This episode is about helping you get in contact with your True Self and True Life, which means being able to access and activate the loving, healthy and successful life that is your birthright to live.

I know, after narcissistic abuse, you may believe that a great life just isn’t possible for you.

However, I know the exact opposite, that because you have been narcissistically abused, your True Life is even more possible for you than it ever was.

And I can’t wait to explain to you WHY in today’s video.



Video Transcript

Okay, I just want to start off by saying thank you so much if you filled in the New Life survey a couple of weeks ago! Myself and the MTE team are so grateful for the responses. We had over 4000 entries!

And now … the lucky winners of the 5 free MTE healing programs are …… (drum roll) …… Christine, Sam, Cindy, Joann and Donna.

Congratulations! You will receive an email with your instructions on how to claim your free healing program. Please know that we are not releasing last names to protect privacy, so if you have the same name as one of the winners but did not receive a prize, this is why.

We run competitions quite regularly for our New Life Newsletter subscribers. If you aren’t a member, what are you waiting for? Subscribe by clicking this link  (you also receive a free 16 day recovery course!).

Okay so now … I am so excited to be sharing today’s TTV episode with you.

Because I enjoy nothing more than creating my own personal dreams after narcissistic abuse and helping thousands of other people, globally, to do the same.

People just like you … no matter how much you’ve been hurt or what you’ve lost, there is an amazing life awaiting you, if you know how to activate it.

And, because today’s episode is all about that, I just want to let you know that my Super-Thrive three-day workshop in Melbourne is coming up real soon on the 23rd to the 25th of March.

My promise to you is, if you come to this workshop, you will experience unprecedented breakthroughs into areas of your life, that you deeply desire the most – namely love, health and wealth.

You can find out more about this exclusive event by clicking this link. 

Okay … now let’s move onto this episode.


The People Who Stand to Gain the Most

This is what I believe with all my heart – the people who have lost everything are in the best position to gain the most.

You may think I’m crazy but listen up.

What we were living, wasn’t our True Soul’s destiny. We thought it was, but it wasn’t. When connected to a False Self trying to source our life through them, everything was breaking down. Our health, our finances and ultimately our entire being.

All of this was screaming at us “Wrong Town!”

This is what I discovered, for myself and countless other people, just like you, who have lost everything – when we learnt to value our Soul and our Inner Being above all else, all losses started to reverse.

When we turn inwards to self-partner, and purposefully and lovingly release and reprogram our inner traumas (which is exactly what NARP allows you to powerfully do) then an astounding phenomenon takes place.

All of Source, Life and Creation start to partner us also, with mega-gusto.

Rather than the uphill battle of constantly trying to make life work from the outside (trying to obtain and retain people and situations in order to allow us to feel loved, approved of, safe and secure), we have finally got into the true driver seat of Creation.

We have realised the only way to create a life successfully is from the inside out.

It has to be between us and ourselves.

And even more than this, this IS the essential relationship between us and our Higher Power (Source).

When we have healed ourselves, we realise wholeness as just an ‘isness’. It’s our natural, organic state without the traumas and false beliefs that we have all been inflicted with. And, we return home.

From this place, we begin directly sourcing with Life itself.

No longer are we handing away our power to the people and situations that are not aligned with our True Self and True Life.

No longer do we choose, roll around with and get mined by abusers.

It’s not until we take on the journey of self-partnering, that we realise what a false journey (albeit unconsciously) we were on, and how it was never going to work out durably or deliver the only life that was ever going to gratify us.

As a result of healing and feeling whole on the inside, regardless of where your life is or what anybody else is or isn’t doing, then your life … your True Life, begins.

Powerfully, in ways that will nourish and flourish you beyond your wildest dreams!


What Are Your Dreams and Goals?

People say all the time, “I don’t know what my dreams and goals are”. Or maybe they do know, but don’t know how on earth they could ever activate them.

And, maybe they have been used to living a life where they have been trying to provide other people with their dreams and goals instead, in order to feel loved and safe.

When you start a deep inner healing, a realisation takes hold – that you are here for a purpose, that is aligned with your Soul Truth. And this is what you deeply want to do!

You also start to deeply sense that your aligning with your true soul purpose in no way means that you need to go without. It is, in fact, the exact opposite.

All that you ever wished for including love, health and wealth come naturally when you are no longer on the wrong path. When you honour your Soul and Source, Source and your Soul fully respond. This Force unlocks for you all that your heart desires.

That has been my experience and the experience of more Thrivers that I could mention.

What you want as your dreams is what your heart is telling you. Your goals and dreams are personal, and in no way are they selfish. They involve your greatest contribution to the world.

When you are fully being yourself, you will serve The All in the highest of ways.

None of this is possible if you continue handing away your power trying to be what other people want you to be in an attempt to get love, approval or safety. You need to self-partner and become your own powerful source.


How to Connect to Your Truth

I really want you to understand this … your life is not about other people loving you more.

It is about you loving you more.

Your life is not about getting approval.

It’s about you approving of yourself.

Your life is not about doing something so that you can make money.

It’s about being the person you were born to be and then being abundantly supported by all of life as a result of this.

Yes, you can have love, health and wealth whilst being of incredible service to this planet.

You can have it all!

After narcissistic abuse and losing it all, you TRULY stand to gain it all.

You can activate this by turning inwards and healing yourself, in order to integrate with your infinite power and the wisdom of your Inner Being.

Your greatest mission is to be self-partnered. To let go of the shame and blame of yourself and others. To lose all of the painful feelings that have been standing between you and the entering of your incredible extended, expanded life.

You are here to make a difference, and to be the new wave of self-partnered, self-generative Oneness, that changes everything for you personally and everything you touch in this world.

How do you activate this?

How do you stand in your truth to start redefining your dreams and goals?

My highest suggestion is to listen to the truth of your heart and soul.

List what you want and don’t hold back.

Your soul doesn’t get it wrong.

If you are feeling it then it is true for you.

Your personal destiny that awaits you, is seeking you as much as you are seeking it.

What is blocking this destiny from touching you, inspiring you and calling you into it?

Nothing, other than your fears, limited traumatic programming and beliefs that allow you to talk yourself out of it, be fearful and not go for the ride.

That is completely normal, even though it is horrifically unnatural. You were programmed with the traumas of limitations by other people with their own internal trauma that disconnected them from their dreams and goals.

The great news is, there is a TOTAL way for you to clear those blocks within you so that your true destiny comes into view.


Sign Up, Clear Out and Show Up

I will be showing people in intense detail in my three-day Super-Thrive workshop how to work through these processes, but I’ll share with you what I did to make my incredible destiny happen so that you can too.

Step 1: Sign Up

I had the sense that I needed to do this years ago, so I did.

I declared to Source, All of Life and my Superconscious the following …

“I sign up. I hand myself over to you to be the vessel for my highest and best potential to enter me as me. I will be a conduit for my most powerful and expanded contribution on this planet, and to be the person, the ONLY person, that will completely gratify me.”

I knew I meant it, even though I had NO idea what this would make happen!

This led to the necessity for me to …

Step 2: Clear Out

Then what happened, was all the fears and limitations that I already had within me, were thrust up to the surface.

Things like, “I’m too old and I don’t have the qualifications to be super successful.”

“I know that I should be able to be flourished and nourished with love. But love has never worked out for me before.”

“How on earth am I going to get the support to be able to do this mission? Or be accepted for my ideas?  It’s never happened before!”

This I knew … there was no WAY I was going to be able to walk through the door into my Super-Thriving magnificence, with this JUNK stuck in my suitcase.

I had to unpack diligently, all those fears, confusions, doubts and limitations trapped in my Inner Being.

So, I committed FULLY to doing that …

When I did this because I’d already made the declaration for my Superconscious Self to enter me, it did … on steroids.

Which then led to step number three.

Step 3: Show Up

The most amazing things were now happening.

Where fear, inertia, and lack of courage had been, I was filling up with inspiration, impulses and feelings and thoughts that I had never experienced before.

Excitement and tangible ‘possibility’ arose within me, relating to EVERY area of my life.

And, as I looked around me, I was blown away by the synchronicity, opportunities and the literal miracles of people, situations and events rushing towards me that completely represented my highest expressions of Love, Health and Wealth.

This had NEVER happened before.

I knew what I had to do.

I had to SHOW up!

I had to be available, open and empowered ENOUGH to explore and actualise these incredible opportunities!

To be able to do that … to have the courage, boundaries, and energy to be able to participate fully with the super-boost that Creation Itself was granting me, I had to learn how to ride on top of an incredible wave.

Rather, than falling off and sinking.

To do that it was really important to keep going back to Step 2 – clearing out any fears, blocks, limitations or confusion that arose.

Of course, at times these new opportunities quite frankly terrified me, yet this was exactly where I needed to show up, exploring and working with these new expanded potentials.

I had to bust out of all of my previous comfort zones in order to capitalise on these opportunities.

And the same is 100% true for you.

This is where the inner Quantum Tools are so powerful, because they bypass your logical brain, and get deep within you to release all of your limiting blocks and activate your power.

If you know that this is the level that you want to get to, I can’t recommend enough checking out my Quanta Freedom Healing programs by clicking this link. 

And, if you want to get up close and personal with me for three days, where I will give it my all, including performing Quanta Freedom healing shifts, to move you into your most amazing True Life, then check out this link.

Come Super-Thrive with me!

And as always, I look forward to answering your comments and questions below.


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31 thoughts on “Redefining Your Dreams And Goals After Narcissistic Abuse

  1. I have followed every teaching on this website, gone no contact and let everything go. But you can’t move on if your caught in systems like unfair child support that continue to feed the narcissist and drive the recovering abused individual into economic despair. I live in daily poverty, put down by society and ridiculed by health and school professionals that I’m not a worthy dad, a low life…all because of money. This site has given me much hope over the last three years but I’m starting to see that no matter how hard you try, systems are aligned against fathers especially. Personally, I’m sick of seeing the happy smiles and promises my life will get better on here…reality is I may die a lonely man without my children no matter what I do.

    1. Don’t give up . Please many of us have lost everything. The healing of your childhood it will set you free .No one will make you feel any less than what you believe in yourself . .life will be what you want it to be It doesn’t happen overnight but listen to Melanie she speaks from being were we all have been or are in . You are enough you always have been . Keep the healing it works I know this is truth . The only validation you need is for yourself . Bless and accept all that is .

    2. I am reaching out bc I related to you on the level where I don’t feel this person will have accountability for their actions. I have no children involved but I relate where I feel destroyed by the idea that this person will somehow gain everything I seek and I Will still be broken
      My hope is with these programs to get on a wavelength where it is not money or anygunub that they will “have”upper hand. I wonder if true freedom is being so tuned into the dial of our own fulfilled happiness that even if we don’t have physical things or people we find what truly makes Our souls truly happy.

      All I think I know is if we stay the course and do the work we gain what neither of us had before. Which is a grounded rooted self fulfilled being.

      I am on this path and I’m ready to look at the deep real work I have to do to get there. I think phocusing on their “wins or gains” is still playing into the toxic path of wins and gains that they probably put you through.

      I am on day4 of trying to figure this out and apply it to my life where o am just simple free

    3. Hi Kevin,

      my heart goes out to you.

      Please know this is not a gender issue in dealing with narcissists, not at all. It has happened to countless females in this community as well … I promise you.

      Kevin, I also promise you that when people have deeply healed within with NARP, where there was previously no way – the way appeared.

      Truly. All things are possible – unless you have beliefs that are not. It is not the situation that is the problem, as much as the belief.

      Much love to you.

      Mel 🙏💕💛

    4. Hi father, you can see a different outcome in order to change your mind-set. I have gone through the same situation with my child and I am a woman. It is a lifetime achievement, you will always want to move on and to work on your new reality where there are no narcissists anymore. I changed my mind-set through daily meditation. Law of attraction from my inner heart, instead from the outside. Be stubborn on how you can love yourself even more. It will become better and it is the dance of the waves. 2 steps forward, 1 step back, 2 steps forward,….
      Be the best YOU can become.

    5. Hi Kevin,
      Are you doing the NARP program?
      It doesn’t happen overnight but it works amazingly well. If you haven’t started it, I highly recommend it … and if you have started it, I hope you join us on the forum. I have experienced so much more healing when I work the program with community. Everyone is so lovely there.

    6. Hi Kevin, I’m sorry for what you are going through. Can you take a very deep breath and give it a last go? Join Narp and come into the Forum for some intensive support and company ? If so , email support@melanietoniaevans , outline your financial constraints at the moment and they may gift you the program . For your kids sake and your own , please give it a go and send that email…. best wishes.

    7. Hi Kevin, I totally understand your frustration and loneliness in this fight. I can feel how sad you are, and tired of it. I understand because I felt this way also.
      Please don’t give up trying, because things can change, and they do, if you believe it’s possible.
      I have a beautiful daughter, she is 33 now, and I brought her up on my own, as I had to leave her father when my daughter was just 14 months old, because of abuse. I realise now he was a narcissist, but back in 1987, when I took my daughter and fled the relationship, I didn’t know about narcissists.
      Being a single mum was hard and lonely and we lived pay packet to pay packet, but at least we were safe and happy.
      When my daughter was about 14 years old, I met a man and we ended up being together for 18 years, and in the last few years I realised he was a narcissistic, as it was the only thing that clearly explained the abuse and trauma in my relationship. Because of that relationship I lost contact with my daughter, she’d had enough of seeing me take this man’s abuse, and she had grown into a strong woman in a healthy relationship of her own, with a loving husband and, now, four beautiful children.
      But back in 2016, when I was still in a relationship with my ex narc, she said enough and told me she didn’t want me in her life anymore, and cut contact with me.
      I was devastated, and when I finally left my ex narc in 2019, I contacted her to let her know. Her response was ‘If that’s what you want’.
      What I wanted, though, was to have my daughter back in my life, and I kept that thought as I dealt with healing myself. A great friend of mine said to believe that one day I would have my daughter back in my life, to believe I deserved it, and I tried to feel this way, and if doubt started to creep in, I’d say positive affirmations to get my mind back onto thinking positive about it.
      One day I just had this overwhelming feeling that I needed to apologise deeply and sincerely to my daughter for all the hurt I’d caused her. Of course I hadn’t meant to hurt her, but I had all the same, by not being grateful each and every day for having her in my life, and living true to that.
      I wrote my daughter a huge apology in an email and sent it to her, and from that day on, we have been speaking. In response to my email apology, I got an email back from my daughter telling me what she was up to, thanking me for what I’d said, acknowledging how hard it must have been, and also giving me an update on what my four grandchildren were up to.
      I’m happy to say, my relationship with my daughter is now better than it has ever been, and we email or text each other nearly every day. I called her and the grandkids on FaceTime for Christmas, and I’ve just been invited down to visit for Easter!
      Twelve months ago, I didn’t believe this would ever have been possible, it was only because I had a friend who reminded me to be positive, believe it will happen, know in your heart you deserve it, and just keep working at it, and it will happen – and for me it did.
      Please don’t lose hope, please don’t give up, and please remember to believe in miracles and believe that you deserve good things in life 🙏🏽💝🙏🏽💝🙏🏽💝

  2. Boy howdy do i relate. I’m female, and 68. My partner of 23 years swindled my home and made me homeless while he moved another woman into MY, not OUR home. I lived in the forest for 9 months, lost 70lbs and nearly died. This 2 years ago. Eventually I fled to a warmer climate, and I kid you not, EVERYTHING suddenly started to fall in place. Because of what I came through NOTHING frightened me ever again. I went thru the “I’m to old” stage, but it absolutely was not true. I am healthier than ever, well employed, and dating. Yes i did have to face the dragon…myself! I met a really fantastic woman when i did! You will get thru this….you will!

  3. Yes! Lost my parents to cancer and heart attack when I was in college, married a sociopath path who was actually very nice to me everyday but had a secret life and then a 12 year rollercoaster with a sadistic narcissist. I have self partnered after I went no contact almost 16 months ago!! You will never see me live with marry nor commit to a man for the remainder of my life. I love me just the way I am. I’m
    doing me. I discovered what I feel called to do, I have finally uncovered my purpose that was always there, I have my passionate interests, I have the freedom to put my kids first and move and or visit them anywhere in the country on a whim, I like who I’m hanging out with….an outside partner (is a man) I’d have to accommodate. THAT does not fit into this contentment. I feel selfish. It feels so damn good. I finished discovering me after 11 years. I used to dread going places alone and now I feel freedom. I am excited to explore and do things alone. I can talk to who I want, flirt with who I want, travel where I choose, and meet my needs easily. It’s insane. I felt like I was missing my right arm for so long. That narc abuse disaster was the best thing ever for me.i was destroyed financially and my brain was hijacked. Yet it was what I needed to shed what held me back. It opened up the world to me and put to rest all those attitudes that kept me stuck and longing to share happy or sad things with someone else. I think my aunt and 3 friends who never married helped model this wholeness with self. They are joyful people.
    I’ve never been this content in my cognitive life like I have been in almost 2 years. I bike, take Zumba, eat vegetarian, fell into a job after not working 25 years in my field and I feel like I’m saving lives (health educator) and I’m enjoying my kids, I’m was accepted to grad school for my doctorate and it feels like a hobby, I sleep late In the mornings as I please, listen to music and pod casts (not all those silly love songs…the lyrics remind me of my emotional vomit ex narc). I do what I want, when I want, with whom I want and it’s fun. I sprawl out on my bed and read books and watch movies and laugh and don’t feel like I need to turn to anyone a d laugh with them. I’m tickled with myself and have a fulfilled feeling after I watch a movie. I love knowing I will never have someone treat me without respect. I can smell psychopathy from a mile away in a person. I am safe. I trust my instincts and I feel wise. The universe has sent me a wonderful tenant, her medical school friends who are you g and include me socially even though I’m old..they think I’m awesome and cool. They are health conscious too. I have my kids and enjoy their company. The new part time job, good people around me everywhere I go and I don’t worry anymore. I feel like the curse of the darkness has been lifted. Everything good I did not seek! It found me! Effortless. No applying, no searching no praying or wishing or planning! I I love knowing no man could ever have enough positive traits to sacrifice my self partnering.

  4. Mel,
    Can you please provide the link to the 3-day thriver program? I don’t see it anywhere in the transcript and I had trouble linking through the video.
    Thank you!

  5. How to declare to higher power about our needs to thrive, is it done in modules or some form of meditation? For example, making new friends, also about career choices.

    1. How to declare to higher power about our needs to thrive, is it done in modules or some form of meditation? For example, making new friends, also about career choices.

      I am from India, how can I access super thrive event? I really wanna be part of it. Any Live videos will be available?

      1. Hi Sai,

        The Super Thrive event, due to deep healing and confidentiality, to create a beautiful safe space for people to breakthrough, means that it can’t be shared outside of the event.

        Sai, we do have people flying in from overseas to participate in this event.

        Maybe, this is something that you may consider doing?

        We would love to have you there

        Mel 🙏💕💚

    2. Hi Sai,

      If you are a gold NARP member Then we can help you with guidance and coaching in your module work, all as a part of your one-time membership, to help you with any specific goals and healings that you have.

      That is my greatest suggestion to you to come into the NARP members forum to be able to access this assistance in great detail.

      If you have any problems at all joining in with the forum, then you can email my lovely support team at [email protected] for help to get in there.

      Much love to you

      Mel 🙏💕💚

  6. Hello Melanie!
    My name is Paula & I recently was guided to your programme. I’m so glad I found it as it fits in perfectly with all the energetic & soul based healing I have been doing for many years now.
    My narcissistic experience was through my much older sister who subjected me to physical, mental & emotional abuse for a very long time. My parents were a complete blessing by contrast, although they actually saw very little of what went on from the time I was two, due to managing hotels 12 hours a day often seven days a week to make money. They tried to protect me as best they could, sending her to boarding school, which she loved. A direct result was that I contracted CFS/ME at 24 years old while running my own retail business with my beautiful Dad, my twin soul/flame. This was 1984 when nothing was known about these conditions & considerable emotional/ mental damage was also then inflicted by the mainstream medical profession.
    I have spent the bulk of the last 36 years on a journey to heal from all this & more & have been extremely successful in many ways. I have had no contact with my sister for years, I have forgiven us both for the contract begun many lifetimes ago & destroyed it for all time. I have the lessons & gifts to thank us both for.
    I moved to Tasmania 15 years ago to my dream historic home & fulfilled my childhood dream of my own dance studio behind my home, where I taught ballet & flamenco before my health conditions became so severe that I had to suspend teaching in 2015. That is heartbreaking to me, but I know I will be completely recovered one day, when I want to combine all I have learned along the way to facilitate healing for others. No idea how yet but it will happen! Melanie, your own story has proved what I already know to be true.
    Another dream came true when I travelled to Hawaii, NY & San Fransisco in 2015! Although unwell, I loved it! I intend to do more travel when health challenges abate, as I know they will.
    I also have the love of a wonderful man, my soulmate, who understands & supports me completely & has done for 30 years. Our relationship is very precious to both of us. I have a terrific neice who survived being my only sibling’s child in remarkable shape & a small group of very special friends too, so as you can see I am richly blessed & so very fortunate.
    In regard to your three day course in Melbourne,
    I wondered if you ever hold these in other cities too, as because of my health I’m very limited in what I can manage. I would really enjoy meeting you & taking part. Would you consider coming to Hobart in the future?
    I am so close to completely thriving, health is the only stumbling block now!
    I want to thank you for your work & the support through NARP, as my life has, of necessity often been a very isolating road. I am so proud of myself & what I’ve achieved against great odds so far. I add my voice to many others here that no matter the situation, there is always hope, & help comes in many forms when you can trust yourself, something I am so grateful I never had a problem with, in spite of everything.
    Best wishes to you & all of us,

    1. Hi Paula,

      I am so pleased that my NARP Healing Program resonates with you deeply!

      Paula your spirit and courage are amazing and I’m so happy for you that you are blessed abundantly.

      Paula, it is very unlikely due to numbers that we would be holding a three-day event in Hobart. Truly, the closest that it ever will be will to you will be Melbourne. Why don’t you consider coming over? It is such a short flight for you, of course health permitting, and I’d love to meet you in person!

      Please know how welcome you are Paula and I’m just so happy that my work and NARP has helped support you.

      Thank you for sending your best wishes to all of this and so much love to you too

      Mel 🙏💕💚

  7. Thank you. For the past 3 years I have been in a narcissistic relationship. I fell in love with a man that I believed was my life partner. This was my dream guy and this was the man I wanted to marry. Love is blind because in these 3 years he has left me several times for his ex, cheated on me with other women, lied to me, manipulated me, used manipulation to control me, caused me to hurt financially, had me believing that I was the problem in our relationship, has had me on the verge of a mental breakdown several times and during all this my head was screaming at me to get out. Family and friends were urging me to get out. After a number of times of breaking up with him and then being sucked backed in, I began looking online on how I could be a better partner and help build a better relationship. What did it take to have that happy and loving relationship? How could I be the best thing he’s ever had? As I’m reading on what people are saying about healthy relationships, I also came across articles on the type of people with whom those relationships are not possible. Narcissist. Sociopath. Psychopath. And in the process of discovering what kind of people these are, I began to compare them to myself. Thankfully I discovered that they were not me. What I was was exactly the kind of person narcissist prey on. Then I came across your blogs sometime last year and slowly but surely they have given me ammo, knowledge and strength. Not that they gave me reason to leave him for good (cuz he is extremely good at Hoovering and love bombing it would make my head spin) but it gave me knowledge and had me lying to myself that even tho he had those narcissistic traits that I could be strong enough for the both of us to help heal his damage and deal with mine. It wasn’t until last night after a huge fight over nothing and again being blamed for the drama and being yelled at, “If your just going to keep causing all these problems then I don’t even know why your here! Your making my life miserable!” That finally knocked some sense into me so I packed my things and I left. Since this pattern of his was frequent, history had me hanging on to my last rental and when I left I was fortunate to have a place to go. But during these last few weeks, it seemed like you knew exactly what was going on because your blogs were exactly what I was facing or dealing with. Last night I left him. Last night I went completely no contact. I created another FB account and blocked his phone. Today’s blog, my first day away from him, could not have been more perfectly timed. I’m a nurturer by nature and I realize that the one who is needing my nurturing the most is me. So thank you.

    1. Hi Dena,

      it is my pleasure.

      I am so pleased that you are receiving clarity, and I also want you to know that this period that you’re in, is crucial, and it is so important to be able to be solid and strong.

      Dena, I would love you to come into one of my free webinars as soon as possible so that you can connect to powerful inner healing resources that will keep you going and up and out of this trauma.

      It really is my high suggestion to you right now.

      Sending you love, healing and strength

      Mel 🙏💕💚

  8. From Rich
    Thank you all for the across the board heartfelt responses. I have been Narping the Modules for 1 and 1/2 years after years of self improvement programs. Like 12 Step Programs we can still keep
    our previous spiritual and religious practices, we can be eastern spirituality or western, southern or northern. Narp includes all those that are hurting in great pain initially, excludes no one because of personal beliefs. I am in touch with little Rich more than any time in my life. I have to accept
    that there are so few men taking advantage of this process. I know I was terribly abused
    in a toxic relationship and going no-contact as I worked the modules was what brought me out
    of the depths of a deep depression-exhaustion having lost most of my financial resources as

    1. Awww Rich,

      I just love how you have shared this message with all of this, and to inspire other men.

      I totally agree with you there are not nearly enough men accessing these deep powerful inner healing tools… Just as truly, more women could benefit from NARP as well.

      I love that, one person at a time, we can create a healthier world and relationships for ourselves and others.

      So much love to you Rich

      Mel 🙏💕💚

  9. Been around reading the emails doing my thing, ‘work’ loving myself, putting me first. Yep, best thing happened ever dropped 3 friends cause not the way they wanted me to be…not so sorry I had and did change. Relationship is not just intimate stuff it is also everyday stuff, like jobs, car pools, friends, store clerks, neighbor, children interactions. Actually never been so happy to leave so called friends behind, I feel so good about me now, for me, admire me in so a loving way, found myself. Beautiful new job in so many ways, gardening again in a plot for me, actually accepting who I am , I smile and laugh again at my mistakes and fun jests…..thank you so much…..

    1. Thats awesome Sally. I contacted a ‘friend’ yesterday and said the relationship wasnt working out for me too. She had mentioned many times I just wasnt happy enough for her!!! So proud I set that boundary, I would normally or rather in the past bent myself out of shape to conform to her expectations. There are big things I am dealing with, divorce, refinancing to keep my home, a court case with an employer who didnt pay me etc etc. But I am using it all as grist for my module work and I feel really good inside. So proud of myself for doing this and couldnt have before without the help of NARP and the program. Wish you all the best.

  10. Love this. I have listened to it 3 times today.
    Brilliant and clear.
    Seriously hoping I can be at the seminar

  11. Dear Melanie

    If we keep remembering that these painful experiences were actually FOR us, we can stop believing that we are victims and start preparing to understand how incredibly blessed we are to have found you and this accessible healing path.

    Still so deeply grateful for ever single tear.

    That dear man did nothing but bless me with a huge wake up call.

    I never want to live my own life … I joyfully now allow LIFE to just freely BE ON EARTH AS ME.

    No words can express how incredibly grateful I have become since the Narc …. Even more than I was before

    Love and power to everyone who seeks it honestly – it’s guaranteed and inevitable .

    1. Hi Iris,

      it is so true they were and are blessed indeed!

      Thank you for your love and blessings to everyone and I cant wait to see you in Australia in a couple of weeks!

      Much love

      Mel 🙏💕💚

  12. I love this! I have been continuing to clear stuff. Earlier today had a very joyful reunion with self. And was thinking that the old goals I had pre-narc don’t quite fit anymore. And now here is this video! Coincidence? I think not…

    As always, thank you for the inspiration!

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