I am so excited to bring this live Quanta Freedom Healing with Suzi, to you today.

Because it relates deeply to one of the many internal false and painful beliefs that can not only make us susceptible to narcissistic abuse, but can also keep us stuck in trauma after narcissistic abuse.

It’s that feeling of … “I have this or that to do, and it’s URGENT!” … and …

“I can’t relax till I get it done” … and …

“I constantly feel like I’m chasing my tail having to make sure myself and others are doing things that need to be done” …. and ….

“If things don’t get done something horrible will happen.”

When we carry these beliefs we may feel like we are always in survival.

Which manifests like this …

Always having an underlying feeling of intense dread and anxiousness and not matter what we DO, the feeling is always there.

Like doing laps on a hamster wheel never EVER reaching the destination of …

“Phew! I can relax now!”

I have come across these crippling beliefs with so MANY people … in fact it is some of the numerous BIG ones that unconsciously keep us stuck in abuse.

Like … being face to face with a person (aka narcissist) causing drama, curve balls, things that are uncontrollable no matter how much you try to control them … as well as all of our feelings of, “I never get it right enough, and as a result I’ll … (fill in the gap).”

And the “gap” of course is never pleasant!

Stuff from the narcissist like suffering criticism, rejection, abandonment, punishment.

So this belief is really important to clean up, and … it is soooo important to know EVEN after narcissistic abuse that if we haven’t healed this belief it continues to play out in ways that hurt us.

I know that one of the most damaging effects this belief previously had in my life was in relation to the people I loved.

I could not just BE with them … I was always agitated.

I was too busy thinking about “what I had to do” instead of just loving them and being fully connected and listening.

I used to talk to my son Zac like this, “Have you done this yet Zac?” “Why haven’t you done that Zac?”

I was transferring my terror of what will happen if it’s not done onto him.

I thought I was being loving, but it was anything but.

This Survival Program were making my love for him extremely conditional, and constantly damaging him because he was constantly feeling that he was never good enough.

Of course when we were doing this we didn’t KNOW any better!

For many of us this is /was our “normal” because this is the way that we were parented.

But thank goodness we can break the cycle!

Now … just as a side-note … please know I am NOT great with technology.

In fact, it is all quite hilarious, because I am regularly on Skype with my great friend and Support Team Member Harry Springford Williams getting his technological help.

(Believe me … when he is not tearing his hair out because of my technological inadequacies, he is usually falling off his chair laughing at me!)

Anyway … in relation to this video with new software, I have NO idea how I went off camera … so PLEASE don’t let this deter from the video content.

Anyway, back to the topic! I TOTALLY hope you love watching this healing as much as I loved doing it – and please join in!

By doing so YOU too will receive a shift and start to break free from the crippling beliefs of “needing to get it right”.

And, as Suzi did, (as well as I have too thank goodness) you will realise how breaking free from this belief allows you to be completely different in the way that you can connect to your life as well as relate to the special people in your life.

That ripple effect is so important!


I hope you got a lot out of this healing if you participated, and that it has helped you release yourself from the burden of over-seriousness and anxiety so that you can be free to create, flow, dream and love.

Maybe you have already done Quanta Freedom Healing in my healing programs, or maybe this was your first time.

If you would like to learn more about the Quanta Freedom Healing and how it was created please go here.

Additionally, if you would like to learn about the 10 step Program (NARP) that contains the specific QFH Healings to break free from narcissistic abuse …

Click here for all the details.

Please share below your experience with the healing – as well as any real life changes it has now made!

And also ask anything you like about this healing.

No questions are off limits!


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62 thoughts on “Shifts Happen – If I Don’t Get It Right I’ll…

  1. This is working for me. I need help to break the mental block of getting a job, writing, and competing reading a book or some task. Doing yard work in front of my neighbors.

    This has helped in other areas in my life.

    1. Hi all,

      I just did this healing and I discovered that I believed I had no right to challenge the system. I found myself feeling choked up and pushing stuff back down because I would be a traitor for speaking my truth. And then I would be punished. And this plays out in my relationships today. Whenever I speak up and am upfront about things I feel like a traitor. How dare I speak the unspeakable! How dare I speak about the family secret or attempt to expose it in any way.

      Powerful stuff for me. Now I understand why I am quick to give up and give in. I,ve been programmed to keep quiet about abuse and not name it.

      I am presently feeling quite ashamed and sad so there is more there for me to shift.

      Thanks Melanie.

      1. Hi Anne,

        it is amazing when we start doing this work and the epiphany comes ..

        “OH wow … NOW I know why I do that!”

        Yes, true Anne, as we shift a layer, then as the onion, we may find more painful beliefs can be underpinning the ones we just shifted … and now “that” layer has come off we can move down deeper into the next.

        It is great that you are inside you tapping into your energy imprints and cellular traumas that are really going on.

        Because inside you, you can set yourself free.

        You are very welcome Anne.

        Mel xo

      2. Anne,
        I’m glad you have been able to find a way to start clearing those beliefs. Actually after having done shifts related to my current difficulties at work, today up popped strong feelings of panic and fear that I would be caught making mistakes and I would be punished. I’m grateful that some shifts allow me to uncover deeper issues, and I’m glad to have a tool to be able to deal with this.
        Thank you for your sharing about this.

    2. Hi Betty,
      I was re-reading the questions in the blog, and I wanted to reply to say that while I came into the NARP program to deal with difficulties around relationship difficulties, it has moved me so much more past that, and I have been clearing many other parts of my life. In effect- it is me interacting with my life, and cleaning up my relationship with myself that has given me so much.
      Thank you for sharing that it has been helping you in other areas of your life too.

    3. Hi Betty,
      I was re-reading the questions in the blog, and I wanted to reply to say that while I came into the NARP program to deal with difficulties around relationship difficulties, it has moved me so much more past that, and I have been clearing many other parts of my life. In effect- it is me interacting with my life, and cleaning up my relationship with myself that has given me so much.
      Thank you for sharing that it has been helping you in other areas of your life too.

  2. I told my ex-narc’s therapist that “I can’t do anything right, I can’t say anything right and I can’t think anything right”. “Everything I will say, do or think is already wrong before I do it”.

    Whenever she said “We need to talk”, I just dreaded that, it never meant “we” need to talk, it meant she will do all the accusing and I have to smile and take it on the chin or all hell will break out.

    If I dared to speak up, it meant screaming, beating herself and threatening to call the police, suicide threats, threats of taking the kids away, abandonment, or even a trip to the E.R.

    It never dawned on the therapist that he was dealing with a sociopathic narcissist. She had him fooled into believing she was Cinderella and I was the wicked step-sisters and step-mother all rolled into one.

    When I started working on myself and would no longer allow her to control me, I just ignored her and that really frustrated her. She filed for divorce with no reason or warning. Well, my love for her had grown cold more than a decade earlier, I just hung on because we had children and I knew she’d destroy me in a divorce.

    Everyday I day dreamed of packing my car and never being heard from again. I finally did that, it’s called no contact.

    She destroyed me anyway, I should have divorced much sooner. After the divorce I discovered that I detested and hated her and that I had been suppressing it for years. The hatred was so intense there were nights I could not sleep. It took a lot of constant work to heal.

  3. Suziiiie GOOD JOB! I remember you mentioning the issue on the NARP forum.

    You’re so brave for doing this publicly. It takes courage! ♥

    I could not sit still like that. I wiggle quite a bit when I medidate/shift.

    *pats you on the back* GOOD JOB! The both of you!

      1. Hey Miba! Yes- an issue that has settled to a beautiful place now. Ever since this shift, there has been a beautiful sense of fun, compassion, patience and mutual respect that have been the characteristics of our home life. Yes- it rocks!

    1. ?thank you, Miba! I often wiggle too…but there was a great deep peace there. I also sometimes have a lot of ego talk in the process which can slow me down hugely, but not on this occasion. Thank you for your support. X

  4. Dear Melanie,
    This healing was very powerful for me! I found myself crying through it and intuitively knew what to do before you said it!
    I have been subscribing to your website for a while now and haven’t used Narp yet….but I think I really have to start.
    I was brought up in a pathological family, I’ve had two failed marriages, the last marriage with horrific abuse from a psychopath whose a trained killer in the ADF.
    I left last year, went through a very bitter property settlement and divorce. I’m still in financial recovery and still maintaing no contact.
    My own growth has been massive during and after my relationship with my second husband, but I’m still struggling to heal.
    After I left my first husband I joined a group where we did creative visual meditation, so I found your healing very easy to do!
    I have had many of the beliefs that you spoke of through Suzies healing for many years.
    How do I get a copy of your Narp program?
    I can’t tell you how wonderful I feel at the moment….light and free and feel connected to God, who I found after year’s of being a atheist.
    My narcissistic father had a terrible dose of the “God complex”…..as my clinical psychologist put it one day.
    Wow Melanie…..thanks!

    1. Hi Jane,

      how wonderful that you were tapped into the Quantum Field in the shifts!

      That’s a great start to your QFH journey.

      It’s wonderful that you resonate with the work being done in your subconscious, it will help you crack open your healing so much more directly and faster!

      You can order the NARP Program Jane here: https://www.melanietoniaevans.com/narp

      Also please know … I recommend the Gold Version, because then you have access to the incredible NARP Private Forum which is an invaluable unlimited healing resource at any time 24/7.


      It’s pleasure Jane, and I am so pleased you are feeling such a shift!

      Mel xo

      1. I agree, Jane…and I also would say to go the Gold program. Before I purchased it I googled it and sweated out the decision…but not for long, despite my sceptical thoughts and my at the time lack of financial resources.
        Best investment hands down I have ever made in my entire life to date. A year later I am not the same person who bought the program.
        X Suzi

  5. Your amazing Suzi!! What courage you have!!
    You’ve lead the way to freedom for all and we thank you for showing us how lifting the junk from our bodies is liberating and truly a profound way to finding your true self without living abuse ever again.

    Great work girls!

    CupcakePauline x

    1. Pauline- Thank you- yes- it does take courage. Interestingly, after the breakdown of our relationship and at one of the most difficult times to get through, the littlest member of our family chose a birthday present with her grandma for me. It was a lovely little angel, and she didn’t know what the writing on it was, but it said ‘Courage’. So to get to the points we all do in our lives where we decide we want better for ourselves, and coming to things like this program it does take a lot of courage- as you would maybe know. And when it came to doing this, I was worried. But in the end, I am now in a place that I feel the Universe has my back, and that only good would come of it- for others in finding out more about the program, but of course for myself.
      Thank you for your message- and I LOVE your name Cupcake!

  6. Wow Mel, this shift was huge for me! I was shaking, crying, and then expanding and feeling so happy and relieved at the end. Both themes resonated in my body, the “I have to do everything right ALL the time” (very exhausting and energy draining everyday!), as well as the “I do not deserve love just as me”. I started doing NARP three+ years now and completed the program some time ago, but had not done an actual quantum shift in a while. Definitely will be doing them more regularly again, as I have had such amazing results in my life each time. Thanks so much Mel for all you do, you are a true life saver! XO

    1. Hi Leonore,


      I also pleased, I LOVE it when I hear of huge shifts like this – and the massive relief it brings!


      So pleased you are going to get excited about expanding again … it’s so incredible to keep growing and for our life to just keep getting better and better!!

      It’s my absolute pleasure Leonore.

      Bless you dear lady!

      Mel xo

  7. Hey Bondon,

    lovely to hear from you here and thank you or your loving support to Suzi!!

    I am sure Suzi will be on soon to answer 🙂

    Absolutely we could do a live session with what you mentioned … those common beliefs … they would benefit the Community greatly.

    The base line survival programs on those that you named are BIG and shifting them changes SOOOOO much!

    I’ll be asking for someone to join in with me Live for those!

    (Are you interested?)

    Mel xo

    1. Haha Bondon,

      People have seen me throw cushions at Tiggy (I know its not quite the same!)

      It could be great 🙂 !!!

      Let’s face it authenticity is the goal Bondon!

      And maybe you could be the one person who could fluff up technology more than myself, making it even more interesting … (haha!)

      Ok … promise me this … at the very least start a thread in the Forum – DIRECTLY about what you have named – and then we can get down to the business of cleaning that one up once and for all.

      As soon as we can “name” what we want to address, I promise you there is a way to directly find it and up-level it.

      It will be more than the Goal Set shift “affirmation”.

      There is a deep survival program to reach …

      Check this …. ‘I don’t deserve to exist” …

      (And there may be others.)

      Many, many people are finding and dislodging that one recently … it’s a game-changer.

      It goes like this ..

      We pull bricks out of the wall (the trauma in our cellular being) one at a time, and then all of a sudden the wall caves in and we can step over to the other side.

      Then there is the ongoing freedom with tweaks and up levelling along the way … but the feeling of “trying to survive” is over with.

      It’s the shifting of a series of the big survival programs that usually provide those big breakthroughs …

      You are close! 🙂

      And maybe we will do it together!

      Mel xo

      1. Bondon and Melanie thank you so much. Your authenticity is so encouraging and inspiring. May I add : “my life is worth living”. I tested this out the other day and there was a lot of resistance to it. Even though I reached 10 in the goal “I am worthy just because I exist” my life being worthy of living was another separate belief. Bondon hope to see you on a love healing with Melanie soon ? Melanie I can’t imagine how would I have been without NARP! Probably a ghost of a person, but now I am better than I ever been. So much love to you ❤❤

      2. Actually, dear @finding_my_slef , I think this is a case of “typo and it stays”… as I would certainly welcome a *love* healing from Mel 🙂 🙂
        Sending you much love sweetie and thank you for your post!

    2. Hello Mel, Bondon and Suzie,

      I participated in the healing this morning and it so struck a deep chord with me too. The burden of getting things done, the long list of to-do’s, the business-like approach to parenting, the seeing only the doing and missing out on the joy of living all have been such an on-going challenge. Brings tears to my eyes because I have always only wanted love and closeness with my kids and now they’re almost adults and my daughter has moved to live with her father in another country. Time to set the new trajectory for them and me, as you mentioned Mel.

      I also struggle with regaining my true and authentic “voice” with myself, with my loved-ones and in my professional life … it’s come up as a trauma since I was 4 years old but I’m certain it is ancient and part of my cultural DNA too. Through the modules I have cleared layers of beliefs that have stifled that voice but I know because my two and four year-old little me’s have told me and my soul keeps reminding me, that I have a strong voice that I want to share.

      Just thought I’d put out there Melanie that I’d be honoured and thrilled to do a future live healing with you, if I am the appropriate person.

      Thank you Suzie for sharing something so personal with all of us. It is very powerful.

      1. Thank you Lolo,
        And thank you for your kind words about being brave all of you- because it takes one to know one… Emma, Ace, Deborincah, Healing Path, finding-my-self….all of you.
        I love your energy and your words have really resonated with me.

        I’ve dropped in to say how amazingly delightful the relationship with my daughter is becoming. Many many other triggers are coming up and in the past I’d be so distracted. But these last weeks there has been a great deal of joking, making up poems, subbing, rough using, belly laughing, kindness, compassion and respect between us.
        I had parent-teacher afternoon on a day so stressful that I was only just holding it together. Her teacher put a maths test in front of me that was done in that frantic, distressing week where I found a few calm moments with her, and she hasn’t studied for it. She’s historically really struggled with maths. I’d told her that morning to just breathe through the test! So he put the test down and I thought..uh oh….. Well she’d got 47/50! I cried. He said….I have to tell you two things….I don’t know how on earth you do it but you are doing a good parenting job…! …and…….I am so grateful I’ve had a chance to meet your little girl…so glad she’s been in my class!
        Shift Happens, people. Really really fast and undeniable. Shift Happens.

    3. Oh Bondon YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!! You have had a big week this past week. I have been on the journey with you and your brother issue and you are there. You deserve a time with Melanie Truly you do!!!!!!!!!
      Much admiration,

  8. I absolutely love the way that we are able to shift things.

    My question is that everytime I see the person the same feelings come up. I then do the shift and am amazed how different I feel. However will there ever be a time that I can see the person without getting the trauma feeling that comes along with it

    1. Hi John,

      what you are describing is that with the shifting you have been able to get the “top part” lifted off (relief) but you haven’t as yet got to, unravelled and unlevelled the core beliefs connected to it.

      When you do that – 100% – this person will become COMPLETELY benign to you, because there will no remaining unhealed “part” within you that can be triggered.

      Are you in the NARP Forum John? Because there we can help you identify and get to exactly what it is that you need to shift to truly break free.

      I hope this helps answer your question …

      Mel xo

  9. Thank you Suzi, for exhibiting great courage and strength. By allowing yourself to be so lovingly vulnerable, so many others may (WILL), learn from the example you have shown here. I feel greatly empowered by your bravery and the light you shine. THANK YOU! Love and kindness to you, ACE

    1. ACE- Thank you! I know from the forum it goes both ways- I have also found your posts inspiring and I love the changes in you. X

  10. Suzie wow thank you so much for being so brave and amazing to do this healing. It takes great strength and courage and it’s so inspiring ❤ so much love and many hugs to you dear fellow Narper❤❤

  11. Hi, what an amazing healing session, thanks so much for sharing it. Suzy I admire your courage, you are a hero! I can relate so much to both of the issues of the healing. I also experienced the emotional pain and the relief of letting it go. And the bliss being connected to source/life energy. Such perfect timing. Especially lately that feeling of “I’m going to die if I don’t get it right” has put me in a real “freeze” state. The mental pressure trying to force myself to make “the perfect” life decision, or take action right now, creates such panic that my whole body aches. It’s a huge energy drain and nothing good I ever achieved in this fear based state. In comparison, when I am able to just “experience fully the present moment”, being in the flow of life everything is easy and wonderful things unfold naturally. I have done the NARP modules for 2 years now, but am back to the start as I was too stuck in my “mental story” writing things down during the healings and not fully releasing them. Not writing stuff down and just breathing helps me bypass the mind and connect to my body more. Mel, thank you so much for your life saving NARP Program!

    1. Hi Mel,

      I am so pleased you enjoyed the session!

      That is great that you are connecting in with your body now .. and wonderful for you to work on this one and be flowing and clear of that mental / emotional paralysis.


      It’s my pleasure Mel 🙂

      Mel xo

  12. Bondon,
    Firstly, Thank you…Thank You…for your response. I have been quietlyquietly clearing worries about being out there’ like this. But I knew the opportunity was too good to miss and also my gratitude to Mel’s generosity in providing these tools with all the efforts and energy that she puts into it…it’s a way of expressing my gratitude to the process, to her and the Grace that set this gift of life in front of me.

    All of your kind words have stunned me. Thank you for your support.

    Bondon- no- it wasn’t any different than the recorded voice modules.
    Although I am also often very expressive during modules….but I was aware of where I was! Actually we did a second take…the first processing didn’t work…and I was MUCH more self conscious in the beginning. This second process was less me and more…let go with the universe! It also wasn’t a topic I’d prepared for like the first one…it was just what had showed up in my body.

    I also have to say I’m so far from being tach- savvy is not funny! But I use Skype to communicate with family overseas, so I’ve used it before. I have no access to fixed line Internet and I use my phone as a wifi Hotspot on my broken, old, lap top.

    I’d love to witness your process with Mel, Bondon. And I know your courage knows no bounds.

    Thank you got the words-hug from you. It felt she to read your words…I felt safe and my little me did too.

    Much love X x x x Suzi

    1. Thank you Suzi for your elaborate reply, I loved reading your whole in-depth experience!

      Another quick question, are you Suzi with or without the end-*e*? I see you sometimes sign off with, sometimes without the e, so would like to know what you prefer? 🙂

      Well, it’s interesting to know that the feeling of talking live with Melanie is much the same as listening to the recording, but it is certainly still a exciting feeling to be talking LIVE with Melanie, she is a QFH rock star!!!

      Haha, I know, I know… I probably wouldn’t go all-out like I do in private, but sometimes I do tend to get carried away, I really get into the healings, and feeeel into those charges!

      Sending you all my love!

      1. Bondon,
        Firstly, Thank you…Thank You…for your response. I have been quietlyquietly clearing worries about being out there’ like this. But I knew the opportunity was too good to miss and also my gratitude to Mel’s generosity in providing these tools with all the efforts and energy that she puts into it…it’s a way of expressing my gratitude to the process, to her and the Grace that set this gift of life in front of me.

        All of your kind words have stunned me. Thank you for your support.

        Bondon- no- it wasn’t any different than the recorded voice modules.
        Although I am also often very expressive during modules….but I was aware of where I was! Actually we did a second take…the first processing didn’t work…and I was MUCH more self conscious in the beginning. This second process was less me and more…let go with the universe! It also wasn’t a topic I’d prepared for like the first one…it was just what had showed up in my body.

        I also have to say I’m so far from being tach- savvy is not funny! But I use Skype to communicate with family overseas, so I’ve used it before. I have no access to fixed line Internet and I use my phone as a wifi Hotspot on my broken, old, lap top.

        I’d love to witness your process with Mel, Bondon. And I know your courage knows no bounds.

        Thank you got the words-hug from you. It felt she to read your words…I felt safe and my little me did too.

        Much love X x x x Suzi

        PS…I’m’suzi’, but the’e’ has been my little version of some sort of anonymity!!!!
        After I stayed narp and came onto the forum I wanted to share who I really am with people so I sign off as my real name! Thank you for asking ?.
        Love to you, Bondon. X

  13. Hi Suzi

    You did an amazing QFH share ….I felt like I had a chair and the same drink mug as you two and was airlifted right into the healing space right next to you both !
    As soon as you felt into ” what’s this about ? ” and tears were streaming , oh gosh ….the connection for me , built . That core belief is a biggie , the less than , the not good enough …..getting it right and it NEVER being right enough …..whew …! I was digging up tons of that gunk as I shifted along side you . Your little me was such a trooper …she was snuggled so bravely with you , you showed her so much love and compassion as you held her while you both experienced your healing . Thank you for this brave insight into how this healing modality works . I’m definitely one of those that needs to see , touch , feel to understand and believe …..
    Much love and respect ,

    1. I must totally be protecting. I get very little all of this I’m not sure if I’m doing it right or if I’m protecting my pain it’s been so long

  14. I must totally be protecting. I get very little all of this I’m not sure if I’m doing it right or if I’m protecting my pain it’s been so long

  15. Hi Suzi and Mel!

    Oh my god that was so cool! Suzi you were amazing! And it really seems like you will be having some laughs with your daughter! Its great that you were able to pinpoint what was hurting you, and shift it, it shows what a wonderful mother you are! And Mel as always you are so amazing. Lots of love to both of you!

    Emma 🙂

  16. Hi Mel and Suzi

    Thank you so much for sharing this healing with us. I could relate to this healing emotionally too, I felt compassion and relief for you Suzi during this healing session.

    During this NARP journey I’ve become more self aware and the big trigger I need to do the inner work on is the feeling of panic, if I don’t resolve an issue something bad will happen or to that person and having to get things done, if I try and fix I will feel safe and loved.

    Thank you again Melanie for being so supportive during this healing journey.

    Best wishes and lots of love
    Healing Path xxxx

    1. Hi Healing Path,

      You are very welcome 🙂

      Awww – yes the wanting to “fix” can be huge.

      Many of us played this out with unsafe people, “If I fix you (appease you) you won’t hurt me as much …”

      And it is like a panic … of the consequences if we don’t – and absolutely that can be about other stuff too.

      I relate so much HP as I know many others can … and the relief when we no longer carry that is astounding.

      We also start to experience what it is for Life to “have our back” …

      THAT experience is so wonderful 🙂

      Mel xo

  17. Hi Mel,

    I laughed out loud with you at 35:35 “welcome to our life, until we fix it”. So true!!

    I’ve been moduling most days for 2 months now and it was really great to hear more of the explanation of what’s “behind the scenes” of a module – the mechanics of it.

    For example I always wondered what the parts of the healing that immediately follow the nature sacred space and before the container imagery. I always thought they were a bit random but from what you said in the video they are connecting up to different levels of consciousness.

    I loved how you demonstrated poking around until you hit the nail on the head and zeroed in on the limiting belief. I feel like that gave me confidence on how to really go searching for the highest charged belief.

    I love how you said you’ve done thousands of shifts on yourself. Because I feel like I have the need for thousands of them inside me too! Every day that goes by can literally present a plethora of charges to shift. I need to start keeping a list!

    Interesting that when you said you shifted a core belief that it shifted in your mother as well – wow.

    What are you doing with your arm in the healing Mel? Is that the muscle testing?


    1. Hi Anita,

      that is great that the healing clarified certain things for you – and brought you a deeper understanding of QFH.

      I so wanted that for NARPers … to grant them the ability to get more out of their own shifts, and be able to really, really hone in on painful beliefs to shift them out.

      Yes, I am muscle testing with my arm!

      Thank you for your post Anita!

      Mel xo

  18. PS

    I also loved how you said with QFH that you just ‘become’ changed without having to learn how to change or figure out how to change (that always got me in a cognitive muddle!!) – I’ve experienced this ‘becoming’ first hand just in 2 months. I’ve stopped worrying so much about certain things and I am able to let them go now knowing the ‘becoming’ or the source resolution of ‘it’ will just appear/emerge with shifting.

    Thank you also for your post-QFH module discussion around how life tests our new shifted states. I found that really helpful too. It really puts the whole QFH shifts into the context of life.

    I got heaps out of this behind the scenes view of a module. And I always thought you read from a script when you recorded modules because you say them so perfectly – that image in my head needs to be debunked now!


    1. Totally agree Anita!

      That when we organically become our True Self we just KNOW How to be naturally …

      The innate wisdom just is there and the way to relate to self, life and others in healthy ways where we previously got snagged up.

      So true!

      Oh gosh – no it is not from a script ….It is from a formula I channelled some years ago, and then have used thousands of times on myself and others 🙂

      I would know it in my sleep!!

      Mel xo

  19. Hi Melanie!

    Last night I watched and did the healing along with you and Suzi! It was really powerful for me to see and ‘be’ with you both. Thank you Suzi for your courage and generosity to go through this process with Melanie in front of all of us! Melanie, that was such a great idea to stream a healing – it gave me more courage and understanding about where you’re taking me/us with the process. I will absolutely be tuned into any more in the future (!) I’ve just done Module 1 again (my 4th time) this morning and am continually blown away at how it really takes me exactly to what I need to excavate – to all the Little Me’s. I end up having a picnic with them in my sacred place, then low and behold there’s more to do… And no matter how intense the emotions are, you lead us back to a safe and loving place to rest. For anyone who might be feeling like (as I did the first time) ‘how can there be more?’, ‘I have six ages come up, what?’, ‘I’m getting dizzy’, ‘I feel queazy’, ‘oh no, this isn’t done yet?’; JUST KEEP GOING and TRUST it. To all of the seekers and kindred souls out there – Make the time… It gets more wonderful and clear and healing with each repetition!

    Melanie, sending you much love and appreciation for your time, authenticity, and devotion to all of us !!

    1. Hi Cindy,

      I am so pleased you enjoyed the healing, and it is wonderful that NARP is helping you shift into your power …

      It is so true that at first there is a lot of stuff that “shows up” for us to shift … but within an about of time (much faster than we would expect), the relief and freedom that comes is astounding.

      As is our True Life when we start to be freed from our wounds.

      Thank you or your love Cindy and please know it is my absolute joy … thank you so much for your post!

      Mel xo

  20. Thank you so much Mel. It feels so good to see other people be healed from their traumas. After all Quanta Healing has done so much for me and has created major shifts in my life. Lots of love, Helen xx

  21. Hi Melanie,
    I just started on the NARP program this week and have been trying to do module 1. My question is it normal that I feel sooooo tired, sleepy and completely spaced out (like in a strange otherwordly space) while I’m doing the shift? I don’t think I have ever felt this way and it is frustrating because it keeps happening every time I do the module, about 20 minutes in.
    I even did this shift with Suzi and I fell asleep…sitting straight up!
    Any thoughts on this?
    Thank you so much for this amazing opportunity for healing.

    1. Hi Marissa,

      that is great that you have started working with Module 1 on NARP.

      In the QFH Tips Module – “How To Get The Most Out Of Your Healings” there is the information about “why” we get drowsy in theta brainwave (until you get used to it) and how to work through that until you do.

      If you listen to that MP3 after reading the instructions that will help you a lot!

      You are very welcome Marissa, and good luck with that.

      Also please know the NARP Forum is a wonderful resource 24 hours a day, every day for you to have questions answered and receive support very quickly.

      Mel xo

  22. Big thank you, Suzi and Mel. Wow, it was such a powerful quantum healing session.Your such a star Suzi to have volunteered for the healing. This will certainly reach out to others on their pathway.

    I could wholeheartedly relate to the material brought up. I am working on the old belief that ” I am never heard” which interlinks with the beliefs that were brought up in the recording

    Much love to you. xx

    1. Cindy, Tracy, Marissa …a warm thank you.
      Irelate to the initial falling asleep….it happened to me at first too. It’s worth continuing on. I found shifts even when I’d fallen asleep, but really profound changes when I’d Eileen everything down and really stayed on track.
      And I really really agree….this program is the real deal.!

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