The 7 Steps To Your Personal Power

When we have been abused by a narcissistic/sociopath, we absolutely know what it is like to feel stripped bare and powerless.

Really, it would be fair to say having experienced this level of abuse takes us into the deepest depths of powerlessness.

Recovery, at first, is about healing and breaking free from the feelings of extreme anxiety and depression – which are, in effect, symptoms of extreme powerlessness. Continue reading “The 7 Steps To Your Personal Power”

Parent’s Empowering Themselves For Their Children’s Sake Part 2

Last week I wrote my most important article ever. Part 1 of this article was inspired by the difference I constantly see between the Thriver orientation, which occurs when we take the personal responsibility to heal our own wounds, and the rampant victimisation model, which is predominant in most narcissistic/sociopathic abuse communities.

Absolutely, I validate the pain of narcissistic abuse for people, especially when children are involved – and I know from personal experience, as well as having been connected with thousands of people going through this anguish, how tough it is.

I also know that the continual focus on the narcissist and what he or she is doing create total powerlessness and only feeds the narcissist, disables any effectiveness to get well, and is poisoning and traumatising our children – as well as doing NOTHING AT ALL to stop the cycles of abuse and abused being passed on from generation to generation.

Continue reading “Parent’s Empowering Themselves For Their Children’s Sake Part 2”

Parents Empowering Themselves For Their Children’s Sake

This article – and its accompanying radio show – is without exception the most important one, to date, that I have ever written.

After reading this article, I would like you to PASS IT ON and share it as widely as you can.

It is a passion project that I believe is necessary to break the cycles of abusing and being abused.

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Mankind’s Movement To Evolve From Narcissism

This article is about a very big topic, and one I believe it’s the perfect time to talk about.

Lots of people are wondering what is going on. Why are so many people going through hard times? What has this got to do with abuse? And what has it got to do with victims of abuse?

I believe lots, and that’s something I want to talk about in this article, including information about what I believe is really going on.

Continue reading “Mankind’s Movement To Evolve From Narcissism”

Heartbreak And The Narcissist

This is a topic I have never written specifically about.

Most definitely we know that breakups and breakdowns with narcissists hurt our hearts profoundly.

When we understand so much more about our own evolution, and the transformational process of growing and healing, we can start to know that the journey of life is primarily through our heart.

At first, opening our heart can feel terrifying. We feel unsafe and vulnerable, and the thought of being hurt again can bring up an enormous amount of pain.

Continue reading “Heartbreak And The Narcissist”

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