
Easter is upon us again …

How fast is this year going? …


Because Easter is nearly upon us, I wanted to write about “renewal”.

Easter time is a time of re-grouping for me; it feels like a reflective break to plan and reassess.

Easter is traditionally a time of re-birth, re-centring and creating ourselves anew.

It is such divine synchronicity that I am writing more frequent Energy Reports of late on my Facebook page that are all about “renewal”. My posts are about the incredible opportunities that we have to evolve – to break out of the shackles of our old illusions – in order to be the Truest most Joyous Selves we can possibly be.

This Easter can be a time of creation. A time of giving birth to new directions, desires and projects. It’s a time of expanding into the world – led by the parts of our hearts which are saying “This way!” and “Yes, you are good enough for this!”

It’s a time to drop our fear in order to be that.

I feel that we are awakening at warp-speed. We are being called toward our True Selves, and quite frankly humanity and our world needs this.

I feel that something inside all of us is letting us know we can’t just “exist” anymore, something greater needs to take place … and we are being pushed urgently to wake up and become conscious.

Becoming conscious is the calling to actualise Who We Are, and in order to do this we need to let go of the self-defeating limiting beliefs which have crippled us, so that we can claim our rightful space to be ourselves and contribute.

Maybe this Easter is a time for you where you are really starting to think “Who Am I really?”


The Time for Personal Mission Recognition

I don’t believe our calling is about looking for something to “do”, I believe it is releasing and shedding the parts of us that have held us back from “Who I Am Here To Be”.

I believe we are all getting closer and closer to working out Who We Are … often by “default”, because if we are living in opposition to that, the binds are getting very painful and our life is simply not unfolding as we know it could.

Not everyone has a big public mission … And this is all perfect.

Because everyone is unique, and is here for a unique purpose.

Maybe your mission is to impart love, truth and authenticity to your children.

Maybe your mission is to show people what open-hearted authenticity looks like.

Maybe you are here to spread light by being the example of unconditional self-love and self-acceptance that others can warm to and emulate.

Or maybe you have an urge to reform something, bring a specific message to the world, and do your part to evolve consciousness on a collective scale.

As humans we want to expand, we want to create, and we want to share what is inside us with others.

Expansion and growth is a Law of The Universe, which is made up of the identical stuff that we are. If we are not expanding we are not living – we are dying. If we are contracted and stopping ourselves from expanding we are defying the Laws of Nature – and it hurts.

Often we don’t expand into the recognition and actualisation of Who We Are because we have all sorts of false beliefs that allow our egos to pull us away from the truth.

Maybe we did not realise that the disasters of our life were in fact the greatest blessing, creating every environment for us to come home to ourselves and align with Who We Really Are.

And if we don’t, we remain stuck in perceptions such as the following:

“Look at everything I have lost. How are I going to make up that lost ground?”

“My life is a failure because I should have been married with kids by now.”

“Look at so and so, he / she has it all. Great partner, house, family and friends. Why can’t I have that?”

What you may need to understand is this: if you have not achieved these things, and if what you thought was your “dream life” was derailed by a narcissist – then there was a divine reason for why your life has turned out the way it has.

It’s NOT to punish you – it’s to AWAKEN you.

I truly believe that many of us are here for much more profound life journeys than what society would consider as “normal”, “acceptable” or even “successful”.

I know that the magical feelings, inspirations and “knowings” I receive as a result of the connection to my Inner Being – no money or possessions could ever replace …. they would only be False Substitutes to try to get authentic “wholeness” from outside of me.

I also know the open-hearted connections and authentic relationships I now share would never, ever have been possible if it wasn’t for my narcissistic abuse experiences.

And not because I can share events and conversations with other people who have been abused. Rather it’s truly because I have healed, changed and developed in order to show up in life in ways that I just didn’t have the capabilities to before.

As my previous self, I was far too wounded and unconscious to show up authentically, and this includes before being narcissistically abused.


Changing Consciousness to Change Our Life

This I do know  …

If we are stuck in the chemicals of pain and fear, our bodies are contracted, and shut off from “possibility”. In this state we can’t manifest anything beyond the range of painful emotions that we are stuck in.

Getting back to the Law of Nature … if we are contracted, we are not growing, we are not expanding. We are not living, we are merely existing whilst dying.

That used to be my previous life … even before narcissists.

On the outside my life looked great, but on the inside I was always fearful of not being enough, always self-judging my performances, and I truly believed unless I was perfect that I could never be good enough.

(Mind you this is only the tip of the iceberg of my painful stuff!)

None of the painful, disappointing “I am a failure” results of my life confirming my inner beliefs about myself were going to change until I changed these core beliefs. I took two horrendous relationships with narcissists for me to finally break free of these self-generated patterns.

Before then, I was continuing to think and act the same way (unconscious) about certain issues, and I was expecting different results from the same level of consciousness … which of course wasn’t happening.

Finally I woke up to what was REALLY happening in my life from the inside out – and worked hard to make the changes.

Thank goodness!

Similarly this Easter could be your opportunity to decide to change – really change.

This could be the time when you re-new yourself too.


Shifting Painful Beliefs

When we understand that our level of consciousness is everything in regard to whether or not we can effectively re-new our life, we need to get really clear with ourselves.

This clarity is …. “I have the power to change myself”.

In fact YOU are the only person who can change you – and it’s not anyone else’s job. And if they tried to do it for you – you will still remain powerless to change your own life.

One of the greatest human perpetuated myths is “you alone can’t save yourself” … meaning all the power is taken away from self and you need an outside force to “save” you.

The only problem is, then you need to prove yourself to that “force”, that you are worthy of salvation.

Maybe you really feel other people are more worthy…

Or maybe you feel like you haven’t done enough yet to earn this outer force’s devotion …

We struggle with all these doubts and fears with chosen versions of a Higher Power, and we do this with other people.

We certainly assigned the narcissist as our “saviour”. We tried to force him/her to fix our wounds that came screaming up to the surface as a result of the narcissist activating them for us.

This is what I believe – this very force of our own salvation is inside us … and it is only us that needs to believe we are worthy of becoming our whole and True Self.

When we do this work – our worthiness becomes organic. It becomes “just is” … and it’s a beautiful humble open-hearted acceptance of our own True Self.

There is nothing arrogant, entitled or narcissistic about it (those states are “covers” for unworthiness).

To re-new ourselves and our life we have to evolve past beliefs that keep us stuck in “unworthiness”.

This means dropping (or shifting with Quanta Freedom Healing) common self-defeating beliefs that follow on from narcissistic abuse such as these:

“I’m too old”, “I’ve lost too much”, “I am a failure”, “No-one will ever love me”, or “My life is ruined because of (his / her name).”

You may be thinking these self-defeating thoughts repeatedly, which has caused your body to create and secrete matching painful peptides into the cells of your body. This means these self-defeating thoughts have become ingrained belief systems.

If they have become a part of your embodied Inner Identity, this is serious. Because embodied inner belief systems do what belief systems do – they manufacture with life the evidence of the inner beliefs to the letter.

It was really strange for people in this community when I started stating how grateful I was for my narcissistic experience.

Many people thought I was quite ill in the head!

I remember some years ago getting booted out of many abuse forums for saying that – and because I refused to join in the victimised conversations that people had about how much their life was trashed, and how they were now doomed to suffer a,b,c,d.

I knew these feelings felt terrible in my body (letting me know they were WAY off track), and I knew they were only cementing self-defeating Inner Identity belief systems.

There was no way I was going to buy into the continued manufacturing of a life which would contain more pain, more victimisation, more limitation, loss and disasters.

Hadn’t my life with the narcissist created enough of that?

My job was to clean up my beliefs and my Inner Identity – NOT keep the narcissist’s abuse going with my own self-abuse!

The narcissists in our lives were messengers – HUGE reflectors targeting every false and small idea we had about ourselves, life and others.

Fortunately many people in this community caught on to this Higher Purpose concept – and I am so thrilled that every day, without exception, I get emails from people telling me how happy they are, and how grateful they are that they too had the opportunity through abuse to evolve themselves.

Many people in this community (NARP members) have found and rejoice in this gift of evolution.


Gratitude And Inspiration

The truth sets us free … always …

And the truth is: What happened to you happened for a Higher Purpose.

It happened to bring you to the opportunities to come home to your True Self.

We may think our “True Self” is not what we want.

The truth is it is not what our ego wants – because our ego loves creating and feeding off pain and suffering.

Our egoic self is our shadows, our dark disowned parts that we righteously project onto others. This is our internal saboteur – the internal narcissist.

This is the inner self-damning critic who drew the reflection – the actual real life narcissist into our life.

Our True Self state is beyond these feelings and puts our ego out of a job.

When we accept and start moving towards our True Self state, we begin to experience the feelings of authentic joy, peace, purpose and bliss.

Life becomes completely different.

And this state of “completeness” and “peace” comes before the actual manifestations – which is EXACTLY how we have always created every event in our life – from the inside out.

The unconscious creates the conscious always

That’s why it is SO important to start becoming conscious about what is REALLY going on in our unconscious.

So the essential step is acceptance.

“This happened for a reason.”

I really wanted to inject into this Easter article the energy of renewal – the energy of re-birth, New Life and positivity …

Which means changing the way you may have believed your life is unfolding, so that you can place your life on a different trajectory than the one your painful belief systems may be presently creating.

So … to do so, I am sharing with you some of the most wonderful things that have happened in my life as a result of narcissistic abuse. If you are not there yet – I hope this can really inspire you to strive towards this level of consciousness.


The Best Things After Narcissistic Abuse

1) Knowing that I adore growing towards loving myself more authentically every day, rather than jumping through hoops to prove myself, which were continually raised and moved.

2) Hearing the birds singing outside and knowing my day will unfold beautifully, regardless of what does or doesn’t happen.

3) Loving and partnering myself in ways that will never take on anyone’s diminishment of me again.

4) Being able to fully claim my femininity and goddess without feeling owned, controlled or sexualised.

5) Adoring having gorgeous connections in my life, which are open-hearted and authentic without any agenda other than love and connection.

6) Having no fear to show up as myself, and knowing that life forms perfectly around me to match my authenticity, and anything that isn’t dissolves into nothingness.

7) Living the state of “unconditional” – being happiness as an inside job – simply because I exist.


Personally, if it had not been for my abuse experiences – whether I had ever met a narcissist or not – I know my life would have continued to be severely diminished.

When I posted about this Easter Renewal article, others shared on my Facebook Page their “best things after narcissistic abuse”.

I love these messages – and TOTALLY agree …

Not having to say “I’m sorry” that became a habit. I love my whole independence, love who I am, after having that suppressed most of my life … and setting myself free, to be me.

Being able to learn about myself and find myself again, even if it was a new me and meant going through a lot of pain to gets there. Living instead of just existing. Not having to hide my moments of pure joy, of pure bliss. Being unapologetically me.

Well, I am happy to share that I am now happier than ever and busy creating my life in the way that suits me best. I am enjoying a safe, peaceful existence with no drama and I am enjoying my safe peaceful home. Best of all, I can now see when someone or something is toxic to me and am realising that this is not my reality and am choosing to let go of it. I have realised that since there is nothing outside of me to ‘get’ and also that nothing that belongs to me can be lost; well that has made it easier to let go of people because if they are truly meant to be in my life, then they will be, and it will feel good. Everything that is toxic has to go.

Best thing has been falling back in love with myself! Realizing I’m amazing, intelligent, beautiful, worthy, creative, capable, strong … that my emotions are valid …. That I have a Voice! My sweet voice! I can hear it again!!!

Becoming whole! All the energy expelled on the Narcissist Dad has now been shifted to me. I get to parent myself now and who I become is only limited by my perceptions. Extreme personal growth!!!

One of the best things for me, has been feeling okay to make decisions based on what is beneficial to ME, not on what I thought would win love and approval from others. It feels okay to act in my own interests without the fear of being accused of selfishness. In fact … if anyone called me selfish now, I would take it as a major compliment! Yet it used to be the thing I most feared being seen as. Also, living life the way I want, even if others regard it as strange, odd or eccentric. I squashed down my uniqueness and creativity for so many years, just to be what someone else wanted me to be. Narcissistic abuse has been such a gift! Of course I regret having spent decades living in fear and confusion, but recovering from it and thriving is glorious.

The empathy and understanding I’ve gained towards other people and their pain. In the past I was quick to judge others who made less than respectable choices. Now that I’ve had to confront the consequences of my poor decisions and have been forced to recognize my own vulnerabilities, I’m able to understand that it isn’t someone’s stupidity or weakness that puts them in these unfortunate situations, but their pain. So instead of thinking I’m surrounded by idiots and looking down on them, I realize I’m surrounded by kindred spirits who are just hurting much like I was/am. And I’m able to feel compassion and love instead of judgement and scorn.


The truth is this: the narcissistic abuse experience is the prelude to MASSIVE renewal, it is an incredible opportunity for letting go of the illusions which drew us into narcissistic abuse (unconsciously).

It offers us incredible growth, realisation and the ability to reprogram our false beliefs, in order to authentically heal, be set free, move beyond narcissistic abuse and start to enjoy states of being, connection, compassion, love and life experiences that we simply did not have the ability to generate before narcissistic abuse.

My personal journey and life’s mission is all about this.

Myself and the MTE team wish you a happy, loving, wonderful, safe and healthy Easter … and a beautiful time of renewal.

And please know over the Easter break I am happy to answer your questions and comments.




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20 thoughts on “Your Renewal This Easter

  1. I agree with Inna and thank you.do you think the addictive behaviors of my children now 16 and 21 will benefit from changing my attitude from frustration to gratitude as you talked about your son

  2. Wow! Thank you for such an empowering message. I have been married to a narcissist for 25 years & now in the process of a divorce. Although I have been through terrible pain, I am really starting to feel much better about myself & my decisions. I look forward to my life even though I am 62 years old. I believe this will be the best part! May God Bless you & your work!

  3. Hi Mel,

    It took me awhile to realied that the true nightmare with the narc that I was with for about a year really begun after the breakup. I used to be so confused with all his actions and can’t seem to put a finger to what exactly he was up to, but things cannot be clearer right now. I truly see him for the person he is, and all the abuse; tactics to validate control, tricks, that he has been putting me under. It’s been about a year since the break up, and we have still been in contact. Since the breakup, he would text me at random moments at different months, and like you said, would just pop into my life and act like nothing happen. The worst part of it? I got ALL of that silent treatment, and begun to accept it into my life. True enough, the nightmare got worse. The narc would randomly text me out of the blue, and then when i DO REPLY, he would take 1-2 weeks to reply me. Of course, i tolerated it and started to fall into his stupid trap. I had entered a game of cat and mouse, and this has been going on for a year since the breakup. Also, I guess that was when it occured to me that this isn’t any regular breakup and that something is off. The narc has since moved on to a couple new partners, and it kills me to to find out each time on his social media, especially when he is broadcasting his LOVE for this new partner. He seems to have a ‘serious’ new partner this time, and it makes me think that she could be the one that can make him stay. The narc has since been doing everything that HE NEVER DID for me with the new parnter, its fustrating.

    I’ve been trying to stop myself from finding out about his life, and has since gone no contact for about 2 weeks. It’s honestly really difficult, and I can’t seem to get him off my mind. I hate how even though it seems so clear of how the narc is TOXIC in my life and has absolutely no place, and is not deserving to be in my life anymore, I sometimes think about how things could have worked out. Sometimes i get mad at myself for letting things happen, for example, for not saving the relationship. Then again, I’m reminded that if the narc really loved me and wanted this relationship, he would have fought for it. Truth is, he didn’t The narc simply acted that he was sorry, and faked all sincerity and remorse when confronted. I won’t go into details exactly on what happened, but at that time it seemd quite clear to me that I needed to get the narc out of my life. It’s been awhile, and i’m still recovering for the whole heartbreak, and the 1 year long abuse that i’ve been under the narc since the breakup. The biggest problem that i’m facing right now is that the narc, of course, has very strategically planned to have a last connecting thread that would keep me coming back to him.

    The narc has an upaid library fine, and refuses to pay for it till date. I’ve been asking him to pay for the fine FOR A YEAR, since the breakup, and each time i ask for it, the narc would simply change the topic and act as if I’m speaking complete, utter, trash. And of course, i would get thrown off each time and end up not asking for the fine. However, each time i text him and ask for the fine, he would drift off once again and i’ve since given up. I didn’t get it at first, but I finally understood awhile back that he’s simply using it just so he knows i will keep coming back to “talk” to him. It’s true, i usually never make contact with the narc unless i have to talk about the fine. It really is horrible, and i just can’t believe how pathetic he is. Now, I’m doing pretty well with No Contact, but how will i ever get my fine back? The amount is about 50 bucks, and i just simpy wont pay it for him, and I cant allow for the fine to keep building up with the library on my ass forever. Although i know that the only way to end this, which also wont cause me to contact the narc (what he wants), is to pay the fine for him. I really really need your advice on this one, because i really dont want to pay for someone so undeserving of anything from me.

    To add on, the narc seems really happy with his new partner and couldnt care less about me since i’ve ignored his last text for awhile. I am beyond digusted, and still very hurt, but your articles have helped me understand this whole situation better. Hope to hear from you..

    1. I’m so sorry you haven’t been able to disconnect with your ex yet, but you came to the right place. Melanie has great articles to help us understand what happend and to heal ourselves. If you don’t heal yourself, you’re going to attract other men just like him. Have you read the free e-books Melanie offers? You really need to stop contacting him. Don’t look what’s he’s doing on social media, block him on your phone, and pay the library fine, cancel the account and get another card on your name only. I also recommend learning about co-dependency. Co-dependent people attract narcissists. The books by Pia Mellody and Melody Beattie are great resources to learn about co-dependency. Co-dependent Annonymous groups are great too. There’s a lot of help for us to heal. Good luck in your journey.

    2. Hi Jessica Anne,

      I am going to be really, really straight with you.

      You are totally in the throes of narc obsession, which is a horrible place to be.

      The reason you are is this … because you are NOT taking on your own necessary evolution, healing and development.

      You are making it all about the narc instead of yourself – and you are not going to get better until you stop doing this, and get down to the total taking on of: “What parts of me are involved?” … and “What do I need to heal within me that allowed this and is keeping me emotionally hooked in this?” “What is it within me that is assigning someone else as the dispenser of my worthiness and value?”

      Jessica Anne THAT is what my entire work is about – NOT the narcissist.

      I can’t recommend enough coming into my next Webinar https://www.melanietoniaevans.com/freewebinar

      As for the $50.00 drop your ego and pay it … of COURSE he is never going to pay it.

      And truly you are degrading yourself every time you are making an issue about it – he is laughing at you every time … just pay it!

      And count your lucky stars its only $50.00 – there are people in the Community, myself included, who have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for a lesson that was TOTALLY worth it.

      The lesson?

      The necessary healing and development of ourselves that became incredible apparent as a result of being narcissistically abused.

      Mel xo

    3. Remember how he lied and lied some more to you? There is no way he will be a truthful person with the others. Narcs live in their own delusions, and work very hard to sell them to the rest of their world. He broadcasts his new flames to convince himself and others how great he is. He is just an empty well. Run!! And I agree with Mel…pay the fine. Fifty bucks is nothing if it buys your freedom.

  4. Hello Melanie, I was, as always, looking forward to listening to your latest radio show on Eastertime, however, there appears to be a fault with the sounding on your show, in that I can only very faintly hear your voice and can barely make out what you are saying. Disappointing !!
    Was wondering if you have received any similar feedback regarding the sound on this latest show. I would really love yo listen to it, but even with the sound turned up to maximum on the device I am using, I can still barely hear you.
    I have also sent you a private FB message regarding the same.
    The introduction on the show is perfectly loud and clear, but it is just your voice thereafter which is very very faint and barely audible.

    Happy Easter Mel, have a lovely weekend.

    1. Hi Jan,

      we have been having some frustrating recording challenges of late!

      Which we are still trying to iron out ….

      We are working at increasing the level of volume of this latest show, and will repost it!

      Mel xo

  5. That reminds me. One of many fine lines that is confusing to me: Absolute independence vs. true independence. I don’t need anyone, EVER! vs I can take care of myself but I’ll accept and/or reach out for help if I need to. It is true that only us can ultimately save ourselves but when it is OK to accept help without worrying that we are allowing others to do too much for us. I strongly wish could heal myself all on my own but I also strongly feel that I need some assistance. Especially because I’ve been indoctrinated with the false belief that I’m helpless. But I don’t want too much assistance because I know that isn’t right and it wouldn’t sit well with me even though my old self would want to be told what to do and feel from time to time and then feel bad about it. At other times, a good way to infuriate me is to demand that i accept more help that I want or need. I crave true independence. I don’t want be dependent on anyone or anything. I want to become my own master. So I guess what I’m trying to say is where is that line between absolute independence and true independence. Why offer private sessions? Why not just allow people to help themselves with your programs in private?

    Anyway, time sure flies! Happy Easter!

    “Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.”
    Norman Cousins

    “I’m leaving this behind. The gift of guilt”
    Gojira – The Gift of Guilt

    (I understand that bad experiences can be used to grow and learn but still struggling with the idea of associating the word gift with bad experiences but I’m slowly and hopefully surely coming to terms with it)

    1. Hi Gudmundur,

      I used to struggle with this too …

      How to not be co-dependent and be connected with people at the same time, and allow support.

      We are not supposed to be an island, we are supposed to be a “bigger self” which includes others” and generating more with this connection than we are possible of generating alone.

      We need “connection” to do this … but in no way is this the neediness of “please give me myself”.

      In relation to sessions with me, I also have certain people in my life, such as deep tissue massage therapists and even energy shifters when I want support …

      The goal is always for me to be more empowered and “healthier”, and I love getting that support and boost, even though naturally I am fully committed to my own self-development and inner work.

      To truly be a giver we need to allow ourselves to receive too …

      Its a Law of Nature – just as the plants and ourselves with oxygen and carbon dioxide.

      Mel xo

  6. Another inspiring article Melanie! I totally agree with all you say…it feels wonderful now to have no ill feeling towards my ex-narc, in fact when all of the legal wranglings are complete and we finally say goodbye for the last time, I hope to shake his hand and wish him all the best in his future. And I can honestly say that how I feel about him now. And it gives me great joy and peace to be able to feel like that. Of course we have a lot of unfinished business yet to go through in the courts and I know that won’t be at all pleasant but at least I can see the bigger picture now! Thank you Melanie…I always look forward to your blogs, you are a true gift to humankind!

    1. Hi Sophie,

      It is so true that when we still have bad feeling towards someone, they still have power over us …

      And that isn’t personal emotional freedom.

      That is so wonderful that you have set yourself free.

      Thank you for your lovely comments, and you are so welcome Sophie!

      Me xo

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