In Part 2 of this series, I am going to take you through the process of how to lovingly and effectively self-partner, locate your inner traumas and release them with a mini Quanta Freedom Healing session.

One of the things I dearly love about this healing process is that it is unconditional.  You don’t need to know how it works for it to work, and you don’t even need to believe that it works for it to work. This process is completely loving and all-inclusive, meaning that if you are open to receive it, you will.

Also, there is no time and space restriction in the Quantum World, everything just is, and is happening now. This healing as a recording is just as powerful as if you were sitting with me and this was happening live.

I often talk to people about the difference between informational (cognitive) processes and transformational (subconscious reprogramming) processes.

Today rather than just go over information, we will do the real work to heal!

When you experience it, you will understand just how powerful this difference is.



Episode Transcript

Wow – what an incredible response to Part 1. I love that so many of you get it – to change our life we have to change ourselves – our beliefs, and the programming of the trajectories that we have been painfully and subconsciously locked onto.

Okay … what is so exciting is that in the age we now live in, we can … Quantumly … and it’s going to be my great pleasure in this episode to show you how to. Today I am sharing with you mini Quanta Freedom Healing – which is the super healing tool in the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program. I am not giving you full insight into a QFH shift today, because a 20-minute video won’t allow it – my free webinar process does that– but I promise you this will help a lot and absolutely start to show you how we program our subconscious directly and powerfully.

Now, here’s the thing, with the work we do today I want you to have an open mind. Those of you who’ve been in this community for a while know there’s lots of evidence these processes work. If you read comments in standard abuse groups, in comparison to the comments and reports in this Thriver Community, they are like night and day. The reason for this, without exception, is Quanta Freedom Healing. I wouldn’t be alive and sharing awareness with you like this if I hadn’t used it, and also I wouldn’t be able to help so many people have the unprecedented healing breakthroughs they have had too.

For many of you who are new to Quantum Healing it is going to seem really weird, or even new agey. I promise you it is actually scientific and is quantifiably recognised. My upcoming book will help you understand so much more about that.

Those of you who have discovered how to heal from the inside out, wonder why on earth we didn’t know how to heal Quantumly before this, as well as how much easier it is in comparison to trying to think our way out of our traumas.

So … please know today you may feel confused by what happens IF you try to work it out logically.  There are some things I will do without talking, because I don’t have time to explain them in this video. Those full explanations take place in my free webinar where there is more time.

However, you will feel the healing, and that is what is important. You don’t need my explanation for you to receive a healing today, because what is taking place isn’t happening with your logical mind. Rather, the healing is taking place within your subconscious where it needs to take place, via the language it understands – emotional/energetic connection. This is done with specific intentions, visualisations and Quantum messages to your subconscious which helps you shift out of traumas and into freedom.

You don’t need to know how they work for them to work, and you don’t even need to believe that it works for them to work. This process is completely loving and unconditional, meaning that if you are open to receive it, you will. There is also no time and space restriction in the Quantum World, everything just is, and is happening now. This healing as a recording is just as powerful as if you were sitting with me and this happened live.

There are some vital understandings I will share with you that will help this work for you. The first one is that all dis-ease, meaning anything that is not aligned and healthy for us has a corresponding trauma program inside our being. What this means is: if we find and release that program, that thing that has not been working in our life will heal. The second is: your trauma programs are not in your brain. They are in your cellular nervous system, inside your body. Your brain has no choice but to follow these programs, and if we try to force our brain to think a different way than the powerful programs that are our Inner Identity, we can literally feel like a complete failure, because if our trauma is significant it is impossible to do.

This is the exact reason why Law of Attraction principles don’t work for people who have significant trauma inside them – you cannot drive a Ferrari into the garage where an old wreck is – you have to remove the trauma and make space first. Otherwise, we remain as the ‘rusty old wreck’ no matter what we try to think.

So what this means is: the more you think about this the less this process works. You don’t want to think, just stay open and breathing, and follow the instructions and feel. It’s your body that holds all the wisdom and answers. Your logical brain only makes up information based on its pre-programmed past and that’s exactly what we want to break out of.

The old way to heal is about getting snagged up in our heads trying to intellectualise stuff like: I need to work out what it is, who it is about, how to combat this and learn a way be different etc. etc. etc.

Yet, what if I was to tell you that none of that is necessary? Or that who or what caused the trauma is not even necessary to investigate or understand?  In fact, all that is necessary to experience a complete healing (where there is no more remaining trauma to try to survive and manage) is for you to feel the dense painful energy in your body, load it up with Quanta Freedom Healing, release it out of your being and bring in Source to replace it and you can get an instant healing on that wound. Which means no more going through decades of therapy trying to integrate and resolve it.

When you shift cellular inner programs you automatically become different; you know how to be, how to show up and how to make your life work in those areas that you previously didn’t. There is nothing to learn, only Who You Are Already to re-activate. You have been trained and traumatised out of your True Self. We all were, and it’s not until you start living this truth that you understand this.

“Too simple!” you may say. “It can’t be that simple!” I hear you, because once upon a time I would have thought it was ridiculous too. That was until I started living this reality every day and was surrounded by a community of thousands of people also experiencing what I was.

Okay – so many of you reached out in the comments of Part 1 and said you related and you wanted to find and shift specific wounds. Please know in this video it is impossible for me to cater to all of your wounds. And, I always follow what my channel guides me to do in these episodes unwaveringly. I was originally going to help you get awareness around all these wounds, and then I was shown how to REALLY do this, which was to show you properly with the first wound, and then you would know how to do it with all your wounds. And that is vital if you are going to get well, evolve powerfully and truly master the unfolding of a new future for yourself.

So, what I am doing today with you, is helping you turn inwards and start shifting out the first way we lose power because of the narcissist’s conditioning … and even more importantly what I am doing is helping you wake up to your true power to heal your life, in the best way I know how to do it, so that you can continue this process.

Please know this: to heal for real we need to be prepared to self-partner. Which means instead of running from ourselves and trying to numb out the inner screams with things like food, social media, sleeping, drugs or latching onto others, we turn towards these inner traumas with 100% openness, unconditional acceptance and devotion, as we would to a wounded small child who we adore and want to heal and love forever.

It’s the only way home, because the one path to change how other people have treated us, is to STOP doing the same thing to ourselves. We need to give up self-avoiding, self-abandoning and hurting ourselves with self-condemnation. Instead, we need to start loving and healing ourselves back to wholeness, because only then will the rest of the world follow. There is no hope if we don’t embrace this as our life going forward, and there is no one else coming to do this for us.

So within so without.

Alright, before we get going, please pause this video and go get a notepad and a pen.

Okay … now lets get started. To start this healing you need to give me permission to come into your space. This process is a co-generative experience. Through intentions and visualisations together we will rewire your subconscious programs, but this can’t happen without your permission. So say ‘Yes’ in your mind or out loud.

Now… lets set this intention together – repeat after me.

‘Inner Being I am coming toward you to hold you, love you and listen to you without any judgement. I am so sorry I haven’t been with you, and I promise to never turn away again. I now know that you and I need to integrate back to love and wholeness to let life-force and healing in. I love you, and now I come for you eternally – always … Amen and so it is.’

Okay … Let’s look at our first wound properly. Not having a voice is huge. We are not heard. We don’t believe we are important, validated or valued for what we have to say. The manifestation in our everyday life is that we are left feeling small and overlooked and alone. Our needs, desires, and values are not met. This is a given if we have suffered narcissistic abuse – we suffer from this wound and we have traumas inside us which are generating the experience and the terrors or not having a voice.

Ok, we are going to start claiming and healing your biggest wound in regard to this. I want you to have your journal beside you … close your eyes and take a few deep breathes in and out.  Imagine opening up your body and your heart and just focus on your breathing. If any thoughts pop into your head just ignore them, don’t give them energy and come back to your breath.

Now we are going to ask your body to reveal where this first wound is in regard to you not having a voice and being heard. What is the first trauma causing this?

This is where you have to trust, where does somewhere in your body light up as a dense feeling, a heavy feeling, a painful feeling. It could be somatic like it actually hurts or an emotional feeling like an anxiety. It could be anywhere. It could be in your heart, solar plexus, your back … it could be in your stomach. It could be so big that you feel it under your skin everywhere.

Write down where you feel it. It could be really subtle if you are dissociated from your body – just trust – these feelings get much stronger the more we self-partner. The feeling may be huge; you feel it so much. Regardless, write down where you feel it – trust.

Now you are going to connect with yourself and there are two options – you can go for information about this wound if you are interested … or if you don’t want the details because you are too scared to go to them or can’t get them, don’t worry, they’re not even necessary to get a shift.

Ok, so you are going to call your Inner Being “sweetheart” or something endearing for you if you are a woman, or “mate” or something like that if you are a man. We need to talk to our inner being the same way we would a young child we adore. If you want information, ask your Inner Being what is the origin of this wound, where did it come from? Do this with feelings of deep love and connection. Then just be with your journal – you may get a scene from when you were a child, or past lives, or a memory from an ancestor which is a wound that you inherited epigenetically. You may get many different feelings visions and words. Don’t judge these, try to change these or argue with these. Do not be disgusted by these. Just unconditionally and lovingly allow them, stay open and breathing and write them down.

Now … If you don’t want to connect to information, all you have to do is sense the wound inside you, and draw a picture of it however you imagine it to be. You may want to write some descriptive words about it also like heavy, thick, dense … has holes in it. Whatever comes …

We will do this soon, just for the moment wait.

Okay, you may wonder why we are connecting to the inner wound when everything and everyone has previously told us not to. The answer is simple – it’s because if we are not prepared to be with ourselves fully we can’t heal our wounds. We cannot heal what we are not prepared to feel. What we resist persists. What we ignore continues.

And … in stark contrast, what we hold heals.

Okay … so when I say to, connect to the wound you have identified with love and fascination, as you keep your body open and breathing … don’t contract! And, yes it may feel painful, but we are going to release it soon, freedom is close. And when you connect with your wound … don’t go into the terrible head story our ego, the internal narcissist, loves to beat us up with. If you have your body open and breathing and your intention is love to your Inner Being, you won’t.

Being with our emotional wounds and being fully present without fear and with love and fascination doesn’t kill us, even though it may really physically hurt – like feeling a cut on our leg. Running from our inner wounds and having them have to get louder and louder to try to get us to turn inwards to heal them, does.

Ok … so connect to the wound in your body and ask your Inner Being lovingly for information about what it is about or show you what the wound looks like. Be fascinated, knowing that by being with this, with love and acceptance, you will very soon have the ability to let it go. Record the details. Give yourself between one and two minutes and it doesn’t matter if you get a little or a lot. Pause the video and do this now.

Ok .. so now that you are back and have connected to and recorded information about this wound, I want you to feel this and rate the intensity of this wound. How powerfully do you feel this painful dense energy in your body as a somatic or emotional feeling? A 10/10 would be ‘This trauma is huge I feel it SO much!’ and 1/10 would be ‘I barely feel it in my body.’ Write down what your charge is. Pause this video now to connect and record.

Now imagine the trauma inside you … see it literally as something like black blobs or whatever you wish – there is no right or wrong. Then imagine releasing that junk, that stuff, up and out through the top of your head. Really let it go. It’s time to let it go. You may imagine a huge cosmic vacuum cleaner sucking it out. Use whatever method or visualisation that feels right for you. You may see Higher Beings removing it for you. See when it leaves your head that it all dissolves back to native nothingness – back to Love and God for recycling. Pause the video until you have done this as much as possible.

Then feel the space that has opened up within you where that trauma once was. Now imagine above your head a ball of Light. This Light is your Higher Self, God, Consciousness, Life-force whatever you want to think of this Higher Power as. This is your Super Conscious – your highest potential.

Imagine a pipeline from your head to the ball of Light. Now bring this Light down the pipeline and fill yourself with this Light. See all darkness and shadows wash away as you fill with this Light that heals what you can’t logically heal. You don’t need to know how it heals you – don’t even think about that, just fill up with Light. Pause this video to fill up as much as you can.

Now that you have come back… shake your arms and breathe.

Okay, go back to what you recorded about this trauma, connect to it again and rate the emotional intensity out of 10 now. Note if it has dropped how much you have shifted.

Oka,y so that was one major part of your subconscious that you have accessed and worked with. Now I’m going to access and shift some more of your subconscious, other compartments that Quanta Freedom Healing shifts. Just stay open and breathing. (Mel silently performs the shift).

Take a couple of deep breaths. Alright now connect back to the wound and rate it again. Take note if it has lessened again.

So there you have it – this is working at healing your subconscious in your body directly at the causation level, rather than just trying to logically manage the symptoms. That is wound number 1.  We are working on not having a voice. Now here is the thing, when we shift wounds we change, but to do so for real and durably we have to clean things up properly. If we were removing cancer we would want to make sure we got all of it, and that we didn’t leave any of it to reinstate, and we would also want to clean up the environment in the body that allowed cancer to grow in the first place. It’s the same with our Inner Identity 100%.

So let’s check in and see where we are with this wound. Have your journal with you. And I want to formulate with you a goal of having your voice. I believe it would be something like this: ‘I can fully speak up and be free to be me, no matter what.’ Let’s repeat this so that you can write it down in your journal. ‘I can fully speak up and be free to be me, no matter what.’

I want you to imagine a previous experience where you know you were terrified to speak up or was shut down horrifically. Feel how it would be to speak up now. It is clean and powerful and clear, or is there still resistance and fear within you?

Rate how clean this feels in your body.  A 10/10 would be – Bouya! I can! I’m there! I can fully speak up! A 1/10 would be I still feel trapped inside my body and I can’t at all yet.

Feel inside you and rate yourself, honestly.

Why is it important to feel inside us what is going on? Again the answer is simple – because the feeling precedes the event always. You are the Quantum Creator, and if you can’t feel something as real and as possible in the Universe inside you, then it can’t appear in the Universe outside you – so within so without.

Is there still reservation? Is there still fear? Do you feel at some level still that you don’t deserve it? Does it feel shameful to speak up? If you are not a 10/10 yet the best thing you can do for yourself is keep healing, keep doing the inner work.

Keeping finding and going to the traumas in your body in exactly the same way and releasing and replacing them. And you may reach a 10/10 and then deeper layers will appear at a later stage where you find it hard in a situation to speak up again. This just means deeper wounds in your subconscious have now had a chance to surface to be released, and so the eternal process goes on … and if we keep shifting we just get happier, freer and more whole and complete.

What I would recommend, more than anything, is to not proceed onto this same process for the other four wounds in this 2 part series until you fully clear up all the traumas to do with this first wound to a present-day 10/10.

Then you can move onto the traumas of Number 2: My Dreams are Squashed. Again you will ask your body to show you the traumas that relate to this feeling. Identically feel it, connect to it, write about it, release it, bring in Source to replace it and then rate how it feels for you now. And continue on until you feel the goal of ‘I am free and excited to generate my dreams’ as a 10/10.

Then number 3: the belief of being defective. This is about terrible shame, connect to that and clean it all out, until you become a 10/10 on the goal of ‘I am whole and lovable and totally acceptable just as I am.’

Then number 4: the feeling of having the proverbial rug pulled out for under you – narcissists promising and then cruelly reneging. Shift out all those traumas until your reach a 10/10 on the goal of ‘Other people have no power over me, I am free to generate my own dreams and wishes with healthy components and people.’

And number 5: The handing all of our power away to another. Shift out all of that trauma, until you reach a 10/10 on the goal ‘I am my own life-force connected to the unlimited supplies of Life-force and Creation itself.’

Amen … then so within so without.

When we be-come it on an inner level then these things organically just are and they come. The inner state proceeds the event. Be it and then it comes. Your life unfolds from inside of you.

And please know everything that you asked about – what you want to shift can be shifted. Even all the blocks and resistances you have to shifting and healing – all of it – and that is exactly what the NARP Program and the Thriver Coaching in the NARP Members Forum is all about – teaching you how to release and uplevel every trauma that is a barrier to being your True Self and living your True Life.

Soooo I hope you enjoyed Part 2, and humbly, in my opinion, once we have suffered extreme trauma, working directly in our subconscious programs is often the only work that truly works, and I hope that this has helped show you why that is and how it works.

So often I talk to people about the difference between informational processes and transformational processes. Today rather than just go over information we did inner transformational work, which is the real work to heal ….and if you want to get into it and powerfully make it work for you, please sign up to my which is my free 16 day recovery course, it includes an invitation to a healing workshop with me, which is the one I really want to invite you to join me in, a set of eBooks and lots more. o.

Also please leave your feedback about this healing below. I’d love to know what happened for you and how you feel now, as well as answer any questions you may have.

So until next time… keep healing, keep smiling and keep thriving because there’s nothing else to do.


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81 thoughts on “How To Break The Narcissist’s Conditioning – Part 2

  1. I have been on your email list for years. Sometimes just the acknowledgement of how my life was effected by my narcissist helped me to go another day. Finally I took the step and started healing. I wish I didn’t wait. This is so helpful. It’s life changing. I am excited to have my life back. I am a participant, but I’m slow. It’s hard to express how this is changing things. Thank you so much.

  2. I need help. I need help. I need help. I am desolated. I am not good with technology. I am afraid to purchase DVD’ And e-books…I do not KNOW how much it will cost me, in my countries money..I do not think I can afford it.I were married to a minister. I were in a religeos cage– living a pretend life to please him and to have a roof over my kids head. My kids are independant now. They also abandoned me. I need help.

  3. That was so beautiful Melanie! I’ve been working with the NARP program and watching your videos for over 6 months. But for the first time, I really understood that the trauma needs to be replaced with Source – or what I experienced tonight as “God’s Love.” For the first time tonight, I understood that this is what grows and expands, replacing the trauma.
    Earlier, I was feeling very angry and disgruntled about my life circumstance, and feeling, “God doesn’t love me.” Which of course, is a very old feeling/wound from childhood. So that’s what I worked with in the process. So it was so beautiful that the light came to me as “God’s Love”, because after the meditation was over, I realized I could always come back to this when feeling unloved.
    Thank you for being there for me again and again.

    With Love, Carla

  4. First I would like to say thank you so much! I believe in the power of this healing. In each of your videos I can feel your passion and compassion. At first I felt like my narc experience was the worst thing ever to happen to me. Now I feel like it was the best thing! I didn’t even know that people like this existed or could treat others like this. I was so confused about my child hood but now I know my mom was a narc. Now I know it’s not my fault and I can begin to heal. Through this video I was able to uncover that I have been hiding my voice. I hide it because my mom projected her problems and I didn’t want to be a burden to her so I stayed silent. I felt like I need to protect her and heal her instead. I felt by doing this it showed how much I loved her and in turn she would love me back. I now know this was only minimizing myself and my voice. This video helped me to see and release so much of this pain I have hidden for so long. Thank you so much your help is priceless.

    1. Hi Anthony,

      You are very welcome and I’m so pleased you feel the resonance of this.

      Awww I love that you connected to a root trauma and released it.

      That is the true springboard into our freedom!

      So many continued blessings to you!

      Mel 🙏💕❤️

  5. Melanie please accept my thank you for this where I have experienced getting to an issue from my father years ago. I cried tears of relief from one of the issues for he had such control over my life back then.

  6. this is outstanding……Narp has changed my life and the journey of evolving gets better and better……so grateful…..brilliant.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️even after almost 3 years, i shifted something deeper with this video today….feeling so much gratitude.

  7. I have been doing the NARP module 1 for about a month now, but I haven’t had the success yet that I had in this video. The two things that helped most were learning that it’s not necessary to know what the pain is about and that the space from the wound is replaced with source energy. Thank you!

  8. I was doing this pretty well until I got to the last shift. Then I got stuck. It felt like I either shut down or disconnected with it. Now I feel like crying. I feel so overwhelmed with the traumas in my life. Where do I start? I was sexually abused when I was not quite 4. Raped twice, at 19 and 27. And I just got divorced. In between these huge things were dozens of smaller things, like having one of my patients come to his session, pull out a gun, and put it to his temple. I’m seriously ill. I can’t even walk without falling now, and we don’t know why. I have Fibromyalgia, Osteoporosis, Psoriatic Arthritis, Psoriasis, and a dozen other illnesses. My left eye is is either swollen or protruding for some unknown reason. Not surprisingly, I have Major Depression and PTSD. So here I am, sitting on my bed, and my room is a wreck. All my stuff is in storage. Three of my dogs are still with my ex in Georgia (I’m in Alabama) because I don’t have a place for them. I’m not getting full alimony, because my lawyer horribly betrayed me. So I’m only getting $800 a month, and all of it goes to my health expenses. My parents – who are 82 and 79 – are covering everything else. (I know that I’m rambling incoherently.) My life is in pieces around me, and my body and mind are suffering. But, incredibly, I have never felt closer to God than I do now. I have signed up for this course, and look forward to starting it. But I feel so overwhelmed. Where do I start? Which trauma should I deal with first? I feel so damaged! I have so much to do! I’m so tired of putting my life on hold and postponing my happiness, all the while watching precious time pass. So much of my life has been wasted in depression. I am frightened of everything, almost to the point of paralysis. I want desperately to heal, and I believe that God has guided me to this place and this course. I’m just afraid that I’m just too broken to be put back together again. I don’t know what wholeness feels like. What if I’m incapable of feeling it? Can I get to a place I’ve never been? Will I recognize it when – If! – I do? I feel so helpless, hopeless, and exhausted. Can anyone help me?

    1. Dear Rea,

      Sweetheart I so feel you and hear you.

      Darling lady please know all you need to do is ask your body … your Inner Being for the next wound to be released and healed.

      Your body knows and just follow what ‘lights up next’.

      Also with the amounts of trauma that you have to release, I would not go to information … just use the second method and stay out of thinking about it as much as possible.

      Please know Rea I understand, whenI started my journey there was so much trauma there too.

      I would love you to email [email protected] explaining what you have here and my lovely staff can offer special support to you.

      I believe in you and I believe in the miracles that happen with this process.

      All my love.

      Mel 🙏💕❤️

  9. Totally blown away , I will have to dip from this well many many times before moving on to the next step.
    Thank you what a relief ! The insanity has subsided .

  10. I experienced an undescribable connection with issues I had really suppressed. Bringing out the inner woinds and no longer ignoring them is a tremendously good feeling, but I have more work to do. Finding the freedom to speak up has been lost so long, it surreal to think I can stand up verbally to anyone, but there is an inner voice telling me I can. I am having an amazing wonderful break through. I didnt know I was so traumatized. I am a lot less scared right now Thank you, I didnt know how lost I was. Healing is here.

  11. Melanie you are phenomenal.I am healing and thriving.Thankyou from the bottom of my heart.
    Blessings and love

  12. Hi, Melanie!
    I have been working on myself with NARP for one year already, but listening to this I went in a very deep transa, fully unconscious. I saw myself as a little child not getting enough food, clothes, pleasure, satisfaction etc.
    I told to little me, from now on I will always give you all you need. It will be enough. No more frustrations. It is over. I feel rejouvenated with 10 years. Thank you!

  13. All I feel like doing is crying and crying and crying. Will I ever heal? I am 55 and had years of abuse from birth – probably before birth. I have been to psychologist and lots of prayers – like tonnes. Nothing serms to have worked. All I want to be is happy, laughing, whole. And to be in a loving relationship with someone. A fun one, dancing, connection.

    1. Hi Sharon,

      My heart goes out to you.

      Please know before Quantum Healing there were so many of us – myself included – who had tried so much to be free of the torment and pain and nothing had worked.

      I promise you from the bottom of my heart if you solidly dedicate to releasing your inner trauma, with the QFH process you can get well. There have been so many people, like you and like myself who had virtually, if not literally given up.

      Sharon please consider coming into my free webinar where the level of understanding and healing is even more powerful that what was avaliable here for you today.

      Sending you love, strength and healing.

      Mel 🙏💕❤️

  14. Hello Melanie,
    This episode was very very powerful. I could feel the pain in my heart. It was incredible to hear how much my inner child wanted to tell me and tears came to my eyes. Quantum healing is wonderful! Thank you so much!

    Love, Simone

  15. LOVED Part 2! Even though I am a NARPer, I received a lot of clarity through this. It was also super helpful that you named the 5 main wounds. That will help me target and shift more methodically. Thank you 💕

  16. Oh my what can I Say? This has been thee biggest shift ever so far for me. I am at the 5th mp3 track on your Harp program. I am slow but I absolutely love what you have helped me do so that I can finally escape my Narc of 29 years.

  17. Wow Melanie, thank you so incredibly much.
    Since I was getting aware the last couple of weeks ,getting very restless and aware of things and didn’ t know where to go to or look for and where to hide even trying social media to get me triggered, somehow I needed The dangerous Joker to poke me ( yes another NARC showed up but now I was ‘prepared’ though I didn’ t want to believe it of course at first ,it took me 5 days to fully understand The wrong answer was The moment I happilly walked away ),there had to be something big still poking under my ‘ traumabut’.
    It was so huge what I have experienced today From the moment I said ” yes ” I allmost literally cried my lungs out till the last end of this healing.then relief came .
    It’ s much about past lifes and with NARP I have never experienced it like this. I literally saw fire , courses, punishments ,abuse,hatred, and much more figures of all what must have happened in my previous lifes but also in my parents and ancestors history.It must have been so huge Tears are still coming up.
    I wrote ,without thinking , two pages (easily) full of all the causes of my pain what came up from this unconciuos deep down part of myself. The huge pain I have experienced in this life with traumatic losses and more has not even been shown to me. And I don’ t know. Maybe of what I have ‘seen ‘ today at this very Ascenson-day ,which I am amazed of as well of course,the wounds in this life will be healed because of looking at what had happened before I was born. I don’ t know the truth of what is meant to happen But what has happened today and what great effort you must have put into this to passionately try to help us past some high walls with sticky glue on it , has been so Big ,really beyond words .. I don’t know how to thank you for this.
    Maybe your adress so I can send a huge Thank You bunch of Dutch flowers (-powers).😊
    If questions come up ,I will put them on the forum
    Thank you , with respect🌷💕🙏🌸💮🏵🌹

    1. Hi Boudewein,

      It is so true sweetheart that the true origin of the traumas trapped in our energy field are huge primal human ones, that we had no idea were there.

      And it’s not only we find them, dislodge them, and let them go that we know the utter relief of living without these traumas.

      It is an eternal cleanse of the highest soul order.

      So much love and continued blessings to you Boudewien.

      Mel 🙏💕❤️

  18. All I can say is WOW for me that was very powerful. I have been going to therapy sessions for almost 7 months and today, with your quantum process, I truly felt what has been weighing me down all this time. It was so powerful that it actually broke me down in tears. It wasn’t the 11 years of verbal abuse, it wasn’t the isolation that he created in me, or the thought “I can never do anything to please him”, it turned out to be the painful emotional trauma of his “justified” affair that had me in a tailspin trying to understand. His promises after taking him back 3 times, the hurt I saw in my childrens eyes when he would leave or feel it necessary to belittle me in front of them, or all the threats of ruining my career or comparisons to this other woman. I thought I had someone healed from it, but today I realized how heavy it was on my soul and heart. I will continue to recondition my heart and soul until I can be that 10/10 in releasing all that trauma. Thank you Melanie, you have definitely made the last 7 months easier to move on with all your words of wisdom and healing!!

    1. Hi Chrissy,

      I am so happy for you that you that you powerfully connected and had this breakthrough.

      How wonderful that you are now deeply committed to your Inner Being!

      Love and blessings to you.

      Mel 🙏💕❤️

  19. Hi Melanie,

    I have found your work and words of great help on my own journey of healing.

    I am based near London and I am looking into creating my own well-being centre to help people with their trauma etc, and I wondered if you could contact me directly as I would like to discuss more about Quantum healing etc.

    You have my details, let me know.



  20. That was amazing! I felt totally healed from that trauma of not being heard! Have had prayer for this and counseling but there were toxic thoughts left and I got in touch with them and felt a total shift! I feel I am not totally there with speaking up no matter what but will practice and see 🙂. I think I am nearly a 10!!!!! Thank you! You have an amazing gift to share the healing you have experienced!

    1. Hi Cindy,

      I love that you feel an incredible healing from this.

      Awww sweetheart so happy for you and thankyou for your kind words.

      Quanta Freedom Healing never does cease to amaze me in its power.

      Mel 🙏💕❤️

  21. Need clarification. When going inside to find our voice against a trauma are we speaking as our inner child or as ourself speaking for our inner child? Thank you😘 I can feel something shifting..

    1. Hi Lisa,

      This may help you understand.

      We are re-parenting with this healing process, meaning trying to resolve or solve anything. What we are doing is holding and releasing the trauma and bringing in the Light to resolve it.

      That is the ‘re-parenting’ the healing at a powerful Quantum Level.

      Does that help make sense?

      Mel 🙏💕❤️

  22. Hi Mel
    I enjoyed and felt supported by your leading of this shift – after a hard day at work where I am struggling – it was good to experience a quantum shift with you visually and I enjoyed the slower pace. I am using NARP for a year now, but I think having you guide one in person in front of us – especially for beginners is really helpful.
    I did get a bit confused later on when you mention the five Traumas – all relevant – but did you intend that we use the first process again, that you led us through, to do these shifts? Or did you think we can do them just by ourselves by intention? Sorry if this sounds a bit basic, but the first section cleared up some things well and I’d like to continue to get that shift through clearing the rest of the traumas. Its critical to me right now at this juncture in my life to move forward with more confidence and ease!
    Much love for all that you do and share with us
    Sophie XX

    1. Hi Sophie,

      I am glad you enjoyed that shift, and I look forward to creating more of these videos absolutely!

      Yes, absolutely the information that I granted you about the 5 traumas can be shifted just as we worked on in the first process.

      I hope this helps and it’s wonderful that you are dedicated to your inner healing!

      Please know you are very welcome Sophie.

      Mel 🙏💕❤️

  23. Hi Melanie,
    I just wanted to let you know I had a massive shift from this module last night. I have been continually working module 1 the last few months but this shift was very different. I used the ‘vacuum cleaner’ to release through the top of my head this time & I strongly felt & saw the ‘stuff’ in blobs more than ever going through the pipe clearing my stomach of a thick dark weight through the top of my head until it clogged up the pipe. I just sat with it & waited a bit until it slowly unclogged bit by bit just as a vacuum cleaner would & moving the rest out. I felt great relief from this until out of nowhere I experienced palpitations in my heart area that just wouldn’t stop. I had these years ago from anxiety & stress but not like this. These were quite strong & powerful like little lighting bolts hitting continually as I felt my heart come alive & was dancing again. I actually felt so calm amidst all this as though I knew & just sat with it as I continued listening to you. It was as if it had been pushed down all these years from stuff & became doormat. I could actually feel the space where it expanded again. Today I felt the strong presence of my heart again & also a shift back to so much more hope. I also started to think that each time I was shifting in module 1 my heart/chest would never light up & also with the healing meditations I couldn’t see the colour green around my heart area but this explains it. Thank you for being there & having a safe place to share.
    Much love,

  24. Every time I listen to your videos I am renewed and have hope! Thank you for the work you are doing to help so many. Your message that the only thing that can be done is to heal our traumas is very liberating. The free feeling after a healing is amazing! I now know that working on the healings daily is the key to becoming stronger. I have let myself be pulled into trying to think too much about how to fix my partner. I had lost hope until I found your program.
    Thank you!!

    1. Hi Michelle,

      I am so pleased they help!

      It truly is they key, as everything else is simply trying to hose our wounds down!

      Resolving them is so much easier.

      That is wonderful that you are freeing you Michelle 😊

      Mel 🙏💕❤️

  25. Hi Melanie’
    My first attempt of step one was so very powerful I had an out of body experience later that night.
    My spirit was cradling my heart and giving it love and then I asked myself what do you want to do with the rest of your life?
    My answer was to be with the narc (soulmate) so I got in my car and went over there to share my experience.
    Well she listened and showed me the door.The next day l received a nice long Dear John email stating that she had closed the book on our marriage and was moving on.
    I will not disparage myself at least I have stopped doing that.
    Just did step one again and my levels are still pretty high and I feel light headed now.But better.
    Will try to schedule step one every 48hrs until I can move on to the next.
    They are just to powerful.
    Steven Darling THANKS YOU

  26. Dear Melanie,

    Thank you so much for addressing the concern of not being heard/not having a voice. I connected with something from my very early childhood that had made me feel very uncomfortable for many years. My parents and through their example, I also treated the incident as a joke. I am amazed to discover how much it had really affected my subconscious and I felt a very powerful shift. I also feel that there is much more to do. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    1. Hi Lilac,

      I am so happy for you that you discovered how impactful that had been and had a wonderful shift.

      You are so very welcome 😀

      Sending you many continued blessings and breakthroughs!

      Mel 🙏💕❤️

  27. Hi Mel,

    Thank you so much for Part 2 , after listening to Part 1 I searched all day but could not find Part 2, however this came at the perfect moment for me. I feel this daily at work , and I complain and realised yesterday after listening to your video ghat I was looking for validation from the outside which is not my goal but i didnt realised that i had placed that responsibility on my colleagues . I am doing NARP daily , however the teaching today has helped me understand it better and got me out of my head . I realised that it is better for me to describe or draw my feelings rather than ask my inner child because my ego gets in the way and I am then stuck in my head trying to work it out. This teaching has clarified and simplified the process for me. It has made me more zealous to shift more. Imagine the space !! Powerful and God filling me with light, wow. Thank you for all the work you do and your commitment to guiding me and others to their healing.
    To anyone reading this, please join NARP you will not REGRET it . You will realised that so much of this is about you and understanding and eventually loving you for the first time .
    Love to you and Thriver community .

    1. Hi Rosebud,

      You are so very welcome! That is wonderful that this information deeply resonated with you and helped you with you inner shifts!

      Awww thank you for your heartfelt encouragement to others!

      Mel 🙏💕❤️

  28. Hi Mel!

    FINALLY someone who UNDERSTANDS that, “The Emperor is not wearing any clothes!!!!”.
    You so NAILED it with the trauma of having our voice stifled!!!!!
    PLUS the part about being CONDITIONED by the narc’s abuse. I once had one of the RARE fabululous therapists tell me that part of the cycle of opression and abuse is that the oppressed comes to believe that they are inherent and ultimately “at fault”.
    SO MANY people try to tell those that have been abused to “Snap Out Of It” and what is WRONG with YOU that you CONTINUE to feel/think about your issues!?!?!?!
    Also, I honestly don’t think I know anyone who TRULY believes that one must FEEL the trauma head-on in order to release it. I, as well as, many well-meaning and dearly loved people in my life try to “make me” jump directly into shrugging it off and moving on. It’s the same thing as someone telling us to ignore the fact that our broken leg is in a cast and immediately start running a marathon.
    I have done A LOT of work on myself including all 10 of the QFH modules. YET, I am FINALLY ONLY NOW getting to the nitty gritty of the REALLY DEEP underlying trauma of the issues you mention in this video PLUS the things that you talk about in C.R.A.P.
    I was SO EXCITED when I woke up this morning about the prospect of REdoing the modules with the intention of creating EXACTLY what you talk about in this video: Creating a LOVING INNER PARENT/PARTNER inner space that I can go too where the feeling is SO DELICIOUS that it is like that warm soft pillow you talk about in the modules–where angels care enough about me to WANT to take the junk away for me. I realized that I had been totally unaware that I was continuing to abuse myself in the same way that the narcissist had abused me. The thought of freedom from that made me want to cry in a good way.
    AND THEN…this morning I was sharing my enthusiasm with a dear dear WONDERFUL person that I KNOW loves me dearly, is pretty evolved herself AND TRULY was trying to be helpful. YET I found myself DEFENDING my right to be angry about something. Now please know that this person is the FARTHEST THING from a narcissist and sincerely meant well. HOWEVER, a lot of people have come to think that anger is a bad thing no matter what.
    What only people who have had their voices stifled can understand is that there are times when the simple act of being able to EXPRESS our anger is a HUGE amount of growth for us. PLUS there are times when we need righteous anger to empower us to remain vigiliant in appropriate ways in order to protect ourselves from legitimate threats, as there certainly are legitimate ongoing threats in this world. Even with the benefits of QFH, there are people who are NOT nice in this world. The DIFFERENCE once we’ve healed our traumas is that when we bump into these situations, we have better tools by which to deal with them. As you mention in your videos, we come from a place of calm detached RATIONAL and SMART EMPOWERED action instead of victimization and reaction.
    Back to the analogy of the emperor and the people who swear his fake clothes are real, I am SO SO SO SO SO TIRED of “having” to defend myself against even well-meaning people’s UNrequested opinion about what we need or should be. My new intention Rewatch your videos about crap as well as do more quantum work so as to BE-come better able to deal with whatever makes me feel that I even NEED to defend myself in the first place.

    Sorry for the LONG blog, and if you even read the whole thing given as busy as you are–you are even more amazing than I already think you are.

    Thank you for BEING YOU and sharing loving self with us. xoxoxoxo


    1. Hi Deanna,

      I absolutely agree with everything you are saying, and Dear Lady you are perfectly describing what it is like to come back to life, to have lifeforce glowing through us where the trauma once was.

      That is absolutely happening for you and you should be proud of the commitment you have to you.

      You are Be-coming that shining soul.

      Mel 🙏💕❤️

  29. P.S.
    If we already have the modules and have gone through them, which one do you recommend using to begin to deal with this Inner Voice issue?

  30. Just finished part 2. Not sure how I feel….relieved …yet wondering if I “really” released or am just talking myself into it (fake it til you make it). I know sounds nuts…..Im new to this type of healing….My experiences for relief/survival have been through prayer, bible study and some therapy. I know I am loved by God and I have internal power from Him and have been transformed by the renewing of my mind…..I guess my footing has slipped from this last relationship….I almost feel like all these years Ive been asking God to do it for me, through faith, but seems like I need to internalize the power that I have, that is my God given right and comfort….Sometimes its hard to reconcile faith and belief in God/Bible with healing yourself….if that makes sense??

    1. Hi Lisa,

      Yes it absolutely makes sense.

      I believe we need to be-come, actualise that power.

      You will find that the results you are experiencing are real.


      Mel 🙏💕❤️

  31. I cant find my start point all of its jumbled together,like a big ball of xmas lights,,,my mom took my voice,was never allowed to disagree,i had no choices no voice i sat with her day in day out watched what she wanted she controlled me, i didnt realize couldnt even leave the house in my car with grocery store orders when she died i felt free i thought she gave me her strenght truth is i finally found mine ,mybrothers a narq,i think my dad s too
    Thats why im so addictedto the man i love cause only he makes me laught,actually says i did a good job,but theres no love,from him just gives enought to keep me hooked,cause i have knowone else

  32. My story doesn’t matter, it’s the same but different. The intensity beyond comprehension, relative as it is to us all. Second round left me a week before hurricane Harvey in Southeast Houston to the house “we” bought for our daughter in college. Long story short, the day he was to come sent a text message to the girls and i that he want moving in. Three sentences, no help nor communication, when in person, zero empathy and the full onslaught of accusations and the realization of being set up. A year later after listening in and wanting to comment, wanting to connect, scared really that he would see it so kept my head down and spent he last year removing all books both emotionally and financially. Leaving the second round with less again. I knew it was a time- crossing that I had to really dig in but so reluctant to. I sent a awful email to your team at one point. They were answering as you can’t answer everything. I don’t remember. I do remember my behavior was ungrateful so didn’t tune back in for another year or so. This particular episode shattered the glass door. I had healed enough and broken free enough to handle the next step. I’ve purchased the course, but have excused time away to do it because of moving and figuring it out etc. I wasn’t ready. I am now. I felt the need to send this now to you. Thank you. Thank you so so so very much for the courageousess of trusting in what you do in service. This last year an army has surrounded me in response to the ultimate dumping. I knew what it was this time and had no intentions of lingering. These episodes have been so impactful in keeping resolve. I’ve survived it. Now I want to thrive.

  33. Dear Melanie,
    I did your free webinar about a month ago and felt a huge release from that experience. I had been suffering from chronic fatigue and adrenal fatigue for years and after your webinar, once I felt as if I was beginning to “self-partner” I suddenly felt more energy and strength than I have in years. I haven’t been able to work for the past few years because of my fatigue and I’m hopeful that my energy will continue to improve. My narcissist came knocking on my door about 3 weeks after I did your program and as soon as I let him in I felt my energy start to drain again. I also felt anxious and nauseous when he was here. In doing this shorter healing with you tonight I noticed relief about having a voice; however, in regards to the narcissists in our lives…. I almost feel like it isn’t wise to speak my truth to the narcissist. As empaths we see inside others easier and see things they think are hidden and would like to keep hidden. Do you feel it’s dangerous to speak out the truth of what we see TO the narcissist. I almost feel like showing those cards could be dangerous. Am I misreading this feeling?
    Or should I just speak my truth about what I want, what I need, what I feel and leave unsaid what I see them doing in their attempts to manipulate me.
    It’s tempting to confront and say, “I know what you’re doing” but I’ve always read that it’s not safe to “out” a narcissist. Do you agree with this?

    1. Hi DMJ,

      With narcissists truly the only healthy thing to do is detach create no contact and powerful modified contact – if they need to be in your life due to business or children etc, and then fully heal.

      Why would we put our pearls in front of swines to smash them?

      Mel 🙏💕❤️

  34. Dearest Melanie,

    A few years ago, I googled the behaviors my husband was exhibiting and came across the definition of a narcissist. I recognized that it most likely fit him. When I saw that the experts recommend getting out, I buried it hoping to find a different explanation. It was easy to. In addition to being the narcissistic supply, I also make all the money and supply him with the funds to follow his dream. As such, he can never take me down all the way, just enough to ensure that he remains in control of doing whatever he wants to do with no responsibility.

    Over the winter, I had time to dedicate to healing from chronic Lyme disease and thyroid disease. I knew from eastern medicine that thyroid was related to squashing your voice, so I reverse engineered some of the corporate training I do to help me identify the experiences that made me squash my voice. I started to release them with EFT.

    This release helped me to realize that I was still squashing my voice to keep my hubby from exploding. Fast forward a few months and I just got an explosion and 2 days of silent treatment for taking too long walking the dogs. This explosion led me to researching narcissism which led me to you.

    I am broken hearted and a little paralyzed because I don’t like either of my choices – leave or return to escalating abuse. It’s generally low level now, but it fits the pattern. Also, I know I’ve got co-dependent tendencies – a gift from generations before me. (PS – I know that ending it is what I should do)

    Have you found that starting the clearing process makes the narcissist less likely to acts out since we’re no longer an energetic match?

    1. Hi Liz,

      Please do know Dear Lady it is only when we take a stand for how our life will be, and take our power back by no longer accepting less, that we have the power to transform it.

      No, narcissists do not change because we have done the inner work. We do the inner work in order to leave narcissistic abuse behind and no longer accept that as our life.

      I so feel for you and where you are at, and that’s the truth.

      Mel 🙏💕❤️

  35. I guess I’m too much of a skeptic (Im a science major), to buy into this stuff. Imagining beams of light and regarding feelingsas if they are facts is something I cannot get myself to do without inwardly rolling my eyes. How can someone like me start to heal and begin to go no contact when I dont believe in this new-agey hippie type stuff?
    Incidentally, Ive been told by several “psychics” without prompting that I am an Indigo, the characteristics of which are so specific and the fact that I fit 99.9% of them makes this hard for me to refute. Shouldn’t I be better at this kind of stuff? I do have a powerful intuition and ability to read people, as well as detect lies (very frustrating when with a narc. He would deny and i would frustratedly repeat “I SEE you!” He never got it.) But this type of exercise just doesnt seem to be providing an actual specific result, maybe thats why Im struggling?

  36. What do you do when the authorities are protecting your rapist and trying to make it look like it was your fault?

  37. I have been told I am the most disgusting human being in the world and I will finally get what is coming to me.

    I have been sent to a place where he told me he would send me in a box (coffin)

  38. I keep trying to write one cohesive message. But it keeps getting deleted. Just know they were calling to ask if the people I am staying with would do anything if something happened to me. Unfortunately they just don’t know how. And he knows that.

  39. Thank you so much, for your episodes and articles, for the first time after all these years of dealing with a narc and a sociopath parent i understood what speaking up means. I had never realized that such a feeling of freedom exists, not that I will be able to speak up to them openly, there are always nasty consequences, but at 43 yrs of age its the first time i actually felt that feeling of what it is to be able to speak up. Just because your episode helped me connect to some part of me. Thank you so much.

  40. I am recovering narcicist.
    I am also a narcicist survivor.

    I had danced the dance with my codependant wife. Who also is a narcicist survivor.

    Both if us have extreme narcicist mothers. Mine off the charts!

    This transformational process is very welcome.
    I have been the abuser to my wife.
    I have great desire to change. Acceptance of my role
    And actions. I see the coping mechanisms that I created from my past trauma and my own choices.

    I feel I can heal the narcicistic qualities by doing to same work I have to do as the abused?

    Thank you.

    1. Hi Jon,

      You are absolutely right. The healing is identical. It is all about releasing and thus resolving the effects of previous trauma, which then reinstated our True Self.

      Mel 🙏💕❤️

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