When the narcissist replaces you with a new partner you might imagine that they’re off having a fabulous life.
They’ll certainly do their best to make it look that way. It’s all part of their superiority show, “I was right. You were wrong. I’m the healthy one. You’re the sick one. I was the good person trying to fix things. You were the damaged, abusive one.”
I’m here to tell you that this is all part of their false self-narrative – they have to prove it to themselves and the world, but it’s NOT TRUE!
This Thriver TV episode includes some very valuable perspective on this painful discard. In this video I share with you my own experience and grant you some much-needed understanding, relief, and truth on how the narcissist really treats their new supply. Watch now to get all the inside information.
Video Transcript
Many of you have asked how the narcissist will treat the new supply. Of course, it’s a burning question after what you’ve been through with the narcissist. I’m going to answer the question, but before I do, I just want to remind you if you haven’t yet subscribed to my YouTube channel, please do. Also, remember to like my videos and share with people who you think they can help.
The Narcissist Abuses The Next Partner Differently
To start off, I want to help answer this question. This is about the narcissist in my life and how he treated his next partner differently. Because one thing is for certain, the narcissist will not necessarily treat the new person, the new supply, the way they treated you.
I discovered this and at first it really surprised me. The next person, the narcissist’s next supply after me, contacted me telling me all the things he was doing to her – such as he would go missing in action, he was indifferent, he showed her very little attention and he had numerous affairs on her. Which he rubbed her face in. I was initially so shocked by this because he had abused me completely differently.
With me, I could barely move or breathe without him stalking me and micromanaging me. He was constantly harassing me with text messages and surveillance.
But the thing was as time went on, I wasn’t surprised. Because what I learned is that narcissists are plasticine. There’s no actual real person there, they don’t actually even have an identity. How they behave has very little to do with them and it actually has everything to do with the other person that they’re interacting with.
Narcissists work out what is “your thing” that they can punish you with and that’s how they trauma bond you and it’s how they keep you hooked.
So let me explain. My gripes with love partners in my past and also the way I was parented, was about not being granted freedom and trust. Being accused of things that I wasn’t doing. I despised controlling, jealous behaviour. When the narcissist came into my life, he appeared so spiritual and conscious and inwardly stable and solid. It seemed rather than be jealous of my life and my pursuits, that he would allow them and support them and be the wind under my wings.
I felt so understood and supported. It was like with this man I could be free, and I could shine and I could be trusted. Yet, as time went on, I discovered how this had all been an act. He switched into being the most jealous, controlling, and accusatory person that I’d ever had in my life.
Of course, by this time, my life was enmeshed with him – I’d already decided that he was my life partner. We had a home, we were married. I clung trying to return him to the version I believed he needed to be, hoping that finally he was going to be the person that was not this horrible pattern in my life. As I stayed trying to fight for my rights, I handed him more of myself, my Soul, my resources. My life was about trying to stop him abusing me. Of course, I wasn’t changing him … I was only losing myself.
I know with his next victim; her pattern had been unavailable men. Those where she felt invisible and replaced by others. He had pretended, in her life, to see her and show up in ways that she’d never felt so met before. Then, like me, she got so bonded and trusted him so much. He had enmeshed with her life as well – completely infiltrated it.
Then he flipped the switch to become the unavailable, replacing partner from hell. She was discarded and replaced on a regular basis, whilst she was trying to prove her worth to him and give him more of her allegiance and her life resources, trying to keep him and make him love her.
The interesting thing was, there is no way she would’ve ever put up with a meshing, jealous, controlling partner. There is no way that I would’ve put up with somebody who discarded me and flaunted other women in my face. How interesting is that?
I can’t tell you how often people have reported to me how the narcissist in their life treated different people differently. Because, over the years, there have been hundreds of thousands of people that we’ve worked with and there’s been many exes that have connected with each other and they’ve come into this community and they’ve shared notes.
What Really Happens In The Next Narcissistic Relationship?
Let’s have a look at that. Please know that what goes on behind closed doors is not what is most people’s portrayed reality. Narcissists are great at showing themselves on social media as a together loving person, having a fabulous life. I think we all know that.
When narcissists replace the former supply with new supply, it’s all a part of their twisted narrative to come out to all and sundry as the happy healthy one who’s capable of creating love again. It’s all part of the superiority show, “I was right. You were wrong. I’m the healthy one. You’re the sick one. I was the good person trying to fix things. You were the damaged, abusive one.”
In their false self-narrative, they have to prove it to themselves and the world by getting into another love relationship quickly. Usually in the time it takes to boil an egg, if they didn’t have it all lined up for a while on the side anyway. Then they pump up in their own mind how fabulous this new partner is and what a welcome relief this is to how terrible you were. This is usual narcissistic behaviour. And it is, it’s completely unrealistic and it’s completely childish.
Yet, the narcissist doesn’t seem to think that presenting and parading around the new supply to friends and family and colleagues way too soon, probably including your children, is not normal. They think it’s all fair game. Other people think it’s a bit creepy.
Yes, this is revenge against you. They want to hurt you with this. Absolutely. Many new partners also go along with this thinking that they’ve met their Soul Mate and they’re totally unaware that this person is using them as a tool, a device to supplement their false self-narrative. The narcissist is not only meticulously working at the love bombing necessary to hook this person in, they’re already adding up in their own mind, all the goodies that this person brings to the table for them. It’s not about what they can genuinely give and share in love with this person. It’s about what they can get from them.
Don’t for one minute believe that this is about true Soul Mate love. Because just like you, as soon as this person is not feeding the narcissist’s False Self adequately – when this new supply will question something or try to get accountability when they’re treated terribly, which of course is going to happen – the narcissist will kick them off the highly inflated pedestal and despise them in the moment. Because narcissists go from, “You are wonderful” to “You are terrible” in a heartbeat. They’re going to start punishing that person emotionally for daring to challenge the narcissist’s true master, their False Self.
How do they do this? They do it with exactly what it is that’s going to hurt this person. They’ve already worked it out because that’s how they hooked them in. Whatever will trigger them to get them to lose their cool, make them feel irrational, disjointed, crazy, sad, angry, or even break their Soul because this feeds the narcissist’s superiority, “You’re the problem, not me.”
When someone is derailed emotionally, then the narcissist can use their finishing moves on them, designed to cripple and control. These are things like cruelly hinting replacement or threatening to remove or not deliver something. Or withhold something that will keep this person chasing the pie in the sky, the false promises that they believe this dream person was going to deliver. Which the narcissist never does. Or threatening to end the relationship, leave and abandon this person, which of course for many is terrifying.
Whatever the tactic that works, the end result is that person is hooked while the narcissist keeps raising the hoops higher and higher to jump through. At the same time, that allows a narcissist to exploit this person’s servitude, their money, their sex, their contacts, prestige, whatever it is that the narcissist is draining out of this person. Of course, they’re sucking their Life Force out of them by getting the attention, good or bad. That’s what narcissists as parasitical, energetic predators do.
How Do Relationships With Narcissists Last?
You may wonder, how on earth does the new or the former supply last so long in a relationship with the narcissist?
The people who stay with narcissists are generally softer and more gentle people than I was. And maybe some of you are. I’ll bet many of you who are more accommodating and softer and more gentle people – people like you found a way to detach and have your life without this person being a true partner. You found ways to shield yourself and the emotional degradations and the abandonments that this person put you through. Maybe you endured all of this to raise your kids and put your energy there.
You may have suspected or even known that the narcissist at the very least was getting attention and excitement elsewhere, possibly including sexual relationships that you knew about or convinced yourself that you didn’t want to know about or believe, thinking, “No, that’s not happening.” But yet, you stayed and suffered without too much retaliation on your behalf because it was easier, it was less abusive.
Maybe people even in your close circles thought that your life and your family were fine. They may not have even known what was really going on. Much less the previous spouse or partner, who’s shocked to think, how on earth could this last? Was it me that was the problem? Which of course is what the narcissists want you to think.
Those of you who are listening to this, who’ve been with a narcissist for a long time and are thinking of leaving – I’ve spoken to many of you and I’ve worked to help many of you heal and leave with NARP, the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program.
I know that many people in your life have no idea what your life is really like. But your emotional, physical, health and Soul vitality are breaking. You feel like you’ve had your Life Force sucked out of you. And you know you want to leave. Some of you are finally discarded and you feel like you’re going to die after granting so many years, maybe multiple decades, your life and your loyalty to this person, the children and the narcissist’s career.
Many of you eventually get up the courage and the strength and you do leave. The great news is that I’ve seen many of you, no matter what age or how long you’ve been married – I think the record has been 40 plus years – fully start to recover and Thrive.
I used to think myself, how on earth did the narcissist’s first wife go through decades of her marriage with him? She did because she was more gentle (and suffered in silence) than what I was. He had numerous affairs and then he left her for his second wife, I was his third.
In Conclusion
Many people have asked over the years, “Was I the problem? Would the narcissistic person have changed if I was more healed and not as defective, myself?” The answer to this is the narcissist would not have been different because a narcissist is a narcissist. But YOU would’ve been different. You would not be in a relationship where you were continually invalidated and emotionally abandoned and set upon and regularly replaced, discarded and exploited.
Please do not think for one moment that the narcissist is going to have a true relationship with a new supply. She or he just like all of us is going to go through the true Soul lesson that a narcissist brings to every person they attach to. Which is … let go of false sources of love, approval, security, and survival. So that you can heal, integrate with your own Soul, heal up your unhealed stuff and then know and generate your own worth. Heal our unfinished, often childhood, business.
One of the most powerful experiences with a narcissist is that they trigger the parts of ourselves which were susceptible. Mine were traumas of being distrusted and controlled. I also had terrors of being abandoned that were used against me. It was in the letting go of him and healing these aspects within myself, that I was able to release patterns of relationships like him and being attracted to people like him. And I know that the new partner of the narcissistic ex, she would need to heal her terrors of being invisible and replaced, to be able to not be enmeshed with him and people like him.
The wonderful news is that when you do that inner work, you not only go free from these horrible, triggered emotions – that can leave us feeling so helpless and hopeless – to taking your power back and no longer feeling hooked into the narcissist at all. No longing, no missing, no obsession. The truth becomes very obvious, and we feel it as a deep truth – this person wasn’t the healer of our wounds, they were the messenger.
It’s my deepest wish that all of us, those have been previously abused, those who are being abused and those who will be abused, such as the narcissist’s new supply, that we all awaken out of our enmeshment. And we retrieve our Souls to escape it. That’s the work.
By the grace of True Source, I was able to do that work on myself. It’s the work which I love to assist others with. I hope this resonates with you and I hope it gives you relief. I hope it brings you the truth.
If you are ready to do the work, check out the link here because it’ll explain to you how myself and so many others have got free from this. And we see the truth of what’s going on with the new supply and it no longer hurts. So, I hope this all resonates. Let me know in the comments below.
Thank you again Melanie for your generous spirit in sharing your insights without pushing too awfully hard for compensation … a true healer you are 🙂
I joined your NARP program a few years ago and found it fantastic for me @ the time since I was new to this world of narcissistic abuse though also leaving a relationship with one & in a state of turmoil and meltdown .
You helped bring a semblance of normalcy and self control back to my life , which I will always be eternally grateful for as I was heading into an insane asylum otherwise … no kidding … friends and family thought I had lost my mind … people were avoiding me … they thought I was losing it … and so did I … I was terrified @ the time but stuck with your modules and made some decisions to change things in my life and slowly am inching towards better mental health now .
It took me longer than most I imagine but that is no concern because I have made it through the worst of it and there is light again and maybe am not quite thriving yet but certainly am not just surviving either … somewhere in between and moving on up
Hi Carina,
please know how welcome you are and thank you for your lovely words!
That’s so great that you are continuing to heal.
Please know the NARP healings are so powerful for forward movement into your new and true life, no matter what stage you are at.
Sending you continued love and blessings
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Hi Carina!
Thank you so much for sharing your experience and story of how you have grown and how NARP has helped you….
Your story is certainly inspirational and gives me hope that I, too, someday will be there! Thank you so very much!
When NARP works for us it certainly is magical, isn’t it? ❤️
Love this wisdom! It is so true that the narcissist works out what will hurt you and goes for the jugular. Being abandoned has never really been my fear, so it makes sense that the narcissist has not abandoned me (they hoover and harass). Looking at what they do to me helped me to uncover what my fears must be. I use to get really upset with unfair situations- that are just obviously unfair. I’d get all worked up…. Little did I know that the narcissist was feeding off of my reactions.
Now, I am not getting as worked up. Yes the situations that the narcissist set up are unfair. I am just not hooking into it or trying to make it right anymore. I firmly believe that I don’t need to get worked up about it anymore. And I do believe justice will come, but only when I am in a more detached rational state.The narcissist is unfair because they are a narcissist. I am just releasing everyday- that they are not my responsibility.
The one part I still have not worked out, is why me?? It seems that the narcissist is very specific at targeting me. I don’t really think there is anything special or different about me. In my eyes, I am a regular person, living a regular if not slightly boring life. Anyways, I am sure the answers will come with time. Love your content Melanie and wishing everyone tremendous amounts of healing.
Hi Molly!
Thanks so much for your comment! I, too, you have often wondered, why me? And then sometimes I’m able to say “why not me?”
I’ve learned that narcissists prey on empaths and people they know are vulnerable types and, more than likely, that is why the narcissist chose me or maybe you to abuse.
The part of “why not me” is something I’m just beginning to truly understand.
Without all of the difficult stuff going on in my life I would not be where I am now, which at times seems like I’m not going in the right direction, but, for the, hopefully, most part I am going in the right direction and have changed…I believe I’ve grown as a result of having an abusive narcissist in my life.
That has made me take stock of what I am doing with myself, for myself, for my life and for my growth each day….
NARP has taught me to look at my life differently. Especially things that might appear to be negative…. because there can be a positive something or another that can ensue from bad experiences….
I hope that everything continues to be on the upside for you! It is always good to hear from you! ❤️
Hi Molly,
I’m so pleased this helped put some pieces together for you.
Why you? Because this is happening FOR you and not TO you. Narcissists are a deep soul contract. This is triggering something within you that you can release and heal, and go free from, to then go forth onto the next highest trajectory of your True Self and Life.
The inner work (letting go) of the thing we obsess about the most – is the thing needed to release the most – and where you will get your greatest expansion.
Target “why me” and everything with that and it will all break free even more for you!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Dear Melanie!
After reading this incredible, BTW, article I was deeply moved and kind of “mesmerized” by your story once again.
I love hearing your stories about your experiences and how you’ve managed to work your way through all the different scenarios you’ve been through in your life. They (the stories) continue to be so inspirational! 💫
Well, after I finished your article I remembered something I’ve shared a few times with others. This “something” is about how incredibly abusive the narcissist was to me and how this abuse exceeded any form of abuse, including child and youg adult sexual abuse, I’ve ever experienced anywhere from anyone in this lifetime on this Earth. Simply speaking, she has treated me worse than any human being I have encountered during this life, unequivocally!
Your article made me think about whether or not the narcissist will continue to do this to others…I believe that she will because she’s not going to change…I believe she’s “imprisoned” in her dark personality…consequently there is really no possibility for her to act any differently. Or, maybe it will get worse! But, who knows and who cares!
This article, even though it was kind of difficult to digest, because it reminded me of so many nightmare situations I experienced with the narc, thankfully gave me further and continuing guidance and insight into what I must do for myself to continue my spiritual growth which I so pray and long for….🙏🙏🙏
You mentioned the word “evolution” to me the other day and I think that applies in this case. That I must continue to do the work of NARP paralleled with my inner wish to be a good human being on this earth… in that I will, I so believe, evolve….
And all the abuse that the narcissist can throw at me will be like her blowing smoke into the air which will eventually disappear “somewhere”…..🙏🙏🙏
Your articles and Instagram and YouTube and all the different things you give to us encourage me to continue to do this work because, quite frankly, it can get very discouraging and lonely at times and that is NOT good or healthy…..
Well, I don’t feel discouraged right now as I’m writing this. I feel encouraged and maybe if I feel secure enough with myself or safe enough I might try one of your camps or groups again that you are offering to us but for now I’m kind of up and down and uncertain about me and unsure about being there with all of you guys. (Actually I’ve been that way for the past month or so and I don’t know why…🤔 I know I need to come out of that.)
The unfortunate part of living in that place within myself is that I keep hearing the words of the narcissist and she’s calling me stupid or incompetent or something or another. And then I start to feel it and my self-esteem crashes….And I feel unsafe going just about anywhere except for a few places that I know are safe…one is here with you doing the BLOG…..
Damn! This recovery from abuse is really hard! It has put me through so much and I know others have experienced the same! But, sigh, 😌 we have you and your teachings and even though it doesn’t feel often that I am where I would like to be I believe I’m headed more often than not in the right direction, thanks to NARP…🙌
Thanks, Melanie, for your continued guidance and, I really really mean this, the amazing and wonderful work that you do for this planet earth and us unfortunate habitants! Bless you, Melanie! Much love! ❤️🦋❤️
Hi Peter,
we would love you to join one of the bootcamp healing groups! Thrive would be great for you next time around!
Peter … remember dear Man – less thinking, more shifting.
The NARP Modules every day morning and night for 21 days on “whatever hurts right now” will deliver you to an unrecognisable place of personal evolution.
That is my heartfelt suggestion.
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Melanie, just wanted to tell you that I love you. You are such a gift to the world. You hold such Grace. You are helping so many people break free. Thank you for everything you do Angel Lady 💚💚💚
Agreed. Melanie is a lifeline.
Hi Ramona,
thank you for your beautiful words – they really do mean so much to me!
Love you too darling lady!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Oh I love this video and really needed to hear this! I was exactly the person you describe that stayed with my ex for 20+ years devoting myself to the children and not having a real partnership. I had a good career before we met but once the children arrived he did not want me to work, in fact made it impossible in many devious ways. He remarried in that boil-an-egg time to a “friend” of mine who left her teenage children for him and has a prestigious job! I thought that he must want someone like that but you have explained that his treatment of her will be something else that hurts her, maybe in time he will torment her about leaving her children?
Hi Katy,
absolutely she will wear his brunt – in what way is only known to them!
What is important for you is your healing after what you have been through.
Much Love
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Thank you , I really needed to read this , was a great help to me 🙏🏻
That’s awesome Sean!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Dear Melanie,
Thank you for enlightening a very dark aspect of narcissistic abuse. Your explanation resonates deeply with me and “puts together” maneuvers I hadn’t connected before.
One of my weak spots was breach of trust, so my partner made sure I knew what he was doing without having proof.
A few months ago I let go and simultaneously accepted that I had chosen not to connect the dots. This is where the fun began for me.
Every time he declares that he never EVER cheated on me, I calmly reply that I believe him. That drives him nuts!
Sounds petty but oooh does it feel good 😊
Much love and gratitude for your help,
Hi Pauline,
it’s my pleasure and I’m so pleased this has helped.
Mel 🙏💞🦋
After years of asking “What did I do?” These articles are enlightening me to the fact it wasn’t me. My question is if they have children by one of their many relationships, after they have “burned their bridge” with everyone, do they return to said child after years of not having a relationship and try to guilt the child into looking after them in their old age? This is one of my biggest fears.
Hi Lynn,
please know that nothing is off the table when it comes to what narcissists are capable of.
What is important is how we are healing, evolving and leading the way for our children. As I discovered with my own son’s level of consciousness and choices, he doesn’t do what I say, he does what I do.
As I model healthy boundaries and the word “No” to inappropriate others, he learns the same. Me being concerned he will fall into traps doesn’t help his situation (even though of course I understand this is so “normal” for us to do!)
I hope this is food for thought.
Mel 🙏💞🦋
So helpful to know this, it just made several things so much clearer to me! Thank you!
Hi Jaya,
You are very welcome.
I’m really pleased that this helped!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
IM Just now Reading this is no longer hurt now, though..I will always feel anger and am going to therapy for it. I can eventually heal…Someday or another..I know for a fact my NEW SUPPLY ( SUPPLIES) ARE GETTING ABUSED… I just pray they get out soon. No one deserves to be abused..but just by reading this I have a little bit of peace now and can truely move on in life because..no matter what or how abusers act or do whatever with or in new relationships..they will always be abusers unless( THEY ) GET help finally see (THEIR) FAULTS!!! THEY WILL NEVER CHANGE AND WILL FOREVER BE TORMENTED BY THEMSELVES..( Talk about your own worst enemy) the NARCISSIST MOST DEFINITELY!!