Toxic people want the opposite of what healthy people want.
Don’t expect them to care, have integrity, listen, be interested in you or desire a greater level of connection, honesty and respect.
A toxic individual will never meet these expectations.
What they want is to trigger a wound in you to get you to react, because then you’re handing power away to them. This is what they’re really after … that hit of chemical impulse they provoke in you when you’re triggered.
I know what it’s like to fall for this, to feel hooked by someone who is mining your Life Force, your resources and using you for their own agenda.
It’s not easy to stay calm when they are purposefully tormenting you but it can be done and I’ll explain how in my latest Thriver TV episode. My tips will show you how to take your power and sanity back from toxic people so you can be yourself rather than hide away to try to avoid them.
Video Transcript
Today, I’m going to give you some tips about how to stay calm around toxic people. But before I get into that, I want to remind you, if you haven’t already, please subscribe to my channel if you want to not just learn about narcissists and narcissistic abuse, but how to powerfully heal for real from it so that you can take back your life force and thrive, because that’s what my work is all about.
Toxic people exist everywhere. They could be in our friendship circles. They could be in your work environment. They could be in your family settings. They are everywhere. It’s very helpful to accept that because you don’t want to have to limit your communication, your ability to be able to be around family or friends or be in the workplace. Most of all, you don’t want to be able to have to limit your ability to be free, to be yourself, because that’s what freedom and Thriving is.
How does that work with toxic people?
Recognize Who The Toxic People Are
Well, my first tip is to recognize who this person is.
You know who the toxic people are or you’re going to find out. Once you know that somebody is toxic, it means that they don’t have a capacity or a desire to meet you at a level of healthy relationship, which means they don’t have the ability to have compassion. They don’t listen. They don’t care about other people. They don’t have integrity. Maybe they’re not honest. They don’t want to participate in teamwork with people.
They would rather one up them or set themselves against people. They don’t want to work towards solutions with anybody, which means they don’t really want peace. They don’t want love, they don’t want growth together or any of those kinds of things. So that’s a toxic person, somebody who doesn’t have the capacity or the desire for those things.
What you need to do is recognize that and stop having expectations with this person – that they are going to care, that they are going to have integrity, that they are going to listen, that they are interested in you, that they actually want to work as a team with you and they want to resolve any difficulties to have a greater level of connection and honesty and respect and growth together. They don’t want those things.
If you downgrade your expectations to something that’s much more reasonable, this doesn’t set you up for a fall. For example, with a narcissist who’s a toxic person, if you expect them to act like the family dog and roll over while you scratch their tummy, you’re going to get your arm ripped off. It’s the same with these people. Don’t open up your Soul, your life, your home, your heart, your body to toxic people.
If you do, well then, you know the fox is in the henhouse, you just don’t do that. So, this means that you have a modified relationship with them. They’re not an A or a B grade relationship. They’re way down into D or E or even F grade, which means modified contact.
Toxic People Try To Trigger You To Get A Reaction
How else do you not get triggered and stay calm around these people?
Realize that toxic people, because they feel so toxic on the inside, try to trigger people around them. They want to be able to project their designed paths onto them and bring them down, they try to get superiority over these people or incite them to react to then make them the bad person by projecting their wounds onto them.
Or what they want to do is try to find the gaps and what’s missing in you or what’s unhealed within you – charm and pretend to be the saviour of that, and then hook you up to start mining your Life Force, your resources and use you for their own agendas.
With a toxic person it’s about not getting triggered and not getting manipulated by them. If they say something disparaging, or something triggering, or something accusatory … it’s about breathing, coming back into your body and if you feel a trigger say to yourself, “I bless and accept this feeling” and just walk off.
Don’t react. A toxic person wants to trigger you into a wound to get you to react, because then you’re handing power away to them, which is the significance of, “I can trigger you this significantly.” Then, they can set you up. They can smear you. They can turn it back on you. They can get other people allied against you. There’s all sorts of things that they can do.
If you just don’t react, you don’t hand over energy, you breathe, you come into your body, you walk away, you say, “I bless and accept this feeling,” it means that you’re in your body. And it then means that you are able to process it and heal it and say, “What unhealed part of me was susceptible to that person triggering me?”
Because once I heal that part up, they can come out with any garbage they want that comes out of their mouth about me and I won’t even feel anything. It’ll just be like, “Hang on. I know who I am. That’s not even the truth at all. And you’re entitled to your opinion, thanks but no thanks. I know who I am.” You’ll be completely impervious to it, which of course is so liberating and so wonderful.
Also, if you know somebody’s toxic or even if you don’t know, if it feels a bit off, if it feels a bit creepy, if it feels a bit intrusive … if your Inner Being is having a bit of a squirm and going, well, that’s a bit too quick and that’s a bit too soon and that’s just off. What toxic people will do if they’re doing the love bombing and they’re doing the charming – they’re trying to hook you up very quickly so that you let them in, and then they can start mining narcissistic supply and resources and sex and your energy and your Life Force.
This is how narcissists hit very quickly and take you over.
How To Stay Calm When You’re Being Triggered
How do you stay calm rather than being triggered off into a chemical impulse where you think, “Oh my God, they had the words I wanted to hear,” or, “Oh my God, I feel so connected with you,”or “Oh my God, I’ve met my Soul Mate. This is what I’ve been waiting for. You’re exactly what I’ve been waiting for.”
All of those feelings are very dangerous and there will be a part of you in the background going, “Oh, hang on, there’s something not quite right with this.” But what we did if we were needy and empty and not self-partnered or not working on our own development, we say, “Shut up. I don’t want to hear that.” That’s your conscience on your shoulder sending you that message.
But instead you’re thinking, “I just want this because you’re the person who’s going to give me what I’ve been looking for. You’re going to heal my wounds. You’re my dream, you’re my this, you’re my that.” All of that is really false evidence. This is obsession.
Get To Know Someone’s Character
Even if something may have promise – with toxic people, with any people – it’s about being a real adult mature person in your own body, working on your development, working on your healing, working on being whole between you and Source and life so that you take your time.
You get to know somebody’s character … Are they kind? Are they considerate? Do they care? Not just about you, because they could do that in the love bombing stage. How are they with other people in their life? How do they interact with family and friends? What do family and friends think of them? How do they do good deeds in the world? Are they a kind person or not? Are they honest? Do they have integrity? Do their actions match their words? Is this somebody you can rely on?
You get to know this over time. Before you let somebody into your Soul, your bed, your body, your heart, your home, your resources, you take your time. Toxic people don’t want to take time. They need to hook up and extract very, very quickly because they’re an empty dark Soul that doesn’t have their own energy resources. They need that supply quickly.
Once you know somebody is toxic and they’re in your work environment or they’re whatever, stop trying to break through and get what you want from them. You’re not going to get it. So downgrade the relationship, don’t have an expectation from them, and detach from them.
If they really go after you and target you as their scape goat or their punching bag, well then you really do need to do the inner work and get the fear out of your body and stand up in very powerful boundaries, because these people are bullies and they’re using your wounds and your fears against you.
Your fears of … Will I get the sack? What if people don’t like me? What if they turn other people against me?
Trying to keep the peace and handing your crumbs to narcissists to try to stop them attacking you is not the lesson here. The lesson may be that you need to stand up and heal and have very strong firm boundaries, such as … This is what I will agree to. This is what I want to agree to. This is my line. If you step over it, there are consequences.
Once you mean it and you feel those … you watch and see narcissists crumble. They are bullies, they really are and they’re powerless. Once you realize it’s just a little man behind the curtain, pulling the strings on your fears to use as the bullets against you, you understand that part of it.
The other part of it is to really self-reflect and really say to yourself, “What is it in me that’s being triggered here that I can heal up and shore up so that I’m impervious to these people?” And I can just say, “Yeah, well, thanks for your opinion, but that’s actually not who I am.”
And, “End of conversation. I don’t need to justify. I don’t need to explain. I don’t need to argue. I don’t need to change your mind about me. It’s not important what you think about me. It’s important what I think about me.”
There’s such a beautiful healing and a graduation in that – there truly is. If you’re not sure if people are toxic, listen to your Inner Being. Anybody that’s love bombing you, anybody that’s too good to be true … take your time to get to know these people. Don’t drop everything for them. Don’t say, “Yes, I’m available. Yes, come into my life. Monopolize my life. Do whatever you want with me.”
It’s like, “No, I’m a solid person. I have my own life (which is very important for you to have) and I’m having lunch with a girlfriend that day, I can’t catch up that day, or I’m seeing my family, or whatever. How about we meet at this time. I’m not going to just jump straight into bed with you. I’m not just going to wrap up in this fantasy, incredible, idolized, whatever it is with you.”
Whether it be a friendship or a business deal or whatever … I’m going to do my due diligence. I’m going to get to know you. I’m going to have a look at your references. I’m going to see if you do have the qualities and the values to be a match in my life. And if you don’t, well, we’re just not a match.
This is all about this calm power and being in your body.
In Conclusion
I hope some of these tips can really help you. If you’re dealing with toxic people and this has really been a thing and it’s been very difficult for you, which I really understand, come into my 16-day free course. Because regardless of who and what you’re dealing with, it covers lots of things about family, workplace, all sorts of things, and of course love.
I really think that there’ll be something in that to really help you take the next step to heal and shore yourself up and take your power and your sanity back from toxic people so you can be out in life and you can enjoy life and you don’t have to hide away to try to avoid them because that’s not living.
I hope that this really helps. Check out the link with this video.
Hi Melanie! I was so happy to get the video and this blog today! Yesterday I had to go to a mediation session with the narcissist! I did all of the preparation and made my best attempt to follow the guidelines of NARP and I honestly think I had some success! In the 2+ hours I was in the same room with her she only managed to get to me one time for a very brief period of time. It was so good 🙏🕊🙏…..I was able to gray rock her and let her babble on and on and on and do the things that she always does without reacting! That was a huge thing for me because it’s always been almost impossible not to react to her BS….I think this was a success and gives me encouragement for the next mediation session which is coming up in about a week and a half! This tiny success is giving me hope! Thanks for NARP and thanks for helping me, Melanie! Sending my love and gratitude! ❤️🦋❤️
I am going through the exact same thing with a narcissist that I have been married to for 52 years! He has put my family,his family and friends against me! I am not allowed to see my 6 year old granddaughter because of his lies! He is trying very hard to destroy me mentally, emotionally, financially! I am overwhelmed, exhausted, anxious because I don’t know what he’s going to do next to hurt me!
What a wonderful success Peter!
Much Love
Mel 🙏💞🦋
@Peter @44…Why do you even need to be at the same meditation. Find a different place or alternative time….you’re playing games with yourself at this stage of the game…it stressful on your energy…. or you may still have a subconscious need to see her….don’t dip your toes into shark infested water. Not worth it. Stay away.
Your advise is so powerful and honest! I’m a huge fan of you. You have helped me alot
Thank you for your lovely support Mimi!
I’m really pleased I can help
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Gosh I really needed this today! I have so given over my power and I must stop this. I need to live MY life! I had already told myself don’t expect and to downgrade my relationship and you’ve reinforced that’s what I need to do. Something is still stopping me from letting go!!!! I must heal. Thank you ❤️
Hi Hannah,
The inner healing will help you clear up the reasons that you still feel connected.
Have you checked out NARP?
I can’t recommend it to help you achieve this enough
Mel 🙏💞🦋
I found this video very helpful!!! Thanks as Always Melanie! It’s time to start Living!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😇😇❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Hi Stephanie,
that is great!
Much Love
Mel 🙏💞🦋
This is very good and so true.
I have been with a narcissist for 13 years. We emigrated together, we created a company together and were married with kids. My body has been the first one really acknowledging that something was really going on and then it took me six years to put an end to this. It has been long because I am a Christian and I have a lot of compassion so it took me years to actually meet the word “toxic narcissist” and understand that this is heavy mental issue, not someone with problems but a real desire to grow. I also did things progressively because of the kids, I have minimized the damages as much as I could. Now I’m free but my body is so damaged and I’m in recovery. Melania, your insights are such a big big help, thank you.
Hi Eva,
I’m really pleased that my work can help you.
Sending you and your children love and healing
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Thank you for giving me the understand of the code of having to be hard , and standing my ground , with a poor ,beautiful ,crazy , lady , I found on the hunt. For a soft touch. After 2 month , she gave up her usual method of gaining supply , told me I was too hard. And went back home. I did feel sorry for her and help her with some money, But again as you say , remained NO CONTACT. Keep up you good work of help so many people on both sides.
Hi Richard,
I’m really pleased this has helped you get clear.
Mel 🙏💞🦋
As usual your video was right on time! In addition to dealing with the challenging narcissist in my life I also have some difficult neighbors. I have genuinely been working on remaining calm with all these people! Once again – thank you!
Hi Julia,
please know how welcome you are.
I’m so pleased that this can help.
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Thank you, Melanie!! This advice is a Godsend to me. I’ve realized that my grown daughter is very toxic and although I haven’t in any way tried to push her buttons, she’s still trying to trigger mine. She’s said some very cruel things to me, but, I never respond. She gets angrier and angrier. Well, that’s her problem, not mine. We know, as parents, that we did the best we could. If it isn’t enough for them, again, it’s their problem. She lives in another state, thank God, so, we only communicate with our grandchildren through birthday cards and such. She confiscates the cards and sends them back with the evilest things I’ve ever read! Yet, she doesn’t target my husband, only me. Now, I realize that she’s stepped over the line with me. To spare my grandchildren any more grief, I’m choosing the cards, but, I’m letting my husband sign them. I’m so sorry about the length of this message, but, it makes me happy to get these feelings out in the open. Thank you and God bless you!!
Hi Janie,
It’s my pleasure.
I’m so happy for you that you are taking your power back. That is a great choice.
Power and peace to you!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Thanks Melanie,
This is a very helpful point/topic you have raised.
I am a member of NARP and am working to heal myself through the modules. For everyone out there who now knows they need help and needs to take the next step into the light of freedom, join up! This is the place
to be.
Iit is a long process, continued awareness and effort is required.
Just as I am dealing and overcoming with the triggers from the narcs that brought me here, I have had another toxic person come into my life that – for a variety of reasons – I must deal with. The beauty of it is though, is that I recognised their style, tactics and the fact that I was triggered.
I am not healed enough yet to not be triggered, but I definitely know it is happening , why it is happening and what I need to do to prevent it happening in the future.
But in the meantime, these tips are very helpful, thanks Melanie.
Hi Sean,
I am so pleased that NARP and these tips are helping.
Keep up the great work!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Thank you so much – you are coaching me for a family friend event and I made notes to remind me how not to be triggered and that downgrading and detaching will get me through.
Hi Victoria,
I’m so pleased that this has helped.
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Hi Melanie,
I really thought that this was brilliant. It was also specifically what I needed at the right time, also.
I unfortunately very much relate to your description of a person who is avoiding participating in life so as to avoid toxic people. …I can’t even begin to describe the seemingly never ending trauma I’ve gone through in this area. …A lot of people may have given up if they were in my position.
My difficulties are perhaps more painful than many because they center around work and therefore affect my ability to fend for my self… and get away also from toxic family members as well. But just to also get dignity in life as an adult for decades now. …I am so weary of applying to more jobs. The obstacles just pile up: the latest is discrimination for having been unemployed. …I feel very deflated. A sense of: why bother. …I am very tired. Even to list the amount of experiences of being bullied, scapegoated out of a job or otherwise losing one due to horrible, debilitating anxiety. …I’ve done a lot of work, but this seems a mammoth task and there has only been more monsters to fight and spend months (sometimes years) recovering from. I am so tired.
Hi Elisa,
I hear you!
Please know that when you start healing the Quantum Way it changes everything. You will see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I can’t recommend trying out NARP enough!
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Thank you for this video. It was just what I needed to hear. I am guilty of doing as you describe. Always have been that way. Open book. I let people in and I sacrifice everything for their welfare or need. My belief system supports living sacrificially for others. Putting them above yourself. There is a smart way to do that. This was the reminder I needed to deal with this issue the right way.
It’s my pleasure Ami,
I am really happy that this helps.
Mel 🙏💞🦋
I have experienced abuse in the work place and it has been truly devastating. It does chip away at your sense of safety when you can’t even go to work without it being a toxic landmine with toxic people who can be set off at any moment. I have found as I am working on my inner wounds, that toxic people no longer trigger me as much. It is just so annoying that a person would be so low down to purposefully try to make other people frustrated for their own entertainment. I am just so blessed that I don’t like to upset others and I truly do understand what it means to care about another person. I will be grateful for the things I do have in my life. And I believe the perfect work situation for me does exist and as I continue to heal it will present itself. yay!!
Mrs Evans, I’m Anna, I wrote you other times, thanks again from my heart for all your words, all articles. Thanks really.