There is a powerful phenomenon that is happening right now on planet earth. The next six weeks, for you, for all of us, are pivotal times. It’s eclipse season, meaning where we have the greatest opportunities for profound personal transformation.

This month, you could be delivered into your New Self, the Self that flows, aligns and manifests miracles in flow with Source (much more of an anchoring in of 5D), if you prepare for this, and know how to work with these energies instead of being in resistance to them.

Multiple cosmic alignments are amplifying ascension incoming energies right NOW. This is why it is timely, to discuss “Integrating Incoming Ascension Energies.”

Many of you in this community have been orientating towards 5D density upshifts. March is pivotal. So much so that I don’t believe we will be the same people after this month as we were going into it.



Ascension Energy and Opportunities NOW!

Let’s check back in about “ascension” and what this is really about. It is the awakening to “I am a Grand Creator.” Above all else, this means Being your Authentic Self. Realizing that you are not the small, battling, powerless self at the whim of your outer world that your programming has led you to believe.

Rather, you are made in the image and likeness of Source/God/Creation, of All That Is, and through living from your inner power center, operating in Higher Light frequency, you are capable of instant reversals and miracles for yourself, as well as being able to contribute powerfully to “The All”.

March is a huge month – massive energetically. You may already have noticed this year that manifestation has sped up. Your feelings, thoughts and intentions are rapidly manifesting, and in and after March this will be even more pronounced.

So many people are reporting this!

Therefore, mastery and spiritual frequency responsibility are important, to ride these waves of ascension consciously and for our benefit. To help you do that let’s talk about this session “Preparing for Light Codes.”

But before doing so, let’s look at what is presently going on cosmically …

The overlying reality is Light Codes streaming down to us. These are solar flares that are increasing in frequency and intensity. They are X flares – big ones, the largest measurable.

Many Shumann resonance experts, as well as spiritual channels, concur that this is all to do with the ascension shift occurring on Earth and in our universe. This is the shift from polarity – Separation Consciousness. The fear, pain, trauma, victimisation, dis-ease, poverty and war; feeling like we are powerless to affect change and have to accept this dysfunctional, dystopian programming, to breaking free and taking our True Self and 5D manifestation capacity back.

These are exciting times! Does this mean it’s all smooth sailing? No! For new orders to anchor in, the old orders need to come up to be released and dissolved. If we don’t know what is happening, and fight this process, it can feel like ongoing breakdowns with no relief.

This is why I felt so inspired to work with you, in Series 5, to help you midwife this BIG ascension changeover time!

Right now, we have a hot spot of accelerated ascension energies, happening over and above the solar flare activity. There is a Super New Moon today in Pisces. This is a massive healing opportunity – in this eclipse season, leading to the total eclipse coming in April.

Also, Chiron is on the North node, meaning that the healing up-shift taking place is “destiny”. Chiron says, ‘Look at this wound, it’s the springboard to your evolution, and if you don’t, you are going to miss this opportunity”. This is intense, Pisces is about the emotions of the deep unconscious, coming up now for review and release. This is the old self being purged, a time of profound transformation and change.



Also, there is a strong possibility that the Sun is about to have a magnetic polar field reversal – moving from solar maximum to solar minimum. The sun has a polar shift every 11 years. It’s due and many believe that in this eclipse season, which started this weekend, this could happen again any day now. Huge solar eruptions occur electromagnetically when the Sun reverses polarity.

Can you feel tension building? Does it feel to you like something is about to happen?

As a Human Being, you are made of energy, you are electromagnetic. Light frequencies are pouring in, bursting, flaring and increasing. Your literal DNA is being shaken up. Whatever is out of integrity, in the shadows is being busted up, forced up and challenged to be released.

Eclipse seasons signify the ending of eras and the beginning of new. You change, your life changes through them, and this is coupled with the New Moon, the solar fares, and Solar maximums leading to a polar shift …

Something really BIG is changing for all of us.

So let’s dive into how you can prepare.


Shifting Into Authenticity

The Age of Aquarius we are now firmly in is about authenticity. It’s about “the truth” seeing it, being it and dropping pretenses, games and falsities. Lies and self-serving manipulations are being exposed. In the Age of Aquarius, Unity Consciousness is the only true energy that can exist, therefore whatever is NOT of the Light is struggling to stand. Separation Consciousness was “power over” – ego, narcissism, and victimisation.  Now we are coming into co-creative Unity Consciousness – meaning Source and I, and life and Others are One.

What is intended must be for the truth and wellbeing of the Collective and not the “I”, but truth starts from soul truth. Your birthing into this era, is asking you “If something or someone is not the truth of you anymore, let it go”, so that you are free to create your authentic self, life, and Earth.

The next six weeks (eclipse season) will offer opportunities for incredible personal transformations. Eclipses mean completing cycles, ending them and new beginnings from a powerful, fresh perspective, if you consciously examine and release what is not serving you and allow in the new energies.

Right now, whatever you choose and intend will be amplified. Things ARE manifesting instantly – for good or bad. They will unravel very quickly and powerfully. It is such a convergence of BIG transformational energies that tissues will come up and even explode. Be prepared.


How To Prepare For This Grand UP-Shift Opportunity

Right now, your preparation is to BE yourself.

Honour you, stop handing power away to “the outside”. You are called now to act from our power centre, your inner Source knowing.

The Aquarian age calls you to BE an individual, self-responsible. Having faith in yourself, and backing yourself, no longer needing permission from anyone to be yourself. STOP trying to gain approval.

People may burst into anger with outbreaks of emotional expression and projections. You may feel like erupting yourself. Detach from others lashing out – remove yourself from the drama. Wait and process your own emotions before acting on them.

You have a choice right now – love, dignity and consciousness – 5th density awareness and rising, or cementing yourself down into 3rd density difficulties and trauma. The gap is getting larger for people to move from 3rd density traumatic victimised reality to 5th density, which is allowing Light Codes to enter and transform them.

This is death – rebirth. The old egoic self is burning off and dying – and the kinder we are to our vibrational reality the easier this will be to allow the Source Self to step in.

What is happening to us? A literal awakening of God/Source DNA. An ease of being a part of the Whole, in peace, love, intention, deservedness and detaching from the lower vibrational dramas. Knowing we have choices, the ability to turn our lives around extremely quickly by acting on guidance to Higher health, living and abundance, if we just stop trying to control,  let go, listen and follow.

The message is “Lighten The Load”, whatever you grant attention to will burst into MORE life into your life right now. This means finalising things that are draining your energy – get them sorted, delegate them off, or let them go completely. Clean up your living space so that you don’t have mental clutter. Do a tip run, donate old items – create space for the new energies to enter.

If people and situations are causing your drama, don’t participate. Set BOUNDARIES – what you will and won’t accept – without justifying, explaining or prescribing. It just “is” and Only YOU need to get these limits, no-one else does. Your actions and removing access to you speak louder than words.

You have already been going through great divisions with others over the last few years, and this is super accentuated now in 2024. Now is the time, if people and situations are out of alignment with your value for yourself, to no longer explain, justify or try to get people to get where you are coming from. The divide is here. They probably aren’t your people. If they “got” you, they would join in with you. The fact they aren’t, simply means they are not your people.

It’s time for you to be REAL about Who You Are, being the true vibration that allows these Light Codes to Enter.


The Promise of Your Light-Code Preparation

You are preparing to experience the magic of the Creator that you are. Things will start lining up and manifesting effortlessly with breakthroughs that will stun you. You will lose the attachments, fear and shackles regarding what other people are doing or what they think of you. Guilt towards those you have felt martyred to will melt away.

And there is so much more that our work and Quanta Freedom Healing™ shifts will deliver you to, over the four weeks of this Series.

Now, we can get started on our healing shifts for this session, to help you anchor into the preparation to receive these Light Codes.



By becoming a Shifts Happen Member, you receive this full session, plus 16 other power-packed transformational sessions – that eliminate decades of recovery and healing, as you ascend into your Highest and Best Self – directly – the Quantum Way.

You can see all the details here:

Love Mel xo

I look forward to answering all of your questions and comments below.

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One thought on “Shifts Happen – Series 5 – Session 17 – Preparing for Light Codes

  1. Lovely Mel,

    You asked ‘Can you feel tension building? Does it feel to you like something is about to happen?

    Yes, indeed. It gets very calm in some moments, almost as if nothing is moving, like the calm before a storm, nature is also very calm then, only the birds are singing, which is very unusual in my geographic area with typically lot more sounds & noise around. It feels like I could touch it. My natural reaction is to stand still and feel and listen, and breathe and let happen what has to happen for Wholeness and Oneness.



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