You may be stunned by how, even after leaving a narcissist, it feels like their trauma lives on inside you.

Do you feel like they have a psychic hose stuck in you, sucking out your Life-force?

Why doesn’t the trauma go away? How can you get his terrible ‘entire being and psyche takeover’ feeling to leave?

The solution is not logical – it is in fact deeply spiritual and Quantum.

I can’t wait to share with you, what this spiritual vampire energy really is, and how to eradicate it, rise beyond it and live free from it forever.



Video Transcript

Many people are shocked by the soul vandalism that goes on with narcissistic abuse. How a narcissist can infiltrate your being and suck your energy dry.

Most people end up being barely a shell afterwards.

The truth is narcissistic abuse is a spiritual phenomenon and a psychic disease – it’s like a black ink that poisons your entire brain, body and nervous system.

Today I want to take you into what is necessary to detox from a narcissist’s energy permanently – so that you not only go free of the narcissist but also potentially all the fears and dark energy that have derailed you in your life.

Please know we are going to get very spiritual and Quantum in this Thriver TV lesson today!

Before we get started, I want to thank those of you who have subscribed to join the Thriver Tribe, and if you haven’t yet, please do subscribe. Also, if you like this video, please hit the like button!

Okay, so let’s begin today’s episode.


The Belief of Darkness and Light

There is a lot of controversy about what narcissists are and what is going on with the ‘soul war’ that we have with them.

It is a popular religious belief regarding darkness and evil and Light and God, that narcissists are evidence of evil on the planet, taking the good Life-force from others.

I know this may ruffle some feathers, but from a Quantum perspective, I don’t agree with this philosophy. What I believe is that there is only Light and that all evil – darkness is the absence of Light – is to do with trauma and false beliefs.

I see it all as True Self and False Self.

Now stay with me in this following conversation, because I promise you that there is a point to it.

I believe that True Self means being of God, of the Light, and knowing in Quantum Truth that everything is connected; that all this is love and there is no part that is not the Oneness of Life/Source/Creation. From the Quantum level, we now know scientifically that when we view the smallest subatomic particles of ourselves we go beyond matter into wavefunctions. The very nucleus of us all is a consciousness and energy that is directly connected to the energy of all other Beings and things.

Okay, so the point I am getting to is this: narcissism has forgotten this. It is the belief in ‘separation’, which is the greatest wound in the human experience, that has caused the darkness.

It’s the forgetting; the turning away from the Light and believing in a separate self that is ‘thrown out’ and not accepted by the whole.

That’s the insanity, the damage and the trauma in the human psyche. THAT is the darkness.

If we feel ‘separate’, we don’t believe that we are worthy of love from Life/Source/Creation; we feel defective and unacceptable. When we feel ‘separate’, we treat others in the ways that we really feel about ourselves, taking what we need to survive (narcissism) by force, manipulation or coercion. Or we try to ‘people’ please to get love, approval, security and survival, and we do this because we don’t feel capable of generating these things for ourselves directly with Life/Source/Creation (co-dependency).

These two lots of individuals are incredibly powerful magnets for each other.

The co-dependent will feed the narcissist’s insatiable need to abuse and take, and the co-dependent easily falls for the narcissist pretending to be their Source of ‘everything they need’.

The huge problem I have with the religious view of Evil (them) and Light (us) is that there is the missing piece, which is us taking responsibility to look at our own beliefs and traumas. Our beliefs and the associated traumas have impacted us in our lives – both from the collective and personal human experience – because we have also fallen into the trap of ‘belief of separation’.

Through the forgetting of Who We Really Are, we have stopped being a connected Oneness able to generate Life directly with Life. Instead, we have become lesser beings trying to get our salvation through False Sources.

And this is EXACTLY what narcissists are.


The Power in the Belief of Good

The truth sets us free.

Yes, narcissists are vampires and they are sucking our Life-force. However, if we just put it down to evil and believe that this can happen to anyone, then we are dangerously in Wrong Town.

Likewise, we are in Wrong Town if we believe we must be on the lookout for these people to avoid them, and therefore we don’t look within ourselves to heal what we need to.

I much prefer Right Town, which means taking the personal responsibility to know that we are the generative source of our own experience. This is what I know as the number one criteria in narcissistic abuse recovery – the acceptance of ‘this is happening FOR me’.

If we know there is only Light and Love, we know that no matter what our experience at a soul level is, it is perfect. We are being brought the experiences to wake us up into our inner healing truths to become the people we need to be, to up-level and move beyond our previous separation and fearful beliefs.

Then we can start being Who We Really Are – not small separated beings thrown out of the Oneness, but incredible holistic, connected, magnificent Beings instead.

I truly don’t know of any process more powerful than narcissistic abuse to bring us to that place of awakening.

I want you to think about this…

Our separation beliefs are: ‘I am defective, unloved and unwanted. I must be being punished. I am on my own; it’s me against life. It’s not safe to be myself. It’s not even safe to be in life or alive. I am not supported by Life/Source/Creation, and I have to earn my right to exist. In fact, I don’t get support from anywhere. There must be something wrong with me. Maybe I’m cursed because my life is a struggle and I am always up against everything that is pitted against me.’

Can you relate?

After narcissistic abuse, we feel like this horrifically. When we start doing the real Quantum inner work to heal from narcissistic abuse, we find out that many, if not all, of these beliefs were already in our Energy Field – from collective human beliefs, past lives, genetic family history and, of course, our childhoods. In fact, we have been in repeat on these painful beliefs, which have been holding us separated to varying degrees from the Oneness and the Light that is the REAL truth.

The narcissist was the messenger of these traumas, ironically appearing to be the saviour of them. Because we were living our own separation beliefs of being ‘outed’ from Oneness, we assigned this person as a False Source – as the Light. Metaphorically this person became a ‘God’ or a ‘parent’ to us. The person to take away the pain of feeling unloved and unworthy.

Maybe before narcisistic abuse, we knew we were in pain and knew we weren’t whole. Or maybe we were so busy trying to survive in life, as a result of doing life from the outside in (separation) that we had no idea because it was all we had ever known.  Often, because these traumas were our ‘normal’ – we have been carrying them in our Being for goodness knows how long – it’s not until we graduate back home to our Connected/Oneness beliefs that we realise how separated we have been.

And how painful and traumatic that was.

The reason I called this section ‘The Power In The Belief of Good’ is this: when we know the horrific pain of the trauma and beliefs of ‘separation’ are happening to us for a reason – FOR us – then we know we need to heal. We know we desperately need to find a way out of the internal hell that all of the false beliefs and traumas have cast us into.

If we don’t awaken and align with the truth, what are we going to do? Attempt to medicate the trauma away so that we don’t feel anything at all? Or cross the line into selling our soul and becoming a narcissist ourselves to try to escape the inner hell that we are now living in?

Or, will we heal for real from this and release ourselves into our True Self and True Life?

Naturally, I take a stand for the later. I’ve said so many times to this community, ‘You could not give me any amount of money to go back to who I was, and the life I lived, even before narcissistic abuse.’ Thank goodness I made the journey to my True Self and True Beliefs and still continue this journey every day.

As a result, I am thrilled to be in my body, on this planet, doing this Life. The pain has gone, and constant joy, growth, possibility and miracle are available. And I know that this awaits every Thriver who takes this journey too.

This is what I truly believe ‘evil’ is… It is the absence of Light. It is the dire separation from the truth.

And I believe ‘hell’ is a state. It is being immersed in the false beliefs and traumas that are NOT the truth of Who We Are.

Narcissists live in that place – they are stuck there – but we don’t have to be.

There is a way out.


Narcissists Are the Symptom Not the Problem

Here is another controversial statement.

Narcissists are not the issue; they are the symptom of the real issue.

The real problem is the belief of separation within humanity, causing people to be in trauma and pain and hurt. It’s people spreading this psychic disease of separation further and further by looking at life from the outside in – there is always someone else to blame in my victimhood.

When our soul has had enough of this state and knows it’s time to be free of these traumas and false beliefs, the unconscious will become conscious. That’s when the evidence that we are in Wrong Town can turn up in our life as a narcissist.

When we are carrying the traumas of separation, and everything within our belief system is painful, lacking and limited, then the people who match these beliefs turn up and ingrain themselves in our experience.

But when they smash us hard enough, we awaken to the Interconnected POWERHOUSE CREATOR that we are which is this – my life unfolds to the letter according to my Belief Systems.

Alright … so, if you believe and understand that you are a Powerful Quantum Creator Beyond Measure – please write EXACTLY that below!

Okay… Like a leaking roof that is being ignored, or a car that is getting driven despite the engine making really weird grinding noises, the traumas of separation, and the breakdown get worse and worse until they get your attention. And this is all because they are false and defective and not organically functional.

Narcissists are the poster people representing that experience.

When we believe we are separated and hurting, and we don’t take on the inner Quantum power to heal ourselves, we try to get the fix on the outside and in doing so hand our power away and get abused. Until we turn inwards to heal our painful, false belief systems, we cling and try to force the abuser into saving us.

And things get worse and worse and worse until we stop doing this.

Gosh, it’s terrible – it’s heartbreaking and it just doesn’t work. The narcissist, who is stuck in his or her own trauma and survival delusions, fully believing that you are the cause of their issues, believes to feel better he or she is entitled to take your lifeforce and everything that is yours. Hence the being sucked dry by the narcissist’s vampirish ways.

There are no happy endings in this dynamic. And even if we do get away and believe that the narcissist was the issue – then why can’t we heal? The answer is simple. Because we haven’t yet released ourselves from the traumas and beliefs of the biggest disease to ever infect this planet – the lie of separation.

It’s only by letting go of False Sources (aka narcissists) and doing what we have always needed to do, come inside and face and unpack our traumas and false beliefs on the inside of us, that we get our salvation.


The Truth About Detoxing a Narcissist

The real evidence of any truth is when it works.

The Thrivers who are mentally, emotionally, and spiritually free of narcissists – even those they still have to parallel parent with – are free because they went to their traumas, as someone would a leaky roof or grinding engine and fixed the inside issue. They healed their beliefs of separation.

When we do this with our triggered traumas, which are catastrophic after being smashed by narcissists, one by one they leave our Being. And as they go, with them goes the false belief(s) connected to the trauma.

We literally unpack ourselves from the human madness and pain that we have been entrenched in. We learn how to be in life in a connected way – knowing what it is to Go Quantum and have Life/Source/Creation flowing through us as us.

We know that Life unfolds itself in our experience to the letter according to our Inner Belief systems, and that when we heal these beliefs not only does our entire experience change, but also we deeply change at our core. We no longer play life the way we used to.

We get better and we do better.

We live life powerfully, as a master of our life from the inside out rather than as a victim of life from the outside in.

I promise you when you get to that level – and even when you are in the process of it – the narcissist becomes less and less valid in your experience. You’ll get to the point where seeing him or her is as quickly forgotten as stepping over a slug on the pavement and moving on.

When you have truly understood that a narcissist’s purpose in your life is to thrust you into the deepest experience of darkness to be-come and anchor the Light, for yourself and humanity, then you know and start living in the truth.

I promise you that when you get there, your soul contact is complete and all that hurts, including your trauma symptoms, goes. You also go free of previous limitations and fears.

The narcissist will leave your experience and go smash someone else’s separation beliefs into fully blown consciousness – granting them exactly the opportunity you just experienced.

Are you ready to take your graduation, out of the darkness and pain into the interconnectedness and powerfulness of your True Life? If so come with me. The journey not just SAVED my life, it also GAVE me my life – and I know it can do the same for you.

You can get this started by clicking this link.

And if you want to see more of my videos, please subscribe so that you will be notified as soon as each new one is released. And if you liked this – click like. Also, please share with your communities so that we can help people awaken to these truths.

As always, I am greatly looking forward to answering your comments and questions below.


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67 thoughts on “The Spiritual Vampire – How To Eradicate A Narcissist’s Energy From You For Good

    1. Thankyou so much Melanie, for giving me hope after years of emotional pain, the link to the narcissist is still there, after 30 years, although we are long separated. After losing his last partner, he wrote a 10 page letter telling me of all the things he had done over the years, including visiting most countries in the world, rising to the top in his work, and then ending with the reason he left all those years ago, was that I was manipulative. This hurt me so much and sent me spiralling down again into self doubt and despair. Why would he do this, and I am told not to respond to him, which leaves me with so much anguish. Are these people ill? Because I felt I loved him, and certainly do care, it is time to heal myself, and so thankyou again for your kindness. Also, your lovely grey cat, makes life seem normal and innocent and joyful, it is so beautiful.

      1. Hi Esme,

        It is so your time to heal, enough is enough.

        Please check out NARP, it really is the way to achieve this powerfully and directly

        And with it you have the full support of the entire NARP community and myself to specifically help you get to where we are … plus you get to try NARP at no risk.

        I’m so glad Tiggy brings you love and peace!

        I look forward to helping you start to Thrive Esme.

        Much love to you

        Mel 🙏💕♥️

        1. This article was absolutely amazing. It brought tears to my eyes. Reason being after months into my healing and after the discard, I had begun to have less anger when I realized in my terms, that he was my lesson. As a lightworker I realized he made me face my darkness and I had in fact looked for him to save me from it. I never thought I would say ever that I am grateful for meeting the last Narcissist, that experience saver me…

  1. @Elderberry, I’m praying for you and your son. IMO, I wouldn’t say he *is* the darkness. Rather, if he is asking for healing by proxy, then I would say he is *in* darkness and looking for a way out of [it] because he doesn’t know what to do/he is leaning on you. This is a good opportunity for the both of you to enrol in NARP. It is a life changer. God speed and blessings to you and your son.

  2. Dear Melanie, As much as I respect you and love your material, I am disappointed with your take on darkness. Evil exists and it is very real. I am not talking about narcissists necessarily. Please take into consideration that you may not have had the experience that would prove my point. I know what you are talking about and used to think the same way but demons are real. Just remember, for example, Bruce Lee. He fought demons all his life and eventually lost his life because of them. Sending love and best wishes.

    1. Hi Marina,

      This was always going to be a controversial topic.

      Our maturity really is to allow others their opinions without needing to change them, and knowing it certainly doesn’t have to impact our own wellbeing.

      How much of the world, nations and races have killed each other because of disagreements on beliefs – giving rise to unconscious separatism.

      Live, bless and let live I say.

      Much love and best wishes to you too.

      Mel 🙏💕♥️

    2. I liked the article but I completely agree with you. Her article carries a ‘new age” hooey flavor. It serves to candy coat the reality of depravity and evil in narcissist that’s very dangerous. Anyone who has witnessed the narcissists mask slip and observed their shocking contorted face with the look of complete terror and abject horror on it really gets it! It is by far one of the most shocking experiences in life. Lastly, may I please remind everyone that both Scott Peterson and Chris Watts are ‘Covert Narcissist Sociopaths’! This is not something that meditation or yoga is ill equipped to handle. Narcissist are very dangerous psychologically, emotionally and physically— make no mistake.

  3. Thanks for this article.
    These are complicated questions and I applaud your braveness in taking them on. Recently I was listening to Anita Moorjani videos and she was describing us all as being connected, comparing it visually to a spider’s web and each spirit being a point of connection on that web. She mentioned how when we send out love into the web we affect the whole web, and that it matters less what we are doing than how we are feeling as we do it. I can remember a narc telling me once that he didn’t think he had a soul and in that moment I felt such sadness that this was his feeling. I recall once hearing a person who had a NDE say how God feels sadness for all souls who are disconnected from the love, or at least think that they are. My instinct regarding the narcissist was that he did indeed have a soul but his connection to love and loving himself was badly damaged. Anita also said when choosing a “religion” or organization that if it gave you a feeling of love and connection and community that that was good, but if someone was selling you fear, to run in the other direction. I try to keep this in mind even in everyday conversations with people. I bought into fear for so many years and for me it creates illness, sadness and feelings of victimization. I don’t know what happens to the souls of people who are disconnected from love, but I believe God loves us all and them too without exception. It’s a gut feeling. I was raised a Christian, but my gut tells me that God does not discriminate against non-Christians… it doesn’t “feel” possible. Love is the power that creates and sustains life… all life. Anyhow, that’s my “guts” 2 cents on that. 🙂

    1. I ‘ve just read your comment as well as Melanie’s explanations. All I can say is: wow. Melanie has just opened like a new window on my life and I’ve discovered three of my most important false beliefs concerning my life and of not being whole as I am. I think I’ve even made out their origins as well. which are mostly ancient traditions, the European enlightenment, romanticism and the beliefs of the village where I was brought up. It may sound spooky, and yes, it truly is. And I perfectly agree with you view, dear DMJ, in particular what you’ve written about running away when communities try to sell you fear and about God and Love.
      Much love,

  4. Great article as always, thank you. I have a few questions- does the narcissist stay a narcissist through every incarnation? Is that their eternal fate until they wake up or do they automatically get healed once they pass over? Does the narcissist consciously choose to become a narcissist, do they have a choice when they are young?

    1. Uh, I have narcissists on both sides of my family & in-laws and I’d say – a very little choice 🙁 I’m observing my beloved niece sinking into it – what chance does she have with her parents? … But, until we heal, we are ALL abusers – some abuse themselves, some themselves and others. Not much difference. … God must be really huuuge and most generous being/soul/whatever 🙂 to put up with all our nonsense. 🙁

      1. Hi Ariana,

        I just think God loves us anyway, without requirement.

        We are all going home, and are home with God … because that is all that is!

        We’re just playing down here … working it all out!

        Mel 🙏💕♥️

  5. Hi Mel,

    Thanks again for a brilliant episode, keep doing this marvelous job, sending you love, support and blessings.

    I have learnt a lot from you and i look forward to continue growing and expanding. I have been using NARP for almost two years now, one of the things i love about awakening is that sometimes people approach me to share personal issues in their lives, am able to share a lot from your teachings and my experience and the most beautiful thing is that shortly after they report feeling better and i witness positive results in their lives, it is very encouraging.

    Recently one of those people opened up about having bipolar disease, my heart goes out to him hearing his struggle and the anguish he sometimes is under, he told me he is on medication, but i felt like there could be something more that can be done… my understanding is as much bipolar is a mental disorder it is not a personality disorder, meaning that it may be possible for a person with bipolar to self partner, to release the trauma and get better…is this possible,? share your wisdom dear one.., i will truly appreciate.


    2. Hi Thriver,

      Thank you for your blessings!

      That is beautiful that you are leaving this forward, I adore the ripple effect.

      I do believe in so many cases that when trauma is released that is generating a condition that the condition will heal.

      I also believe nutrition is a massive factor. There are so many toxins in our contemporary food sources, that if we don’t eat clean whole foods, a great deal of our nervous and brain functions can be affected.

      Lots of love

      Mel 🙏💕♥️

    3. Bipolar disorder, not disease, is a mood disorder and can range in severity from mild to severe. All Dr’s want to treat with antipsychotics but this only treats the symptoms. It’s a chemical imbalance but what’s causing this? I believe many mental health conditions are related to trauma and if someone is having thoughts of suicide, then “talk therapy” is not going to help much. I’m a firm believer in EMDR because it works. EFT seems to be gaining in popularity and has similar effects. Also, somatic experiencing tablework is much more effective than talking. Anybody can talk about their issues but putting skills into play is the cincher.

  6. My life enfolds to the letter, according to my internal, personal belief systems. I am a powerful, creative quantum creator.

    Over dinner with my son (flying monkey to his narc dad for a while) last night, I asserted myself by describing how it felt to be usurped by his dad for July 4th, our Independence Day (for myself on the quanta level, as well, too!) I’d made plans for my four children and their significants to join me for a three day stay-cation at a resort. The youngest let me know he would see what he could arrange and then let me know he’d be going to Catalina Island. I described how it hurt in my heart and I felt a pang in my stomach, my jaw is tight in part to chill, but likely due to the emotions. I let him know I give for fun and for free and want honest, straight commitment. After explaining he really needed to get out of the city, he chose Catalina, but we came to an agreement that he and his girlfriend, who was present, would meet me when they return Sunday. I asked him not to involve me in the conversation he planned with his dad concerning his need to get back Sunday at noon because his dad has a way of doing the opposite of whatever I desire. He said he would tell his dad he needs to get back to see mum. Of course, I agreed my son needs to have a relationship with his dad. I told my son to have that relationship without putting me in the margins of my son’s life.

  7. i can surely see leaving a narcissist when younger, i am a 70 yr old woman married 30 years to a narcissist….i feel i have left it too long.
    Is their hope for me? How will i ever do this?
    Please..any positive feedback?

    1. There is always hope! Try Mel’s healing course, and see if that helps. If your finances are being controlled, try the free course. Blessings on your journey-

    2. Hi O and T,

      Please know there have been ladies in their 70s and beyond who are now free and Thriving

      I so want you to know our Life and soul is ageless, and when you honour and live true to you, then life can love and honour you too.

      Sending you love and healing.

      Mel 🙏💕♥️

  8. I am a quantum powerhouse creator!

    Mel, Thank you for another amazing and amazingly timely video! It is wonderful to hear that the journey does not necessarily have an ending, only a beginning. I am still learning and growing, and love my life! And, I am still uncovering/discovering beliefs formerly unconscious that mess with the life I want to enjoy this time around. Sometimes it takes a few weeks even, to figure out the phrase I will use in mod11, to transmute a particular belief or trauma. In fact i just yesterday went to sleep asking about a situation in my life and woke up with the key phrase: a belief that women are evil and must be controlled to keep the world safe. Interesting, in light (ahem) of today’s video! Glad you are still working on some of this too, that helps me know it is a normal process 🙂 I suspect this belief is a hold over from ages past. Time now for it to transmute! New statement will be something like this: “As a woman, I am good and powerful, and I use, and deserve to use, my power freely.” It would be great to hear a video or article on this. Perhaps I am not the only lady with this embedded belief from some distant past?

    Much, much, much (!) gratitude and love –


    1. Hi Valerie,

      Lovely to hear from you!

      This is so great you are finding and releasing core human terrible beliefs! They can run very deep in our energy systems.

      I truly did have many ones regarding being a woman which were thwarting my life.

      Sure re doing a TTV on this … I’ll put it to the team!

      Much love to you.

      Mel 🙏💕♥️

  9. I have believed for a long time now that I have had a spiritual awakening but also have some internal struggles to overcome. This last year has seen me dealing with the first narcissist and finally completely cutting off all contact rather than continuing court battles and then just 3 weeks ago walking away from the 8 year current one after being sick and tired of the manipulation and pain associated with confusion and NOT listening to my intuition. I believe based on past therapy, when we are able to accept our own responsibility in how these relationships play out, and I’m not saying it is our fault, but to understand where our weaknesses are, we can start to heal as we become aware how they make us vulnerable to others. A huge breakthrough for me yesterday was my idea that I’d always had ‘issues’ with trust and to show I didn’t have an issue, I actually trusted blindly which soon put me into the phase of cognitive dissonance and ignoring my intuition and the breakdown of my boundaries. This ultimately set me up for years of abuse of lying, cheating, manipulation, gaslighting, discarding and more recently the triangulation. A period of little contact helped greatly in actually giving me space to start to analyse what I wanted in the relationship and also to understand, the unmasked person I was now dealing with was in no way a person I wanted in my life any longer. And I think that’s a really important point. While I was horribly damaged the first time, it was the change from ‘why am I not good enough’ to “does this person deserve my love, energy, devotion, trust, etc” that made my decision this time much easier. I am still trying to sort the inconsistencies in my head as it’s only been 3 weeks but I know what I DON’T want anymore. If this is someone’s first time going through this, keep on the course because it eventually does get better. You’ll experience freedom, peace and find strength within yourself you never knew you had while they’ll remain forever.

    1. Hi Kathy,

      That is so true what you have said about ‘trust’. And this issue can create cognitive dissonance when we just blindly trust!

      I think this would make a great TTV episode!

      Thats so great that you know what you want now.

      Stay strong you are doing a great job.

      Mel 🙏💕♥️

  10. Thank you for this blog post I appreciated it so very much! It reminded me who I am and how to plug-in, again and again. I read it just when I needed it! I’m grateful and hopeful and I am now going to go spend some time turning inward to love.

  11. Elderberry: I am sorry you are having so much difficulty with your son, finances, accessing the program and with technology. However, I also understand it would be frustrating for Melanie and her staff if they can’t communicate with you easily.

    In my opinion, evil is real. Not that your son is evil, but he seems very “dark”. I’ve had it in the past when I was dealing with an evil entity that electronics, phone calls, etc. that I needed to make to get help simply wouldn’t work, allow calls to be made, etc. It was a worrisome time in my life that didn’t improve until after much prayer and a priest visit. Not that this is the case, but prayer to your higher power never hurts.

    Perhaps you could go to a friends or a library to access the internet there. Best wishes.

    1. Tanya, I totally agree with you. That is exactly true.

      I once had to post a letter internationally 22 times – this after sending it by email countless times!! The court kept claiming they never got it. It was only when I sent it by private messenger at a cost of almost $100 US that the receipt could not be denied.

      Interference with communication is a wave. You have to be determined to stay the course. Anger will fuel the problem.

      I still have constant trouble with technology and I can not wear any watches. I understand the energy of Spirit somehow interacts with electronics, so I don’t get upset. I just keep finding solutions.

      Hope that helps. Please do not blame or accuse Melanie and stop to recognize how much attention has been given.

  12. Dear Melanie ,
    Sorry for my poor english , I write from Italy , a banal sentence , maybe for someone ” Banal” helped me a lot . This sentence fix me like a glove and clarified in my mind what for years , make me misrepresent the reality of the men ” issue ” … About Elderberry , her main problem is her son .. Living with a substance user is TO surely affect your mental health and serenity …. How sad for Elderberry … My brother has a ” mid level” substance user , now and THEN … IN MY AREA SOMEONE MADE THE PROPOSAL TO PUT IN JAIL E EVERYONE WHO USE DRUGs … In my opinion Melany , IT might be CRUEL , but is the best solution !!!

  13. Hi Melanie,

    i feel i’m at the point that I really want to shift out this energy. But i can also feel the energy of the narc still and yesterday after the masterclass your team tried to update my NARP account but now it’s locked and I feel triggered and i cannot use the modules now…then i wonder is this coincidence? Just when i’m really doing the work on myself? Is this interference of the energy of the narc?
    Can you please help me getting acces again to the program since i don’t have downloads and feel i really need to shift dense energy out of my system?

    Thank you <3

  14. Melanie,

    I do find your web really good. I would like to post some comments because I think they can be useful to whoever believes in what I am going to explain.

    I am a bit extrasensory sensitive. I have been practicing meditation for 30 years now and this has opened my subtle sensitivity. When I establish a close relation with someone I can sometimes feel the feelings of the other person. I clearly feel when the other person is thinking about me (but not what she is thinking), and I feel her feelings comletely clear, no matter how far she is from me. After time the other person starts feeling me also. I suppose I tend to create what is parapsychology is called ‘astral chords’.

    Why am I explaining this? Because I have had at least two of such relations with narcissistic women. The first one was not only narcissistic but had also borderline personality disorder, histrionic personality and probably other disorders. The second one, from which I am try¡ng to get apart now, I think is just narcissistic, from the covert type. I have discovered it when we had already established a very strong inner relation. And my former boss, a man, was also a narcissist.

    And what have I felt in them? I know that they all have extrasensory capacities coming from birth, not from long spiritual practice as in my case, and that they are using such capacities for manipulating people. When I started to feel the bond with the second one, I felt that she was conciously playing with it to attract me sexually to her. She has a husband and decided to play with me (a work colleague) to get her narcissistic supplement. I did not realize about the play and because of some comments she made, that she was not feeling well with her partner and so on, (shame on me) I thought that I was the one to give her some affective supplement. From that moment on a pulling and rejection play started and our astral connection was getting stronger. She never accepted having sex or even a conversation other than some short Whatsapp messages with me, but was playing with the astral chord till the point we started sharing full sexual sensations in the distance. We had some Whatsapp conversations about this and she was feeling the same as me. At the workplace she punished me with complete disregard most of the days. I was feeling that from time to time she was feeling strong love for me, even if she was disregarding me physically. I thought that this attitude came from emotional conflict. I now realize she was loving me when I was giving her narcissistic suppliment out of her disregard for me.

    I got tired of it all and told her that I did not want to have such energetic relation with someone who was disregarding me this way. From that day on, hell has started. She, who was amazed of what she was feeling with me, told me in a very bad mood, in a moment I could corner her that she did not believe in all that, that we were at different frequencies, and so on. I am 99% sure that she has started telling my work colleagues that I am crazy, that I believe in telepathy, that I chase her for having sex and so on. I have seen it in my colleagues glances and reactions towards me.

    Anyway, what I want to say with this whole story is this: I think some narcissists have extrasensory abilities that they use more or less conciously for dominating people and establishing emotional bonds with them, and from my experience I think these abilities are more common between narcissists and people with other mental disorders that between sane people. The subtle bonds that are created between people are very difficult to cut, because the more you think about someone, either positively or negatively, the stronger they get. And they make you feel good. You feel someone really inside you and feel complete, no matter which type of person is on the other side.

    I know most people reading this will think that I am insane. I just wanted to post the comment in case it brings light to someone about the emotional bonds that can be created between people and why it is sometimes so difficult to cut them.

    1. Hi Andreu,

      This is 100 percent correct. Enmeshment with a narcissist is a fully blown psychic phenomenon of them infiltrating your energy field.

      The becessary detox is about healing within us the parts that are not yet whole that unconsciously allow the infiltration.

      Then there cant be one. This is exactly what my NARP Program does and why it is so effective.

      Much love to you and thank you for your share.

      Mel 🙏💕♥️

  15. This is by far THE MOST POWERFUL episode Melanie has published! I’ve been divorced from my narc husband for 3 years now and searching for answers… WHAT was I dealing with, WHY did I marry this person, and HOW do I heal? This episode describes to a tee what my marriage was for me and today I’m in a better place than I have ever been. My daughter asked me about 2 years ago why I married her father and I’ve been searching since. THIS is why: my narc father caused trauma in me that I refused to address. I believed in separation and replicated it in my relationships. I realized one fateful day 3.5 years ago that although everything on the outside was ‘perfect’, nothing worked on the inside. I was utterly alone in a relationship with a manipulative, controlling, critical, gas-lighting person who was starting to visit these horrors on my child. It has been a long journey but I’m now focused on OWNING my traumas and their replication in my life and getting better every day, for me and my daughter. Keep going, keep turning within to find your light. You will find it.

      1. Hi Melanie,

        I love that you reply to these comments! Thank you for being you and doing this life changing, life affirming work. You are saving lives my friend!

        Lots of love,

          1. Went through module 9 yesterday. Too bad I couln’t see more details.. this time- there were many, needed to heal from many lifecycles… AND then HE made contact…I didn’t even read it !! Today he called, and left a voice message…and the empowered quantum newly born me suggested, wheather he is going to die, and I am his last resourse- or wheather he comes with the sweetest dream promissed- I don’t need to be bothered, and don’t even want to know. My insides are firm and calm. Apparently- this is a life energy reforming system !!! Thank you are only two words…

          2. How wonderful Sharone you are doing the work and have your inner power now.

            That’s what Thriving with NARP is all about.

            Bless you and be really proud of you, you are doing great!

            Lots of love

            Mel 🙏💕♥️

  16. Melanie, I would like to ask if I might use some of your information about Narcissists in the 3rd book I am writing. I have been a victim as My mother was and my older brother was. I am still being victimized but my Mother and Brother are now gone to heaven, where I know they found peace.
    I will give you credit for anything I use.

    Thank You,

    Karen Hickman

  17. Although I don’t fully understand some of your comments on Quantum energy etc., I feel in my gut that what you have to say is absolutely spot on.
    I relate to your description of your own feelings, and feel that to free myself from constantly thinking about the ‘most current’ narcissist in my life, I have to understand what it is in me that attracts these people into my life and what it is in me, that allows them to trigger me.

    Since childhood I’ve been surrounded by narcissist, sister, mother, father of my child, friends. At times I wonder, am I simply labelling all these people as narcissist? surely there can’t be that many in the world that I more often that not, find myself in relationships or friendships with people who want to undermine me, use me and character assassinate me, I even wonder, is there something wrong with me that I am not aware of that triggers this is these people?

    At this time I find myself waking up and immediately my thoughts are about the more recent narcissist and more worrying, my anger and the need to seek revenge! I want to crush this person, but I know this is not the answer.

    I accept that I ‘attract’ and willing become involved with narcissists, they appeal to me, the fun, the charm, the thoughtfulness……..until it’s not fun anymore and I’m being attacked in ways that are very difficult to respond to because it’s often so subtle.

    On reflection I can see that I had opportunities to form relationships with men who were kind and caring, yet didn’t, so there must be something that resonates with a narrcisist that constantly draws them to me and me to them. Honestly, I always have a ‘gut feeling’ at the start, but think – wait and see, don’t judge too quickly, it has always proven correct.

    So now it’s down to seeking out what in me is causing this attraction, I’m tired of frequently finding myself in the same position and wasting so much time obsessing about them when there are others in my life who provide love, support and light hearted friendships.

    Thanks for your videos and lessons, I’m going to get stuck in this weekend!!

  18. i was going to disagree about the symptom not the problem but then i read on and i stopped becuas eihave spent years study the issue and ur right on nose. i escape a list of them who failed to beat the spirit out of me including one vampire ssister who is jennifers body laughs at everthing and think they cna roll over the issue and not face it. because i gog to strong they feel threaten. i was to strong and insighted and up on i for persons to take advantage of me and that might been worse thing they can experince. losing at the game of abuse. even after he got his pidgeon i call the nelly lovette roll model of woman to do his shit with him hate on me after i was not his wife or his source, he could not leave it alone. he wanted to folow me and to terrorize me and have her help. she has his kids. with a develpomentaly retarted abusive punk jamaican who kicks puppies and follows somene who did not givehim my soul or world or be his source but was kind to him. it was over was not enough killing me was . he is times a few of them who failed and might still have soul tie into me silently and to threaten to kill me after run over me laugh at me thinking i was a fool and want to kill me break me failed. i came uphappy and forward focus. but three years ago i was set up saaw through the larger narcisist who was put in front of me this time to be their mascot and to cal him into the game and i was not go lose my soul or life after i almost did to a few sick punks seeking fake dollars quick life and other. i was a real person and this man could not deal with it. i had nothing against him it was not my time to know anyone and sense the evil to kill me was tied to this man and to obvious. if said i saw through it the person who i left would say. i saw through her she was obvous and to not have to be the one who iis sick. its him not me. i was not seek his money or suport from him and he has to pay for sex and get white people to pay him to have sex with him. i was not that kind of person. and be a riks for aids. the part about having tap on your soul. this person and the others wante to prove they were psychic and can kill you even if they are gone from sight are not gone. and i was attack three year ago in a blnd spot while recovering from some punches that did not take me down and happy with god and peaceful. what took place was part of four part death punch which was set up that the man could get a shot at me with my borders lower but not down, and then induce a fatal reactino in me and which was so intense and so greivious at that part of my climb in life to take it all away after a very terrible life that i turn into happy again and rising star. the person was somene they could manniupulate and use his power and to get him to hate me was the person who i left who failed to jitl me and he wanted this man to suck me in and then damage me toss me out as ifi was fool. and i did not need a man like he need a woman. i was free and care free for last time and happy healhty before this game and the tragic abuse to me. it trigger the end of world iand was set up to destroy in one second or les every aspect of my miracle life and to remove parts of my coping and sense and instincts of people and defense and other and put a toxic thing into my life and kill me and then get him to hate anger and to have person kill me. the ex and other ex i part of him. one or more of them none of them dfeat me so the one who is the trouble person who is an evil jinn tell the and any person who failed to abuse and kill me that he was go help them win by rewrite my history and reverse and usin gmagicl abuse and games. this lead to a tragic wound and other narcisist on other end of persons who as family who failed to kill me were also given the chance to not jsut take back my soul and but induce cancer in me so they felt ok and other insane games. to induce mental illness where i was not mentaly broken or sick and one very sick sister who is so obvious and to make me stuid would make them smart make me sick make them healhty and make me weak to make them strog a list of them. persons who should have protected me from the abuse instead to use them to kill me. i escape one person years ago who was called back into it by the sick sister who j ust is so clumsy tht she kill with it.. with her actions and its like opps did i just run over your dog. or you or call devil in to your life and instead of consider the dmage and truama going on. she ignorne it to make me like her conciously i feel not unconciously. as result i start to fall into homeless sickness from a star and then not one person stop what is go on or ask. all of them are narcisssit and i said to mysel today its the pattern of them wanting and to abuse and induce on someone what is done to them by persons or parents which is as you said. the symptom of the cylcles of careless persons abuse and keeps going . i read about the jezzibelle spirit is my sister and which induce and cuase as much evil to go on and describes my sister and others and this punk i was kind to in jamiacan who wont go away who looks like penny wise in IT. for three years ihave been batrterd and attack by other narccisit who flock to wounds to seek someone to attack and abuse where i was let to die wounded when i got to a dr to treat the wounds so i did not turn into the walking dead and or somene like them or be killed. it has been one sick person after other tear me upand voices and psychic games and my body and brain being twisted and turn inside out without any way to regain my defense and power to keep them out i began to suffer which then gives some other ugly person a person to abuse.which becomes the cycles unti the victim ten turn into one himlself or kill . my case is now a very sad story of extreme and the abuse cmae from psychic means. for three yeras i was battered to feral and speachless and to damge of my brain so i could not heal i was pushed to homeless and narcisisist i had been a victim of before or abuse by before as family or other i had to go to to ask for help and ignore me. who then create more issues. so i have said for a long time its the narcisdiistic vampires in society who are the issue who are also attention greedy. same persons i speak of are criticize trump for his being one are one. i said if there was a therapy to go to of one person who is realy smart and tell them who they are not what thhey want to hear who they can not kill as they did me for telling truth, maybe they might change. its truth. these people are worst they also use influence to have other folow them and killl the one who is not to follow them .. i began to suffer trauma ptsd and my dr did not reomove me and they twisted ny brain and body and were inside me seeking any way to make me sick just so happen this one sister is bent on cancer and my friends said shew as going to kill me one day and after three years of strange things and abuse and no one care and let me to die and fall down from stars. guess what.. i was very healhty before this and wise about mybody and who got near me and what and who was go on so i know where i was and these people can not lose even if they lose they will find a persone with a crow bar and break your leg and they are the tonya hardings . no one was keep these asshole down the keep other sdown by rob and rape and abuse and seek someone to abuse and lower to feel on top. this is part of sick society i dont deal with ut they drag me down to.

  19. I am dealing with three narcissists at the moment. One is a elderly parent that I’m trying to take care of. One is an ex-wife who has cut off all contact with my only child. The other is a person at Church. This person, like others before, is threatening physical violence against me. As a Eastern Orthodox Christian I agree with your assessment. Unlike the western christian approach to having an individual salvation, the Orthodox believe that we are saved together. We try not to fix those around us, but focus on what is broken within us. After reading the book, The Sociopath Next Door, I believe the only hope for a narcissist to change, is to be involved in a belief system that emphasizes unity. I also believe that the increase in sociopaths/narcissists in our society is directly connected to the increased encouragement of narcissistic behavior. In other words, narcissism is an evolutionary adaptation triggered by what society considers is normal behavior (ie. If narcissistic behavior is encouraged, then the number of narcissist born also increases, because they are the only ones that can thrive in such an environment.). None of your fellow phycologist can even spot them anymore. I had two that loved my sociopathic ex-wife. One even wrote a letter to the court saying it would be best that my son live with her. My psychologist sister claims that our parent “Doesn’t meet the criteria.” I know better, I have been tortured by this person my entire life. From my experience of these people, they all share the ability of not being able to forgive. That is the basic problem that ties them all together. But why is it that I haven’t read anything about this? Just to give you a taste of what I’m talking about: My parent told me, years ago (in my thirties), they were holding something against me I did when I was ten. When I asked what it was they said “They couldn’t remember.” Doesn’t meet the criteria there Dr. Kirk? Why should I trust another psychologist?

  20. I don’t yet believe I’m a powerful quantum creator at all or a powerful anything. However, my jaw dropped when you articulated the trauma beliefs that stem from the belief in separation. You echoed all the false beliefs created by narcissism I have believed, lived by, spoken and written out on paper exactly! I also definitely saw the narcissist as a benevolent father figure I never had and would tell him so! I have attracted many narcs into my life. I never saw how directly tied all these beliefs are to the belief in separation until now. Thank you for this important understanding. And though I’m still trapped inside of these beliefs and can’t see anything else besides, I have an awareness of it which I guess is a step toward healing.

  21. Thank you Melanie for running this blog! Total catalyst for emotional healing. This is the quietest epidemic around imo. It destroys friends, families and lovers. But we all just write it off as – keep looking and we’ll find a new fish.
    First, one must figure out their true sense of self, build boundaries and hold to them with extreme vigor – this is a battle for your sanity and worse case life. Soon, you will go from the people-pleaser to the a-hole. Why because that’s what it takes to firm up the edges of our spirit. You cannot let them feed off your positive energy indefinitely.
    When I finally woke up, in a hospital by the way, I read as many self help books as possible. And found out I was surrounded by these entities: my boss, partner, best ‘friend’ and prob father. It’s taken years to finally start cleaning house. If you’re here, your on the right path.
    @Andreu – your post in particular motivated me to respond – Your spot-on. Many narcs seem to have an innate sense of emptional perception and use it to gain control of others. I’m still going through a lond distance text relationship. I keep pushing her away, but she just keeps coming back. It’s like the narcissist literally cannot change their ways. They’re completely oblivious to their own shortcomings. And they never listen, that’s the other red flag.
    –Powerful Quantum Creater indeed–

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