Today I’m reaching out to the many beautiful, giving Souls in this community who like to make a difference in other people’s lives.

I want to explain why so many wonderful lightworkers are fodder for narcissists.

You’ll find out the two main disempowering misconceptions of being a lightworker and how they put you at risk of being taken down by a narcissist.

If you love spreading your light and lending a hand and your heart to people in need, as I so deeply do, you need to understand why we are susceptible to toxic and abusive people.

I really believe with all of my heart, that lightworkers are here for big things. We’re here to help ourselves, others, our planet and humanity itself to come out of the darkness and into the light.

So watch my video or read the transcript to learn how to avoid the trap of narcissistic abuse so you can step into your role as a lightworker with confidence and courage.



Video Transcript

Today I want to talk to you about why narcissists trap lightworkers, as well as how they do it, and why so many wonderful lightworkers are fodder for narcissists. And most importantly, how you can still be a powerful lightworker yet never be a target for a narcissist again. Rather, a narcissist will be terrified of you.

I know that many of you who are lightworkers listen to and watch my channel. I know that you are a beautiful, giving Soul because you’re a person who likes to make a difference. You love spreading your light and lending a hand and your heart to people in need.

Maybe you are working professionally in a healing or a caretaking role. Many people in this community do or really should be, if you do grant yourself the confidence and the courage to pursue your True Soul contributions to this planet. It’s really wonderful because many people who work my healing programs end up doing this.


The Disempowering Misconception Of Being A Lightworker

I want to talk to you about the disempowering misconception of being a lightworker, because there are many common misconceptions that are New Age false premises of being a lightworker. I want to talk about the main two that I really believe are an issue.

The first one is that narcissists go after people’s light. A lot of people believe that and a lot of people talk about that. But it’s an incomplete statement and it’s not fully accurate. Yes, absolutely, narcissists go after your energy and your Life Force, but they can only do that when they know how to tap into and use your fears and your insecurities against you, as well as, your loving, over-giving nature. We’re going to look into this further soon.

The second new age lightworker misconception is that being a lightworker means that your light and your love can conquer all and that you will somehow be spiritually protected and you will just have the ability to create great relationships because of your knowledge or your spirituality. As many of us painfully found out, this is not the truth at all.

This is what I believe about lightworkers, being one myself, is that if we are not powerfully in our sovereign truth, our authenticity and our light, then we are highly susceptible to narcissists. They love going for people like you and myself because we are fixers. We like sorting out other people’s issues and narcissists have plenty of those issues, as we know, and we’re going to give and give and give until it hurts, often at our own expense, which narcissists love because they’re in the business of taking and emptying you out.

Here’s a really hard truth, but we need to understand this – we’ve been wounded people. This is the reason why we are drawn to being healers, because we teach what we’ve most needed to learn. We’ve got compassion to give to others as a result of our own real-life experiences. Here’s the thing, having wounds is the number one necessity for a narcissist to be able to leverage power over someone.

Let me go a little deeper with this. I really believe with all of my heart and Soul, that lightworkers are here for big things. We’re here to help ourselves, others, our planet and humanity itself to come out of the darkness and into the light.

I believe that narcissists are the most powerful catalysts and agents to help us do this. They find and they attack our wounds because that’s how they hook us and how they trauma bond us.

This also makes our unconscious unhealed parts incredibly conscious because we get throttled with them. They literally beat us up with our own insecurities or unhealed parts and it makes them incredibly conscious. It actually forces us to our knees in absolute trauma to turn inwards and heal our own Soul back to wholeness, because that’s the only way we actually recover from them.

By doing that inner journey and doing that healing, which is what my Thriver healing path is all about, we finally integrate those lost or disowned or unconscious parts that were not whole and we emerge, we heal and grow up into our True Self and our true life. This happens as we detox ourselves from the narcissist in everything that they triggered within us.

Now, none of our susceptibilities has made it our fault that narcissists go after us, it just helps us understand why they do. And it offers a path out for us to grow and develop beyond this susceptibility as well as claim the powerful, incredible light that we were born to have to create heaven on earth within this lifetime.


Unconscious And Conscious Lightworkers

Let’s have a look at the difference between unconscious and conscious lightworkers so that you can understand this a little better.

I used to be an unconscious lightworker and the interesting thing about being unconscious, it’s not until we come into more consciousness that we know that we were unconscious. When I was an unconscious lightworker it didn’t mean I was a bad person. I had a big heart. I wanted to make a difference, but it wasn’t until Thriver recovery from narcissistic abuse that I worked out what had made me susceptible to narcissists. I didn’t know how to put my oxygen mask on before handing them out to others.

I used to try to heal people so that I could feel better. It was a way of avoiding at that time. I had not done the deep inner cellular work on myself and, quite frankly, I didn’t know how to do that. I thought knowledge and training was enough. I hadn’t processed yet – meaning, released and reprogrammed my inner trauma that were trapped in my being – I was still carrying the fears of CRAP, meaning, criticism, rejection, abandonment, and punishment, if I tried to be honest and fully myself. I was scared to speak up. I didn’t know how to take a stand for my rights and values and I really didn’t even know what they actually were.

I had a very poor boundary function. I was a people pleaser. I was a fixer. I used to tell people what they were wanted to hear. I also was a psychic, spiritual sensitive, as so many of us are in this community, that felt other people’s energy profusely.

This meant I was tuning into what they wanted and needed to try to make them feel good so that I could feel good, rather than simply align with and create relationships that had the desire and the capacity to meet me at my values and truth.

All of this made me a very big target for a narcissist because it’s exactly the characteristics that they love. Other people tuning into them and handing power away to them. The real truth is lightworkers have these characteristics in spades.

So let me speak to the truth of every lightworker in this community who hasn’t yet made the transition to being a conscious lightworker who will never tolerate a narcissist again. Like I said, at the start of this video, becoming a person who will send a narcissist running for the hills, like a vampire recoils, when a whopping great light is shone on them.


The Conscious Graduation

So what does this up-level, this conscious graduation, look like?

It’s created from the self-partnering, from turning within where you take full radical responsibility for your internal unhealed parts and your inner trauma. It’s where, in this self-partnership, you start healing them and yourself up beyond these traumas into a much more sovereign and authentic beingness.

Then you value yourself. Then you start trusting and loving yourself and discovering what your truth and values really mean for you. No longer are you fixing people in order to be loved. Rather, you are calling people upwards from where you are vibrating, offering them solutions and truths to embrace, to heal.

This is very true in a professional capacity if this is your job as a lightworker. Yet, you no longer take responsibility for those who choose not to self-partner and take responsibility for their own Souls and healing.

In your personal relationships, you are only expending your time and energy on people who will take responsibility for their life. This becomes even more important now because you may have to share your life and possibly even your bed with this person.

As a conscious lightworker, you align with your truth. You have boundaries. You’re able to say no, and you’re able to lose it all to get it all. Because really what you’re saying by being your authentic sovereign self is, “Come join me in this light, join me in truth and authenticity and integrity and wholesomeness. If you don’t wish to, or you don’t have the capacity to, I set you free so that you can go and have relationships and experiences that are more a match for where you’re at. I free myself to continue on in my life, creating more of what is true for me because I now honour, value and respect myself.”

“I have my own light. I love my connection to Source, which is my higher self-creation, God, the universe, whatever you want to call your higher power. I’m fulfilled and whole. I know my True Source is not you, it’s Source. You are not my Source. Because now I have true love through Source, through my own development back home to myself. I will never accept a level of love less than the level of love that I have for me.”

No narcissist can exist in your life with the development into that truth back home to yourself. In that place, you will not tolerate narcissistic rubbish for a moment. The first time it even starts shaking your relationship, you will stand in the truth of your values, lay boundaries, and quickly see if this person can come and join you in that higher vibrational truth or not. A narcissist can’t. Their actions will not match their words and they very quickly unravel and expose themselves and you won’t stay with it.


In Conclusion

So, in conclusion, I really hope today’s video has helped you understand how you thought being a lightworker made you a target was a weakness because of narcissists. It’s actually your greatest strength because narcissists are False Selves. When you are a powerful sovereign being in your light, you are a True Self. They are no match for you. You are no longer a match of vibrating anywhere near their falsities, their faux love, their control, their conditions, their games, or the manipulations.

You don’t need to acquiesce to that junk to be able to get yourself. You’ve already got yourself. You are able to say no and powerfully be yourself, whilst continuing to shine your powerful light. I know that in this community, so many of you are lightworkers and this is why you’ve had the experience of narcissistic abuse so that you can fully release the parts of you that are still in trauma or insecure or not healed yet. So you can release that darkness to fully claim your light.

Narcissists really force us to do this. I would love to help you get there, as myself and thousands of other people in this community have done – left behind those unconscious parts of ourselves, where we used to hand power over to narcissists – to become conscious lightworkers who now are not only impervious to narcissists, but we are free to do our lightworkers’ work in the world, in powerful, expansive, and fearless ways.

The path myself and others have taken to do that inner work to make this possible is NARP, it’s the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program. The link is here and after researching NARP and looking into it, I know that you will start to feel what is possible for you.

I really hope this has helped. I’d love to see if you relate to this. Let me know in your comments.

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19 thoughts on “Why Narcissists Trap Unconscious Lightworkers

  1. If you feel you’ve transgressed because you “might have figured it out” that there are generations of abuse to solve, you are not alone. It’s OK. You have arrived, in a sense.

    Forgive yourself. This isn’t your fault (if you are here, you and I both know how this feels).

    Allow yourself the space to heal. It is a long road, you do heal. Go. Be good to yourself along the way. It gets better. One step, one day at a time.

    Maybe Mel’s words help you see it as a revelation, maybe not. But this is a great space to heal.

    Heal, please. A narc in my life (less and less now) once more-or-less “insisted” that I heal (her way, right now…). That’s not this, that’s not now. Heal at your own pace. It’s OK.

  2. You and your words have been helping me for over five years now. Thank you immensely. I’m loving me and when my closest, dearest friend said this to me at a breakfast, close to her own daughter’s wedding, she will never know how much her moment on me has risen me like a Phoenix from Mulan (my granddaughter’s first favorite movie). It is starting to ‘show’ pun intended❣️ I’m a work in progress, as much as we all are who choose good over evil. I do believe evil exists now, but I also see other’s lights and my own shining brighter than I have ever seen and I am trusting myself and my set boundaries. Thank you kindly for your caring true blue soul and helping others. 🤗

  3. What a wonderful article! 🙂 Thank you! <3 … A few matching quotes:

    Being too good… is a bad thing. 😉
    You have to show your mean side once in a while to avoid getting hurt.
    People who are “too nice“ are also the ones who get hurt the most.

    To give Love is to receive Love. But Love cannot arise without self-love. Self-love embodies the roots of Love. The stronger the roots, the more Love will blossom.

    We need to begin to choose our responsibilities that we do want with our own free will. This is the actual freedom we are looking for. And to do this, we choose what we want to become responsible for because it would make us feel good to do it, not because it would make us feel like a good person to do want we don’t want to do. One person cannot be responsible for everything, even in their own lives.

    1. Ariana, thank you for saying that you need to show your mean side once in a while to avoid getting hurt. When I let loose with my anger, people get a little shock and angry when I stick up for myself and then try to shame me by saying “What’s wrong with you”, “You were never like this”, etc. These people seem to forget that you can only push people so far before there is a negative reaction to their bad behavior; however, being “good” little bullies and narcissists, they think that they didn’t do anything.

  4. Helpful article as ever Melanie. Thank you so much for the insight, support and love that you share. Your work has made a difference to the way that I see my world, which is now so healthy in comparison to when I was partnered with a narcissist. Words such as fun, balance and harmony describe my being.
    You certainly are a light worker of the highest order. 😘

  5. Ooh, what a wonderful message, timely as ever, thank you Melanie 🙂 Thank you for making such sense of our/my experiences and helping us /me to move forward… into the light! Onwards and upwards, eh?! Sending much love to you, and to all the NARPers and Thrivers out there. The world needs us now more than ever…

  6. Wonderful message. Thank you. And your kitty added to the video. What a beautiful cat!
    I’m a narp member and the courses helped me learn about myself as an empathic person. Narp Taught me my role in attaching to a narcissist. And taught me how to break it off no contact. I have confidence I won’t attach to one again.

  7. I continue to feel confused about the healing work on self and what is possible.
    Ex body issues (not meeting cultural unrealistic standard), how it causes vulnerability in relationships…
    It feels like someone has to overcome all insecurities in order to have a safe relationship?
    This seems unrealistic…
    This continues to feel like a stuck point as much as I relate and understand so much of what Melanie talks about…

  8. Thank you Melania for clarifying some important issues. Thank you for helping me understand that I am not a victim in this situation and should not feel afraid that I am prey for the narcissist, rather that they should fear illumination in my presence. Having long believed I was a magnet to these sorts of characters now I can walk in the true magnitude of my purpose and continue to do the inner work with a sense of important accomplishment and without even giving the narcissistic a second thought. My deepest gratitude, Leslie. B

  9. These comments above are ” ALL Inspiring ” …so Cathartic to air and share !
    Thank you Mel for this opportunity to do so🌹

    Man from California,Your comments always hit the spot for me…….Im truely touched so many folk share their heartfelt experiences . All add up to ONE big family,who care for each other and encourage to keep growing into Beautiful blooming Roses 🌹🌹🌹🌹 p.s and it does take time and effort !…Be gentle with self ❤️

    God bless you all🙏

  10. I have been “stuck” on trying to accept the truth of the situation and the “why me?” mentality for about 5 years now. (Since stumbling upon “narcissism” on a web forum and finally beginning to piece together the now 16 years worth of insanity and total confusion) I was exactly the person you describe who just couldn’t stop obsessing over other peoples stories and comparing them to mine. I think I was searching for some sort of validation that what I was thinking and feeling weren’t wrong. While tons and tons of people have been inspiring and helpful; your article here really feels like the missing piece I have been searching for; to get that confirmation I needed, close the door on this circle of hell, and never look back. Thank you for what you are doing! You are making a huge difference where it is needed very much.

  11. Right the narcissist spreads misery, not light. As much as they would like to think they are a benevolent northern light of grace and creator of beauty, just look at their track record of theft, drugging others(!?!), telling lies they believe, meddling, stalking and using up people and material items as if we’re all just Kleenex tissues. I’m so not sorry I left and moved on and got a new life.

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