Last week, in Series 5, “Integrating Incoming Ascension Energies”, we worked on preparing for Light Codes, meaning emotionally and spiritually coming into alignment to let these Higher Frequencies in. Many of you reported that this was the most powerful Quantum Freedom Healing™ session you’ve ever had.

And, now, we will start working on the physical body because this is extremely important to make personal ascension possible.

You may have been suffering lately from ascension symptoms. Commonly, these are feelings of insomnia, anxiety, fatigue, mood swings, headaches, and body aches and pain. There may even be digestive issues. These are all accentuated at the moment because of the intense electromagnetic energy presently pulsing down to planet Earth.

As ascending beings, we can accept how much the body and emotional self connect. Looking after your physical apparatus at this time will assist with all levels of your mood, how your body’s feeling, your emotional frequency, and your ability to feel empowered, enlightened, and activated.

It’s a very exciting time to use this time to our advantage because there are incredible opportunities right now to up our game, in the health department, to make the most of this shift from third-density to fifth-density capacity.


Opening Your Heart to Heal

The power of an open heart to heal can never be underestimated. Your connection to Source/God/ Creation starts with the connection to yourself. Immediately upon connecting to yourself with loving self-support and encouragement and allowing yourself to just be with whatever arises in loving and grateful ways, powerfully opens your heart to yourself.

This means not resisting your personal experience – no matter what it is – meeting it with love instead.

If your heart isn’t open to yourself, you are not open to the bounty of Source. Cultivating dropping into your heart space with love and acceptance, radiates and permeates throughout every part of your body. This chemically alters your frequency and then your biochemical processes, to bring your God/Source/Creation inner system online.

Your body is designed to do incredible, impeccable processes. To clean up toxins, eliminate them, and create the perfect internal environment for you to thrive. The problem has been the toxic assault our human experience has created as the enemy. Toxic emotional trauma wedged in our emotional somatic self, coupled with toxic chemicals, pesticides, and parasites has overloaded our physical apparatus so that it cannot function as it was designed by God/Source/Creation to do.

When your heart is closed, you are immediately in decreased immune function. You don’t have the frequency of God/Source/Creation, which is life force and well-being flowing through you. You’re on a negative 3D timeline, where you don’t know that you and God/Source/Creation are one. Your closed heart keeps you stuck in separation consciousness because you’re separated from yourself and then by default, God, Source, Creation, and Others.

This is the perfect environment for dis-ease, rather than ease of function. If your heart isn’t open to you, you can’t stay the course of health, self-devotion and self-care.

What does an open heart look like? Allowing, surrendering, and lovingly being with yourself, unconditionally. Not berating and diminishing yourself about your health choices. You can’t shame and blame yourself into action! Speaking to yourself as you would a child who you adore.

This immediately opens you up to well-being.

Then you can organically start making the choices that a loving self would. It also brings powerfully online the re-membering of the inner power you have to be healthy and trust your intuitive guidance, which is drastically increasing now that we are on fast-track ascension timelines.


Accepting the Dis-ease

 This may seem totally counterintuitive. Everything you’ve been taught is about resisting or going to war with painful parts of your body that are expressing themselves as dis-ease or being overweight (any uncomfortable or displeasing aspect). This is because the contemporary view has been to medicate symptoms but not address the root of the cause. In this time of fast-track ascension, your body will start pinging wherever it’s holding any dense energy (unresolved beliefs and traumas). The signal will become accentuated.

Many people that I know, and I’ve had this experience myself, have blessed and accepted a part of the body signalling, and then transitioned into the healing of the root cause of the dis-ease.

Being unhealthy is a beautiful opportunity and gift to self-partner and care for yourself!

After blessing and thanking this message, and accepting the dis-ease as a pathway to your Higher Self, you can move toward a great breakthrough.  Releasing the pain of the disease, also known as the symptom, with Quantum Freedom Healing greatly accelerates your healing – to line you up with the solution, which is the information, people, inspiration and motivation to successfully move from dis-ease into health and ease.

Are you suffering from body aches, fatigue, brain fog, or ringing in the ears? This can be such an intense time of discomfort. It’s because of rising from 2-strand DNA to the evolved human of 12-strand DNA, taking our rightful place back as the capacity and Light force that we were always created to be. Huge changes are happening within us to accomplish this.

If you close your heart to the passage and journey (not accepting that it is all meant to be), choose toxic pastimes and people, and seek chemicals outside of yourself to put on top of existing toxicity instead of cleaning up your body to do its own phenomenal healing, this keeps you stuck in a loop of spiraling down into more and more pain.

Clearly, those of you here working ascension are not orientated towards this. If you slip and digress, you know it’s not serving you. This is a time to get serious.

Presently I’m in a detox. It’s day six today. I’m doing really well, even though I still have some symptoms. The first couple of days were pretty tough. After travelling and not eating cleanly, and being in really toxic environments I really needed this, it has been three years since the last one, plus wanting to be as clean and open for these ascension upgrades to be able to be absorbed and work efficiently in my body.

I am so excited and dedicated to being a NEW and TRUE human!

The breakthroughs I feel are already amazing. And a deeper journey of gratitude and acceptance. There are challenges in my life just as there are challenges in nearly everybody’s life right now. Being a Thriver doesn’t mean that you never have challenges. It means you turn breakdowns into breakthroughs and accelerated growth and expansion like a boss.

I know now how important it is for unity consciousness to have our heart open in acceptance, in gratitude, in surrender of all of this, no matter how it looks, or even if body parts are screaming at you right now.



The Relevance of De-toxing

I’d like you to consider that our organic well-being and health, because we are a fractal of God/Source/Creation, already exists. We naturally are health, life force and expansion. What is stopping us from being our true essence, is toxification. The toxic people and situations, plus the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, the medicines we take, and the products we put on and around us are full of toxic chemicals. Healing dis-ease is not about putting more chemicals on top of inflammatory responses and breakdowns in the body that have occurred because of chemicals.

Our health, with the emotional, mental, spiritual and physical bodies, is about detoxifying, which means Letting Go. This is why we do Quanta Freedom Healing™, to let go of internal traumas robbing us of our life and health. As a spirit in a flesh suit, there is also a necessity to eliminate toxins from your body. In many ways, the body will naturally do this, if granted the right environment and conditions, organic food, filtered water, being mindful about products, and looking at natural ways to live and thrive rather than using chemicals.

Yet, maybe your body is overloaded. You feel heavy, sluggish, bloated, irritable, anxious, and can’t sleep well. You may have chronic inflammatory dis-ease somewhere in your body.  This is because parasites, heavy metals and pollutants are not allowing your body to function healthily.

Additionally, toxic overload can disconnect you from your heart, because you feel bad, ugly, unworthy and unlovable. Toxins also block your pineal gland, shutting it down, and blocking intuition. This means you don’t have an open channel to receive guidance and stay stuck in low-frequency energy.

Detoxing can grant you a radical turnaround in your health because it drastically heals inflammation. The excess weight you’ve gained and the bloating is because of inflammation. These are autoimmune responses in your body to foreign matter – toxicity. A good detox protocol also helps to kill off the parasites that crave bad food within you, thus helping you overcome carb and sugar addictions.

Presently this has been so helpful for me!

When you detox, in a healthy, supported way, you shed weight. Your body comes back online. You start glowing. You look younger. You feel fresher and vibrant. You have more energy. It’s a very small price to pay for the period that you do this detox in, for you to come out the other side as a new self.

Detoxes can have incredible results for aspects of the body that are not healing. If you do the research on detox results, you will see that people have healed many diseases, as well as reset their bodies in ways that are literally miraculous. The reason is that the body resets back to its organic well-being.

Other healthy things you can do for your body are Epsom salt baths, resting when you need to, being out in nature, grounding by getting your feet in the dirt, and getting enough sunlight and adequate sleep.

You may also wish to have your blood work done by a functional medicine expert or a naturopath to assess what’s happening inside your bio-functions. Then you can get directions on natural adjustments that will make a huge difference in your life. Years ago, after narcissistic abuse, I sought out that advice, and the differences coupled with Quanta Freedom Healing™ Shifts were incredible. Now, because of this fast-paced ascension, I’m organising to get the same done again, after this detox.

In Conclusion

Getting serious about taking care of your physical apparatus housing the soul and spirit that is co-creating ascension for humanity and planet Earth, means stepping up to the plate. The Age of Aquarius is about authenticity and self-responsibility rather than being a victim and expecting authorities to give you answers, or somebody to come along and rescue you. It’s about awakening to the power and the truth of your INNER Source Self. This starts with taking a stand for a devotion to yourself. Staying out of your head, and intending this through your heart.

There already is, in the future, a 5th density self of yours, in the future timeline, who is ascended, filled with Light codes, telepathic, compassionate, empathetic, transparent, authentic and empowered, who is living his or her best life from the inside out.

We will incorporate “Quantum Jumping” – moving you from your present 3D timeline to embody your 5D timeline – with Quanta Freedom Healing™ today. I’ve also energetically intended this to be incorporated into the previous Quanta Freedom Healing™ Sessions in Shifts Happen. You will soon see how this works!

Before the detox, my ego was putting up a big fight about this detox – multiple excuses to put it off. I did “Quantum Jumping” of timelines with Quanta Freedom Healing to be-come this Self (when you embody it, then all things related come). Then I flowed into the detox fully dedicated.

Which is the healing session we are doing today to deliver you vibrationally to the same.

After this, I’ll grant you additional healing suggestions to help heal and support your physical self, then in the Q and A, I will share my detox protocol and experiences, and answer any questions you have on this topic!

If you are not already, by becoming a Shifts Happen Member, you receive the full additions to this session, plus 17 other power-packed transformational sessions – that eliminate decades of recovery and healing, as you ascend into your Highest and Best Self – directly – the Quantum Way.

You can see all the details here:

I look forward to answering all of your questions and comments below.

Love Mel xo

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4 thoughts on “Shifts Happen – Series 5 – Session 18 – Physical Care During Ascension

  1. “ This starts with taking a stand for a devotion to yourself. Staying out of your head, and intending this through your heart.” 😊..Joy Melanie!!!! Thank you!!!!! ❤️😊🙏

    1. Hi Bill,

      so pleased this resonated with you!

      Please know how welcome you are.

      Much love to you

      Mel 🦋❤️🙏

  2. Can we use speedy NARP modules to help our body heal? If so which one as I’m experiencing this right now with pain.

  3. Hi Heather,

    yes you can!

    My suggestion is Speedy Shift Module 4 – the Source Healing and Resolution.

    This heals and resolves any issue in your life including dis-ease.

    If you use Modules 1-3 as tune-ups first – then this will be even more effective. I hope that this helps.

    Much Love

    Mel 🦋❤️🙏

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