Today’s video is very important … because it’s all about the one simple shift that you can make that changes everything about HOW we can heal from trauma.

This Thriver TV episode is about how our body and our brain works and the connection between the two.

None of us were taught where trauma lives, how it affects our belief systems and our entire life.

Traditionally, there was also zero education about how if we don’t know how to find it or address it – every attempt we make to live a life free from the terrible grip of trauma may fail.

Meaning we simply can’t think in healthier or more productive ways than the trauma that is already wedged in our Being.

There is a specific link between feelings, thoughts and behavior and beliefs … and our OLD way of trying to heal ourselves and our life has been through the mind.

We have thought that the mind is the director of our life …. however, you may be shocked to realize it actually isn’t, it’s the follower … and to change our mind there is a deeper change that has to happen first.

It is my greatest wish that you discover in this episode why recovery, for significant trauma, has been so arduous and ineffective and HOW there are ways to heal for real instead.

I believe in this shift SO much! Because it was the shift in my healing discoveries that saved my life – literally.

I hope with all my heart that it not only saves you from trauma but also unlocks your most incredible Life and way of living possible!


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48 thoughts on “What Is Trauma Consciousness? And How To Break Free From It

  1. I feel like this video is incomplete? You didn’t tell us **HOW** to release the energy/emotions that are associated with the trauma…

    That’s kind of the most vital piece of info, don’t you think??

    1. Thank you! I was just about to post the same comment! She spends all this time talking in circles, using big concepts like “quantum science” and “organic subconscious programming” to distract from the fact that she never gives solutions or pragmatic steps towards healing. I wonder how she’s making money from our pain.

      1. Hi Jen,
        Yes, this video is “advanced”. Begin with some of her other FREE youtube videos and materials for the HOW. If Mel is making money it is because she is offering a GREAT SERVICE to us. The cost of her Quanta Freedom Healing series is negligible with the ability to pay in small monthly installments. She even offers a 30 day money back guarantee. MOST of what Mel offers is actually FREE so she is not “making money from anyone’s pain”. For the folks who are benefitting from her videos, she is not even making any money at all. Thankfully she is sharing with us, her own personal experience and how she has transcended it.

    2. I believe that Melanie is saying that in order to heal from trauma, we need to locate and track any associated pain or discomfort through the body, not not the mind. ( Right now the traditional approach to healing trauma is the reverse.) The way we do that is explained in her NARP Program (she may have assumed that most of her audience was familiar with NARP). In NARP emotional healing begins by locating any pain and/or discomfort in the body, feeling into it , and releasing it. This step is repeated several times until the pain, fear , etc. is fully released or substainally lessened.

      1. Hi Bea,

        yes that is correct … and of course I am happy to answer the people who don’t know yet 🙂

        The people who are familiar with my work have heard and seen that answer (such as seen my You Tube videos “Shifts Happen”) and naturally there are some new people who have not been involved in my Community that deeply yet!

        For anyone who wants to know the deep “how” please see my comment to Nicole above.

        Mel xo

      2. Back in the 80-s Primal Therapy taught and still teaches the same, you have to feel the original pain!

    3. Hi Nicole,

      the “how to” is the deep inner work, which my actual healing process Quanta Freedom Healing is. QFH is what myself and many other Thrivers in the Community have used to release our trauma.

      Here is the link about it:

      QFH is in the NARP Program which is my Healing Program – and to sample NARP, QFH and experience an actual body shift on your trauma, you can join with me in my FREE 3 hour workshop

      Also to watch QFH in action you can look at any of my Shifts Happen You Tube episodes where I demonstrate with actual people in real time this trauma release method.

      As you will see the experience of releasing trauma is something that is done energetically, it requires committing to working on ourselves regularly, and using process that works that we can use can’t just be explained in a blog article or even just talked about on a video.

      It’s something you need to personally experience as directed by someone who can tap into it and create that reality for you. Otherwise you would need to train in a subconscious shift energetic healing modality to be able to do it yourself.
      (usually …)

      I hope this helps.

      Oh and also please know subscribing to my free newsletter grants you this training as well as SO much more regarding how to release our trauma and Thrive. This is a free resource also.

      Mel xo

    4. Hi Nicole!

      May I recommend that you look into Mel’s Quanta Freedom Healing Technique? She has many other Youtube videos under the title SHIFTS HAPPEN which show you how it works. You can sign up to receive some FREE tools and information as well as a FREE webinar where she goes through the first healing with you. You can also ultimately purchase her Quanta Freedom Healing modules which are FANTASTIC. I have them, use them, and LOVE them.
      This video is more of a brilliant explanation of WHY it works. And it DOES work.
      Good luck!

    5. Do the Narp program…it’s not a one time event. It’s a process and takes working the modules……it’s life shifting.

  2. Which modules help the most with this?? We have the NARP program. Which ones will help the most and get us on that path??

    1. Hi Melinda,

      every Module in NARP is releasing trauma – that is exactly its purpose.

      So really the question is “what is triggering me right now?” then using the applicable Module to find and release that specific trauma.

      Melinda, are you in the NARP Forum ? Because that is the place to get specific and deep coaching on how to work with NARP, including the most effective techniques that Thrivers use to get the best healing results.

      It’s a resource well worth tapping into that can’t recommend enough.

      I hope this helps Dear Lady.

      Mel xo

      1. That’s really generous Mel.
        I’m able to understand what you describe in this TV episode in reverse.
        Having attended free Webinar and read a lot if your free information I NOW understand what you’re describing. This is an advanced level episode and might require a ‘sticky’ re same.
        Because as you say in earlier episodes our brains can be fried by the narcissistic experience and information at this level may be too much.

        1. Hi Angela,

          I totally agree …that most people who have already been introduced to an inner journey will “get” this.

          It is a dichotomy though … because IF we can realise that the mind can’t heal significant trauma and that in order to we need to go within – right from the beginning – then our healing path can powerfully begin.

          Generally what we do is try to get all the logical information possible to help us heal – yet we are looking for relief in all the wrong places. What we are taking on through our mind does not penetrate our being or release the trauma to even make enough space for the information to enter.

          It is my hope that more people (including who are newbies) may switch on, somewhere deep inside to these truths and say “Ahaha I GET it!”

          Mel xo

  3. Very good! This is so true! I understand but I have also spent years working to heal and reprogram myself. For me personally no contact helps a lot. I still have contact with the narc but it is very limited.

    1. Hi Julia,

      I am glad you enjoyed this.

      I sooooo agree! No Contact absolutely is essential – and it creates the space for our traumas to surface without the distraction, and creates the need to fully self-partner, as well as grants the ability to reprogram and de-tox our inner embedded traumas and painful beliefs.

      Many of us Julia had done literal DECADES of self-work and were still N-abused. The real reason why is because at that stage we didn’t have the tools to re-wire our inner DNA epigenetic and childhood trauma that were imprinted in our subconscious … regardless of what we had tried to do to develop ourselves beyond these patterns in the past.

      Have you come into one of my workshops to experience Quanta Freedom Healing? It takes healing (humbly) to a whole new level.

      If you are keen to experience this I would love you to join me:

      Sending you many blessings 🙂

      Mel xo

  4. Melanie, I just want to say I appreciate you and your resoursces so much. You are a wealth of information and one thing I can say with certainty is you do not take advantage of our pain for your own financial gain. I have been so grateful for every bit of help I have received from you, and most of it has been absolutely free…no strings attached. And what you do charge for I have felt is extremely affordable and fair…not the feeling I get from many other coach type packages found on the web. So many times they feel like highway robbery, and way beyond my budget. Thank you, thank you, thank you, a thousand times over for all that you…GIVE!!! You’re a jewel!! ?❤️

    1. Hi Free2run,

      (I LOVE your name!)

      thank you for your beautiful post – and please know you are so welcome. I am so blessed with my work, and I love sharing my information with you all.

      Much love to you Dear Lady

      Mel xo

  5. Hi Mel,

    I have tried the somatic approach via Peter Levine and trauma therapy specialists which operate from the same space you do with your QFH. I am finding that the resources I am being shown to practice and trusting through the felt self is helping but I am simply managing symptoms and some of the exercises are very helpful but with trauma and disconnection it is so hard to learn anything with techniques that I am being shown. I am slowly gaining a window of tolerance but I have had a history of trauma from a young age and then sociopathic abuse as re-enactment. I experience all of the symptoms as per any trauma victim in the ‘body’ and it’s hard to stay present on any level without feeling shell shocked. It’s all caught up to me or should I say had a chance to catch up to me. Body has now said STOP and I am listening. I love your work anyway I think anyone in my shoes should give it go.


    1. Hi Penny,

      it is so important in the inner somatic work to get the shift … meaning to get the trauma up and out and replace it with source “light” … your higher consciousness state.

      Any healing modality that is not tapping into that Higher Power Source is still trying to heal at levels that are not super-conscious … meaning the ability to heal what as limited humans we can’t.

      It is such an access point and switch over that creates incredible healing – otherwise we are simply stuck in self-partnering and management of wounds – not in the true healing of them.

      Self-parenting ourselves back to health takes a lot of time to get the relief and the evolution. Quantum Healing techniques don’t – they are instant when you tap into them fully.

      Please know you are right – you have to be fully with the wound to get the shift. And that is BEYOND confronting. And MORE than uncomfortable.

      But … when you get to the point in your life (I had severe unmanageable trauma too as many of us Thrivers have had) when you say “I am already dead, my wounds have already ravaged and destroyed me .. so WHAT choice do I have … I am going to fully feel and load this up and release it out of me” …

      That is what NO matter how big, bad and long the trauma has been there – and even if it is all we have ever known we just do it .. because there is NOTHING else to do.

      We fully surrender into feeling it, breathe, open our bodies, load it up and release it out. No matter how much it somatically hurts until the release.

      There are wounds where I have rocked and wailed as I’ve loaded them up in order to release them. They were so big and traumatic they felt like a 100/10 in intensity. Yet when released them, only minutes later, I felt like I had released centuries and tonnes of trauma and pain (and I had).

      Underneath all of our trauma – when we started excavating it as if our life depends on it (because it does) it is our True Self just waiting to see and feel “light” and have room to breathe – when the suffocating trauma piece by piece by piece gets dissolved away.

      What we may not have realised is that it isn’t our trauma that is killing us, it is who we are not being because of it … that is destroying our life.

      Once we fully meet and claim it and load it up and release – we realise our trauma never was who We Really Are.

      I hope something that I have written above helps.

      Mel xo

      1. Melanie,

        Thank you this makes a lot of sense because I don’t that many people realize that body work is only just a management tool and we can bring in source consciousness in with the use of felt self or reliance on a resource be that inner or outer as per the somatic method I am working with such as body tapping and observing emotions and thoughts and sensations. It would me a life time if that even though I am thankful for the therapy I have received it’s been validating but my complex trauma from childhood has has been severe so I think a super tool is what I need. I have sat in my sadness for too long and managing symptoms are just too hard as the depression and life are saying stop and come home.


  6. Hi Mel!
    Once again you have produced another BRILLIANT video! I LOVE how you explain how this whole process works. I LOVE that you continually refer to it all being ORGANIC. That so NAILS it!
    Your explanations are getting deeper and deeper and I am finding them ever more helpful. I still refer to upleveling/reprogramming as DETOXING–a phrase that you used in a previous video. It’s true that we are “programmed” from an early age. That programming can be horrible and we are not even aware of it because we are taught to believe that WE are the problem not our programming.
    It also makes a lot of sense to me that trauma gets passed down in DNA. I read an article that said our DNA can actually BE CHANGED by trauma.
    I LOVE that science is discovering that we are foundationally vibrational beings. Trauma impacts our vibrational level in a negative way. DETOXING by using QFH is a GREAT way to align our vibrations more positively and in the direction that we deliberately want to create–as opposed to creating by default because of faulty programming or being in proximity to dysfunctional people’s toxic electromagnetic frequency. I had watched that video you told us about by Bruce Lipton. Invaluable. I loved where he used the example of the two tuning forks. The first one was vibrating and the second one began vibrating without being “touched” simply because it was in proximity to the other one.
    Your videos combined with the QFH modules are priceless. I find the QFH modules (after the first one where you have to do all the intense initial dredging up of trauma) to be SO comforting. One the pieces of it that is so profound is when the angels come and remove the junk. As a recovering codependent who was always the one having to DO and HOLD THINGS TOGETHER for EVERYONE ELSE, it is BEYOND awesome to have loving angels willingly–with no strings attached–do something so loving for me.
    Thanks again for introducing and continuing to bring me this wonderful work of yours.
    I truly wish you the very best of everything.
    Cheers xoxoxox

    1. Hi Deannaf,

      Thank you and I am so pleased you enjoyed this.

      Oh gosh it is organic! Everything that we thought was “normal” has actually been so unnatural!

      Isn’t it wonderful that science and spirituality are meeting? Our world is definitely awakening, it is exciting times!

      I adore everything you have posted here, and that you are healing with the NARP Program and all of this supplementary information … within your heart, soul and spirit … and blossoming into your True You.

      As we do without our trauma.

      Bless you Dear Sister in this journey – your are radiating pure joy and love.

      Mel xo

  7. Hi Mel.
    Wow you’re on fire. What a fantastic episode. You’ve managed to weave together so many strands of causation which truly gives a fantastic graphic picture as to WHY narcissistic abuse can occur.
    As to the contributor who asked HOW to deal with this, join the free Webinar and perhaps therafter the Narp forum. I cannot recommend this programme highly enough. With sincere thanks and appreciation. Angela

  8. Thank you for this insightful session. Our bodies do not work like books for example. It is so much more interlaced with so many other compartments of what our physical bodies contain.
    Keep up the great and informative work. It is helpful to so many.

  9. I too want to express my appreciation for all of the work you put out. I’ve been following you for some time now, along with other resources, and have come a long way since feeling completely broken. Just recently I found myself involved in yet another one of these horrific situations, this time with a neighbor who at first came across is the charming gentleman. ….you know the story. Well not only was I able to cut the time it took me to realize what I’m dealing with but the tool of ongoing journaling opened my eyes to how this recent situation MIRRORS EXACTLY the situation with my abusive step father from over 40 years ago! It’s so uncanny how this man has paralleled the way that my step father manipulated and abused. Realizing this helps me to have more empathy for the child that I was, without any resources to help myself, or anyone t;o turn to and so I took on his projected shame. BUT, today is a different story. I can take of myself and choose to cut this person out of my life completely.
    Thanks again Melanie…. I know that there is a lot more work to do but it feels so good to be on the downside of the hill of this crap.

  10. Thank you Mel for another great episode! I happen to be finishing your ebook on Forgiveness. The part at the end, about claiming, releasing and rewiring thoughts, is made ever so more clear by this video! This information is helping me overcome the peptide addiction to the hamster wheel thoughts that plague me.

  11. Melanie — you nailed the really BIG picture with this one. And, having done your work, I know you also provide the “how”. It is so true — it is in the body first. I think that is why I have found body-work (Rolfing) as a foundation of my healing so helpful.

  12. Melanie — you nailed the really BIG picture with this one. I know having done your work that you provide the “how” as well. It is true — it is rooted in the body first. I think that is why I have found body-work (Rolfing) so helpful as a foundation piece to my healing. Nice job!

  13. Dear Mel,

    I have written before and got the healing I wanted from the first workshop I listened to. Thank you very much! Because I have two adult sons who both have many narcissistic traits like their father I am always aware about what you have written that the narcissist cannot be heal. I have a very hard time with this, why cannot this program work for my boys? You speak of no contact, and yes I understand and I only get to see the one son once a year because he lives in Melbourne and I am in Canada. There are two beautiful grandchildren who are witnessing his terrible overt behavior. I have spent many many years healing myself and thru your workshop I finally am healed. I want this for my sons, especially the one in Australia. You say that my healing will precipitate his. This is my wish. Must i just be patient? To remember him as a baby and a young boy hurts me so, but the circumstances with his possible emotional neglect as his brother was killed and I was not able to be there for either of my sons. They have been so wounded. As a Mum, it is very hard to stand by and witness his verbal abuse to me and my daughter in law. Any comments would be gratefully accepted.

    1. Hi Valerie,

      You are very welcome 🙂

      The truth is Valerie, if anyone wishes to meet their inner trauma and heal, they can. But they have to want to.

      Our children Valerie, up level when we continue to work on releasing our trauma / fears / pain regarding them and hold and “know” that they are coming into their Inner Wisdom and Truth.

      That’s exactly how it worked for my son and I … the reality was I worked on myself every day to get my emotional inner resonance to that level regarding him – and then the breakthrough occurred.

      I did a two part series on this just recently with Devon – working on her and her son.

      It is an ongoing process, which really Dear Lady is so much more than just a workshop experience.

      I hope this helps.

      Mel xo

  14. Hi Melanie,
    I suffered from emotional abuse from my narcissistic 2nd husband for 10 years, and finally freed myself and my children last year. Your support was a big part of that. Today I am writing because last month I suffered severe burns to my arms and legs from an exploding can of cooking spray which set me on fire. While my wounds are slowly healing, the trauma set me back emotionally to where I can feel all my accumulated fears and traumas of my entire life. I want to say thank you for this video. I realize that I need to use the strength of my body and push the fear and trauma out by not letting it dictate one minute of my day. There are things that I CAN do, and I will focus solely on those positive steps. I understand what you said about changing from the cellular level because I have always been a very physical and active person, but it may be a hard concept for some. If we want to heal, it is much like Ghandi said, ” be the change you want to see…” and I will add, starting with our own physical and conscious beings. Thank you again for what you do.

    1. Hi Maryann,

      Oh gosh Maryann, that must have been so painful and traumatic, but wow, the purpose … the gift of that time.

      I adore Ghandi’s quote and I couldn’t agree more.

      Keep shining on Brave Lady!

      Mel xo

  15. I had to watch this three times to get it all–brilliant! Melanie, You are so generous. I learned about you + your work just two weeks ago and started the modules recently. I feel ten pounds lighter. Thank you for all you do. Blessings. <3

  16. Hi melanie am new to this program, i saw your blog and am really pleased with it, am so so happy to see that am not the only one facing this same issue , as am writing to you now am in pain and tears. I left my narcissistic ex husband for over a month now with my little child along with me , i left without letting him know, i was in this relationship wit him for over 6 years, he made me suffer emotionally and physical torture, he,s a cheat, tell lies and accused and blamed me for every mistakes he committed, he never admitted to his crimes, he gets back at me whenever i point out his flaws he made me coming out of an argument as looser who is unable to get a degree in college , infact he describes the real definition of a pure devil , he’s never remorseful for hurting me, i also suffered what we called emotional infidelity, whenever i complained about that,he either made fake promises to me that it won’t happen again or he calls me a jealous person, despite all those pains he caused me i still go back apologizing to him not knowing that i was living in his manipulative ways and lies, he don’t care about me when am feeling down he cares about me doing all his wishes, when he sees that my attention is no longer on his sides he use everything even blaming me of not doing what he asked me to do,just to make sure my attention is all focused on him. i caught him so many times cheating on me with other women on social networks but he he denies and get away with it calling me a jealous person. when he sees that he has done much to hurt me then he start acting nice to me. He rages his voice even more when i insist on him being accountable for his crimes, he tells his friends, and neighborhood that am a bad wife that i do disrespect him and am so arrogant and wicked, i cry day and night he don’t care about me and my child, he always reminds me how fat am becoming each passing day, that he’s going to run away from me if i don’t do anything about it that made me felt bad about myself i doubted every truth about me, i started hating myself i no longer care about myself, i looked down on me, he made sure he drains my energy anything he knows that would be source of my strength, h e cared less about our child he disrespect every aspect of me disgrace and humiliate me, at the outside part he’s nice and cheerful giver he treats others differently just to make into his tricks and manipulation, when i explain this issue to others around us they see me as a bad woman i didn’t have that courage to explain or express my feelings at all i am now seen as the abuser. He isolated me from seeing or meeting friends and family not until when i found out about what and who he is i was so shocked and surprised to see that he’s a narc then i started reading every details about narcissm i then realised that he never loved me all along i was only being used and nothing more since then i started clearing my doubt about him i was so broken i began to plan my departure from the narcissist every truth and lies became clear to me i even come to understand and see how selfish and shameless he is after that i left without him knowing my departure and reasons why i left all my aim was to heal and move and just accept the truth about he never accepted the fact to the extent that he keeps coming to my aunts place where i moved in i set no contact i made sure i was unreachable to him but that was just a big lie he came back raging at me to go back home with his child but i refused after that he blame and accusing me of being of being so pompous, stubborn and arrogant that i was unable to make a good marriage he criticize and brainwash me he comes everyday when he knows that no one is around just to rage at me saying so much hurtful words to me calling me a bad mother and a wife i tried ignoring him several times but i failed i was already making progress in healing my state but it seems he has taken me back to square one of those pain i once felt am so so exhausted he bent on asking me when will i come back but when telling him am no longer interested he uses our child as excuse for me to come back if not that, he will insult and say that he’s not going to plead or force me to come back cause he didn’t do anything wrong to me if he sees that am trying not to agree he will threaten me am just back to the pains i was trying to get rid of reading your blog today gave me hope to rise up and be strong again for now i am feeling like to go back and plead to him for forgiveness despite knowing how dangerous he is thanks

    1. Jacinta, DON’T GO BACK. Keep reading and doing everything Melanie’s program says! You CAN HEAL! You DESERVE A BEAUTIFUL AND HEALTHY LIFE FIR YOU AND YOUR CHILD. ❤️

  17. This video contains the most profound message, thank you so much, Melanie, for making it available. I listened to this video twice and took notes. In order to heal the heartbreak and change the belief system that will break through the layers disfuntional habbits and behaviors, the body needs to release the emotional trauma so that mind will follow. When the body/heart is in sync, working in harmony as a whole functioning system through quantum healing, the old disfuntional belief system will no longer attract the abuse of the narcissistic catalyst. This is exactly the tool I needed. Thank you!

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