Narcissistic love is so painful, and when you escape it, there can still be great trepidation about trying to be in a love relationship again.

I understand … so much. I was there, too. I know many of you, like me, have done the inner work and then started to Thrive and flourish on your own. And many of you, like me, never believed this would be possible and have loved feeling this way alone!

Or maybe you are not there yet – which is also okay. (If you are still struggling to heal, then I recommend my Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program).

But is life without an intimate partner the best there is for us? (One thing is for sure, it is sooooo much better than being in an abusive relationship). Or can we dare to dream of healthy, fulfilling, Soul-satisfying love after being decimated by a narcissist?

For many of us, this can be a big leap of faith – significantly, if you once believed that the narcissist in your life was your True Soul Mate (as so many of us did).

Is there REAL love after this?

I don’t just believe there is. I know there is. I am living it.

Today, I want to inspire you with the 6 Steps to manifesting safe and healthy love after narcissistic abuse. This is a prelude to my upcoming Quantum Dating Bootcamp in early July. (Heads up … this is really a Soul Mate Creation Bootcamp – because you don’t need to date within the 6 weeks if you are not ready to …)

Many of you are joining me for these Soul Mate Creation healings and teachings, and even if you aren’t, my deepest desire today is that you will have powerful takeaways that can enter your heart and make you believe that Real Love, regardless of what you have lost and gone through, can happen for you too.

And … I hope the information I share will change how you think about Dating and Love, from fear and pain to power, possibility, and positivity!

I really want you to get that Soul Mate Love is not a mere chance for those of us who have had abuse trauma. Neither is Soul Mate love created by waiting for God / Source/ The Universe to roll the dice in our favor. It’s something that we can only lovingly and inspirationally create for ourselves.

This is why I want to share with you my story about my dear friend and client, Kylie, and her transformation from narcissistic love to Soul Mate Love.

You may personally relate to Kylie’s story. Please know these 6 steps that I worked through with Kylie for each journey from narcissistic abuse to Soul Mate love, regardless of the person, gender, background, or traumas. After reading these 6 steps, I hope you will understand why and how true love is possible for all of us.

Let’s start investigating the 6 steps to manifesting safe and healthy love after narcissistic abuse.


Step 1 – Aligning With Your Soul Mate

Please know most people who have been abused by narcissists don’t know their values, rights, and truths. (I didn’t once either!) We felt wrong or guilty for “taking up space”, for saying “No” and laying boundaries (stating, “This is what I stand for and accept, and this is what I won’t accept”).

Our caretakers possibly violated our boundaries with enmeshing and controlling behavior where they took over our values and rights, or we were emotionally abandoned and neglected where we started people pleasing or high achieving to earn love and approval.

Where were our rights, truths, and values developed as our inner foundations? They weren’t!

Without these, we don’t have a “healthy self-love foundation.” This has caused us to unknowingly, unconsciously make painful love choices. Most people believe that shared interests and chemical attraction are necessary for a Soulmate connection. It’s not. It’s how most narcissists present themselves.

A narcissist can easily pretend to “adore” the things that you are interested in, and they feel “familiar” (chemically attractive) – so familiar that it feels like a Soul Mate from long ago … uncannily so!

The reason why narcissists feel so compelling, attractive, and “familiar” is because they deeply represent our unhealed wounds. They bring “more of” our unhealed love patterns from childhood and beyond.

So, how do we escape this terrible trap?

By getting very, very, very (have I said this enough?) clear on what our rights and values need to be, we can choose a person who has the desire, character, and capacity to have a healthy, happy, evolved relationship with.

The person you choose is the person you get. Interests and chemistry have nothing to do with Soul Mate choices (even though we thought they did!). How many of us in the old “love game” felt attracted, connected, and bonded to people, yet woke up one day knowing, “You ‘re really not a nice person!”?

Then, of course, we tried to change them against their will to be safe, loving, and caring while stuck in a toxic, abusive relationship.

Aligning with Soulmate Love is such a big topic, and there are many parts to it, but what I can grant you are some of the true characteristics of people that you need to take your time to ascertain (and there are ways to do this powerfully and safely). These are necessary character traits like … kindness, authenticity, integrity, and a desire for teamwork.

My dear friend and client Kylie used to fall into relationships with “bad boys.” They were charismatic, charming, handsome, and a little edgy. Being intelligent, pretty, and a barrel of laughs, these men were very attracted to her. After too many painful brushes with narcissists (one which devastated her life), Kylie knew she had to approach love in a much more deliberate way.

She had this quandary: “I’m not attracted to or inspired by good guys. They bore me!”

After she worked with me and Quanta Freedom Healings to anchor into inner truths of necessary foundational character and relationship traits, a huge shift occurred. This is consistent with people who used to be “attracted to the wrong people” because where inner healing and focus go, energy flows. Kylie was losing her attraction to “bad boys,” and decent men started “shining brightly” to her.

A large part of this was training Kylie on creating a Soul Mate Partner List correctly. (This powerfully starts to call in a healthy Soul Mate.) This had her non-negotiable values (such as previously mentioned) and her truths that were vital for her – such as being tall, fun, adventurous, love life and travel … and then she realized “interests” and “physicality” other than “tall” was not so important. Who cared if someone loved the same songs or not that were her favorites? (As so many narcissists in the past had purported!)

Okay, so it was one thing for Kylie to get very clear about “who” her Soulmate needed to be, but how could she “stand in” this to receive it?

This brought her to Step Number 2.


Step 2 – Mating Your Own Soul

I taught Kylie that to connect with a healthy Soulmate, someone who would love, accept, and support her as herself, she had to accept, love, and stand as “herself.”

This was our next level of “peeling” back her previous beliefs, which had made her show up with men in ways that she thought would please them by being what she thought they wanted her to be instead of being “herself.” She now understood this had caused her to attract False Selves—narcissists—people who were also not authentic.

Step 2 is some of the realest (and most necessary) work we can do to align with Soul Mate Creation. It’s usually deep work greatly enhanced and accelerated by inner shifts (Quanta Freedom Healing).

Kylie was dynamic and entrepreneurial. Men appeared to love this but then would compete with her, be pathologically envious, and sabotage her success. Kylie realized her programming had been, “I have to play small to not threaten men. “If I shine, I will be rejected and attacked.” And, “I can’t have a loving partner and personal success simultaneously.”

She was determined to change this. I shared with her how this had been a big issue for me, too, until I stood (and Quanta Freedom Healing shifted) into accepting this part of me. Then, I stood fully in my deservedness to be loved as the full me. (I’m thrilled to say that my Soulmate Glenn supports me incredibly in my work and life mission.)

Kylie had also previously tried to be funny, sexy, upbeat, and entertaining. She realized her Real Self was also quiet, thoughtful, and needed space and time to herself—something the previous men in her life had always detested. They had exhausted her previously, and it also meant that when she needed uplifting and comfort, it was never forthcoming. Rather, she was belittled for being “moody,” “oversensitive,” and “depressed.”

Big inner work was also needed on this. We worked on specific shifts to get this transformation happening in her Inner Being and to accept these parts of herself.

After a few healing/coaching sessions, Kylie reported that who she called “her chardonnay friends” were dropping off. These were people who would only accept Kylie being a “certain way” while feeding off her energy, whereas deeper friendships were developing. Kylie had also started vibrating towards meeting new people—more loving, authentic, and real people who were gratifying her Soul so much more.

Kylie was becoming more and more comfortable to “be herself”.

I was so excited for her because I knew this was a powerful sign that Kylie was on the right path to her Soulmate Creation. But there was more to go!


Step 3 – Changing Your Love Code

We all have Love Codes that can be healthy and unhealthy. Those of us who have suffered narcissistic, toxic, and disappointing love relationships have unhealthy Love Codes.

What is a person’s individual Love Code? It is your “Love equals (fill in the gap)” Inner Identity Truth.

Kylie’s Love Code up to this point had been, “The people I love treat me like an object, steal my energy and Life Force, are threatened by me, sabotage and degrade me, exploit and annihilate me.”

My relevant question to Kylie was, “How do these people come into your life?” She said, “They compliment my looks, tell me how incredible I am, love-bomb me, sweep me off my feet, and we connect very quickly.”

Kylie and I, with specific Quanta Freedom Healing shifts, released her from these Inner Love Codes so that she would no longer be attracted to men who showed up in this way and so that she could emotionally create space for healthy people to present (which she admitted would have always felt like to her that they weren’t really interested in her).

I helped her get very clear about NOT participating with any people who showed up in her life in this way. I also taught her how to lay clear boundaries, letting them know she was worth more—truthfully and calmly.

We also wrote her a dating profile on a reputable site, reflecting her new healthy Love Code.

She had more shifts, from the old Love Code (which felt comfortable) to the new improved Love Code (which initially felt uncomfortable), but she was determined to get this right and kept shifting and healing.

Right on cue, the Universe delivered the “test” to see if she had changed. Out of the blue, an old beau (the one she thought had gotten away years ago) made contact with her.

He did his usual thing. Sexualised her. Discussed a sexual memory of her and said he missed her. Her old self would have fallen straight back into dinner, wine, and bed with this man who had no intention of having a long-lasting or real relationship with her.

But this time, something else clicked. She immediately felt objectified rather than flattered. She said, “Mark, I’m no longer that girl. I am now a grown woman who only dates men who see me as a valuable Soul—men who want to court me, win my heart, and commit to me.”

Mark went silent. Then he tried to ignore what she said and continued sexualizing her. She said, “Goodbye, Mark,” and promptly blocked all contact with him.

When Kylie told me what had happened, and that she felt no longing, loss, or wondering if she had been “too harsh”, but instead felt elated, I punched the air with joy for her! I knew this was a MASSIVE graduation away from her Old Love Code to show Creation itself, “I am serious about being Loved and Valued.”

Hello, New Love Code!

I knew it was only a matter of time before True Soul Mate Love would be hers!

Now, it was about generating meetings with the right men!


Step 4 – Healthy Dating Protocol

This step is for people who have completed the above three steps. In fact, I would never recommend dating until you have worked through steps 1-3 because the Inner Love trajectory you may still be on could be yucky, painful, and very scary.

However, I promise you that when you go through the inner transformations that Kylie went through, like her, you will still be nervous but also excited.

I taught her the step-by-step dating protocol, which means you are dating multiple people with the power and ability to ascertain people quickly from email to phone conversation to coffee date. You never meet at anyone’s home. You have healthy boundaries.

This easily flushes out narcissists, and when you get more deeply into this, you will understand precisely why.

Kylie was becoming a “boundary beast” … and was beyond excited to tell me about her dating experiences.

One guy tried to hit on her sexually, and she said to him, “I don’t do sex before relationship exclusivity or having gotten to know someone for long enough to see if they have the values that I am looking for in a partner.”

She said he looked at her like she had two heads and couldn’t get out of the date quick enough. That sorted him out! She laughed and was thrilled that she could flush out the wrong people.

Not all men she went on dates with behaved like this. When men asked her what she was looking for, she was honest, “A life partner to share my life with. I’m in no hurry to choose because it will be the right man for me.” She had very quickly been asked out on second dates with good men. Some she said “No” to and others “Yes”.

Men told Kylie what they said to me when I was dating, just before Glenn and I met. They said, “You are completely different from other women I have met.” “You are a breath of fresh air, a woman who values herself and knows what she wants.” “It’s so good I didn’t have to go through two months of emails to meet up.” And … “I really want to get to know you more.”

Kylie now had a lineup of great guy suitors—platonically. They were stepping up wanting to win her, to be “her guy,” and they knew they had to work for this. Kylie was honest about multiple dates until she decided if she wanted to go exclusive with someone.

Men respected her if she said “No” to any future dates. They wished her all the best and were grateful she had been honest, considerate, and mature and that they were not left with voice messages and silence.

Kylie told me she was stunned to find so many “normal” nice men in the world. I told her I had felt the same way when I Quantum Dated! But now I know this is “normal” adult behavior—narcissism isn’t! There are many lovely people in the world, but we must shift and break free from our old trauma alignments to reach them.

Now that Kylie was going on second dates, and her suitors were stepping up, she needed to know how to really identify healthy people … in healthy ways.


Step 5 – Safety And Power In Dating

Running to men had been Kylie’s old pattern. She was the girlfriend who said to her friends, “This really cute guy wants to take me out to dinner; I can’t come over tonight as we planned.”

Kylie now knew how to retain herself and her life. She wanted to share a healthy life with her Soul Mate, not get with someone to try to get his life or have him siphon her Life Force. She was done with co-dependency, neediness, power struggles, and obsessing.

The due diligence was happening organically with Kylie’s remaining and new incoming suitors. They fell off her potential suitor list if they weren’t okay with her living her life and making mutually reasonable times to meet up.

She was happy for them to continue dating other people, just as she was. She knew nobody owed anyone anything until exclusivity commitments were made and that “There will be no missing a real Soul Mate.” Some men were kind, respectful, and admired her being a “self.” The ones who tried to pressure or ghost her she let go of, knowing there was “better from where that came from.”

The old her would have caved into the pressure or felt so hurt she would have chased after them and offered herself up to them.

Some of her old triggers hit (as expected), but she diligently followed the specific Quanta Freedom Healings to release these traumas, up-level herself, stay in her truth about herself and her life, and make time to date.

The right men who were continuing to show up were solid and secure selves who had real, interesting lives and healthy relationships. They weren’t needy, obsessive, or possessive.

They didn’t text 6 times in a row.

They didn’t try to monopolize Kylie, guilt her, or frighten her into connecting.

They were considerate, patient, and mature, and their actions matched their words.

Absolutely none of them were narcissists (narcissists don’t stand a chance to get this far), they were well balanced REAL guys.

It’s Quantum Law, so within, so without. Like attracts like.

It was getting much closer to Kylie’s choice of a Soul Mate.

Which brings us to our last step


Step 6 – Choosing And Navigating Your Soul Mate

Kylie asked me, “How will I know when it’s my Soul Mate?” I replied honestly, “You won’t know, but the following is a strong indication.”

After seeing this person several times, you know that this person reflects the values that are non-negotiable, and their actions match their words and align with what is really important in your life. This person is available for a relationship with you, wants one with you, and agrees to a non-sexual exclusive dating commitment to get to know each other better before becoming physical.

When you hang out with this person, you feel like they could be your best friend. You respect them dearly and are attracted to them, but more in a “putting on a comfy warm sweater” sort of love feeling rather than an obsessive, impulsive rollercoaster.

Every suitor in Kylie’s life would have agreed to the exclusivity commitment because they were quite frankly smitten with her, knew she was of high value, respected her, and wanted a relationship.

One guy, Robert, stood out. He was kind, honest, and responsible. He also loved travel and shared many of Kylie’s important values. She loved his outlook on life, what he stood for, and how he was honest, respectful, and followed his word. She told me she felt that “warm, safe, cozy sweater” with him.

I asked whether he wanted to be exclusive with her. She said, “He has said whenever you want that with me, I want that too.” Then she asked, “What if it is wrong and I make a mistake?” I said to her, “You can’t get this wrong. Keep being yourself, truthful, and kind, but above all, be willing to lose someone else if you have to lose yourself and stay with them. If you have to end this relationship, or if he was to end it, you have had such a wonderful graduation. How far you have come, it is an incredible success!”

“And if he’s not your true Soul Mate, by letting go of this, you open the door to an even higher vibrational partner if it doesn’t work. It’s all perfect no matter how it turns out.”

There were more Quanta Freedom Healings needed for Kylie to release herself from the fear of, “What am I getting myself into?!” (Perfectly understandable after narcissistic abuse experiences.)

Kylie went exclusive with Robert. They were platonic for two months before they became physical. For the first time ever in a relationship, Kylie was showing up as honest. She retained her passion for success, which Robert was incredibly supportive of. She allowed herself to relax, recharge, and be quiet when needed. She no longer felt like she needed to put a performance on in bed and could just be herself sexually as well as receive his attention and love.  She communicated she asked for what she needed in healthy ways, and she retained her life and interests.

She had never (and I hadn’t either) experienced someone who also wanted teamwork, truth, resolution, and growth with her. Robert was this guy.

Absolutely Robert is a Soul Mate for Kylie—he shares her values. He loves her spunk and drive. When she is happy, achieving, and successful, he supports her and loves her for her. And when she is quiet and down and needs a hug, space, or compassion, he is there in spades for her, too. He will run a bath, cook, make tea, and let her rest.

Yes, they have had disagreements. Every relationship does. Kylie can have her moments and so can Robert, they are not perfect. However, what is different is that they care about each other and their relationship. The solution is sought by both. Care for each other and compassion rules. Love wins.

This is what I have with my Soul Mate, Glenn, too.


In Conclusion

I hope you have enjoyed Kylie’s journey. I adored helping Kylie break through into true love. I have helped many other people over the years achieve this, too … ever since I “cracked the code” four years ago to meet and be with my Soulmate, Glenn.

You may think Kylie is attractive, funny, and prosperous; this is why she had options.

I want you to know there is nothing further from the truth, and in fact, it is this demographic of women (just like kind, generous, successful men) who are most susceptible to being targeted by narcissists.

I have helped people, men and women of all ages, shapes and sizes, characters, backgrounds, and literally without financial condition connect up to their Soul Mate as a result of working with them through these 6 steps.

Real love is unconditional – when you know how to be the person after abuse to generate it.

Before my transformation, I would never have noticed Glenn, connected with him, or been right for him, but Robert and Kylie would never have connected.

I’m so excited to offer you exactly these 6 steps I took Kylie through. Helping you identify your unique barriers and all that is needed in the training and powerful Quanta Freedom Healing shifts to transform you (like Kylie) away from abusive love into the arena of safe and healthy Love.

If you want this level of evolved love (and realize it takes commitment, diligence, and the right inner work on yourself), then I’d love you to join me in my upcoming Quantum Dating Bootcamp Series.

What’s wonderful is that many men have also joined up for this Quantum Dating Bootcamp, and how wonderful it is that so many women will have the evolved guy’s perspective!

Whether you are a guy or gal, no matter your age, background, heartbreak, losses, or traumas, I can’t wait to share this sacred 6 weeks with you!

I’m also looking forward to your comments and questions below.

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20 thoughts on “6 Steps To Manifesting Safe & Healthy Love After Narcissistic Abuse

  1. SO looking forward to the Dating Bootcamp Mel !! ♥️ I had a bit of a different experience pre-Thrive: I never even went for the the “sexy/handsome” guys, nor guys who shared my interests, nor ones I would’ve even been physically attracted to … because I didn’t even think I deserved that! The old me really believed I had to “just take what’s there” – not just romantically, but in friendships, too.
    NARP and your other programs have put me on a WHOLE NEW trajectory!! I have learned that discernment and boundaries are REQUIRED and I’m not being “too tough” by explicitly stating my truth… I’m just being myself! My “Chardonnay friends” have floated away too, and I’m slowly branching out and meeting new people. I do honestly believe that getting out of my shell, getting out of the house, and being my True Self out in the world will lead me to a Soul Mate. 😃 I also now know that I DO deserve a man who first aligns with my values and truths (and proves it through actions and words), and is also attractive to me on all levels (including physically). Thank you dear Mel ♥️

    1. Awww Tabi,

      I love hearing your story!

      Gorgeous that you have already expanded so much, you are going to love this next personal journey Dear Lady!

      I feel blessed to be able to help you with his!

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  2. I wanna ask you a question. Those narcissists, do they ever heal and find soul mate relationships? Or is it that those people unless they change will be stuck either single their whole lives or in other toxic relationships, marriages where they cheat etc. If they find the right person will they change?

    1. Hi Izabela,

      to change they would need to face their inner demons, admit there were issues and resurrect their broken inner selves back to heal and wholeness.

      Narcissists don’t do this. It’s not to say it’s not possible – but in the 15 years of my work in this incredible community I have not seen one verifiable case of a narcissist transforming.

      I really believe the true question is “Will we heal ourselves to no longer try to change people who don’t have the resources to love us, so that we can love ourselves and connect to healthy people instead?”

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  3. Hi Melanie
    I am sixty one years old .( it seems so wierd to write that when my soul feels that it has only just begun to live after 30 years of marriage) .
    I have been doing my NARP work and have seen the results financially and in my relationships with my children .I have made a lot of hard decisions and removed people from my life who I know now never valued me.

    But in cleaning up there is not many left but to some extent I do not feel alone,I am really content.

    But I think its time to stary creating the life I have always longed for.

    However, even though I am recently divorced , I have not received a single invitation to go on a date and wonder why , is it my age ? I know I am a caring and loving person and take care of myself .I also know that my healing journey is still in progress.
    I dont think I am needy as I could have encouraged relationships that I know were unsuitable.But I am uncerrtain.

    I signed up for your booth camp to get the tools to understand myself better and to deterrmine if I am in truth ready .

    1. Hi Rosemarie,

      I love that you have taken this step to join me in the Dating Bootcamp.

      Absolutely we will find that internal barrier that has not opened up the space for dating to step in – and shift it!

      I am excited for you – and please know absolutely this is not t do with age … love is unconditional!

      Much Love

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  4. Dear Melanie
    Beautifully described.I Loved reading your story

    Self care ,appreciation for ones own values are so important.

    Wish I had Have learned this 30 years ago,at least. But ,never too late to learn
    One can easilty rail against things we need to learn
    .Experience through trials and trubulations, can be used as food for growth and self awareness. Why waste it??

    Thank you for sharing your stories xx and adding fodder to my personal deveopment ❤️🌹🌹

  5. Hi Melanie!
    It’s always so good to hear your take and thoughts on the multiple relationships that we encounter on this Earth journey. The one relationship that has caused me the most difficulty and consternation is the relationship with my soon to be ex whom I really thought could be or might have been or was my soulmate!
    I was sure disillusioned!
    After I discovered through several past life regressions, work with NARP, and some serious inner and outer life exploration who and what this “perceived soulmate” really is/was, I was/am amazed that I even chose to be around this person again in this lifetime as I certainly had other options, yet, I found/find myself HERE NOW with her……
    SO, here I am, finishing up something that needed to be finished, probably, a long time ago. (I sure hope it’s the last time! 🙏🙌🙏)
    Thankfully I’m doing this new and necessary life work with the hope and belief that I am seeing things much more clearly now than I was able to before!
    There are many moments that I regret, for many reasons… in particular the periods of terror I experienced with this particularly unpleasant person…
    Needless to say, many of these moments have been excruciatingly painful!
    However, so thankfully, those moments are becoming less and less. I have learned through your teachings and practicing your teachings, Melanie, that much of what I’ve gone through with the narcissist is exactly what I needed to experience for my inner growth.
    Sometimes that’s a hard pill to swallow, but, it is an axiomatic truth! I have, I think, step by step, been able to more clearly understand your statement “it’s not what is done to you but is what’s been done for you!”
    I know that there’s a lot more to digest about this subject and it’s affect on me…. However, your story today, also telling us about others experiences, is so helpful and I’m so grateful that you continue to do these wonderful things to help us on our journey on this earth!
    Thank you so much, Melanie, for continuing to help me unravel all of this stuff that’s going on in so many different ways! Thank you for sharing your wisdom and practices for us on planet earth. Much love! ❤️🦋❤️

    1. Hi Peter,

      it is wonderful that you are accepting “this is for me”, doing the work and evolving through this.

      Most definitely you don’t need to keep repeating soul contracts, once your evolution is taken!

      Many blessings to you Dear Man and thank you!

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

    2. Peter
      Good for you………..Sure is a battle and a march……You are growing for you,

      Am sure happy for you too👏👏

  6. I think that this topic is necessary to discuss. I am sure that a lot of us who are still healing are not ready for dating and bringing in a healthy mate yet. I have noticed that as I am healing I am no longer attracted to the men I use to be attracted to. I use to be flattered when guys would compliment me on my looks, body etc. It is nice but I am no longer flattered by this. Not that a nice body and pretty face can not be appreciated. I think it is great to honor your temple and take care of yourself, but looks should not be the focus of the relationship.
    As I am doing the work, I am finding things I like about myself besides how I look- my personality, how I love to laugh at goofy stuff, intellect etc… and then there is just my soul…(loving and pure). As I am learning to appreciate and value all aspects of myself, I think that naturally makes one want their mate to actually love them (not just the body).
    For all of you thrivers ready to date, much power to you and I wish you all the best. I have been asked on dates, here and there, but my main focus is me right now. Healing me and loving me and connecting with my higher power in beautiful ways.

  7. Tomorrow I am filling for divorce. Reached the resolution on June 12th. Much of today was spent going through waves of abject fear to having reached the point of no return. I have written down “better to lose someone than to lose your self” from this article. I have strength in the focus that this is a graduation Day not a failure. Thank you dearest Melanie. NARP and Bootcamp brought me to this moment.

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