Last week I announced that I would be hosting a free live event on my website, so that you can experience Quanta Freedom Healing firsthand, and learn exactly how to become a Thriver after narcissistic abuse.

The response on the blog was amazing, and I’m so glad so many of you are excited to be a part of this free live event.

The event will take place on Friday June the 13th at 12pm Australian EST.

Please note there is only a certain number of people I can have in the Webinar.

So if you would like to get in early and make sure you secure your space – you can do so here.

This event is specifically for people who haven’t tried Quanta Freedom Healing, and who are not a NARP Member, so please leave it open for those people who need this Webinar the most.

Since Quanta Freedom Healing’s birth in Koh Sumui in 2007, working with it to create my own recovery, and sharing it with others, its effects and benefits have spread world-wide to over 50 different countries and to thousands of men and women from all walks of life.

I know many of you in this Community, who have experienced transformation in your own life, recommend and share the message that no longer do we have to try to exist as mere survivors of narcissistic abuse – trying to manage ongoing trauma symptoms – because now there is a way to break free and Thrive in the life we do deserve.

I want to thank you all so much for spreading this message. Collectively we are connected in this mission of raising consciousness on a global scale – to help ourselves, others and our children break free from the personal and generational cycles of abuse and suffering.

Because Quanta Freedom Healing is becoming so much more recognised, I’ve made a conscious decision to be very open about how it works, and why it is so successful for treating such a horrific phenomenon as narcissistic abuse.

I have put together this article to explain exactly how Quanta Freedom Healing can release your trauma powerfully and directly, as well as treat the many symptoms that people suffer as a result of abuse – such as: Complicated / Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, agoraphobia, anxiety, depression and obsessive compulsive disorders,  as well as physical symptoms such as fibro myalgia, thyroid malfunction, adrenal stress and any other debilitating mental, emotional or physical condition that occurs as a result of trauma and abuse.


Quanta Freedom Healing Changes How You Deal With Pain

In Part 1 of this series, I explained why we have no ability to heal our traumatic emotional wounds with our logical mind.

Quanta Freedom Healing teaches you how to bypass your logical mind (which has blocked you from going within), and shows you how to slow your brainwaves down, go inside yourself, find the wounds, deeply discover what the root cause is behind them, and release them out of your body.

Gently and supportively my system trains you to stop trying to deal with pain the way you were previously conditioned to.

Quanta Freedom Healing completely changes the way you process emotional pain. It teaches you how to shut off your mind when emotional pain hits, and instead of ‘trying to think your way out of it’ make your way inwards to your subconscious, where you will receive true answers and the ability to free yourself from the trauma.

Your subconscious has stored all of your emotional belief systems and wounds, and when you know how to access it directly, it will show you everything you need to know, and will allow you to find, embrace and release your wounding.

I know what it was like to spend years in my mind, knowing I had issues but not knowing exactly what they were. My issues were in fact my ‘normal’ – I had lived with them for decades, and until narcissistic abuse I knew how to somehow function with them.

We are all the same. When we are in ‘normal operation’ we have blind-spots because we don’t know anything different.

So, truly, I know you may have accepted you need to find out what it is in your subconscious you need to release, yet in your mind you are struggling to find the REAL answers.

People write to me in emails and blog and forum posts all the time, “How can I know or find out what it is that I need to release?” My answer is always the same – “It isn’t until you go into a Module (QFH Process), and follow the process that your subconscious will show you.

Until this happens you are only guessing and NOT getting the true answer.

This is why so many people, even with the awareness of WHAT they do that isn’t serving them, have never found out the true reason as to WHY they are doing it.

In other words they have never located and released the emotional wounding that is generating this fear, anxiety, needy behaviour, handing power over, terror of abandonment, perpetual feelings of unworthiness – and the list goes on and on.

Humility and self-ownership is the first step. “I know I have this issue”, but that is still miles away from releasing the issue. The release can only happen when you are in partnership with your subconscious –  in communication with it, and then it reveals to you exactly what the wound is.

I promise you this is not something only ‘gifted’ people can do. It is in fact the most organic way of meeting and being with yourself, and it is powerfully natural. The more and more you do the process you feel how easy and ‘right’ it is – as if you have always been doing it.

It is your intrinsic human ability to be in deep partnership with your Inner Being, and it is the only way to free yourself from your inner wounding, transform yourself and become the radiant being you were always meant to be (your natural state without your wounds.)

Then you realise how direct this process is, how easily the information comes, and how much INCREDIBLE sense what you discover makes. You know 100% these are TRUE answers and not just second-guessing or ‘mind stories’.

And you realise what a profound relief it is to be working directly on your own consciousness, creating your life consciously, rather than living it painfully by default unconsciously.

In fact you wonder how you ever did live your life the old way, and you profoundly realise why life was so ‘hit and miss’ and was creating so much pain.

As you engage within the Quanta Freedom Healing process you will be astounded at how you just know the answers you need to know, and how simple it is to shift wounding out of your body, and how natural it is to start accessing the wisdom of a higher and more evolved truth which does set you free.

You will find inside yourself exactly what you were always trying to find outside of yourself, and you begin to know with every ounce of your being, that NOTHING was ever going to be-come your outer experience authentically until you established it as an inner state first.

You have to ‘be’ it and then it will ‘come’.

Now I’m going to take you through the Quanta Freedom Healing process step by step…


Step 1: Locate the Wound

The Quanta Freedom Healing process begins by asking your permission to connect to your inner space energetically. If your intention is to grant your full attention to the healing and to connect and participate without distractions, your brain slows down and enters theta brainwave.

Theta brainwave brings your mind down to the frequency of 4–7 Hertz range. This is the same brain frequency you were operating in as a child frequently, but as an adult, after 12 years old (usually), you can only access this slower frequency when drowsy or meditating.

Theta brainwave grants you access to inside yourself. It allows you to shut out the outer world (which is constantly processing in your cognitive mind in beta brainwave) so that you can partner deeply with your Inner Being.

Theta brainwave is essential. Trying to partner with your Inner Being in beta brainwave is like staring at a car bonnet trying to guess a mechanical issue without raising the hood.

You can’t get past the ‘shut gate’ to your subconscious in beta brainwave.

The Quanta Freedom Process opens this ‘gate’, and  leads you directly inwards to the emotional wounding that is responsible for all negative thoughts, emotions, physical manifestations, fears, doubts, confusion and anything at all that is not working in your life.

Especially the things that are happening to you that are dreadful.

The abuse, punishment and atrocities that are in your experience, are such, because: they match inner wounds you haven’t found and released yet.


The Trap of Blaming and Shaming

I completely understand how you may say “How can it be my fault, my stuff, WHEN this person is doing such horrible things to me?!”

Boy did I used to feel like that myself!

This is not about blaming ourselves.

Our subconscious is generating many more millions of bits of information per second than our conscious mind. Information that we are not normally aware of. Our subconscious has so much more power than we realise; it has so much more power than our logical mind.

We all have emotional programs operating in the background running our thoughts, emotions, the lens that we view the world through, how we show up in specific situations, and the types of people and situations that we attract and are attracted to.

Neuro-scientists believe that by age 35, at least 85% of our life is being driven by our subconscious programs on auto-pilot.

So what makes up our subconscious programming?

Many emotional components that we did NOT choose logically.

In fact very little of it was chosen by us consciously.

Our subconscious programming was not created by logical thought. It was created by our emotional responses to events in our life – every emotional event back through our timeline to the present day.

Our subconscious holds all of it.

Additionally our subconscious programming is comprised of our previous ancestor’s unresolved emotional beliefs that we inherited through our DNA, and our childhood emotional programming that we had no power in theta childhood brainwave to detach from or dismiss.

As children we did NOT have a developed secure ‘self’ that could detach and not personalise and internalise (take inside of us) painful triggered fearful emotions. We were in pure emotional reaction to our environment which shaped us.

And there is more…science has now recognised that if you were a foetus gestating in a hostile, unsafe, sad, painful, traumatic or panicked environment that the back of your brain became larger to hold more fearful belief systems.

Meaning you were born with already existing fear and defences to equip you with growing up in this environment. Then of course you were faced with the parents who granted you more fearful and painful emotional internal beliefs.

It’s important to understand that we are NOT to BLAME!

We had no choice in so much of this!

Feeling personally judged and blamed for what happened to you, or blaming others for ‘what happened’ is not an empowering orientation – and it is NOT going to help you get well.

What is an empowering orientation is realising this: so within – so without.

This means if life has dished up painful events, there is trauma stuck in our subconscious which matches it – point blank.

The path of the Thriver is this:

“Once the trauma is in my body and my cells I am 100% responsible for it, regardless of how it got there. Only I can go to it, meet it, embrace it, and release and transform it into something so much healthier.”

The path of the Victim is this:

“I will keep focusing outwards away from my internal wounds, hate myself for feeling this pain, hold others responsible for this wounding rather than take responsibility for it myself, and hold firm that they SHOULD fix it.”

Naturally the outward victim’s path stunts all growth, evolution and healing, whereas the inward Thriver’s path allows for unlimited growth, expansion and evolution.

To become empowered and have mastery over your life, you have to get your attention into your body and be willing to work on yourself at this level.


Tracking Inwards to the Wound and Activating Self-Love

So how do we find our inner subconscious wounding?

The Quanta Freedom Healing process directs your attention into where you feel the emotional angst in your body.

This is the first step to getting out of your head and going inside, and because you are in theta brainwave in the energy ‘container’ of the healing – you now have access.

At first this takes some practice, because we have all been so used to looking outwards powerlessly with our emotional pain.

A NARP Community Member named Arnel posted an incredible comment last week.

This is what he wrote: “Hang on a minute, why do I care what he’s thinking, feeling or doing?! How about, how do I feel about what I’m thinking or feeling or doing?” That’s me returning to myself. That’s self-love. And that is the most rewarding lesson I’ve learned so far in NARP.”

His comment is the absolute truth.

When we stop trying to deal with our emotional pain outside of ourselves and go inside directly to it – then we CAN shift it.

Self love, if we were to give it one definition means: Fully being with ourselves.

When we take our attention into the part of our body that we know is holding the wound, we are able to start working on the wound that is screaming out for the most attention right now. Then we can start releasing the wounds, one-by-one, that are making life unbearable and are severely impacting our ability to function.

Every emotional or mental agony represents a trapped inner emotion in our body. The bigger and the more ‘infected’ the inner wound is, the more it bursts through into our consciousness as trauma.

Until we go inwards we don’t KNOW what the wound is, and we have no idea what is actually generating it. In fact we believe the wound is caused by something outside of us.

Sorting out the internal emotional wounds has nothing to do with ‘logic’.

Logic will only ever look to the outside world and try to change, control or stop something or someone in order to try to relieve the inner wound.

It doesn’t work…


The Young Inner Wounds

Our logical mind (pure surface / symptom level) believes that the trauma is a just now thing.

“I ONLY hurt now, and that is all my pain relates to – what has happened to me NOW.”

When we begin our conscious inner transformational journey (making the unconscious conscious) we realise certain deeper, wider and much bigger picture truths.

We start dealing at the causation level rather than trying to merely manage the symptoms of the wounds.

We realise that in our experience of narcissistic abuse, we were not showing up from a mature, healed, evolved inner centre.

I promise you with all of my heart we had ‘gaps’– we had wounds that did not allow us to be the fortunate people who are not unconsciously attracted to narcissists.

We were not the individuals who, when cracks appeared or something felt ‘off’, could easily speak up, investigate and clarify, lay clear boundaries, honour themselves, or observe narcissists’ unhealthy behaviour without personalising, feeling hooked or devastated.

Unlike these individuals we felt powerless to emotionally detach and know ‘Not My Reality’ even well before the abuse and destruction began.

These natural narc-free people are not ‘smarter’ than us, and their ability to NOT be taken in by narcissists has nothing to do with their logical decisions (no-one would logically pick an abuser) or even immense knowledge about narcissists, or even assertion training.

The reason certain people will never be in relationships with narcissists is because their levels of emotional health – established in their Inner Beings – were different from ours.

Children who had a healthy genetic DNA, experienced emotionally healthy gestations, and received unconditional love from birth, knowing they were loveable and worthy because they exist (not subject to the conditions of what you do or don’t do, how you look, or what you achieve), and who learnt healthy boundaries and limits, how to self-soothe, how to process delayed gratification, and how to self-source belief, love and acceptance of self were well equipped to never be susceptible to narcissists.

These children understood the healthy emotional message: What you have done that is wrong does not mean YOU are wrong.

That was not us…

It is a TOTAL fallacy (which runs rampant in narcissist abuse recovery forums) that anyone can fall for, or be taken in by a narcissist.

I find the victim model “I was completely tricked by a narcissist, and there is nothing about me that needs adjustment” incredibly distressing and powerless, and abusive when perpetuated by forum organisers – because there is no hope of anyone getting better with that model.

In the many true recoveries I have had the joy of being a part of – I have never seen ONE happen with someone determined to hang on to the victim model.

Rather, I see these people post on facebook and in recovery groups the same pain, the same issues, and the same trauma months and years afterward, with no progress.

I’ve seen the same people doing this for the last 7 years.

So, finally, we can understand the truth – our trauma that we thought was an outer problem is in fact an inner problem, and when we change our subconscious programming we will be the people who don’t have inner abuse wounding and programming.

Then we can observe narcissists from a healthy mature adult inner centre (rather than showing up in abuse with young unhealed inner wounding), and we will not be attracted to them, get hooked by them, feed them any energy, and we will no longer feel compelled to change them, or fruitlessly try to force them to be accountable.

Instead, we fully detach and start generating the healthy life that IS a match for our transformed healthy Inner Identity.

That is what the Thriver model creates if we are determined to go inside and heal ourselves – because this is the ONLY place we can change a life that hasn’t been working.

So within so without.

So back to the Quanta Freedom Healing process…

When you track back through your body, and open up to its information through the Quanta Freedom Healing Process, you ‘ask about’ and ‘hear’ the age of the original wounding that relates to the exact emotional agony you are feeling now.

Your intuition (body) supplies it to you, and you learn to trust that flash of the image, the age that pops into your head, or the gut feeling that simply presents.

Often this is information our logical mind didn’t remember.

Our subconscious, in stark contrast, knows and stores everything that has ever happened.

At this point you know where in your body your subconscious is holding the wound, and you know the age of it. Then the next part of the process is to bring your attention into that young previous wound and ask it “What is this really about?”

Then you have access to receive the information – the words, the feelings, the thoughts and often vivid memories of exactly what it really going on.

The more we trust the language of our body, and what it is revealing to us, the more we start to regularly experience the incredible connections to information about the true cause of our original wounds and why we have been suffering abuse.


The Truth About Meeting Our Inner Wounds

I understand that meeting your inner emotional wounding may seem terrifying.

After all most of us have had a life career of trying to avoid our painful emotions.

But I promise you, there is incredible relief when you direct yourself to go towards, be with and feel what it is that is REALLY going on inside you, without judgement.

The absolute truth is: Complicated and Post Traumatic Stress disorder is the Inner Being panic of knowing there is no one home tending to extreme, screaming wounds!

I have seen countless cases of C-PTSD dissolving away once people start working the inner journey of accepting, being with and releasing inner wounds. These symptoms go, because finally the Inner Being knows the ’self’ (who must be present for the job) has shown up.

When we are in our head and disconnected from our emotional centre and Inner Being, the pain is intense, excruciating, random and unmanageable.

We panic; we try to run from it. We self-loathe because we hate ourselves for being in pain (false-love WITH conditions), we grab addictions or medication to try to shut it up (self-abandonment), and the pain chases us harder to try to get our attention – to come to it, be with it and heal it.

The more we self-avoid, the LOUDER the pain screams.

Your emotional devastation, mental anguish and physical pain is ALL coming from the trauma that the young inner part of you is trapped in.

Can you imagine your five year old daughter or son running up to you in emotional agony and you turn your back and say, “Go away, shut up. You’re an idiot. How dare you feel pain, its WRONG!”

How tormented, annihilated and devastated would he or she be NOW?

Rather, what do you think would happen if you turned to this five year old, granted your full attention, held him or her lovingly, heard her or him fully, and had a process to release the trauma up and out of him or her?

I want you to really feel into what I just wrote – because it is vital.

If you do, finally you can understand the devastating cost to yourself of ignoring your inner wounds.

This horrible cost is agonising emotions, devastating ongoing thoughts and signing up for more abuse – certain self-abuse of yourself, and probable abuse from others.

Certainly a life of guaranteed continued victimisation.

Are you prepared to KEEP paying such a hefty price?

I hope you are ‘getting’ the picture of the personal transformation that can take place IF you turn inwards to your Inner Being with love, without judgement, totally ready to open up and be present lovingly, and listen to the truth without turning away and being repulsed.

Irrefutably you start getting well –powerfully and quickly.

More well than you have ever been your entire life.

Not only do you heal your attachment and obsessions that are hooking you to abuse and abusers, you also start releasing the wounds which have been playing out for all or much of your life.

Wounds which have held you back from your full joy and potential in many areas of your life.


Step 2: Releasing the Wounding

In order to be free of the wounds one-by-one we need to load up the wound energetically so that it can be released.

We used to think crying was a release. And it is, in that it releases a great deal of the traumatic energy that is consciously being felt.

However, if the causation of the wound isn’t released then the negative thoughts, emotions and any physical symptoms simply re-build, and crying about the same thing continues.

This is why people can cry daily, even for years, without getting better.

The Quanta Freedom Healing process loads up energy specific to the wound that is being targeted in a shift, by accessing the related conscious pain body energy, the time-line energy (the associations generating that particular wound from the past) and the connected DNA generational energy.

This energy is then gathered and put into a holding bay within the body to be released.

This portion of the Quanta Freedom Healing process, whether in a Healing Module or when I work with clients personally, happens automatically as directed from my intention, beliefs, specific words, visualisations and muscle testing.

If you have accessed and are with the wound, and simply keep your body open and breathe (not allowing yourself to be pulled out of your body by ‘mind stories’) the loading up process happens without you having to do anything except ‘be’ in the healing space.

I do all of that part for you.

Then together through a simple visualisation process, which is conducted in the language your subconscious understands, the release is done. The negative, painful energy and all of its related causation components are released from your body.

By doing so you become freer, lighter, more spacious and often experience immediate emotional somatic relief.


Believing Fear and Pain Keeps Us Safe

When we release wounds and start to intentionally create inner emotional shifts, wisdom organically emerges. We start to understand profound Universal truths which we were not educated about previously.

We used to believe that we had to hang on to fear and pain. We believed this was essential to protect us.

This is a HUGE fallacy.

When you release pain and fear out of your body, the more space, wisdom and knowing emerges where the pain and fear used to be, and you become the essential empowerment of Who You Really Are – A Being of love, Oneness and expansion without fear and pain.

From this inner solid state, you deeply understand that your safety depends on observation (not emotional judgement), and the calm wisdom: “Does this or doesn’t this serve me?’ without painfulemotional attachment.

When your Inner Being become healthy, your can observe the truth without your young wounds being involved, and you easily make decisions that honour yourself which represent self-love, from a place of maturity, solid integrity and self-empowerment.

Your emotions no longer derail you, hook you into ‘more of those painful emotions’, and you no longer hand your power over and continue to damage yourself with reaction, powerlessness or trying to force abusers to fix your emotional state for you.

You don’t allow abuse or co-generate it when your emotional fear of betrayal or rejection and needing love and approval from outside of yourself no longer exists.

There is no emotional attachment left to ‘what is NOT healthy for you’ when you clean up your inner wounds.

Ultimately, when we release pain and fear, we realise that our energy was being corrupted, blocked, burned up and drained trying to manage and live with these wounds.

When we release the wounds, we release our own lifeforce that was  ‘tied up’ in them. This previously trapped energy breaks free and expands within us as its pure organic essence.

We unlock our pure, true unlimited potential to experience life as creative, dynamic, expanding, loving and joyous beings – which is our natural state.

And we feel it!

The bigger the inner wound we release, the bigger piece of ourselves we win back.

When we start to experience the real and incredible results of this – it becomes EXCITING! We get to feel the direct results of our own expansion and inner flourishing.

No longer do we ‘hate’ our emotional pain. In fact we look forward to it presenting itself to us, because we KNOW we can instantly up-level aspects of our life that we had always struggled with previously – if we go inwards, claim this pain, and release it.


Step 3: Bringing in Your True Self Function (Source Energy) to Replace the Wound

The next part of the Quanta Freedom Healing process is to bring in the Source / Life / God truth down into the subconscious.

This relates to your personal understanding of a Higher Power. To you this may simply be ‘lifeforce’ or ‘consciousness’ – the energy that the entire Universe is buzzing with, connected by and unfolding itself with.

Because the wound has been released, a space is now available where the Energy of Life – wisdom, calm, self-love, self-worth and self-acceptance (security, safety, support, co-partnering, flourishing) can come down into the space where the wound once was.

This is the Energy of solidness – a connection to Life and Self in healthy, empowered and self-loving ways – creating the wisdom of ‘how to do life’ naturally and organically.

This Higher Power truth knows how to honour self and life holistically. It knows how to do the ‘right thing’ that honours Self, others and all of Life. This Energy is NOT self-rejection, self-abandonment, self-punishment or enabling abusers to continue abusing.

This is the energy of Connection and Love rather than separation and fear.

The Energy allows you to connect to The Truth, that you are a magnificent being who is at ‘One’ with Source / Life / God, and you worth is not dependent on conditions. This Energy allows you to somatically know that you are adored by all of existence simply because you exist.

This Energy is your direct connection and Source with all of the worthiness, love, security, belief, trust and safety you were always trying to gain outside of yourself through inauthentic sources.

This is the coming home to yourself.

This is the co-partnering and parenting of this Energy which provides you with all the wisdom, love, understanding and security that you missed out on from your parents, from love partners, and most of all from yourself.

The more and more you clear you wounds and connect to and fill up with this True Source, the more you start expressing your true radiance – Who You Really Are, a Being of love, joy, expansion, happiness and confidence without requiring certain conditions to be so.

Simply because you become Love and Lifeforce itself unencumbered by wounds.

Then you start generating a life which represents exactly the flourishing, nourishing, joy and love that is inherent from this state.

Life starts responding to you as exactly that, and you easily leave alone situations and people who are Not Your Reality.

You become the miracle within and without and you deeply realise it is all the same thing…

Not as a concept you are trying to convince yourself about.

It becomes a deep absolute knowing anchored in your body.


The Incredible Truth That Sets Us Free

What is a complete phenomenon (yet becomes more and more ‘natural’) is each time you get a shift in your body you instantly and literally have changed your mind.

The previous painful thoughts are gone – you simply can’t access them.

Where the painful, angry, confused or devastated emotions once were is now replaced with calmness, wisdom and a natural state of solidness, acceptance and empowerment.  There is a total shift on topics that only minutes before created terrible anguish and concern.

The utter truth of human existence is this: your mind does not re-train your subconscious easily, it is a gruelling up-hill battle. When devastating emotions and intense inner wounds are involved that process is almost impossible, as myself and many other people have discovered.

Up-levelling your Life was never meant to work that way.

Up-levelling your life is all about breaking the cycle of unconsciousness.

Unconsciousness is the inability to self-reflect and realise that we are the emotional creator of our own experience. It is the powerlessness of trying to control and change situations outside of ourselves to improve our life rather than evolving ourselves and changing our experience from the inside out.

Often it’s only when we suffer horrific breakdowns in our life that our inner wounds genuinely get our attention, because finally we know life cannot continue as ‘business as usual’ unless we find a solution to get better.

Often we go inside ONLY after we have exhausted every possible avenue outside of ourselves.

I have no doubt the gravity and trauma of narcissistic abuse is no less than this massive wake-up call in our life, because this is about as emotionally traumatic as life can get.

The TRUE purpose of our emotional pain is this: to make our unconscious wounds conscious, so that we CAN go inside, find these wounds and finally evolve ourselves and come home to Who We Really Are.

This is not just about creating a healthier future for ourselves, it is also about stopping the cycle of victimisation and pain for our future generations.

Fortunately, now we have a tool and a process that absolutely works, which creates evolved healing – true fast-track liberation that is our evolved right to claim and experience.

No longer do we need to battle and suffer…

Thank goodness…because life and our world desperately needs to change.


Join Me in the 3 Keys to Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse Webinar

It’s great to see so many of you are excited to join me in this free event. I honestly cannot wait! It’s going to be incredible having so many of you live with me learning how to come home to yourself and begin your Thriver Recovery.

To reserve your spot for the Webinar click here to sign up.

On the sign up page you will also find a video which I have put together which explains the 4 things that I discovered which made the Quanta Freedom Healing system possible. I really hope you enjoy it!

There is a limit of 500 people who can join in, so please sign up now to reserve your spot.

Please remember this is for people who are not a part of NARP or haven’t had personal sessions with me, so please leave the spots open for those who have never experienced Quanta Freedom Healing and need it the most.

Please note if the time or day of the Free Webinar is not convenient, you will receive a recording which you can listen to later as a result of securing your space.

I want to thank you all so much… Not just for sharing in this event but for being a part of this mission to raise consciousness and help create true healing from abuse worldwide.

I can’t wait to be with you, showing you how to become a True Thriver after narcissistic abuse in two weeks time!

I look forward to answering your comments and questions below.


Related blog post

The Narcissist’s Greatest Fear: You Becoming Your True Self and Aligning with Your 5D Ascension Path

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The Narcissist Never Lets You Go: How to Finally Get Freedom

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44 thoughts on “How To Thrive After Narcissistic Abuse Part 2

  1. For years I wondered what was wrong in my marriage, I was always on the back foot, always told I was the problem, until one day it was all revealed. God showed me that there were two spirits involved, one the Spirit of the Abused and the Spirit of the Abuser, and that I had the Spirit of the Abused. I told it to go in the wonderful name of Jesus, and it did, That was when my eyes were opened, for prior to that they had been blinded, and the two spirits attracted each other with painful results for me, but now there was no spirit in me to attract. I now saw the person I was married to with unclouded eyes, and saw the abuse that was coming my way for what it was and was able to stop it. This, of course, meant an escalation of the abuse, going through the gamut of abuse till it hit physical abuse, whereupon I went to the police, and stopped it in its tracks. As a result of this, I did a lot of research, firstly Marital Abuse, then Maternal Alienation (which I copped in full force), and both sites led me to Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and Melanie, I ticked every trait you had listed. So this was what I was living with! I have now set my boundaries, and every attempt is made to break them down – it means constant boundary-riding to repair the breaches and to strengthen the walls, but it is well worth it. One thing I learnt early in the piece was finger-pointing was his way of covering his faults, and I constantly told him that whenever he pointed the finger there were three pointing back at him – he was what he was accusing me of. NPD is so insidious and controlling, but I thank my God that He has released me from its hold.

    1. Hi Betty,

      It is very true that when we surrender to truth – that we are connecting to a Higher Power, a resonance that is able to assist greatly..

      It’s also true that once we start laying boundaries and speaking up that the narcissist will make every attempt to get under, over, around or through the boundary..

      Detaching and pulling within to work on ourselves, focus on the creation of what is our truth, and no longer handing over emotional energy is the most powerful path.

      Narcissists wither in their attempts in this orientation..

      Mel xo

      1. Betty,

        Wow! And Praise the Lord!! I can relate to you on so many of these points. I have been divorced a year now from my ex husband. He has NPD as well. I love how you turn things around on him when he is pointing a finger at you, he has three pointing right back at him. They do accuse us of doing what they are doing. I used to think that I was the ‘crazy one.’ But now my God has shown me I’m not alone, I’m thankful for this website and for all of us together, we are getting back to the wonderful creations we are made to be.

        Thank you for sharing, it has blessed me.


    2. This is AMAZING because continuing to thrive after narcissistic abuse is very important.

      Before going from survivor to thrivor, surrendering to the inner wounds can be scary,…scary because it’s so easy for our minds to get caught on what the “narcissist did, said” etc. Soon after going within and finding your own personal wound and where it comes from, and why it’s ALL ABOUT THAT WOUND that needs to be healed (not the abuse from a narcissist) is the major key to happiness, self-love, and radiance. I always describe it as, “It’s your wound. Yes the narcissist held the knife that sliced open your wound that awakened the unknown pain within, but it’s your wound to seal up and heal.”

      After experiencing all this and making it to “thrivor” mode, it’s natural to feel a bit guarded (especially if you are in the right space to start dating again). We are often unsure of what to do with the new found transformation we are in. Continuing to thrive and carry this confidence by taking what we’ve learned during our awakening is imperative to moving forward in life and embracing everything.

      This is going to be amazing, Mel. I am honored to have you in my life.

      Love you!!!

      – Eric xoxo

  2. I would like to encourage all of you who still suffer from any kind of abuse to participate in the webinar. I am still grateful every day for the wonderful life I now have with wonderful me after doing NARP. Even before the narc- abuse in my life I had often felt stuck and life was hard work for me, trying to proof myself to anyone else but me! the narc was the catalyst showing me my inner unhealed parts with brutal methods almost annihilating me. NARP makes so much sense and there is a huge community of thrives out there, ready to grant extra support. I truly found myself, inner joy and happiness. I wish the same to all of you women and men out there who decide they finally want to walk the same path.

  3. I’m having a very hard time containing my EXCITEMENT for Melanie, her upcoming webinar and the survivors that can TRULY benefit from her Quanta Freedom Healing Program. As a THRIVER from a 20 year narcissistic connection/relationship along with a dark and horrific aftermath, I truly wouldn’t be here either physically or sanity wise if not for Melanie, QFH and NARP. I figured even before finding her, her products and resources, that trying to recover from the phenomenon of narcissistic abuse through the logical mind or cognitively doesn’t work. Nor does doing compulsive/extensive research on narcissism or other PD’s (which I did addictively/compulsively for a very long time), just belonging to – comparing/venting on recovery or support groups, talk therapy or contemporary methods for I’d tried just about if not everything imaginable before finally finding her and doing the extensive missing/unhealed parts work. Something within me even in the train wreck condition I was in, told me that I required some extensive inner work of some kind or had many unresolved issues from past and the narcissist in my life was in fact the messenger of my already existing wounds – hard to explain. As you may guess, I’m VERY passionate about her intentions, philosophies, resources and products because not only did they truly work at leap frogging me through the recovery and empowerment stages, I’ve witnessed and continue to witness it daily for about 3 years now guiding, mentoring and/or inspiring others pertaining to recovering and becoming empowered from narcissistic abuse. Therefore, I can’t recommend this webinar or Quanta Freedom Healing highly or loudly enough off of roof tops to anyone stuck or still struggling no matter what stage of narcissistic abuse you may be in. I also ‘know’ that no matter anyone’s childhood, past or current circumstances that recovery and empowerment is most definitely achievable!

    1. Hi Debbie,

      thank you for your lovely supportive post..

      I know you are passionate, as I am too about bringing forth the understanding that we don’t have to stay stuck in victim and survival mode anymore – and it is very sad that there are many contemporary models which support that focus.

      It is exciting that we CAN heal and be free – more than we have ever been able to be previously, regardless of the trauma we have experienced.

      Mel xo

  4. Melanie Tonia Evan’s work and her miraculous Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program (NARP) have delivered astonishing miracles in my life. After decades of recovery, I found myself square back to where I was before I started traditional therapy, 12 Step programs and treatments. I had no idea narcissistic abuse was at the core of my problems and the wounds went deep. Though I’d been listening to Melanie’s radio shows, reading her blog posts and e-Books I had not tried NARP. When the most current narcissist in my life sued me for half of all I own, legal fees and alimony, refused to leave the home I purchased for our family and installed himself in the master bedroom while I took the partial conversion in our garage my ability to function was becoming more challenging. When the N’s initial settlement offer in the divorce came I went into post traumatic stress syndrome. The feelings of powerlessness, abandonment, betrayal and being unsafe put me at that vulnerable place of knowing I was near breakdown. I ordered NARP that day and have been working the Modules since. The relief was instant and continues. I had more space in my body and could function from my adult center rather then that of a small child. Not every day has been easy and it’s quite a marvel I am as highly functioning as I am still living in the same house as the N and practicing ‘No Contact’ ; however, I do know the Module that fits my need or difficulty and use it. My only wish, I had worked NARP sooner!

    1. Hi Susan,

      I am so pleased NARP is helping you so much..

      You are doing a wonderful job being in the same ‘space’ as him – which truly does create such a necessity to get your Inner Being solid.

      The difference it makes when we release our old survival programs and terrors is astounding – as you said it changes how we turn up – no longer as a terrified child, but from an adult centre.

      Thank you for your post!

      Mel xo

  5. I sooooooooo resonate with this Melanie. I have been going through a fair bit lately, but anyone reading this…don’t get put off with what I write initially..because then end result of this is great!!!! It just shows me time and time again how wonderful NARP & QFH is.
    Recently was irritated beyond measure by my in-law’s anger, irresponsible, arrogant, uncaring and erratic behaviour.. Even though my logical mind knew that their issue was not mine, I still emotionally reacted to their behaviour, even though I had nothing to do with their issue. I came down with a bladder infection, which turned into a kidney infection, then on top of that an ear infection…what a happy birthday present of joy and good wishes they gave me on that day……..not!!!!!!!. All on top me addressing issues with my daughters ongoing struggle of being re-tempted to join a secret religious cult to get her brainwashed boyfriend back, plus tackling business financial issues, all of which these in-laws gave no compassion or understanding, but instead continued to railroad me with their petty problems . But then their crap did become the best birthday present, ever!!!
    Now here’s the benefit. Due to Melanie’s gift of QFH through NARP, I just knew I had something to heal and shift even if at that stage not knowing what it was. Well how wonderful!!! By the end of the healing my intense ear infection had been relieved and bladder infection pain decreased. I knew my body was literally pissed off, dealing with others issues that are not mine and sick of listening to them whinge about their issues in avoidance of them taking responsibility. The healing brought up my fear of the resistance to address poor behaviour back to implications of my sexual abuse as a child. I was fearful of being abandoned if I spoke up and fearful of the health consequences of the person involved by speaking my truth. This was all due to me protecting my father who had a heart attack after my abuse and thinking if I told him about it and asked him to protect me from the perpetrator, he may die from the stress. As a child I felt my only option was to listen to others nasty crap, suck up any abuse, deal with it myself and/or internalise it to save myself and others. I didn’t even know I protected my father health in this way as a child, until I did this healing.
    I didn’t know I had this subconscious fear swirling around that was the reason for me not defending myself. Now I do and it is healed. I now know as an adult, that I can calmly and confidently ask erratic people to stop invading my happy space with unwarranted behaviour and if they spit the dummy, that reaction is theirs to deal with, not mine, as to are their own health implications of their behaviour.
    Every day, every minute, I know the relief of now knowing I do not have to live in pain and take on others pain and more and I dedicate myself to shifting and releasing further pain that comes my way. And seriously – why wouldn’t I…its wonderful!!! What a happy birthday it was after all!!!
    What a gift Melanie. My eternal love and appreciation to you!
    My best wishes to the newbie’s listening to your webinar. They are about to receive the best gift of their lives!
    Love and peace Annie

    1. Hi Annie,

      it is VERY true that life still presents challenges.

      It is very naïve if we believe we get to a certain level and ‘we are done’!

      The orientation that we can have to be constantly evolving is: to ‘take notice’ of the outside ALWAYS granting us an opportunity to up-level something on the inside.

      This is what you ARE doing – which is brilliant!

      You are spot on in saying, ‘I didn’t know I had this subconscious fear’…and that is precisely WHY we need the outside (The Field) to bring it up for us – or we would never have known.

      When we turn life around from ‘the outside in’ to ‘the inside out’ we welcome the trigger!

      Great job Annie 🙂

      Mel xo

  6. All the best to anyone who signs up to experience QFH – the path is life changing. After the first step, it gets easier and easier. After leaving my narc relationship late last year, I know in my bones now that abuse will no longer be a part of my reality. I give myself time every day to keep clearing and healing. I had the thought just this morning, that healed people create a healed world. I want that for my children and thier children too. Much support to you Melanie, for sharing your experience and wisdom with great honesty and clarity xxx

    1. Hi Carol,

      I am so thrilled for you that you are expanding into an abuse free reality.

      That is so TRUE. We can’t heal future generations unless we begin with ourselves.

      Thank you for your lovely support.

      Mel xo

  7. I realised my ex-husband had the signs of NPD earlier this year and it was such a HUGE relief to read about it and have a name and explanation for the craziness and trauma I had experienced. But just knowing about it wasn’t enough. I straight away put out an intention: to find someone who specialised in NPD who I could do further work with. I wanted an expert in the field.

    A few days later, a friend sent me Melanies’s site. I bought NARP the same day and have since bought both her other programs and worked with her one-on-one.

    Experiencing a relationship with someone who has the signs of NPD is horrific + confusing + hugely damaging and it’s ALSO a huge wake up call and an incredible opportunity to grow. TAKE THE OPPORTUNITY. I have been so grateful to experience such immense relief through Quanta Freedom.

    I’m hugely grateful to Melanie for creating a program that relates so PERFECTLY and directly to healing the root causes of narcissistic abuse.

    I’ve used the process almost every day for the past 3-4 months. The initial pain and trauma is now completely gone. The incessant contact has stopped. The obsessive thoughts and anxiety has significantly decreased. I feel capable and strong enough to deal with the ongoing logistics (property + financial + legal). I have increasing moments now of hope and optimism for my future.

    I am a practitioner myself and have directed SO many clients to Melanie’s program who have all found it to be excellent.

    If you’ve experienced any form of abuse and want relief and deep healing I can’t imagine what could stop you from investing in and working through Melanie’s program (it’s very reasonable to start with and she even has the monthly instalments at no extra cost!)

    Definitely sign up to her free call. That’s a complete no-brainer!

    Knowing about NPD is really useful but I wanted to HEAL from it and also to ensure I completely deal with the inner wounds that allowed it to occur in the first place. I did NOT want to stay stuck in the story of “poor me, this is so unfair and horrible and can you BELIEVE what’s happened,” I wanted to heal + feel better + move forwards in my life. That’s what Quanta Healing + NARP gives you.

    I never want to go through that experience again and I will do all the healing I need to do to ensure I truly GET the lessons and evolve and create a wonderful life for myself. I deserve it (and so do you).

    1. Hi Kerry,

      I am so pleased I was able to offer you this targeted system to break those painful chains.

      Thank you so so much for being part of this community of love, healing and sharing by referring your clients to NARP.

      You are doing a fabulous job or evolving Kerry, and thank you for your post 🙂

      Mel xo

  8. Hi Melanie,

    I know you will fill all 500 slots and make a tremendous impact on all of these lives. I have been a true and dedicated spiritual seeker for more than nine years now. Although I made some progress with what I found along the way it was not until I found your NARP process that I have finally begun to feel my truth. Even after moving through the NARP program and feeling tremendous relief from it, even more indescribable results come from your self empowerment course. It is true that we shouldn’t cut corners and try to go directly to the self empowerment course before doing NARP. As I am discovering in this process (just finished Module 4) is that, for me, they are different wounds that need to be addressed. I’m just so very thankful that you didn’t stop at NARP!

    I honor myself for hanging in there and now going further into the process. Thank you and for your work I wish everyone well with your event. I know it will make a huge difference in the world!


    1. Hi Sara,

      thank you for your post!

      I am so glad I didn’t finish with NARP either, because truly I wanted with all of my heart to not just be free of abuse. I then wanted to expand out into the most joyous version of myself I possibly could.

      I am sooo thrilled you are getting so much out of QFH and expanding also!

      Mel xo

  9. Just thought that I might write a bit about my experience with Quanta Freedom Healing. It is really awful when blocked up with all that pain and ruminating and it is impossible to get more than temporary relied via talking about it and distractions such as food, spending etc.

    We all want the pain to go and it is in us and does not shift. Every time we encounter the N in any form and have contact, our peptides get activated and it just goes around and around and around and our self-esteem is at rock bottom and we feel so depleted in energy and zest for life.

    Once I started QFH modules, I discovered that I could feel better and I could feel that the pain was shifting inside me. Sometimes there were big shifts with sudden releases of pain, sometimes it took a bit longer and sometimes the pain was still there. I have had to do some module many times over; the same ones; 2 and 9, because there were so many charges around the issues to do with those two. Some I have only had to do a couple of times.

    I am pleased to report that my charges in regard to these issues are now quite low. I am still a work in progress because there are other issues that are in play from very old beliefs that I have been carrying around inside me. I am still working to release these. They are to do with my old patterns of freezing and submitting when people who I value are demanding something from me. It is a very long-standing pattern but my charges are now a lot lower and are releasing gradually. I am noticing a new sense of my own power and ability to protect and care for myself and my home.

    Talking about the pain does not really help. However, by doing the inner work with the modules, along with heaps of journaling work,has helped me enormously. I have changed greatly over the time since January, 2013 when I came to discover Melanie’s work and QFH. Without understanding what it was that was destroying my life piece by piece, and dealing with all the pain I was feeling, I am sure that I would still be in pain today. Instead, I am a very happy woman living a peaceful and nourished life and I am content. I have focussed on my healing and am no longer seeking to have a partner in my life at present. I think this is very important because as I focus on my healing and becoming whole, I have also learnt that I am enough in myself. Perhaps one day I may be ready to experience a loving relationship with another healthy person, but for now, I am concentrating on continuing to weed out all the old beliefs and feelings that do not serve me. I am enough in myself and now that the beliefs have gone that tell me that I need someone or something in order to be of value, I am living a very rich and worthwhile life.

    I can guarantee that anyone who engages in this webinar and who goes on to use the QFH modules to heal their existing pain, will definitely be telling a different story within a few months. Finally I am free and am so thankful.

    1. Hi Suzanne,

      Thank you for your post and sharing.

      I have seen your shift over the last year – from a woman who was very dependent on a man for your happiness (that used to be my story too!) to a woman who is radiant and glowing.

      You have created and generated a great deal of joy and ‘Life’ for yourself with a capital “L”.

      The gorgeous thing is: next time around you will be whole – attracted to and attractive to a whole man.


      Mel xo

  10. What an opportunity! For those of you who have stumbled through your pain and confusion to Melanie’s programme it is not a coincidence. Life is directing you out of the maze of the torturing effects of narcissistic abuse. I found this programme last November having just got out of a narcissistic relationship. I realised from this programme that all my life I had been having relationships with narcissists! This realisation only came from doing Meanie’s work. I had spent years in therapy. My therapist became by friend I became part of her family (or so I thought) until she showed her true colours too. Before I found this life changing programme I always believed this was just how relationships were, filled with pain and drama! Me always having to work really hard and always make allowances for the other person (as I felt I was very lucky to have that person in my life which is how they always made me feel) I had tried every therapy there is “out there” this is what I learnt from this work ( along with so much more ) is that it is never “outside myself” the confidence, peace and calmness that I have experienced over the past few months no words can describe. This programme goes deep into you so you finally remove the blocks that keep you from being all you were meant to be. I have finally put an end to abuse in my life. I now have a healthy relationship with myself (where every relationship starts from) Every evening I give thanks for the Brave, wonderful, Generous, Beautiful lady that you truly are Melanie. For anyone looking to be free of self doubt, guilt, abuse embrace this work with open arms as it will truly transform your life, as it has for countless of people all over the world. I believe that each one of us save ourselves but we do so because someone like Melanie throws us a life line, this work is that life line.

    1. Hi Fionola,

      your support and words are so beautiful!

      Fionola it has been my absolute joy seeing you evolve from a lifetime of abuse.

      You are doing a spectacular, courageous and beautiful job!

      You are a true inspiration in every sense. 🙂

      Mel xo

  11. Hi all. I’ve been reading MTE’s posts for a few weeks. The NPD in my life was mother. Father was the enabler, and elder sisters grown up and turned into mother. I’ve experienced several epiphanies over the last few years and made many gains. What I’m really struggling with at present is the physical pain. Soft tissue aches, coldsores one after another, kidneys and bladder infections and fatigue so intense there are some days I can barely stand. Does this change? Is there a corresponding physical relief with the emotional releases I’m reading so much about? Perhaps some of you old hands can let me know? I’m very interested to hear your thoughts. Looking forward to the webinar – booked my spot tonight.
    Cheers Robyn

    1. Hi Robyn,
      I can say that for me – YES THERE IS!Have a read of my post above.If I can pass on my hope you!
      Love, good health and peace to you!!!

    2. Hi Robyn,

      This is a very good question.

      Absolutely physical symptoms have their origins as trapped painful emotions.

      Yes, 100% your body returns to wellbeing once the emotional roots are addressed.

      I am looking forward to joining with you in the Webinar!

      Mel xo

      1. Hi Mel. Thanks for your assurances. Coincidentally – had another epiphany on the weekend after a spat with the sister. It lasted all of 20 secs before I said “this conversation ends now.” I said again in a txt when she tried to keep it up via SMS. it served to remind me it’ll never be the relationship I need because that’s who they are. That simple. That’s it. And no back pain since Saturday night. Cheers Robyn

  12. I can’t say enough how QFH has helped me finally get to the bottom of what has been going on for so long. After a lifetime of narc abuse with each experience getting worse and worse, I finally realized what has been going on and am finally HEALING the wounds that have been attracting more of the same into my life. My mother was a narcissist and I have been repeating the dynamic throughout my adult relationships. After years of therapy, coaching, you name it, I finally discovered a true healing modality through NARP. The value is amazing…you get so much more than you pay for with the cost of NARP being similar to the price of 1 talk therapy session, out of pocket. I can say with love, certainty, complete understanding, and the experience of healing through NARP, do not hesitate to purchase this program. Go to the webinar, if that will help make your decision, but narcissistic abuse is not something that you will heal from through cognitive understanding, talking about, reading more about, or getting angry about etc. You can finally heal the wounds that are at the heart of this excruciatingly painful phenomena. This program has been a true Godsend.

    1. Hi TBo,

      thank you for your lovely support of my healing system – and I am so thrilled that you found the solution, and are so well on your way to breaking free into your True Self!

      Mel xo

  13. Mel! I am just getting to this article now!! I have been busy moving the last few days. But wow! I can’t believe such an incredible article was in my inbox and I am just getting to it NOW!This has honestly changed my life. I get it. I get it. I always trusted QFH because of how it helped me heal immensely, but to understand the inner workings of it from this perspective takes my healing work to a whole new level. Thanks for sharing!

    It’s so true what you said about getting out of victimization means looking at the cause instead of the symptoms. I have definitely changed that about myself since going through the QFH programs. The other day I got into an argument with a co-worker and instead of being upset I decided to look inwards and understand why it was upsetting me, instead of blaming the co-worker for arguing with me. I didn’t realize how profound my healing was until you put it in words like that.

    Very excited about the webinar!!

    1. Hi GA,

      it is so true that our power is in the understanding ‘there is no outside’ – meaning everything without exception is a co-generative experience.

      Of course we have no power to change others, and it is only through the release of ourselves that we create change.

      We then attract who and what is a match for us, and we easily leave alone who and what isn’t..

      Consequently EVERYTHING changes!

      Thank you for your post.

      Mel xo

  14. I have been a student of metaphysics for a good portion of my life. I believed in the Law of Attraction. However, all this knowing was on a cerebral/intellectual level.

    The Law of Attraction was fully present and operational in my life, but it was not working in a manner that I would consider as beneficial for me.

    Try as hard as I might to extricate myself out of the narcissistic web that entangled me, the major roadblocks still remained.

    I was financially dependent on the narc, and it was that dependence, as well as my attachment to my daughter and many pets, that kept me shackled to the narc for nearly 30 years.

    In addition, I was in that “between a rock and a hard place” dilemma where I had no financial means to secure a divorce lawyer, let alone support myself, and I was rejected by the local legal aid societies for not being “poor enough.”

    Despite all the effort I was putting into the Law of Attraction, the situation remained the same.

    The constant heartfelt entreaties to God led to bitter castigation, which in turn led to wishing the narc was dead, and then finally demanding the narc’s death.

    At that point I didn’t care on the karmic price I would have to pay. I just wanted out. Hope would swell each time the narc was late in getting home, only to have it dashed against the rocks when his car would pull up the driveway.

    It wasn’t until I discovered NARP/Quanta Freedom Healing modules that the roadblocks started dissolving. NARP was the linchpin between my desires and having them manifest via the Law of Attraction.

    These roadblocks were what Melanie mentioned above: “subconscious programming [that] is comprised of our previous ancestor’s unresolved emotional beliefs that we inherited through our DNA, and our childhood emotional programming that we had no power in theta childhood brainwave to detach from or dismiss.”

    For those of you who are familiar with Don Miguel Ruiz’s THE FOUR AGREEMENTS, this unconscious programming is akin to what he calls the “domestication of humans.” We come into this word having our beliefs chosen for us by our parents, our culture, society, religion, our teachers, etc.

    This domestication process caused us to become separated from Source and the Source of our energy and power. And we remained in this domesticated state because we felt safe in its familiarity, despite the great toll it took on our spirit.

    The fog that we agreed to live in kept us from seeing who we really are.

    Our belief system was based on punishment and reward, and what we believed we deserved. If we agreed to accept the belief that life is supposed to be hard and that we are not deserving of happiness, then it is very likely that we have found ourselves in situations and relationships that support that unconscious belief.

    According to Don Miguel Ruiz: “Each time you break an agreement, all the power you used to create it returns to you….”

    And this is where NARP and Quanta Freedom Healing comes in. This very powerful healing tool takes you deep within yourself to uncover and clear the pain and wounds caused by our acceptance of these unconscious beliefs.

    It’s a deep spiritual housecleaning that cleans out all the clutter and gunk that’s been accumulating since way before we were even born, and replaces that with the loving and enfolding Source energy. And in doing so, we not only heal ourselves, we also heal and reintegrate our inner child.

    NARP had a profound effect on me in that it enabled me to bridge the gap between my desires and the Law of Attraction. After having been financially dependent on the narc for nearly 3 decades, NARP helped clear away enough of my limiting beliefs and subconscious programming, and enabled me to accept an unexpected windfall that lead to my being able to hire the best divorce lawyer in town, and kick the narc out of my house!

    If someone had told me a couple of years ago that I would be in the thriving situation that I am now, I would have scoffed and laughed in their face.

    However, I don’t want to lead anyone astray by implying that all it takes is one go through the modules to sweep all your troubles away and have your life be rainbows, sunshine, and unicorns.

    But that first go around will have you experiencing MAJOR results that will bring you fast relief. Each pass through NARP becomes a platform for even deeper healing to occur – like peeling away the layers of an onion.

    In this respect, NARP is a good friend that you have for life. NARP will always be by your side and will always be your champion.

    As such, I cannot urge you enough to participate in Melanie’s webinar to learn more about what NARP and Quanta Freedom Healing can do for you.

    Once you seriously and passionately commit to healing, that’s when the miracles will start to occur.

    1. Hi Neringa,

      thank you so much for your very clear and detailed post..

      I too used to find roadblocks with Law of Attraction

      The problem is there is contemporarily 2 major parts in Law of attraction training missing.

      The first is – realising if we are clogged up with negative belief systems and traumatic inner emotional wounds no amount of positive thinking is going to reach and reprogram our subconscious – even IF we were able to uphold that.

      The second is not understanding the connection to a Higher Power – the Super Conscious that connects to The Field to create miracles, wellbeing and expansion…

      Without those understanding a huge amount of effort can be exerted with very little yielding of results.

      Rather than the losing of the blocks and then easing into alignment with all of Life.

      Thank you for your lovely support Neringa 🙂

      Mel xo

  15. Hi Melanie

    Firstly I would like to thank you for the amazing work you do and in particular for creating and making available to us Quanta Freedom Healing.

    I made a commitment to myself after coming out of a 9 year relationship with a narcissistic man that I wanted to heal myself on a deeper level so that I could become more of who I am supposed to be and live an authentic and fulfilling life – become a true source to myself. That was 2 years ago.

    I know without a shadow of doubt that your NARP program made this possible. It was incredible to feel myself transforming over the duration of the 10 sessions and witness my life and those around me change also. I found that which no longer served me – both experiences and people, left my life, and I was okay to let them go. I had outgrown much of what once was and I was becoming so much stronger as time went on.

    I can honestly say that my life is completely different now, and although I no longer have a narc partner or will tolerate someone of the like in my reality (they are certainly recognizable now) I still at times do use QFH to shift various stuff that comes up, and I love the results.

    Melanie, you truly are amazing and I am so thankful that something within me said “Take a risk, you have nothing more to lose”, when I found NARP. I am so thankful I listened – my higher self must have known there truly is a light, and that for me was and still is QFH.

    Warmest regards,

    1. Hi Cherise,

      you are very welcome!

      That is so powerful you made that decision…and when we do the doors open – ‘what we need’ does show up.

      I am so please you have shifted and outgrown ‘who you were being’ to become more of Who You Really Are.

      Thank you so much Cherise for you support and your lovely post 🙂

      Mel xo

  16. Hi Melanie, I’ve tried signing up for the free online event on 13th June but when I click on the link it says the event is on 27th June. Would you mind letting me know how to sign up for 13th June? I’m keen to attend as you’ve been so highly recommended to me. Many thanks!

    1. Hi Katherine,

      that Webinar filled over capacity in the first four days.

      This Webinar is the next one available, and it is filling very quickly too – best to secure your place so you don’t miss out on this one!

      Mel xo

  17. Thanks so much for QFH and all the other healing modalities available. I never stop learning, growing and healing. If someone said to me 12 months this time I would be living life (not walking as if in a coma) I wouldn’t have believed it.

    Much love and thanks Melanie. Keep going! I know from experience your work DOES make a difference in people’s lives. XX

  18. I registered for the webinar, but have no clue how to log in. spent 30 min trying. I would really appreciate a recording of the 2 webinars at [email protected] –REALLY looking fwd to this. Thank you.

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