There is a powerful Quantum Truth that is necessary to emotionally go free and manifest your Highest Potential.

Accepting yourself, warts and all.

Why is accepting yourself vital? Your self-acceptance allows you to deserve love, compassion, and kindness from yourself and others and to receive expansive blessings from the Source.

Vulnerability means “realness”. Accepting yourself without judgement, to be free to be yourself.

This brings up the question – What DOES being yourself mean? Who ARE you?

Who you are is an imperfect being in the process of evolving yourself by freeing yourself from your internal shadows. By doing the inner work.  Ascending is impossible if you are running from your shadows.

We were all trained out of this – being vulnerable and real with ourselves, yet so many – including you – are re-membering you are on the earth plane, at the time, to bear light for the purpose of helping humanity awaken to the truth of who we all are.

You are here – right now – in the most incredible time on earth.



Fear of Vulnerability Blocking Ascension

A big block to reaching higher frequency relationships with self, Source and others is the fear of being vulnerable.

Men are programmed to think that vulnerability is a weakness; it’s not tough and strong. And weakness meant his annihilation. This created a disowning and a disassociation with one’s inner self and the emergence of a False Self in his life. Adopting defences and a mask to get by in life.

By teaching a man not to turn within and walk through and resolve the dark valley of himself, he could be coerced, blackmailed and forced into doing dark acts that matched the unhealed agony of Separation from his Highest and Truest Self. Without being real and humble and turning within, there is no access to inner God/Source guidance for compassion, freedom, expansion and thriving – for the whole.

It means remaining a prisoner to outer forces.

Women have also been trained to be real and vulnerable with themselves and others. She was scorned as being over-sensitive and over-emotional.  Men were told to distrust women. She was irrational and bad for him if he allowed her to have any emotional input in his life.

Like men, women have discovered, horrifically, that being vulnerable turned out very badly for them. For her to acknowledge her most powerful assets – the inner world of emotions, nature, or her inner connection with Source as her ability to manifest love, well-being and life force, was diabolical for her. It didn’t just mean invalidation and punishment from men; in some eras, it meant being put to death.

Women and men were programmed into feeling shameful when it came to an internal relationship with Source. They were told they were bad, small, even evil, and had to repent and pay penance for their sins. Of course, this felt like judgment. Because God was created as an “outer” damning figure instead of the Love and Oneness of the God Spark within, it’s perfectly understandable why people become atheists and turn away from any Higher Power, which means denouncing their own Inner Being and Higher Self as well.

By demonising vulnerability, aka realness, humanity has been disconnected from its inner being. If peace can’t be made with the war inside, namely the trauma of having a dis-integrated relationship with yourself and the Prime Creator, then battles with everyone and everything else instead ensue.

The ridiculous programmed inversion is – by trying to hide these so-called “unacceptable parts” from yourself and others, you don’t get to avoid them; rather, you are sentenced to live a life run by these unhealed parts. They attract people and situations that match these shadows, as well as fuel the self-sabotages inside that match these shadows.

Because there is no beating Quantum Law – so within, so without.



Unconscious Vulnerability

Many spiritual people believed, “If I own my stuff and let people know this is my stuff, then they will care for me with my stuff.” This is not true. Predatory narcissists love knowing your vulnerabilities. They prey off and use your wounds against you.

Naturally, you don’t want to put your pearls in front of a swine.

If you are not taking care of your vulnerabilities with healthy boundaries, you may not have the awareness or inner work at a level to trust your intuition or make wise choices around people who could be bad for you.

Sharing our wounds and life stories and risking our soul, heart, body, mind and finances with someone before getting to know them over a healthy period – as we did with narcissists – is dangerous, as we all know. Being vulnerable doesn’t mean being reckless.

Last week, we discussed ascertaining relationships for a good reason. Your “realness” at this level before getting to know people is speaking up, being truthful, and honouring your inner voice GPS (God Protection System) when something feels off.

This is being vulnerable in a powerful way. You are risking someone else’s displeasure because you are being real and taking a stand for yourself. Someone will react badly if their agenda is to coerce or control you. Or maybe their sense of self is so fragile that any perceived scrutiny makes them react.

Either way, these are people who are not safe to have relationships with.

This flushes the wrong people out.

You are honest in a calm way. You can speak up. You will risk losing it all to get it all. You ask for what you need.

You honour yourself and will never again risk losing yourself to retain another.


The Road Home – Vulnerability With Yourself

Self-partnering is the blessing and acceptance of all of you – warts and all. You can’t change or evolve any part of you until you bless and accept all of it. By doing this, you agree with how the Source/Prime Creator blesses and accepts you, warts and all. Source has zero requirement from you. How can Source need anything at all when Source is already the ALL?

The inverted lie that we are unholy, damaged, wrong and bad is what has kept you trapped in the separation from yourself, and the shame that has kept you from going free of the persecution and victim consciousness that has made humanity so sick and dis-eased.

Vulnerability with yourself is the way home.

Meeting your shadows, not denying them or projecting them onto others, or trying to burn them off with addictions to try to numb out the pain. Denying shadows doesn’t make them disappear, it only allows them to fester and grow in strength in the darkness, whereas The Light disinfects them and heals them. The Light is about authenticity, it means embracing, accepting and allowing yourself to be real as yourself.

Your ego doesn’t like this – it would have you believe that your self-honesty means self-disintegration. However, in fact, this is the exact opposite.

Here is a powerful exercise to assist.

In sacred and quiet time with yourself, write out a list of all the things you feel ashamed of about yourself.

Then, as you open your body and breathe, write out, “I unconditionally accept and love all of these parts of me, just you as Source/Prime Creator does.”

Today, we will do our Quanta Freedom Healing™ Shifts to help you embody this truth. To help move this from a “mind-concept” that you can’t feel to be real, to become an embodied “isness” inside of you.

It is such a relief to exit the matrix of “I’m ashamed that I’m not perfect”. What is perfect is our growth and immersion in our own experience, with the ability to feel, understand, upshift and integrate ourselves into higher consciousness.


Vulnerability Granting Authentic Connection

Authentic connection occurs with validating and understanding emotions. This is an interest in wholeness and depth. Love blossoms with holding space with uncomfortable feelings and emotions – for ourselves and others.

This requires not talking ourselves out of uncomfortable feelings or invalidating or shutting down others. It’s called empathy, awareness, and higher consciousness; it’s the ability to embrace and move through all of it by feeling it and being present with it, and celebrating and loving the growth opportunity in it instead of staying mired in it as victims.

Staying open, stop hiding and playing games or saying what you think others need to hear.

There are more people capable of this than you could imagine now! Many people are realising that the outside-in-life, outer God concepts and trying to treat symptoms without going deeper don’t work.

They are coming home to themselves and the truth.

There is a Great Awakening taking place on Planet Earth, and you have a front-row seat.

You can love that you are here to be real – FULLY yourself – loving yourself, wounds, shadows and all, knowing that embracing your inner being and ascension process lovingly is the gateway home.

We can stop talking about wounds like a victim. Seeing them as a problem and a terrible curse in our lives. They are not. They are perfectly designed for the connection, love, acceptance and healing of our Soul/Source Self.

This is where alchemy is, where richness, manifestation, and lifeforce are.

It is what it means to be fully alive.

This is the greatest attraction force to other awakened souls – leadership into the depths of energy, life force, emotional manifestation and the Quantum World.

Of course, you may wonder, “Where does such a human exist?”

It is only through your vulnerability that you may grant other people permission around you to share their truth and growth, inner awareness and ascension work.

Now, let’s shift some of the painful programming that has kept you separated from being real and vulnerable into truly loving and accepting yourself right now.



💟SHIFTS HAPPEN MEMBERSHIP ~ to receive the healing for this session, ascend and reap 5D rewards in all areas of your Life, EPICALLY, with your Global Soul Tribe see …


Please know that all of the Series 4 sessions, this one and those upcoming, are downloadable.
Plus, as a bonus, you will receive the full downloadable versions of Shifts Happen Series 1, 2 and 3 … an extra THIRTEEN workshop healing session to change your life powerfully for the better, deep within your subconscious programs.
I know how much Series 4 is going to heal and catapult your journey into real, loving and TRUE relationships – even if you have NEVER previously mastered this. ✨️ 😀
None of us wish to be alone and lonely.
We all deserve REAL and healthy connections!

Let’s create them together as a Global Soul Tribe… 🌎 🥰

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4 thoughts on “Shifts Happen – Series 4 – Session 14 – Risking Vulnerability

  1. Another great addition to your Shifts Happen series! I am deep in the spiritual battle of divorcing a narc husband of 44 years. His hatred toward me is like a toxic, burning cloud that hangs around him, but thanks to QFH I feel mostly unaffected by it, even though he would clearly like to crush me down to almost nothing again so that I have no choice but to stay. NARP has been a godsend, and thanks to my daily work I have released nearly all the poisonous tendrils that kept me hooked all these years. In fact, I now find myself using your Empowered Self Program more than NARP, because I am now working down at the identity level — after clearing so much of the narc crap out! My gratitude knows no bounds, Mel!

    This blog was such an interesting discussion, and got me to the finer points of accepting my flaws with love while not letting the narc pound my self-esteem around these flaws. Turns out self-love is like a suit of armor! It seemed paradoxical to me for quite awhile, that we have to completely accept the things we don’t want in ourselves, because I feared that that would only cement them in further. And that putting up boundaries around them and not letting others attack me through them might do the same.

    But I loved the way you put it, that my wounds (flaws created as a child’s coping mechanisms) are “perfectly designed for the connection, love, acceptance and healing of our Soul/Source Self.” I can now thank my false and painful beliefs for helping me survive an awful childhood, and love them back to health with limitless compassion.


    1. Hi Dawn,

      you should be so proud of how far you have come. So inspirational!

      I adore how you have connected to your self-partnering and self-love.

      Gorgeous ascension, and such a testimony to the inner work you have done with QFH.

      Much Love to you

      Mel 🙏💞🦋

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