I know you want your power back to detach, repel and heal from narcissists so that the infection of narcissistic abuse is no longer your reality.
Totally, you want to have 100% immunity against them.
There is a way you can do this, and it’s achieved by activating your immunity from within.
So, let me share with you, in today’s Thriver TV episode, how to stand up to, break away from and get emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually free from a person who is destroying your life.
In ways that absolutely work!
Video Transcript
You may have heard the expression, “if you don’t go within you go without”.
I totally believe, in relation to narcissists and everything and anything that we fear, this expression is the ultimate truth.
In today’s TTV episode I want to talk to you about how to take your power back, in absolute ways from within.
I hope that this can inspire you, regardless of what a narcissist tries to do, to know that you can become immune to him or her.
You can win this fight against the darkness that has permeated your life.
Okay, so before we get started on this video, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting the Thriver Mission and helping people know it’s possible to heal for real from narcissistic abuse. And, if you haven’t yet subscribed, I’d like to remind you to please do so.
Alright, onto the episode!
What Does Immunity Mean?
It means protection or an exemption from something. Which means not having to experience this thing anymore, or even at all.
How do we become immune to something?
The obvious answer is to have a powerful immunity.
My total belief is immunity comes from within, as the activation of our own already inner coded wisdom, power, freedom and health. It is our Divine Right to live as the highest expression of ourselves, regardless of outside threats.
If we truly are a part of the Oneness and all of Creation (a child of God/ Source) then it would be ridiculous to assume that we don’t have this ability or right.
In fact, to declare that we do not means resigning to accept ourselves as lesser beings. This is the ultimate act of handing your power away.
When you feel like a lesser being, you struggle to have faith and belief in yourself, or your own rights, health and value.
This is a perfect situation for the narcissist to latch onto you and infiltrate your soul and life. Then he or she can feed off your energy and resources for their own self-serving agendas.
This is a state of not having immunity.
Looking For External Immunity
When stuck in the powerlessness of narcissistic abuse, we often try to get somebody else to offer us our “immunity” or “protection”.
But does this work?
In my own life, and that of so many others, the experience was of people in our lives not being able to help us. Maybe they didn’t even believe in our cries for help, let alone believe they should support us.
Additionally, what is common is authorities not holding the narcissist accountable, and even laws being non-existent to protect us.
Of course, this can lead you to feel victimised, unsupported and incapable on your own when trying to stand up to, break away from and get emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually free from this person who is destroying your life.
Bargaining With the Devil
If you haven’t as yet become immune to a narcissist within your own being, then you may believe your only option is to try to get this person to play nice or change.
Maybe you are struggling to get past the heartbreak if you leave. Or, this person may have threatened you, and you know that they will be hostile and unreasonable if you try to leave.
Maybe you don’t know how it will be possible to survive on your own if you leave.
I used to feel exactly the same way, with all those things and so many more, which I know so many of you have faced as well.
In this position of helplessness, you may think handing over to the narcissist what he or she wants, can keep you safe and you can continue to exist.
But it’s a bottomless pit. It never stops. This person will never be appeased and will never stop sucking your soul and life dry. There is never a point where the payoff to you is love, health or safety.
Ever. Truly, ever!
Finally, so many of us realised this and directly experienced trying to make a deal that equalled selling your soul.
The Person Behind the Curtain
An astounding phenomenon begins to take place when you start to take your power back.
When you turn within to take the radical responsibility to heal and shore up every fear, gap and insecurity that you’ve ever had about yourself in your life, (which is all the stuff the narcissist is bringing to light and triggered within you) then this person who is hurting, manipulating and mining you for their own agenda, starts to lose power.
Many of us now know the following – narcissists need your fear and pain to exist in your experience. When you cut that off and go inside to the fear and pain and heal it up for yourself, then the narcissist can no longer use your negative and traumatised energy against you.
You discover that this person doesn’t have their own energy force. They are not powerful. They are like a parasitical virus who needs your “lack of immunity” (fear and wounds) to be able to get their hooks into you and start messing with you.
That is exactly what this infection, known as narcissistic abuse, is about.
If you are dedicated to your well-being, your emotional detoxing and up levelling (which is exactly what the NARP process is) and you have given up the victim model of trying to make other people and situations responsible for your life …
You’re in the driver’s seat.
Now you’ve taken your power back.
How to “Be” Immunity
The number one thing regarding being immune to a narcissist is to do the deep inner work on your wounds so that you are no longer triggered.
Then you will show up as clear and calm and powerful within the storm.
This helps you to start emerging as knowing who you are. Your truth and values will start to feel real for you and anchored in as your body truths. You will stop buying into the fear of them trying to get you to hand over your power.
And most definitely you are now breaking free of the belief that this person is your Source and that you need them to solve your problems and supply your life for you.
Remember, you are an incredible Creator who is capable of incredible love, power and truth As You Are.
Now you have unlocked the truth to life, that Life is always granting you more of what the composition of your Inner Being is being.
As such, your greatest mission is to emotionally create and claim Who You Really Are.
Then you can detach and simply state and walk facts and truth, and keep releasing all and any of the fears that arise for you.
Then without even needing to know outcomes, or have a looking glass, you just live it. Then the alchemy of life around you starts forming to support and confirm exactly this truth.
The Conclusion of Narcissistic Immunity
My Thriver Way to heal takes a stand for TRUE narcissistic immunity.
This goes way beyond just being mere survivors. Rather, it catapults you into personal expansion, as a result of cleaning up all of the internal fear, pain and insecurities that we have all carried that were assigning other people as our Source, causing us to hand our power away to people who can hurt us.
We are all now in a time of Grand Awakening, of taking our power back from outside parasitical forces of many descriptions.
If you take a stand for your Grand Awakening, then I’d love you to write “I Declare My Narcissistic Immunity!” in the comments below.
And, if you know it’s your time to shore up all your fear and pain and get powerful in your own body, then come with me, and check out my Free Webinar to learn how to do this.
I can’t wait to show you how this is possible.
And as always, I look forward to answering your comments and questions below.
I declare my narcissistic immunity!!! Thank you Melanie! This came at a perfect time (struggle).
Hi W,
you are very welcome and I’m so pleased that it did.
Much love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
As survivors we built immunity by having experienced the disease. You had to suffer for a season to build up the necessary antibodies of self-worth that ward off the resource-seeking narcissists, those emotional parasites, financial leeches and spiritual demons masquerading as good citizens. Ravenous wolves in sheep’s clothing. Whitewashed sepulchres full of dead men’s bones. Thank God for allowing us to go through that dark tunnel because weeping endures for a night but joy cometh in the morning! 🌞
Hi My Fair Lady,
I totally agree with what you have written.
Absolute truth!
Much love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
I declare my narcissistic immunity! Thank you Melanie.
Hi Elaine,
great for you!
You are very welcome and so much love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
Hi Elaine,
it is my pleasure!
Much love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
In the name of who I am that I am, I declare my narcissistic immunity!!!!
I declare my narcissistic immunity! I’m going through I terrible time trying to stop the flash backs and thoughts of does he miss me and so on. It’s been 2 weeks since I moved out and have not had any contact. Your words from this video is helping me find my strength. THANK YOU!
Hi Jessy,
I’m so pleased that this episode has helped you.
Jessy, my highest suggestion to you to free yourself quickly and powerfully from the flashbacks is to consider doing the inner work with NARP http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/narp
To find out more about NARP and discover how Quanta Freedom Healing Helps you to heal powerfully from the inside, I’d love you to come into my free webinar http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/freewebinar to experience this.
I hope that this helps and much love to you.
You’ve got this!
Mel 🙏💕💚
Keep strong Jessy, don’t look back, keep looking forward, you have done absolutely the right thing to reclaim your life back. I have done 7 weeks no contact and every day you will get stronger and every day with no contact he will fade away until he becomes a dim narrative.
Thank you Mel for giving us all so much strength and making us all feel we are not alone! x
I declare my narcasstic immunity🙏❤️
Awesome Luisa!
Love and blessings
Mel 🙏💕💚
I declare my narissistic immunity !!! It’s taken me nearly 3 years to be able to say this but I’m so glad I made it we are stronger than we think xx
Hi Sarah,
so true, we are stronger than we think!
Power and breakthroughs to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
Jessy stay strong because a life without narcissistic abuse is freedom you will get there my thoughts are with you I totally understand what you are going through right now but I promise once you heal from within you will NEVER look back xxx
I took a stand and it worked. I did your program and it truly changed my life. My x picks up the kids bi weekly and leaves me alone. I am unaffected by him. It’s amazing. I have helped others and will continue 🙂 ❤️❤️
Hi Andrea,
I am so thrilled for you, and it has been a joy to see your blossoming!
Many continued blessings to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
I declare my narcissistic immunity
Power to you Theresa!
Much Love
Mel 🙏💕💚
I declare my narcissist immunity. I cant be scared, intimidated, abused and used anymore.
I declare my narcissistic immunity!!!
That’s beautiful Mayleen,
Love and blessings to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
I declare my narcissistic immunity 💐💕😊👍👍
Way to go ms!
Power and blessings to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
“I Declare My Narcissistic Immunity!!!!!!!!!!From this moment forward.
Recently, I came within a hair of selling myself out for a false future. At the last minute, my Soul stepped in and made it impossible for me to do so. I feel it partly because of the healing I have done through your Thriver episodes and your teachings on the site. Thank you so much, Melanie. I have been able to restore some of my power through your teachings and strength.
Hi JC,
That is wonderful that you stood in your power.
Much love and beautiful breakthroughs to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
I Declare my Narcissistic Immunity.!!🧡🧡✊🏾
Great work Ashley,
Much love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
I declare my narcissistic immunity!!!!!!!!!
Hi Kirstie,
You go girl!
Much Love
Mel 🙏💕💚
I declare my narcissistic immunity. Freedom!! Joy, happiness, peace, no BS, no more
That’s awesome Antonio,
Love your spirit!
Mel 🙏💕💚
I declare my narcissistic immunity. Finally after 5 years of insanity my narc is suffering the consequences of his actions. Finally authorities listened to me and agreed that his actions were actually crimes. He is in jail. It doesn’t feel good having to hurt someone but there is a great relief in knowing he will have years to think about it all and that I can now start healing. The information and encouragement I have gotten here kept me going long enough to see this through. I can’t thank you enough🙏
Hi Mindy,
I am so pleased for you that you are free and healing. Please know you are welcome.
Love and blessings to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
I wish they would listen to me – 3 years after freeing myself he is still up locally shaming me and last night yet another vile post naming me and my business making false claims – but apparently not breaching the restraining order so can’t do anything. He seems immune to anything and can carry on using social media to attack me day in day out I hope I get this result one day and this gives me hope x
“I Declare My Narcissistic Immunity!”
Dear Melanie and all,
Everyone and all the information is so helpful and I wish the best for all. Thank you. I would like to know if you would recommend the “gold program” or another for me. What I would really like to do, I think, is connect with other people whom may be able to be helpful or offer some perspective to me, especially in regard to the legal process. If you think this would actually be of help? I think I am quite well adjusted. I have gone “no contact” but am still involved in a 3.5 year divorce after a 38 year marriage. A settlement was reached, but my husband has appealed 3 times. It is still in the court system. He is using the lawyers and the court to abuse me now. Meanwhile, I have received the two horses, which are very expensive to maintain, and I gave up the house and 3 businesses to get them. I was happy to do that, but I should have received much money in the settlement– however, I have received no financial support (he’s fighting over the amount–and pays nothing while he appeals) and at 70 it is very difficult to make ends meet. As others have said, although you can fight this in court, the lawyers have no reason to see the divorce end, and at this point I have no money left. Do I walk away….and live on my pension only….while he gets everything (we are talking quite a bit). I am very happy without him and well adjusted…I have the animals, many friends, and a small art business selling paintings but just occasionally. It seems unfair that he should get everything that should be split equally….but how long do I fight this for? I’m not getting any younger. Of course, there have been smear campaigns, lies, police, even trying to declare me incompetent….I am passed all that–I just would like to move on. Can I? How? I am in the deep south in the USA and find the system stacked against women. Is there some group that could offer guidance? Could I learn from other’s experience? Thank you very much. Patti.
Hi Patti,
I commend you on your courage and heart to get this far. You have done an amazing job!
I would, absolutely strongly suggest The NARP Gold Program http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/narp
The reason why NARP is so effective is that by doing the inner work and releasing all and everything within that has been connected to the trauma, you can rise into a much powerful and more solid self, who will know what to do. And the great thing is you will absolutely make peace with your decision, and it will unfold in a way that supports you as much as you are now supporting your inner being.
Far and away the members in this community, who work with NARP diligently, receive the most effective disconnections, and transitions into their new life, regardless of whether they pursue the legal route or let go of that pursuit.
Additionally Patti, there is incredible support and free coaching that comes with Gold NARP in the NARP members forum, which is available to you as an unlimited lifetime source to assist you at this time, and any time that you wish to heal, progress and breakthrough, regarding anything to do with narcissistic abuse and life in general.
I hope that this helps and that you can feel the support that is available
Much love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
Thank you so much for your reply and kind words. Yes, I will sign up!
I have a court hearing tomorrow…and will do it right after.
Thank you again for your inspiring work! Patti.
It is my pleasure Patti,
That’s great that you’re committing to healing you!
Sending you power and best wishes for tomorrow
Mel 🙏💕💚
I declare my narcissistic immunity!
Great work Deborah!
Mel 🙏💕💚
Hi Melanie,
I have two questions:
1. Does this mean we can reconsider limited contact to a narcissistic mother without jeopardizing our mental health when we have done the inner work?
2. I purchased the NAPR Modules and have been dilligently working with them. At one point i think i went too much into the story of what happened and re-traumatized myself. I got panic attacks. Took me 2 days to get out of the state. How do I just feel the feelings to release them without hooking up with the story? The images of what happened just appear to me.
Hi Muna,
In relation to your first question, your Inner Being will be the gauge.
Can you be around her and be detached and untriggered? Do you need to speak up and lay boundaries and follow through with not being around her if she cant respect you?
As you heal you will know the answers to this.
With question two yes absolutely it will be best for you to stay out of the story and just feel the trauma in your body viscerally and follow the NARP process … we can help you with how to in the NARP members forum http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/member
Are you a Gold Member? I cant recommend this resource enough for you.
I hope this helps and much love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
Thsnk you for your response Mel. I just upgraded to Gold.
Hi Melanie, thank you for the emails. It helps. “I declare my narcissistic immunity”. Not easy to get rid of my fears though to move overseas (I’m dutch) and end the “marriage”. ♡
Hi Evelyne,
It is my pleasure and that’s great that you have made your declaration.
I’m sending you strength and blessings, and I’d love you to come into my free webinar http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/free webinar to learn how you can anchor into your True Self and power.
I hope this helps.
Much love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
Just step out in faith Evelyne you will never look back, you can Do this, Blessings Col
Thanks Melanie.
Stay safe
Hi Petsls,
I love your declaration!
You are very welcome and thank you for your well wishes.
Much love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
Yes! I declare my narcissistic immunity! I have been NARPing for several weeks now and experiencing what feels like a healthy detachment and my perspective has shifted so much. Thank you, Melanie, I am determined to thrive! 💞
Hi Abhaya,
I’m so happy that you’ve shifted so much!
Please know how welcome you are and I love your beautiful attitude.
Much love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
I declare my narcissistic immunity.
That’s beautiful Ava!
Many blessings to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
Melanie, I worked through the modules two years ago, and was successfully and authentically leveled up and grounded. My ex is now older and not as well, and his attempts to pull me in have bounced like water off of a duck with no effort and only some pity. This is the culmination of doing the work. You are so right, it all simply becomes so nonsensical and uninteresting. And you know that they know you have changed…their power becomes purely null and void in the most liberating way.
Hi Sheri,
I love that the NARP work http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/narp delivered you to the other side!
I’m so happy for you and your beautiful breakthrough into your True Life!
Much love to you Sheri,
Mel 🙏💕💚
I declare my narcissistic immunity and committed to doing my inner work and becoming more aware of my wounds to heal them. Thank you
Hi Jessica,
You are very welcome.
That orientation is so beautiful!
Well done and sending you many blessings.
Mel 🙏💕💚
I Declare My Narcissistic Immunity, the NARP-program has already been of great help.
I recommand it dearly.
I start every day with both the modules and the meditation. Thank you so much!
Hi Ana,
I’m so pleased that NARP has helped you so much.
Your dedication is wonderful and I’m not surprised that you are breaking through the way that you are!
Many continued blessings and much love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
I declare my narcissistic immunity! A traumatic childhood is my trigger. I have strength tattooed on my arm for a reason, 3 beautiful kids and a career to live for. He continues to be a priahhna…..I continued to want to heal within. I need support.
Hi Heather,
that is a lot to live for Dear Lady.
Heather my highest recommendation to you is NARP http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/narp
That is the system and the incredible support network that has created unprecedented healing for myself and so many others.
Much love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
Thanks Melanie..you are like a elder sister..I am in touch with your wisdom since 2 years….I have healed almost 50%..I will try more
Hi A,
that’s so sweet!
I’m glad I could help and that you are determined to go for more!
Much love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
I declare my narcissistic immunity. I left 9 months ago with my baby. I’m concerned about our future and the narcissist always being in our lives. I determined to get stronger and heal for the both of us.
Good for you Rebecca. Stay strong. I stayed until my baby was grown up and wish I’d left earlier. The NARP process has allowed me to completely detach from the insanity of it all. I wish you every good wish and much love 💕
Thank you x
Hi Rebecca,
I love your determination for you and your baby.
Sending you blessings, breakthroughs and love to you both
Mel 🙏💕💚
Thank you x
I declare my narcissistic immunity!!! Am getting stronger and stronger when l don’t focus on what’s happening on the outside. My motto now is ‘so within so without’….when l feel triggered of any of my narc husband many ploy, l turn inside and self soothe myself.
It’s powerful what you are doing. I can’t believe this people are all over even in Africa Kenya. And they are like brothers!!! Uuurrrgh ! Thanks Mel…,
Hi Elizabeth,
but so beautiful that you’re turning inwards!
You’re very welcome and much love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
I declare my narcissistic immunity! I’ve started your program few years ago, mainly because at that time I was with my N husband, who passed away last year after a long cancer battle. But something happened recently that has reminded me that I have not healed completely, yet, as I’ve given away my power twice and I’m facing the consequences financially…back to NARP to heal myself!
Many blessings to you all.
Hi Gabriella,
that’s beautiful that you have recommitted to your Inner Being.
Much love to you Dear Lady
Mel 🙏💕💚
I declare my narcissistic immunity
Power to you Ocean Breeze!
Much love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
I declare my narcissistic immunity from this moment, going forward. Thanks Melanie x
That’s so beautiful Amanda!
Please know how welcome you are.
Love and blessings to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
I declare my narcissistic immunity.
Married for 42 years, but only realised that my husband was controlling me about a year ago. Just thought I was crazy (as he often told me). I was under the illusion that we could improve our marriage. It was never going to work out, he left in January to live with his other woman (the one I imagined).
It was frightening to imagine starting a new life aged 70. I am getting my confidence back and feel empowered! The Covid isolation has worked well for me, giving me time to get to know and love myself and I am now looking forward to the rest of my life.
Well done Claire. You sound so positive and strong. It’s inspiring
Hi Claire,
You should be so proud of yourself!
Claire, you are an absolute inspiration I am so happy for you!
Much love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
I declare my narcissistic immunity !!!!
I’m a year into healing with Narp and I thank you with all my heart Mel for bringing this work to our community-
And even though I am going through a horrendous divorce I know that I am no longer a victim scared of his smearing lies and financial manipulation.
With out Narp I could never have found the tools to heal and find the love and care for myself – I know now I can do more than just survive I can THRIVE !!!!!! Thank you Mel
Hi Colette,
I’m so pleased that NARP http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/narp is helping you so much.
You are doing such a powerful and amazing job!
Continued love and blessings to you always
Mel 🙏💕💚
I declare my narssistic immunity. As always thank you Mel 💖
Hi Annabelle,
And as always you are most welcome.
Much love to you Dear Lady
Mel 🙏💕💚
I declare my narcissistic immunity.
Warm thoughts and wishes to everyone.
Hey Katie
All the best to you too. I hope your life becomes the one you dreamed of.
I declare my narcissistic immunity
I do I do I do ( sing abba to my self)
Looking forward to the day those thoughts have long gone
Hi Karen,
So gorgeous!
Love ABBA!
Much love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
Thanks again Melanie, such wisdom and really Common sense, our body has a natural immunity to Sickness, So why not our Spirit and Soul, i Declare my Narcissistic immunity
It’s my pleasure Col,
You are 100% correct!
Much love
Mel 🙏💕💚
I have left my girlfriend after a 5year relationship. It’s the forth time that I am trying it. All three times before she managed to turn me back.Although I had no contact for a month, I cant stop thinking of her each day. I cant go to full no contact because we are working together. In different departments but still together. She has already tried to hook me with emails and coming talk to me. She cant be more narcissistic then she is. She has everything that describes a narcissist and I had the abuse cycle many times. She is a specialist in Love bombing and I cant erase our sex moments because it’s the best sex I ever had. I am 50 years old (she is 39) and desperred. I am afraid I will never stop thinking of her. But trully I dont want to get back. I even try hard to do my job and my health is not in a good condition
I declare my Immunity from my Narc.
Apostolos my situation has similarities to yours. Thank you for your honesty!!
I was 19 years older than my N. And yes as a guy I experienced great sex and
put myself into a 10 year marriage, even though I felt we were “basically”
in love, although I felt some doubts about her inner self. And after doing the Gold
Narp Program now for 1 and a half years, have discovered that I was very Co-
Dependent in the relationship. Divorced now, went No contact, and stayed turned
away from her after she tried to open contact a few months ago, I feel Empowered.
As you can see I can now declare that Immunity from the Narc. I have been quite
financially drained from it all, but have saved myself, thanks to the NARP Recovery
Program. Best of Strength to you Apostolos. Keep following your heart and I hope
to see you declaring Immunity, Safety and Peace of Mind on the Narp Gold Forum.
Hi Apostolos,
It takes great courage to reach out as honestly as you have.
What you sre describing is the addictive quality of narcissistic abuse. I promise you that it is incredibly common.
Please google my name plus peptide addiction and this will help you understand at a deeper level what is really going on.
I also would love you come into my free webinar http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/freewebinar to learn how you can break free and take your sanity and life back as well as get free from all of these obsessive thoughts.
Sending you strength and healing
Mel 🙏💕💚
I declare my narcissistic immunity! I am in the process of leaving my narcissist husband. Thank you for these tools and all the love and support <3 I’ve had two horrific relationships with narcissists in the last five years. I have a child with both of them. I am so grateful for this work that helps arm me and my daughters so I can truly take my life back for good <3
Hi Holly,
I love your spirit.
Absolutely you will Dear Lady and please know that we are here with you all the way.
Much love to you and your daughters
Mel 🙏💕💚
“I Declare My Narcissistic Immunity!” in the comments below”.
Much love to you Abby,
Mel 🙏💕💚
I declare my narcisstic immunity. My husband use to say one day the devil will run from your Mom!
Bless Brenda,
Much love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
I am seeing the results of all of the work from using the NARP program on so many levels. I know I still have a lot of work ahead of me, but I love me “now” regardless of how things may look on the outside. I am in low contact with the Narcissist.
My first progress after using the NARP program – I felt a “knowing” that I was
stronger/ changed. After weeks now, there has been a feeling that I could stand up” inside”, and out, and my head cleared. A curtain was pulled open lately, and I could finally see the real Narcissist!!
This is different from when I discovered that he is a true Narcissist in Oct. 2019. All of the months of research and reading back then, gave me knowledge and anger and grief and some relief, but I was still caught in the trap/cage/prison/. The NARP program is working on a much higher level.
This episode puts into the perfect words, what I have discovered for myself only yesterday, but could not put my finger on it- I Declare My Narcissistic Immunity!
I look forward to increasing and thriving, it seems like a dream that is coming closer and I have so much yearning for this,
Much love to you Mel and your team:)
Hi Gen,
I adore how with the inner work of NARP http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/narp that people not only reclaim their soul, but also anchor into True Self wisdom.
I am so happy for you that this shift has happened!
You are well on your way and big kudos to you for your inner work efforts.
Love and blessings to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
The NARP program is invaluable! Thank you, Melanie!!
And, I highly recommend a great resource for divorcing a narc: the book entitled “Splitting”.
I’m thriving!!!
Hi Pamela,
I’m so pleased that NARP http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/narp has helped so much!
Thank you for the Splitting recommendation to others!
Many continued blessings and much love
Mel 🙏💕💚
I declare my narissistic immunity!!! I am going through a rough time and i am struggling to let go i pray about all the time, i think it’s because of fear at the same time i know i need to detach find myself again. We are still staying together and it is not easy at all i am miserable and unhappy i lost confidence in myself. I am in a terrible situation i truly need help Melanie!
Hi Sifiso,
My heart goes out to you at this time.
That fear is perfectly understandable.
I’d love you to come into my free webinar http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/freewebinar where I can explain to you how to get power and relief and your soul back.
I hope that this helps.
Much love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
I declare my narcissistic immunity.
Brilliant Alexis,
Mel 🙏💕💚
I declare my narcissist immunity. Such an awesome statement that made me smile and deeply happy to say loudly and repeat several times. Thank you, Melanie, for everything.🙏
Im so glad you loved this!
Power and love to you!
Many blessings
Mel 🙏💕💚
I declare my narcissistic immunity….thank you beautiful soul xx
…I have a question; do narcissist come into conflict with each other or form relationships?
Hi Holly,
This little Facebook video of mine may help answer that question.
Much love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
Thank you for that video Melanie,
I declare my Narcissistic immunity.
Sending much love & thanks from Bath, UK
Alex Bass/aka Toke-Nichols
PS Separated 6 months ago & about to go through divorce proceedings
Hi Alex,
It’s my pleasure!
Many blessings and power for your divorce.
Much love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
Hi Melanie!
I declare my narcisstic immunity!
Question: My mom is the narcissist.. so are you saying that I must cut all contact with her? I just find that so hard to conceive doing.. especially to a mother who has given birth to us and brought us up, and we’ve been taught to more than respect and love and take care of her.. both in our religion and culture.. So “mother” is a very sensitive topic. Do you have any resources for specifically Narcissistic mother – daughter relationship ?
Thank you so much!
Btw I am so fed up of her that I think going no contact with her (WITHOUT Guilt) would be so…amazing! Though I think No contact would be kind of impossible.. due to other family members around.. Max I could do would be MINIMAL contact.
Much love. <3
Hi Amy,
Absolutely, going no contact with a parent is a very big deal. It’s totally understandable that you can feel so much guilt and confusion around doing this.
If you Google my name plus the topic “narcissistic family members”, “elderly narcissist”, and “no contact with family members”, you will find many resources that go into much deeper detail than I can in a reply to you here.
I hope that these resources can help you a lot.
In relation to healing and taking your power back from any narcissist in your life, including specifically a narcissistic mother, I can’t recommend enough my NARP Program http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/narp
This healing system is what has helped many people in this community heal from narcissistic mothers.
I hope that all of this helps and much love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
Alright I will check those out, thank you.
I have another question: Since you have become a MASTER of your emotions, do you NEVER cry??
Much love xx
Hi Amy,
That’s a great Amy, I’m really happy for you that you can do that.
Absolutely I cry! I cry for joy, and I cry when I let go of deep wounds with Quanta Freedom Healing (NARP).
It’s such a part of being self partnered and being alive, and I adore every part of it.
Much love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
I declare my narcissistic immunity
I declare my narcissistic immunity!!!
Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom. I’m separated for the fourth time from my narcissistic husband of 27 years. Every time I went back I could never understand why I did it. Now thanks to you I am understanding what I’m going through. I still tried to go back to him already….thank goodness he wouldn’t have me at that time (already has the new girlfriend). Since then I have had more time to work your program and I am getting stronger daily and feel now if he came knocking I could turn him away for good.
You are a life saver
Bless you
Hi Stehanie,
It is my pleasure!
That’s beautiful that you’re working with NARP now and that you getting stronger.
You’ve got this!
Many blessings and much love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
I declare my narcissistic immunity. This video came in a highly synchronized way. God bless you Melanie 🙏❤
Hi Arjuna,
That’s beautiful!
I’m so pleased that this resonated with you.
Much love and many blessings to you as well.
Mel 🙏💕💚
I declare my Narcissistic Immunity .I spent 7 years with this man child.I raised his daughter ,Her Mother is also a narcissist,psycho,I felt like I was the only one that could understand this child,and I was not wrong .Yes i figured him out after about a year .He has a way of making me feel more miserable then anyone could ever.He liked to pretend we were married .I hated it because if we were going to be a real family, marriage needed to happen. So many excuses ,so much agony he gave me.I stayed for her.They moved sold the house ,left me with nothing .I mean nothing .I have blocked him from calling me,I can breathe again .I got the gold so I can heal faster ,I spent way to many years being a codependent empath.I want to heal myself ,I want Freedom from being used and manipulated .I hope,I really hope this program works for me .I want to be free forever of this self defeating lifestyle.I cant take another relationship .Im destroyed and lack confidence .He immediately found a new woman and they are talking marriage.devastating feeling .
I declare my narcissistic IMMUNITY!!!! Thank you Mel & all who shared. God Bless you all.
That’s gorgeous Marie!
Thank you for your blessings to all and many from all of us to you!
Much Love
Mel 🙏💕💚
I declare my Narcissistic Immunity!!
I declare My narcissitic immunity!
I declare my Narcisstic Immunity!
Well done Glynis!
Mel 🙏💕💚
I was given best advice once about the narcissist,,, if you can’t leave them ( a parent ) Keep your distance don’t go out of your way to accommodate them and the best piece of advice in your mind put on a white lab coat and observe them like a mental patient because that is literally what they are and that has helped me in my life especially to know that there’s nothing wrong with me it’s them and their insecurities
I Declare My Narcissistic Immunity!
Thank you, I feel that you gave me the Key today!