REALLY?
Who you are REALLY is a True Self. Your desires (what you want) are your Truth, (your soul does not get it wrong) and the Aligned You that flows forward into your self-love, self-deservedness, self- knowing is your True Self.
Your True Self is your most natural state of being – it is where you are At One With Life and At One With Yourself (in energetic reality there is no difference, they are the same thing – and in fact you only have to be At One with one of these two to automatically be at One with the other).
Therefore this is Who and What you have to look forward to. If you have the ability to have empathy, compassion and you have a conscience, then your True Self is waiting for you patiently to clear out the garbage that is spoiling this flow.
The Ego will try and convince you that without Pain you are Nothing…and there is Nothing…and worse still that without the pain you will be vulnerable, ripped apart and annihilated…
All of these things are total fallacy, these are all False Belief Systems. When you clear the pain, you become your True Self, because that is Who You Are, Who You Will Always Be, and Who You Have Ever Been…it is the Real You.
The more and more you come home to Self the more you will vibrate, feel and know what is your Truth, and you will easily avoid and no longer participate with what isn’t, and you will know that every ‘disadvantageous’ and ‘painful’ situation is a Gift allowing you to know you need to shift your understanding of this situation to a True Self Level.
All of it is giving you the Golden Opportunity to Be Aligned.
Without the pain life works, and it literally flows effortlessly. What You Want becomes you reality and What You Don’t Want falls away from your experience – because you are no longer a vibrational match for it…
I hope this inspires you to make it your grandest mission to transcend the pain!
Hi! Thank you so much for this article! Your words really speak to me and this article in particular really speaks to me at the place where I am at now in my life. I am feeling stronger and less out of the trance my current relationship has put me in. I feel more balanced and centered and able to leave this unhealthy relationship in order to live a healthier, less chaotic life! Since I am at the stage of facing this and preparing myself to move out of my current situation I feel as if the chaos in my life has increased tramendously. Problems are arising in my family and obviously with my current partner. Despite all of this I do feel an intense strength within me that I have never connected to before and that is what is helping me to move forward. It is true that once you decide that you are going to take responsibility for your own life and stop blaming your life’s circumstances on everyone else around you, you feel stronger and more connected. I am curious to see how many people in these situations as women suffer from Boarderline characterisics.
Well, Thank you so much for your articles! They are reaching me and making a difference in my journey!
Much love, Lisa
Hi Melanie I am so grateful for having found your website as it has helped me so much. I have suffered 45 years of narcisstic abuse from my father but have only just realized that is what it was through ongoing psychotherapy and helpful sites like your own. I went in to marry a nacisstic man and have two beautiful children before leaving him when they were just three and five years of age. I have just ended my past relationship of four years to another narcisstic man who had black moods and narcisstic rage. For the first time in my life I am beginning to see how my whole life has been nothing but pain. My approach to work and relationships has been that unless there is pain something is wrong.
I am amazed by how quickly I am healing now with these new found insights. I am beginning to love my energy and presence for the first time. I am planning to make significant career changes as well as continue with my psychotherapist. I have cut off all contact with my father which has been so liberating. I also plan to write a book about my experiences so like you in time I can help others. I have also become aware of how sensitive I am to energy and plan to investigate energy healing methods for both myself and others.
I no that no matter what happens to you there is always hope. The human spirit can withstand anything and grow to be strong, clear and confident within.
From the bottom of my heart thank you for your guidance and support on my journey. Lots of love Christianne
Ditto Lisa and Christianne. xxxx
You are so welcome ladies! Thank you for your gorgeous comments 🙂 Keep up the great self-empowerment work! Keep being the shining examples that you TRULY ARE!
Although first published years ago, this is right for me today! Thank you!
melanie if i am so disconnected from myself what will happen to me i live alone i am terrified i do not want anyone to touch me i do not know who the heck i am i am judgemental angry etc. will your program work i am alcoholic bioplar i dont know what to do?
Hi Luisa,
please hun, as I have suggested to you before come into the NAROP Member’s Forum where we can specifically and deeply work with you on this.
As well as whatever arises for you in times of need.
Much love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
Loved this content Melanie, very well-written! Your blog really inspires everyone <3 Thanks.
If you want to live a fulfilling life, you must first find out who you truly are. This is a long process and something that takes searching before discovering. Finding your true self does not happen when you're stuck in fear, disconnected, and with no action course. This article A Guide to Finding Your True Self will help you uncover your true identity to start unearthing your passions, values, desires, and motivations.
Mel you knocked this one out of the park! Love you.