Today’s article is a little different. It’s not about Quantum understandings, unravelling and healing from narcissistic abuse and the like … it’s more self-indulgent …
It’s about my recent motorhome trip!
I am so excited to share with you my recent little adventure because I hope that it can bring you hope, joy, expansion, and inspiration!
Myself and my partner decided to do a little social experiment to see whether or not we could survive and live the mobile life as our home for a while.
You see I have sold my house in Melbourne and we don’t know what our next “where to live” step is yet … this is about keeping our options open.
The challenge was could we co-exist, deal and also could I work from camper parks and off grid. We made sure (as you will see) that we undertook all of these experiences!
The motorhome was a 21-footer – complete with fridge, cooking facilities and bathroom, plus the desk setup so that I could work whilst we were travelling between destinations. It apparently sleeps 6 people – but I truly have NO idea how that could work!
In the storage compartment overhead, we put our rubber outboard boat, we fastened our two bikes on the back then stocked up on provisions and off we went!
The trip began with two dear friends and connecting with other friends in Canberra. Part of this trip was visiting the Yarrangobilly Caves and surrounding mountains – mind-blowingly beautiful!
Then my partner and I continued together over to the coast of New South Wales, and we set up at the Clyde River Nelligen.
Remote and magnificent. We took the boat out on the river. We nearly got lost on the expansive water ways (note to self, remember which forks you go down when in the wilderness) and also with shifting tides, battled to get up a mini rapid. I totally believe I’m always protected though – and there is a solution, and we didn’t need to find one, because it all worked out.
I also love that my partner is very resourceful and capable. Its lovely.

The first thing that I noticed about the trip is time goes so much slower. What a consciousness shift being in nature! I was still working doing regular lives with you from the mobile home as well as writing articles and doing other videos.
The next stop was South Durras, which was amazing, the park we stayed in was between the lake and the ocean there. Just gorgeous … and so many kangaroos – everywhere!

Then, the rain came …
You may have heard about the floods happening in Queensland and New South Wales at the moment? The floods are horrifying … so many people have completely lost everything, their homes are totally submerged, rescue operations have had to take place from their house roofs … and lives have been lost.
These are the worst floods on record in Australia … heartbreaking. If you are reading this article and are affected or someone you know has been, my heart, love and healing goes out to you. I am thinking of you and sending you healing Light in my Quanta Freedom Healing shifts.
At South Durras we were at this point further South than the terrible flood waters, but the rain was getting heavy, and the weather report was a week and a half of pouring rain.
We knew then that it was time to start travelling South to avoid it.
We spent a night in Bermagui – with heavy unrelenting rain. Such a beautiful spot but decided not to stay.
Then a night in Pambula – where the rain stopped for a few hours and we walked on the beach to check out the rock formations. Pretty amazing – we would have loved to explore further, but the next day the rain had set in again.
So, the drive continued South to Lakes Entrance where we discovered a brilliant park on the water’s edge. The rain was easing, you could see it was going to break, and the following day was sunny and hot. We went out on the boat for hours, and the next day rode our bikes around town.
It was completely uncanny (yet not!) in this packed-out spot that we just happened to get a water’s edge site, as someone was leaving and we were in the right place at the right time. You have to love Quantum Alignment – “everything works out for my highest and best self”. The opening to the beach was right beside our motorhome, creating easy access to set up the boat plus motor, which is an ordeal.
A gorgeous day of boating, beautiful sights and the friendliest swan duo I have ever met. They were hilarious and so cute. Happy to be fed but try to touch them and they hiss!

Then it was time to start heading home … we did the slow trip back – (it usually takes 3.5 to 4 hours), stopping at certain towns along the way, and had dinner at the water’s edge in Phillip Island.
Now as I write this we have been back since last night, cleaning the motorhome, unpacking everything and doing tons of washing.
I am reflecting on …
The upside to motorhoming, living, and working.
The freedom of being able to go wherever you want and do what you want. I love that fluidity and spontaneity.
Nature, sights and gorgeous people that you meet abound!
I can work while my partner drives, apart from winding bends that make me feel car sick. (Ginger lollies help though!)
Outside living, cooking, and enjoying a drink under the annex is awesome whilst sitting in nature. (I am very blessed that my partner loves to cook and look after the practical things, which supports me so much to pump out the work, and then have time to relax and enjoy afterwards).
If the internet connection is okay (or you’re hot spotting) you can stay in paid parks or free parks and have much more flexibility.
The downside to motorhoming …
Space is limited. I would need a bigger motorhome, ideally a small bus to cope – mainly because of more storage space.
The portable toilet issue is disgusting when you have to empty the cartridge.
If you eat healthily you have to be organised and make sure you can find and stock up on decent food, and have good supplies of water, otherwise easier food options happen.
You have to be super-organised to live in such a tiny space to make it work and flow for you. I’m naturally a little messy, so I would have to have my place for everything organised more effectively to make this work as a home.
Good satellite dish reception would be needed to upload HD videos. That’s yet to be fully worked out. (If anyone has more information about that, please share with me in the comments below!)
All in all, I could do this. For years travel has been a passion of mine.
I love how time stands still in nature.
I adore seeking and exploring new adventures, sights and local communities.
I need to make a decision soon, as there is only 2.5 months before settlements and needing to be out of this home.
Now for the inspiration part …
As a Thriver, on holidays now, I no longer am walking on broken glass, being with a partner who inevitably can’t get narcissistic supply and is going to hit a “low” and then start lashing out.
Full time with a narcissist is unbearable! How many holidays have we all suffered whereby it was traumatic because of these people?
Thriving opens up an incredibly different experience, whereby after finding your own Soul / Source connection to be safe and whole in life yourself, other people and situations can be chosen to add to this.
You are free with space in the cells of your body to let go and enjoy. You don’t need to be attached to things (God I love that!). If it feels right and good you can follow your gut, and that is when everything does fall into place.
It is such a joy to be with a partner who doesn’t sweat the small stuff, is positive and lives like I do, with an open heart and open mind spontaneously open to “whatever is next”. In flow, Thriving works!
It’s so easy!
And … how awesome to do this from new scenery constantly!
I want every one of you to feel and be in life like I do … Truly …
My videos and lives and also this blog, are my way of hoping to share my trip with you, my Thriver Family.
And, again, if you are in Australia on the Southeast coast battling the floods, please feel huge love and healing from me, my team, and this Community.
I also want to ask that all NARPers set an intention in your healing (even as a part shift) to help release trauma for these people and fill them with Source.
I know how much this can help …
Thank you beautiful Thrivers, those of you on the lives and commenting on the photos and the posts.
I wish the trip could have been longer, but its only the beginning. Now it’s time to buckle down, focus, allow and let the next exciting stage of where or what “home” will be unfold.
I’ll keep you all posted!
So lovely to hear of your wonderful adventure and brave decision to let go and live! Thank you for shining your light so beautifully for us xx
Thank you for your lovely words, Karen,
Much Love to you
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Hello Melanie
Sounds wonderful. Love the blog and pictures.
Melanie, what a coincidence as I was just telling my friend that we all really should start living our passion and finding out what we love to do but that the fear of not having enough or not being supported holds us back.
So exciting what you are going to do.. you are an inspiration xxx love following you.
Hi Sarah,
I hope that this has inspired you to go for it!
I’m glad you are in our lovely community too!
Much Love
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Thank you Sheryl,
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Hi Melanie,
Glad to hear you’re having a great time with your adventure on the road. You mentioned perhaps doing this full time. Sorry to be a wet blanket but being a Canadian I couldn’t help but wonder if you have tried living in the motorhome during winter. I don’t know what the temperature range is where you will be going but have you tried living in the motorhome in the coldest temperatures? I know it’s possible as some people do it here in Canada but you have to make sure your unit is properly “winterized”. I have no idea what that means exactly but it would be well worth looking into I think 🙂
Hi Michelle,
Australia is a much warmer climate. We don’t have snow unless you go up the mountains, and up north it is sub tropical to tropical.
The temperature won’t be an issue. It’s more the battle with the heat. Yet you can go more south in summer and higher north in winter … and keep the temperature near perfect all year around.
Mel 🙏💞🦋
What a lovely post card to receive. So nice to read of your ability to explore especially after the lock down. Congratulations! I will set an intentions for healing trauma for those affected by the floods. Take good care.
Hi Betsy,
thank you for your lovely post, and I am so grateful that you are sending healing to those poor people in the floods.
Mel 🙏💞🦋
I enjoyed reading of your mobile adventure!
Good thing you’re partnered 😉; I met “my” Narcissist while living on the road. Although I split from him several times (you clearly know the routine), I’m free again at last. for real.
A genuine advantage to living as a nomad, savvy enough, you can drive away from the situation. I did.
Hi Jem,
Oh yes, that is true. Driving away is so much easier than having to move out, split up stuff and try to extract your things.
I’m pleased you enjoyed this read! And even happier that you are free lovely lady.
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Love this! Thanks so much for sharing Melanie. I was guided by spirit to pack up my home, buy a 4wd and kit it out into an overland off grid adventure vehicle and go into outback Oz with my toddler for the next couple of years, and to do my online business from my car, and reading how you were able to still do your work on the road and limited reception was great to know it can be done, so thank you! ❤️💕❤️ So much love to you and your family and I look forward to reading about more of your adventures! Big love Ellen Sirena, Darwin xx 😘
Wow Ellen,
you are amazing!!!
I know you can do it! Fantastic!
Yes, it can be done … you should do it. What a wonderful experience for you and bubs!
Much love sweetheart and lovely to hear from you.
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Sounds amazing and idyllic Melanie.
You are an absolute inspiration that happiness exists. Stay blessed 😇
Hi Francine,
I truly hope that I can inspire you!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
🙂 In Australia we are blessed that we can drive North in Winter and be in 32 degree C heat if it gets too cold down South 🙂
So true Ange,
and it doesn’t take that long to get the temperature shift.
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Dear Melanie,
Thanks for the travel blog – loved it. It’s a dream of mine to travel around Oz too, but am reluctant to do so alone. (Chihuahuas don’t count as helpful partners). Maybe Source has an idea – I’m open to it. Anyway, thanks for the great weekend of healing, insights, growth and more!
Hi Virginia,
That’s so funny. I can imagine the little fur baby wouldn’t be. The positive being not much extra room apart from you would be taken up!
It really is inspiring to see how many women do travel mobile on their own. I would consider mastering this if I was single!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Sounds like a lovely adventure – but please stop the redundant “my partner” language. Is it even a person??? Does “it” have a name?? Why even bother mentioning- Sorry but after the 7th “partner “ reference I couldn’t read anymore….
Hi Suzanna,
he wishes his privacy because I am a public personality. He is a private person.
The reference is to respect this, NOT to disrespect him.
Mel 🙏💞🦋
How wonderful Mel! This is something I’ve always wanted to do and it sounds so terrific but now that I’ve read your experience I know I could never do it, LOL! I have too much stuff I’m too disorganized and too messy. But it’s wonderful to live vicariously. Really enjoyed your postcard from the road and the pictures. They made my day! Lorayne
Hi Lorayne,
hahaha it is a challenge!
Thank you and I am so pleased that you loved this!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Hi Melanie, your exuberance comes thru in your sound happy! Retired here..unfettered..I can relate to your excitement! I too find natural settings to be exhilarating! Joy! Hugs to you both, safe and wonderful adventures!
Hi Bill,
thank you for your lovely post and blessings!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Lorayne, I was forced to sell the house as i couldnt buy out the ex. I took my half of the money and bought a motorhome . A lot of my stuff went into a friends garage for later sorting. I have been living in total freedom for 8 months now. I Just had a weekend of sorting through stuff in the garage. I have no idea why i kept it or why i thought i needed it. The new life doesnt include any old rubbish.. It becomes really easy once you are moving on. I am almost 65 if it matters about age! XX
Wow Melanie! ….I am so happy for you!! ….You are currently living one of my big dreams!! ..And no doubt, a few of us out there, as Van Life is gaining more and more popularity. People are realizing how valuable experiences and nature are compared to things and assets. And most mortgages are insane.
Anyhow, wanted to say that in your photo: you look Stunning and in a state of Bliss!
I have been researching about this sort of thing, and being a “Digital Nomad”. I also have done some House Sitting… this is a good potential option to mix in even with Van Life living. You sign up to one of the websites on line, you may need to do one or two less than ideal House Sits, just to get references going and then you can get choosy. I got to stay for 3 months walking distance from Jan Juc on Victoria’s Surf Coast: absolutely breathtaking! One of the cool things about House sitting is that you can enjoy real comforts (I got one dodgy place early on and a dodgy person and bailed out of that, but otherwise I have stayed at two luxurious homes with lovely dogs and lovely owners …and BOTH walking distance from the beach!! ….Word to the wise: you can also do this internationally; which I also plan on doing one day). I also tried farm work, on a shed which is easier than fruit or vegetable picking; I actually quit earlier and it wasn’t because of the back breaking work (and the fact that they were too cheap to supply us with lockers for our valuables!) but because the Manager, a female, was a toxic Narc, who sadly predictably preyed on me… I like to think that as a compensation, that I have learned from it and gotten stronger. …I don’t think that you need to do farm work, however. It is an experience though. Often one of exploitation, lol!! At least you get to meet a lot of overseas back packers. I may do some in the future, when I go on my Van Life trips, depends whether I can earn a living on line, which I think I might prefer. I plan to go around Australia, and hopefully also Europe (even go under the tunnel over the England from France). I also want to try to a couple of Eco/Animal Volunteering experiences. (I did one at Lek Chailert’s Elephant Nature Park in Chang Mai, Thailand. Really cool being so physically close to wild, though tamed, animals.)
Anyhow! It’s wonderful to see someone living their dreams!! Good on you.
…I am still working on getting psychologically strong enough to deal with toxic people out there (unfortunately this has been a pretty big thing for me). I am making progress, slowly slowly. …I will keep working at it and one day, like you, I will get to savor the rewards.
Thanks again for giving us NARP. I keep recommending it left right and centre to people (it has been of real significant help for me)… including my Zoom Asperger’s Women’s Group (I tentatively identify as being a Female Aspie) where most have experience of bullying, but a fair few seem to also get into narcissistic relationships on top of this (like me).
Hi Elisa! So happy to hear you had the incredible opportunity to volunteer at my beautiful friend, Lek Chailert’s Elephant Nature Park! I’ve gotten to know her on her visits to LA, but haven’t been to Chiang Mai yet. I’m vegan like Lek. Maybe you are, too! Is the Zoom Aspie women’s group open to new members?
Hi Elisa,
your experiences sound amazing – thank you for sharing them!
It’s very inspiring that you are conscious in it, especially with narcissistic individuals.
I love it when women have the confidence and power to live their life out loud!
It’s really beautiful.
Sending you love and joy
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Oh… a few people mentioned about going on vacation with a Narc… and I thought of poor Gabby Petito. …(The channel “Live Abuse Free” does an awesome job of analyzing footage of Gabby and Brian in light of what may have been going on. It’s a great channel, run by a Psychologist).
So uplifting to read about your adventures and see the photos. I used to live in St Kilda and loved everything about Australia so your post brought back lovely memories and and some sunshine to a chilly grey day in overcrowded England!! Xx
Hi Paul,
thank you for your lovely post.
I’m pleased these scenes warmed your heart!
Much Love
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Dearest Melanie,
What a beautiful post about your adventure and new way of life. Such gorgeous photos of your beautiful country. Having just spent three days with you in our Thriver Community focusing on Love Health & Wealth I’m inspired to uplevel my own life and expand further into thriving on all levels. I’m filled with gratitude to be a small part of the Thriver Community and to have the ability to focus on what I want in my and shift out what no longer serves me. I look forward to “Travels with Mel” as you experience living a more nomadic life experiencing nature in her pure form.
Bright blessings to you and our Thriver Community.
Hi Francesca,
I loved having you with us all sweetheart in our so special weekend together – and look forward to our monthly workshop times together!
It is fun not knowing where I am going to be! Only 2 months to leave the house, so lets see what happens!
Love and blessings to you and thank you for yours to everyone 🙂
Mel 🙏💞🦋
“A gorgeous day of boating, beautiful sights and the friendliest swan duo I have ever met. They were hilarious and so cute.
Happy to be fed but try to touch them and they hiss!”
That last bit it going to be me when I start dating again! 😉
It should be on a T-shirt! Hahaha
Amazing adventure! Thank you for taking us on it with you. I don’t get time off until summer, so reading this feels like a little getaway <3
Hi Caroline,
you are so funny!! Hahaha
Thank you lovely lady and I’m thrilled you enjoyed this!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Beautiful!! What a beautiful way to spend your time, in nature and with good company. Just seeing you enjoy life is inspiration. Van life is not a bad idea, you get to see so many different places and ground yourself in nature. Nice! thanks for sharing
Hi Molly,
thank you for your lovely post.
Love and blessings to you
Mel 🙏💞🦋
you’ve really hit a on a popular topic here! i think the feeling of freedom in travel is one that many people in this community seek, myself included. I’ll add that as a young woman i thought i wanted a “thick and thin” travel partner, but now realize i could have done it all on my own! now travel is alittle different with 3 kids in tow😆
best wishes, it sure is fun out on the road.
Wow that’s wonderful. Very inspiring. I have sometimes gone on short trips with my little westie and a friend. It is so wonderful to get out there amoungst nature. I especially loved your little interaction with the black swans. Animals are wonderful ❤️🐾🦜🌿I will send love and healing to the flood victims and also to the people in Ukraine. Lots of love from Anna xx
I’m so happy for you. I’m also working towards living off grid, out of the slave system. Living a simple life with nature as were created to live. Always been my dream and now I’m taking steps to make it happen. I’ve lived most of my life in narcissist abuse starting with my mum. Sexual assault, attempted rape, abuse and rape and then a goodish man dying in my arms 2 years ago ago. But also travelled the world, experienced things most don’t get to do.. And have a beautiful daughter.
I have worked hard to break the patterns, beliefs and behaviours of narcissistic abuse. I know I will find my one soon and life a live in a growth oriented, loving, supportive, respectful, compassionate, kind, fun and laughter relationship. Thank you Melanie for being you, using quantum energy and inspiring me even more that off grid is the way to go until this realm changes for the better ❤️
Dear Melanie! Thank you for showing to us another way of exploring the full meaning and purpose of our life on this earth….you are such a wonderful teacher and impart much needed inspiration for us to sometimes take a road to the unknown….much love….❤️🦋❤️
Thank you Peter for your lovely words!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
So so so very wonderful and inspiring your article! Thank you really a lot for sharing this. You can’t believe the amount of thrive to keep on going on this journey it re sparks in me. Especially after rough and tough winter times, I’m in Germany, but I do your work since 4 years now, and I really can’t give any better advice to anyone than to start working with narp!! I am to this day so honestly very grateful for having found your work Melanie, at a time where I did not know how to go on… even more extreme times followed, but even though, I was way more than ever before in my life connected to myself. I really hope for everyone who reads this to experience the same journey of coming home to yourself. Thank you. Lisa from Germany with Amy, dog and Emilio horse
Thank you for your beautiful post here Lisa,
So much love to you, Amy and Emilio!
Mel 🙏💞🦋