Before I get started on today’s article, I just want to quickly let you know about my upcoming Thrive 10-week healing Bootcamp. I can’t even begin to express how incredible the last one was! Sooooo many people burst forth into their True Thriver Lives quickly and powerfully!

To find out how I can also help you achieve this (my favourite thing to help people do!) please click on this link!

Okay … I want you to know with all of my heart that there is so much to look forward to after narcissistic abuse.

I know that you may not be able to feel this yet. However, it is the truth!

When you know how to release the trauma and break free into your true Thriver Recovery, the breakdowns shift to breakthroughs that will continually delight you.

I really hope as I share these 5 amazing things to look forward to after narcissistic abuse that the reasons that they are possible, will become crystal clear to you.


Number One – Trusting Your Intuition And Using Discernment

When going through the horrors of narcissistic abuse, you realise how your belief in the good nature of people is not necessarily a healthy thing.

You may have believed that someone looking you in the eye and appearing “so sincere” must mean they are a trustworthy person.

After narcissistic abuse, and before Thriver recovery, Candace, a wonderful member of our community said this, “My trust in humanity is shattered. I’ll never trust anyone ever again. The cost is too high.”

Naturally, the shock that there are bad people in the world, who can get up close and personal and inflict terrible damage upon you, is traumatising.

In the case of an intimate partner choice, you may believe that your “partner picker” is broken. In regard to business, you may feel terrified that you are not able to distinguish between con-people and those with integrity.

Likewise, the trauma involved with having skewered discernment with friendships, family or authorities is a huge and rude awakening for many.

As a result of Thriver recovery, you learn the following powerful truths … just as Candace did after recovering with my NARP Program. This is what she shared …

“It doesn’t hurt me any more to know that bad people DO exist! It’s empowering and mature for me not to blindly trust. I check in with my gut and if something feels off, I investigate. I take my time to access people’s character. It’s healthy and mature. I love this NEW version of me now!”

Candace learned the beauty of trusting herself rather than handing her boundaries, rights and safety to others without getting to know properly who she was dealing with.

Not surprisingly, Candace started to form healthy, wholesome and trustworthy relationships in all areas of her life, because she started making her choices from a wise inner centre, rather than on a whim.

Absolutely, this was life-changing for her!


Number Two – Expanded Confidence

True recovery from narcissistic abuse means recovering and healing the parts of yourself where you used to make yourself small – and even accept abuse – just to try to survive.

Mark had been married to a narcissist for 15 years. He said, “I was blamed so much I had started to believe her version of me. I started isolating, drinking too much and lost my enthusiasm for pretty much everything. By the time I finally left her I had barely any self-esteem left.”

After working with Quanta Freedom Healing, and releasing the traumas from his wife (as well as his over-critical narcissistic mother) Mark was able to grant himself the energy, inspiration and permission to expand into his desires, regardless of what other people thought of him.

Mark went for a promotion at work, which he got, and started pursuing his love of golf. He met a lovely golfing lady who reflected his new values of, “When I expand and love my life, that and who matches me, becomes my life.”

Mark admitted this, “When I look back at who I used to be, I don’t recognise that person anymore. I was stuck trying to please someone at my own detriment. Now I know how fruitless that was, and how great it feels like to have wind in my sails, and love living!”


Number Three – Being Your Authentic Self

If you are not yourself, then you become what you think everyone else wants you to be.

Noelene was devastated by her husband and many family members, whom no matter what she tried to do to make them happy, were not grateful, took advantage of her and even treated her narcissistically and cruelly.

At the time Noelene didn’t realise that narcissistic people can never be appeased, and people in her life could never “see” or “honour” Noelene, because she was a people-pleaser and someone “ethereal” … “I’ll be whoever you may need me to be so that you will love me.”

Where was Noelene? She wasn’t there – because she wasn’t her True Self.

After Thriver Healing, Noelene shifted out of the traumas that had kept her stuck in handing away her “self” and into self-love and self-respect.

She then echoed one of my favourite teachings, “I thought people loved me for how much I gave them, but I started to realise they could only love me in relation to how MUCH I claimed, loved and expressed myself!”

As it turned out Noelene’s sister and husband were narcissistic and had no desire or capacity to be respectful or kind, so Noelene ended these relationships and went No Contact with both. Other family members stepped up, respected her boundaries, stopped taking Noelene for granted and started offering her support and resources.

Noelene went on to enter a love relationship where she Thrived and was loved as herself – expressing her own views, opinions and preferences.

Just like Noelene, by becoming “yourself” you will be an ‘attraction force’ and a ‘truth force’ that attracts and is attractive to your True Tribe. And you will let go of those who aren’t part of that tribe.

You will also come to understand this powerful truth – you will never accept a level of love and respect, less than the level that you have for yourself.


Number Four – Inner Self-Solidness

To recover from the horrors of narcissistic abuse requires letting go of false external sources you were trying to get to save you. Generally, that means getting past your fixation on the person that’s hurting you by trying to fix or change them.

That mission is one you have to fully reserve for yourself.

The Thriver Way to heal fully embraces letting go of trying to get outer salvation, turning inwards, self-partnering and becoming your own healer and saviour.

Greg said, “I used to think how people saw me, what I had, and how well I was performing was what would give me happiness and peace.”

I concur, I, like so many of us, used to think the same!

Reclaiming and healing your Soul after narcissistic abuse, brings forth an incredible connection with your Higher Power, meaning Source / God / Creation. This creates a monumental shift of “living life from the outside in” (always precarious) to “living life from the inside out” (a life that you can control).

This allows you to know and “be” at a level of peace, love and comfort that previously was “conditional” and sought from all the wrong places – False Sources, instead of directly through True Source.

After Thriver healing Greg reported this, “I know now how to self-soothe and manage my emotions. I no longer self-avoid of self-punish myself with booze and bad people. I can now sit with me and access my truth, solutions and wisdom.”

In many ways this shift is the most priceless of all that you will experience. You already ARE what you seek – when you know how to access it.


Number Five – Better Manifestation Ability

As a result of coming home to your true inner relationship with yourself and your Higher Power, you are integrating, rather than disintegrating.

By releasing trauma, blocks and limitations you partner with your True Self, creating a conscious alignment with your Higher Power (which always strives to grant you “more” of you). You start to open up to the flow of abundance, wellbeing and deservedness as a result of cleaning out what had been keeping you separated from your true desires.

I used to believe that manifestation occurred as a result of striving to visualise and feel what I wanted. Now I know a much more powerful truth – that what I want is already granted to me by the ever-loving abundant True Source, when I get my False Parts (traumas) out of the way.

Myself and so many Thrivers have found that manifestation becomes organic, inspirational and abundant when the traumas within our subconscious are cleared out.

Helene, like so many Thrivers, said, “At first I thought I was just releasing the traumas that were fuelling my PTSD and crippling fibromyalgia from narcissistic abuse. Little did I know that I was started to fill with joy, wellbeing, energy and ideas when these traumas left me. Now I have my own successful online art business that I always wanted and never believed was possible before this.”


In Conclusion

I always find it so inspirational to share with you the amazing news about your destination to your True Self and True Life after narcissistic abuse, and I hope that even if this feels like it is a million miles away from you right now, that it is possible for you.

My entire life mission is the commitment to helping as many people as I possibly break free from the dark depths of narcissistic abuse into their highest, freest and happiest potential, and one of the most powerful ways I can help you achieve this, is by inviting you to my Thrive 10-week healing Bootcamp.

If you haven’t yet been able to create your Thriver Recovery, I’d love you to join me for enlightening and fun workshops, BEYOND powerful Quanta Freedom Healings (that can shift decades of trauma out within minutes!) live Q and A’s and lots more.

You can find out all the details and register for your spot here:

If you would like to work closely with me and my team for 10-weeks in our most hands-on abuse recovery program to date, then my Thrive 10-Week Program starting in September is open for registration now.

Click here to learn more about Thrive and register before spots fill up.

And … as always, I am looking forward to reading and responding to your questions and answers below.

Related blog post

The Narcissist’s Greatest Fear: You Becoming Your True Self and Aligning with Your 5D Ascension Path

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14 thoughts on “5 Amazing Things To Look Forward To After Narcissistic Abuse

  1. I am not sure I believe in love anymore.
    I also do not have hope or trust for another
    relationship, & that is okay, because I am too old now. I am 72. My relationship to my narcissist husband ended about 20 years ago, & I put up a Hugh wall to protect myself. I feel I lost myself then & have lost my zest & fun for life. I am existing & am happy being alone.

    1. Hello Jeanette
      I can sooo relate to your story. I am 60 years old. Divorced my narcissistic husband only 12 months ago. I really don’t care about him. As far as I am concerned he can rot in hell. The only concern I have now is for my adult children, they are showing narcissistic traits. I feel like you, I don’t believe in love anymore. Relationships are to complicate. I would like to heal from all the obuse I have been through but I don’t think it’s that simple. What I mean is, how can you heal life time of obuse in only few weeks. I have got rid of my narcissistic husband and now I am surrounded by narcissistic adult children. What am I supposed to do ? Get rid of them too? If that’s the case then I am setting myself for a very lonely life. I am drawing a lot of comfort from the church that I go to. I have met nice and caring people there. Thank you for reading my message and I wish you all the best.

      1. Hi Jeanette and Eva,
        Hats of to you two wonderful, beautiful ladies. You guys have taken the first step, the hardest one.
        of all. Melanie and all of us Thrivers hear you loud and clear.
        The time is NOW and the time is for YOU!! Whatever happened yesterday and what takes place tomorrow is not important.
        You have stated that enough is enough. So go for it and take the dive. Never look back from this point on.
        NARP saved my life. I am out of debt now…..have a great job……so many hobbies, I am juggling all kinds of great activities……..I get up every morning early…happy and ready to go!!
        It does not matter how old you are!!! It is one day at a time from here on in……got it!!!!!
        This miracle is yours………just keep going…….Mel takes you by the hand…….she has put her heart and soul on the line for all of us. We are all eternally grateful for what continues to do every single day.

    2. I understand where you are. So many questions at this time in life when there is less time ahead than there is behind.

  2. Hi Mel,

    I browsed through your thrive program and just wanted to ask you what the difference is or more to the point what is the advantage that the program has over something like outsourcing a life coach or NLP Hypnotherapy-like products and even getting psychiatric and psychologist services? I am gone through a lot of trauma in my life and it’s really only coming to midlife have now finally realized why I feel the way I do and it’s of no surprise to me as life has been too hard and that is all I have known I have am looking at healing techniques and have far too many choices thanks to youtube and many self-help therapists and professionals so am conflicted.

    1. Hi Charlie,

      my Thriver processes work on the subconscious also, yet are specifically tailored to n-abuse recovery as well as Thriving in every area of your life afterwards.

      Quanta Freedom Healing is a super-tool that works with Source (a Higher Power) specifically, that heals what we consciously can’t.

      I have worked with many different subconscious reprogramming tools, including all you speak of, before cracking this code (humbly).

      You have no risk in trying this – it is all fully guaranteed, and I can’t recommend my processes enough. Many who also tried “everything” to heal, say the same.

      I hope this helps!

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  3. I’ve only just found you having got out of a relationship by the police arresting him. It’s not even been 24 hours of reading your information and I’m having so many ah ha moments, can’t wait to do this course. Thank you

  4. Hi Melanie,
    I got to the point same as yours – healed internally and managed to shield myself off sucking energetic vampire. Just got one question to you ? Do you have children with your ex narc ?
    I don’t think I can divorce my covert narcist wife – we have 2 adopted children and it will be a heavy blow to them if I decide to divorce. Both of them already went through a trauma of rejection and during a conflict times I got a taste of potential damages they would got (drop in school performance etc). The youngest isn11 yo lovely, sensitive and a gifted boy. That is why I decided to stay few more years until he gets to his 18th birthday.
    I have a friend of mine in similar situation who recently divorced his narcistic wife. Peaceful co-parenting with those empty shells of human being is impossible. From time to time he has to go to the family court as his ex empty shell of human being wife is constantly trying to change parenting agreements. Its all honky dory if you split with narcissistic partner and you don’t have children with them, I wish it could my situation but its not. So I have deal with what shitty cards life has thrown on me. I don’t think there is any good advice on co-parenting if you divorce a narcist monster. You still will have to be exposed to this venom and watch your kids getting traumatised in a process. I had s taste of what it could be with my covert narcist wife. During our last conflict when she was the one trying to discard me I mentioned children and particularly the younger one. I told her this will inflict a huge damage and with his past it will have a serious impact on his emtions and will likely kill or diminish his wonderful gufts(my son is quite gifted and talented boy with very sensitive soul). Do you know what was her answer ? Answer coming from professional (she is a teacher in special educational needs school) This empty person she just shrugged her shoulders and replied she knows many single parent families bringing up children and “there is no problem ?????!!! WTF
    Of course she conviently omitted the fact of adoption as of course it would not suit the answer well. Anyhow I wish I could be in a different situation, without children but I am not and I am accepting it. Thanks to myb transformational healing, practising mental. development I became 100% resistant to many of the primitive games this empty shells are doing.Supply was cut off and I can see in many occasions evidence of narc starvation..Tough – either she will understand something about her (doubtfully) or will struggle – at this point of my life I don’t care.

    1. Hi Jaroslaw,

      no my son is not the ex narcissist’s child.

      I completely understand what you are feeling and saying.

      I’d love you to google my name and “parallel parenting” because there may be some aspects about this form of narcissistic co-parenting that may help with your moving forward, for you and your children.

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  5. Personally I think separating is the only option with shared children either your own or fostered, but you must put up healthy boundaries to protect yourself, I know it doesn’t feel fair, but at least by having your own home even if it’s a rental when the Children come to visit, you can make it as normal as possible for them, so as they get older, they can compare your normality with her craziness, otherwise the craziness becomes their normal. And you don’t need to say anything derogatory about her, just love them unconditionaly and they will come through alright, and you will keep your Sanity, hope this helps Blessings Col.

  6. Hi Melanie!
    After reading through this today a smile appeared on my usually not smiling face! 😌 thank you so much! I feel encouraged! 🙌 bless you, Melanie, and thank you for all the help you and NARP have given to me and others….Much love ❤️🦋❤️

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