When you’re around someone who sucks your Life Force out of you, it will feel like a constant energy drain on you – to the point of exhaustion.

It will also feel like everything is always about them and that your opinion doesn’t matter – they’re not listening to you, they don’t seem the least bit interested in you as a person or what’s going on in your life.

Basically, they are stealing your psychic and emotional energy leaving you depleted of your own resources.

Then, at times, things will shift and this person will be attentive and nice and they may even grant you energy, time and resources. But beware, an energy vampire is always brokering a deal in their favor – they’re setting you up for a fall.

In my latest Thriver TV video I will provide you with the solutions you need to STOP giving away your very Life Force and how to repel these soul suckers for good.



Video Transcript

I know that you know what it’s like to be around people who suck your Life Force.

Have you ever felt like you are insignificant, you’re irrelevant and that you don’t exist? Do you feel like you’ve been positioned so that somebody else can take away all of your energy, your resources, and even your Soul?

Today I’m going to explain to you why this is happening, how this has happened and how to stop it ever happening again.

Before we get started, I just want to let you know that my number one program for getting your sanity, your life and your Soul back from a parasitical psychic vampire, an energy grabber is my Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program, and it’s known as NARP.

Working on all of those attachments to energy vampires gives you a strong Inner Identity so you never get caught up in these relationships again.

You can find out more about NARP now by going to the description links in this video.


How Do You Know That They Are Sucking Your Soul?

So let’s get into this conversation about soul sucking people.

First of all, how do you know that somebody is sucking your Life Force?

Well, this is how you know, first of all you feel it, it feels like an energy drain on you and you can feel exhausted when you’re around them.

But with these sorts of people, it’s all about them and it feels like your opinion doesn’t matter. It feels like they’re not listening to you. It feels like they are not the least bit interested in you as a person and what’s going on for you and your life.

So they’re talking, they’re taking up all of the oxygen, all of the space, and they’re literally sucking your Life Force, which is demanding your attention be all on them, rather than granting you energy by listening.

The thing is, soul sucking energy can be a lot more insidious and hideous than just that. Narcissists are after narcissistic supply, which means your psychic and emotional energy. They are after your literal Life Force and you can feel it, they are also after your resources.

At times it may feel like … sometimes this person is attentive and they are nice and they do grant me energy, time and resources. But what you need to understand with an energy vampire is they’re brokering a deal in their favour – they’re setting you up for a fall.

It’s about mining you, your energy and your stuff. It’s about what the narcissist wants, it’s based on an agenda because narcissists are parasitical entities. They don’t have a True Self, they don’t have a functioning Inner Identity. Their Inner Being is like a black hole and it doesn’t produce its own energy and its own resources, so they have to keep feeding. They have to keep taking.

They can’t sustain their energy. And this is why a narcissist without narcissistic supply and sucking energy feels like they’re going to self annihilate.

So what does this mean for you?

It means that if you’re regularly hanging out in the presence of an energy vampire, you are going to get emptied out all the way to your demise. It makes you very, very sick. It makes you unable to preserve and generate your own energy force and you’re going to get depressed and broken.


How Do You Identify If You Are Food For A Soul Sucker?

So how do you identify if you are food for a soul sucker? How do you identify what’s going on here?

In other words, to be able to be in a situation where you’re with somebody who’s sucking your Life Force, how do you know what’s happening to you?

So rather than just later on, you think, “Oh my God I feel exhausted and I feel really depressed.” How can you be aware in the moment that it’s going on?

You need to become aware of your own energy. It’s so important. I think the number one question is – are you able to be yourself around people? Are you able to be heard? Do you feel like you’re having an exchange of energy rather than it’s all about taking your energy?

For example, you could be on the phone with a friend and you feel that you’re just getting drained and that they’re taking all of your good energy. It’s all about them, you’re offering them help, they’re not actually generating their own energy – they’re just sucking yours.

Do you feel anxious or off-balance around somebody? Because if you do, maybe you are struggling to know your boundaries, hold them and speak up.

With certain people you may feel taken for granted, you may feel mined or violated, but if you’re not speaking up and it’s happening to you, well then, absolutely, it’s sucking on your energy and you’re handing energy over to them.


How Do You Stop Having Your Soul Sucked Dry?

I really want you to know that this is only going to happen to you if you allow it. And I know that might be really hard to hear, but we all have to grow the hell up enough to stop saying people just shouldn’t do that – they shouldn’t make it all about them.

We hang out with somebody, we feel really drained and then we go and talk to another friend or people in our life and it’s always about him, or it’s always about her. We have to stop expecting people to treat us with respect if we’re not respecting ourselves.

How do we stop this happening? How do we have healthy exchanges with people? By showing up honestly and being able to know your values and your truth and how to express your boundaries.

This is all about self-development and inner work. All of us as adults need to realize that nobody is responsible for our needs and our boundaries other than ourselves.

This means rather than we just go along with people, we let them suck our energy, we let them take us for granted, we just keep saying yes, when we want to say no, and we just take their – it’s all about them – behaviour.

What we’re trying to do, if we just take it is we’re trying to keep the peace because we’re really fearful of speaking up and laying boundaries or maybe saying I don’t want to be around this anymore because we don’t want to be criticized, we don’t want to be rejected or abandoned or punished for living true to our own values.

By coming out of narcissistic abuse and shaping a life with true and genuine people means that you have to be willing to let go of people because if you don’t you’re going to let go of yourself. And then you’re going to continue having the patterns of people in your life that take your energy.

This is the call to your transcendence into your Highest Self, because if you can present your true and authentic self and what you need and what you want from people, you are training people how to treat you.

If people are talking over you all the time, you can speak up and you can tell them lovingly and truthfully without justifying yourself, just say it – that you would love to get a word in, that you have a right to an opinion and then be quiet and see what comes back at you.

Maybe this person was just being over passionate and they weren’t listening or maybe they are a narcissistic person where it’s all about them. But by you speaking up and being honest, you’re going to discover the truth about this person, because how they will show up next is going to give you your answer.

Genuine people are really appreciative that you’ve been honest with them and given them the opportunity to have a more fulfilling relationship with you and with other people. Good people want to grow, they want to know, and they’re really grateful. It’s going to create a beautiful, trustworthy relationship.

Narcissists and human parasitical vampires are not going to appreciate it at all. You’re going to see them twist and turn and carry on and they’re going to dismiss your boundaries and your feelings. They’re going to blame it on you, or they’re going to smear you to others or whatever. And I really do mean whatever, just not YOUR reality. You’ve got your answer – you know that this isn’t a person with the capacity to meet you with a level of healthy energy exchange, so no more.



This is what I really want you to know – that it is crazy trying to work everybody else out, suss them out, figure them out and internalize it all, that’s really hard work. Rather than to the inner work on the only person you can work on, which is you, and show up as yourself in your integrity and your honesty. Then nobody’s going to steal your energy because you’re not going to allow it.

If we don’t do this, then you’re sitting back. You’re letting people suck your energy and you may be observing it and upset about it, but you are not showing up. And then you’re not growing, you’re missing the opportunities of your assertion and the ability to be narcissist and energy vampire proof. As well as give genuine people in your life, the opportunity to stand up and meet you at a higher level of relationship.

So again, it always comes back to you, narcissists and energy vampires are what they are, but what is important is who are you being.

All right, it’s about healing and working on you and up leveling you. This is why I am such a fan of the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program, which is NARP, which is my A grade program for turning this around because it gets deep inside you to find your unconscious and fractured beliefs so that you can show up in the best way possible.

So it is about becoming a solid, mature, powerful adult in your own body. Then you’re going to be amazed at how easily you can flush out toxic people who are trying to suck your Soul. And you’re going to start aligning with and generating a life and relationships with people who will really nurture you and bring you joy and true fulfillment.

So to find out more about NARP more about this deeper inner work, you can click the link at the top of the right of this video, and also check it out in the show notes description.

I hope this has really helped and given you direction and courage to know that you can keep yourself safe from energy vampires. It’s actually really simple when you know how. I’m looking forward to your questions and your comments below because I know all of you have experienced this as I did myself and let’s really get powered up so we don’t need to.

Related blog post

The Narcissist’s Greatest Fear: You Becoming Your True Self and Aligning with Your 5D Ascension Path

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The Narcissist Never Lets You Go: How to Finally Get Freedom

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39 thoughts on “A Narcissist Will Suck Your Life Force Out of You

  1. Have you ever dealt with a narcissist who attacked on the astral plane? This is what I have been experiencing so you can imagine how difficult and annoying this person is. Please advise?

    1. Hi RM,

      more than you can imagine. This was a huge part of my n-abuse situation. Please know that is not uncommon – it happens to many people.

      My NARP Program deeply detangles and purges that http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/narp

      Healing NEEDS to take place with N’s at the deep spiritual, soul, and energetic level. That is what Quantum healing is ALL about.

      I hope this explains.

      Mel 🙏💕💚

  2. I have done a little bit of the narp program and do value it. I have more work to do.meanwhile, life continues. Ive had several people in my life who I think are Narcs. My sister is one. She technically has held most of the power in the family, first by being bowed to snd allowed to behave selfishly, and then by arranging legal power. Too much to explain. The issue is that I have tried to have better boundaries and stop engaging. Im much much happier and feel good about it. But we are a family and there are times when I need to buck up. Im very tense abt an upcoming gathering that will require that I maintain my boundaries yet allow her into my home.
    Shes calculating and she and her husband are masters at false humility. Im cery stressed over it and sm looking for pointers re how to fet through the day maintaining my dignity, personal power and boundaries with being compelled to state/assert them- which only sets me ip for her to be vicious snd dismissive toward me.
    I dont know what is “fair”.
    I feel so threatened that i have a recurring fantasy of saying to her, “you can either leave or show respect . You pick.” But I dont want to actually grant her the pleasure of my feeling so weak as to having to ASSERT. She is like a shark smelling blood. She will sense my fear.

    1. Hi Nattie,

      my hugest suggestion is to take all the fears and anxieties that are arising with this upcoming gathering to Module 1 of NARP.

      Shift them out. What will be replaced will be calm, your personal power and your ability to “know” what to do without the trigger being there.

      Truly …

      You have NARP and I really want to encourage you to shift first and then if you still have questions about this, then please come into the NARP Member’s forum http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/member and reach out. There we can guide you further.

      That is your most powerful path to handle this.

      Much love to you

      Mel 🙏💕💚

    2. I’m definetly no expert. But I get the idea that you have fear if not of her then of confronting her.
      Maybe find some way to work on this, NARP is great.
      …Your story reminded me a bit of a part in Christiane Northrup’s “Dodging Energy Vampires”, where she talks about not inviting vampires in. …I had real troubles dealing with the emotional torture from my father, until I emotionally cut off from him. And I don’t think there was any other real option. I still physically am around him but i ‘grey rock’ him a lot and interact very little. It’s awesome. And there kind of is nothing really to mourn as there wasn’t a relationship there: he had made this decision for me. In Norhtrup’s book, she has a chapter on giving up on the narcissist. It totally resonated with me. …In a way, your sister is like my father, I think: toying with your feelings. It’d be great to give as few f#@s as possible about her and her reactions towards you. Then you will probably know instinctively how to deal with her.

  3. I have done a little bit of the narp program and do value it. I have more work to do.meanwhile, life continues. Ive had several people in my life who I think are Narcs. My sister is one. She technically has held most of the power in the family, first by being bowed to and allowed to behave selfishly, and then eventually by arranging legal power re: elderly parents, etc…. Too much to explain. The issue is that I have tried to have better boundaries and stop engaging. Im much much happier and feel good about it. But we are a family and there are times when I need to buck up. Im very tense abt an upcoming gathering that will require that I maintain my boundaries yet allow her into my home.
    Shes calculating and she and her husband are masters at false humility. Im very stressed over it and am looking for pointers re how to get through the day maintaining my dignity, personal power and boundaries without being compelled to actually state/assert them- which only sets me up for her to be vicious and dismissive toward me.
    I dont know what is “fair” and “mature”- that can help me maintain boundaries in that situation.
    I feel so threatened that i have a recurring fantasy of saying to her, “you can either leave now or show respect. You pick.” But I dont want to actually grant her the pleasure of my feeling so scared as to having to ASSERT. She is like a shark smelling blood. She will sense my fear.

    1. If you’re in fear, she’s going to sense it whether you verbally “assert” or not. As for mature or fair, narcs are neither one and regard these things as weaknesses, so that’s a green light for them too. It’s actually necessary for us to truly be standing in our own power, in my experience (yes, close family). Keep working on your own growth. Really consider the cost to you, internally not what others think, of hosting any gathering at your home which she’s expected to attend. The only respect you can realistically expect to get, in these circumstances, is from yourself. (“What could I most Respect Myself For next, in this situation.. ” a question to ask yourself that has helped me, and still does.) I understand the fear. This is all about reclaiming yourself, and your own power of choice. Courage!
      Best of Luck, Best Wishes and Graceful Blessings on your Journey

  4. Yes I have been attacked this way for so long now! Now when I feel this I say, outloud, “You are not welcome here. Leave now!” I say it with a strong and stern voice, not timid. I have found if I get thinking at all negatively or suspiciously about that person the attacks are almost instant. When they pop into my mind I bless them, or say a prayer for their well-being then try to let it go. That seems to work very well too. I truly wish all people well. But no one wants to be attacked and I’m not playing the role of victim. I have learned that, in the times we are in now, any negative thoughts we have about anyone will literally poison us, coming right back at us the minute we send them out. The old ‘Pray for your enemies’ is actually a very good way of stopping it in its tracks and putting out good karma! Bless you and best of luck!

  5. Thank you. I needed that. It is in allignment with my thinking and being, but I get confused as I try to set stronger boundaries. And I feel ashamed for having such negative feelings- yet I feel they are warranted. I want to rise above but I want to not expose myself.
    I will try to be strong and loving and clear.

  6. And I try to remember to self-partner.
    “ A beautiful mantra to say to yourself is “(Your name + endearing term) I am so proud of you making it to here. I love you. I support you and I am here to hold you and heal you. I promise you with all of my heart that I am never leaving you again.”

    1. I know I’m a giver and attract takers. The problem is setting a boundary hits my traumatised self and I loose my ability to speak up. A therapist said short term discomfort is easier than long term resentment but the feelings of discomfort are so strong it feels like I’m going to die if I speak up. How can I learn to not feel pain and to speak my truth and set boundaries regardless of another’s feelings. Thanks.

      1. Here are some good youtube videos that I think are useful:
        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BNBLmhAIjk&list=PLUkB05XT2ZvU0SZQrifrkqhzjSwcoXPn9&index=43&t=458s In this video, Jerry Wise talks about learning to not be invisible anymore -to ourselves. He also talks about how being a SELF raises our own anxiety, because were conditioned to be self less. And we need to change this first, and quit being invisible to ourselves first. Then, AFTER this, we can do boundaries, but it will be too much to do if you don’t bond with your self first. Otherwise setting boundaries will be too difficult.
        These are also probably useful:
        I think that the faulty beliefs brought up in these videos could be helpful as prompts when doing N.A.R.P.. As in, one could focus on the belief “I don’t deserve protection” and see what feelings pop up in your body etc
        I also recommend Lisa a Romano’s book “Codependent: Now What?”. What is in it really complements Melanie’s programme. Romano gets into describing how we grew up disconnected from our inner feelings and experience. Something that NARP is focused on establishing and nurturing, like a reparenting process.

  7. I understand how you feel, Teresa. I was raised by a covert Narcissist Mother who routinely, shamed, blamed, criticized and gaslighted so that I had non existent personal boundaries and lived with anxiety and confusion. These feelings were easily triggered by dominant personalities or asserting my needs. I literally had no idea if I had the “right” to confront someone who damaged something that belonged to me. Personal issues and honest feelings were never expressed and long term grudges and resentment were nurtured for years. I also experience the anxiety in my body as a tension in my stomach and throat. Feeling where my childhood wounds are in my body and upleveling has brought me some peace.

  8. I know what it’s like to have a horrible narcissistic sister
    Mine is so awful and getting worse as she gets older. She’s so loud, talks over everybody & her moods are erratic. I don’t rise to her lovebombing texts or temper tantrums anymore. It’s not easy but you will feel sooo much better when you set those boundaries. Good luck💕

  9. Thankyou Melanie!!! Sooo nice to feel this gratitude..your appeals are a gift imho!! Informing, empowering/enlivening, lived..this ahhh feels sooo good! Joy..and ahhh!!

  10. Bless you Melanie and your team for the amazing work that you do. NARP has catapulted my life forward in ways I would never have believed. The recent workshop was fantastic keep up the good work!

  11. Hi Melanie 🙂
    WOW – Amazing. So Feeling, and trusting those feelings right? As well as getting our own boundaries and speaking up, looking for the honest transparent answers 🙂 Got it.
    With Love And Gratitude

  12. Ive just come out of a relationship with a vampire narcissist taker. Having read Melanie’s article I got to think back to when we first met. Then it was all about me. Kind towards me after surgery, then meeting my sons and supporting me when my son was unwell. But then it turned to being all about him, his lack of money, his divorce, his attempts to see his children. This never stopped for the next 18 months. Talk of his ex wife dominated every conversation with him or his parents. He mined me for my energy, legal knowledge, money ( lots !) and always always had a problem or other. I finally ended it, and like Melanie said in one of her articles, he was already aware it was coming and had been chucking as much as he could into his lifeboat leaving me to drown in debt. Im so relieved to be finally free of him, but the long term resentment I feel over him just doesn’t stop! I want him out of my brain and nightmares now 🙁

    1. Hi Denise,

      my heart goes out to you.

      Please know I once upon a time suffered incredible resentment and financial devastation too.

      You can purge and get free of all of those feelings. I can’t recommend NARP http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/narp enough to achieve your true release, healing and getting your soul and life back … better than ever.

      (yes it’s so possible!)

      I hope that this helps and sending you love and healing

      Mel 🙏💕💚

  13. I keep reading and watching videos and see that everything on the healing journey is saying you need to heal yourself, love yourself and self meditate how do I do all of this I want to join the NARP programme but I don’t no if it will be able to change me?

    1. Hi Seanna,

      if you are a human being and ready to heal, and willing to put in the work, and will reach out for support if needed … then there is every chance that you will heal with NARP http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/narp.

      Countless people worldwide have, with countless trauma and painful patterns and situations.

      There is no risk in trying. Without trying you won’t have the opportunity that NARP grants for so many.

      Mel 🙏💕💚

  14. What I would like to say is that we as humans are not wired up to deal with damaged people, so it is extremely difficult to deal with them, they are incredibly clever, they know which buttons to press to get a reaction, they can be the kindest person ever and also the cruelest, we crave affection and love, and one minute they give it, and then they take it away, like Jackal and Hyde. Its also like a drug, and we have to wean ourselves off them, and I have been able to stay away for a month, and I think I can deal with this, its OK, they want to be my friend, and because I have had a relationship for 35 years with my partner, I want to be friends too, so all goes well for a time, and then bingo, suddenly it changes and I am back where I started. Its causing me a lot of damage, physically and emionally/, at the moment, what I am saying to myself is that to punish him for what he has done to me, and it is pretty appalling, is to have no contact. But is this the right approach? I just dont know anymore, I really dont. I am not young anymore, and what we do have left of our time on this planet, surely shouldn’t be spent dealing with a narcissist. I really enjoy Melanie’s talk, she seems to be able to clear my mind and make me feel more at ease, I am truly grateful to her.

    1. Hi Pamela,

      No Contact is not about punishing someone, it is about granting yourself the gift of “no more abuse”. Then if people want to be with you, they need to rise to stop being abusive or “no more”.

      Not only is this about taking your power back, it sets up a contract with life “I know my worth and this is what I will and won’t accept.” Then Life says “okay – so it will be!”. Then it all changes.

      No matter what age you are.

      I hope that this can inspire you.

      Much Love to you

      Mel 🙏💕💚

  15. I am really beginning to understand how much I am changing and the impact of really owning my own values and not being afraid to put boundaries in place. I am finding that the N in my life is angry (accusing me of “everything being about me!”) but I am not frightened and it is not undermining my trust in myself of causing me to doubt my right to have boundaries as it once would have done. I guess I no longer fear losing the relationship.
    What it seems to be showing is that I was only ‘of use’ to the N by complying, allowing myself to be manipulated and meeting needs. I realise this was never a relationship in the real sense of the word. There was never respect or balance.

    1. Hi Margie,

      the only point of power and peace that we have is self.

      NARP assists with all of our trauma, no matter who brought it on.

      And by healing you, so much can shift. Even that which seems insurmountable.

      I hope this helps.

      Mel 🙏💕💚

  16. I love this- everything you write makes me feel so understood and helps me have the courage to learn to become empowered in the ways you describe. I’m looking forward to the time when I’m so over my insecurities that led me into a seven year + relationship with a narcissist in the first place that I can start helping others who find themselves in this situation. Thank God there are beautiful and caring souls like you, Melanie, in the world!!!

  17. Poignant and mitigating. I remain truly amazed, relieved and humbled by anything I read that is delivered through other sufferers, survivors and thrivers of narcissistic abuse. There is a measure of validation in finally being able to identify with those who share in the same mind-bending experiences. I had absolutely no idea what a narcissist was until I (and three kiddos) were able to leave. I may not have known what he “was”, but I finally faced the truth that it was destroying the kids and me. Whatever was going on seemed to be progressing. To stay any longer (especially after ample warning that I would leave if the abuse continued) would mean that I was making a choice to be a part of this dynamic. I had learned that he would never do the right thing (have a concience)…..with anything. After 12 years of phenomenally isolating abuse, I consider it divine intervention that I was even able to leave. I had NO IDEA what would unfold as I threatened to expose him. I also had no idea that the smearing had been long since in place behind my back and so the sense that we had nowhere to turn really played out as the insurance he needed it to be. I decided to chime in today – because the topic of this post is something I have been saying for years in my desperate attempts to explain what was happening in our home. Often people don’t understand this or don’t understand the gravity and consequences of this. That the energy-thieving is very real and paralyzing. My children have found interesting ways to articulate this sort of thing as it happens. Which is always fascinating and terrifying at the same time. At nine years old, my middle son lay sprawled out in the backseat of the car after I picked him up from his Dad’s. He said “mom……. I don’t know if I can do this. He has a special way of getting inside people….and then it’s like a rot………it makes me so tired”. The first questions I asked myself in the days that followed our leaving, were “how did I become someone who accepted this into our lives? How did we arrive in this traumatized place if I was coming from a place of love and virtue. If I tried so very hard? Why did I choose to metabolize and normalize all of this rather than listen to what was inside of me begging for boundaries. I had no boundaries. I knew it wouldn’t serve me to beat myself up about it, but that some investigating was necessary on my end in order to affect any change. More than anything I want to free my higher self to embody the light I am meant to be in the world. I want to make this shift not only for myself because living in bondage is a nightmare. But for my children – for so many reasons. I / we are living with all the ways that CPTSD and the like, show up. This is no way to live. What I am really driving at is this – for all the reading and research that I have done to this point in educating myself as to what we are dealing with. Mel’s work is the first for me that resonates on a level that addresses a bigger picture. A more “whole” picture in my opinion. I firmly believe through my own experiences that we can detach in so many ways, but if we don’t go deep within and heal we will remain bonded. I cannot equip my children if I haven’t done the work. I am deeply excited to become a part of this community and to soon begin Mels courses. I feel silly saying this, (but here’s to vulnerability), I have always felt I had great purpose and light to share with the world. (whatever that may look like?) I have always dug deeper, even as a child, and recently have had a sense of returning to this knowing. I want to BECOME myself as an extension of source. I know this is meant for all of us. I just want to thank Mel and everyone here for being. For just being and showing up exactly as you are. I am so grateful to be here, to be able to relate and to begin truly healing.

  18. Melanie, you have literally helped me stay alive during this insane marriage I have been stuck in with my malignant socio-narc POS of a “husband”. There have been many times where I just wanted to die because of the abuse and not seeing a way out, or having anything left in me to take care of myself. You always seem to nail it right on the head, and at the very least have helped me to better understand the whys, how’s, and what’s next. You also help remind me that no matter how nasty or wrong or cruel someone can be, it’s still up to us to grow the hell up and take ownership of what we CAN do, which is take care of ourselves and set boundaries. Way easier said than done, but after practice and pulling yourself out of the mud, it gets a little easier.

  19. Hi, I am married to one of these life suckers. . . but unfortunately I am not in a position to leave any time soon. Am I still able to benefit from your program while being stuck in the belly of the beast?

    1. Hi Ally,

      big hugs to you – it is so tricky whilst still being connected, yet there is a way forward.

      We have had thousands of people use NARP https://speedyshiftshappen.com/join-narp to heal whilst living with N’s.

      They also are then in the best position to leave in empowered ways.

      Once you are a member you also have the incredible support from our beautiful NARP Community. Many others who have been in your position and broken through.

      I hope that this helps

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

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