People who are abused by narcissists are generally really nice people.
We believe in the good of humanity and we are geared to recognize the kindness of ourselves within others.
This allows us to discount bad behavior and offset it in our own mind with good behavior. It allows us to retain our wholesome model of the world.
So when the once nice narcissist engages in atrocious behavior we are sent into a tailspin of confusion.
And when they go back and forth between nice and atrocious we are beyond confused and find ourselves rendered disempowered, helpless and dependent.
As most of you know, I fell deeply into this trap and barely got out.
If you relate to this type of confusion and want to get some clarity as to what is really going on tune into my latest Thriver TV episode where we’re going to take a deep dive into this behavior so you can know what it really means when a narcissist is being nice.
Video Transcript
Dear Thriver, welcome to Thriver TV, and today I want to talk about this really important topic that can confuse you and it can throw you.
You know that this person can be so horrible to you yet when there are other people around they tell people how proud they are of you, and how much they love you.
Or you’re ready to leave, and then this person writes you the most beautiful letter, or they send flowers to your work, or they tell you how they can’t live without you and all that other stuff. And I know you get confused. I know you start to question whether or not this person is really a narcissist.
Do you relate to this, this kind of confusion? If you do, pause this video and write below the nice things that this person does that confuses you. You’re going to be astounded at how many people are sharing the same stuff.
So, stay with me in this video to get the proof that there is a narcissistic method to the madness. There is a reason that the narcissist is doing the nice stuff. Today, we’re going to take a deep dive into this so you can know what it really means when a narcissist is being nice.
You Want A Narcissist To Do Nice Things
All right, so we’re going to get going and I want to start off by acknowledging you, because this is important, of course.
You want a narcissist to do nice things because people who are abused by narcissists are really generally nice people. You believe in the good of humanity. You want to believe that this person can be nice, is caring, and that there is some hope that they can stop abusing you because you, dear Thriver, dear Soul, you’re geared to recognize the kindness of yourself within others.
This is a survival mechanism. You want to live in a nice world with nice people, and it’s definitely an emotional survival mechanism because it allows you to discount bad behaviour and offset it in your own mind with good behaviour. It allows you to retain your wholesome model of the world.
Bad behaviour is behaviour, and it’s no good saying something like, “You know, my next-door neighbour was so lovely, would always be up for a chat, and would bring my rubbish bins in, and then I found out that he murdered his entire family and he was actually a gangster.”
So, surely, the chat and bringing the bins in doesn’t mean that he’s a good person. This kind of stuff makes people’s heads spin such as – this person was a pastor at my church, they gave blood regularly, they donated to charity, etc. – yet is capable of atrocious things.
Maybe you’re with somebody who can name call and demean you and degrade you, and then walk outside and bring the bins in for you or help you inside with the shopping or whatever it is.
This is where we all need to grow up to understand that there are basic human fundaments that are necessary in order to have a safe, trustworthy relationship with ANYBODY. These things are – kindness, honesty, and the ability to be remorseful and make amends – if they’ve inadvertently hurt you or violated you in some way. This is consistent, and there are things that are just plain deal-breakers.
When you understand your own worth, values, and truth, and we’re going to talk about these things in a sec, but before we do, I want to get into the guts of this discussion, which is – why a narcissist does nice things.
Why Can A Narcissist Act Nicely?
Why can a narcissist act nicely? When you understand why a person who is a narcissist can act nicely, you realize there’s always a self-serving agenda attached to it. It’s to gain favour. It’s to work towards brokering a self-serving deal. It’s to make others dependent to help render them powerless and be under the control of the narcissist. Or, it’s to ensnare somebody back into being a source of narcissistic supply – again, attention, resources, stuff that the narcissist is siphoning out.
All right, let’s break down these things one by one. So by being nice, a narcissist gets narcissistic supply, they get attention and that’s the significance that confirms to a narcissist that they do exist. So it could be, “I’m the great guy or woman in the neighbourhood who lends a hand. I help people with whatever it is. I’m always available for a chat about problems that they’re having with their family or their partners,” and this means other people are gushing over the narcissist, and they tell them what a fabulous person they are.
This feeds their ego and it grants narcissistic supply.
Or maybe, initially, this person was really wonderful to you and now they’re just wonderful to the neighbourhood and they’re nasty to you, and you get really confused and you go back to when they were wonderful to you. This was them love bombing you, snaring you as supply in their life. Or this is where they’re setting you up for a tit for tat.
So it’s kind of like the narcissist is really nice and does wonderful things to you, and then they say to you, they grandstand, “Look at all the wonderful stuff that I do for you and you do nothing for me.”
You get to understand so often with the narcissist, grandiosity and generosity and niceties, there comes the demand of the payoff, which always means that you’re going to give up more of your resources, boundaries, rights and values in order to pay up for what they’ve done for you, which, of course, again, is feeding their false self.
Another thing that the narcissist can do with their niceties to others is to give them so much that it disempowers people and it renders them helpless and dependent. Like, “No, you don’t need to work. I’ll look after you,” so that this person loses the ability and the confidence to make their own money.
Then the narcissist can be the controlling force who was providing this, that, and the other so that these people lose the ability to look after themselves. This means that this person or people or communities can always be kept down, harvested, pillaged, and serve the machinations of the narcissist – which is always about extracting stuff and resources to feed their own self-interests.
Now, this is a mantra I want you to understand. I really want you to understand this because it’s everything: “Somebody who is cheering me on to be the best, most expansive version possible of myself is my true supporter, healer, lover, and truth.“
If you want somebody to be kind and nice to you, that is somebody who is cheering you on to be the best, most expansive version possible of yourself, that’s somebody who really cares about you and who is kind to you.
All right, and I want you to write this out as a declared declaration to yourself and this community and mean it. Write it in the comments if this really gets you in your heart and Soul.
I want us to get this group proclamation happening in the comments: “Someone who is cheering me on to be the best, most expansive version possible of myself is my true supporter, healer, lover, and truth.”
I really want you to get this through your head and embody it in your Soul. Actually, the same goes for your own relationship with yourself.
Okay, and the narcissists can go above and beyond when somebody is waking up to them, moving away from them and cutting them off and out of their life. The narcissist may then start being as nice as pie and granting you everything you’ve ever wanted from them, and the narcissist is going to use that as a way to get you back in the fold to keep extracting narcissistic supply, or maybe their ego, their false self, simply can’t handle the ego injury of being discarded by you.
So they’re going to pour out the kindness, the wonderful acts to bring you into the sticky web, where, again, the cycle of violence continues and they will abuse you horrifically again, simply because that is what narcissists do. Also, if they win you back after you pull away, there’s often the underlying rage-full agenda of punishing you for trying to get away in the first place. Things just get worse and worse.
Okay, so I’ve said it how it is. If you’re really, really honest with yourself, you will know that no matter what excuses and justifications you make for a narcissist being “kind”, there is a sinister truth running underneath this behaviour all along. You see the real-life evidence over and over again.
You should know by now, it doesn’t matter what words or what people say they’re going to do, it’s the consistent actions of behaviour that is depicting the true character of this person – point-blank.
In Conclusion
So let’s wrap this all up. Narcissists are not nice people regardless of the nice things that they pretend to do.
Your job in life is to stop making excuses for people who are pretending to be nice, and turn inwards and be nice to yourself by healing yourself and getting yourself on a solid inner emotional trajectory where you can be really honest with what’s unfolding in your life and how you can take your power back to change it.
And that’s what my work is all about. It’s not just about dissecting narcissism, trying to work them out, because I promise you, they are really not that interesting when you understand what’s going on, which is pretty much exposing that all narcissists are cut from the same cookie cutter.
It’s sad, it is what it is, but what’s important here is working out ourselves so that we’re no longer staying attached to these behaviours that are destroying us, ripping our personal lives, our families, and, quite frankly, our entire world apart. Enough. It’s time.
If you are really ready to start being real and nice and true to yourself, to turn your life around, then I cannot recommend enough my Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program, which is known as NARP because it gives you the tools, the strength, and the ability to get out of the obsession about, “Is this person nice or not?” and bring you inwards to do the true healing to liberate you from all of this junk and stuff.
You can check out more about this highly effective program by clicking the link at the top of this video, or check it out in the show description notes.
Thank you so much to everybody who’s supporting my channel and passing these really important messages on to people in need, so that all of us can get out of the hell of narcissistic abuse, painful relationship patterns, and know there is a powerful, direct, and much faster way to heal for real.
Please subscribe, hit the notification button, and remember to like and share this video if it makes sense to you. And as always, I look forward to answering your comments and your questions below.
Hello old friend! You are timeless (and uncannily timely, as per usual!) :0) Freedom 2021, baby! It will be three years this fall since I left and I am *finally* heading into mediation in May. Many times I have wondered why was he being so nice, accommodating and helpful? The answer is, he was simply loading up/setting me up and wanting to be around for the ‘ta-da’/confusing expression and speechlessness. Today I was going through and assembling my mom’s papers to prepare for her tax return (estate) and there were so many pictures I had to sift through of our “perfect” happy family! Just wow. I was so delusional – and forgiving! I’m feeling a little overwhelmed after having relived all those years in pictures. And I was reminded just how cruel my mom was growing up (being that she was the first narc in my life.). But I’m validating my trepidation and soothing and routing my inner me on. That’s something I never received growing up: Validation or soothing. I am much wiser today and I am surrounded by helpful and supportive people. All paid for, of course, haha! Seriously, I’m still struggling to make new friends in these times. But I’m so much better off than before. No more settling or accepting crumbs of anything from anyone.
Hi Nicole,
that’s awesome that this was timely for you,
It’s great that this has validated your clarity.
Power and love to you!
Mel 🙏💕💚
I have a question:
I dated a narc for almost a year. He became emotionally and then physically abusive- my first time ever with that!- but I got out after he pushed me down. So i feel lucky to have had the wherewithal to leave. He stalked me everyday for 11 months. After the second week, I cut all contact.
It has been 2 yrs now since I left.
Early in our relationship we discovered we had a mutual friend. A girlfriend of mine. He played it down, said they never dated (in fact he said, Eww gross, no!” Which I thought was very unkind) I believed that they didnt know each other well at all.
When things started getting scary, I passed a mssg on to her letting her know the truth abt him. At that time, i simply told all my friends do tgat I would feel more pressure to hold myself accountable abd LEAVE.
So this friend knew-knows.
Well i just found out that he is now living at her house. Meanwhile, she has said nothing to me and even recently visited and gave me a beautiful gift. It was after that that I learned hes living there.
I feel hurt, disrespected and disbelieved by her. I dont know if they are dating or ate just friends. But Im inclined to not want to remain friends with her. I wouldn’t make a fuss- just not reciprocate or call in the future.
Is that childish?
And, is it fair for me to feel its odd or even wrong of her to have him living with her and say nothing to me about it nor acknowledge what she knows?
hello Nattie. This is a mirror image of what happened to me.I can assure you that the narc you were with is not with her for friendship.She is clearly his new supply.Cut them both without telling them why and be glad she’s taken your old rubbish from you .!!!
You must stop all further contact with her immediately! He is probably using her to keep tabs on you! He probably told her and everyone else a VERY different story about how it is YOU who is the problem… You’re well aware of how convincing he can be. You are absolutely right to feel betrayed by her… You were. You told her directly what happened so she was well aware. And her not telling you pertinent information points directly to deception… Which you are trying to get away from! I would even go as far as to inspect the gift to ensure that it doesn’t have a microphone or some other device that can used to spy on you!! I’m not trying to make you paranoid, but I know the lengths that narcissists can go to maintain control and/or punish you when you leave! It can get dangerous, so please be careful!! Listen to your instincts… If something feels off or wrong, heed that warning!! You don’t have to explain or justify your actions… No is a complete response. Or no response at all. Honor yourself. Don’t worry about anyone else. You have to take care of you first and foremost!! Good luck and take care!
And good luck to you, Nicole. It can be very hard to go through old pictures. It sounds like youre doing a good job of soothing yourself and staying strong.
Nattie, that woman is NOT your friend! I would quietly go no contact with her as well and move forward with YOURSELF! Keeping contact with her will not give you the freedom and peace that you have earned by being brave enough to leave.
Totally agree! It hurts to realise a friend is not a friend if they too are enmeshed. Friendship is built on trust. This is not a friend.
This is so true, Melanie! I think this goes along with and reinforces the doubt we can sometimes have about the good choices we make and are trying to continue to make, if any narcissists try their tactics on us again. I have this with mostly one parent who controls the agenda for our family, at least for the rest of the family, like a puppeteer who is pulling the strings. My siblings get rescued and validated, go along with it, have to live with it, because they choose to go for the drama, the being controlled and cut down, being mocked behind their backs, it’s very sad. My narcissistic parent sends notes about how wonderful she is, how loving, how I don’t appreciate her, and I used to worry about what I was doing wrong, before the big-time boundaries were set that she could no longer penetrate. I had no idea what was going on: Where is this coming from? What did I do wrong? How have I let her and my father down? Why does she seem so hurt? Then, I’d do what she wanted, come back around and ask how things could be better, alwasy bewildered, feeling terrible and blamed, and I realized later that I had done nothing but cut off her supply for the family control and drama. She needed more to supply her, so she’d come off either hurt, or she’d do the super-nice, energetic thing, like the examples given here: Sending a nice card, sending a gift out of the blue in the mail, etc. I never saw it, never knew what was going on…but later I did see it. I knew it was unhealthy what she was doing to manipulate all of us, to gossip, to control, and yes, even to be completely hateful to her own children for zero reason at all! But, we cannot fall into that pattern of going back for more, when we see signs of someone who seems “normal” for a moment or two. As Melanie says, “even a mass murderer can help take out the trash, it doesn’t have to all be one or the other with bad behaviors as constant warning signs”…and we have to take care the same way, be watchful of our own healthiness and liberty from those strings of control. I may miss the healthy family I never had, but I certainly don’t miss the fake closeness once I set boundaries for the family I do have, who cannot be healthy.
This is great JOinDC that you are holding your boundaries.
Sending you blessings, breakthroughs and love
Mel 🙏💕💚
Thank you Melanie, you give me hope
I’m so pleased Barb!
Much Love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
Dear Melanie,
I’ve been reading this with most interest.
It certainly looks like I have been dating a narcissist…but I still sometimes happen to have doubts!
The chilling thing is that from what you describe I recognise myself having some narcissistic traits as well. And I think probably lots of us do. As you know, people are seldom back and white. So my question is : How do you recognise a narcissist from someone who can show narcissistic traits but is fundamentally not a narcissist? Where is that line that should not be crossed and beyond which there is no hope and beyond which we can be certain we are dealing with a narcissist?
Much love
Hi Piotre,
I really want you to know this – it really isn’t relevant whether someone is a narcissist or not.
What I mean by this – is your life is determined by what your values and truths are and then living aligned with them.
If you wish honesty, union, solution building, kindness and the ability to have healthy communication – absolutely you need to express this – but you also need someone willing to meet you at this level of integrity.
If they don’t wish to, or don’t have the capacity (seriously narcissistic or not) then you need to pull away, heal by doing the inner work, and redefine who you are and what you will or won’t participate in.
The more you heal yourself and get clear, the less you realise it is about the other person, because you will have clarity about who you are and the life you wish to live and start generating it … the people who wish to join you then will and the ones who can’t or don’t, you will let go of and stop trying to change or fix them in order to feel loved, secure and safe.
It really is always about your own inner development and healing.
Are you coming to my FREE Masterclass tomorrow? (if you miss the live session you can watch the replay)?
It will help you realise your power and truth and get answers on what to do in your situation.
I hope that this can help
Mel 🙏💕💚
I agree. I experienced a similar thing with a female colleague. I noticed they were friendly although he said they just worked on the same project. When i went no contact i forgot that she was on my friends list in facebbook. While i was going through hell and on sick leave she was going back and telling him stuff about me. It was toxic. I quietly blocked her and reduced contact. A friend doesnt do that. I think she wanted his attention and as he knows how to be charming with females he probably put on his mask with her. Anyway she will not help you recover. You need suportive lovibg kind people around you. Take care x
Thanks once again Melanie for reading my mind and posting the exact questions I’m asking myself. How can he be a narcissist when at times he was amazing. But i guess you are right people that love you unconditionally do not do things to hurt you, make you feel guilty or manipulate others. My ex partner treated me like a posession, he was constantly there sending me millions of sms, songs and jewellery.. I felt overwhelmed and loved. Then came the door slamming, malicious words, nastiness and withholding dates or sex as he said it was too difficult to leave me at the end of the weekend. He couldnt support the suffering so he would refuse to organise to see me. I believed he was a decent guy, not using me for sex and i went along with it but my gut told me something was up. Or we would organise a day out, i was so excited, i took a day off work then that very morning he would cancel saying that if i didnt do or say certain things to him there was no point.. I was devastated. It was all about him. His sentances always began with I or me… Even when the pressure became so bad and he harassed me 6 times a day at work and i had to be signed off with medication. I was in a black hole he wrote to me and said he didnt understand why I left him, ignored him.. No apology. No remorse, no understanding of my suffering. When i came back to work still very stressed and so scared to see him again as my love for him was so strong, he saw me and said sarcatically “this is cool, eh?” referring to my going no contact. No “are you ok?” how is your retuurn to work? Etc just how, he was the victim. Never his fault. I saw the red flags early on. He spoke about his boss, colleagues, friends, clubs he belonged to… It was always the fault of others. Then when he saw i continued no contact he wrote a huge hoovering letter expressing our conection and his passion and love for me. It just tore me to pieces. Anyway, yes, ive realised the most confusing part of the relationship was just that, him being so kind helping me with things, buying me things, sending me things and then shouting, name calling and stalking…. Love to all you thrivers and thanks Melanie. You are a star and life changer xxx
Hi Hel,
you are so welcome.
It is incredibly heartbreaking to experience such “highs” of love and then such punishment.
Are you coming into my Masterclass tomorrow
I would love you to because I can show you SO much how to heal from this!
If you can’t make the event live, just by signing up you will get the recording that you can watch at any time.
I know how life-changing this could be for you.
Much Love
Mel 🙏💕💚
Hi Melanie
Is there any way you could do a session on how to cope with Narcissistic governments?
I live in the UK…. In one year the government have transformed our country into a near on Fascist state. There is little free speech, manipulation, gaslighting (all around so called ‘asymptomatic spread’ and taking vaccines which are still in trials till 2021). The advertising campaign is pure propaganda and coercion. This week they have banned protests (up to 10 years in prison), purchased more nuclear weapons. They are traumatising school children by making them have 3 tests a week and wear masks.
There appear to be MPs who are ‘rebels’ but when it comes down to it, they betray the country and vote for draconian measures. We now have debate of a ‘vaccine passport’ for domestic purposes… To buy food, go to pubs…. And whether you’re pro vaxx or not, this will create medical apartheid.
I am triggered by all this… It impacts all of our lives, jobs, relationships and this country have purposefully created a divide and rule tactic to detract from the abominations they are creating under the guise of ’emergency’ which is no longer. I am no way saying that Covid does not exist, but it is so obvious now that countries are using this to usher in a dictatorship. I know Australia and NZ are similar, but the UK seems one of the worst places to live at the moment!
Do you have any advice, or could you run a session on this? I think it’s seething we could all benefit from?
Many thanks
Lorrie x
Hi Lorrie,
this is happening in many parts of the world, as you say, including my home base Melbourne, Australia.
I use NARP Healings a lot for the trauma it has triggered within me. It helps an enormous amount by delivering me home to my sovereign empowered self.
With NARP you can use Module 1, or the Source Healing and Resolution Module to greatly help.
I hope this can.
What we are all going through right now is fundamentally a spiritual war, just as it is with a singular narcissist.
NARP helps massively.
Love and healing to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
Thanks Mel…. Long time since I’ve used module 1…I’ll dig it out again!
I echo that request, Lorrie. And thank you Mel, so much, because in the US we hear rhetoric from current administration about unification whilst unalienable rights and freedoms are being denied and cancel culture is operating at the speed of sound. It feels surreal, but it IS real. I am so triggered as well. You are so right, it is spiritual warfare. Inner work to help manage the triggers is a start. Thank you for this help, Mel. May God bless us all.
Lisa Karen,
sweetheart – God is blessing us.
God wins darling.
Keep healing and hold the faith.
Mel 🙏💕💚
Hello Lorrue. While I support your right to say what you think about any matter,I live in the U.K. and don’t see what you see at all.Politics will always be politics everywhere and people will always see things differently.The very nature of wanting to be in politics is suspect.I always think that you must first have to be a narc to want the kind of power that politicians desire.We at least have the vote .It’s probably just a matter of which narc you vote for !!!!
Thank you for highlighting this aspect of narcissistic abuse. I think it’s one of the most dangerous. I was with my X for nearly 20 years. Once he was sure I was smitten , he became like two people one who was good and one who wasn’t . It’s so confusing as you really want to believe they are the good person , I then started to split into two people the one who couldn’t believe that he was so nasty abusive and cruel and the one who did know but made excuses. It does your head and is so confusing. It adds to doubting yourself and chips away at your self esteem and confidence. In some way it made me feel lucky to be with him, that doesn’t even make sense. It’s a big part of the relationship with a narc. It a big part of moving on and believing in yourself. Stay well Melanie.
Dear Melanie,
Thank you so much for your reply and all you do.
I cannot help feeling this relation just put a clear light on my inner deep wounds and therefore gave immense hope those wounds would heal as this person was love bombing me. But the contrary happened. The wounds have been left open. And I gradually realised I have been dealing with an uncaring and abusive individual capable of nasty behaviour beyond anything I have seen. I sometimes simply could not believe it.
I will attend the masterclass
Much love
You don’t know how much you’ve helped me find the strength to get away. He made me feel like I was losing my mind. I was always sick. Literally nauseated in his presence.
The more I researched and learned and tuned into to you, the easier it became to choose myself. So thank you!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Hi Tai,
It’s my pleasure and I am so pleased to help.
Many continued blessings and healing to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
So True Melanie 🙂
“Someone who is cheering me on to be the best, most expansive version possible of myself is my true supporter, healer, lover, and truth.”
Seems so plain obvious doesn’t it? 🙂 Funny how the TRUTH is so simple 🙂
It really is Kondwani,
but we don’t know until we know! I didn’t realise this for so long either!
Much love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
I can’t thank you enough for sharing this. God bless you.
It’s my pleasure Catherine!
Love and blessings to you too
Mel 🙏💕💚
thanks Mel for being a constant in our lives.You have a very comforting presence and you are very loved.
Thank you Shelly for your loving words!
Many blessings to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
Love this blog post, Mel!
I know the NARCs are not the focus, but how were they all created in such similar way, or cut from the same “ cookie cutter”, as you say.
The NARCs are raised by millions of different parents, so how come all the NARCs act the same way? Millions of nice and not nice parents make the same mistakes raising distorted characters ?? That’s sad.
Good morning Melanie!
It has been awhile since I’ve posted. I have to thank you…my daughter got married this weekend. Because of Covid we went from a 200 person wedding to 17. I was nervous because my ex narc was suppose to bring his fiancé. Long story short, my ex and I were together for 30+ years. Met at 16 and he walked out at 50. Since then he has been through numerous women, engaged and a month before my daughters wedding, she walked out on him. No fault of his according to my kids. He’s already in love with the next one.
I wasn’t sure how I would do at the wedding. Listening to marriage vowed. I have been pretty much no contact since he left. Only contacting via text about my kids (and that frankly was a waste of time). Like everyone, I was called crazy, no one believed my explanation that he was two people. I spent most of my life confused why someone would be so nice one minute and nasty the next. He’s a covert, God pushing narc.
Because of you and knowing I’m not alone….I had a wonderful time at the wedding. I know my daughter was worried about me. Both my children see him for who he is. I was able to see it myself and see the growth I have made. I was able to stand tall and even took a family photo for my daughter. I wouldn’t have been able to do that a year or two ago.
It has been a lot of self discovery, believing in myself and NARP. I have a ways to go before I could trust another person, but I can say I trust me.
To anyone who has read this far, believe in yourself, believe your gut and listen to all of these people in Melanie’s community. I loved my ex with my whole soul but I now know that I was in love with someone who didn’t exist. One “I love you” or nice act here and there, cannot take the place of all the hurt in between. A question I always had a hard time answering was, “ Why do you love him?” Be true to yourself.
Thank you Melanie, so very much!!❤️
Love, Connie
Hi Connie,
I am so happy for you!
Congrats to you and your lovely daughter and your family.
You are rocking it!
That’s beautiful that you are in your body loving you!
Mel 🙏💕💚
I truly have n DO love him. This info is So true, unfortunately. I wish there is a way to make it work out. I’m sad.
Dear Mel
Since January 2021 I do NARP as much as possible!
It is working, slowely, but it works.
I still following my study. It’s not easy because he is i a way sabotaging my rest during my study in a todler way.
He told me: Miki I am so proud off you because off youre study it doesn’t matter if you fail !
I know now he doesn’t want me to succeed
I don’t believe nothing anymore and he is loosing control because I move on.
It is a long long way but the most powerfull !!
Moving on with NARP
Warm greatings and hugs