Leading with authenticity is not just about being honest – it is about leading from your soul – your True Source Self. It’s easy to be authentic when you feel supported or surrounded by people who get you – but what about when you are faced with the opposite?

It may surprise you to know you already ARE authentic. This is your natural state, yet terrible fears and false programs have caused you to be maladapted to toxic environments to survive.

Now, Dear Starseed, in this fast-track ascension that we are all in, you can FINALLY take back your power and free yourself. Being authentic will allow you to leave behind the “ordinary” and move forward into the “extraordinary”. Yet this takes immense courage.

It can feel very sad and painful to have to take this step. But to be FREE and to be YOU, you may not have any other choice!

Today’s discussion is about how authenticity has NOT been the norm on Planet Earth. It takes a monumental leap of faith to be authentic because your personal and painful losses are inevitable, endings will occur unless all your social, career and family circles are Starseeds!

The fear of being displaced is the number one reason why Starseeds struggle to be authentic and don’t live their authentic lives or feel so damaged by being disowning and displacement that they don’t activate their soul truths.

Yet, if you do, the true reward is not just a life well lived, but the generating of the only life that will truly fulfill you.



Facing Truths Regarding Others to Be Free To Be Yourself

Our previous episodes, specifically Series 1 – Session 3, “Free to Be Me”, have helped set this up for you, as well as the first two sessions of Series 4 – “Ascertaining Relationships” and “Risking Vulnerability”.

By working through these sessions, you have been able to start identifying who in your life is safe and healthy enough for you to be vulnerable (real) with. Now we are moving into the next step – leading with authenticity – meaning demonstrating your soul values in action.

Being authentic means being true to yourself and what you do in the world and staying true to who and what you serve. This is the “real you” in thought, word and deed. Your authenticity is what not only frees you to be finally and fully yourself – it’s also the key to creating your soul’s greatest success and closest relationships.

To be authentic means accepting yourself in your own skin – how can you BE this when around others who don’t accept you?

Today’s lesson requires a deep dive into the capacity of individuals in your life because who you ARE Being, has a lot to do with who you connect with. Are these people capable of humanity, able to hold space and commune with your authenticity, or are they stuck in self-absorption and in opposition to your authenticity?

Where does your true soul expression count, or is it wasted and even damaged?

What level of authenticity are you regularly able to vibrate in – high or low?

How and where can you inspire authenticity, and when do you need to remove it and carry on in other directions?

I hope that these questions and many more will get answered today!


What Authenticity Is Not

With narcissists, we subject our souls to inauthenticity. We went against our inner truth, choosing the desires of our fearful personality over our All-Knowing Soul, and we fell.

The greatest sell-out of authenticity is to ‘go along to get along”. You know when we do this because you suffer feelings of self-sabotage and even a deep soul-sickness.

If you are out of authenticity, you feel lost, confused, depressed, anxious and confused. Your soul lets you know that you are choosing lesser frequencies than who your soul, your Source Self, really is, such as when trying to make your soul career a format of “what the world wants” rather than following your authentic new earth soul calling.

Or when dumbing yourself down to fit into a lesser version of yourself that other people hold, so as not to upset them.

Lack of authenticity also happens each time you give in to a needy desire, such as “not wanting to be alone”, and therefore keep connected to partners, friends and even family who are assaulting your soul values.

Or perhaps you feel obligated and guilty. The connection is expected of you. You are supposed to martyr your feelings and values because this is “the right thing to do”. In a world indoctrinated with “ideas” and “programming” rather than Soul Truths, of course, you were trained to ignore losses of self-esteem, self-belief, health and life force.



Humankind 5D Authenticity versus Mankind 3D Inauthenticity

Humankind is now moving into 5D energy truths – the Quantum Truth of Unity Consciousness. This means kindness, empathy, and seeking to understand and validate other humans, not for advantage, but to genuinely connect. Generating trust and emotional connections and partnerships with self, Source and others for healing, resurrection, expansion and Thriving for The All. Many individuals are now awakening, seeking deeper truths and sensing higher truths of Oneness.

Mankind, on the other hand, is a model of “every man for himself”. These are individuals having a personality experience only. Men or women in this situation can’t validate another’s emotional experience. They don’t wish to understand it or give up the position of their egoic, self-focused views and ways to come together in unity with others.

These people are not necessarily narcissistic, yet may not be motivated to change until life in Separation Consciousness can no longer continue. The threat to these beliefs can’t just be “a moment in time when things aren’t working”; it would require a breakdown of every identity attachment that they thought “their personality” was – title, lifestyle, looks, money or other egoic props – to finally discover they are a spirit having a physical experience connected to the entire Field. Meaning that if not in service to The All, they are not in service to themselves.

You can’t have A-grade relationships with these people. They can’t lean in, understand, support, partner, or back your authenticity. It’s impossible because they are not in an authentic relationship with themselves. They don’t know who they really are.

Mankind who doesn’t wish to or doesn’t have the consciousness capacity for Unity Consciousness will disconnect from you, “I really have no idea what you are interested in or what you do, and I don’t want to know.” They are happy to talk about them, their life, or others who are not in your life as an extension of themselves. They change the subject or shut you down when you start to share yourself and your life with them. Mankind in Separation Consciousness doesn’t hold space for another’s soul authenticity. They wait until your lips stop moving to bring the conversation back to them. They cannot be humble and accept their flaws and what they may have done to other people’s souls that may have hurt them. Any hurt is only about themselves.

Maybe less unconscious, yet still ascension-disinterested people are suitable for safe, ordinary relationships, but these won’t be extraordinary connections – because you will never feel seen, met, appreciated or “real” with them. You can’t grow or expand your consciousness or co-create ascension with them.

Those who ignore, discredit or ridicule you may hurt your soul so profoundly that you could lose all faith in the Light and yourself.

This is why you have to let them go and no longer allow them to access you because this would be a terrible soul tragedy.


The Courage Required in Leading with Authenticity

I posted a meme recently regarding how people hate hearing lies but, even more so, don’t like being told the truth.

When you are working on your own ascension, it becomes difficult to have unconscious energy in your life. We can make allowances for others who don’t choose to become conscious, however chronic victimhood, lack of empathy, self-absorption, manipulation, lies, lack of accountability and nasty projections are like nails down a chalkboard. If you enable these behaviours, you feel the slump in your energy field because you are out of integrity. You just absorbed lower vibrational energy. You may feel like you need to go home and smudge yourself to clear this! Maybe you can’t even get away to do this!

This stuff isn’t you, and you don’t want to be around it; your soul is screaming this to you. Authenticity is absolutely about being honest with yourself. Once you commit to this, you can’t hang out with self-harming or narcissistic people anymore without suffering soul damage.

So, where does that leave you? What can you do?

Lead with authenticity.

Telling the truth about how you feel. Pointing out blind spots lovingly to encourage self-reflection. And, of course, having boundaries if you become the target of projections. Boundaries require being honest about your experience and what is or isn’t acceptable to you. It’s an invitation for others to rise into Unity Consciousness – caring about your experience, your feelings (soul) and their personal growth into humility, acceptance and compassion in a combined relationship with you. That’s the most powerful brand of evolution for yourself and others, just as you are open and teachable about your blind spots because you wish to ascend.

You have done your part. You led authentically.

If the lower consciousness continues, you can leave because this relationship is not acceptable to your soul. As hard as this is to your personality, your soul says, “Lower vibrational realities that are not growing and healing are NOT your reality. Move on. Free yourself. Go LIVE your life from your SOUL. Start doing it NOW.”

There is only NOW to live!

If not now, when?

The only power you have is now.

If not leading from soul integrity for ourselves, we enable living out of integrity in the collective. We are contributing to the masks, emotional imprisonment, co-dependencies and narcissistic deceptions and manipulations that have caused the disaster, chaos, and dis-ease of Separation Consciousness.

As a Quantum Being, you are beginning to understand that you are not just connected to The All – you are The All.

This may feel like a heavy responsibility, yet you were born for this time. If not you, who? The organic, natural way for you to live is in Soul Authenticity because, without it, you are doomed to keep reliving inauthentic patterns, re-creating inauthentic results, with other inauthentic people chasing “something” so their real life and self can start one day.

Today – can be the start of authenticity for yourself to draw, recognize, and create relationships with other people who will also be real. To do so requires letting go of fear, being open-hearted, and being authentic – listening to your Soul – especially when this is hard to do because this is when it counts the most.


💟SHIFTS HAPPEN MEMBERSHIP ~ to receive 6 Quanta Freedom Healing shifts for this session to heal divisions in your life where you have NOT been able to authentic and reap 5D rewards EPICALLY, with your Global Soul Tribe see …

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Please know that all of the Series 4 sessions, this one, the previous, and those upcoming, are downloadable.
Plus, as a bonus, you will receive the full downloadable versions of Shifts Happen Series 1, 2 and 3 … an extra FOURTEEN workshop healing session to change your life powerfully for the better, deep within your subconscious programs.
I know how much Series 4 is going to heal and catapult your journey into real, loving and TRUE relationships – even if you have NEVER previously mastered this. ✨️ 😀
None of us wish to be alone and lonely.
We all deserve REAL and healthy connections!

Let’s create them together as a Global Soul Tribe… 🌎 🥰

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One thought on “Shifts Happen – Series 4 – Session 15 – Leading with Authenticity

  1. Wonderful article! Thanks so much for sharing it! I particularly resonate with what you’re saying about the 5D & 3D. Beautiful shift happening!

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