Guilt can feel confusing and I used to struggle with it terribly.
But I came to realise the ultimate truth – guilt does not allow you to be true to yourself, or authentically true to others either.
Guilt also causes many blocks in your healing, and keeps other people stuck in pain, suffering and stunted growth as well.
Come with me to this Thriver’s Life episode, where I go deeply into how releasing lingering guilt will accelerate your healing. As well as offer others the highest level of opportunity to also heal.
Video Transcript
Welcome to this Thriver’s Life episode, which is all about the next stages of expansion after narcissistic abuse.
Today I want to talk to you about guilt.
Guilt is a big thing.
It can really hold you back.
And even after dedicating yourself to your recovery from narcissistic abuse, it could still be lingering around. Maybe you haven’t realised how important it is to address it. And, how once you release it, there is such an acceleration in your healing.
In today’s episode, we are going to look at why you may still feel guilty, what the guilt is really about, and how to release yourself from it.
But before we get started, I’d like to thank each and every one of you for supporting the Thriver Mission and for sharing the truth that we can empower ourselves against narcissistic abuse and heal completely from it.
Okay so now let’s get started on today’s episode.
What Is Guilt?
Feeling guilty means that you are experiencing emotional distress regarding what you may or may not have done to another person.
We can also feel guilty regarding what we may or may not have done to ourselves.
Guilt in many ways is considered a healthy feeling. It means you have a conscience. It means that you care about other people. Usually, people who experience feelings of guilt are lovely people.
However, if it is such a great quality to have, why does it feel so crappy, and why does it keep us embroiled in situations that are not healthy for us?
There is a really good reason for this.
When you feel guilty, it means that there is confusion about what your own values and truths are and where your boundaries with somebody else do or don’t lie.
It can also be a sign of over responsibility and care to the detriment of your own responsibility and care for yourself.
The ultimate truth is that guilt is not allowing you to be true to yourself. Which means that you are not able to be authentically true to others.
Guilt also makes it exceedingly difficult for you to make mistakes, which all humans do, and be able to quickly be kind and honest to yourself and others about these mistakes.
Guilt often brings on attacks of shame, which means that it’s difficult to be open and honest about things and confront the sometimes messy and uncomfortable human interactions that we all must have, in order to be a part of true relationships.
Let me explain more about this …
Feeling Wrong When Valuing Yourself
Let’s imagine that you have somebody in your life who is disrespectful and even nasty. You know what they are saying is unhealthy for you. It feels like rubbish in your body every time you hear their damaging words.
If healed up enough, you can have the difficult conversations. You can honestly tell this person what it feels like when they speak to you like this, and how you would like for them to converse with you instead.
If you are really healed up and being true to your soul, you know how powerful it is to offer people an opportunity to rise up into a healthier relationship with you. You also know that, after asking for what you need, if they don’t have the resources or the desire to do this, that you are willing to set them free so that you can honour your soul’s sovereign right to be healthy.
For most of us, before the deep inner work, the thought of being this honest and/or ultimately walking away brings up a terror of being criticised, rejected, abandoned or punished for speaking up.
I have talked about these often as the fears of C.R.A.P.
Yet, as Thrivers, we start to understand that unless we can start to show up honestly with people in our life, there is a continuation of having to experience conversations and situations that are disrespectful.
This is not necessarily because other people are terrible, rather the deeper purpose of this is because we are undergoing the soul necessity of learning self-respect.
This is a deeper Quantum understanding that people treat us identically to the way that we treat and feel about ourselves, and that respectful empowered relationships can only be co-generated if we respect ourselves first.
And, we also understand that the evolutionary reason that we are experiencing disrespectful relationships is because we are carrying unresolved previous traumas from being disrespected in our past. Until these are cleaned up, we will receive “more of the same”. And this will go on until we heal these parts of ourselves and can show up in a way that inspires and generates a change to “respect”.
Now, I promise you that all of this is leading somewhere in regard to guilt.
Let’s just say that you started backing away from this person. All of a sudden you were too busy, you make yourself scarce. You may even decide that you are unavailable or not home. Or maybe even get to a point where you just say, “I don’t want to see you anymore”.
Or maybe you just start getting all passive-aggressive around them. You don’t engage in conversations much. You go quiet.
Then guilt sets in. Were you too hard on this person? Do you have a right to wipe people out of your life, start ignoring them or barely have a word to say to them?
When we have entered the arena of “guilt” many questions and obsessions can arise.
It may be difficult for you to get resolution and peace around what happened or is still happening with this person.
What is this about?
What this is really about, is about you not being healed or comfortable enough to show up as being solid within your own body, being truthful about what it is that you need in order to feel respected.
I promise you this because I used to be one of these people. The people who don’t speak up with the truth about what they are really feeling and experiencing, are the people who struggle and suffer with the most guilt.
This is all about unfinished business. The reason why your choices now don’t land solidly and calmly in your body is that there are wounds and traumas within to release and resolve and heal from.
I Don’t Want to Hurt This Person
In regard to anyone that you need to say “no” to, tell the truth about how they’re treating you, or potentially pull away from, it may feel like you don’t want to hurt them.
But really, if you are truthful, you really fear getting hurt yourself.
Yet, now you already are, because you’re out of congruence.
These thoughts may be persistent, “Will this person start thinking that I am a bad person?”, “Will other people start believing I’m a bad person?”
You may tell yourself you don’t care, yet if you are honest with yourself you know that you do, and it’s not for the right reasons.
These are all the confusing and insidious feelings of guilt.
These unresolved feelings arise from the unmet, unhealed previous traumas of handing your power away in order to try to keep other people happy. These are deep wounds in the human consciousness of trying to appease others in order to be loved or safe.
These are often our unresolved beliefs from childhood, “If I keep you happy maybe you will love me” and “If I try to assert my own rights and truth you will hurt me” and so on and so forth.
This is not even to say that these people were narcissistic, because almost all of us came from the programming of, “children are seen and not heard” and are supposed to obey, rather than be able to express their own individuality, feelings and rights.
We have been programmed to “do the right thing”, often not realising that “the right thing” can be somebody else’s “right thing” and be completely wrong for us.
This is the conflict.
This is where guilt comes in. Guilt really goes like this, “I really don’t want to do this, but I feel guilty if I don’t do it”.
Or, “I really shouldn’t feel like this, but I do”.
Can you relate to this confusion? Can you see now how much this may have held you back in your life?
So, what would it take to become congruent with what you do want, as your Soul Truth, and following and living truthfully with what you feel?
It would require you first being honest with yourself and then being honest with others, and then making the choices that align with that truth.
Let’s now take this deeper …
By Acting Out of Guilt You Hurt Others
You may think that giving in to your guilt, and going along with others is the kindest and nicest thing you can do.
You may think that you’re the only one who is suffering as a result of your guilt.
That is totally not the truth.
Imagine if you stayed in a relationship because you felt too guilty to leave this person. That would mean you are there on false pretences. You are not offering them or yourself the opportunity to align with someone who is genuinely in love and matched with either of you.
Imagine if you go along with someone’s demanding behaviour because you feel too guilty to speak up and tell them that they are crossing your boundaries.
Not only are you engaging with them from resentment and lack of connection, but you also aren’t offering this person the opportunity to have reflected back to them their behaviour and become more self-actualised.
That’s not to say everybody can grow or change, but if you don’t honour the truth of yourself in your exchange with them, then you are never offering them the opportunity to do so.
Many people, non-narcissistic people, absolutely want your feedback and to have the opportunity to meet you at a higher level of genuine relationships as a result of you being honest with them.
If you stay stuck in your guilt and keep playing out the insidious lower-level exchanges with them, whilst refusing to step up to the plate (which is truly how we should be with the people who we love) then you deny them their possible evolution opportunity.
Neale Donald Walsch put it like this, “to allow an abuser to continue abusing is an act of abuse”.
I want you to really think about that.
Guilt Regarding Those We Have Hurt
I know we can feel terribly guilty about those we have hurt as a result of our own behaviour.
Personally, I suffered extreme guilt regarding what I put my son and other people through as a result of my own narcissistic abuse experience.
And, before I healed my guilt, I tried to make amends in really unhealthy ways. When I was trying to make up for what I had done, whilst hanging onto the horrific guilt inside of me, all I did was make matters worse.
I had to turn inwards to heal and release my own feelings of extreme guilt. Trying to fix other people to take away my guilt didn’t work. When I was still banging around in all the traumatisation of my victimisation guilt, I certainly wasn’t. I wasn’t even listened to. I wasn’t taken seriously.
The truth was I hadn’t taken myself seriously yet nor had I taken myself seriously inwards to do the real inner work.
This inner work was deeply between me and myself, and as a result of healing my feelings with Quanta Freedom Healing, and moving into emotional freedom, I was able to show up being genuinely, solidly and maturely remorseful.
Guilt had been replaced by acceptance. I deeply understood that all that had played out was not just for my evolution, it was for others as well. Rather than stay stuck in the trauma of the past, it was up to me to be a generative force leading by example.
I discovered, from this place, I was easily accepted and forgiven.
I also understood another phenomenon – that the deep healing on myself created a phenomenal shift in them as well. Such is the power of Quanta Freedom Healing.
How to Transform Guilt
The other side of guilt is absolutely glorious. The healing that occurs as a result of releasing our guilt is magnificent. It’s really magical.
We see so many people in the NARP community have unprecedented breakthroughs and acceleration in their healing when they focus on loading up, releasing and transforming the guilt with NARP Module work.
The best modules to use are Module One, the Source Healing and Resolution Module, and as always Module Six is powerful for guilt work, as well as releasing co-dependency and establishing healthy empowered boundaries.
I hope that I have inspired you to set yourself free from guilt. It’s one of the most important missions you will ever have.
And I’d love to help you get started on this. Please come into my free webinar where I explain to you more about this, as well as how NARP can transform your life, and I take you through a Quanta Freedom Healing where you can start releasing your guilt immediately.
To get this process started you can click the link at the top right of this video.
And as always, I look forward to answering your comments and questions below.
Having finally gotten the strength to leave my narcissistic husband,Ii now feel so guilty about not having anything to do with his mother. She is elderly and we always had a good relationship. Last time we spoke on the telephone she did nothing but sing his praises. I have been clear with her that I will not be going back to him and that he abuses her, but she cannot see that. I cant speak with someone who believes that an abuser is God’s gift.
And that totally is your right Jeanette!
Sending healing and blessings to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
Hi Melanie, my situation is been a three ring circus my daughter my granddaughter a foster parent who keeps giving her opinion I feel she is undermining me. I have spoken to her with no luck. My daughter verbally abused me to the point I was in tears then my granddaughter started acting out I have been trying to fix my daughters addiction and I failed. So now a foster parent is enabling them my daughter and granddaughter I have been discarded and blamed and I am angry. They are mad because they are not getting there way with me anymore. I do not know what else to say to them. My energy has been sucked dry.
Hi Mel I feel I have done my best and the lies I cannot put up with I feel I probably should not make any more attempts to talk to those who do not want healthy relationship with me😢
Hi Luisa,
hun you do know the answer to that question.
You can’t change or heal anyone other than yourself. Then who is healthy is who will join you in a healthy life.
Keep releasing with NARP any painful feelings, including guilt that are different to that truth.
Mel 🙏💕💚
Hi Melanie .
Once again , I feel you hit the nail on the head . A direct hit .
This back ground of guilt for me at least was the thing in my life that kept me in a bad relationship .
I have discovered that realising and revisiting these deep hurts in my self have kept me searching for myself esteem .
I have recognised in partners their issues and through my feelings of guilt failed to stand up for my true self by alway accepting responsibility for them , hoping they would recognise their issues in our relationships and I suffered through my guilts not being whole instead of protecting myself respect and setting boundaries I could keep
I think that makes sense about unresolved guilt of my own .
Thank you for sharing Kenn. That was – and with a couple of people still is to some degree – me too. I realise I couldn’t have expressed it that well though so thank you for that 😊🌸
Hi Kenn,
Thank you!
That totally makes sense Kenn, you definitely have a lot of clarity around this.
Breakthroughs and blessings to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
I just keep playing the whose the narcissist still dealing with his supply of hovering..during pandemic and reading it’s like .more surreal and crazy..was stupid did a fake facebook he wants pain to get hotel..was stupid just wanted to believe that’s not what he is..the more I read the more yes ..who does this..but lately feeling like MEN in general..had patterns do my best..far from hell from perfect..honest..want love
.maybe I’m not beautiful or money..always was ok being me..just wondering what’s wrong with the world bigger than a narcissist..seeing narcissist everywhere..selfish
Exploit..vain..just evil..hard to stay in limbo since March was ontop felt god felt rescued felt life..then back to god..just coincidentally and then back to zero and still wondering if I feel so empty how different am I from a narcissist
Dear Jennifer,
I totally understand this. Ditto my story two years ago.
What you felt WAS GOOD.
You don’t have to throw YOURSELF away.
YOUR love for them,
YOUR honesty,
YOUR kindness etc
It isn’t you that has to change .
Don’t turn against your innocence .
It’s not that you were wrong to be trusting.
It’s not that you were wrong to believe in someone else.
It’s NOT that you were hopeful.
All of that is what is RIGHT in relationships
The reason this fell apart is for only one thing:
NARCS are like assassins. They steal, kill, and destroy , simply by not affirming. By withholding love, attention and reflection. It’s like looking in a mirror and not seeing anything.
Pour all that kindness, Mercy, consideration, extra Grace, another chance, trust etc NOW into YOURSELF for yourself only .
These CAME FROM YOU AND CAN BE RECOVERED. Let NARP help you find them within you. Narcs don’t have any.
This experience is an opportunity to really get to know YOUR OWN LOVE.
Let NARP help you. There is a way out.
My heart goes out to Jennifer. We can find joy in the midst of anything, and I hope she won’t give up! And your reply was spot on, Melanie. Thank you.
If you wonder if your a Narcasstic person, your not. If you even question it means you understand it. It is another person having to have control, period. Over everything they can.
I feel you in the pandemic. Just remember you cant control anything but yourself. Cant control how someone else takes or treats you but you can remove yourself. I just ignore my spouse and his 30yr old son. Called bitch, where ect. I have insurance for now and that’s important with my conditions but I control how I feel and I do not let what they say effect me anymore. Getting mad does nothing, talking does nothing, so I do nothing. 😉
🙏🤗thank you Jacqueline . Might pay me to take more time when responding in texts. Glad you could relate . K
Spot on – and excellent timing. Thank you Melanie 🙏🌸💜
Hi Jacqueline,
It is my pleasure and so pleased that this resonated with you.
Much love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
All of these e mails are dated 05/18. Today is 5/17.
Different hemisphere? I am in North America.
Yes Tom,
I am in Australia, and we are quite a few hours ahead of you in time.
Mel 🙏💕💚
I feel guilty not having left my narc ex although he is a drunk and treated me like crap. He finally left me for a younger woman. It really bothers me that he get’s away with everything. I should have stood up for myself, showing him what kind of person he really is. Instead I submitted, scared to be without him, letting him do all the horrible things he did to me. And now he feels like a winner, mighty and powerful.
The reality is that you are the winner. You have survived a narcissist which makes you mighty and powerful, despite how you are feeling. You know what kind of person he really is – not the kind of person who deserves any more of your attention. You did not submit – although that is how it feels – you were manipulated by someone you loved who abused your loyalty and trust. He has got away with learning nothing and will repeat this cycle of unhappiness. You have a chance to break the cycle – try not to look back!
To Carol,
This is a beautiful message for Sabine and also for myself! I am going through this right at this moment and I am really struggling after 38 years of marriage, it has gotten to be unbearable and I feel sick about it all! Your message is empowering and so helpful, I took a photo so I can read it for strength and to not turn back!! Thank you so much!
Hi Sabine,
sending you big hugs and healing to you.
The narcissistic prison, for a narcissist, is having to live with a False Self and the trauma that creates and feels like every day. They do not get away with it!
We, on the other hand, can heal from trauma and be released from the pain.
I’d love you to come into my free webinar to learn more about this and how you can get out of the trauma that is so horrifically painful after narcissistic abuse.
I hope that this helps.
Much love to you
Mel 🙏💕💚
Hi Mel,
*As ever* so much wisdom here. You distill so much in these emails! Thank you so much – truly, your work is raising up so many and giving recovery and hope. Bless you…
Having been working NARP for a few months, I’m really at the point of needing to anchor for the first time in self-love. I need to change my internal compass – and I truly want to Thrive with the best of ’em! Onwards & upwards!
Thank you, Mel, so much…
Hi Stella,
thank you for your kind words!
Love your spirit hun!
Many blessings and breakthroughs to you and please know how welcome you are.
Mel 🙏💕💚
I am so inspired to set myself free from guilt!
I really, really want to get totally to the other side, where I am living in my own truth, honoring and respecting myself at all times.
I want others to have the opportunity to commune with me at a higher level of relationship. I am beginning to understand that by telling my truth, the behavior of the other person is reflected back to them, and they have the opportunity to see more of what they are actually doing- and learn from it, if that is possible for them.
I would have continued to avoid or block this knowing/ feeling/ yearning for myself if it weren’t for my NARP module work, Melanie’s dedication and love in these Thriver episodes, and the NARP moderators and fellow NARPers, in the forum .
As always, I am so thankful for this:) Much love to all!!!!!!
Hi Gen,
I love that you are this inspired.
You are doing such a beautiful job of championing your own evolution.
So much love to you from All of Us!
Mel 🙏💕💚
Hi Melanie,
I am amazed at the depths of the connections and the clarity of your explanations about feelings so subtle to distinguish on the surface because so deep and too painful. Thank you for your help.
Sending love
Thank you for your lovely words and please know how welcome you are.
My love to you as well!
Mel 🙏💕💚
My name is Naomi and it is my father who is the narcissist and the one who verbally abused me, my mom, and my sister for several years. He fits the profile of a narcissistic abuser to a T- never takes responsibility for his actions, highly offended from even the smallest piece of criticism, lives by his own rules (that only apply to him), and constantly puts the blame and responsibility of his actions on other people. (My mom recently found this blog a few weeks ago and I am a newcomer). The hardest part of dealing with my father, is that I have to face the reality that he will never change. Every time he acts concerned or displays empathy, I have to remind myself that it is all just an act- my father has never felt a drop of emotion. He only cares about himself and doesn’t love me or my sister. How do you tell that to a teenager? How do you tell her that her father will never ever love her, no matter what she does? And then, how do I heal from that? How can I move on with my life knowing that my parent doesn’t care or love me?
I desperately want to not just know, but feel, that he cannot change no matter what I do and that I am not required to answer him because right now, it doesn’t feel like that. Right now, I am terrified of upsetting him because I know what the consequences will be- pure, uncontrolled rage. I am looking to be freed (why I came on this blog) of everything- guilt, anxiety, everything. I want to live my life without fear of my dad and I want to truly be my own person, the best person that I can be.
I’m 19 by the way.
Yeah narcs use guilt to make you feel like you deserve the stupid, cruel or lying crap they do. They can also be obsequious, feigning long suffering servitude to a spouse or girlfriend they often punish for not wanting to eff them anymore, yet the narcs have no compunction about smearing their “ball n chain” to their friends or enablers the way immature teenagers do when trying to get popular from gossip and ganging up on someone.
Don’t be fooled, they may act passive aggressive and avoidant of communication like they feel sooo guilty(not) all while snickering like townie haters with their buddies to maximize getting attention and feeling important. #believewomen
There wasn’t ever any unfinished business until narcissists wormed their way in.