Today’s article is all about how strong the psychic bond is with the narcissist and how crucial it is for you to do what it takes to break that bond.
I know so many of you can relate to this – it feels like there’s a black ink that’s clogging up your whole being and it’s coursing through your Inner Self. You feel like you’ve got ice shards going through your veins.
At times you feel like your Life Force is being sucked out of you, and you know that this abusive person is living inside of you. The abuse, their words and the things that happened seem to consume your entire being.
Often, you can’t even escape these horrible feelings in your sleep. You think you’ll get some reprieve then, at night the nightmares come and it all feels unthinkable and unstoppable.
This article will help you understand what this psychic infiltration is truly about and how to sever it completely and forever as I did.
Time Doesn’t Heal The Psychic Connection
Even though you might want to believe it, time doesn’t heal this psychic connection with a narcissist.
I’ve met so many people 30 years down the track who say, “They are still living on the inside of me. I’m still not free of this.” They feel that the narcissist has captured their Soul, won’t return it, and they have no idea what it is to feel ‘normal’ again.
There may be times where you feel free of it, and you think, “Oh gosh, I can breathe again. I’m finally getting on with my life.” And then, bang! Out of nowhere, it hits you again. You’re regurgitating what’s happened and it’s dragging your whole energy down. You feel like somebody stuck a hose into you and is sucking your Life Force, actually siphoning it out of you.
So what is really going on here?
It’s very important to understand that narcissistic abuse is not a practical, logical thing. It’s a spiritual, emotional, psychic phenomenon. It’s an energetic parasitical condition.
Narcissists are as a ‘no self’. They are somebody who can’t generate their own energy and Life Force, so they hook into somebody else’s Soul and suck their Life Energy from them. It’s a scary thing until you know how to address it.
You don’t need to be physically connected with this person for this to still be going on because it’s happening through the unseen world. Even if you end a relationship with a narcissist, and you separate material possessions and have no physical or verbal contact, the connection that you cannot physically or logically define is much harder to break.
Narcissists can plant their markers and infiltrate people.
Once they hook in at that energetic level, narcissists can get a feed off a person for the rest of their life. This happens even if that person has No Contact with the narcissist. That’s why the targeted person feels like they can never shake this terrible psychic disease. They feel that the narcissist is living inside them.
How To Break The Psychic Connection
So how do you break the psychic connection? The great news is that you absolutely can.
In some spiritual channels you will have heard about tie cutting. During a meditation or visualisation, you’ll focus on where you’re connected to the narcissist. This can be in your throat chakra or your heart or your solar plexus or your root chakra or wherever it is. You may do a prayer or some ceremony where you dissolve those ties and hand them back.
Tie cutting can be helpful, yet you’re only treating the symptoms by taking away those ties. You must deal with the core root of how those ties could connect and infiltrate you so they don’t reform. This means that you’re going to have to do tie cutting over and over again. This is like treating a disease as the symptoms flare but never actually curing the disease.
My Thriver work is about so much more.
It’s about curing the disease, so you are FREE of that feeling of:
* Your Life Force being sucked dry
* Your Soul being overtaken, infiltrated, poisoned and polluted
* The nightmares that you’re having about the narcissist – where you can’t even get a reprieve while you sleep
It’s about getting rid of what is actually generating your side of the magnet which allows this connection to embed in you and take place.
Healing Trauma Bonds
It all goes back to your trauma bonds.
We have traumatic beliefs and fractures within us that match the horrible stuff that the narcissist delivers. Such as … the people I love and the people I want to receive love from abuse me, invalidate me, leave me, scapegoat me, abandon me, annihilate me.
All these beliefs are within our psyche. They are the subconscious programs that come from pre-birth and are pre-cognitive. They keep repeating and mean that we’ve unconsciously been a match for a False Self.
If we are caught up in this, it’s because we haven’t yet healed to receive True Source. Which is Creation, Life Force, God, your higher power, your super conscious, your highest potential or whatever you see your higher power as.
Until we’ve cleared out the traumas separating us from True Source, we’re seeking our relief, reprieve, emancipation and Source of Self from outside of ourselves.
This is where False Selves are very clever in positioning themselves. They act like the healer of our wounds and the giver of love, approval, survival, and security in our life. They are like a parasite. They create a dependency and a trauma bond and then suck our energy out to feed their False Self.
This narcissistic infiltration is happening at the spiritual Soul psychic level. It all goes back to our trauma bonds and the previous emotional composition of our Inner Being.
How To Heal The Psychic Infiltration
Going No Contact to heal from this is not going to be enough. Tie cutting is not going to be enough. Trying to find solutions to treat the symptoms or trying to distract ourselves and get on with our life usually doesn’t work either.
This is why we think, “Well, I’m just going to get on with it and rebuild my life.” Yet, we keep falling back into this horrible psychic disease that we’re feeling inside of ourselves. We don’t have the energy and the inspiration, confidence or the capacity to move forward. Why not? Because our Life Force is getting sucked out of us. That’s why.
How do we stop our Life Force from getting sucked out of us?
By changing our inner belief system composition to no longer be a match to the person who has been able to attach themselves to us.
Then there is no more fear of being infiltrated, messed with and psychically drained or manipulated. All that becomes Not Your Reality! Your reality is: you are free to be you, rather than always being concerned about protecting yourself from others.
When you change yourself your inner belief systems and your inner composition on interpersonal relationships are no longer a match for that person.
Meaning, “I have graduated out of that density of pain and trauma to a much higher octave whereby this person energetically cannot live.” That’s what the inner Thriver healing is all about. Changing ourselves to step into a different universe where that is just not going on.
Once you clean this up, you:
* Become a source to yourself, creating your own life authentically
* You attract more of ‘who you are’ mindfully and consciously
* What is Not Your Reality is no longer a vibrational match for you, and you have no need to try to change and fix anything or anyone to make it happen
* You no longer have the fear of scarcity and you stop trying to make unmakeable deals work
* You know life supports you, and that you can vibrationally, emotionally and practically support and look after yourself, and create more of that
* You know that you are your own power source and that the narcissist is not and never was
I really hope you can feel the passion of what I’m saying, and the reason I’m very passionate about this is that the psychic infiltration nearly killed me. It was so bad and so severe that I could not eat, I could not sleep, I shook, I sweated and I had nightmares like Nightmare on Elm Street. I could barely drag myself to the kitchen to make a cup of tea.
I understand what this feels like because I’ve lived it. And I know a lot of you have had it as badly as I have or even worse.
I broke utterly free, zero PTSD, zero nightmares, zero feelings of he even exists. No obsessions, no connections and the cleanest space in myself and wellbeing, which I filled with True Source. This not only saved my life, it gave me more life, and that’s the beautiful side of this.
In Conclusion
I hope that you feel what I’m saying through the cells of your being. There is a true solution and it’s very powerful and quick. It was Quanta Freedom Healing that did that for me.
I just want to tell you quickly about Thrive, which you’ve probably heard about throughout my channels. It’s an intense Quanta Freedom Healing Bootcamp experience. I’m doing this course with a global group of incredible Thrivers who want to get free from toxic narcissists with my incredible MTE team.
Throughout the Thrive Bootcamp, I will be holding your hand and your heart and getting you out of these connections so that you can get your Soul, your sanity and your life back.
Go to if you’d like to be notified as soon as doors open for the upcoming session that runs for 10 weeks starting in September. Please sign up, and we’ll be in touch with you in the coming weeks.
Check it out because, oh my God, when you get free of this psychic bond you get freer and freer. That’s where I want everybody to get to. And you can. It’s waiting for you.
That’s why he has a psychic connection with me. He told me he never wanted this to end. He didn’t mean our relationship but the bond he had. He said it was ESP. You are so great. It’s as if you are reading my thoughts. At least I know I’m not crazy. Everything he said had an affect on me and still does even though he is gone. I couldn’t hate him but was afraid of him. It’s the hold he had over me. I was doing things and saying things I would have never done. Thank you.
I’m so pleased Marlene that you know you are not going crazy!
There is so much hope for you to get free from this.
Much Love
Mel 🙏💞🦋
The narcissist is our grown daughter who has our only grandchildren. We are almost no contact, but still we obsess.
It is spiritual warfare. The narcs are the new predator. The prey (real souls / primes) have been hunted since the beginning of time. Narcs have demons attached to them – any sex with a narc binds them to you. Then it’s like you can become like them, taken over and have them channel through you, or the people around you. It’s no easy task to remove them. Taking responsibility is the first step and declaring your intentions, and clearing out the “basement”, loving yourself and your own shadow, to integrate and be in balance – light and dark. Living in integrity is your shield. Thank you MTE.
I truly believe my narc has a demon/negative entity attached to her. I’m curious where you’ve come across the info to make you think that?
Hi Brayden, Eve Lorgen – Dark Side of Cupid, Love Bite phenomenon, Lauda Leon of Sovereign Ki. And well direct experience – always direct experience!
Also Thomas Sheridan wrote books on psychopaths – demons attached, soulless ones.
Hello SRMC, wow I mean, i have been praying in new forms completely isolating myself, in order to try to forget everything. I still have anger and would like the law to do something but i highly doubt it. I was pregnant from this person, I did not have an abortion. I am 45 years old he started treating me worse! He who hurt me so so so much and I was not completely aware of all the shit he did only that he had a horrible bad vibe. At the end this became very physically aggressive and abusive. And since they look for vengeance (I dont know of what?) I was nervous and scared. He was arrested for putting his hands on me, but he paid 8,000 dollars to bail himself out. He still could not go half and half with me with an abortion for only 300 dollars. He took money from me, He used me to buy new furniture for an apartment. He gave me a key for and he asked for the key back a week later. Well all day long I get involved in other things, but at night it is true that it seems like this person is there next to me. On another christian forum i had shared the thought that I thought these Narcs are demon possessed but u have been the only one i have seen sharing this same thought.
Sorry to hear this, I replied to a post above of authors, content creators who are aware of this. Demons do not like being exposed and you have to be careful of the links either in you via sec or through your child re DNA – familial entities / curses etc. I don’t want to scare you but these are the facts. Research the people I mentioned because awareness helps, the NARP work and being 100% responsible for what has occurred. Draw your boundaries – this evil is ancient and needs to be destroyed
Your comment is indeed interesting and very fascinating indeed! I would love to learn more about this topic from you, if possible. Thanks!
This is all 100% true, and after 2 years of the worst hell of my life, I am fighting for my life. I do believe that there is some kind of entitiy influence that comes to people who are mentally disordered and angry and fearful and weak. My husband of 15 years was something of a healer wizard with powers to do energy work and other things. He would do “healings” of me and put his hands on my forehead or sometimes on other places and for about 8-10 minutes, he would “heal” my energy or pain or whatever I needed. He would always have tears rolling down his face at the end and yawned and had to come back. I looked it up to see why he would have those symptoms. I think it was a reaction for feeling the power of my energy because he could only manufacture some hack version. He tried to kill me with these healings as I would feel my heart being stabbed on numerous occasions the last year when he began to have so much contempt. Melanie is right in how they implant markers and imprint and dirty your soul. I had to have an exorcism cast out a Luciferian entity that came from him into me. This is dark stuff and these are dark times. Don’t ever doubt that.
Hi Prajinta, I also had a “healer / psychic” ex narc psycho. It’s an agreement you make with the narc to receive something, and they often take. The demon entities may give you a temporary boost or “bliss”, but the cords are stronger every time you get such a healing – the narc needs to feed not only themselves but the entities attached. Any body feeling of energetic darts / stabbing feeling indicates nasty intent and demonic occupants. We live in a world of contracts and agreements – exorcism indeed. I hope you are clear and stay that way. This evil has hijacked a great many, to steal what they no longer have – Source Connection
Who did this for you? Who casts it out?
My narcissistic ex-Partner claimed that he can feel me wherever I am. He broke up with me over and over again, to then gain me back… finally wasn’t able to be in a relationship with me but still be in control… it was a lot of suffering. When I went no contact and tried to let go, he could make me come back and call him, just by him mentally focusing on me doing so. He was very proud of this power over me. It was all about power and control… And he seemed so satisfied, strong and calm, when he was able to cause me pain and made me emotionally break down…
My very evil narcisstic grand mother inflicted so much pain on all her daughters and grandchildren. As a charismatic person with money she tried to contol and manipulate each family member. Also she “meditatates”/focusses mentally every day to infiltrate and manipulate us. Curses us when she is in rage, sends us harmful projections and interference. This causes depression and feeling powerless in her daughters and me… She is so good in it, that we hardly know how to protect ourselves.
Great Post yet again and yes time does not heal wounds. I had both narcs tell me I was wrong to feel worried or to feel hurt or react as any human would being abused however I realise this is all apart of their gaslighting and invalidate to feed the falseself. The parts of me must have held these damaged parts stuck in my body young as I had three disordered females in the home and no healthy parent to interject. I did feel like this as a child which is why it re-enacted later. I so need to heal I have all of this going on won’t hurt to do it. It’s always the same message god I am tired all the time etc.
Thank you, Melanie; this is yet another great explanation of an important aspect of narcissistic abuse.
I have grown up with a Narc grandmother, father and my first love was also a Narcissist. I had been abused in another adult relationship and at all my workplaces as well in the last 15 years.
In 2020, I developed serious anxiety and depression and was forced to stay at home for over half a year now.
I cannot say my healing has been “quick” — not even with NARP.
I first used therapy when I was 17, since then I have been meditating, doing yoga regularly for about 6 years and most recently NARP. I have been doing the modules for 3 years. Sometimes, I can feel the shifts, the traumas moving, then leaving my body. Other times, I feel inclined to research the Narcissistic Ex’s social media etc after having completed a module, then feel devastated and suicidal.Luckily, I have always asked for help and I am still alive, trying to stay strong and resilient. But often, I loose my patience. I feel lonely and isolated and don’t know when my healing will be finally completed. I just want to be happy, healthy and have a family.
Hi Andrea,
you are very welcome.
I would suggest to you coming into the NARP Forum for support and suggestions
Ultimately it is about you targeting the traumas in your body generating that urge to check up on the N. That needs to be broken so that you can move out of that trauma bond/addiction. Otherwise, it is like trying to get free from the effects of heroin, whilst still taking it.
We can help you get through the blocks that you are still struggling with, in the Forum.
Love and healing to you
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Hi Melanie,
At one point you spoke about soul contracts and the narcissist. I believe that all that happens is meant to happen and is in God’s plan. Even the suffering experienced in the relationship with the narc, as it was destiny and soul contract to begin with. The narcissist is unwanted baby who at birth does not receive the nurturing and connection they need to be whole. They do not form the oxytocin receptors to be able to reciprocate in relationships. They do not form normal attachment. But on a soul level, they chose that life of suffering. Why? To help your soul know itself and fulfill its potential. Knowing this, and having received this gift of soul knowledge through the suffering with my narcissist and your Quantum Freedom Healing and shared YouTube videos. This was my path to healing my soul. I love how your healing modules help to release the traumas of the past, but please remember that the narcissist shares the same all One divine energy as everyone else. I do not agree that The Narcissist is a No-self. I believe the narcissist is a catalyst toward soul- knowledge. When you are fully healed you can look at the narcissist with compassion and gratitude. It is the contempt held in the heart that ties someone to the narcissist. I love your work. I benefitted greatly by your sharing of your healing journey. I hope what I say will help take it to the next level for you and the people you are helping every day!
Hi Shannon,
if you google my name plus “Soul Contract with a Narcissist” this may give you more insight into my beliefs on this topic.
You will see that we BOTH, I believe, are correct.
I hope that this helps
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Beautiful said!!! Sending you love.
I think there is a huge difference between narcissists who are someone whom we choose to be involved with or let us be roped in, sometimes continuously, then maybe start a family with…or people whom we are related to by blood who are “supposed” to love us, as in a parent or parents. It’s just a different kind of feeling about what haunts and how it stays with you, because it’s not a conscious choice you make, as you are younger, to recognize and begin to “see” and break free. I did have one toxic boyfriend, and he was damaging in his ways of attempting to control me, and I was miserable, but I recognized it right away, stayed a bit too long, but finally realized after less than a year how hectic and drained my life had become…and how different I was acting and reacting to every relationship in my life. I knew it was not good for me, and even though I was living overseas and shared an apartment with this toxic boyfriend, breaking free was something I arranged and did, changed the locks, and began to move on. With parents who are narcissists, in particular for me it’s my Mom and then Dad started to go along and co-depend in that behavior and use his always-controlling ways to continue the blackmailing attitudes they were displaying (rejecting and ignoring me, begging me back, telling me how horrible I was as a grown adult who had done NOTHING but make them proud, talking about me behind my back, jeopardizing other friendships I had by spreading rumors with those people because I lived far away…the list goes on…well, anyway, it was tougher to recognize WHAT was going on! I had done tons of great counseling when their weird behaviors started, and it was all amazing, but NOBODY until about three years ago said, “Oh, I am hearing just five sentences from you, and this is your Mom has a borderline personality disorder of some degree and is for sure a full-blown narcissist. Look it up, and I bet you’ll agree.” And, poof! I found Melanie’s articles, plus I started reading some of this, and I felt immediately validated and as if I’d figured it out, finally. Anyway, all these great counselors don’t go back to any of those conclusions about narcissism because, hey, we’re all “supposed to” love our parents, they are supposed to love us, it’s supposed to be a relationship you would NEVER abandon and set aside and stop being a part of. If you do that, well, you are the bad person! I realized it is not true, and these articles by Melanie are the best, especially when I find more of them related to family ties with parents. My Mom kept secrets, had affairs, asked us as her kids to help her keep those secrets, tried to have me be the surrogate parent so she could do all these childish things, always complimented me only when she wanted or needed something from me, and I never asked for ANYTHING. I was always completely independent, and thankfully that worked for me, but I now realize the reason was because I needed to be on my own to prevent her intrusive ways, her lack of boundaries, her lack of keeping any secrets we should keep along with our kids (like starting your period, anxieties about friends or teachers, etc.)–there were no boundaries with my parents. My Mom would steal my babysitting money, then claim it wasn’t her and of course it could ONLY have been her, she’d let us be blamed and punished by my Dad because of her sneaking around that he’d discover, she’d purposely lock the doors when we visited as adults even though we weren’t out late, pretending she didn’t hear us ringing or knocking or didn’t “remember” to leave the door open, she’d read my diary (which I had no big secrets in, but the reason was because of HER!) I never could trust her, she was always critical of me, and it’s amazing that with so many females in our family, none of us wound up with eating disorders or something worse. We are all well-accomplished, nobody expects money or free handouts as a reason to have cut off our parents (just saying this because I know some adult children who cut their parents off because they didn’t get something of a material nature), and we are attractive and not overweight or something to be criticized for appearance reasons (not that I should have to say that). But, anyway, it’s tougher to disengage with parents and family, because what it’s meant is less or no contact with cousins, aunts and uncles, siblings, AND the parents. But, it’s the right thing to do. And, yes, I DO have some dreams about family from time to time…but they are so cutting, so negative, so childish, and I’m relieved to have started this process more than 10 years ago, then more stringently three years ago when my Mother started sending notes and cards telling me “Oh, I miss you more than the air I breathe” (HUGE LIE) but then never calling or being in touch and actually changing her contact info but not informing any of us who weren’t doing things “her way”. I am labeled the black sheep, but I think a class on how the black sheep is the GOOD place to be in life, in these situations, would help some of us who did the right thing and have moved on, and yet, it’s definitely different to have practically NO blood family any more because of this.
Thank you very much for addressing this Melanie! OK, so one of the things that will break a psychic bond with the narc is definitely doing the Quanta Healing and one of the big points is Foregiveness. What is forgiveness, anyway? It is coming to an understanding of what the narc has done and why, and what you have done in reaction to it and why, and ending up having a compassion for the suffering of the narc, as well as your own. Once you can understand why it has all occured, you are on your way to healing and breaking the bonds. Once you have forgiven both the narc AND YOURSELF – very important! – you will find that the psychic bonds are broken; you will be able to establish your own spiritual boundaries very easily, and you will see your life improving!
This is true no matter whom the narc in your life may be. You will spot the red flags immediately and be able to deal with every situation with a narc much more effectively. You will have your good days and not so good days, but more and more the good days will become more frequent and soon you will see the narc fade from your life in all ways.
It’s my pleasure Clare,
Sending you love and healing
Mel 🙏💞🦋
Dear Melanie! Thank you once again! Releasing the psychic connection to the narcissist is and has been the most challenging and difficult problem of this portion of my journey on this earth! I’ve used a shaman and psychics and healers attempting to cut the cord…. for the most part every effort failed. I am quite certain that the effort that we (me and the others) put in to accomplishing this task were sincere and real. I came away from each session knowing that I needed more and now, thanks to NARP and a lot of inner work, and your continued guidance, I have available 24/7 M4, 8, & 9 as my “go to” Modules for this ongoing problem! It has taken some time for me to realize that I need to do the inner work and not rely on others to do the work for me if, indeed, I no longer wish to be connected to the narcissist in my life. I’ve heard that message from you over and over and over and little by little by little it is sinking in! Thanks so much, Melanie! Lots of love to you and lots of thanks to you for everything that you are helping so many of us with!
Much love! ❤️🦋❤️
You nailed it & just to reiterate this topic here is an awesome quote:
An Ayat (verse) in the Quran says:
“Verily, God does not change man’s condition unless they change that which is in themselves.”
~Aga Khan IV
Dear Melanie,
What you have explained in your article is accurate. In addition to what you say I want to add:
Speaking from personal experience, a narcissist is using black magic (sihr) to attack. I signed upto your program but I could not get help because the attacks were masquerading as schizophrenia so my fees were refunded. But your articles taught me a lot about narcissist and their behaviour, so thank you. I too asked God for guidance and he guided me to a shaman first and now an Islamic scholar.
I just want to say using visualisations, meditations did not work as the magician used energy, psychic attacks and physical assault using my one body, to control my thoughts and emotions. What helped to a certain degree was removing oaths and bonds and sending the attached entities back along with affirmations and clearing statements to shift beliefs of powerlessness. These were methods shared by the Shaman.
The Islamic scholar used prayer and a ritual which he did not share the method. I am undergoing this process with him. When I am better if you would like I can share more of my story with you.
Thank you