This Thriver show features Marie, a mother of 5 children, who endured a 7 years relationship with a narcissist.

During this show we chat about many things regarding narcissism, and Marie’s recovery.

These included the put downs she endured, the degrading and being blamed, and how she became a literal shell of who she previously was.

It was only when things became so bad, when Child Services were about to get involved, that Marie was granted a way to escape.

We talk about how one of the biggest discoveries Marie made, is how co-dependent she was – and how she always had to fill her life with activities and people, and after escaping her relationship with the narcissist, how she couldn’t initially bear to be alone.

We cover how Marie was literally exhausted, suffering adrenal fatigue, and how she started to get well.

During our conversation Marie shares about how working on establishing her Identity has been key, and she shares her involvement with Co-Dep (Co-dependents Anonymous) and how fascinating her children are as “a mirror” to make her recovery not just about herself, but also about them.

Within this dynamic is Marie’s recognition of her identical twin daughters, and how important it is for them to establish their own separate identities.

You will also learn from this interview about Marie’s new partner, who is the father of her youngest two children, and how incredibly different the relationship is from her previous narcissistic one.

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I hope you enjoyed the show! If you have any questions or comments for myself or Marie please post them in the section below and we will be happy to respond.


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8 thoughts on “Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse Story #19 Marie

  1. Thankyou Melanie and Marie….I feel quite sane now knowing that what I have suspected for sometime now in my partner is actually so true…the emotional roller coaster ride that I endure from time to time is really not acceptable and at time painful, however always learning and gaining knowledge to empower myself is valuable . Thankyou

  2. Hi Melanie,

    Mine is not one of a partner who is a Narcissist, but is my own mother. She is truly terrible, I entered into therapy to fix my own wounds and realized being anywhere near her was wrong. My therapist told me to move far away, limit contact and then go completely no contact, which I did. It took her two months to notice I had cut her off. . she tried calling then showing up uninvited and when the door went unanswered she tried to send me a message about some mail of mine she had to hoover me back in, I completely ignored it knowing what she was doing. The next morning I woke up to an email from her saying she knows I’m ignoring her and that if I don’t reply to her she would take legal action against me to get visitation to my one year old son. She is following the steps any narcissist would take to try an regain control almost to the letter! I have made an appointment with my attorney to discuss her threat incase she does go through with filing for visitation.
    I never replied to her, because I know the no contact is killing her. All contact will go through my solicitor if she does file as I refuse to engage with her at all, do you think she might actually go ahead with that or is she just making threats she knows will get my attention? being that its a threat to access my son who she knows I am very protective of. . I am very intentmon working on myself and have really enjoyed the piece and quiet. Sorry to write such an essay! 🙂
    I am just wondering if I’m putting more energy into this ‘threat’ then is needed. . I know you say any energy is what they are looking for so I am just compiling evidence incase she goes through with it but all the while still just living my life. She is completely CO from my son and I and won’t be allowed in ever. From what you read though do you think this is another hoovering tactic?

    1. Hi Mary,

      not a problem re your explanation length!

      Okay Mary what is important to understand is the premise and healing is identical regardless of “who” the narcissist is.

      My work is all about the Quantum Level of energy – and it is identical for all cases where we feel violated.

      That being, when we still have energy inside us that feels powerless, attacked, under threat etc. it grants energetic fuel for the narcissist to act out.

      Narcissist’s are the biggest reflectors / actor outers of our unhealed parts. And this is regardless of whether we were brought up in this environment, and it’s all we have ever known, or if we were abused later. It all relates back to our unhealed, under-developed parts that we can up-level unconditionally – no matter how they “got there”.

      When you do that, and become the “state” emotionally of solidness, in emotional integrity and unfazed by her attempts then they will all fall flat.

      That is why I promote the energy work of healing our own subconscious regardless of what the narcissist is or isn’t doing or threatening.

      Which is what the NARP Program facilitates, and why it creates such real results.

      Mel xo

  3. Hi, well I note there are not very men posting about their problem with this kind of creature, and after spending 8 years with one, and the last 3 months separated because I couldn’t take it anymore, I would like to share my experiences and hope to maybe get some advice. By the way, we are also living in the same house until we can sell it, now can you imagine. Please point me in the right direction to add my story, as I am not sure this is the page I can.

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