I’m super excited today because it’s time for another Thriver Show!

If you are new to the community – this is a regular segment on Thriver TV where we interview a member of the NARP community to inspire you and give you hope that there is a way to recover.

This Thriver Show was one full of rich discussion and insight.

Within our interview Christine explains how her mother was diagnosed officially as an overt narcissist with grandiose tendencies.

Christine’s childhood as a single child was “interesting” to say the least. Her mother’s ego, according to Christine was “swirling for all to see.” Christine’s mother had 13 marriages to 11 different men …

And of course Christine suffered emotional abuse … which became “her normal”.

After Christine’s fourth narcissistic intimate love experience, Christine realised that she simply could not do it again – it was too painful. She recognised a pattern that unlike the overt narcissist that her Mother was, that these men were covert.

Christine and I have a very interesting discussion in regard to the difference between overt and covert narcissism! And ultimately how some traits between overt and covert narcissists can be the same – how overts and coverts can swap positions, and how the “hot” and “cold” narcissist operates.

However, ultimately this discussion was about Christine thoroughly realising that these patterns were in repeat for her, from her childhood trauma.

Finally Christine had come to the point where she made a solid decision inside herself that she was DONE with being the common denominator of painful relationships.

This is what she said to herself – these golden words – Absolutely this will never happen to me again.

Christine was aware enough in this last narcissistic relationship to realise that her True Self was screaming at her to get out, but she wasn’t (like so many of us in these situations) listening.

She wrote in her journal often and knew that the deep soul connection she had with the narcissists in her life (especially the last one) had to be for a purpose.

When Christine stumbled upon the MTE Community, she was relieved to find that someone was talking about the purpose of a soul connection with a narcissist, and at that point in her life she was breaking down with pain in her body, disarrayed emotions and feeling more and more off centre within her relationship.

Despite the rollercoaster, Christine was hooked.

Things went from bad to worse, and the day that Christine left and returned his things, she felt so anxious and broken she said she probably should have been hospitalised.

In this Thriver TV Thriver Show episode, you will learn how Christine found the information and the Quanta Freedom Healing Modules in the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program to shift out the trauma she was experiencing and heal her peptide addiction which was hooking her to the narcissist.

Christine first noticed these shifts, when at Christmas 2016 there was no trauma and triggers left. She had left the narcissist, been working on healing herself, and had suffered immensely the year before at Christmas and had been dreading Christmas again.

She discovered she was free to enjoy Christmas instead! There was no emotional pain regarding it!

In Christine’s journey of healing her Inner Being, what was vital for her breakthroughs, was that she discovered and healed the repeat of how her Mother had left her feeling as a child …

Small, unimportant and unheard, and not able to wake her Mother up with, “I am here, I need your nurturing. I need to be a part of your Life.”

It was all there – the same trauma with narcissistic men.

As well as, for someone to be angry with her for no reason was ripping open her original wounds over and over again.

Christine knew that her mother was a narcissist – but she had not realised, until now, the impact that had had on her adult life.

During this show the awareness’s are plentiful – including Christine’s ability to deeply understand that the stonewalling she continually experienced in narcissistic relationships matched what had happened with her Mother, but now today it’s total relevance was how Christine was not hearing her own Inner Being.

How, like all of is until now, had not realised, taken on or become the practice of self-partnering.

 I also love Christine’s “teddy bear” suggestion which I think can be so helpful to the Community!

Now, today, Christine feels great, is experiencing the true joy of living and says that she has been trauma free from narcissism since four months of beginning NARP.  She states that after decades of therapy for her mother, which didn’t set her free, the relief now is nothing short of miraculous.

She says the world looks different, she is connecting to healthy people now, and for the first time in her life it doesn’t matter what other people think or do, she is not hooked and is totally free to be herself.

She feels total gratitude for her experience without any shame or blaming of herself.

Today, her business is great, she is attracting new friends, her health has improved dramatically, she has been dating without any hooks or expectations and she did her first stand-up comedy routine!

Christine continues to up-level – meaning shifting trauma with the NARP Program when she feels a trigger, any dense painful energy in her body and her life appreciation, expansion and joy just grows more and more.

I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did, and Christine and I look forward to replying to your comments and questions below.

And if you would like to join Christine and thousands of others Thrivers by becoming a NARP member you can find all the information here. 


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50 thoughts on “This Will Never Happen To Me Again – Thriver Show #35 Christine

  1. Dear Melanie
    I am a single mother of 4 children.I can only afford the silver programme.Will I fully benefit from this programme as I am desperate to heal.I am in the process of divorcing an overt narcissist who can make my life hell and I need to co parent with on a daily basis.I met a “wonderful”man a year after my separation and spent 17months with him only to realise 6 months that he is an covert narcissist.I am trying to deal with being discarded and also dealing with solictors/court with as husband.Is the silver programme as successful as the good one please?I am willing to do anything to heal from this nightmare.

    1. Niamh,
      So good that you recognize that you’re not where you want to be in the relationship. My subscription to the NARP program is a Silver level too and received all the necessary materials to begin healing. Consider it the BEST investment in your future Self!

      With love to you,

    2. Hi Niamh,

      Most definitely you can work with the Silver Program, and please know we can assist with an upgrade with NARP Forum access if you require.

      After you order the Silver Program you can send an email to [email protected] and explain your circumstances, and then that can be organised.

      I hope this helps.

      Mel xo

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your story. I started 1 month after you and am having trouble getting connected to the little me. When you mentioned the teddy bear it was amazing. I still have my very first teddy. I am going to use it. I have also been trying to date but find myself too connected to the outcome. Need to revisit Mel’s blog. Virtual hugs to you. And always love to Mel. The NARP program brought ME back. Xo

    1. Lisa,
      I am happy that my story helps you in your pursuit of well-being! The teddy bear helps make it a more tactical experience for me and I hope it helps further your own up leveling.

      With love for you,

  3. This is very interesting listening, and reading.I have followed your YouTube videos, and read your material, and listening to Christine’s story. I haven’t enrolled into any of your courses, but I have been on your FB. I must admit at the time I was broke. I feel the seeds I acquired, from you and other sources, have helped me. I have just join up to do my masters 3 in Reiki, and other sources that had lifted me. I’ve done a lot of self healing, and have achieved success. I am still in contact with my narc the father of my last 2 children. I’ve still some way to go, I allow him there because the children want him, and he does bring some gifts. He still puts me down, twists stories, but I don’t care, but I do tell him to leave when he becomes to much. I believe in myself, I know I’m good I’m worth. I do struggling at times, but not because of what he’s done or said. My lesson was to know how capable, and strong I am, all his criticism of me I faced. At first it was so he wouldn’t criticise me, but now it’s for me to live a full, loving, and peaceful life.I still love him, and see his good, but I love myself now, and don’t need to justify my self. I feel my journey is starting to flourish, and now one I can love, there will always be more to learn, but I’m starting to enjoy it.You are light, I have benefited from your experience, I have big dreams, but I’m still in my infancy. Blessings to you

  4. Thanks for sharing and uplifting! I have the foot pain issue as well – it was a reaction to a N encounter in 2007 that set me off. One of a string of Ns that happens so often to those of us who had N parents and heavy conditioning as children. The N encounter in 2016 brought me to my knees and I’ve had a lot of physical pain since. I am looking forward to resolving the residuals of that experience of being frozen and vulnerable.

    Christine – I’m in Denver Metro. Are you in the front range area?


    1. Jeffifer,
      Yes, I am in the Denver metro area. My foot pain and ALL physical ailments have disappeared since using Mel’s NARP program. Are you using the Quantum Healing?


  5. I want to share that I am breaking free from being hooked into the narcissists dangerous script I was able to recognize a co-worker was a narcissist when my intuition was screaming at me that she was “ruthless” Then another co-worker referred to her as hot and cold Providentially I read this edition of Thriver and Melanie’s email talking about overt and covert narcissists and hot and cold OMG! Then all the pieces fell into place Thanks again Melanie It is so fantastic when you see that you can take the reigns and refuse to let them hook into your trauma This time I headed them off at the pass but the brief interaction with this narcissist reminded me of the abuse they inject into your life and trouble they bring

  6. I had a wow moment at around 45-46 mins where you talk about passing trauma down the generations. I instantly thought of my daughter and have some questions…
    1. Her narc father left for another woman when she was a baby, his father did exactly the same thing. I haven’t yet done your program but how do I help her to change her course in life given she was born before I have done any cellular work (to break my own patterns)? I can understand how future children may be ok. She is only 4.
    2. My daughters narc father has had significant life traumas (army, childhood etc). None of which excuse his behaviour. How do I help her young self navigate passed on traumas from him? And behaviour modeled by him since her birth? Since it’s unlikely he’ll ever do this sort of reflection and personal work himself.
    3. Where do I find info on what the potentially consequences are of her having a high spectrum narc father in her life? And how can I protect her?
    I have been following your channel for months and have only held off buying your program due to financial reasons. I imagine that’s what you hear a lot from a narc abused community!! But I thank you deeply Melanie for your amazing free resources xx

    1. Hi Karen,

      I truly do believe with all my heart as parents it is vital for us to lead the way, because when we shift we then create the energetic standpoint for our children to join us at.

      Epigenetically it is all deeply and cellularly connected, and that is why I believe it is very very difficult to help our children change what we have not yet healed within ourselves.

      Whenever we try to change another (anyone not just our child) in order to feel “okay” we are very much in Wrong Town – it is Quantum impossibility … all that can happen is we will feel more distressed about that topic because everything we try to do will create “more of that”.

      When we make it about healing ourselves FOR us and our children – THEN They get better.

      In answer to question number 2 it only takes one healthy parent to be the healthy parent who leads the way … when you heal from him, she will follow your empowerment.

      In answer to number 3 that is not a track I would even go down, I would simply start releasing trauma, get empowered and healthy and see your daughter become that to.

      Why focus on the trauma in defence and bring that into the picture?

      Every moment we spend researching narcissists, what they do and what they may do and deeply mire ourselves in the toxicity of that – they win. Because every time we hand power away doing that … focusing on the outside, we deny ourselves of our own healing, recovery and wholeness on the inside – which is the only place the shift and change can take place.

      It doesn’t matter who a narcissist was / is / does when we heal. They become ineffectual and inconsequential.

      Truly … even if coparenting.

      When you become the healthiest happiest most whole and authentic person you can be I promise you, that your daughter will shine through – regardless of who he is.

      Are you aware of the small monthly payments Karen?

      What price do we put on the health and radiance of our entire life (as well sour children’s) – as well as the ability to get healthy and abundant in all areas?

      Mel xo

  7. Hi Melanie

    In Christine’s thriver story you touched on how true healing is a cellular not an intellectual process.

    Could you please shed some more light on this for me?

    I think I have spent alot of my life suppressing feelings as a defence mechanism and trying to ‘think’ my way out of the pain of the past, to no avail.

    1. Hi Dee,

      sure I would love to help you with that!

      Yes, that is what we all tried to do until knowing a different way that does work.

      Here is the link to Quanta Freedom Healing https://www.melanietoniaevans.com/services/quanta-healing-explained.htm which explains cellular healing and why that is so different to “informational healing”.

      QFH is the Modules in the NARP Program https://www.melanietoniaevans.com/narp which creates cellular healing.

      I hope this helps!

      Mel xo

  8. Amazes me how this lady was able to transmute her life long discapacities in such a short time!!! I’ve been moduling and getting onto any other programming that promises such a thing for years now and I still can’t recover. Maybe it has to do not only with an actual or ex partner but with a parent, and even when I’m holding to my mother’s ashes and my father is totally estranged from me, I still keep the memories intact. I haven’t known any other!!! but narcissistic abuse.
    Even when I’m having to put up with more abuse perpetrated from my siblings part, I still can’t take the necessary legal step that would sort this out.
    I am at an odds end, where I know what I need to do but don’t want to take the necessary steps.
    I have lost sooo much every time I tried it, and in my last mail, which I’ll reproduce once more, since there was no replay, Is there such a thing as a transference taking place when dealing with narcissists ? Do they take on more of your character traits and you more of theirs? Because I find myself being accused of things I never was and they seem to be more like what I used to be. Reliable, hard worker, strength where the capacities I used to hold, but these days someone else is taking them, and I’m up for discard!!! No matter what I do, even if it takes taking two or more employed to replace me.
    It was uplifting to watch this thriver TV, and for a moment I felt I could be it too, but obviously, in the long term doesn’t work for me. I can’t get my siblings to get together to organize what to do with my mother’s ashes for God’s sake!!, seven years after she passed away.
    Keep trying Melanie, I’ll do too, I’ve tried forever with this issue now and I still can’t get out of it. When you’ve got a whole system running on it there is very little hope of getting out of it other than dead.
    Blessings and courage, as the representative of this healing modality you must have it.

    1. Hi Sonia,

      when you have bene working with NARP are you targeting the original wounds from parents as well?

      It is so vital that these original traumas are shifted out and replaced with wellbeing in order for that trauma to go. I would also suggest coming into the NARP Forum for help, guidance and coaching – because I truly do believe there is a way through for you.

      Here is the Forum Sonia … https://www.melanietoniaevans.com/member

      Wishing you hope, strength and healing.

      Mel xo

  9. So much of Christine’s account resonated with me, including the teddy ? Totally agree about how helpful it is.??
    I also have Christmas trauma and ptsd around watching my husband die suddenly and traumatically then.
    I hate sounding like a broken record about this but it is a bit of a block for me.
    I get very anxious and panicky and physically sick every Christmas.
    I have been moduling for some time now but I haven’t found a way to process the event as I haven’t found how it relates to little me as childhood wound.
    But listening to Mel and Christine talk about generational patterns I remembered my mums dad died suddenly and traumatically when she was about 20. Before I was conceived.
    I really want to heal that pattern and not pass it down the line.
    If anyone can intuit a way into this or help me find a way of moduling it I would be very relieved and grateful.
    By the way I wear insets in my shoes too ? as I had developed plantar fasciitis , but I have noticed a big improvement in that as my body is gradually becoming less lopsided and bent out of shape.
    I know now that this was because my inner being was tormented and shutting down.
    But I am so grateful that my soul is decompressing now and the growing freedom I am feeling in becoming myself thanks to Quantum Healing and NARP.

    1. PS good luck with the book Christine…I think it will be brilliant read, you have great clarity and insight and really zoom in on the issue and nail it.

      1. Selkie,
        I truly appreciate your words of enouragement on writing my memoir. My gift of encouragement to you is to simply allow yourself to FEEL the pain when using the modules with letting you mind try to pinpoint anything in particular. Let the pain flood through you without mental intervention as much as possible. Our mind really wants to hold onto the victim hood because it is all it has known before noe. Trust the process!

        I hope you’re able to reach full release with using this general flow of feeling and tactile sensation with a teddy bear.

        Sending you love & light,

    2. Hi Selkie,

      that must have been so painful a time that trauma at Christmas and then the reminder each Christmas. MY heart goes out you (((( <3 ))))

      Please know Selkie there does not need to be any "known connection" to process that trauma (or any trauma).

      Just being with it loading it up releasing and replacing. The wounds on such a thing often are deeply epigenetic / ancient - they certainly don't need to be childhood traumas.

      Just as you have described the pattern of your Mother's Father ... so much we can take one traumatically from our predecessors.

      Are you in the NARP Forum Selkie to get help with the coaching of how to shift this?


      There we can help you in great detail.

      That is wonderful NARP is helping you so much Selkie, and now the next level of freedom for your Inner Being awaits.

      Mel xo

  10. Melanie, I found you on YouTube, subscribed, and have spent the day watching your vids, learning about narcissists’ tricks. I have an adult long-time friend whom has many of the symptoms of a narcissist and with whom I am in the midst of breaking ties (no contact) so I can live in peace. However, she has my house key and I have hers. I would like to know the best way to get my key back and return hers without the appearance of breaking “no contact”? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    Thank you for the valuable work you are doing to help people who are trapped in a narcissist’s web. I have been for 15 years.

    1. Tina,
      If I were in your shoes, I’d change my door locks and drop her key in the mail in order to maintain No Contact whilst healing. Well wishes to you in pursuing your healing and freedom.

      Kind regards,

    2. Hi Tina,

      I agree entirely with Christine.

      It is well worth detaching from all and every drama. Especially with people we know can’t just return things peacefully and “do the right thing”.

      Mel xo

  11. What a great interview… so full of joy and lightness. I totally get what you mean about the beautiful things out there in the Universe that you would never have known about whilst trapped in the pain. I’ve been doing NARP for 16 months and it’s been truly amazing. My father is the N and I’ve had 3 long term relationships with Ns too. I am totlally NC with all family. I took a year out for myself to properly focus on healing and didn’t work and now it’s just 6 weeks to go before I premiere my one-woman show in the Fringe festival Brighton UK. I’m writing it, acting and singing it and I can’t wait. I’m overwhelmed at the love I now attract, the understanding and support from newly manifested people and from older friends who are awakened in new ways because of what I share. I’ve been asked to do an inspirational talk at an event too, which is just mind-blowing to me. Tears of joy are so lovely. I totally resonate with your words Christine, the stand-up sounds fab. I too have written reams and reams of detail about my experience, this show is just the start of many ways I want to tell my story. Much love to you Christine and Melanie, so grateful for your continued inspiration and for allowing me to reconsider the idea of joy and to know what to do with it. There is new love on my horizon and with the tools I have now I am moving forward with that same open minded attitude, it may serve to confirm my healing efforts and new alignment, or it may trigger, either way I’m not avoiding it. Life really is very lovely since I learned to love myself xxx

    1. Vikki,
      Isn’t it absolutely AMAZING what comes into your life experience once you’ve truly let the trauma go?! I continue to be surprised and delighted by what the Universe lines up for me.

      Your creativity will continue to flow in new and exciting ways. Such fun you’re allowing to replace the pain! Thank you for sharing your uplifting experience too.


  12. So much of this is exactly what I’m going thru for 7 years of marriage. I would like to join but concerned he will find out. I’m 69 and have health issues Could not be without our insurance and not able to work at this point. Any suggestions or help would be muchly appreciated. Thanks

  13. The narc, the spath, the borderline…will never see. In death, they will remain indignant that they are the center of the universe. Good for them. As long as they go elsewhere, away from humans.
    Loooove this interview.
    Seeing the ppl. Loving the ppl. They are there. I see them.
    Slowly. Carefully. But i see them.

    1. Helene,
      Indeed, my “I don’t care” if he changes is a powerful release by recognizing that the only person whom I have the power to change is ME! Whether changing for the better occurs for him is utterly irrelevant to my own personal evolution. Being able to genuinely FEEL this freedom has only been achieved by letting go of the trapped trauma within my being through Quantum Healing.

      Peace and love to you in pursuing your healing and freedom for yourself.


  14. I am an empath, a lightworker and a true victim of Narcissistic Abuse, I have been abused all my life since I was a young child by very many Narcissists, Sociopaths, Psychopaths, Bullies and by a Paranoid Schizophrenic who are my own blood related family, family friends, all the different schools and colleges I attended – my school and college peers and shockingly, by the school teachers and college lecturers too, by lots of different neighbours and next door neighbours both in England where I live now and in another country where me and my family lived when I was a teenager, by my stepdaughter, her mother, my stepdaughter’s best friend and by my ex – boyfriends. So I have suffered so, so much. I have always been the victim. My stepdaughter and her mother are covert cerebral Narcissists, my stepdaughter’s best friend is a covert somatic Narcissist, what I have learned about covert Narcissists is that they are extremely dangerous, sneaky, stealthy, cunning, crafty, sly, devious, calculating, scheming, opportunistic, etc…, evil masterminds who create fool – proof plans that cannot be thwarted by anyone and they have plan A, plan B and each letter of the alphabet to Z – plan Z if anything were to go wrong for them. They think of many different ways and techniques of how to take control of every situation, to get any situation and incident under their control, and to act and behave and be unpredictable so that their potential victim cannot anticipate their next move, what they would say and do and how they will behave, and to be unpredictable, to do something that’s unpredictable and that will catch their victim by surprise and to get any situation, any incident that is NOT under their control to get every situation and incident DEFINITELY under their control, and they always anticipate their victim’s next move, etc…, they analyse and scrutinize their victims and find out how their victims operate, function and tick. They engineer situations where they can get their victim on his/her own so they can do the covert abuse in secret without anyone else being in or anywhere near the vicinity of where they would be so that there would be NO eye or ear witnesses who would defend and support the victim and who would be able to prove it. Then the Abusers would then falsely accuse the true victims of being the Abusers and falsely claim that the true victim abused them and the Abusers would back this false claim up with a false testimony, bearing false witness against the true victim, the Abusers would get their members of their inner circle to provide false claims, false accusations, false testimonies, false proof, false evidence, they and the Abusers would frame the true victim for crimes, etc…, that the true victim didn’t commit, they would bear false witness against the true victim for the Abusers, everything that the Abusers and their inner circle would say against the true victim would be based on lies and all of them would commit slander, defamation of character and libel, spread lots of malicious rumours and gossip against the true victim. The Abusers would play the victim themselves and also at the same time falsely accuse the true victim of being an Abuser who plays the victim. Lots of finger pointing all around, only highly trained mental health, psychiatric and psychological professionals would be able to discern that the victim is the true victim and that the Abusers are the true Abusers. The main goal of a covert Narcissist is to annihilate and destroy someone’s life, mental, emotional, psychiatric, psychological, physical and spiritual healths, wellbeing, welfare, to make the true victim experience pain, suffering, misery, torment, torture, agony and make their true victim’s life a living hell and to do this all in secret and the cherry on top of this main goal of theirs is TO GET AWAY WITH IT!!!!!!!!! as well as portray themselves as the victim and portray the true victim as the Abuser, everything that the Abusers would say is lies, everything would be false, slander, defamation of character, libel, rumours and gossip and the Abusers would try to fully expose to the maximum their true victim as being an Abuser, a Narcissist – that ties in with slander, defamation of character, libel and it is a form of re-victimization, what’s even more worse than that is if everyone else – outsiders, the law, the police believes the Abusers, the Abusers inner circle and all of their lies and false testimonies, etc…, above the true victim and above the true victim’s truth and true testimony, etc…, especially when the police give the true victim a caution, a warning and when the police threaten the already traumatized true victim of being arrested, handcuffed, taken down to the police station, have the true Abusers make false statements against the true victim to the police, press false charges against the true victim to the police, that is re-victimization on repeat. I have been through that with my stepdaughter, her mother and my stepdaughter’s best friend. My stepdaughter is much older than me, her physical age is much older than my age but her emotional, mental, psychiatric age is much, much younger than mine. She is immature, childish, babyish and infantile.

  15. I’m going to quote what she said, she has said the following : ” bullies play the victim and when the bully/abuser cry foul, then they are the ones who started it and that EVERY abuser justifies his/her behaviour by saying ” you forced me to do this, it’s all of your own fault, if you behaved differently, I would have to do this ” “, she is a bully who plays the victim, it’s the true victim who cries foul – the bully doesn’t cry foul, and the true victim cries foul because it is the Abuser/bully who started it, the true victim never ever starts it because the true victim is not a bully, abuser, Narcissist, Sociopath, Psychopath or a contentious trouble maker, not argumentative, confrontational or defensive. My covert cerebral Narcissist stepdaughter is a bully, an Abuser who is trying to justify her unjustifiable, uncondonable or incondonable, intolerable, unadmirable, disgusting, deplorable behaviour by her having false thoughts in her warped, twisted, crazy, deranged, insane, etc…, mind that I forced her to abuse me and that it’s all my fault. I NEVER FORCED HER OR ANYONE ELSE (WHO ALSO ABUSED ME) IN MY WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE TO ABUSE ME, I’VE NEVER WANTED, I DON’T WANT AND I’LL NEVER WANT TO BE ABUSED OR BULLIED BY HER OR BY ANYONE ELSE – I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED, I ALWAYS WANT AND I’LL ALWAYS WANT TO BE ACCEPTED, LOVED, CARED ABOUT, TO BE LOOKED AFTER, TO BE CARED FOR, TO BE TAKEN GREAT CARE OF, TO BE NURTURED, PAMPERED, MODDYCODDLED – MOLLYCODDLED, TO BE ADORED, TREASURED, CHERISHED AND TO BE RESPECTED – THAT’S WHAT I TRULY, LITERALLY DESERVE!!!!, AFTER EXPERIENCING OVER 25 YEARS OF ABUSE, BULLYING, CONDEMNATION, CRITICISMS, CONTEMPT, SCORN, DISDAIN, CALLED SWEARWORD DEROGATORY NAMES, SWORN OUT, HUMILIATED, EMBARRASSED, MORTIFIED, MOCKED, MADE A MOCKING PARODY OF, BELITTLED, INSULTED, GETTING PHYSICAL BEATINGS, ETC…, ALMOST KILLED – MURDERED, ETC…,. I’ve NEVER been, I’m definitely NOT and I’ll NEVER be masochistic, sadistic, sado-masochistic, I’ve NEVER had, I DON’T have and I’ll NEVER have masochistic, sadistic or sado-masochistic latent tendencies and I’ve NEVER had, I DON’T have and I’ll NEVER have Stockholm Syndrome. So I didn’t force her or anyone else to abuse or bully me. I hate my stepdaughter and I hate her mother and I hate my stepdaughter’s best friend and I hate everyone else who has abused and bullied me, and almost murdered me – I hate all of them with a passion. It is definitely NOT the true victim’s fault. It has NEVER been, it’s NOT and it will NEVER be my fault. It HAS ALWAYS been, It’s ALWAYS and it will ALWAYS be my stepdaughter’s, her mother’s, my stepdaughter’s best friend’s and everyone else’s fault/faults. My stepdaughter does shift – blaming, she rejects all full responsibility of her behaviour, attitude, words, actions, acts and deeds because she’s too immature and infantile to accept any responsibility for anything and so she dumps the blame of abuse onto me, but, truthfully, honestly and literally the blame of abuse has ALWAYS been, is ALWAYS and will ALWAYS be on her, she has nobody else to blame but herself, she cannot blame me at all. She’s trying to find an excuse, to try to justify the abuse that she did to me, she’s trying to cop – out of it, or, she’s trying to find a cop – out. It also means she lacks self – control, she cannot control herself. Then she said that the Abuser would say to the victim ” if you had behaved differently, I would have to do this to you “, in other words, she – the Abuser wanted some Narcissistic Supply from me – the Narcissistic Supply – she wanted me or she tried to use brute force onto me to force me to comply to her emotional needs by genuflecting, being obsequious to her, showering her with compliments and to feed her False Self, boost her Narcissistic ego and self – esteem and putting her on such a high pedestal and because I refused to do so, because I refused to comply to her, she abused me. She tried to control me. She is a dictating, tyrannical, draconian, very austere control – freak. I didn’t give her what she wanted, I didn’t let her get/have her own way, she couldn’t control me, so she abused me. I’m not a puppet on strings or a life-size cardboard cut-out, or an object, I’m definitely NOT Narcissistic Supply, so I shouldn’t be treated like that at all, I’m a human-being made of flesh and blood so I should be treated with the utmost respect, the true victim – me behaved in a nice, good and normal way and never provoked the Abuser – her to abuse me or to retaliate back to me, I never tested her resolve. I think that her False Self was experiencing a drought and a famine of Narcissistic Supply, she had 0% of Narcissistic Supply inside of herself, she heard the desperate cries from her False Self crying out ” I need more, more, more and more Narcissistic Supply, I need to be admired, loved, wanted, needed, respected, adored, cherished, treasured, pampered, mollycoddled, exalted, etc…, ” and when I didn’t comply to that she perceived me not complying to that as me provoking her to abuse me, as me provoking her for her to retaliate back to me, so she turned into an emotional psychic vampire and she attacked me by abusing me and then she sucked all my life energy force out of me and so she did that through brute force. If she can’t get me to feed her False Self, give her Narcissistic Supply – then if she goes down that avenue and she fails, then she’ll go down another avenue and try that – she went down the other avenue and she turned into an psychic emotional vampire and she abused me and she sucked me dry of my life energy force, so she got something else out of me instead, not me worshipping her as a “female god” but she sucked me dry of all of my life energy force instead. She desperately wanted to get something that was a part of me, that was all about me – out of me and she snatched, grabbed, pulled as hard and as long as she could to drag it out of me through brute force and then she cut it off of from me so that it was no longer attached to me and then she put it inside of herself – she attached it to her own life force energy and then she had an energetic, full of vitality, etc…, boost to her own life force energy and I was feeling physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, etc…, worn – out, tired, drained and exhausted. My life force energy was 0% in any energy, vitality, etc…,. She has been going hell for leather in attempting to annihilate someone else, their health, etc…, their life, their reputation, etc…, she’s been going to town on them relentlessly without ceasing, she’s been inciting hate towards this person and she’s been doing it online. She’s a hypocrite because she accused this person of being a compulsive liar because she IS a compulsive liar herself and then she said that this person and this person’s son both lack empathy – she’s a hypocrite again because her mother and her father and herself all lack empathy and also all lack remorse. Like stepdaughter, like mother, like stepdaughter, like father, she’s a chip off the old block. She’s just like her mother and she’s just like her father. The nut didn’t fall far from the tree.

  16. She has the same lack of empathy and same lack of remorse as her mother and as her father. The psychopathic nut didn’t fall far from the psychopathic tree. She most definitely IS a hypocrite!!. She is sadistic, she’s a contentious, argumentative, confrontational, defensive trouble-maker. She also said that knowing that there is lots of trouble coming towards this person from other people makes waking up in the morning so satisfying and she put that online and after that I think she put a grinning emoji on there too. A big toothy, mouthy grin smile emoji. Plus, she put online she said or (words to this effect) she would be looking very forward to seeing the other people arguing amongst themselves about this other person, that seeing these other people arguing with each other makes her very, very happy, she’ll be enjoying herself. She enjoys causing no end of trouble and problems for other people, she enjoys sowing discord, conflict between people, she cannot live without it, she thrives, survives and lives on it, she cannot get enough of it, she cannot resist it, it’s irresistible to her, far too much of it is still not enough for her, she has a voracious, insatiable appetite and thirst for it. Her appetite for it will never be satisfied, she will hunger for it forevermore, her thirst for it will never be quenched, she will be thirsty for it forevermore. I’m married to my stepdaughter’s father – he is an overt cerebral Narcissist and over the years he has treated me badly and he has been saying for many, many years now that I forced him, that I made him call me this and that, swear at me, insult me, etc…, and abuse me and then I see my stepdaughter saying online that every abuser says to their victims ” you forced me to abuse you, it’s your fault ” – so either stepdaughter learnt this from her father – my husband or my husband learnt this from his daughter – my stepdaughter or maybe both of them thought this up together with each other. Like father, like daughter, she’s a chip off the old block. He’s a Narcissist too, a overt cerebral Narcissist.

  17. I have NEVER, I DON’T and I’LL NEVER worship my stepdaughter, her mother, my stepdaughter’s best friend, my husband – my stepdaughter’s father and everyone else who has abused me all throughout my entire life since I was a baby and all of the other people who are normal who have also been in my life since I was young who never have, who don’t and who never will abuse me in my whole entire life since I was very young as male gods and as female gods – goddesses because I don’t worship or give worship to my fellow male and female human beings. NOBODY controls me, NOBODY controls all the different aspects and areas of myself and of my life and NOBODY dictates anything to me, NOBODY dictates to me on how I should live my life. I have excellent self-control, I can control myself and I can control each and every of and all of the different aspects and areas of myself and of my life and I can make well-informed and great judgments on decisions and choices that I myself make for myself and make for each and every of and for all of the different aspects and areas of myself and of my life and on deciding and on choosing on how I should live my life. I have NEVER, I DON’T and I’LL NEVER want to worship any of the people who I have talked about already in all of my comments on this blog article. So I have ALWAYS , I ALWAYS do and I ALWAYS will refuse to worship each and every single individual time, situation, etc…, each and every single individual person, all of the people who I have talked about in all of my comments that I have made already on this blog article.

  18. I do welcome very, very good, common-sense, logical, rational, practical, sound, etc…, advice, support, guidance from other people and I do listen to them and to their advice, support, guidance and I do take on board what they are saying and I do take their advice, support, guidance and I act upon their advice, etc…,.

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