With our last session of the 4th Series of Shifts Happen, “Connecting with Others”, we move into attracting, choosing and maintaining evolved relationships.

The good news is, now on Plant Earth, in this time of accelerated ascension, this is more possible than ever – even though it may not seem this way!

Many of you have been going through catastrophic relationship breakdowns! Of loved ones, family, friends, work colleagues – maybe everywhere you look. Yet, please know this has been totally necessary for the new order to be ushered in, clearing the old and obsolete order out of the way.

This is not because there is something wrong with you or that you are operating in some sort of “superiority” and expect people to be “perfect”. Rather, it is because you cannot live inauthentically anymore. You are not prepared to be stuck in the 3D matrix, going along to get along, participating in victimised, unconscious, or even nasty behaviour.

Maybe you can no longer tolerate people who don’t care for people’s souls. Those who put stuff, labels, conformity and achievements in front of feelings, kindness, intuition, inspiration and soul truths. Dear Starseed your gentle, kind soul is calling you to get into self-honour and respect, and lead the way for others.

Can you relate to this?

Do you sense and know deeply now that there is a better way for humanity to live?



What are Evolved Relationships?

Evolved relationships don’t mean communing with people who have “guru status”, which is generally totally inauthentic anyway. We are all perfectly imperfect beings growing and healing. We are all in this together!

Evolved relationships are “messy” because they involve people who don’t brush stuff under the carpet and who face feelings and issues – their own and others. Conscious people seek to heal, grow and unify. This takes courage – to be responsibly honest in a relationship and to hold space with someone who will be honest with you.

These are relationships without masks. They require transparency and vulnerability. I hope dearly that our earlier sessions the last few weeks, have helped you greatly to become real.

Evolved relationships are truthful from a place of compassion rather than judgment. This takes self-shadow work, empathy, and the allowing and embracing of one’s flaws. It takes spiritual and emotional maturity to share honesty, to heal up, rather than tear down.


It’s Time To Usher In Evolved Relationships

As a Starseed, you have always been singled out. Why didn’t your life just work? Why didn’t you toe the line, get married, have a couple of kids, get a normal job and fit into life? Why were you so dramatic and disruptive?

You were likely born into a family where you are the black sheep.  You are the weird, unacceptable and difficult one!

As a Starseed, I know many of you feel pretty beaten up. Not only have you had the experience of someone abusing your soul for their own narcissistic supply, but it is likely that you came from an unconscious family. Unsupportive, and not empathetic.

Possibly you were treated you like an object that needed to comply, succeed or produce. Or you feel horribly discarded, violated, abandoned or neglected. The common denominator for almost all of us who have been damaged narcissistically is that there was damage in our childhoods.

The bottom line is that we didn’t feel loved or appreciated as ourselves. Maybe your caretakers never could care about your feelings, they didn’t have the resources, which meant they didn’t honour your soul. This may have always been the case and may still continue.

You are different. You are a spiritual revolutionist. Someone who looks at life from a much wider, deeper lens. You had to due to feeling misunderstood and unloved and because you, as a soul energy, purposefully set it up this way. This was never going to be a life of cruising and acceptance into 3D reality for you. You set up a life of reawakening to generate spiritual growth and ascension for yourself and others. You were BORN for this time – 5D ascension.

Yes! It feels lonely! But be truthful with yourself; would you ever have been at peace being so-called “normal”? You know it’s not what your soul wanted! You know these relationships and life are not for you!

If you are orientated toward a conscious 5D reality for yourself, and are ridiculed by people meant to be  “your people”, you can’t have evolved relationships with them – it’s impossible.

Simple examples are topics like food, health and career choices. 3D and 5D beliefs are markedly different. 3D conforms to the programmed status quo ranging from authorities, religion, societal and familial expectations and beliefs.

5D is one’s own intuition, soul-calling, Source “law” and Unity Consciousness truths, and trusting what feels right and what doesn’t.

3D continues the imprisonment of selling your soul to be what everyone else believes you should be.

5D grants the freedom to live the life your soul was created to live.

It’s now becoming very clear that it’s time to let go and no longer endure being stifled, judged, hidden, shamed, blamed and made to feel defective. You are the custodians of New Earth, no longer willing to live in pretences, deceit and games. You crave authenticity and true connection, which means I “see you and appreciate you”, knowing this must be a two-way street.

Because that IS a relationship.

You know those you are supposed to respect, need to earn respect. Regardless of their “stature” “age” or “position”. If they don’t value you, why should you continue respecting them? Rather, you need to say “You no longer have access to me.” Otherwise, you are just continuing to live out the toxic relationship patterns that have been 3D Earth.

You seek Unity and now see Separation so clearly. The 3D orientation “I am in the dark, chasing “stuff”, whilst cut off from Source, self and others” is becoming more obvious.  This way of living brings dead ends. Disappointments. Things are not working out.

3D people are experiencing the ineffectiveness of inauthentic decisions and actions now. If not awakening to Unity Consciousness, people in these breakdowns are projecting onto and blaming others. Those they can capture and manipulate, guilt, mine and justify so that they retain control.

However, the days of narcissistic abuse are numbered, as are the days of victim consciousness. For everyone, this means to sink or swim. Do you depart from the burning ship and swim to shore, or do you go down with it? Misery loves company, and people are not necessarily malicious. They may be unconsciously doing this, trying to survive – yet the results are the same – painful for all involved.

The question is, are you going to keep letting your 5D ascension be compromised? And at what cost?

In this grand splitting of timelines on Planet Earth – of 3D and 5D – you may have landed here, “You don’t need to agree with what I do or be in my life, but you need to care about and have kindness for my soul, and if not, I’m moving on.”

Yes, this is HUGE! And HARD! Yet, if you don’t, is there a part of you tethered and still in pain? Do you feel like someone owns this part of you, keeping you small, ashamed, feeling defective and not able to claim the True Source/Self that you were born to be at this time on planet Earth?

This is what I believe – right now – that these incidences are becoming more pronounced for so many people. Maybe there is a part of you seeking permission and recognition or other people’s blessings to unleash your True Self.

But can they?



What do evolved relationships require from BOTH parties?

1) Taking personal responsibility means acknowledging other people’s feelings and being able to self-reflect and apologise appropriately with empathy. (All humans mess up! Even evolving ones!)

2) Releasing victimisation. Stop blaming yourself, life and others (even Source) for the state of your life. Embrace the knowing this was all perfectly set in place as soul evolution opportunities to turn inwards, free ourselves from painful patterns and maladies and claim our True Source Self.

3) Humility. “The meek shall inherit the Earth.” Awakening to know your personality is NOT superior consciousness, and by getting out of your own way, you can receive and allow the Light Codes of Source/ All That Is in. To embrace the highest level of truth, Oneness, peace and wisdom that humankind is capable of (God Godding). Innerstanding that this is NOT of the mind; it’s of the soul.

Of course, kind people who are not spiritually ascending, but allow you to have your choices without continually questioning, judging or ridiculing them are fine to have in your life.

If you are judged and persecuted, speak up. Be honest; let people know what is or isn’t acceptable to your soul anymore. The most powerful thing you can do is make “I” statements about how this makes you feel.

Do they honour your feelings? Or do they double down with more projections? If they disrespect your feelings, then they have completely forsaken you because your soul IS your feelings.

There it is – you have your answer. DON’T forsake yourself by continuing to put your pearls in front of the swine. Many of your existing relationships may not come with you.

You may think – where do evolving relationships exist? I promise you they do, and it’s vital that you can shift your belief systems to be able to hold space for them to appear in your life.

Remember – powerful Creator that you are – what you believe and hold as a “truth” will be your manifested reality to the letter in the hologram of your Quantum Law Creation – so within, so without.

You don’t have time to play “potluck” anymore in lower-frequency realities. It’s on all of us, as adults, to decide and generate the relationships we wish to have in our lives. You don’t need many people as A-grade relationships – it’s quality over quantity.

Are you going to create with wind under your wings with like-minded evolved souls, or are you going to be continually shot out of the sky? Are you going to stay stuck in the persecuted, stifled, drowning fear and pain of the 3D karmic wheel, or are you going to get up and out of traumatic patterns into New Earth and be a shining example to others to do the same?

More and more people are now entering this frequency. Your shift into Higher frequencies, choices and soul-creations for New Earth is for all of humanity, helping hold and inspire this space for others – as well as unleashing your own greatest contributions, joy, love and rewards.


Can you believe it? We are already done with Series 4 of Shifts Happen – Connecting with others.

It has been a powerful journey of self-discovery and growth, and I am so proud of each and every one of you for showing up and doing the work.

Join our Shifts Happen Community Live Sessions NOW and download all the recordings in Series 4. You will also gain access to 12 more sessions from Series 1, 2 and 3.

This series will guide you in deepening your connection with yourself and with others through vulnerability, communication, and understanding.

But, as always, there is more to come.

And I am beyond excited to announce the upcoming Shifts Happen – Series 5 – Integrating Incoming Ascension Energies. 

In Shifts Happen – Series 5 – Integrating Incoming Ascension Energy, you will take everything we have learned in Series 4 and bring it to the next level.

So, it’s time to step into your true divinity and embody the incoming ascension energies that are permeating our world.

So what are you waiting for?

It’s time to embrace the light and step into the life you were born to live!

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10 thoughts on “Shifts Happen – Series 4 – Session 16 – Generating Evolved Relationships

  1. Thank you, this is a beautiful article. I feel like I’m trying so hard to let go with the ascending pull but the negative emotions and thoughts keep me stuck, and being hopelessly triggered by having to still be in contact with the person who triggered all this. How can I keep rising in the face of being triggered because that person is still in my vicinity? I’m practicing with putting up energetic shields, but the turbulence is within me.

    1. Hi Lan,

      you are very welcome.

      I empathise with you. It is very difficult, as you say, to be able to maintain a higher vibration when your emotional, somatic inner self is being literally “poisoned” by a toxic person.

      In our wonderful community myself, and so many of us Thrivers, work with Quanta Freedom Healing to remove internal trauma and triggers and anchor into inner solidness and power. It is a massive emotional game-changer and transforms everything in your life – from the inside out.

      In my own personal experience, there are people in my life I would not have been able to, detach, lay boundaries, detox from or reach a level of freedom with, with mere information alone. At the level of narcissistic abuse, for many of us, this just isn’t possible.

      Are you on my NARP Program? You have a full guarantee to try it, and I can’t recommend it enough.

      Many people when they do start NARP, because of the extreme difference in healing and recovery, instead of years or suffering and expensive therapy and loses in their life, wonder how they WERE trying to heal before NARP!


      I hope that this helps!

      Much Love

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  2. In addition, where I think I’m getting stuck is that, if I believe we are conscious creators, then why can’t I create a healthy relationship with the same person who triggered all this, if i still love them, why can’t I transform things? Why can’t I transcend my trauma and create a new relationship with them? I feel like I am a failure if I cannot create this, because this is where my desire still lies currently.

    1. Hi Lan,

      these desires are due to unhealed inner traumas.

      We “love” those that match our strong emotional programs regarding the topic of love.

      For example, if you have had the previous experiences of “the people I love invalidate and hurt me” then you will be attracted to the people who represent these unhealed inner parts. It’s a trauma bond.

      With inner healing work this program can end, and you then will have zero attraction to this person because you will have a different inner composition regarding love.

      You will go free of this person and the torture of having yourslf devestated with an unmakeable deal that was never meant to be a healthy relationship, rather the person who reflected back what you need to heal to go free from the painful internal pattern.

      As I wrote about in my previous reply to you – NARP is that inner reprograming work https://speedyshiftshappen.com/join-narp

      It’s powerful.

      It changes who you are attracted to, what and who you can easily let go of, and what your new life moving forward will become – healthy, fulfilling and safe for you.

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

  3. I homed in to your blog this morning especially where you say evolved relationships are ‘messy’ – and then unpack that – it was a relief to hear this and to continue accepting the mess and the very strong perceptions I now have – quality not quantity, yes. Thank you Melanie

  4. Dear Melanie, this is so resonating with me right now…I had to let go my whole intire family and new “relationships as I moved to another part of Spain. I prefere to stay in solitude during my next level of healing….letting go and beginning to be aligned again….experiencing synchronisities..Thank you so much Melanie, I would not have been here without you…

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