I don’t subscribe to narcissistic abuse recovery being a long drawn out process, simply surviving the effects of it, AT ALL.

Maybe you’ve been told that to heal from Narcissistic Abuse is a LONG hard road that could take you many years and even decades? And even then you will need to manage your symptoms – possible for life?

In today’s Thriver TV episode I want to help you heal – REALLY heal!

So, join me on a journey where you’ll experience deep soul mantras that will start to set you free in times and ways you never thought were possible.


Video Transcript

I know it is really normal to believe that recovery from narcissistic abuse is going to take you a really long time.

People will tell you that; people report this all the time.

And the reason they do, is because if the trauma from narcissistic abuse remains inside us, then it takes a long time to move past the insidious effects of it, and that’s if we can at all.

But there is a better way to do this journey of recovery.

A faster, more direct way that works. And this is what I want to talk with you about today.

It’s the way I recovered and thrived from symptoms and life events that seemed unhealable. It is also the Thriver Way that so many people, thousands in this Community, have successfully used as well.

It’s about mind and heart perspectives.

It’s about truths that set you free.

And these truths are everything.

Okay, before we get started, thank you everyone who has subscribed to my channel and for supporting the Thriver Mission. And if you haven’t yet subscribed, I want to remind you to please do. And if you like this video, please make sure you hit the like button.

Now, to get started, I want to share with you the understanding of trauma and what it really means, along with how to switch to a Quantum understanding of it, to be in the driver’s seat to heal for REAL!


The Trauma of Abuse and What It Really Is

The trauma from abuse is horrific, and the trauma from narcissistic abuse is arguably the worst of the worst. It feels like a terrible black ink permeating your mind and emotions, which literally eats our soul alive.

When this horrifying trauma strikes, people are shocked that they can’t just ‘get up and on with it,’ like they possibly could do in the past.

What is this trauma really about?

It is about every inner survival fear and insecurity that any particular human can carry being FULLY activated, separating us from our True Self and Life.

The more power we hand away to False Selves (narcissists), rather than partnering directly with our Inner Being and all of Life in Quantum connected ways, the more we feel separated and cut off. We feel controlled by the narcissist, and everything we do is at the whim of what this False Source is or isn’t doing.

These people don’t provide us wholeness, solidness and safety. Instead, they bring to conscious life every unconscious fearful, limiting and generational past life and human collective wound that has been unmet and unhealed within our subconscious programs and psyches.

As human beings, these have all been a part of our human experience.

And it is these inner parts that they hook us in with, terrorise us with, and keep ripping us to shreds with.

These are the exact reasons we stay enmeshed and addicted to narcissists. It is why we are unable to let go, create healthy boundaries and render these people incapable of continuing to hurt us.

Here is the thing … when we don’t understand the truth that sets us free, then we are in for a long, hard road to recovery.

I really want to share with you this following truth. It is fundamental to you starting your recovery, or resetting it, in a way that will provide you a direct, straight line out to the other side – to your emancipation from pain and then Thriving.

Please repeat this after me.

‘This person in my life has found and is targeting and smashing the EXACT wounds that are holding me separated from my True and Thriving Life. If I stop making it about THEM, and make it all about ME and turn inwards to fully own, claim, release and heal from these wounds, then this person will have NO power over me.’

Feel this in your body.

It is the absolute cellular truth that your Inner Being KNOWS it is the truth. And you can only align with this truth if you are prepared to get out of blame and shame, looking outwards and working through your ego – which adores keeping you separated from yourself.

What we just said together is a coming home statement, which means you get into your body and start working with the one entity that you can control – you. They open you up to taking your life and your power back.

Now let’s move on to the next fundamental understanding of trauma that will set you free.


The Purpose of Trauma

To set the scene for this understanding, I really want you to know that Source/Creation/God wants for you EXACTLY want you want. Additionally, your soul wants to set up all the conditions to help you align with BEING the actual being who can generate this in your life.

The system of ‘so within, so without’ means that your inner composition needs to have the corresponding belief system to be able to experience what is desired as your real-life experience. Subconscious programs are absolute. They generate with life the validity of the belief system to the letter, without any preference or condition.

So, what this means is: the things in our life that aren’t working, including HORRIBLE abuse, must have a corresponding inner trauma connected to it.

If you want to remain victimised, you won’t want to accept this truth – which is totally understandable (I used to be there too!). But what this means is that there is no way out of the agony of more victimisation, powerlessness, and pain. And this is why I am so passionate about you Going Quantum and finding a way to free yourself from the victimisation, the pain and the ongoing trauma that DOES WORK.

This is done by knowing that the trauma you are feeling, which the narcissist is smashing mercilessly, is the signal of the internal beliefs and fractures that are the barriers to your True Self and True Life.

It is powerful beyond measure when we stop condemning the trauma and instead KNOW that every emotional trigger felt is granting us our greatest emancipation opportunity. It is your key to freedom. You are being led UP and OUT of what you are currently experiencing. But not only this, it is opening you up to the ongoing possibility of emancipation from established patterns and further limits in your future.

I ADORE this next mantra, which I really want to share with you because it encapsulates perfectly what I’ve just been saying. So, repeat after me:

‘I bless and accept this trauma as Divine and so meant to be, because I know that it going off in my body is letting me know exactly what to turn towards, load up and release to emancipate and exalt my life way beyond the life I am living. Because of this trauma becoming consciously known, I CAN claim my True Self and Life free from these wounds and limits.’

Okay … breathe and feel this cellularly in your body. Your body knows it’s true, if you open up, breathe and allow this statement to soak through you.

I promise you that is my credo – I adore and embrace all my triggers. I love them. I know their purpose. I know that my soul and all of Creation is totally geared to flourishing me with my True Self and Life. And what this means is that anything that is NOT just that, will come up as dense, painful energy to release and live free from, so that I can make inner space to experience Who I Really Am.

I know it can seem really tough, but it’s so important to bless this time and honour it. Because, truly, you are not just shedding months or years of trauma, you are releasing generational, childhood, past life and collective traumas.

Without this method, it will take you lifetimes to release all these accumulated traumas…

If you ever could.

You are also releasing trauma for humanity itself. Each time you shift, you are freeing the collective from internal programmed wounds.

We are on Divine assignments here, and I promise you that when you embrace it and bless it, you are on your way to fast-track recovery.

Now I want to talk about why breakdowns are vital.


Breakdowns Leading to Breakthroughs

If you were to build on an allotment on the site of an old, broken-down house, the most effective way to do this would be to demolish and rebuild.

The same applies with the emotional traumas in our life.

Of course, it is terrifying to let go of what we know and to allow the breakdown/breakthrough process to happen through us.

Yet, I want you to know, with all of my heart, that night-time is it’s darkest just before daybreak.

It is when we are in the worst possible breakdown, thinking that we cannot handle any more pain and darkness, that we are totally on the cusp of the breakthrough – IF we let the breakdown energy of the old GO.

As humans, this has been our greatest struggle – to recognise the divine order that is always generating wellbeing, if we get ourselves out of the way.

We miss these breakdown opportunities. We freeze, hang on to the horrific inwardly triggered trauma, create defences around it, and even fight to righteously reinforce it in our lives. We have all the reasons why we should hang on to the trauma.

This is akin to being taken down a rapid river and not going with the ecological flow, but trying to stop the process, only to get smashed disastrously against the rocks.

Triggered trauma is your breakdown – it is telling you ‘This is NOT your True Self and True Life’. If you meet this trauma, feel the energy of it in your body, and then release it, accepting your breakthrough, then you fill where that trauma once was with Source. This is the shift in Quanta Freedom Healing and the main Quantum Healing component in NARP (Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program).

The breakthrough happens within (in your Inner Universe) before it happens without (in your Outer Universe).

This means your emotions regarding the trauma must FIRST shift before the situation in your life can.

How do we know that we have successfully midwifed a breakdown to the beginning of our breakthrough?

We know because the feelings of negative emotions, victimisation and powerlessness are gone and replaced with feelings of peace and inner calm. You may even sense that ‘everything is in perfect order, no matter what it looks like’.

People may think it is ‘magical thinking’ that a shift on the inside will change your life and how narcissists react to you.

But to think like this truly is NOT realising the grand ramifications of the shift you achieve inwardly.

When you become different, your life becomes different. And this has nothing to do with what other people are or aren’t doing, because what has changed is HOW you respond to them as a different being.

As the Quantum Creator of your Life, you are always generating your life to the letter as per your beliefs, choices and actions – whether unconsciously or consciously. Narcissists in our life experience are giving us the evidence, in hardcore brutality, of what we must clean up.

When you shift to inner calm – your beingness WITHOUT that trauma – and make this inner calm your highest priority, you will discover your emotional triggers become significantly reduced or even non-existent.

You stop being derailed by your wounds. You cease to react in ways that hand the narcissist the narcissistic supply that incites them to keep wanting to abuse you for more narcissistic supply.

By cutting off narcissistic supply, and building your own inner integrity and power, you take back your power. And then you discover that you have aligned with all of the Field on that topic you were previously struggling with.

All of a sudden solutions and support show up where there was none. The right ideas, inspirations, people, synchronicities, information and events will come into your life experience to support you and to add to your wholeness and freedom (because you are BEING that BEING on the inside).

When you live this way of life consciously, you know these are not opportunities to be missed.

This is beyond powerful.

Okay, let’s anchor into this Quantum Truth by repeating the following mantra together.

‘I know that when I am in my darkest, most painful times, if I pledge to meet it and release it and bring in my Light to replace it, that I will powerfully and quickly transform to a New Self, generating the Life that I was always meant to live. And so it is amen!’

Now, after feeling that statement in your body, I would love you to pause this video and tell me in the comments below how this feels for you? Does it feel congruent in your body, or do you have some doubts and questions still?


The Way to Thriver Recovery

The three perspectives and understandings I’ve just shared with you, in my opinion, are the biggest and most impactful – they change everything about recovery.

It doesn’t mean that the road to recovery is always a straight line and always easy.

Absolutely it’s inner self-work; it takes effort and full, loving self-commitment. But the results are not just amazing – they are life-giving. They promise, hold and then deliver the only life that was ever going to truly gratify us – a life of living free of our limiting beliefs and wounds.

I feel so blessed every day that I have the best, most gratifying and glorious job helping people achieve a way of life, which narcissists have forced us to find, so that we can save our souls.

Furthermore, I personally live this life every day as a complete Quantum lifestyle.

It’s the only life I’ve ever found that really works – and it continues to bring me such joy every day. So much joy that my heart can barely hold it all.

I want that for all of us.

Those of you already NARPing – if you require assistance to get your Thriver Recovery going, please come into the Private NARP Member’s Forum. Here you have unlimited, free lifetime support from the best Quantum Abuse Recovery Specialists in the world.

To access this please click this link.

And, for those of you ready to start NARPing, because you want this True Life too, please check out the complete Program now by clicking this link. 

I so hope this video has helped.

And if you want to see more of my videos, please subscribe so that you will be notified as soon as each new one is released. And if you liked this – click like. Also, please share with your communities so that we can help people awaken to these truths.

As always I am greatly looking forward to answering your comments and questions below.


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53 thoughts on “Narcissistic Abuse Is A Journey… But It Doesn’t Take As Long As You Think

  1. I’ve been Narping for about a month now. I’m finding the modules so amazing and helpful. So much relief. Thank you 🙏🏻 Melanie and NARP community. There’s still a heaviness and I’m mourning a life I thought I’d have (though it was very hard and I see now all the horrible behaviour I tolerated all the time/6 years ). My baby was 3 months old when it got so bad that we left. He’s 8 months now. My question is how to I get onto the forum?

    1. Hi Penelope, there is a link right at the bottom of the written transcript ….or just go to Melanie’s page and at the top right corner there is a Login box which takes you to the Forum. If you have any problems logging in go to [email protected] and they will help you. The forum is a great source of support , love and blessings to you and your baby 🌺💛

    1. Hi Rhonda,

      you do this by healing what it is within that is allowing you to accept the other not acceptable things that go with him ‘getting’ you.

      We all deserve and can generate relationships with people who not just get us, but also respect, honour and cherish us.

      Anything less is not okay…


      Please come into my free webinar http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/freewebinar where you can start sorting all of this out.

      Much love to you

      Mel 🙏💞💛

  2. I have been healing myself and releasing inner trauma. I can see how my trauma that underlayed the wounds the narcissists targeted and revealed has served me. However, I don’t see that same “silver lining” for children who did not survive the narsissists or sociopaths/psychopaths abuse. What I can”t get past or work thru is how horrific human behavior can be. I doubt I will ever date again let alone have a relationship knowing what I know about how unspeakably appalling my species can be to other beings. It is truly shocking and I don’t know how to reconcile it so I just keep my distance from other humans.

    1. Hi Kimerlea,

      I used to agree, and it was disgusting and horrible feeling like that.

      I decided to get past it – by targeting and releasing all of these wounds of ‘humans are terrible’, because I knew not only would that free me to be free and happy, it would also lessen the terrible energy of capacity of humans that can damage others.

      It’s all connected.

      Have you worked on this with NARP? Its the way too live free of it http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/narp

      I promise you it is so much sweeter on this side, so more possible to do great work – and I’ll be damned if I coming back in another lifetime here to keep living the reality of ‘humans are terrible beings’, Id much rather be a part of the movement to transform them into glorious beings.

      Food for thought hun

      Mel 🙏💞💛

    2. I know from trial and error that what Melanie says below is right-on, primary and essential. I’m hoping this sharing might also somehow help you and maybe others to “get past or work thru”, as I continue to. And, this has taken me a longtime to arrive at in terms of real-time understanding, so please take it in easy sips. . . . For some, not to be swallowed all at once. . . . If this world is full of constructive and destructive pleasures and pains, and is therefore for learning and growing, what better catalysts than an irritant that looks the same as any member of your species, and pokes directly at your unresolved, unfinished and latent areas needing for you to learn to relate to and deal with them inside your — to no longer hoard them in unconsciousness and no longer use them as pain currency through lifetimes — as Melanie points out. (You might stop here for a reflective spell before you take the next sip . . . ) And what better catalyst than others who deceptively look just like us, and yet are not, in terms of the CONSCIENCE-D INTELLIGENCE that you are. It is a world-wide, time-old existential phenomena and a challenging con-game set-up that is apparently part of this classroom playground, anywhere at the level that we exist, if you look around. I hear that “historically”, this has in other times been more a part of social common sense, before the heavier social confusions set in. (Another, maybe longer stop here before the next sip . . . ?) Ask cellular-ly and/or observe, observe, observe, as you heal . . . which is the first order of business, as Melanie absolutely right-on-ly points out. As she says, learn to heal yourself and learn more about yourself, to which I venture to add, at some point see if you can distinguish the many ways, it turns out, you are quite different from your victimizers (and sometimes it takes a lot of observing) and whether or not you also bear quite different reality potentials, compared to them — even if one can know what their life trajectory may be in the bigger picture. Different, that is, than you thought when you thought that they and you were so much the same, when actually they’ve been playing out functions in your life that you may not have quite suspected, innocently selling out, not having yet grasped enough aware self-possession of domain, value, capability, etc. (Another stop to check yourself before the next sip . . . ) But now, with the help of this confirm-able vantage, I felt that you can more deliberately USE their behavior on you for your own healing. USE THE WORLD-WIDE CATALYST! ( A whole new meaning you can add on to, “the world is my oyster”. ) And, maybe do so more efficiently than before, since it’s around in so many different flavors for you to choose and focus on, depending on what hurts most, so to say, using the humongous gift of Melanie’s applied guidance. It helps that they’re so accurate in their set-up and attack on you – all you have to do is develop the contact with yourself that they had in a self-serving, predatory way. You want to see waht they saw, that you want to heal. And it also helps that they can eventually be observed to be giving you feedback by their changes in approach to you. (However, it’s incumbent to say that you ‘d best not rely on their changing for you, except perhaps in strategy.) As Melanie says, treasure the opportunity. I hope this hasn’t been to Star-Wars-y.

      1. Hi Mitch,

        Well this is very deep and so articulate. I like your perspective. !

        In peace,
        Valerie (from the mountainside 🙂

  3. I am thrilled to have found QFH. I am a junior member but even in only about 6 weeks, my inner self is becoming much calmer. Yes, there are days that are difficult but I now feel the peacefulness of post shifting on particular triggers. I’m becoming conscious of subconscious traumas and understanding that certain people came into my life as lessons. I am also not wanting to continue this former pathway as it only holds future pain and suffering. In early June, I started researching red flags which pointed me in the direction of N behaviours and then found Melanie’s blog and subsequent program. So many things I’m learning resonate inside me and tell me that this is a wonderful path to true healing and thriving. I’ve even had a friend remark that she has noticed how much ‘lighter’ I am. I am healing and it feels great!

  4. This message is so important to me! Truly. How does this last message (and the others in this video) feel to me? It/They make me feel tingly, particularly in my feet. I am not surprised by that as my feet are my base and hold up the rest of me. I have been directing my power outwards and not inwards. Easier said than done…but doable and tingly doable. I also feel the peace of gratitude. Thank you

  5. Melanie! This post is BEAUTIFUL!!! Something that I still struggle with occasionally is wondering if there really was a purpose and meaning for all of the losses that I experienced through narcissistic abuse. Especially because at times it seems so unfair. At other times I am strong and believe that there is a greater meaning…but being human sometimes the doubts fight to get back in.

    So, THANK YOU for the beautiful words and encouragement. This was just what I needed, and I LOVE IT!!

    XO! Shanni

  6. Mel, I am on 2 years now and I am finally on the other side. I shouted be divorced by oct. I am still in the marital home and am so grateful that I got a bit more custody of the boys than he. I cherish every moment with them. He is still w/ the woman that he cheated on me with and I am still single. I have never felt more kind, confident, beautiful, smart, mindful and positive as I am now. I am fully ready for a relationship and cannot fathom why I feel so good but still single. Even on line dating has been a zero. I carry on with my head held high as he runs around and flaunts but so be it. I do believe in true love but karma as well. I will continue to help others. Thank you

  7. I know that when I am in my most dark and painful time, if I release it and bring in my light to replace it, that I will powerfully and quickly transform to my new self. Generating the life I was always meant to live and so it is, Amen! I am working to overcome my fear of abandonment and scarcity. Each time I lose the opportunity to buy a home I think is the home for me, I experience this fear that limits me and my realization that more homes ARE out there. I want to trust my Higher Power and myself as I partner with myself in the same ways I’d partnered with myself in believing I DESERVE the home of my dreams!

    1. A thousand thank yous for this melanie. There is so much wisdom and I so get it..I am at the darkest place in my life but understand why I always learned my lessons the hard way and it takes a huge wake up call for me to shift. I have some pretty serious health issues and I wish I had not allowed my life to reach this point but I have. I have been fighting life and the world all my life…my newest health issue has been very difficult to come to terms with but I am now seeing my souls prompting in all of this. It has woken me up to the outer reflection of my inside world how stagnant and stuck my life is right now…my car even has cobwebs on it! Seriously. ..my back yard is full of weeds…so today I am doing a few important steps to move out of my stagnated unhealthy mindset and into a new healthy thriver mindset. .the old Lorraine is crumbling into the ashes and new Lorraine will arise from the ashes so be it. Love and blessings Mel and the whole thriver cimmunity

  8. Dear Melanie
    Thank you for your amazing and much needed work. Grateful thanks to God for coming to your assistance so powerfully and transforming not only your own life but many others . I have experienced both types of narcissistic abuse . First with my Mother, then with my foster father who raped me in care followed by altruistic narcissistic abuse from my husband who totally traumatised me by repeating the abuse and raping me on our honeymoon . I was so traumatised I cut out left my body unable to breathe and had a near death experience. God returned me saying it was not my time and that he had a purpose for my life. I remained trapped for twenty two years unable to access or deal with what had happened. I desperately want to fulfil Gods purpose and find my true vocation which I know is serving him and using my voice. I’m now divorced with three children aged 18 16 and 13. My eldest Son had an order for no contact with his Father and continues not to see him. My two girls do still see. I’m still struggling to break free with ongoing persistant harassment and financial abuse. I suffer from Lupus( SLE) I believe as a result of the abuse and the stress has triggered another serious flare. I’ve attempted no contact .
    With the help of the police idas and a contact centre. The contact centre is no longer available to me due to funding issues so the harassment has increased again inclusive of extended family I’ve been totally isolated by the abuse from friends and family. I don’t have the resources to go back to my solicitor. I want this to stop. I want to heal. There has been a serious criminal offence with no justice for the second time in my life. Im managing a very difficult situation because my girls are still having to see their Father. Until they say they don’t want to see. him I’m having to cope and it’s a nightmare.Ideally there should be no contact all done through a third party. I currently don’t have the resources mentally physically or financially to resolve this. I need a resolve. I’d really appreciate some advice. I’m determined to break free and live the life God intended for me and my children
    Many Thanks Alyson

    1. Hi Alyson,

      You are very welcome.

      Sweetheart please email my support team [email protected] and please tell them I have requested your sponsorship onto NARP.

      We will do all we can to support and help you in this time. I am.also alerting my support team to look out for your email.

      So much love to you and your children

      Mel 🙏💞💛

  9. I started the NARP some four weeks ago and getting back to it now after a short pause. Just like putting out these thoughts here on this video, it has instantly changed my feelings and how I feel about myself, in a miraculously efficient way! Only the NARP modules are of course much more powerful than just repeating these sentences, but even here the effect surprises me by being to immediately powerful. These ideas are ingenious, but when you think about it, also perhaps obvious truths about us and our life. Of course we can change only ourselves as humans, not others. And of course the way we think about ourselves will affect the way others think about us. But especially for us here, how are finding your teaching and healing, these points need to be taken home.

    I do find you some kind of a genius to have constructed this incredibly direct way to access our inner feelings, trauma and to get an immediate hold of our true selves. And just like that, start to reform it! It is, as you say, something that other psychologists and therapists are normally not at all capable of. I was nearly shocked and in awe after doing the NARP introductory module 0, because it had done everything in a matter of minutes, and I felt so different, incredibly much better. And not in any way compromised or at any kind of risk, just being quite frankly and directly pushed on the right and also obvious path, emotionally and intellectually soundly and so self-evidently.

    I am still in the beginning of NARP, and still thinking daily about my narcissistic girlfriend I left five months ago. But after accomplishing only two modules and the introductory one, I can feel how it has already started to profoundly change me and free me of my past individual mishappenings and indeed unfortunate events, which have kept controlling me and my life. And brought in the narcissist. NARP makes me realise, that those events are not me, that they just happened to me, but if we leave them unchecked, they will generate more and more of similar things. And they already habe. I am now starting to get back to the whole person that I deep inside am and will always be, and that is the greatest gift!

    With that this can and will change everything that comes at me and especially becomes the outcome of whatever may come at me.

    I definitely wasn’t planning to advertise NARP here, but it turns out I did anyway. Saying out loud these sentences on the video were the same: sudden bringing in of, on the one hand self-evident, on the other hand completely overlooked truths, that remind you of who YOU are. You are not the reactions and aggressions or affectionate deeds or even the loving of others. You are not your interactions with others. You are always You, and that shall not and cannot be changed! Only after your self will come all these external things that you deal with in your Own life. If you are healthy, you can’t be easily hurt by unhealthy others, and you will not unhealthily hurt others. (I still also feel guilt for leaving the narcissist so abruptly. I was in terror, when I finally saw through her and through my own acceptance of all the abuse I had let her subject me to. For only three months, but I am picking up the pieces for a long time…!)

    Thank you Melanie so much already! I am so much looking forward to getting the best I can out of NARP.

    (Sorry I’m not using my name, as this is not meant for my ex or anyone who knows her or also me.)

  10. Dear Melanie

    Wow so many truths and the mantra well what can I say it just keeps hitting the bullseye 🎯

    Thank you so much for this video it is perfect and so profound.
    It was crystal clear.

    Love Reena xxx

  11. ‘I know that when I am in my darkest, most painful times, if I pledge to meet it and release it and bring in my Light to replace it, that I will powerfully and quickly transform to a New Self, generating the Life that I was always meant to live. And so it is amen!’

    This is so amazing! It truly feels great, and it’s such a good mantra to work on/repeat in the times of pain/trauma healing.

    💜 Thank you Melanie for the video, and Blessings to you! 💕

    Love, Malin❤️

  12. Hi Melanie, YES these mantras feel congruent in my body. The timing of this video is perfect, because I recently came into contact with a highly painful trauma within myself and these mantras helped me anchor into the truth of how we are all meant to live…in light and love.

    I was introduced to your NARP program about a year ago and have been NARPing since then and seeing/experiencing many good changes. As is true with your description of trauma and this path of healing being like layers of an onion, a couple of months ago I came face to face with a very, very deep and painful wound that really threw me off my focus (through 2 narcs at work). I went into fight-or-flight reaction and I don’t know if I could have prevented it…it just came up and I could not find my calmness. I felt very lost even though I was doing the modules…it was really difficult and I felt like I could never heal. I was repeatedly triggered during this time, a family member then triggered me in a deeply painful way. But I just kept going and listening to my inner being about what I needed. The NARP forum has been so supportive during this time.

    So it’s been a little rough, this work is hard but so worth it. The good news about my “fight or flight” experience is that I am no longer in a highly toxic work situation, i start a new job next week that has a higher income and with someone I know and respect, and I am receiving so much support from this realm and our spiritual guides realm on working through this. I still have trauma to release but I know with 100% certainty that I will release it, and that I will know what to do when more reveals itself. This experience has strengthened my belief in myself that I can heal and thrive. 🙂 And the mantras you shared today were the medicine I needed!

    1. Hi Adrienne,

      I love that they did!

      Please know sweetheart that whenever you come across these times of big breakdown/breakthrough that the NARP members forum – your tribe – is there for you.


      There is so much power and support for you in these times.

      Yaya I am so happy for your breakthrough… and I promise you, the Thriver Way, they just get easier and easier.

      So much love to you

      Mel 🙏💞💛

  13. Wow Melanie, this is a wonderfully put together video and perfectly timed (of course).
    I have been NARPing for a month now and have been healing by leaps and bounds! Yippee 😊
    I just wanted to say that this program is for people at all stages of healing along their journey.
    There is nothing that I have found like QFH.

    You are a blessing 💗

  14. Thank you so much what you do and how you doing it has open my eyes since I found you thank you so much for opening my eyes to the real truth…

  15. Dear Melanie, thank you so much for doing what you are doing. I strive to thrive like you and many other thrivers in the community.
    It’s only been about seven weeks since I hit rock bottom, my gut feeling was right all along as much as I wanted to deny my inner trauma my instincts were spot on. My ex narc had numerous affairs which produced a child that we were never able to have. I immediately turned to a dear friend at work as I isolated so many other friends and family members out of my life, she introduced me to your videos and blogs. I signed up to the NARP program soon thereafter. Going quantum has helped me tremendously, I do not know that I am even half way there yet but I do know that I am finding more and more peace within and in my life and I am already at a point where I do not seek revenge. I am seeking peace and light and joy within. After 19 years, I realize now that my ex narc was sent to me by God to release traumas and grow stronger, and it is generational as I look at the pattern of women in my family and how they pretty much were subservient to their partners, the AIDs, ‘angels in disguise’. I forgive my AID/ex and am working really hard on forgiving myself. The loneliness is the biggest hurdle right now that I am trying to overcome, trying to quantum that out but I am not there just yet. The ex-narc has really been trying to get me to budge the last couple of weeks, as I have gone modified contact due to property issues, but I am holding my own. Proud of myself.
    The next few months will not be easy dealing with the property issues and having to see him in court, I have always been the one to love unconditionally and always wanted to be there for him and make his life easier. I am not here to hurt anyone, just figuring out the way to lead my life in self care and self love by self partnering. Working on me as I am the only thing I have control over.

    As busy as I get I need to make more of an effort to go quantum whenever I feel traumas because it really does work and I have to remember your phrase:

    ‘I know that when I am in my darkest, most painful times, if I pledge to meet it and release it and bring in my Light to replace it, that I will powerfully and quickly transform to a New Self, generating the Life that I was always meant to live. And so it is amen!’

    God bless you and your team for all you do.
    Peace and love to everyone!!!

    1. Hi Jazz,

      It’s my pleasure. I so know you are Thriver on your way!

      You have been through so much and I’m so happy for you that you are seeking peace and healing within.

      You should be so proud of you, you have come such a long way.

      Sweetheart just keeping shifting out your trauma that arises and please come into the NARP members forum when you need support http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/member

      Your tribe is there to help you every step of the way.

      Thank you for your love to everyone.

      Much love to you

      Mel 🙏💞💛

  16. How does one deal with a community of “minions”???? Smearing, monitoring, being photographed, smeared as a predator to males, a spy just by simply sitting on a park bench trying to relax, etc.

  17. Hi Adrienne,

    I love that they did!

    Please know sweetheart that whenever you come across these times of big breakdown/breakthrough that the NARP members forum – your tribe – is there for you.


    There is so much power and support for you in these times.

    Yaya I am so happy for your breakthrough… and I promise you, the Thriver Way, they just get easier and easier.

    So much love to you

    Mel 🙏💞💛

  18. Hi Melanie,

    This video came at a perfect time.

    Although I have risen above the NARC experience with great insight and gratitude, right on the heels of it, I found myself in another series of life crisis any one of which is devastating and none of which I have any human control over. And I have seen many bona-fide miracles. But in the darkness, I have this reminder: GOD Is GOOD. Period.

    This is when NARP is incredibly SAVING strength.

    With NARP, I have tools to transcend the human picture. I get a NEW Earth. I get HEAVEN , actually. It is not an improved or nicer or better Earth, but a TOTALLY NEW ONE. The transformation is so huge – it is truly QUANTUM. It is within but it affects without. And I can look confidently at anything remembering that I have power to change my perception.

    Time has nothing to do with it. Time disappears and seems like little to pay for the freedom of seeing clearly.

    SO in these new challenges, I got your video and remembered : what I see, feel, or conclude as ‘insurmountable crisis” are only my version -of MY limited view, tainted by past perceptions. The picture I see is NOT the PURE, ORIGINAL TRUTH. And it doesn’t have to take hold of my life or future.

    I HAVE POWER TO CHANGE my tainted perception with NARP (or other CHRIST LIGHT) and bring my feelings into alignment with the REALITY that is the TRUE one. God already created a Perfect World. I have to change my heart to see it and know it and experience it.

    NARP is not just for NARC Recovery. When we know that releasing our inner pain-tinged perceptions sets us free from bondage in EVERYTHING, NARP-type practice is for ALL RECOVERY.

    It is what we read about in Isaiah 60, 61 : Healing the Brokenhearted. How else can we be made whole? It is by washing away the things that currently separate us from clear perception of inner TRUTH. This goes for all painful situations, not just NARC recovery.

    We don’t have to create Heaven. It is already here as we wash our perceptions to gain what is the Original, SOURCE TRUTH which we are at CORE LEVEL. This is the Good News applied!

    Your work is beyond NARC recovery. It is for Salvation. We are in TRUTH already LOVED, PERFECT, and Equipped to SHINE AS LIGHT.

    Let’s purify our hearts so we can see GOOD. NARP is how.

    Blessing –

  19. Hi Mel,
    Since I’m now peacefully enjoying my life again, regardless of what happens in my day, I see the simplicity of life and how it is always working to support our growth. I’ve noticed what was two of the biggest challenges during my darkest times after narcissistic abuse. The first was the illusion of separation. Being an Empath that felt like death because I’ve always experienced oneness and knew that I had lost something special in myself. But NARP helped me remember the Quantum field that I experience as oneness and I could then take notice of nature again and see the storms and sunny days as being a natural part of life and how cleansing they are instead of feeling victimized by the storms. I could also see how the narc wanted me to live with him in the raging storms of his soul. I could see his falseness poisoning my mind and release it by doing the modules. The second thing I began to remember again was all the beautiful and unique ways that life expresses itself even though it is all one. A tree isn’t trying to be a cat. A dog isn’t trying to be a bird. The wind isn’t trying to be the ocean. They are all uniquely what they are supposed to be and so am I. By doing the modules I could see how the narc truly wanted to destroy my individuality (since they have none of their own) and how I handed it over to him once my connection to Source was damaged. Being quiet and going into the self is so powerful and embracing the pain with compassion is so important.

    My experience with him was the best spiritual practice of my life and like yourself, I tried everything to heal. But there is something about having to work for something that is originally given for free at birth that is truly a great opportunity. I was born with love in my heart, but I had to do healing work in order to truly understand it and just how powerful it is. I was born with human guardians, but I had to do healing work to learn how to be my own guardian and find my way back to the ultimate guardian which is Source. I was born full of curiosity and acceptance, but I had to do healing work which requires practicing inquiry and self-acceptance. I was born trusting my gut, but I needed to work the modules in order to hear what it was saying again.

    We are so fortunate to be part of this community and to have had one of the toughest roads to travel on. There is nothing more intimate than having someone in your life who can talk to the light of your soul’s power when you believe you have no power. If someone carried me up a mountain I would never know just how strong my own muscles really are nor would I have developed the skills required to assist others in climbing their own mountains. Thank you for not carrying me to the top of the mountain, but instead cheering me on so that I could finally get back to doing it for myself and even better than before.

    Love you Mel-Ji.

    (“Ji” after your name means “respect” in Indian culture just in case you didn’t know. However, I’m not Indian.)

    1. Hi Asha,

      I so agree, regarding separation, and redefining Oneness without the trauma was EVERYTHING for me too!

      This has been a tough journey – but one so blessed with richness, awakening and fullness.

      I am sure we wanted it exactly LIKE this!

      We’re never going to stop climbing that mountain together Asha and seeing the beautiful landscape we get to enjoy doing it.

      So much Ji and love to you too beautiful lady.

      Mel 🙏💞💛

  20. Melanie ,

    Thank you so much from my heart. You are my angel, and I seriously mean it !!! I am in my darkest hour right now. The pain and enxiety unbearable. You are my light in this deepest of this dungeon, the highest forces send you to me. You are such a compassionate being, to me you are like Jesus, I am very serious and I am not afraid to say it!!!!! I am about to leave my abuser. The fear is so great, it is paralyzing. I feel like I am on the edge of a cliff, I need to jump, but it is so scary….I am tring to NARP any free second I have. I realized this is my biggest priority, nothing is more emportant then the salvation of my soul!!!

  21. Hi Melanie! This video, and the mantras inxluded in it, make me feel that there is light instead of darkness, and my body relaxes as I absorb these mantras. A calmness and partial knowing come through. Thank you so much for the vital work you are sharing with all of us, to become who we were meant to be. Our true selves. X0X0❤❤

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