I know you want to be released from the agony of narcissistic abuse, and create a better life afterwards.

We all want an improved life after what we suffered!

Today I am thrilled to bring to you 5 definite steps to building a better life after narcissistic abuse.

In this community of Thriver Recovery, I love that we examine, reach for and heal towards so much more than just “mere survival”.

No longer do we need to settle for the old paradigm of just getting away from a narcissist and then having a lifelong battle with PTSD, other terrible nervous system disorders, as well as a diminished trust in life, others and ourselves.

Rather, the following 5 steps to building a better life after narcissistic abuse can, (and will) catapult you into a much more superior self and life than you could have ever experienced even before going through narcissistic abuse, and even if abuse is all you’ve ever known.

As you read on through these following five steps to building a better life after narcissistic abuse, I really hope you can embrace why!


Step 1 – Know That You Can Live Free From Trauma

It is so not true that you will need to continually battle the traumas of narcissistic abuse. These are things like anxiety, depression, PTSD, adrenal malfunction, fibromyalgia, agoraphobia and the limitations and decimation of your mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and financial capacity.

Understanding that these numerous devastating ongoing battles are to do with trauma literally stuck within your Inner Being changes everything. You then know this is what is incapacitating your ability to recover, evolve, extend and become empowered beyond what happened to you.

Rather than stay in this battle, which may have no end, instead you can strive to free yourself from the trauma generating your limiting and devastating symptoms.

Let me explain my own battle, and then emancipation from my trauma.

When I was internally riddled with the traumas of narcissistic abuse, it took everything I had to get out of bed, put one foot in front of the other and try to make myself a cup of tea. The thought of rebuilding my shattered health, finances and life, over and above staying vertical and breathing, was beyond overwhelming. It actually wasn’t possible.

Yet, when I turned inwards to do the inner Quantum Work, and was able to start freeing myself from the internal trauma and creating space inside for healing, wellbeing and Life Force to enter, everything started to shift. My symptoms of PTSD, agoraphobia, fibromyalgia, adrenal breakdown, brain damage from my psychotic breakdown, and my health at every level – mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and even financial – started to heal.

I got well, and my life started to get well. In fact, within an astounding period of time I started to feel the most self-connected, whole and “loved” that I could ever imagine.

I had started to “come home”.

None of this would have been possible with the existing trauma in my body that I was constantly battling that was taking every ounce of my Life Force to try to survive. I know that so many of you have been trying to deal with this momentous struggle as well.

Starting to live free of the trauma is the first essential step.

Why would you try to swim upstream while you have a heavy concrete brick hanging around your neck? It’s not just incredibly more difficult, in many cases you just can’t. Is it any wonder when trying to recover from narcissistic abuse so many people feel like they are drowning in the trauma instead of healing?

Sadly, so many people never enter a true or durable recovery from narcissistic abuse, because their inner trauma has never been released. People join groups and continually reaffirm that they are an abuse victim, will have certain symptoms for life, and will never get free of them and can only hope to manage them. I want you to know with all my heart that all of this is not the truth. Myself, and so many Thrivers in this community are living proof that that is not the case.

To understand more about this, as your first step, I can’t recommend enough joining me in my free webinar to learn about why it’s vital to release your trauma, and how it is powerfully done.

No matter how traumatised you presently feel, this can help you. In my free webinar, you will experience a healing which will help bring you relief and the knowing that your true recovery is possible.


Step 2 – Accept Where You Are At

One of the greatest barriers to being able to build a better life after narcissistic abuse is your resistance to “where you are at”.

Please understand I know exactly what such resistance is.

I went through it horrifically, hating what had happened to me, thinking that my life was some cruel joke. I truly believed that everything I had worked for my entire life was down the drain, and I could never recover from this. Here I was at 40 years of age, back at square one, having lost everything and personally disintegrated at every level with seemingly no way to rebuild myself or my life.

(Please know I am not exaggerating – it really was that bad!)

Back then I didn’t understand how Quantum Law worked. I believed life works from the outside in, not the inside out. When I looked at how my life looked from the outside in, it was totally messed up. Everything was smashed to pieces.

Thankfully, as a result of my epiphany awakening at my lowest moment, I saw the Quantum Truth of things. I saw that this had happened for a reason – for my own Soul integration, healing and graduation. None of this “revival” of myself was going to be possible until I accepted that all of this had not happening “to” me, it had in fact happened “for” me.

Here is how Quantum Law operates – so within, so without. What this means is whoever you are BEING on the inside, is what continues to manifest in your life experience on the outside. If I stayed in resistance and hating what had happened to me, then I would only be digging myself into the deep dark pit of manifesting more experiences that I would hate.

I decided to bless and accept this experience – despite being smack bang in the incredible devastation of all that I believed my life was, as well as horrific supposed “unhealable” health conditions.

It was then that even more of my internal light switched on, and I truly got it.

All of this had been calling me to finally turn inwards to self-partner … It was about meeting myself warts and all with total devotion, unconditional acceptance and love. To have the commitment to release my trauma, fill with Source where that trauma once was, and love and heal myself back to wholeness.

I realised how in my previous anxieties, fears and off and on depression (which I previously thought was normal because I had never known any other way to live) that I had always sought love, self-medication and comfort from outside of myself, rather than learning how to come home to be a whole, healthy source within myself.

That was how I had always lived, even before narcissistic abuse. The real truth was my false beliefs and unhealed, undeveloped parts were the ones that literally got smashed to pieces and were brought fully up to the surface within narcissistic abuse.

Now it was time to turn inwards to truly heal them, and rather than be my own worst critic, who had been stuck in terminal self-rejection, self-abandonment and even self-abuse, I was returning home to True Love.

Then, I started to experience incredibly quick progress, expansion, and openings in my life that I had never felt or experienced before.

I had become completely dedicated to accepting this journey of shifting out of Who I Was Being as an “abuse victim” to Who I Was Born To Be, someone who was capable of generating my own True Self and True Life that was wholesome, did serve me, and was aligned with consciousness, self-care and self-respect.

The feelings of relief and joy, even though I still had not rebuilt my life in a material or physical sense, started to pour in. Depression was replaced with inspiration and I wanted to take my rebuilding journey further.

Which leads me to explaining step number three.


Step 3 – Understand And Improve Your Boundaries

Boundaries are everything. Your boundaries define what you will accept, and what you won’t accept. In your life when moving forward after narcissistic abuse, it is incredibly important to become self-partnered. This means trusting how things feel in your body.

If something feels “off” then it’s important than you check in with this and heed it.

This means rather than just taking anyone else’s word for anything, take your time to get to know them before letting them into your heart, mind, body, bed and finances. Do your own investigating, research and due diligence before committing to anything. Just because somebody looks you in the eyes and tells you something, and it sounds and looks all shiny and inviting, doesn’t mean that they have the best interests at heart or what they are proposing is even good for you.

Part of our growing up, as a result of narcissistic abuse, it is to take on the mission of being the guardian of our own Soul, home, finances and ultimately life.

Therefore, if anybody is pushing you beyond what feels comfortable for you – say “no”. Don’t enter into relationships or business deals with people on a chemical rush, whim, word or a handshake.

How often do we discover, as a result of narcissistic abuse, that our inner guard was correct all along? Just because we wanted this so badly to work out, or felt bad about confronting someone, asking relevant questions, having the difficult conversations, or were too needy/lazy/trusting/impatient to wait and research and observe all sides of the information (including others trying to warn us about this person/ situation), meant that we paid a terrible price.

Source is always guiding you and even warning you. If you listen.

In a new life going forward, step number three is imperative. It’s about taking full personal responsibility to start growing up so that you feel and think for yourself and make healthy decisions and set healthy boundaries.

No one else as an adult is responsible for your well being – YOU are.

This is such a joy to fearlessly reach this level, because then you have the ability to expand into life, keep yourself safe, and manifest the life that will serve you, instead of making painful and even disastrous wrong turns (like we all previously did!).

You will find that your life will transform beyond anything that you were living previously. You will enter new trajectories of life, which will seem miraculous to you. Because of this Quantum Truth – when you start to honour and protect YOU healthfully, life will honour you safely as well.

Can you imagine what it would be like to avoid the hurtful, traumatic and abusive people and situations in your life, and be in a position to have the space for what is healthy, wholesome, and represents well being to enter?

Get ready for this, because this is all a part of True Thriver Recovery!


Step 4 – Get Clear About “What You Want”

I want you to know from the bottom of my heart, that having suffered the losses, disappointments and devastation of narcissistic abuse does not mean that you are not worthy of receiving what you want. Or that it’s impossible for you to achieve your dreams. The exact opposite is true.

By receiving what you didn’t want, you can get very, very clear about what you DO want.

As a result of step number one and releasing your inner traumas and returning back to your connection with filling with True Source (your higher consciousness/self/power) you will start to settle into the organic, solid knowing that what you want is exactly what Source wants for you as well.

Your Soul did not get it wrong. Your desires are the truth for you.

It’s perfectly understandable that you may not know this yet. Your narcissistic abuse experience has led you to believe that when you did receive them you lost them, and that it just wasn’t possible for you to create them.

When you start releasing the traumas from within that were blocking you from being able to generate what it is that you truly desire, new trajectories of possibility and creation that you have never been able to access before, start opening up to you.

The most beautiful thing is, as your trauma and symptoms of abuse start to melt you will be able to start enjoying “where you are at” (your own wholeness and healing) even before the goodies start to arrive.

Myself, and so many others doing inner healing and then embracing “what we want” started to move into happiness, good health, love, and success within our personal missions and desires.

With all my heart, I know that this is possible for all of us, no matter how old we are, what we have lost and what has happened to us in the past, when we know how to heal and release ourselves into our True Self and True Life.


Step 5 – Change Your Patterns

Such an important part of creating your new life after narcissistic abuse is changing your patterns.

What does this mean? This – steering yourself out of Wrong Town and turning towards Right Town.

To make way for the new in your life, means letting go of the old ways. The old order needs to go, for the new order to have the space to come in and take root in your life.

This means letting go of the old habits that haven’t been serving you. Maybe you’ve been eating really unhealthy food? Possibly your time has been spent on Netflix or social media instead of turning inwards to heal and develop yourself.

Possibly you have been hanging out on toxic abuse forums which are all about being cemented in the victimisation and talking about each other’s war stories, rather than being connected to groups that are focused on the real solutions of healing beyond your terrible symptoms, into a true Thriving Life.

Maybe your social circles are people who are negative, addiction prone, or never take personal responsibility and don’t transcend beyond their victimhood or painful repeat patterns. Maybe they continually complain about it.

Who you ARE, is what you ingest and who you associate with. If it’s toxic, your Being and life will be toxic.

Also, your life is created by a series of choices. You change your life by how you show up in old situations with new and different choices. When you are willing to listen to your inner guard, speak up, have difficult conversations, lay boundaries, and say no to something that you’ve ascertained does not match your values and your truth, then you open up a whole new pattern to higher vibrational people and situations that you will want to say yes to.

The same applies with saying “no more!” to your old unhealthy urges and addictions that are not serving you.

In regard to meeting new people, in any capacity, if you have the experience of people in your past being controlling … or unavailable … or addicts … or whatever it is that has hurt you, then to choose that again when the red flags appear and hope “this time” you will be able to fix and change this person, is a complete and utter turn again into Wrong Town.

The people you choose are the people you get. The situations you choose are the situations you get. This fifth step to building a better life after narcissistic abuse is about changing your patterns, rather than letting neediness, or beliefs of lack (someone better may not come along) to get in the way.

Then you will command life in all of its magnificence to present you with higher vibrational realities that you have never chosen and reached before.

By adopting this principle, which is the Thriver Way to live, you will see how powerfully and quickly your life will transform, because YOU are the powerful force being different.

When you Be it, then it will Come.

That is what be-come means!

This is exactly the turn I took away from Wrong Town, towards Right Town – embracing my true values and healthy desires. I achieved this by saying “No” to all the people and situations that represented my old patterns.

Yes, it is lonely for a time. Yes, there is a void. However, working on yourself to heal, from the inside out, feels so solid and whole in your own body and it gets really easy and even beautiful to just focus on coming home to yourself before the goodies arrive!

Wasn’t it “that state” that we were trying to get “stuff” from in order to achieve anyway?

Sooooo interesting that the solid peace inside makes the getting of stuff so effortless in the future.

It’s Quantum Law – so within, so without.


In Conclusion

I hope that this has given you hope that there is a way to create an incredible life after narcissistic abuse.

These five points are powerful. They allow you to move out of the place of being broken, victimised and feeling helpless and hopeless, to taking control back over your life.

I promise you with all of my heart that there are thousands upon thousands of Thrivers in our community who lost everything, and even their will to live, who have now transformed their life beyond recognition as a result of committing to the healing of these five points.

Hopefully this article has given you inspiration, hope and switched on your inner light to believe that this is possible for you too!

Maybe you can see how far you have come along with building your new life after narcissistic abuse. If so this will be a lovely confirmation for you!

Or this article could have helped highlight for you the areas that require your focus.

Those of you who have done a lot of wonderful healing with NARP to get out of the agony of narcissistic abuse, but now know that you want to take your journey beyond narcissistic abuse even further – then I can’t recommend enough that you check out my Empowered Self Course.

This comprehensive Course, full of deep journaling exercises and powerful Quanta Freedom Healings helps you get clear about your values, boundaries and the setting up and generation of your new life – as well as how to start powerfully manifesting it!

I also have another VERY special suggestion for you …

I just completed a magical, hands-on, 10-week Thrive Bootcamp with hundreds of beautiful participants from all over the world.

The healing results and accelerations far exceeded even my Thriver expectations!

The next incredibly powerful 10-week healing experience is coming up soon. You can join the early-bird list to get the first chance to register here.

As always, I’m very excited for your comments and questions regarding this topic below!

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18 thoughts on “5 Steps to Building a Better Life After Narcissistic Abuse

  1. Dear Melanie,
    Thank you very much for this today! As I’ve said multiple times I’m not there yet but I’m seeing signs or indications that things are getting better. I see indications that I am getting a little closer to living more free from the narcissists abuse and reclaiming my life back. Acceptance, as you described it and building better boundaries have played a significant role in managing the day to day conflict and struggles as I’m able to see things a little more objectively and implement boundaries better and simply accept things in the moment…. so much of that is predicated on doing the inner work that is necessary to become free from narcissistic abuse…. and, continuing to try to do that and use in my daily life the guidelines of NARP is helping immeasurably! I’ve been trying my very best to do just that, the inner work, and it is very slowly paying dividends. You mentioned changing patterns and I took that to mean changing patterns of thought and how I think and overthink or think about the wrong things and that is really important. I’ve been working on that too. Also, I’m beginning to figure out what I want and I’m less confused about what I want and really want and really need! So, that’s about all I have to say for now. This blog has been really helpful!
    Again, I want to thank you for everything! Sending love to you, Melanie! ❤️🦋❤️

  2. Frustrating at times,feeling at a stand still, but not,
    Boundarys !! Are the essential ingredient
    When triggered by someone pushing them,a weakness to give in,then realise later Hey!! I mastered that one TOO ( mind you after giving ” yourself” a hard time 😫😫😫😫😫)………..WHOOPIE DOOOOO👏 REJOICE VICTORY

  3. The living proof that NARP works is a daily experience now.
    When living in the black cloud of narcissitic abuse, procrastination and fear was the order of the day. Now, there is an energetic bounce in my life, and that fear is gone. Good things now happen more often than bad.
    I had to claim bankrupcy after making an escape from horrific narcissisic abuse. Reciently,
    I went directly to the bank to take care of an issue. There happened to be a one day special offer to get a credit card!!! I almost burst out in tears of joy after 5 plus years of no credit.
    Still to this day, I often go back to module one to keep my inner self healthy, when threats appear.

    1. Warren congrats how many times do I need to go back to module 1? How long do I stay on module 1 before going to two? I appreciate the feedback. Also how awesome is it to start a new life and rebuild I’m excited for u!

      1. Hi Aryi,

        please check your Program instructions in teachable, and please know that the NARP Member’s Forum is always there for your support as well.

        I hope that this helps

        Mel 🙏💞🦋

  4. Hi I keep reading your emails and it helps a great deal.But I can’t seem to digest it all.Some day’s I feel OK then I feel back to square one! Not sleeping doesn’t help.And dreaming of my ex Narc is several times a week. I soo want to realese all of this baggage that has been with me for 36years.( I met him when I was 16,married him at 19 and was married for 33years Divorced just over a year now) iknow I have a lot of work to do with myself and I want to be free of this connecting slime in and around me. X

    1. Helen your message is something along the lines of what I would of said.I like you have been in almost the same situation almost to the T. And I just wanted to say that no matter how hard it gets no matter how lonely you become there’s always light at the end of a tunnel, keep up the good work as will I and let’s not lose hope on what we can not seem to find!! And that’s peace with In ourself, good luck I will prey and keep hope that you as well as I, matter of fact all who are in the same situation find our way back home!!

    2. Go back to module 1 on days you feel that way. Isn’t module 1 where u release bad feelings or stuck feelings? U got this!

    3. Hi Helen I know your comment was written awhile ago but I’m still hoping that you will see the alert in your email and respond back. I am in the EXACT same situation as you, I’ve been with him more than half my life and I don’t know any other way outside of being with him. I started having panic attacks and knew I had to get away from him but this is not easy alone, I’ve never felt so lost and so broke down and weak. Can’t sleep can’t eat. I am emotionally, psychologically and physically sick and I don’t know how to help myself get out of it. It is very hard to find hope for myself and I’ve been having some dark days and nights. But when I read your situation I thought maybe you have found hope and could tell me what’s helped you to get through it? I don’t know anyone who stayed as long as I did until I saw your comment. I just need hope after being with him this long, hope that I can recover. Thank you to anyone who took time to read this.

  5. To Helen, I’m recovering from narssisist abuse. Initially I went to therapy at age 15. I was told since I didn’t cry during therapy that I’d carry the pain and keep having abusive relationships until I fully process the pain. Now 30 years latter I did lisa romanos 12 week program, wich is similar to Melanie Tonia Evans program, the good news is the victims of narssist are not at fault. But healing is a continuing effort / its not enough to just take the courses and hear the therapy. It’s actually 100% normal to keep to still have some lingering pain and such, but as people continue on the healing path they get better and better at noticing the triggers and how to avoid triggers. I just wanted to share that.

  6. I am in family court trying to get contact with my 14 year old daughter who has been completely taken over by her father. I have been battling for 2 years. I joined the NARP programme but seem to have lost the link to the modules and haven’t had a reply to my email requesting access?

    1. Duh, found the link! Was obviously looking in a fragmented moment …
      My issue is that family court is filled with liars and toxicity. It is frightening me every day. My sense of self demands that I walk away, my love for my child and to get her out of the narc’s clutches demands I keep fighting, even though her behaviour and understanding is completely narc like now herself. I find it hard to know how far to go with this battle as he seems to have completely subsumed her. She was my life’s work, and now she is gone I am struggling to see how to rebuild a life without her. When I think about this I feel so desolate at the beautiful soul she was and how that appears to be gone. Can a child come back from this?

      1. Well just because 😼 she seems to be a way doesn’t mean she is a narcissist just yet. I know how hard this must be from one mother to the other. Sometimes we beat ourselves up. I believe there are videos about how to deal with the legal system with a narcissist or sociopath!

    2. Hi Vicki,

      please check your junk or spam folders.

      The support team is uber diligent with replying to all emails, in a very prompt manner.

      Again just so that you can check the support email address is [email protected]

      I hope that this helps and sending much love to you and your daughter.

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

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