Do You Still Feel Emptied Out, Exhausted and Powerless?

It is incredibly common to feel immobilised, guttered and barely able to function in the aftermath of narcissistic abuse. Especially when you have broken away, and are no longer tied up in the fight of survival.

Every day normal tasks may seem beyond comprehension, let alone being able to do them. In fact many people can’t function, they may have to stop working, or may even succumb to being hospitalised.

We all know that narcissistic abuse is awful and tough, but I also want you to consider another reason why when narcissistically abused we crumble into total powerlessness, as if we had been hit by a truck. Continue reading “Do You Still Feel Emptied Out, Exhausted and Powerless?”

Why Do We Keep Doing Things We Know Are Bad For Us?

Have you ever wondered why it is that you keep doing the things that you just don’t want to keep doing? Are you suffering from the frustration of trying to break free from your patterns that you know aren’t serving you?

How many times do we pick up that cigarette after 4 days of not smoking, or eat that whole slice of chocolate cake, and then two more when we promised ourself that we would only take a slither?

I know I have struggled with a number of addictions in my life; from alcohol, cigarettes and of course… relationships. I would continually repeat the behaviour that I knew was bad for me. And burn a lot of energy beating myself up in the process. Continue reading “Why Do We Keep Doing Things We Know Are Bad For Us?”

Is He or She Really A Narcissist? Laying Boundaries and Accountability


I get numerous emails every week asking this exact question.

So many people ask – How can I be sure?

I want you to be very clear on what I am about to state. It’s actually not important whether someone has NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) or whether they don’t, or are displaying enough narcissistic traits to make your life painful or unbearable. What is important is that you are aligned with and living the life that you wish to live, and creating that truth by holding powerfully to that truth – no matter how hard that may be to do ….

Most people have some narcissistic traits and it is normal to have exhibited narcissistic behaviour at some point in their life. However, there is a big difference between normal people who are capable of taking responsibility and being accountable for their behaviour and those with NPD who are incapable of this. Continue reading “Is He or She Really A Narcissist? Laying Boundaries and Accountability”

Do You Command or Demand?

I really want you to understand this question and think about it.

It’s vital – because there is a huge difference.

We all have needs, and we all want them met. Some people who don’t believe they deserve to have their needs met say nothing, they just simply go along with their life, internalise the pain and choose to accept a ‘less than’ experience.

For some people this is unbearable and they simply can’t do that…which truly is a good thing.

However there are ways to get your needs met, and there is sure fire ways how not to get your needs met. Continue reading “Do You Command or Demand?”

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